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Esha Kulsoom 134 (Leader)
Attiya Batool 018
Moaz Ahmed 030
Abdul Haseeb 028
Hammad Mustafa 150

Class: BBA-4A
SUBJECT: Introduction to HRM
SUBMITTED TO: Mam Fayyza Jaleel


Food and beverages

Name of companies:
 Nestle Pakistan LTD
 Haleeb Foods

Brief History of the company

The founder of Nestle, a pharmacist named Henry Nestle in 1876 developed a nutritious food
supplement for premature infants that could not breastfeed. After saving a premature infants life
through his food supplement, Farine Lactee gained widespread fame and was being sold all
across Europe. The company Henri Nestle founded merged with Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk
Company to become what is known today as the Nestle Group. The company’s premier products
at the time were Farine Lactee, condensed milk and chocolate. Since then, nestle found increased
acceptance in the American and European market, as consumers realized the convenience and
safety of consuming its products.
Today, nestle stands as the largest food company in the world with over 231,000 employees
working in 509 factories in 83 different countries spread across the globe.

Introduction to Nestle Pakistan LTD:

Nestle Pakistan is a subsidiary of Nestle S.A, which is based in Switzerland. Before setting up its
production facilities and offices in Pakistan, Nestle S.A partnered up with Milk Pak Ltd. on a
joint venture to introduce packaged milk. Along with this, Nestle also launched its powdered
milk brand, NIDO along with different cereal brands.
Today, Nestle Pakistan stands as the leading food and Beverages Company in the country, with a
diverse sales network reaching out to the remotest areas, and catering to the nutrition needs of
Pakistanis of all age groups.

Haleeb Foods:
Haleeb Foods initiated its business in 1984 with the name Chaudhry Dairies Limited and
introduced its first product Haleeb in 1986, which became very popular. The company entered a
joint venture with Friesl and Frisco Domo (FFD) of the Netherlands in 1989, but they parted
ways in 1991.
Seven years later in 1998, Haleeb Foods signed a franchise agreement with Candia, a French
company, and launched Candia value-added liquid milk products. In 2004, the company changed
its corporate name from Chaudhry Dairies to Haleeb Foods and that was the time when its
fortunes turned and the Haleeb brand started capturing the market.

By 2008, the company had enhanced its product line by entering the beverage segment and
introducing more dairy products.
Introduction to Haleeb Foods PVT ltd:
Haleeb Foods is one of the pioneers of the dairy sector in Pakistan. With a strong emphasis on
nutrition, health, and well-being of its consumers, Haleeb Foods uses world-class dairy
processing methods. It comprises a diverse range of delicious and quality products ranging from
milk to juices and pure ghee.

Reason of choosing:
The reason for choosing these two companies, Nestle as a best company and Haleeb foods as a
worst company in the industry of food and beverages is to explore how the Nestle company
made ways to unlock the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for
generations to come and to know how the Haleeb’s uninterested and incompetent management of
the past few events caused it to lose its leading market position.
That’s the reason for choosing these two companies for final term project.

HR practices in the company:

 Nestle Pakistan LTD:
HR practices include:
 Recruitment and selection
 Performance Management
 Appraisal Methods
 Training and development
 Talent and Career management
 Employee Relations

 Haleeb Foods:
HR practices include:
 Recruitment and selection
 Training and development
 Performance Evaluation
 Labor relations
Distribution of work member wise:

Roll NO. Name Task

030 Moaz Ahmed Chapter 1 Industry, also including cover and title page,
table of contents, Acknowledgement, dedication, and
Executive Summary
028 Abdul Haseeb Chapter 2 Companies (Best/Worst)
018 Attiya Batool Chapter 5 Conclusion
134 Esha kulsoom Chapter 4 HR departments
Chapter 6 Problems and Recommendations
150 Hammad Mustafa Chapter 3 Departmentalization

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