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Fragment 1
But of this account, which holds forever, people forever prove uncomprehending, both before they
have heard it and when once they have heard it. For, although all things happen in accordance with
this account, they are like people without experience when they experience words and deeds such as
I set forth, distinguishing (as I do) each thing according to (its) real constitution, ie, pointing out
how it is. The rest of mankind, however, fail to be aware of what they do after they wake up just as
they forget what they do while asleep.
Fragment 2
That is why one must follow that which is (common) [ie, universal. For 'common' means
'universal']. Though the account is common, the many live, however, as though they had a private
Fragment 50
'Not after listening to me, but after listening to the account, one does wisely in agreeing that all
things are (in fact?) one (thing)/ [says Heraclitus].
Fragment [72]
They are separated from that with which they are in the most continuous contact.
Fragment [89]
[Heraclitus says that] for those who are awake there is a single, common universe, whereas in sleep
each person turns away into (his) own, private (universe).
Fragment 113
Thinking is common to all
2.1.2 Appropriation
Fragment 8?
[Heraclitus said that] what opposes unites, [and that the finest attimement stems from things
bearing in opposite directions, and that all things come about by strife].
Heraclitus nói rằng] những gì phản đối hợp nhất, [và thời điểm tốt nhất bắt nguồn từ những thứ
mang hai hướng ngược nhau, và tất cả mọi thứ đều xảy ra xung đột].
Fragment 51
They do not understand how, while differing from (or: being at variance), (it) is in agreement with
itself. (There is) a back-turning connection, like (that) of a bow or lyre.
Họ không hiểu làm thế nào, trong khi khác với (hoặc: ở phương sai), (nó) lại đồng nhất với chính
nó. (Có) một kết nối quay ngược lại, giống như (đó) của cung hoặc đàn lia.
Which is the example of Heraclitus’s thesis that the finest attunment stems from things bearing in
opposite directions? Let’s reflect upon Holy Cross. As be known, God and the cross are complete
opposites. Actualy, for Israelite, cross was the stiffest punishment for crimes. There was no love, no
mercy and no goodness with the cross. God, however, is Love, Mercy and Goodness. ‘The finest
attunment stem’ is the time which God chose the cross as His redemption. Holy Cross is the
convergent point of two opposites series: non-love and the greatest love The place which is seem to
be non-love, express the greatest love. All Christians regard Holy Cross as the best magical thing in
their beliefs.
Moreover, the unity is not from the things which are not in the one. It means that the opposites of
love which are happiness and sorrow, can made the best impressive appearance of love.

If we accept the thesis according Heraclitus “all things come about by strife”, then
This ordering, the same for all, no god nor man has made, but it ever was and is and will be fire
everliving, kindled in measures and in measures going out. (Fr. 30, Kahn, p. 45)
All of the opposites are really unified by strife in the larger structure of the cosmos, and
distinguishable only as the fire kindles in measures and goes out in measures.
The universe is the result of a unity of opposites or unity in opposition.
Heraclitus giải thích sự xung đột bằng cách nói rằng nó chính là bản chất của sự thay đổi.
Cái gì đối chọi thì hòa hợp, và sự hòa hợp đẹp nhất phát sinh từ những cái khác biệt.
Người ta không biết được làm thế nào những điều khác biệt lại hòa hợp với nhau. Nó là sự hòa điệu
2.1.3 Language
Fragment 10
Things grasped-hiểu thấu together: things whole, things not whole; (something) being brought
together, (something) being separated; (something) consonant- hòa hợp, (something) dissonant. Out
of all things (comes?) one thing, and out of one thing all things.
Mọi thứ nắm bắt cùng nhau: mọi thứ toàn bộ, mọi thứ không toàn bộ; (cái gì đó) được xích lại gần
nhau, (cái gì đó) bị tách ra; (cái gì đó) phụ âm, (cái gì đó) bất hòa. Từ tất cả mọi thứ (đến?) Một thứ,
và ra khỏi một thứ là tất cả mọi thứ.
Fragment 59
(The) way of writing (is) straight and crooked
Các) cách viết (là) thẳng và quanh co
Fragment 60
A road up (and) down (is) one and the same (road)
Đường lên (và) xuống (là) một và cùng (đường)
Fragment 103
In the case of a circle ['s circumference] beginning and end are common.
Trong trường hợp của ['s chu vi] vòng tròn bắt đầu và kết thúc là phổ biến.
Following Heraclitus, the world and even apparently stable parts of it are constantly in motion. He
explained the motions come from the conflict of opposites in the one thing. Hence, it is reasonable
that grasping something need a different-angles view: together and separated, consonant and
dissonant, straght and crooked, ... Out of all thing one thing, and out of one thing all things.
Otherwise, we can be persuased that the necessary of different-angles view by his thesis, that is, that
man cannot step twice into the same river. If we fix ourselves for frame of ourselves, then the river
always move and change. If we fix the river for point of frame, the river seem to be stable. From
this, we realize that the characteristics of thing throught experience senses, are change, but, the
thing which relate “what is it?”, called substance, are not change. Therefore, different-angles view
give us a broader view in the motion of things, it's essential things.

Heraclitus suggested that the world and even apparently stable parts of it are constantly in motion.
He explained the motions come from the conflict of opposites in the one thing. Therefore, grasping
something need a different-angles view.

Như tiền đề của ông rằng mọi thứ đều thay đổi. không ai tắm hai lần trên một dòng sông. Tuy nhiên
ông cũng nói đến một thứ không đổi đó là bản chất của sự vật, nghĩa là, nếu chúng ta lấy hệ quy
chiếu gắn với mình thì dòng sông là đang di chuyển liên tục, tuy nhiên, nếu ta lấy hệ quy chiếu gắn
là chính dòng sông thì dòng sông đứng yên. Từ đó ta rút ta kết luận, điều thay đổi là những “biểu
hiện” của dòng sông, còn bản chất của chúng thì không thay đổi. sự thay đổi này được Heraclitus
giải thích bằng sự xung đột giữa các mặt đối lập
The universe is the result of a unity of opposites or unity in opposition
Trong cái một (the one) cái nhiều (the things) tìm được sự thống nhất. -> trong cái “đường đi lên và
đi xuống chỉ là một’, “tốt và xấu chỉ là một”, và trong chúng ta, cái động và cái tĩnh, thức và ngủ,
trẻ và già cũng chỉ là một.
Tất cả đặt nền trên giả định không bao giờ có cái gì mất đi, mà chỉ thay đổi về hình thức.
Heraclitus is suggesting that the world and even apparently stable parts of it are constantly in
The universe is the result of a unity of opposites or unity in opposition.
All of the opposites are really unified by strife in the larger structure of the cosmos, and
distinguishable only as the fire kindles in measures and goes out in measures.

2.1.4 Relationships
Fragment 3
[The sun's] breadth is (that) of a human foot
Bề rộng của mặt trời là bề rộng của bàn chân con người
Fragment 4?
[Heraclitus said that,] if happiness consisted in the pleasures of the body, we should call oxen happy
whenever they come across bitter vetch to eat.
Nếu hạnh phúc được cho là thỏa mãn những nhu cầu thân xác, thì chúng ta có thể nói con bò cũng
hạnh phúc bất cứ khi nào chúng đến một đồng cỏ để ăn.
Fragment 6
The sun is [not only, as Heraclitus says,] new each day [but forever continuously new].
Như Heraclitus nói, mặt trời không chỉ mới mỗi ngày, nhưng là mới một cách liên tục và mãi mãi.
Fragment 9
[For the pleasures of horse, dog, and man are different things, according to Heraclitus, who says
that] donkeys would prefer refuse to gold.
Nhu cầu của con ngựa, chó, và con người thì khác nhau, như ông nói rằng những con cừu thì chẳng
thích vàng.
Fragment 13b
Pigs enjoy filth more than they do pure water.
Con heo thích những thứ bẩn hơn là nước sạch
Fragment [37]
[... provided we believe Heraclitus of Ephesus, who said that] pigs wash themselves with mud,
while farmyard birds wash with dust or ashes.
Fragment 48
The bow's name [then?] is 'life' (bios), but (its) job is death!
Cây cung, tên gọi của nó là sống, nhưng tác dụng của nó là chết
Fragment 49
One man (is) (the equivalent of) ten thousand, provided he be very good (excellent).
Nếu như một người nào đó là ưu tú, theo tôi thì họ có thể sánh với hàng vạn người khác
Fragment 58
Doctors, who cut and burn [those who are sick, grievously torturing them in every way], complain
that they do not receive an appropriate fee [from the sick] for doing these things-KHÔNG ĐƯỢC
Bác sĩ, người mà cắt, đốt người bệnh một cách...., lại phàn nàn rằng họ không nhận được
lương tương xứng từ người bệnh cho những viêc đó.
Fragment 61
Sea-(water), [he says,] is very pure and very foul water - for fish drinkable and life-sustaining, for
people undrinkable and lethal-BIỂN VỪA NUÔI SỐNG VỪA GIẾT CHẾT
Fragment 97
[According to Heraclitus] dogs just bark at whomsoever they do not recognize.
Fragment 99
If (the) sun did not exist, [as far as the rest of the stars are concerned^)] it would be night.
Fragment 111
Disease makes health pleasant and good, hunger satiety, weariness rest. -bệnh tật làm cho sức
khỏe tốt, thỏa mãn cơn đói trong sự chán ngấy, mệt mỏi rã rời
Fragment 117
Whenever a man is drunk, he is led along, stumbling, by a beardless boy; he does not perceive
where he is going, because his soul is wet.
Nghĩ về tương quan trong tư tưởng của những thể đối lập trong tư tưởng của Heraclitus, chúng ta
thấy có một sự hài hòa giữa những cái khác nhau. Nghĩa là, những loài khác nhau, với những đặc
tính khác nhau cùng tồn tại trong một vũ trụ. Tập quán của loài này có thể gây hại cho loài này
nhưng mang lại lợi ích cho loài khác.
Sự hội nhất của những cái khác biệt được diễn tả như thế nào?
Có thể nói, tương quan giữa các vật với nhau là tương quan hai chiều và hai mặt.
Về sự khác biệt nơi những loài khác nhau: vì nhu cầu khác nhau nên tự nhiên giữ được thế cân
bằng. [For the pleasures of horse, dog, and man are different things, according to Heraclitus, who
says that] donkeys would prefer refuse to gold (Fr 9). Pigs enjoy filth more than they do pure water
(Fr 13b).
Về sự khác biệt trong cùng một chủ thể: nó cho chúng ta thấy, mọi thứ đều có hai mặt giá trị: lợi ích
và tác hại đối với cùng một đối tượng, hay giữa các đối tượng khác nhau. Với cùng một đối tượng,
ví như 1 hay ly nhỏ mỗi ngày thì rất tốt cho sức khỏe, nhưng, 1 hay 2 lít mỗi ngày thì có ảnh hưởng
đến gan. Đối với nhiều đối tượng, nước biển là duy trì sự sống cho cho cá nhưng sẽ làm cho con
người chết đuối nếu không biết bơi.
Về tương quan hai chiều, nghĩa là nếu một tác động tốt đến một vật thì sẽ nhận lại được một tác
động ngược lại tốt. ví như, nếu con người bảo vệ thiên nhiên, tôn trọng quy luật sinh tồn hài hòa
trong tự nhiên thì thiên nhiên sẽ trở nên dễ chịu với con người.
Bản năng khác, nhu cầu khác,
It can be said that the relation between the things is two-way effects, that is, this kind is useful for
that kind, but, is useless for another kind. For example, weeds are for cows life-sustaining but block
process of rice-fields. This come from the different instinct, characteristic, habitat and so on. For the
pleasures of horse, dog, and man are different things, according to Heraclitus, donkeys would prefer
refuse to gold (Fr 9). However, the differences exist together in one, the world.. Therefore, as an
inevitable rule, the influence of a thing are both good and bad to the others.
On the other hand, in the one object, the opposite directions is not only contradiction but also
harmony. According Heraclitus, disease makes health pleasant and good, hunger satiety, weariness
rest (Fr 111).
2.1.5 Cosmos
Fragment 11
Every animal is driven to pasture with a blow, [as Heraclitus says]
Fragment 12
As they step into the same rivers, different and (still) different waters flow upon them.
Fragment 30
(The ordered?) world, the same for all, no god or man made, but it always was, is, and will be, an
everliving fire, being kindled in measures and being put out in measures.
Fragment 31a
Fire's turnings: first, sea, and of sea half (is) earth and half 'burner/
Fragment 31b
Sea is poured forth (from earth), and is measured in the same proportion as existed before it became
Fragment 36
For souls it is death to become water, and for water death to become earth. Water comes into
existence out of earth, and soul out of water.
Fragment [38]
[Thales], according to some, seems to have been the first student of astronomy; a fact that both
Heraclitus and Democritus bear witness to.
Fragment 41
[He says that] the wise (thing) is a single (thing) (or, differently punctuated: one thing, the wise
thing, (is)) - knowing the plant which steers all things through all things.
Fragment 52
Lifetime is a child playing, moving pieces in a backgammon (?) game; kingly power (or: the
kingdom) is in the hands of a child.
Thời gian sống là một đứa trẻ đang chơi, nó thẩy xúc xắc; quyền lực nằm trong tay nó.
Fragment 53
War is father of all, and king of all. He renders some gods, others men; he makes some slaves,
others free.
Chiến tranh là cha của tất cả, vua của tất cả. Nó sinh ra chúa và con người, nô lệ và tự do.
Fragment 54
An unapparent connection is stronger (or: better) than one which is obvious.
Cái gì không rõ ràng thì mạnh hơn cái rõ ràng
Fragment 63
[He says that] tin his (its) presencet they arise and become wakeful guardians of living (people) and
Fragment 64
And thunderbolt steers the totality of things.
Fragment 65
[And he calls it (ie, fire)] 'need and satiety/
Fragment 66
Fire, [he says,] having come suddenly upon all things, will judge and convict them.
Fragment 76a?
Fire lives the death of earth and air lives the death of fire; water lives the death of air, earth that of
Fragment 76b?
Fire's death is birth for air, and air's death birth for water.
Fragment 76c?
[We must always remember Heraclitus, to the effect that] death for earth is to become water, and
death for water to become air, and for air (to become) fire, and so on in backward sequence.
Fragment [77]
[Which is why Heraclitus said that] for souls it is joy or death to become wet. [Elsewhere he says
that] we live their death and they live our death
Fragment 80
One must realize that war is common, and justice strife, and that all things come to be through strife
and are (so) tordainedt
Fragment 84a
While changing it rests.
Fragment 84b
Weariness is toiling for the same (people) and being ruled (by them)
Fragment 88
And, (?) as (one and) the same thing, there is present (in us?) living and dead and the waking and
the sleeping and young and old. For the latter, having changed around, are the former, and the
former, having changed around, are (back) again (to being) the latter.
Trong một sự vật, cùng tồn tại hai mặt đối lập.
Fragment 90
The totality of things, [says Heraclitus,] is an exchange for fire, and fire an exchange for all things,
in the way goods (are an exchange) for gold, and gold for goods.
Fragment 910?, [91b]
(a) [For, according to Heraclitus, it is not possible to step twice into the same river, nor is it possible
to touch a mortal substance twice in so far as its state (hexis) is concerned. But, thanks to (the)
swiftness and speed of change,] (b) it scatters (things?) and brings (them?) together again, [(or,
rather, it brings together and lets go neither 'again' nor 'later' but simultaneously)], (it) forms and (it)
dissolves, and (it) approaches and departs.
Fragment 94
The sun (god) will not overstep (his) measures. Otherwise (the) avenging Furies, ministers of
Justice, will find him out.
Fragment 100
[The sun ... shares with the chief and primal god the job of setting bounds to ... (the) changes and]
seasons that bring all things, [according to Heraclitus].
Fragment 120
(The) limits of dawn and evening are the Bear and, opposite the Bear, (the) Watcher(?) of bright
Fragment 124
The most beautiful order (in the universe?) (or: 'the (this?) most beautiful universe'), [says
Heraclitus,] is a heap of sweepings, piled up at random.
Sự sắp xếp đẹp nhất của vũ trụ là một mớ hỗn độn. nghĩa là sự sắp xếp đẹp nhất là không sắp
gì cả.
Fragment 125
Even the barley-drink separates if it is not stirred.
Fragment 125a?
May wealth not fail you, [he said,] men of Ephesus, so that you may be convicted of being (the?)
scoundrels (you are).
Fragment 126
Cold things become warm, a warm thing becomes cold; a moist thing becomes dry, a parched thing
becomes moist.
Điểm chính trong suy tư của Heradlitus, đó là, ông diễn ta được sự thay đổi, và ông dùng lửa để
diễn tả sự thay đổi đó.
When Heraclitus said that, as they step into the same rivers, different and (still) different waters
flow upon them (Fr 12), he implied everything is a continous flux. From this and the his proposal
“all is fire”, the flux is likely a “everliving fire” which is maintained by kindling and going out in
the same measure (Fr 65). The flux and change of fire, according Heraclitus, are the up and down-
way. Nothing is lost because death for earth is to become water, and death for water to become air,
and for air to become fire, and so on in backward sequence (Fr 76).
However, decribing the sequence of fire in the world is not mean to make clear the inside of the
world. Following him, the most beautiful order in the universe is a heap of sweepings, piled up at
random (Fr 124); and, an unapparent connection is stronger than one which is obvious (Fr 54). It
maybe said that, with Heraclitus, there is something above all thing the human can know, it is
stronger, greater than anything, that is, Logos, the concept of Heraclitus.
2.1.6 Life and Death
Fragment 20
[Heraclitus at any rate is clearly abusing birth on those occasions when he says:] Once born, they
consent to live and face their fate-rủi ro[s] [or rather: 'fall asleep'], and leave behind them children
to become (in their turn subject to their own particular) fate[s].
Fragment 21
[Even Heraclitus does not call birth death, when he says:] Death is those things we see once we are
awake; sleept those things (we see) while we are sleeping.
Sự chết là cái mà chúng ta thấy mỗi khi thức dậy, là cái mà chúng ta thấy trong khi ngủ
Fragment 24
Those slain by Ares, gods and mankind honour
Thần và loài người đều ngưỡng mộ những chiến binh của thần chiến tranh
Fragment 26
A person in (the) night kindles-thắp sáng a light for himself, since his vision has been
extinguished-dập tắt. In his sleep he touches that which is dead, though (himself) alive, (and) when
awake touches that which sleeps.
Người ta tự thắp một ngọn đèn trong đêm tối vì tầm nhìn của anh ta đã bị bóng tối che đi. Khi
anh ta ngủ anh ta chạm tới cái chết mặc dù anh ta sống, khi thức dậy anh ta chạm tới những
gì khi anh ta ngủ.
Fragment 27
There await people when they die things they neither expect nor (even) imagine.
Fragment 28a
The most esteemed-sự kính trọng (of people) 'ascertains'-chắc chắn - and holds fast to! - what
(merely) seems (to be the case).
Fragment 28b
(The goddess) Justice will catch up with fabricators-người bịa đặt of falsehoods and those who
bear witness to them.
Fragment 29
The best choose one thing in place of all (other) things - ever-flowing glory among mortals. The
majority, however, glut themselves (or: are glutted) - like cattle.
Sự lựa chọn tốt nhất chỉ cần một thứ chứ không phải chiếm cho được tất cả. Thế nhưng, đại
đa số lại cố nuốt lấy, giống súc vật
Fragment 39
In Priene was born Bias, son of Teutames, who (is) of more account than the rest (of his
Fragment 42
[He used to affirm that] Homer ought by rights to be ejected from the lists and thrashed, and
similarly Archilochus.
Fragment 43
[He used to say that] there is a greater need to extinguish hybris than there is a blazing fire.
Fragment 49
One man (is) (the equivalent of) ten thousand, provided he be very good (excellent).
Fragment 62
Immortals (are) mortal(s), mortals immortal(s), these (the former?) living (in?) the death of those
(the latter?), those (the latter?) dead in the life of these (the former?). Or: Mortals (are) immortal(s),
immortals mortal(s), these (the latter?) living (in?) the death of those (the former?), those (the
former?) dead in the life of these (the latter?).
Fragment 81a
[According to Heraclitus, Pythagoras is] chief captain of swindlers.
Fragment 105
[Heraclitus says that] Homer was an astronomer.
Fragment 121
The adult Ephesians should all by rights go hang themselves, leaving the city to adolescents. For
they expelled Hermodorus, the most valuable man among them, saying, 'We will not have even a
single one as the most valuable among us. If such there (purports to) be, (let him be so) elsewhere
and among others/
Fragment 125
Even the barley-drink separates if it is not stirred.
Fragment 125a?
May wealth not fail you, [he said,] men of Ephesus, so that you may be convicted of being (the?)
scoundrels (you are).
Trong chuỗi biến đổi của lửa ở trái đất này, ngay tại điểm thay đổi có sự chuyển trao giữa sống và
chết, cái mới sống trong cái chết của cái cũ
When I consider the decribing the change of fire through the up-and-down sequence, I think, the
limited-time which this thing changed to that thing, also occur the change between the life and the
death. It means that the new thing was exist in the death of the older. It was the backward sequence.
However, this does not mean life and death were just only at the random, they belong to
human’choices. If we do not kindles a light in a dark room, we cannot see anything. Hence, follow
the Heraslitus, the best choose one thing in place of all things. The majority, however, - like cattle.
(Fr 29). The best choices in this term, is, kindling a light and maybe some different thing is shined
into our mind.
As Heraclitus said,

2.1.7 Self
Fragment 45
One would never discover the limits of soul, should one traverse every road - so deep a measure
does it possess.
Linh hồn nằm sâu bên trong sự vật.
Fragment 67
God (is) day (and) night, winter (and) summer, war (and) peace, satiety (and) famine, and
undergoes change in the way that (fire?), whenever it is mixed with spices, gets called by the name
that accords with (the) bouquet of each (spice).
Fragment 96
Corpses are more fit to be thrown out than dung.
Xác chết còn đáng quăng đi hơn là phân
Fragment 101
[Heraclitus, as though he has made some mighty and august utterance, says:] I investigated myself
(or: I made enquiry of myself).
Tôi đánh giá chính mình
Fragment lOla
Eyes are more accurate witnesses than are [the] ears.
Nghe thì chính xác hơn là nhìn
Fragment 106
[... Whether Heraclitus was right in upbraiding Hesiod ... for not knowing that] the real constitution
of each day is one (and the same)...
Fragment 110
It is not better for people to get all that they want!
Được thỏa mãn mọi nhu cầu thì không tốt
Fragment 112
Sound thinking (is) a very great virtue, and (practical) wisdom (consists in our) saying what is true
and acting in accordance with (the) real constitution (of things), (by) paying heed (to it)
Fragment [115]
Soul possesses a logos (measure, proportion) which increases itself.
Linh hồn sở hữu Logos, và logos tự tăng trưởng.
Fragment 116
All people have a claim to self-knowledge (literally, 'selfascertainment') and sound thinking
Người nào cũng có năng lực bẩm sinh nhận thức về mình cũng như năng lực tư tưởng.
Fragment 118
A flash (or: ray) of light (is) a dry soul, wisest and best (or: most noble).
Sáng sủa và khô ráo là linh hồn trí tuệ nhất, ưu tú nhất.
Fragment 119
[Heraclitus said that] a person's character is his fate (divinity).
Tính cách của con người là thần bảo hộ của người đó.
Heraclitus belived that the soul is the best reality, characterlize by the wisdom or thinking.
Moreover, the wisest and the best soul is in flash light condition. Actually, with him, the soul shared
rational god in part. Therefore, there were not any obstacles in ‘the dry-soul’ in developing of
rational god in the soul.
2.1.8 Learning
Fragment 7
If everything that exists should become smoke, nostrils would (still) distinguish (them).
Nếu mọi sự đều biến thành khói thì lỗ mũi có thể phân biệt được chúng.
Fragment 16
How would one escape the notice of that which never sets?
Fragment 17
Many people do not 'understand the sorts of thing they encounter'! Nor do they recognize them
(even) after they have had experience (of them) - though they themselves think (they recognize
Fragment 19
[Reproving certain people for their credulousness, Heraclitus says:] (They are) people who do not
know how to listen or how to speak.
Con người không hiểu được nên nghe như thế nào, cũng không hiểu được nên nói như thế nào
Fragment 22
Those who seek gold dig up a great deal of earth and find little.
Người đào vàng phải đào rất nhiều đất mới có được một chút vàng
Fragment 34
Uncomprehending, (even) when they have heard (the truth about things?), they are like deaf people.
The saying 'absent while present' fits them well (literally, 'bears witness to them').
Fragment 35
[For, according to Heraclitus, men who are] lovers of wisdom ought very much to be enquirers into
many things.
Người yêu trí tuệ cần phải biết rất nhiều thứ
Fragment 40
A lot of learning does not teach (a person the possession of) understanding; (could it do so,) it
would have so taught Hesiod and Pythagoras, or for that matter (?) Xenophanes and Hecataeus.
Fragment [46]
[He used to say that] thinking is (an instance of the) sacred disease [and that] sight is deceptive.
Fragment [47]
Let us not make random conjectures about the most important matters.
Không nên kết luận sớm bất cứ điều gì
Fragment 55
Whatsoever things (are) objects of sight, hearing, (and) experience - these things I hold in higher
Những cái mà có thể trông thấy, nghe thấy và có thể học tập đều là những cái mà tôi ưa thích
Fragment 56
People are deceived, [he says], in the recognition of things that are obvious in much the same way
Homer, who was wiser than all the Greeks, was deceived. For he was deceived by the words spoken
to him by some boys killing lice: 'What we saw and caught we leave behind, while what we did not
see or catch we take (away with us)/
Fragment 57
For very many people Hesiod is (their) teacher. They are certain he knew a great number of things -
he who continually failed to recognize (even) day and night (for what they are)! For they are one
Fragment [74]
[He also said that we must not act and speak like] children of (our) parents.
Fragment [75]
[Those who are asleep I think Heraclitus calls] labourers and coproducers of what happens in the
Fragment 87
A stupid (sluggish?) person tends to become all worked up over every statement (he hears).
Người nông cạn nghe cái gì cũng thất kinh
Fragment 95
It is better, [says Heraclitus,] to conceal ignorance.
Fragment 101
[Heraclitus, as though he has made some mighty and august utterance, says:] I investigated myself
(or: I made enquiry of myself).
Fragment 104
What discernment or intelligence, [he says,] do they possess? They place their trust in popular
bards, and take (the) throng for their teacher, not realizing that 'the majority (are) bad, and (only)
few (are) good/
Fragment 107
Poor witnesses for people are eyes and ears if they possess uncomprehending (literally, 'barbarian')
Mắt và tai là kẻ làm chứng tồi đối với con người nếu như người đó có tâm hồn đồi bại
Fragment 108
Of all those whose accounts I have listened to, none gets to the point of recognizing that which is
wise, set apart from all.
Trí tuệ là cái rất xa so với mọi thứ.
Không gì có thể cản trở việc học.
Chúng ta không hiểu chính xác những gì đang diễn ra xung quanh mình.
Kiên nhẫn dù kết quả chẳng đáng là gì ở hiện tại, tích tiểu thành đại
Cẩn trọng khi đưa ra một kết luận, đánh giá
Biết không khi nào là đủ
Điềm tĩnh
Một tâm hồn trong sáng thì tri thức mới đúng đắn,
Learning is the favorite of Heraclitus. For him, there were not thing to block the learning, even they
become to smoke. In spite of the consequence of this was just a little, instead of giving up, human
should be patient. Like those who seek gold dig up a great deal of earth and find little (Fr 22).
Otherwise, cautiousness play also important role in learning. Because people who do not know how
to listen or how to speak (Fr 19) or poor witnesses for people are eyes and ears if they possess
uncomprehending souls (Fr 107). Let’s investigated ourselves always to get true interlect.

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