PHYS-2010 Quiz 4 Review Questions: Dr. Luttermoser's Class

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PHYS-2010 Quiz 4 Review Questions

Dr. Luttermoser’s Class

1. What are the 3 states of matter? What is a plasma?

2. What the difference between atoms and molecules? What is the internal structure of
atoms. What defines the identity of an atom? Is H III possible, why or why not?

3. Define elasticity, stress, and strain. What is the elastic modulus? Compare and
contrast Young’s, shear, and bulk moduli. How is compressibility measured?

4. Relate density to pressure. Define Archimedes’ and Pascal’s principles. How does a
barometer work and what does it measure? What does Bernoulli’s equation describe?

5. What is meant by specific gravity of a fluid? In what unit is pressured measured?

6. When is a fluid ideal (i.e., list the 4 conditions which must be true about the fluid)?
Discuss the equation of continuity.

7. What is a streamline? What is the difference between laminar and turbulent flow?

8. Describe Bernoulli’s equation. What conservation law does it describe?

9. Define viscosity? What is Poiseuille’s law? What is the significance of the Reynolds

10. Review the summary of Chapter 9 in the textbook and learn the definition of all
important terms in this chapter.

11. Review Examples XI-1, XI-2, XI-4, and XI-6 in the course notes.

12. Go over Problems 3 (Pascal’s Principle), and 4 (Poiseuille’s law) from CAPA Problem
Set 3.

13. What are the 3 temperature scales? Make sure you can carry out conversions from one
temperature scale to another. What is meant by thermal equilibrium? What is the
0th Law of Thermodynamics?

14. Review the physics of thermal expansion.

15. Compare the similarities and differences of internal energy and thermal energy. How are
each defined? What is the unit of heat energy in the cgs system? What is the difference
between calorie and Calorie? What is meant by the mechanical equivalent of

16. Define calorimetry, heat capacity, specific heat, heat of fusion, and heat of
vaporization. What is latent heat? When is this concept important?
17. What are the 3 methods of heat energy transfer and describe each in detail? What
does the mixing length theory describe?

18. Review the summary of Chapters 10 and 11 in the textbook and learn the definition
of all important terms in these chapters.

19. Review Examples XII-1, XII-2, XII-4, XII-6, and XII-7 in the course notes.

20. Go over Problems 5 (thermal expansion), 6 (temperature conversion), 7 (calorimetry),

and 8 (radiation transport) from CAPA Problem Set 3.

21. State the following laws both in words and with equations: Boyle’s, Charles’ Gay-
Lussac’s, and ideal gas.

22. What is meant by the equation of state? How does this relate to the ideal gas law?
What assumptions are used in the ideal gas law?

23. What is meant by a state variable?

24. What is a mole? How is it related to Avogadro’s number? List at least 3 different
ways density can be measured and how do they relate to each other? What is an
atomic mass unit? How is it defined?

25. Discuss the kinetic theory of gases. What is meant by degree of freedom? What is
meant by vrms ? Define internal energy.

26. What is meant by hydrostatic equilibrium?

27. What is meant by particles following a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution?

28. Review all bold-faced terms in Chapter 10.

29. Review the following examples in the notes: XIII-1, XIII-2, and XIII-3. Review the
following examples in the textbook: 10.6 (ideal gas law), and 10.9 (kinetic theory of

(Note that the following topics will not be on Quiz 4, but may appear on the Final

30. What are the differences between an adiabatic, an isothermal, and an isochoric

31. Discuss the 0th, 1st, and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. What is meant by thermal

32. Describe entropy both in terms of randomness and energy? What does this have to
do with probability and statistics?
33. What is thermal efficiency? What’s the difference between reversible and irre-
versible processes?

34. Describe a Carnot Engine.

35. What is meant by the coefficient of performance? What is difference between a

refrigerator and a heat pump?

36. Review all bold-faced terms in Chapter 12.

37. Review the following examples in the textbook: 12.1 (work done by gas), 12.3, 12.4
(both on various processes of heat engines), 12.5 (1st law of thermodynamics), 12.14,
and 12.15 (both on entropy and 2nd law of thermodynamics).

38. Review Example XIV-1 (work done by gas), Example XIV-2 (1st law of thermody-
namics), Example XIV-3 (efficiency of heat engine), and Example XIV-4 (SV 12.49:
entropy and 2nd law of thermodynamics) from the course notes.

39. Go over the following problems from CAPA Homework Problem Set 4: 5 (heat engines)
and 6 (entropy). Go over Supplemental Homework Problems 4.5 (SV 12.15, work done
by gas), 4.6 (heat engines), 4.7 (SV 12.51, entropy, 2nd law of thermodynamics), and
4.8 (probability).

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