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Teams – Sharing a Class Materials

Folder with Multiple Teams

If you are a Teacher with different sections of the same course, file management can be frustrating and inefficient,
requiring you to upload the same files and folders into Teams multiple times. Viewing your Teams Files section in
SharePoint will allow you to maintain and upload to one singular folder and share that folder with your other Teams that
require the same content. Teachers with multiple sections of the same course can create and maintain a single files
section in one ‘host’ Team and share that files section with other Teams/Sections of the same course.

First you need a determine which Team will be the host of the shared file (I would suggest the first Team you work in
each day [Per1]). 1. Go to the 1.Files tab and confirm that you have a 2.Class Materials Folder. This folder is added by
clicking on the 4.Upload Class Materials button that is on the that first appears when you open your team for the
first time (this post is only visible by Team owners).

If you lose this folder for any reason, you can restore it by going to the 1.Files tab, clicking on the 2.+Cloud storage
button, choose 3.SharePoint, then click on 4.Class Materials, & 5.Create. Class Materials will be restored.
Once you have a Class Materials folder, you need to open your Files library in SharePoint to change the permissions on
the folder so your other Teams can view it.

From the files tab, click the 1.Open in SharePoint button. From the SharePoint window, click on the 2.Gear/Settings
button, and choose 3.Site Permissions. From this window choose 4.Advanced permissions settings.

The Permissions window shows you the settings for the Teams site. The settings for the Class Materials are hidden, so
you need to click on 1.Show these items. From the next window choose 2.manage permissions, beside the Class
Materials folder, and then choose 3.Grant – Grant Permissions to add your other Teams.
You can now 1.add your Teams by name (When you input the Team name, it should be found and allow you to click on
the Team name (followed by ‘Members’ ) to have them added to the permission list. You can do this for multiple Teams
at the same time by adding another Team names. After you add your Teams, click on 2.Show Options, and then
uncheck the 3.Send an email box and 4.Select a Permission level and set it to Read. When you are done, 5.Refresh your
browser and your 6.added Teams should be on the list and have the same permission level as the 7.original Team.

Once the permissions are granted, The last step is to add this SharePoint library to the Teams. Go to the Team you have
chosen as your host of the shared Class Materials file, & go to the 1.Files tab, click on 2.Copy link, and then choose
3.SharePoint and click 4.Copy.
After the link is copied, open Files tab of the Team you want to share the library to and choose 1.+ Add Cloud Storage.
Next, Choose 2.SharePoint, 3.Use a SharePoint link, paste the link you’ve copied and click Go. 4.Click on the SharePoint
Library and click Next. Then choose 5.Class Materials and click Next. Finally, click on 6.Add Folder.

Now the Team will have access to the same 1.folder as your original/hostTeam. You can repeat this process (Adding the
SharePoint link) for all the Teams that you have granted permissions to in SharePoint. The folder cannot be renamed
unfortunately, but it is Read only, so students will not be able to edit or delete any of the material. Any changes the
owner/Teacher makes to this folder in any of the linked Teams will happen for all of the Teams. They are essentially
viewing the same folder. You can now choose to Delete any of the other folders in the linked Teams and use one folder
across all your Teams that require the same content.

If you have any problems or require assistance with this process, feel free to reach out to a Technology Coach by joining
the Technology Team - Link or contact us directly through our SharePoint site – Link.

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