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Republic of the Philippines


Sarangani Division

The new normal education that greatly changed the way students learning prompted the school to cope with lessons through the distribution and collection of printed learning materials known as modules. These modules were modified into Learning Activity Sheets by the Division of Sarangani due to the high production cost. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of the Learning of the Learning Activity Sheets among grade 6 Pupils.
A total of fifty (50) online questionnaires using the Google form were given to random Grade 6 pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center to determine the Effectiveness of Learning Activity Sheets, likewise enquiring which of the approaches – face-to-face, online or modular do they prefer. Advantages and disadvantages were also stated for them to choose from basing on their own experiences.
From the data taken from the survey, it turned out that Learning Activity Sheets is not a good medium of instruction for the pupils; most of the students still prefer the face-to-face learning approach.
The researcher therefore arrived to the conclusion that the new educational system has a balance effect on the students as interpreted by the results taken in the advantages and disadvantages of the modular learning approach.


The public health emergency brought about by COVID-19 calls for the Department of Education (DepEd) to be innovative and resourceful in delivering quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating education. In response to this The crisis caused by the COVID-19 has far-reaching effects in nearly all social areas, including education. Indeed, schools were closed in March 2020 in nearly all countries in the world. The Covid-19
emergency, DepEd developed the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) to ensure that learning opportunities are provided to our learners in a safe manner, through different learning delivery. In line with this, the Depart- crisis poses a great challenge for all people in the education and school context.
ment, through its Regional and Schools Division Offices undertake the urgent and necessary development, production and provision of learning resources, in accordance with its mandate. These modules were modified into Learning The pandemic changed the way how people conduct their lives because they need to keep themselves safe from getting infected by the fatal virus. It is important to note that the people who attach
Activity Sheets by the Division of Sarangani due to the high production cost.
value on learning often continually inform themselves about the dangers that are imposed in their lives, such as in the event of a pandemic besiege on their milieus in the manner that COVID 19 did.
The Curriculum Implementation Division led the development of LAS and made it available for all schools.
As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely, on digital platforms and in modular forms. Relative to the implementa-
The Learning Activity Sheet is a self-directed instructional material which aims to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist
tion of new normal for the incoming School Year 2020-2021, the Department of Education came up with the Modular Learning approach as to that the Department of Education create a Self-Learning Mod-
the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge, and attitudes for productivity and employment. For learning facilitator: The Subject Area Activity Sheet will help facilitate the teaching-learning activities specified in each
ule but due to high production cost, some regions made Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) for the pupils and it shall be based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) issued by the Central Of-
Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between the teachers and the learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning. For
the learner: The Subject Area Activity Sheet is developed to help the pupils continue learning even if they are not in school. This learning material provides them with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. The

learners, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to the facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Activity sheets provide the context and direction and importantly the process to participate in activities, link to resources and free media (i.e. utilizing a variety of media) and publishing tools. (Parker, 2014) RESEARCH QUESTION
Technology-mediated distance learning is becoming increasingly important to business curricula. However, little theoretical development or empirical research has examined teaching effectiveness in distance learning. Thus, this
This study aimed to find out the effectiveness of learning activity sheets and its implication towards learning outcomes of grade 6 pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center
article draws from research in management communications, education, and information systems to develop an initial conceptualization of influences on technology-mediated distance learning outcomes. It then reports on an explorato-
ry study utilizing both qualitative and quantitative techniques to examine 247 students’ reactions to such distance learning. (Webster and Hackley, 2020) Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

The key purpose of this research was to find out the effectiveness of modular approach in teaching to assess the student learning, performance and achievement and to determine whether the modular teaching is more effective 1. Based on the respondents’ assessment, what are the experiences of the pupils in studying using the Learning Activity Sheets?
than the traditional methods. The study was experimental type. Equivalent group study design was used. The population used was the university’s Master in Educational Planning and Management students. Sample size was consisting
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Learning Activity Sheets to the Grade 6 pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center.
of 30 students. The data collected were from both groups (controlled and experimental) analyzed and interpreted by using mean, standard deviation and t-test through the use of statistical package SPSS. The result’ scores were in the
favor of usage of modular teaching approach. So, it is recommended that the modular approach should be widely used at various levels of education. Key words: Modular Approach, Self-learning, Individualized Instructions (Sadiq, Za- 3. What is the Learning Approach preferred by the Grade 6 pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center.
3. Based on the results, what training design and development plan can be designed?


The study made use of the Input-Process-Output Framework. In the input box, the researchers will determine the advantages does of the Learning Activity Sheets bring
This research was done in order to find out the advantages and challenges encountered by the Grade 6 Pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED using the Learning
in the aspect of advancement of students’ learning, Answering the activities will be easier. Another input, are the challenges encountered by the Pupils and teachers in deal-
ing (with) the Learning Activity Sheets. Activity Sheets as an alternative to SLM being that being used before. The study selected grade 6 Pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center as respondents.
The process box will be data gathering tools and the data analysis and interpretation used. And the last box, which is the output box, will be the development of Training De-
sign and Implementation Plan. METHODOLOGY
This study engaged a descriptive research and development method. This re- TER: BASIS FOR LEARNING DEVELOPMENT PLAN
 Effectiveness of Learning Activity search dealt mainly with the advantages and challenges encountered of the grade 6
Sheets Locale of the Study
Pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center in using the Learning
Data Gathering Tools
Activity Sheets as an alternative to Learning Modalities. This information was gath- -Malungon Central Elementary School
Effectiveness of SPED Center
Survey Questionnaire ered from the survey questionnaires created and questions adopted by the research- Learning Activity
Sheets Participants
Questionnaire asks the learner Proposed Training Designs ers. This report must be certified by the school heads of Malungon Central Elemen-
to provide feedback on their Grade 6 Pupils
And Implementation Plan tary School SPED Center. But before collecting of data, the researchers asked first
 Advantages and Disadvantages of experience of studying the
Learning Activity Sheets permission to the Principal of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center, Research Design
Learning Activity Sheets I
Data Analysis and Interpretation Descriptive Research and Development
sending of Letter of Permission to conduct study. The research proposal will be certi- M
Documentary Analysis P
fied by the SEPS in Planning and Research and the SGOD Chief. The final approval Advantages and
Statistical Treatment A
of the said proposal will be approved by the Assistant Schools Division Superinten- Disadvantage of Research Instruments & Procedures
Frequency Count C
Using the Learning Ask permission & approval from the
Percentage dent. T School Principal to conduct the study.
 Learning Approach prefer by the Activity Sheets
S Have a research proposal and letter re-
Grade 6 Pupils of MalungonCentral The experiences of the grade 6 pupils as evaluated were discussed through an- quest sent to the Assistant Division Su-
Elementary School SPED Center swering survey questionnaires. Using frequency count and percentage, the evaluat- perintendent to conduct research. After
Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study approval, coordinate with School Heads
ed results from the data generated were determined. to gather data. Ask and discuss with
Learning Approach School Heads via Google Meet in one-on
PLANS FOR DISSEMINATION After collecting all the data gathered, the researchers used it as basis on devel- -one interview. Send the link of Google
Preferred by the
forms for the survey and download the
oping an implementation Plan for the basis for school development plan. Pupils
statistical data in spreadsheet and ana-
After drafting, presenting, and defending the study, the researchers planned to conduct a presentation to the District meeting about the outcome of the study in effective Teaching- lyze ant interpret the data gathered.
Learning outcomes. Meanwhile, the Training Design will serve also as proposal to conduct further trainings for teachers and parents on how to implement the use of Learning Activity Sheets.
Proposed Implementation Plan and Training Design


Figure 1. Effectiveness of Learning Activity Sheets ADVANTAGES OF MODULAR LEARNING APPROACH DISADVANTAGES OF MODULAR LEARNING APPROACH Preferred Learning Approach

50 50

45 , 45

42 42
40 40
39 39 39 39
40 40 38
37 37 37 37
36 36 36 36 36
34 34 34 34
35 33 35 33 33
32 32
30 30

25 25

20 20 41%
15 15

10 10 53%
5 5

0 0




From the 50 respondents: From the 50 respondents:

a. 42 of the students perceive searching through Google the answer of their modules as a a. 42 of the students perceive too many activities to answer as a major disadvantage. Face-to-Face Classes
major advantage. Online Classes
b. 40 of the students takes too much time in answering their modules.
b. 40 of the students have the advantage of asking their teachers for clarifications through
c. 39 of the students perceive numbers 4 and 6 as a disadvantage. Modular Approach
Facebook Messenger of SMS. (Modules)
c. 39 of the students perceive numbers 9 and 15 as an advantage. d. 38 of the students perceive number 15 as a disadvantage.

d. 37 of the students perceive numbers 5 and 11 as an advantage. e. 37 of the students perceive numbers 3 and 8 as a disadvantage.
e. 36 of the students perceive numbers 1,2,3,10 and 13 as an advantage. f. 34 of the students perceive numbers 1,9 and 10 as a disadvantage. The Pie in Figure 4 shows that:
f. 35 of the students perceive number 6 as an advantage. g. 33 of the students perceive numbers 11 and 14 as a disadvantage. 53% of the pupils preferred Face to face class
g. 34 of the students perceive number 7 as an advantage.
h. 32 of the students perceive number 5 as a disadvantage. 41% of the pupils preferred Modular Approach
h. 33 of the students perceive number 14 as an advantage, and;
i. 31 of the students perceive number 12 as a disadvantage, and; 6% of the pupils preferred Online class
i. 32 of the students perceive number 12 as an advantage.
j. 30 of the students perceive number 7 as a disadvantage.

The following are the results of the conducted survey using questionnaires of the 50 randomly selected Grade 6 Pupils of Malungon Central Elementary School SPED Center Basing from the results indicated in the pie charts which were tallied
carefully to attain accuracy of data, it can be interpreted that Learning Activity Sheets is not effective as a medium of instruction for Grade 6 pupils of Malungon Central Elementary school, however it was find out that Radio Based Instruction is a
big help for the pupils to at least understand the lesson. It also turned out that 53% of the pupil still prefer the Face-to-Face Learning Approach in which 41% of the rest already embraced the Modular Learning Approach using the Learning Activity
Based on the result of the survey indicated in the pie charts in Figure 1. The following answers on the questions were
Sheets. Moreover, the researcher also arrived with the conclusion that though many disadvantages were brought about by the new educational approach, there were also those factors that the students see as advantages. Therefore, basing from
tallied and interpreted that learning Activity Sheets is not effective medium of instruction for grade 6 pupils of Malun-
the results, it can be concluded that the Modular Approach conveyed a balance effect to the students.
gon Central Elementary School SPED Center, however it was find out that Radio Based Instruction is a big help for the
pupils to at least understand the lesson

Action Plan Researcher

Goal: To improve the learning Performance of the pupils using the Learning Activity Sheets.
Program Goals: To recommend action to strengthen the Radio Base Instruction and Teacher-Pupils Communication to improve the learning ability of the pupils

Implementation Timeline Activities Time Frame Persons Involved Resources Estimated Cost

Purchase Radio so that RASHEL M. ORDIZ, T-I

it will be given to the June-March
LGU,BLGU, Principal,
MOOE, Donation 50,000.00
Strengthen the RBI
Teachers and Parents Grade VI Adviser LSEN-CWA Adviser Grade VI Adviser
less fortunate pupils

Strengthen the Teacher-Pupil Conduct Home visita- BLGU, Principal, Teach-

June-March MOOE 5,000.00
Communication tion ers and Parents

“Sa Malungon Central mga Bata ang Anon Bugal”

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