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1. Please mention the expression of greeting, gratitude, apology, parting !

2. Please make a conversation by using expression of greeting, gratitude, apology, and

parting !
3. Please make a dialog about introduction ourselves to other people !
4. Please translate into English in British style and American style about the date and
also the time below !
a. 4 juli 1998
b. 27 agustus 2000


a. Pukul 06.35
b. Pukul 05.40
5. Please Rearrange the words below into correct sentences !
a. Are – my – table – the pencils – on
b. Jakarta – student – that – is – from – new
c. Biology – we – in – are – the – laboratory – studying
d. Students – those – freely – computer – use – the – can
e. The – standing – at – teacher – door – is – the .
6. Please mention 10 adjectives of size, shape, color, and speed !
7. Please make interesting story and conversation by using simple present !
8. Please make good Descriptive texts by using simple present
9. I love my new shirt (please change to negative sentence and interrogative sentence)
10. Apakah soal-soal ini sangat sulit ? (please translate into English by using simple
present tense !)

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