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Historical analysis of globalization

Introduction of globalization concept:

By the word, the simple thing that comes to mind is that the entire world is like a globe and people
there are interacting with each other. According to modern literature, globalization is started from 18
onwards. the technological revolution took place along with the internet. they bring a fundamental
change in society's communication.

History of globalization:
If we talk about history, we see that human beings relate to other humans in the perspective of
communications, dressing, special events. So, we can say that this is human nature. the human
communities are spread. In Asia, in northern areas, Africa, and the united states. but they were very
curious about how other people are living. Medicare, Egyptian people, Harappa, and Mohenjo-Daro
people are living in different areas. here we find great civilizations there. And in history, they were
connected. By trading, and sharing military conquer ideas. earlier global empires like alexander
eventually built a large empire. Buddhism religion that is founded in India. That is spread, when
others are coming to the country the idea of Buddhism was spreading. Globalization is not a new
phenomenon because we see the evolution of society. people are always concerned to go to different
areas within the city.

Impact of globalization:
there is a great impact of globalization. The great element of this is the spreading of the workforce
across the world. It is the immigration of the people for the sack of doing business. It has a great
impact on the overall culture of the is also changing the people life living in different areas.
For example, people living in Turkey have changed their lifestyle totally because their path is
interconnected by western people.

Origin of historical globalization:

The origin of globalization starts with Andre Gunder Frank for the very first time. it started from the
ancient world when different mixed economy us stated as to some extent same throughout the
Ancient world. If we see the business practices started in the past like China, India, Rome started
trading in Africa And Europe, there are the social, cultural alterations in different parts of the world
that are included in globalization. That took place in history. In historical context, we can say that
there is a moving of people outside Africa for the first time or we can say the initial stages of the
Sharing ideas and custom:

If we do the historical analysis of globalization, we can say that traveling shorter and longer areas and
influencing other people on the planet. We can say that the revolution and technological advancement
also takes place through sharing ideas and custom. Through the internet, popular culture media, and
international travel that helps in learning the culture of different areas.
The historical process of globalization:
The term globalization starts in the 1980s when there is technological advancement taking place this
makes development in the overall world. Industrialization took place along with globalization.
Advancement is an ongoing process from ancient times and still, technological advancement is
continuing in this world.
We can also say that the single market and interdependent production started to increase.
There are so many examples that are related to the history of globalization like the colonization of
America, we can also see the Indian ocean trading in past, there is also a triangle trading, the silk road
is also used to exchange goods and services. Through which the ideas, culture, and styles exchange
between people. Because people are always curious about how other people living. In other terms, we
can say globalization is the flow.
Telling about the origins and historical analysis of globalization is not as simple as looking.
Nayan Chanda says that basic human urge to seek a better life and more fulfilling life. The initial
globalization of the human species. In the ice age, a tiny group of ancestors walked out of Africa in
search of better food and security. Chanda focuses on four specific aspects of globalization that relate
to basic life.
The second perspective is that globalization is a long-term cyclic process. We cannot find a single
point of origin. today we are living in the global age.
Globalization is a concept that never ends. It is continuing process from ancient times to the global




Ritzer, G. (2007). The globalization of nothing 2. Sage.

Ritzer, George. The globalization of nothing 2. Sage, 2007.

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