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Chick- l-A Mall Road Payment Station Training Guide

Create Eye Contact, Share a Smile, Speak with a Friendly Tone, Always say “My Pleasure”

Standards Notes
1. Greet Guest by saying for example: “Good morning/afternoon/evening!
1. Greet Guest with a Warm Welcome as they approach the outside cash
Do you have the order for Mr./Miss XXXX?” If the Guest responds that it
station, always using the Core 4 and reading and responding
is incorrect, politely ask for their name so that we can recall the correct
appropriately to the Guest’s mood.

Greeting 2. Select the correct order for the Guest using their name and car

2. After the Guest has designated the correct name of the order, proceed
description as an additional indicator.

with the recall button, select the Guest’s order, and hit the done button
to continue to nalize the transaction.
1. If the Guest has already paid, the order on the recall screen will
highlight yellow and be marked with the letter “Y” under the prepay
column. Select “Finalize transaction” after recalling the order to
1. If the Guest paid with credit, nalize the transaction for the Guest to complete the transaction for the Guest and sequence the order into the
Taking sequence the order into the system.
system for the window.

Payment 2. If the Guest is paying with cash, receive cash payment and/or other gift 2. If the Guest did not prepay with the F2F Team Member, receive
card or credit payment that hasn’t already been taken.
payment by cash, credit card, and or gift card. For Example: “Mr./Miss
XXXX your total today is $XX.XX. I can take your payment!”

3. If the Guest is paying with a $50 or $100 bill, place the bill inside of
your drawer at your earliest convenience.
1. F2F Team Member’s will be responsible for o ering receipts to Guests.
If F2F is not currently operating, you will be in charge of printing and
providing receipts to Guests.

1. Do not o er a receipt to Guests (Unless applicable).

2. While F2F is operating, hand receipts to Guests whose names are
Finalizing 2. (If applicable) Hand receipt and change to the Guest.
marked with an “R”. All other Guests will not receive a receipt unless
they request one. If a Guest declines their change, then remove the
appropriate amount from your cash belt and place it aside at your
earliest convenience.
1. Always give clear direction to our window location so that they may
receive their meal. Use this script: “Mr./Miss XXXX, please pull forward
1. Direct the Guest to the window for their meal.

Fond Farewell 2. Thank them and deliver a Fond Farewell.

to the window to receive your meal.”

2. Say “Thank You” and something similar to “Enjoy your meal” or “It’s
been a pleasure serving you” or “Have a great day!”
Chick- l-A Mall Road Payment Station Training Guide
Create Eye Contact, Share a Smile, Speak with a Friendly Tone, Always say “My Pleasure”

Standards Notes
1. Handwashing is the single most e ective way to prevent the spread of
1. Wash your hands when you arrive, at least once per hour, when illness. Make sure you use the proper procedure as outlined on the
changing tasks, after touching your phone, in the restroom after using sidekick training aid near the handsink.

the restroom and again after returning from the restroom.

2. If you call o or need to leave, ensure it is because of one of these
2. Do not come to work or remain at work if you experience the following reasons. You must inform a leader of the reason so that it can be
symptoms: fever/sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice (yellowing of appropriately documented.

Food Safety the skin/eyes), or lesions with pus.

3. This reduces/eliminates cross-contamination of bacteria that may be on
3. Store personal items or beverages in their appropriate, marked space.
personal items getting into food items.

4. If you cough or sneeze, do so into the crook of your elbow.

4. This is to prevent the spread of germs.

5. Do not accept trash from a guest.

5. This reduces the risk of cross-contamination.

6. Do not chew gum while working. 6. This is unprofessional and could pose as a food safety risk in the event
that spittles y out of your mouth or your gum falls out.
1. You must always be in full uniform at all times.
1. This includes belt, shirt (tucked in), Shoes for Crews, name tag, and
2. Only o cial Chick- l-A outerwear is allowed.
pants and/or shorts.

3. All hair must be pulled back and out of the face.

2. This includes sweaters, jackets, cardigans, etc.

4. Only studded earrings are allowed.

3. This is so guests can see your lovely face!

Appearance 5. All headgear must be o cial Chick- l-A gear, or it must be red, black, or 4. No hoops or dangling earrings are allowed for food and Team Member

6. Nail work must be conservative, and nails must not extend beyond the 5. This includes hats and headbands/headwraps.

tips of ngers. 6. Underneath nails contains about 80% of the germs on your hands.
1. Use the Core 4 at all times.
1. Create eye contact, share a smile, speak enthusiastically, and stay
2. Always use the language of hospitality.
connected to make it personal.

Hospitality 3. Use the mood meter to read guests and respond caringly towards them.
2. “Certainly!”, “My Pleasure!”, “meals”, “beverages”, “entrees”, etc.

4. Use the H.E.A.R.D. model to address any problems and recover the 3. People feel cared for when you meet them where they are emotionally.

Guest appropriately. 4. Hear, Empathize, Apologize, Resolve, Delight

1. Get the outside cash keys from the rope key.

2. As you grab the color assigned drawer, get a bundle of ones and ves
1. Keys

for the cash belt.

2. Empty Drawer, Cash Belt, and 2 Money Changers

3. Get the outside cash iPad from the closet.

Supplies 3. iPad

4. Get an unassigned card swipe from the closets. Get the hip printer from
4. Card Reader, Hip Printer, and Battery Pack

Needed 5. Headset

outside cash. Bring a Battery Pack to ensure the iPad does not die
during operational hours.

6. Beverage

5. Ensure you have a fresh battery.

6. Bring a beverage with you so that you do not need to stop to grab one

Job Duties 1. Serve the Guests. 2. Be fully prepared for your job. 3. Put all supplies away when you are nished.


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