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Ellie Deifel

Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 2010, Semester 2

April 2020

Learning Log #3

Unit 3 Day 1:

Writing Sentences-

Myka sang and it surprised her mother.

Mykas mother was surprised when she sang.

It surprised Mykas mom when she sang.

Mykas singing surprised her mother.

It was surprising when Mykas mom heard her sing.

Singing surprised Mykas mom.

When Myka was singing it surprised her mother.

It surprised her mother but, Mkya sang.

Myka, surprising her mother, sang.

Myka was singing, it surprised her mother.

Rewrite -

Non-hibakusha employers developed a prejudice against the survivors as word gotaround that

they were prone to all sorts of ailments, and that even those, like Nakamura-san, who were not

cruelly maimed and had not developed any serious overt symptomswere unreliable workers,

since most of them seemed to suffer, as she did, from themysterious but real malaise that came to
be known as one kind of lasting A-bombsickness; a nagging weakness and weariness, dizziness

now and then, digestive troubles,all aggravated by a feeling of oppression, a sense of doom, for it

was said thatunspeakable diseases might at any time plant nasty flowers in the bodies of their

victims,and evenin those of their descendants.

Unit 3 Day 2:

Combine sentances-

Although geopolitical conflicts between nations will always be with us, this doesnt mean we

need to be afraid of eachother.

Unit 3 Day 3:

Video Exercise -

Putting his own preferences above everything else, Snowden self indulgently short circuited the

democratic structures of accountability.

Snowden put his own preferences above everything else, self indulgently short circuited the

democratic structures of accountability.

11 Sentance Paragraph -

The pathogens from infected cattle spread in feedlots, slaughterhouses, and in hamburger

grinders. Slaughterhouse tasks are more like to contaminate because of the removal of hide and

their digestive system. While a machine pull the hide of and adequntly cleans it, dirt and manuer

may fall off onto the meat. The job must be performed carefully, stomaches and intestines are

still pulled out by hand, some contents of the digestive system may spill everywhere. There is an

increased speed of todays production lines, making the task much more difficult. A single worker
at a “gut table” may eviscerate sixty cattle an hour. It takes a fair amount of skill to perform the

task properly. I talked with a former IBP “gutter” and it took him six months to learn how to pull

out the stomach and tie off the intestines, the intestines must be tied off without spillage. He

could gut 200 consecutive cattle without spilling anything, this was his best. Far more often do

inexperienced gutters spill manuer. The IBP slaughter house in Lexington, Nebraska has as high

as 20 percent spill rate at the gut table, with one in five contents of a carcass being splattered.

Unit 3 Day 4:

Sentence Combinding -

I made an appointment with a Paris eye doctor, this was in the late 1990s when I couldnt see my

feet, he sent me away to get a pair of glasses. I blame my choice of frames on the lack of being

able to see them clearly. Id like to say they were forced upon me, but neither excuse is true. I

chose them because I thought they made me look smart and international, made of my own free

will. The frames were made of dark plastic, with rectangular lenses not much larger than my

eyes. I couldnt quite put my finger on it, but there was something vaguely familiar about them.

After I picked them up I spent a great deal of time in front of the mirror, pretending to share

intellectual comments regarding the state of Europe.

Unit 3 Day 5:


1. The first sentence has a good flow of motion while the other ones are more chopy

and awkward.
2. “Shifting the weight of the line”, “kneeling carefully”, “submerged, for more than

five minutes”, these participles give the reader a descriptive and vivid picture of

what is going on.

3. Impatiently the girls stood in the road by the side of the car, feeling awkwar and

camera shy, resting on her crutches, she glances into the camera.

Unit 3 Day 6:

Sentence combinding -

1. Drew Gilpin Faust, a historian and the first woman toserve as president of Harvard

University, recently testified before the United States Congress to encourage

thegovernment to fund more science research.

2. A diphthong is a vowel sound that kind of glidesfrom one vowel sound to another.the

wordcowcontains adiphthong.

3. Saltair was built in 1893 by the LosAngeles and Sale Lake Railroad Company and

designed by Richard Kletting.Richard Kletting was a Utah architect of German descen, it

was once called the Coney Island of the West.

Unit 3 Day 7:

Video Exercises-

1. In the middle of the exam, a student came stumbling through the door, and his clothes

were soaked from the rainstorm outside.

2. Opener
Their cameras snapping like crazy, the rowdy pack of paparazzi stepped over themselves trying

to get a shot of the just-married celebrities.


The rowdy pack of paparazzi stepped over themselves trying to get a shot of the just-married

celebrities, cameras snapping like crazy


The rowdy pack of paparazzi, cameras snapping like crazy, stepped over themselves trying to get

a shot of the just-married celebrities.

3. The conditions for the opening ceremony could not have been more ideal, the mild

morning sun peeking over the mountains, the city’s political leaders lined up on the

sidewalk, an enthusiastic crowd of locals forming in front of the new factory, and the

protesters cordoned off three blocks away.

Unit 3 Day 8:

1. The University needs to conduct an investigation into the usage of laptops being used by

their students.

2. Pharmaceutical companies have been helped by chemists in the development of drugs for

the depression.

3. When people shop with bicycle shorts on, other shoppers will stare at them.

4. Since the new CEO took over of the manufacturing company it led to an increase in

revenue beyond the company's projections.

5. Because the student stayed at home and ate potato chips while playing league of legends

all day instead of going to school, his GPA plummeted dramatically.

Unit 3 Day 9:

1. If she would have remembered to clean her room, then her parents would not have gotten

upset at her.

2. Not only did she break the rules, but also she lied about it.

3. From one side of the classroom , to the other end sat a student and their teacher.

4. Either she works to pay for her trip, or she misses out on the trip.

5. Neither one of them remember breaking the picture, nor were they home to do so.

6. I just think that if we had really thought this through, then we wouldn't be in the mess we

are in now.

7. When I go running up the hill I get tired but the reward is worth it to feel the breeze run

threw my hair and shirt.

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