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04th March, 2021

Team ACCA Global

Statement of Appeal

Dear Team,

Hope you are doing well. I am Samiha Ali Syed student of ACCA (Registration ID: 3411287), Pakistani citizen
holding Pakistani Passport KH861956 currently living in Karachi, Pakistan. I am writing this request letter to the
higher administration of ACCA global students’ support. As I am a hardworking student and quite optimistic about
my goals. My prime objective is to complete my ACCA on a good note.

I started my ACCA back in 2015 when I used to live in Saudi Arabia but I travelled back to my country due to
increased living taxes in Saudi Arabia my family could not afford to live there.

In June 2017 I came to Pakistan and started back my ACCA journey it was feasible for me as my father was earning
and was able to support my educational expenses. But things are not the same now as my father is retired and I
am the one who is eldest in the family It made so difficult for me to arrange funds for my education but however I
managed till date.

Unfortunately, now I am facing very much difficulty in my educational career. As I mentioned that I currently live in
Pakistan. The situation of COVID-19 hits Pakistan in a worse manner I could not even earn from odd jobs or any
other means of earnings are like a closed gate for me due to this COVID-19 situation. ACCA is the studies on which I
rely and believe that will give me a bright future and I don’t want to give up my course.

In fact Corona Virus cases are still increasing day by day and due to this jobs are decreasing in a big ratio, many
offices are closed, firms are not hiring new people. Hereby this is my keen request from ACCA GLOBAL to waive my
annual subscription fee which is due this year so that I could arrange to opt for my next examination in June
intake. I am quite depressed thinking about my studies that how I will arrange my subscription fee and the
examination fee together. I am able to afford one and I do not want to miss my June intake.

I really hope for a positive response by your side, my request is just to remove my annual subscription fee which is
due for the year so I could appear in my upcoming intake and my journey doesn’t stops due to lack of financial
support as I can arrange only my examination fee in the month of April for June intake but I can not afford both.

Please take my request into your kind consideration and help me as I require your support. As soon as this COVID-
19 will end and the situation will get better this will not be an issue for me later on but now It is being a barrier for
my studies.

I am a dedicated student and not willing to give up on my ACCA, please allow me to opt my June attempt without
paying the subscription fee or waive my due subscription fee for just once.

Thank you,


Samiha Ali Syed

Reg ID: 3411287
Contact number: 00923353966963

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