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Cannon 1

Gabrielle Cannon

Ms. Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 2010, Section 1

24 March 2021

Learning Log Unit 3

Day 1: 3/24- Writing Sentences

1. Myka sang; it surprised her mother. Myka sang, it surprised her mother. Myka’s singing

surprised her mother. Myka’s mother was surprised when she sang. Surprising her

mother, Myka sang. When myka sang, her mother was surprised. Myka sang, but it

surprised her mother. Myka, while surprising her mother, sang. Myka sang to her mother

and surprised her. Singing, Myka surprised her mother.

Day 2: 4/5- More clauses

1. Independent clause- A clause that can stand by itself as a simple sentence

Dependant clause- A clause that is embedded inside another lause

Adverb clause- Dependent clause that functions as an adverb

2. There was a conflict between the geopolitical nations; therefore they are forever with us.

3. After the girl left the building in a hurry she sped in her car to the grocery store;

therefore causing her to get a speeding ticket because she was going 20 over the speed


4. Although the food may have been good, the restaurant was still not Tom’s favorite;

Day 3: 4/6- Manipulating sentence parts

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1. Putting his own preferences above everything else, Snowden self-indulgently

short-circuited the democratic structures of accountability.

2. Snowden self-indulgent short-circuited the democratic structures of accountability, by

doing so he was putting his own preferences above everything else.

3. Snowde, putting his own preferences above everything else, self-indulgently

short-circuited the democratic structures of accountability.

4. Spread in feedlots, slaughterhouses, and hamburger grinders, the pathogens from

infected cattle are spread. The slaughterhouse tasks more likely to contaminate meat is

the removal of aima’s hide and its digestive system. The hides are now pulled off by the

machine and must be adequately cleared or chunks of dirt and manure may fall from it

and may land onto the meat. Stomachs and intestines of the cattle are pulled out by hand,

this job must be performed carefully or else the contents of the digestive system may spill

everywhere. Because of the increased speed of today’s production lines, this makes the

task much more difficult. A single worker at the ‘gut table’ may eviscerate sixty cattle an

hour, performing this job properly takes a fair amount of skill.

Day 4: 4/12- Understanding Sentence Combining

1. People who become highly creative and productive learn to acknowledge their

failures; they even embrace them, explore them, and learn from them.

2. In the late 1990s I could no longer see my feet so I made an appointment with a

Paris eye doctor where he ran some tests and then sent me off to buy some

glasses. I’d like to blame my choice of frames on the fact that I couldn’t see them

clearly and while I’d like to say that they were forced upon me, neither excuse is
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true. I made the selection of my own free will; I chose them because I thought

they made me look smart and look international. The frames were made of dark

plastic and were a rectangular shape, they were not much larger than my eyes..

There was something vaguely familiar about them, but I couldn't quite put my

finger on it. After picking them I spend a great deal of time in front of the mirror,

pretending to share the intelligent comments.

Day 5: 4/14/21-Participles and Participial Phrases

1. The way that each sentence flows is very different. The first one seems to flow better

while the others have kind of a break to the flow as they use “and “ and “I”.

2. The participles are the “Shifting weight..” and “Kneeling carefully..”

3. Calmly, the girl looked into the camera, as her gauze was captured by the stunned


Day 6: 4/19/21- Appositives

1. Drew Gilpin Faust recently testified before the United States Congress to encourage the

governments to fund more science research, Faust, a historian and the first woman to

serve as president of Harvard University.

2. The word cow contains a diphthong, which is a vowel sound that kind of glides from one

vowel sound to another.

3. Saltair was built in 1893 and was once called the Coney Island of the West, it was built

on the southern shore of the Great Salt Lake in Utah by the Los Angeles and Salt Lake

Railroad Company and designed by the Utah architect of the German descent, Richard

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Day 7: 4/21 Absolute phrases

1. In the middle of the exam, one student came stumbling through the door, his clothes

soaked from the rainstorm outside.

2. With their cameras snapping like crazy, the rowdy pack of paparazzi stepped over

themselves trying to get a shot of the just-married celebrities

3. The rowdy pack of paparazzi stepped over themselves while trying to get a shot of the

just married couple, with their cameras snapping like crazy.

4. The rowdy poparazzi stepped over themselves as they tried getting a shot of their just

married couple, with their cameras snapping like crazy.

5. The conditions for the opening ceremony could not have been more ideal with the mild

morning sun peeking over the mountains, the city political leaders lined up on the

sidewalk, an enthusiastic crowd of locals forming in front of the new factory, and the

protesters cordoned off three blocks away.

6. With the mild morning sun peeking over the mountains, the city political leaders lined up

on the sidewalk, an enthusiastic crowd of locals forming in front of the new factory, and

the protesters cordoned off three blocks away; the conditions for the opening ceremony

could not have been more ideal.

Day 8: 4/26- active sentences

1. There needs to be an investigation by the university where they look into the usage of

laptops by students in their classes.

2. No slow starts, find the actors in the sentence, give actors actions
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3. The analysis by the chemist has helped the pharmaceutical companies with the

development of drugs for depression.

4. The defense attorney made an attempt to ensure the humiliation of the prosecution's star

witness, leading to the witness crying.

5. Other shoppers will stare if you wear bicycling shorts while shopping .

Day 9: 4/28- balance

1. If..then, not..but.., not only...but also..…, either...or.., neither...nor..

2. If more people would show up to the talent show, then we would be able to make more money.

3. Not only are the people at the circus gracious and colorful, but also bold and brave.

4. From one movie to the next each watch went from scary and dark to happy and bright.

5. The books were either exciting or boring.

6. Better the warm touch from the summer sun on our skin, than the bitter sting of the

freezing wind catching our body on a cold winter's night.

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