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Name : Clyantha Bernice Hevia 
Kelas / No.absen : 8A / 08 
1) Based on the above data, Berdikari Junior High School has the better quality 
of students than Mandiri Junior High School, because the students are more 
enthusiastic to lesson than the non-lesson, so that mean Berdikari JHS students 
are more educated and insightful, while Mandiri JHS students are more 
interested to non-lesson, example like the students are borrowing more 
magazines, novel, and comics, more than the lesson book, but that doesn’t 
mean that the students are stupid, maybe some of them are more interested to 
2) Berdikari Junior High School Library has more collection of books than 
Mandiri Junior High School. Berdikari JHS has three thousand four hundred 
and sixty six books, meanwhile Mandiri JHS has one thousand two hundred 
and eighty five books.  
Supposing that you have a new pen pal who lives in Jakarta. Your friend is very 
curious to know your school. Therefore he is calling you to get as much information as 
possible about your school. The following is the dialog between you and him but it is not 
finished. Thus complete it with your own words : 
My Friend : Hi, Clyantha. How are you? 
Me : Hey, I'm good these days, how about you? 
My Friend : Yeah, I’m fine too! 
Me : Glad to hear that! 
My Friend : Oh yeah, by the way, I heard you live in Jember right now? Where do 
Me : Yeah, I do live in Jember, I study at Maria Fatima Junior High School. 
My Friend : Woah, that sounds cool! Is that a catholic school or what? 
Me : Yeah, It is a catholic school, everyone is religious in my school lol. 
My Friend : that’s great. But can you tell me what your school is like? 
Me : Of course, So my school is located at Kartini Street. 19, next to my school is a  
police station, and in front of my school is an old building, but now used for 
course place. 
My Friend : Interesting! What about the inside of your school? 
Me : Ok. Start off with the front, if u look from across of the street, there is a big 
green gate. And if u enter you will see security post and a little hut for the 
students sometimes wait for their parents to pick them up. There is a border gate 
too. If the students don't pass this gate at 7.20 they will be punished, cause it  
count as late. Move Forward, we have an administration room, usually students pay 
for the tuition. Behind it, we have the principal’s office, and beside it, we have a 
toilet. Next to the toilet, we have 5 classes in a row and 1 class across. Upstairs, we 
have nine classes and one teacher’s room. And finally the multifunction building, 
there are science lab, computer lab, language lab, multimedia, praying room, 
canteen and on the top floor we have a sports hall / big aula for competition, etc. 
My friend : Wait.. do u have a garden? 
Me : No, we don’t, but we have a small section on the first floor with plants using an  
irrigation system, there’s a fish too. 
My Friend : Woah, that’s bigger than my thoughts HAHAH! Anyway i gotta go right 
now! Thanks for having time with me! Call me back tomorrow! 
Me : Okay then… Goodbyee! 
My Friend : Byee! 

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