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Impact of PSC on Job Satisfaction.


Table of Contents
Literature review:........................................................................................................................................5
Satisfaction on a religious basis:..............................................................................................................5
Emotional adjustment in job areas:.........................................................................................................5
Employees relationship with the nature of work:...................................................................................5
Age factor................................................................................................................................................5
Attractive fixed salary:.............................................................................................................................5
Relationships with other colleagues:.......................................................................................................5
Learning and career development:..........................................................................................................6
Companies stability:................................................................................................................................6
Job security:.............................................................................................................................................6
Problem Statement.................................................................................................................................6
Research design:......................................................................................................................................7
Population and Sampling.........................................................................................................................7
Data Collection Technique.......................................................................................................................7
Significance of Study................................................................................................................................7
Theoretical Diagram....................................................................................................................................8
Time Frame..................................................................................................................................................9
Budget …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

Supposed Frequency Distribution ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

Analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. 10


The purpose of the research is to find out job satisfaction of employee by using psychological
capital. Job satisfaction is one of the most important factors of every organization. There are some
important factors which determines job satisfaction. Productivity depends on so many variables. That’s
why the main aim of this study is to determine the variables that drives employee’s job satisfaction.
“What elements are of importance in driving employee’s job satisfaction? and how can the results of this
study be used to ensure satisfaction of employees and their comfort during their working hours in the
organization?” This model includes the hypothesized variables of employee satisfaction from their jobs

Variables like safety of employee, fruitful amount of their work and promotions can be given to
the workers to give them satisfaction in the organization. We have presented the research problem with
methodology, data analysis and then conclusion with ethical considerations.

Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Psychological Capital, Independent and dependent variables, promotions,
wages, fair policies, working environment, feel of belongings, care, safety and job security, motivational
trips, medical incentives etc.

Job Satisfaction;
All over the world it is simply realized that the job satisfaction reflects that an employee fells about his
job. Most people experience a degree of satisfaction of dissatisfaction with their jobs. As satisfaction is
directly or indirectly effects the wellbeing of the organization. That is why job satisfaction plays an
important part.
It is obvious that if employee satisfaction increases, it results in increase in productivity of organization.
Job satisfaction has a direct relationship to the lives of the people. Job satisfaction is determined as the
emotional state, in which people perceives different features of their works and from their working
environment. It effects person’s health, mental and psychological behaviors.
Working environment is very important for an organization to a contributor environment for the
employees. As they need an environment which is safe and healthy. So, we will try to give a neat and
clean environment and attractive surrounding to make the jobs easier and comfortable. Career
development should be takes into consideration to make the lives of workers happier. When appreciation
is higher, then the level of job satisfaction is also higher. We all know that everyone loves to be
appreciated by their co-workers and bosses. It is important because it gives a boost to workers to work
effectively and efficiently.

Psychological Capital;
The factor of Psychological Capital which is hope, self-efficiency, optimism, resiliency. These factors are
directly related towards the job satisfaction of an individual, how they think of their job? What is their
motivational level about their job, etc. Psychology capital is used as key to attain satisfaction in
organizations which is the reason PsyCap is one of important social factors leads to employee satisfaction

It is the ability of a person to control difficult and sudden challenges in daily
routine. They feel like they have control in what happens to them. They don’t shy away from big
goals and aren’t afraid of failure.
It is a persons’ expectations for a positive outcome. Optimistic people are motivated
towards their goals. They try to make everything productive and learn from their failures instead
of losing confidence.
Hope in research has a different meaning. It consists of two parts i.e., Firstly, an agency
which provides motivation to succeed in a particular goal or task. Secondly, a pathway to
accomplish a task. Thus, the increase in hope increases employee effort. Thus, hope for
betterment is essential in every sector.

It is the ability of a person to bounce back from challenges, risks and failures. Such
people can adapt to changing and stressful situations. Employees should have resilience so that
they don’t scare away from all the challenges.

Literature review:
Satisfaction on a religious basis:
During the research, it was recognized that many employees are satisfied because of religious affection.
Muslims are satisfied with working in those organizations where the system is based on Islam. This
makes them happy and satisfied with their workplace. They believe that in the firm nothing can happen
beyond Islam. Their faith and beliefs would be respected. Human rights are safeguarded properly.
[ CITATION DRG20 \l 1033 ]. Providing the employee's freedom for their religion they want to join is also
the cause of satisfaction. Because they know that their faith and beliefs wouldn't be threatening.
[ CITATION RHo35 \l 1033 ].

Emotional adjustment in job areas:

Most of the employees have been recognized that they are emotional attached to their jobs.
Emotionally attached people are those whose tenure got so prolong. Therefore, we can say that these
are old employees. Employees are experiencing good times because they are emotionally attached to
the organization. They have passed a long time with their jobs. That is the main reason for their
satisfaction. They are very well familiar with the environment of the working place. [ CITATION BAz11 \l
1033 ].

Employees relationship with the nature of work:

In this, it has been seen that area of interest is so much important. The work or task employees
performing are of their interest are not. By different research, it has been observed that most of the
employees are satisfied if they are performing jobs task according to their interest.[ CITATION AHB51 \l
1033 ].

Furthermore, the employees performing jobs beyond their interest are dissatisfied or unhappy. It has
been seen that the dissatisfied employees are doing the job because they have the burden of their
family. There is also the chance that they are suppressed by some situation and reason.

Age factor
Age factor plays a very important role in job satisfaction. According to research the employees who are
teenagers or we can say that going to universities are doing the job for the sake of their interest and
fulfill their needs as well. So, they would be more satisfied because they don’t have much more
responsibility as compared to that person or employee who must earn for the livelihood of their family. [
CITATION VSc83 \l 1033 ]Teenagers are much more satisfied because they are not the slaves of status
fame and money because they are the beginners, and they are eagerly passionate to learn more and
more things.

Attractive fixed salary:

In Net Sol technology company, it has noticed that many employees are psychologically happy just
because of their fixed salary. The company is financially stable so that there is no chance for the
company downfall. This is the reason for an employee’s satisfaction.[ CITATION PES77 \l 1033 ].

Moreover, they know that they will get their salaries on time at the end of the month. That makes them
more motivated towards their work. And they able to perform their task more efficiently and effectively.

Relationships with other colleagues:

the social circle in that we are working is so much important and has a great impact on our behavior and
moods. We are happy there when there is peace in the environment. But the violence on the other hand
causes dissatisfaction and unhappiness. By the research, it has seen that many employees are satisfied
and attached to their workplaces because they are emotional attached to the other employees working
in it. So, having a positive relationship with other employees is so much imperative.[ CITATION EEL67 \l
1033 ]

Therefore, it also becomes an important factor for the employees to keep them satisfied at their

Learning and career development:

Every employee has a purpose and goal for performing that job. If they see that there is a career
development, and they will get more experience it become the factor of their satisfaction. Because after
getting better experience and learning they have more opportunity to have more success and

Companies stability:
Company stability has great significance. A stable company can easily fulfill the needs and requirements
of the employees by providing them a healthy environment and clean building. Proper maintenance of
things and the new technology modernization is helpful for employee satisfaction. They will do their
work passionately with no hurdle and obstacles.

Job security:
Job security has a great relationship with job satisfaction. Because employees know that there is no rule
of dictatorship. Proper warning with evidence is only the way to terminate the employee. But no one
can do inequality.

Problem Statement;
By reviewing the literature review we came to a point, problem of employee dissatisfaction. We have to
think about the areas where their employees lack PSC so that they can maintain employee’s satisfaction.
For this we will conduct multiple service surveys to find out questions for the research and to reach their
purpose. In recent era employees are leaving companies in order to start another job which comes out to
be easier and more beneficial. It seems like the companies is not providing much incentives or the work
load is too much.
Now the HR department have to start a project, using the strategies that employees enjoy their work with
less effort and producing more.
Hence the research questions are as follows which really need our intentions must be

 what factors that affects job satisfaction?

 How PSC our PsyCap will affect the relationship of employee with company?
 How does situational variables will evolve to influence employees progress?

 Do your mangers value your feedback?

 Do you enjoy your company’s culture?
As the above questions will be answered we will create some hypothesis to reach our purpose which must
be our employees’ satisfaction through PsyCap and employee’s relationships will be tested in a field
setting involving employees’ satisfaction and their needs I know satisfied and fulfilled through lesser
work and more incentives.

If we focus more on psychological needs of employees, we will provide them more satisfaction
H°: We suppose that there is a positive relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap) and
employee job satisfaction.
H1: We suppose that there is a negative relationship between psychological capital (PsyCap) and
employee job satisfaction.
These alternate studies are broadly and vastly in use worldwide further research purpose to satisfy
employers through proper surveys.

Research design;
As we need to improve the quality of job so we will focus more on qualitative study for this we
questioned employees about the factors which leads them to their Satisfaction in company Netsol with
almost 1300 employees this study turned out to be very beneficial as employees clearly explain their
problems through proper questionnaire.
hence the method includes a survey consisting several questions related to the employee’s problems by
this way the heads can easily conclude by weighing each of the answer by employee to reach their

Population and Sampling;

In this study population would be whole staff of Netsol Technologies, including administrative staff,
managers, lower-level managers, supervisors, operational level employees, and clerks. The key
characteristics of the sample job security, job environment, salary, promotion, co-workers. In this study
we will use stratified random sampling to gather the data of around 500 samples.
The main focus of sampling will be on operational employees and clerks and supervisors.

Data Collection Technique;

As the purpose of the study is to gather the information of job satisfaction of the company. We will use
both primary research and secondary research methods. The main focus of the research would be on
primary methods. For this purpose, we will distribute questionaries with proper observation so that no
question would remain unanswered and to watch facial expressions of the employees. The study shall
measure the variables using 5 points Likert scale in the structured questions. Face to Face interviews will
also be conducted to get to know what an employee thinks of his/her job. This will gather both qualitative
and quantitative information. Secondary source would be the recent research on job satisfaction.

Significance of Study;
This study will provide a clear knowledge of employee’s dissatisfaction about their job. This will help in
finding all the problems employees are facing. It will also help to determine the factors that can motivate
employees towards their work. Employees are important source of all organizations. As it is obvious that
all organizations aim of allocating and utilizing employees effectively in projects and across the
organization. There is now a lot of attention and focus on employee engagement. Job satisfaction is thus
the result of various attitudes that employee possesses. These various attitudes are directly related to the
job of the workers under different aspects i.e., working environment, policies and practices, caring
organization, appreciation, salaries, health, ages, promotion, feel if belongings, security, flexibility and
feedback from employees etc. Mangers should also take steps to make the workplace environment
happier and satisfied. So, this research will be an addition to know the job satisfaction level of employees
in Netsol by various effective methods.

 The data was collected only from Lahore city due to shortage of resources such as time and
money. However, results may be totally different if data would be collected from other cities.
 There are many other variables that can affect an employee satisfaction towards their job, for
example personal religious issues, mangers behaviour.
 Conflicts arising from cultural bias and other personal issues.

Theoretical Diagram;
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Psychological Job Satisfaction of

Capital Employees

The above diagram shows the relationship between independent variable i.e, Psychological Capital and
Dependent Variable i.e., Job Satisfaction of employees.

Dependent Variable;
job satisfaction of employee at workplace.

Independent Variable;
Psychological Capital, Employees relationship with the nature of work, Attractive fixed salary,
Relationships with other colleagues, job security. Employees relationship with the nature of work,
Satisfaction on a religious basis, Attractive fixed salary, Relationships with other colleagues, job security.

Psychological Capital;

 Hope: a positive motivational state, a desire for a particular thing to happen (for success).
 Optimism: hopefulness, attributions one’s make in response to some events
 Resilience: one’s ability to cope with negative situations such as disappointment, failure etc.

 Self-efficacy: having confidence on one’s ability, resources and actions to execute tasks

Time Frame:
Research Plan Time Frame
Abstract 20th September to 27th September
Introduction 1th October to 7th October
Literature Review 8th October to 22th October
Significance of study 23rd October to 29th October
Methodology and Research design 1st November to 1st December
Data analysis 2nd December to 15th December
Analysis and Conclusions 16th December to 1st January

The budget includes

 Internet package (1000Rs)

 Printing of questionnaire (2000Rs)
 Convenience i.e., Rs. 1000 approximate.
 Printing Final Draft (700Rs)

Supposed Frequency Distribution:

strongly agree neutral disagree strongly
agree disagree
religious 20 15 10 2 1
emotional attachment 20 20 2 2
relationship 30 40 4 3 3
PsyCap basis 40 60 5 5 0
age factor 10 50 15 9 5
attractive 50 40 12 10 3
fixed salary
learning 20 30 10 12 4

Companies 5 6 20 13 2
job security 6 10 25 9 1

Chart Title
es t s is r ry t ty y
s en ue s to la en ili rit
ba m ag ba fa
sa m ab ecu
s he le ap e ed op st s
i a c co yc ag fix el es jo
li g att ith Ps ve dev a ni
re l w cti r p
ona ip a re
e m
oti sh ttr ca Co
on a g
em l ati in
re a rn
l e

strongly agree agree neautral disagree strongly disagree

The employees must be provided with an improved working environment as it acts as a facilitator in
doing a good job and also provides personal comfort to the employees. Several studies have demonstrated
that employees prefer physical surroundings that are not dangerous or uncomfortable. Secondly, the office
infrastructure should be well developed where the employees can utilize their skills and opportunities
effectively. Thirdly, the appraisal system should be well planned and systematic as promotion provides
opportunities for personal growth and also acts as strong motivator. Also, proper training facilities should
be developed for the employees so that they can acquire new knowledge and skills. From analyst
perspective: “Non-financial rewards have more impact than monetary incentives”. In the contemporary
workplace of today, leaders are empowering employees, encouraging staff involvement in decision
making, are taking steps for enhancing productivity and shifting from 9-5 to24/7 with the main objective
of attaining high outcomes for the organization. Also, the organization should provide opportunity for
self-development of the employees to overcome inadequacies.

In short, job satisfaction is an important aspect that helps organization improves their overall performance
and productivity. Besides that, the employee turnover rate may have a dramatically decrease since the
employees satisfy with their current job. The organization can also prevent wasting money in recruiting

and training new employees. An employee with high level of job satisfaction may perform well and put in
more effort in his/her job. However, the employees with low level of job satisfaction may bring a lot of
effect to the organization.
There are a lot of factors that influence employee job satisfaction. Job insecurity, workload and
opportunities to use abilities, relationship between manager and subordinates, pay and communication
between manager and subordinates. These factors are usually effect employees have low level of job
satisfaction toward the organization. Manager and higher management should pay more attention in these
areas in order to retain their employees.
Employee satisfaction would also improve investor’s confidence, as their main worry is the
organization’s capacity to perform in such ways that would positively influence the value of their
investment in the company, hence there is no question that uncontrolled employee turnover could damage
the organization’s stability. The relationship between talent and employee job satisfaction are really close,
in that happy brains lead to creative brains.

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Brafield, A. (1951). Journal of applied physocology .

EE LAWLER III, L. P. (1967). Industrial relations: A journal of Economy.

Glerum, D. (2020). Essential of job attitudes . Routledge publishers .

Hoppock, R. (1935). job satisfaction. Harper.

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