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1) APHORISM – a maxim, a pith saying, and expressing a general truth

a. The aphorism will set you free.

b. Our nun’s aphorism is common for them.

2) DOWAGER – a woman with title or property derived from her late husband

a. The sarcastic dowager fell out of love.

b. Mrs. Hunt, the late dowager, is a generous woman.

3) LABYRINTH – a network of passages in which it is difficult to find the way, a maze

a. They passed through the labyrinth to look for the gold.

b. Most of the games were labyrinth like, so they would be more exciting.

4) PARONYM – a word resembling another in sound

a. The teacher’s paronym is difficult for the students to separate when spoken.

b. The disc jockey always uses paronyms to be different.

5) TEGUMENT – the covering of the living body

a. The cadaver’s tegument was eaten by worms.

b. Body lotion makes a tegument soft.


1) VOLUPTUOUS – contributing to the pleasures of the senses

a. I had a voluptuous massage yesterday.

b. Sweet chocolate is a voluptuous taste for my tongue.

2) SALLOW – of a sickly yellow, or pale

a. A person with hepatitis-a, has a sallow skin.

b. Most of the patients in the hospital have a sallow color.

3) MENDACIOUS – untruthful

a. A guy without a decision is mendacious.

b. She is talking like a mendacious woman.

4) ELEEMOSYNARY – charitable

a. Many orphanage institutions in the city are eleemosynary.

b. Mother Teresa is a eleemosynary nun.

5) BARREN – unfruitful, sterile and unprofitable

a. Most of the companies are barren nowadays.

b. Hamilton farm is becoming barren because of the economic crisis.


1) INTERPOSE – put in or between, interrupt

a. Don’t interpose on their meeting.

b. You needn’t interpose your idea on that project because it’s finished.

c. It isn’t good to interpose if you don’t know exactly what the topic is.

2) FLOUNCE – move or go with angry or jerky movements

a. He always flounces when he dances.

b. She’s flouncing her things because she’s angry.

c. Don’t flounce while washing-up!

3) PURGE – cleanse; removing by cleaning

a. She purged all her things when she came in.

b. Purifies purge bad elements from water.

c. She is purging the equipments.

4) SPEW – to pour forth, vomit, send or force out

a. Yesterday, water spewed out of this drainage because of heavy rain.

b. Oil spewed into the ocean because of an explosion.

c. Some people spew their garbage everywhere.

5) EVADE – avoid, escape

a. Don’t evade your friends just because of that problem.

b. They evade going out with her.

c. We should evade bad air in the air in order to keep our respiratory system clean and direct.

1) CAT GET ONE’S TONGUE – can’t speak because of shyness

a. He was beyond shy to the point the cat got is tongue.

b. It’s obvious that he feels nervous, the cat get his tongue.

c. The cat got his tongue because they gave him a surprise party.

2) CASH NOW – a good way to make money

a. My cash cow is doing fine.

b. He’s successful in his chosen business. He has a great cash cow.

c. Her company is a great cash cow.

3) DROP SOMEONE A LINE – to write to someone

a. I dropped a line to my mother because I miss her.

b. When I’m already in New York, I’ll drop a line to you.

c. It’s been a long time since she hasn’t dropped a line.

4) GET YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW – organize your projects

- get everything straightened out, be ready for what comes next

a. It’s school time you need to get your ducks in a row.

b. This is a good project; get your ducks in a row to be successful.

c. I don’t think this is enough; you still need to get your ducks in a row.

5) ABSENT-MINDED – forgetful

a. She always forgets to bring her pen. She’s always absent-minded.

b. I hesitate to leave a message for her because she’s absent-minded.

c. You should give her an invitation because she is absent-minded when it comes to special events.

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