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MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, FOOD AND (4) The maximum permissible error in respect
PUBLIC DJSTRIBUTION of any reference standard metre bar, on verification or
re-verification, shall be such as Is specified in Part II of
First Schedule.
NOilFICATION 4. Secondary standards
New:Delhl; the. 7th February 2011 (1) Every secondary standard weight shall
G.S.R. ll(E).- In exercise of the powers conform, as regards denomination, material used In
conferred by sub-section {1) read with Clauses (c), construction, and design, to the specifications laid down
(f), (h), (i) and_(~) of sub-section (2) ofsectlon 52 of In Part I of Second Schedule.
The Legal Metrology Act 2009, (l.of 2010), the Central (2) The maximum permissible error in respect
Government here~y,makes,thefollowing rules, namely of any secondary standard weight, on verification or
CHAPTER I re-verification after adjustment, shall be such as Is
specified In Part I of Second Schedule.
(3) Every secondary standard metre bar shall
1. Short title and•commencement conform, as regards material used in construction, and
(1) These rules may be called the Legal design, to the specifications laid down in Part II of
Metrology (General) Rules, 2011. Second Schedule.
(2) They shall mme into force on the 1• day of (4) The maximum permissible error in respect
April, 2011. of any secondary standard metre bar, on verification
or re-verification, shall be such as Is specified in Part II
2. Definitions of Second Schedule.
In these rules, unless the context otherwise (5) Every secondary standard capacity measure
requires,- shall conform, as regards denomination, material used
(a) "Act" means the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 in construction, and design, to the specifications laid
(1 of 2010); down In Part Ill of Second Schedule.

(b) "Schedule" means a Schedule appended to (6) The maximum permissible error in respect
of any secondary standard capacity measure, on
these rules;
verification or re-verification after adjustment, shall
(c) "Section" means a Section of the Act; be such as Is specified in Part Ill of Second Schedule.
(d) words and expressions used in these rules 5. Working standards
and not defined but defined In the Act shall
(1) Every working standard weight shall conform,
.have the meanings respectively assigned to
as regards denomination, material used in construction,
them In the Act. and design, to the specifications laid down in Part I of
CHAPTERll Third Schedule.
SPEOACATIONS OF STANDARDS OF WEIGHTS AND (2) The maximum permissible error in respect
MEASURES of any working standard weight, on verification or re-
verification after adjustment, shall be such as Is
3. Reference standards specified In Part I of Third Schedule.
(1) Every reference standard weight shall (3) Every working standard metre bar shall
conform, as regards denomination, material used in conform, as regards material used in construction, and
construction, and design, to the specifications laid down design, to the specifications laid down in Part II of Third
In Part I of First Schedule. Schedule.
(2) The ~axlmum permissible error In respect (4) The maximum permissible error in respect
of any reference standard weight, on verification or of any working standard metre bar,.on verification or
re-verification after adjustment, shall be such as is re-verification, shall be such as Is specified in Part II of
specified in Part I of First Schedule. Third Schedule.
(3) Every reference standard metre bar shall (5) Every working standard capadty measure
conform, as regards material used in construction, and shall conform, as regards denomination, material used ·
design, to the specifications laid down in Part II of First in construction, and design, to the specifications laid
Schedule. · down In Part Ill of Third Schedule.

,, - ',, J-· ~'

- - - - - - . , - - - - - , - - c - - - - - : - - - - - - - -. - - - ----:----
--- ----:--·" ,____________________________ ---
-~·---~---·· __ _
__ ._.,_,_.


(6) The maximum permissible error In respect weights are kept for the purpose of verification of
of any working standard capacity measure, on weights Intended to be used for transaction or
verification or re-verification after adjustment, shall protection.
be such as is specified in Part III ofThlrd Schedule. (2) The number, types and specifications of such
6. Power to specify any other reference, balances shall be as are laid down In Part Ill of Fourth
secondary or working standard Schedule.
(1) Any other reference standard, or secondary (3) Every working standard balance shall be
standard, or working standard shall conform as regards · verified at least once in a year and shall be adjusted,
the denomination, material used in construction, and if necessary, to make it correct within the limits of
design, to such specifications as the Central sensitivity and other metrological qualities as are
Government may, from time to time, by notification, specified In Part III of Fourth Schedule.
10. Power to specify the standard equipment
(2) The maximum permissible error In relation
to such other reference standard, or secondary The Central Government may, by notification,
standard, or working standard shall be such as the specify such other standard equipment as it may think
Central Government may, from time to time, by necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act and
notification, specify and different maximum permissible every such standard equipment shall conform, as
errors may be specified in relation to different types regards the metrological qualities, to such
of reference standards, or secondary standards, or specifications as the Central Government may, in the
same notification or subsequent notification, specify.
working standards.
7. Reference standard balances
(1) A set of reference standard balances shall
be maintained at every place where the reference (1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules,
standard weights are kept for the purpose of every weight used or intended to be used-
verification of secondary standards. (a). In any transaction, or
(2) The number, types and specifications of such (b) for protection,
balances shall be as are specified in Part I of Fourth
Schedule. shall conform, as regards physical characteristics,
configuration, constructional details, materials,
(3) Every reference standard balance shall be performance, tolerances and such other details, to the
verified at least once In six months and shall be corresponding specifications laid down for such weight
adjusted, if necessary, to make it correct within the in Fifth Schedule.
limits of sensitivity and other metrological qualities as
are specified in Part I of Fourth Schedule. (2) The maximum permissible error in respect
of such weight shall be such as is specified In Fifth
s. Secondary standard balances Schedule.
( 1) A set of secondary standard balances shall
(3) Nothing in this rule shall apply to the product
be maintained at every place where secondary
of an Industry which is required, by or under any law
standard weigbts are kept for the purpose of
for the time being in force, to conform to any other
verification of working standards.
specifications with regard to the matters specified In
(2) The number, types and specifications of such sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), if, under such law, the
balances shi!_ll be as are specified in Part II of Fourth product Is required to conform to the specifications
Schedule. laid down by the International Organisation of Legal
(3) Every secondary standard balance shall be Metrology with regard to the matters aforesaid.
verified at least once In one year and shall be adjusted, 12. Measures (other than measuring
if necessary, to make It correct within the limits of instruments)
sensitivity and other metrological qualities as are
specified in Part II of Fourth Schedule. (1) Every measure used or intended to be used
9. Working standard balances
(a) any transaction, or
(1) Asetofworklng standard balances shall be
maintained at every place where working standard (b) protection,


shall conform, .asc regards physical characteristics, (3) Nothing in this rule shall take away or abridge
configuration, constructional details, materials, the right of any person referred to in sub-rule (2) to
performance, tolerances and such other details, to carry on the business of importing of any weight or
the corresponding. specifications laid down for such measure until he has been informed by the Director In
measure in Sixth Schedule. wfitlng that he cannot be registered as an importer,
(2) The maximum permissible error In such and on receipt of such letter he shall stop forthwith
measure shall .be such as is specified in the the Import of any weight or measure:
corresponding. specifications laid .down for such PROVIDED that registration of a person carrying
· measure in Sixth Schedule. on, at the commencement of these rules, the business
13. Welghl~g and measuring Instruments of importing weights or measures shall not be refused
(1) Every.welghlng lnstrumentused or intended except after giving him a reasonable opportunity of
to be used- showing cause against the proposed action.
(a) in any transaction, or (4) Every application for the registration of an
importer shall be submitted to the Director, in the
{b) for protection,
manner aforesaid, together with the fee specified in
shall conform, as regards physical characteristics, Twelfth Schedule, at least one month before the date
configuration, constructional details, materials, on which import is proposed to be made.
performance, tolerances and such other details, to the
corresponding specifications laid down for such (5) The registration of a person as an importer
weighing instrument In Seventh Schedule: shall remain effective for a period of five years from
the date of such registration.
(2) Every measuring instrument used or
Intended to be used- (6) On the expiry of the period of registration as
an importer, the Director may, on the application of
(a) in any transaction, or
the registered importer and on payment of the
{b) for protection, prescribed fee, renew registration for a like period.
shall conform, as regards physical characteristics, (7) The registration or renewal of the registration
configuration, constructional details, materials, of a person as an importer may be suspended or
performance, tolerances and such other details, to the revoked before the expiry of the period of validity
corresponding specifications laid down for such thereof, If the Director is satisfied after an inquiry, and
measuring instrument In Eight Schedule. after giving to the person concerned a reasonable
(3) The maximum permissible error on such opportunity of being heard, that any statement made
weighing or measuring Instrument shall be such as is by such persop in the application for registration or
specified in the corresponding specifications laid down renewal of registration was false or incorrect In
for such weighing or measuring instrument In Seventh material particulars or that such person has
Schedule or as the case may be in Eighth Schedule. contravened any provision of the Act or rules made
14. Procedure for carrying out calibration of there under or any term or condition of such
vehicle tanks, etc. registration.
The procedure for carrying out calibration of 16. Conditions, etc. for manufacture of a weight
vehicle tanks, etc. shall be as is specified In Ninth or measure exclusively for export
Schedule. ( 1) The provisions of this rule shall apply to
CHAPTERV weights or measures which are made or manufactured
IMPORT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES exclusively for the purpose of export.
15. Registration of Importer (2) No non-standard weight or measure shall
(1) Every manufacturer or dealer of weight or be made or manufactured by any person unless he
measure who intends to Import any weight or measure has obtained the previous permission from the Central
shall apply to the Director, through the Controller of Government.
the State in which he carries on such business, for (3) Every person intending to manufacture any
registration of his name as importer In the form non-standard weight or measure for the purpose of
specified in Tenth Schedule. export shall make an application for permission to the
(2) Every application received by the Controller Central Government on payment of a fee of rupees
under sub-rule (1) shall be forwarded by him to the five hundred for such permission authorising him to
Director with a report as to the antecedents and manufacture such weight or measure and shall in such
technical capabilities of the applicant. application Indicate-
• 321

(a) his name and full address; 17. Prohibition on sale of non-standard weight
or measure within the country
(b) location of the factory in which such weight
or measure is proposed to be manufactured; No non-standard weight or measure made or
manufactured exclusively for export shall be sold or
(c) description of weight or measure proposed otherwise distributed within the territory of India.
to be manufactured; 18. Maintenance of record In relation to non-
(d) documentary or other evidence indicating the standard weight or measure
existence of a firm contract for the export Every person who makes or manufactures any
aforesaid or where there is no such firm non-standard weight or measure for export shalf
contract for export, documentary or other maintain a monthly record of the number of such non-
evidence Indicating that there is likely to be standard weights or measures manufactured by him,
a demand for the export of non-standard . number of weights or measures already exported by
weight or measure. him, and number of weights or measures in stock or
under production. The record so maintained shall be
(4) The Central Government shalf, if it is satisfied open to inspection by any officer authorised by the
from the documentary or other evidence produced by
Central Government in this behalf.
the applicant or otherwise that the applicant intends
to manufacture non-standard weight or measure for 19. sample checking of weight and measure
export, grant the permission authorising him to (1) Standard weights or measures which are
manufacture such weight or measure; intended for export shall not ordinarily require any
verification and stamping, but if the party to whom
Provided that the Central Government may, if it the export Is to be made so requires, a sample checking
Is satisfied that the applicant has contravened any of of such weight or measure shall be made by such
terms and conditions of the permission or that weights agency as the Central Government may specify in this
or measures manufactured by the applicant have found behalf, and thereupon the agency so specified shall,
their way irto the Indian market or that the applicant after checking the weight or measure, issue a
had made any statement in his appffcatfon for the certificate Indicating whether or not such weight or
permission which is false In material particulars or he measure conforms to the requirements of the Act and
had concealed some material particulars, cancel the tile rules made there under.
(2) The weight or measure to be checked as
Provided Further that no permission shall be sample under this rule shall be selected at random
cancelled except after giving to the applicant a and proper records shall be maintained with regard
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the to the sample checking so made.
proposed action. (3) The Central Government shall, while
(5) Every permission granted under sub-rule specifying the agency for checking the weight or
(4) shall remain vaffd for a period of one year and measure, ensure that the agency completes the
shall be renewed for a like period on payment of a checking well In time so that the export of the weight
like fee unless the Central Government is satisfied that or measure Is not delayed by reason of such checking.
the applicant has made any statement in his application 20. Checking of non-standard weights and
which is false In material particulars or that he had measures sample which are to be exported
concealed some material particulars or had (1) Non-standard weight or measure, which Is
contravened any provision of the Act or any rule made .made or manufactured exclusively for export, shall
there under: not ordinarily require any verification and stamping,
.but if the party to whom the export is to be made so
Provided that no order for the refusal to renew
requires, a sample checking of such weight or measure
a licence shall be made by the Central Government shall be made by such agency as the Central
except after giving the applicant a reasonable
Government may specify in this behalf; and thereupon
opportunity of showing cause against the proposed
the agency so specified shall, after checking the weight
or measure, issue a certificate Indicating whether or
(6) Every person who is granted permission not such weight or measure conforms to the
under this rule shall submit to the Central Government, specifications given by the party to whom the export
at the end of the calendar year, a statement as to the · is to be made or, where the party aforesaid has not
quantity of the non-standard weights and measures given any specification, whether the weight or measure
exported by him and the particulars of the person to conforms to the specifications laid down by the
whom such export has been made. manufacturer.

- - - - _ __J____ _ _ __

(2) The weight or measure to be checked as CHAPTER VII

sample under this rule shall be selected at random
and proper records shall be maintained with regard
to the sample checking so made. 22. The manner of disposal of goods seized
under this Act/rule
(3) The fee for checking of any non-standard
weight or measure shall be- (1) Where any goods seized under sub·
section (3) of Section 15 are subject to speedy or
(i) if it Is similar to .any standard weight or natural decay, the Director or any person authorised
measure, ·equal to the fee leviable for the by him or Controller and other Legal Metrology Officers
verification and stamping of such standard in this behalf shall have the goods weighed or
weight or:measure; and measured on a verified weighing or measuring
(ii) where such.non-standard weight or measure instrument available with him or near the place of
is not ·slrnllar to any standard weight or seizure and enter the actual weight or measure of the
measure, the Central Government may goods In a form specified by the Director for this
specify such amount as fees as is . purpose and shall obtain the signature of the trader
commensurate with the labour Involved in or his agent or such other person who has committed
checklng the non-standard weight or the offence. The goods in question shall, after such
measure. weighing or measuring is returned to the trader or
the purchaser as the case may be:
(4) The Central Government shall, while
specifying the agency for checking the non-standard PROVIDED that if the trader or his agent or the
weight or measure, ensure that the agency completes other person (who has committed the offence) refuses
the checking well In time so that the export of such to sign the form, the Director or the person authorised
weight or measure Is not delayed by reason of such by him In this behalf shall obtain the signature of not
checking. less than two persons present at the time of such
refusal by the trader or his agent or other person.
(2) Where the goods seized under sub-
NON-STANDARD WEIGHT OR MEASURE TO BE USED section (1) are contained in a package and the package
FOR SOENTIAC INVESTIGATION OR RESEARCH is false or does not conform to the provisions of the
Act or any rules made there under and the goods In
21. Permission to get manufactured non· such package are subject to speedy or natural decay,
standard weight or measure for scientific the Director or any person authorised by him or
Investigation or research
Controller an,d other Legal Metrology Officers in this
Where the manufacture of any non-standard behalf, so far as may be, may dispose of the goods In
weight or measure Is needed exclusively for the such package in accordance with the provisions of
purpose of scientific Investigation or research, the sub-rule (1).
person needing such non-standard weight or measure (3) Where the goods seized under sub-rule (1)
shall make an application to the Central Government are not subject to speedy or natural decay, the Director
for permission to get such non-standard weight or or any person authorised by him or Controller and
measure manufactured and on receipt of such other Legal Metrology Officers In this behalf may retain
application, if the Central Government is satisfied that the package for the purpose of prosecution under this
the manufacture of such non-standa.rd weight or Act after giving the trader or his agent or the other
measure is needed for the purpose aforesaid, it may person (who has committed the offence) a notice of
authorise the applicant to get the non-standard weight such seizure.
or measure needed by him manufactured by such
manufacturer as he may think fit, and thereupon, it 23. Time within which unverified weight and
shall be lawful for such manufacturer to manufacture measure to be verified and stamped
the said non-standard weight or measure In accordance No unverified weight or measure, seized under
with the specifications given by the applicant. sub-section (3) of Section 15, shall be forfeited if the
Explanation: For the purpose of this rule, a non· person, from whom such weight or measure was
standard weight or measure means a weight or ·seized, agrees to get the same verified and stamped
measure which Is, or Is proposed to be, manufactured within a period of ten days or such extended period
In accordance with any unit of weight or measure, from the date of such seizure; and for this purpose,
other)han standard unit of weight of measure the person making the seizure of such weight or
specified rneasure shall afford a reasonable opportunity by
.' ,, '•by. or under
. the Act .
['WI IH!l'"6 3(i)] 323

returning such weight or measure exclusively for the (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
verification and stamping. rule (1) every weight or m.easure which has been
24. Register and reports to be maintained by verified and stamped shall, If It Is repaired before the
persons referred to In Section 17 of the Act date on which the verification falls due shall be duly
re-verified and stamped before being put into use.
(1) Every person referred to in sub-section (1)
28. Qualifications of Legal Metrology Officer
of Section 17 shall maintain a register In the
appropriate form set out In Eleventh Schedule. (1) No person shall be appointed as Legal
Metrology Officer uniess he -
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained In sub-
rule ( 1), if the Director Is of the opinion that having· (a) Is a graduate of a recognized university In
regard to the nature or volume of the business carried Science (with physics as one of the subjects),
on by any maker, manufacturer, dealer or repairer, it tech no logy or engineering or holds a
Is necessary to do so, he may, by order, exempt any recognized diploma In engineering with three
such maker, manufacturer, dealer or repairer from the years professional experience; and
operation of that sub-rule. (b) is able to speak, read and write the regional
25. Scale of fee language of the State.
The scale of fees to be collected for the service (2) Nothing in sub-rule ( 1) shall apply to officials
specified in column (2) of Twelfth Schedule shall be who have been working as Legal Metrology Officer
at the rate specified In column 3 of the said Schedule. and are also eligible for promotion to the next higher
grade of Legal Metrology Officer on the date of
26. Useofreglonallanguages · commencement of these rules.
Any legend or denomination specified in any (3) The person appointed to the post of Legal
Schedule to these rules, which is required to be Metrology Officer shall have to successfully complete .
Indicated on any weight or measure in English, or in the basic training course at the Indian Institute of Legal
Devanagri script, may also be indicated (In addition to Metrology, Ranchi before his posting.
English or Devanagrl) on such weight or measure in
such regional language as the manufacturer may (4) The Central Government may, In
consider to be practicable. consideration of the practical difficulties faced by the
State Government and on its recommendation, relax
27. Periodical verlfication.of weights or the qualification specified in sub-rule (1) for the post
measures- of legal Metrology Officers for that State.
(1) Every weight or measure used or Intended 29. Nomination of Director by a Company under
to be used in any transaction or for protection of living the Act
beings or things In clause (k) of Section 2 shall be
Every company shall inform the Director (Legal
verified and stamped by the Legal Metrology Officer
Metrology) or the concerned Controller or his
in the State in which such weight or measure is put to
authorized officer, by notice in duplicate, in the format
use and shall be re-verified and stamped at periodical
specified In Thirteenth Schedule containing the name
and address of its Director after obtaining his consent
(2) The re-verification shall be carried out on in writing, who has been nominated by the company
the completion of a period of,- . under sub-section (2) of Section 49 to be in-charge of
(a) twenty four months for all weights, capacity and be responsible for the conduct of business of the
measures, length measures, tape, beam company or any establishment, branch or unit thereof.
scale and counter machine, 30. Repeal and savings
(b) sixty months for storage tanks, and (1) The Standards of Weights and Measures
(General) Rules, 1987 (herein under referred to as
(c) twelve months for all weight or measure
the 'said rules) are hereby repealed.
including tank lorry other than that
mentioned In clauses (a) & (b). Provided that such repeal shall not affect:
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- (a) the previous operations of the said rules or
rule (2) every weight or measure which has been anything done or omitted to be done or
verified and stamped In situ shall, if it Is dismantled suffered therein; or
and re-installed before the date on which the (b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability
verification falls due shall be duly re-verified and acquired, accrued or incurred under the said
stamped, before being put into use. rules; or


(c) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment THIRD SCHEDULE

incurred in respect of any offence committed PART! Working Standard Weights
against the said. rules; or
PART II Working Standard Metre Bar
(d) any investigation, legal :proceedings or
remedy in respect of .any such right, PARTIII Working Standard Capacity Measures
privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, FOURTH SCHEDULE
forfeiture or·punishment as aforesaid, PART! Reference Standard Balances
And any such ·investigation, legal PART!! Secondary Standard Balances
proceedings or remedy may be Instituted,
continued or enforced and any such penalty, PARTIII Working Standard Balances
forfeiture .or ·punishment may be Imposed FIFTH SCHEDULE
as if the said rules had not been rescinded. PART! Weights (Other than Carat Weights)
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal anything done PART II Carat Weights
or any action taken or purported to have been done or
taken including approval of letter, exemption granted, PART III Standard Weights for testing of High
fees collected, any adjudication, enquiry or Capacity Weighing Machine
investigation commenced, license and registration of SDCTlt SCHEDULE
manufacturers, dealers, importers of weights and PART! Liquid Capacity Measures
measures, non-standard weights and measures or
show cause notice, decision, determination, approval, PART II Dispensing Measures
authorisation issued, given or done under the said rules PART III Liquor Measures
shall.if In force at the commencement of the said rules PARTIV Length Measures (Non-Flexible)
continue to be In force and have effect as If Issued,
given or done under the corresponding provisions of PARTV · Folding Scales
these rules. PART VI Fabric or Plastic Tape Measures
(3) The provisions of these rules shall apply to PART VII Steel Tape Measures
any application made to the Central Government or as PART VIII . Surveying Chains
the case may be the State Government under the said
rules for licence, registration of manufacturers, PART IX Tapes for Use in Measurement of Oil
Importers, dealers, repairers of weights and measures Quantities
pending at the commencement of these rules and to SEVENTH SCHEDULE- HEADING A
any proceedings consequent thereon and to any SPEOF,[CAllONS FOR NON-AUTOMATIC
registration granted In pursuance thereof. WEIGHING INSTRUMENTS
(4) Any legal proceeding pending In any court SEVENTH SCHEDULE- HEADING B
under the said rules at the commencement of these
rules may be continued In that court as If these rules PART! Beam Scales
had not been framed. PART II Counter Machines
(5) Any appeal preferred to the Central SEVENTH SCHEDULE- HEADING C
Government or as the case may be the State AUTOMATIC RAIL WEIGHBRIDGE
Government under the said rules and pending shall be
deemed to have beer. made under the corresponding SEVENTH SCHEDULE- HEADING D
provisions of these rules. AUTOMATIC GRAVIMETRIC .FIWNG
PART II Reference Standard Metre Bar WEIGHERS)
· PARTII Secondary Standard Metre Bar PART! Volumetric Container Filling Machines
PART III Secondary Standard Capacity PART II Bulk Meters
Measures PARTIII Water Meters

----- __ t I
['WI IH91"6 3 ( i)] 325

PART IV Measuring Systems for Liquids Other (1) (2) (3)

than Water 20- 20
PARTY Volumetric Container Type Liquid 10 10
Measuring Device
5 5
PART VI Clinical Thermometer
2 2
PART VII Manometers of Instruments for
Measuring Arterial Blood Pressure 2 2
(Sphygmomanometers) 1 1
PART VIII Taximeter 2. Materials
PART IX Compressed gaseous fuel (CNG) (a) Weights of 5 kg to 1g shall be made from
measuring systems for vehicles admiralty bronze (88 Cu, 10 Sn, 2Zn), nickel
NINTli SCHEDULE chromium alloy (80 Ni, 20 Cr) or austenitic
stainless steel (25 Ni, 20 Cr) or (20 Ni, 25 Cr).
CAUBRATION OF VEHICLE TANKS ETC. (b) Weights of 500 mg to 10 mg shall be made
from wire of either pure platinum, nickel
PART! Calibration of Vehicle Tanks for chromium alloy (80 Nl, 20 Cr) or austenitic
Petroleum Products and other Liquids stainless steel (25 Nl, 20 Cr) or (20 Ni, 25
PART II Method for Calibration of Vertical Oil Cr).
Storage Tanks (c) Weights of 5 mg to 1 mg shall be made of
PART III Method for Computation of Capacity aluminium wire. Copper, silicon and zinc
Tables for Vertical Oil Storage Tanks. contained as impurities in aluminium shall
TENnfSCHEDULE not exceed 0.3 per cent in the aggregate.
Noll!!: The material used for all the weights shall
IMPORll:R OF\IVEIGHTSAND MEASURES be non-magnetic and it shall be ensured that the
finished weights are also practically non-magnetic.
3. Shape and finish
MANUFACTURERS/DEALERS/REPAIRERS OF (a) For kilogram and gram series-
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Integral cylindrical body with knob rounded
SCALE OF FEE (b) For milligram series-
lHJRT!ENTHSCHEDUL.E The weights shall be made from the wire
having five segments for 500, SO, 5 mg
Format for no111lnation of the Director weights, two segments for 200, 20, 2 mg
by the Company weights and one segment for 100, 10, and
FIRST SCHEDULE 1 mg weights. One end of the wire shall be
DENOMINATIO~,MAll:RIAlS,SHAPEAND bent at right angles for the purposes of lifting
PERMISSIBLE ERRORS, IN RESPECT OF It with a pair of forceps.
REFERENCE STANDARDS (c) The denominations shall be marked only on
[S#JeRule3] kilogram and gram series weights.
PART I REFERE,.CESTANDARD WEIGHTS (d) The entire surface of the weights, including
their base and corners shall be free from
l. Denominations any roughness and the surface of the weights
Kilogram series Gram series Milligram series when inspected visually shall not show any
porosity and shall have a mirror finish.
(1) (2) (3)
4. Maximum permissible errors
5 500 500
2 Denomination Permissible error .1:. mg
200 200
2 200 200 (1) (2)
1 100 100 5 kg 7.5
50 50 2 kg 3.0
20 20 1 kg 1.5

'-'r7l! <;6/!J- i'J..

- - ..!- -- ---.- -

(1) .(2) (d) The material used for weights,

SOOg 0.75
(I) kilogram and gram series,

200g :0.30 (ii) milligram series,.
lOOg :Q:lS
(e) The year ormanufacture,
SOg :.0.10
(f) The verification mark of the NPL.
20g 0.080
lOg ·0:060
1. Material
Sg •.0:050
The Reference Standard Metre Bar (hereafter
2g 0:040
·called metre bar) shall be manufactured from 58 per
lg '0;030 cent nickel-steel.
SOOmg 0.025 2. Shape and dimensions
200mg 0.020
(a) The metre bar shall be of H-sectlon,
lOOmg O.DlS approximately 25 mm x 25 mm (as per
SOmg 0.012 Figure 1)
20mg 0.010 (b) The overall length of the metre bar shall be
lOmg 0.008 1030 ±1 mm and the graduated length shall
be lOOBmm.
Smg 0.006
(c) Ungraduated space of 11 mm shall be left
2mg 0.006
after the last graduation mark.
1 mg 0.006
3. Finish
s. Protective and canying case
The graduated surface shall be bright highly
(a) These weights shall be stored In their boxes polished, and free from surface Irregularities in the
made from teakwood or any other suitable neighbourhood of the graduation marks.
non-corrosive material with proper housing
4. Graduations
lined with chemically neutral velvet, chamois
leather or soft plastic material. Wood used (a) The main scale shall be situated on the
in such boxes shall be reasonably free from neutral plane and shall be graduated In
resins and volatile materials. Glue shall not mllllmetres throughout from 0 to 1000 mm.
be used for fixing velvet or such other (b) The main scale shall also have one additional
material. The weights shall be housed in mm mark before 0 and another after 1000
such a manner so as to avoid their movement mmmark.
during transit.
(c) An additional fine scale shall also be provided
(b) Each milligram weight shall be provided with at each end of the main scale for calibrating
·a separate housing. A covering glass or a a mlcrometre microscope. This fine scale
sheet of any other transparent and non- shall consist of ten 0.1 mm graduations
reactive and non-corrosive material shall be (1 mm sub-divided into 10 parts) and shall
provided so as to ensure that these weights be situated before the first graduation mark
are not dislocated during transit. after leaving a blank space of 2 mm and also
(c) A suitable device for lifting the kilogram and after the last mark with the same blank
gram weights covered with chamois leather spacing.
or other suitable material shall be provided. (d) The graduation marks shall be well-defined,
A pair of forceps capable of lifting easily of symmetrical section and have dean edges.
milligram weights shall also be provided. (e) The width of graduation marks shall be
6. Inscription between 8 and 10 micrometres. This width
The boxes containing the weights shall have the shall be constant to within ten per cent over
following inscriptions: the length of each mark between the
longitudinal setting lines.
(a) The words 'Reference Standards Weights' .
(f) The graduation marks shall not differ in width
(b) The Identification number of such boxes, one from another by more than ± 10% of
(c) The name of the manufacturer, the average width of all the marks.
['flTT II-~ 3(i)] 327

(g) The graduation marks shall be parallel to (b) The auxiliary scale shall consist of 1000
one another to within one mlcrometre marks corresponding to the marks of the
between the longitudinal setting lines. main scale. ·
(h) The graduation marks shall be square to the (c). The marks of the auxiliary scale shall be
scale axis to within ten minutes of arc. . collinear (i.e., passing through the same
(i) The length of graduation marks shall be as vertical planes) with the graduation marks
follows:- of the main scale to within± 0.1 mm.
2 mm for half em marks. (d) The width of graduation marks shall be not
1 mm for mm marks. more than 100 mlcrometres and shall be
The marks shall be disposed equally on either clearly visible to the naked eyes having
side of an Imaginary centre line. normal vision.
(j) The lengths of the graduation marks on the (e) The length of the graduation marks shall be:
two fine scales referred to In 4(c) shall be 2.5 mm for em marks.
as follows :-
2.0 mm for half em marks.
3 mm for first and last mark.
1.5 mm for mm marks.
2 mm for 0.5 mm marks.
One of the ends of all the marks shall lie on
1 mm for 0.1 mm marks.
a straight line.
(k) The Bessel points shall be indicated by two
vertical lines marked on either external side (f) The centimetre graduation marks shall be
of the metre bar. The Bessel points shall be numbered in the Increasing order of
571 mm apart, and shall be disposed equally numeration.
on either side of the 50 mm mark. (g) The height of the numerals and the letters
(I) No figures or numerals shall be marked on shall be approximately 3 mm.
the surface of the main scale.
6. Setting lines
( m) When supported at the marked Bessel points,
the graduated surface shall be flat to within (a) A pair of longitudinal setting lines shall
0.05 mm, I.e. all points on the surface shall transverse the graduation marks and shall
be between two parallel planes 0.05 mm be parallel to the scale axis to within one
apart. · minute of arc.
5. Auxiliary scale (b) The two longitudinal lines shall be disposed
(a) An auxiliary scale shall be marked on one of symmetrically on either side of the centre of
the top edges of the metre bar. the graduation marks.

·~.,.,.~-. '•\

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- ANOAR:; :T-~~ (AC. NI..;.J_·:~i'ER!:NCEi:.STAHDARO LEitS.TH III!ASUflf.(R\) I.G_'_MIIiT 30MBAY- :'' :·
ST .. :r:;:~~· , · 11 · • ., • . !

lll\1!1 lmll' • r .~::· : II · tmm_:. ~ -:-tmm

;~1000 ... ~
,,.,;o. . . I
-- .--,

t· ·<
T ~· :·l'

.--· ....

(c) The separation of the longitudinal setting (1) 1(2) (3)

lines shallbe.0.2 mm and<theirwidth shall 2 100 100
be in between.8.and'lO:micrometres.
1 j5o 50
(d) Each longitUdinal.setti~g:line.shall be straight
20 20
to within'30 micrometres.
(e) The longitudinal setting lines shall be parallel 20 20
to each.other:to.within 50.micrometres. 10 10
7. Maximum permissible error 5 5
(a) When the metre bar .is supported on its 2 2
marked:Bessel;points, the errors in length 2 2
between:any two graduation marks of the 1 1
main scalel!tthetemperature of 2o•c, shall
not exceed:0;010·mm. 2. Materials
(b) In the :case of the .fine scales, the error (a) Weights of 10 kg to 1 g shall be made from
between any two 0.1 mm marks shall not admiralty bronze (88 Cu, 10 Sn, 2 Zn), or
exceed 0,005 mm. nickel-chromium alloy (80 Ni, 20 Cr) or
8. Inscription austenitic stainless steel (20 Ni, 25 Cr) or
The metre bar shall bear the following Inscription: (25 Ni, 20 Cr).
(a) the words "REFERENCE STANDARD METRE (b) Weights of 500 mg to 50 mg shall be made
BAR" from cupro-nickel (75 Cu, 25 Ni), or nickel
(b) the identification number of the metre bar, chromium alloy (80 Nl, 20 Cr), or austenitic
(c) the verification mark of the NPL, after the stainless steel (20 Nl, 25 Cr), or (25 Nl, 20
first calibration and marks of subsequent Cr).
verification to be made on the plate of the (c) Weights of 20 mg to 1 mg shall be made of
carrying case of the metre bar, aluminium sheets. Copper, silicon and zinc
(d) the name of the manufacturers, contained as impurities In aluminium shall
(e) the material of the metre bar, not exceed 0.3 per cent In the aggregate.
(f) the words, figures and letter "STANDARD 3. Shape and finish
AT2o•c·, (a) For kilogram and gram series-Integral
(g) the year of manufacture. cylindrical body with knob flattened at the
9. Protective and carrying case top. Weights of 10 kilogram to 100 gram
(a) The standard metre bar shall be housed in (both inclusive) shall have adjusting devices.
a case made from suitable material and (b) For milligram series-the weights shall be
provided with a handle, lined Internally with In the form of square sheets, one of the
velvet, a plastic material or any other corners being bent at right angle.
material and in such a way that the metre (c) The denominations shall be marked only on
bar is not likely to be damaged, particularly kilogram and gram series weights.
by shocks or corrosion. (d) The entire surface of the weights, including
(b) The case shall have affixed on it a plate their base and corners shall be free from
bearing the inscription "REFERENCE any roughness and the surface of the
STANDARD METRE BAR" and the weights, when inspected visually, shall not
identification number. show any porosity and shall have a mirror
SECOND SCHEDULE polish appearance.
DENOMINATIONS, MATERIALS, SHAPE AND 4. Maximum permissible error
IN RESPECTOF$ECONDARYSTANDARDS Denomination Permissible error+ mg
[SeeRule4 10 kg 50
J. Denominations 2 kg 10
Kilogram series Gram series Milligram series 1 kg 5
(1) (2) (3) 500 g 2.5
10 500 500 200 g 1.0
5 200 200 100 g 0.5
2 200 200 50 g 0.30
['WI !Hl!US 3 ( i) ] 329


20g 0.25 1. Material
lOg 0.20 The secondary standard metre bar (hereafter
Sg 0.15 called metre bar) shall be manufactured from 58 per
2g 0.12 cent nickel-steel.
lg 0.10
0.08 2. Shape and dimensions
200mg 0.06 (a) The metre bar shall have a rectangular cross·
lOOmg 0.05 section with dimensions 30mm x 15mm
50mg O.D4 approximately.
20mg 0.03 (b) The top surface shall have two rectangular
lOmg 0.02 grooves along its length (as per Figure 2).
Smg_ 0.02 (c)· The overall length of the measure shall be
2mg 0.02 1030 ±1 mril and the graduated length shall
lmg 0.02 bel010mm.
(d) Ungraduated space of 10 mm shall be left
s. Protective and carrying case after the last graduation mark.
(a) These weights shall be stored In their boxes 3. Finish
made from teakwood or any other suitable
The graduated surface shall be bright, highly
non-corrosive material with proper housing
polished and free from surface Irregularities in the
lined with chemically neutral velvet1 chamois
neighbourhood of the graduation mark.
leather or soft plastic material. Wood used
in such boxes shall be reasonably free from 4. Graduations
resins and volatile materials. Glue shall not (a) The metre bar shall be graduated in
be used for fixing velvet or such other mllllmetres throughout from 0 to 1000 mm.
material. The weights shall be housed in (b) A length of 10 mm before the zero graduation
such a manner so as to avoid their movement mark shall also be graduated in millimetres.
during transit.
(c) The scale shalf be regular. The width of the
(b) Each milligram weight shall be provided with graduation marks shall be between thirty and
a separate housing. A covering glass or a fifty micrometres.
sheet of any othertransparent1 non-reactive
. and non-corrosive material shalf be provided (d) The width of the graduation marks shall be
so as to ensure that these weights are not uniform to within ± ten per cent of the
dislocated during transit. average width of all the marks.
(c) A suitable device for lifting the kilogram and (e) Each graduation marks shall be straight to
gram weights1 covered with chamois leather within ten micrometres over its length.
or other suitable materiaf1 shall be provided. (f) The graduation marks shall be parallel to
A pair of forceps capable of lifting easily one another to within ten micrometres.
milligram weights shall also be provided. (g) The graduation marks shall be square to the
6. Inscription scale axis to within twenty minutes of arc.
The boxes containing the weights shall have the (h) The graduation marks representing
following inscriptions:- centimetres shall be longer than those
representing half centimetres and the
graduation marks representing half
centimetres shall be longer than those
(b) the Identification number of the secondary representing millimetres.
standard weights, (I) The length of the graduation marks shall be
(c) the name of the manufacturer1 not less than:
(d) the material used for weights- 2 mm for mm marks.
(i) kilogram & gram series 3 mm for half em marks.
(ii) milligram series1 4 mm for em marks.
(e) the year of manufacture, These marks shall be disposed equally on
either side of an imaginary centre line
(f) the mark of verification. defined by the two setting lines.

(j) There shall be two shott longltudinal•setting (f) The length of the graduation marks shall be
lines eachof·5 mm in length which shall be not less than:
drawn leaving a· blank space.of 2 mm, the 3 mm for em marks, and
onE! before the.firstand.the·other after the
last graduation mark. Jhe longitudinalllnes 2 mm for half em marks.
shall be:on a straight line which repre5ent One of the ends of the marks shall lie on a
the imaglnar,y central·line and the departure straight line.
from the.centralline.shall be not more than (g) The centimetre graduation marks shall be ·
O.lmm. numbered in the increasing order of
(k) When supported-on :the Bessel points or on numeration.
a fl<1i surface :the .graduated surface shall (h) The height of the numerals and the letters
be flat:to,wlthin 0:05 mm, i.e. all the points shall be approximately 3 mm.
on the•surface between two parallel 6. Maximum permissible error
planes:0:05mm apart. The error on the length between any two
S. Auxiliaryscale graduation marks on the secondary standard metre
bar, at the standard temperature of 20°C, shall not
(a) Auxiliary scale shall be marked on one of exceed the value "e" calculated according to the
the top edges of the metre bar. following formula:
(b) The auxnlary scale shall consist of centimetre e" ± (25 + L/40) micrometres
and half centimetre marks corresponding to Where L Is the nominal length in millimetres of that
the marks of the main scale. part of the metre bar between the two graduation marks,
(c) The marks of the auxiliary scale shall be the error on which is being determined. The calculated
collinear (passing through the same vertical value of"e" shall be rounded to the nearest integer.
planes) with the graduations of main scale 7. Inscription
towithin±O.l mm. The metre bar shall bear the following
(d) The width of the graduation marks shall be (a). the words "SECONDARY STANDARD METRE
not more than one hundred mlcrometres.
(e) The graduation marks representing (b) an Identification number of the secondary
centimetres shall be longer than those standard metre bar,
representing half centimetres. (c) the name of the manufacturer,

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['WTIH9~ 3(i)] 33 I

(d) the material of the metre bar, 4. Maximum permissible error

(e) the words, figures and letter "STANDARD AT Denomination · Permissible error+ ml
51 2
(f) the year of manufacture,
(g) the mark of verification on the plate of the 21 1
carrying case of the metre bar. 11 0.8
8. Protective and carrying case SOOml 0.5
(a) The metre bar shall be housed In a case 200ml 0.4
made from suitable material and provided 100ml 0.3
with a handle, lined internally with velvet, a SOml 0.2
plastic material or any other material, and 20ml . 0.1
in such a way that the measure Is not likely
. 5. Protective and carrying cases
to be damaged; particularly by shocks or
corrosion. These capacity measures shclll be stored in their
(b) The case shall have affixed on It a plate boxes made from teakwood or any other suitable non·
bearing the Inscription "SECONDARY corrosive material with proper housing lined with velvet,
STANDARD METRE BAR" and the chamois leather or soft plastic material. Wood used
identification number. in such boxes shall be reasonably free from resins
Note: The existing secondary standard metre and volatile materials. Glue may not be used for fixing
bars may differ In minor details in regard to setting velvet or such other materials. Each capadty measure
lines and inscriptions, etc. shall be housed in such a manner so as to avoid their
PARTIII-SECOI'IDARY STANDARD CAPACITY excessive movement during transit.
MEASURES Each striking glass of the capacity measure shall
l. Denominations be securely housed in proper grooves so as to protect
them from breakage during transit.
Litre series (1) Millilitre series (ml)
6. Inscriptions
5 500 The boxes containing these capacity measures
2 200 shall have the following inscriptions:-
1 100 (a) the Inscription SECONDARY STANDARD
20 (b) the Identification number of secondary
Note: 111tre = 1 dm' - 0.001 m'; 1 ml= 1 em' standard capacity measures;
2.Material (c) the name of the manufacturer;
Secondary standard capacity measures shall be (d) the year of manufacture;
cast out of admiralty bronze of the same composition (e) the mark of verification of proper verifcatlon
as is employed In the case of secondary standard authority.
3. Shape
(a) The secondary standard capacity measure
of five litre shall be cylindrical and have its PERMIS5IBI.E ERRORS IN RESPECT OF WORICING
inside diameter equal to the height of the STANDARDS
measure. This shall have two handles [See RuleS)
attached securely to its sides. PART I- WORKING STANDARD WEIGKTS
(b) The measure of 2 I and below shall be of l. Denominations
the same shape as above but shall not have Kilogram series Gram series Milligram series
any handles.
(1) (2) (3)
(c) The denominations of the secondary
· standard capacity measures shall be 20 500 500
engraved on the outside surface. 10 200 200
(d). Each secondary standard capacity measure 10 200 200
shall be provided with a specially selected 5 100 100
striking glass on the measures and glasses 2 50 so
shall be securely packed in velvet lined 2 20 20
teakwood boxes. 1 10 10

(2) '(2) (3) (g) The entire surface of the weights, including
5 5 their base and corners shall be free from
2 2 roughness.
2 2 The surface of the weights, when inspected
1 1 visually, shall not show any porosity and shall have a
mirror polish appearance.
2. Material
4. Maximum permissible e/TOr
(a) Weights. of 20'kg to 1 g shall be cast from
The permissible errors in excess and in deficiency
admiralty bronze{88 Cu, 10 Sn, 2 Zn) or shall be as follows:-
made.from cupro-nickel (75 Cu, 25 Ni) or
nickel . chromlum alloy (80 Nl, 20 Cr) or Denomination Permissible error.± mg
austenltlc:stalnless .steel (25 Nl, 20 Cr) or
20kg 300
(20 Nl,:25 Cr).
10 kg 150
(b) Weights of:SOO mgto 100 mg shall be made
. 5 kg 75
from admiralty bronze (rolled) (88 Cu, 10
Zn, 2 Sn) sheets or from the sheets of nickel 2 kg 30
chromium :alloy (80 Ni 20 Cr) or austenitic 1 kg 15
stainless steel (25 Ni, 20 Cr) or (20 Ni, 25 500g 7.5
200g 3.0
(c) Weights of 50 mg to 1 mg shall be made of lOOg 1.5 .
aluminium sheets. Copper, silicon and iron
contained as impurities in the aluminium 50g 1.0
shall not exceed 0.3 per cent in the 20g 0.8
aggregate. lOg 0.6
3. Shape and finish Sg 0.6
(a) Weights of 20 kg and 10 kg shall be 2g 0.4
cylindrical in shape and shall be cast in two lg 0.3
parts, the top part being screwed snugly into 500mg 0.25
the bottom part. The top part shall be cast
in the form of a handle for lifting purposes. 200mg 0.20
The two parts after assembly shall be locked 100mg 0.15
by means of a set screw over which the seal 50mg 0.12
of the verifying authority shall be affixed.
20mg 0.10
(b) Weights of 5 kg to 200 gm (inclusive) shall lOmg 0.08
be cast In two parts, the top part being
5mg 0.06
screwed snugly into the bottom part. The
top part shall be cast in the form of a knob 2mg 0.06
for lifting purposes. The two parts, after 1mg 0.06
assembly, shall be locked by means of a set 5. Pro.tectlve and carrying case
screw, over which the seal of the verifying
(a) These weights shall be stored in their boxes
authority shall be affixed.
made from teakwood or any other suitable
(c) Weights of 100 g to 10 g (inclusive) shall be non-corrosive material with proper housing
as in (b) above except that there shall be no lined with chemically neutral velvet, chamois
locking arrangement. leather or soft plastic material. Wood used
(d) Weights of 5 g to 1 g (inclusive) shall be In such boxes shall be reasonably free from
integral weights with knob. resins and volatile materials. Glue shall not
be used for fixing velvet or such other
(e) Weights of 500 mg to 1 mg (inclusive) shall material. The weights shall be housed in
be of square shape with the one of the sides such a manner so as to avoid their movement
bent at right angles to the flat surface for during transit.
ease of handling.
(b) Each milligram weight shall be provided with
(f) The denominations shall be marked on the a separate housing. A covering glass or a
weights. sheet of any other transparent, non-reactive
[ 'lJ1T !H;!f~ 3( i) ] 333

and non-corrosive material shall be provided (e) The graduation marks representing
so as to ensure that these weights are not centimetres shall be longer than those
dislocated during transit. representing half c-entimetres and the
(c) A suitable device for lifting the kilogram and graduation marks representing half
gram weights, covered with chamois leather centimetres shall be longer than those
or other sultaqle material, shall be provided. representing milllmetres.
A pair of forceps capable of lifting easily (f) Each graduation mark shall be straight to
milligram weights shall also be provided. within ten micrometres over its length.
6. Inscription (g) The graduation marks shall be parallel to
The boxes containing the weights shall have the one attQther to within ten mlcrometres.
following inscriptions :- (h) The length of the graduation marks shall be
(a) the words 'WORKING STANDARD WEIGHTS', not less than-
(b) the identification number of the working 3 mm for mm marks.
standard weights,
5 mm for half em marks.
(c) the name of the manufacturer,
B mm for em marks.
(d) the year of manufacture,
(e) the marks of verification. (I) The centimetres graduation marks shall be
numbered in the Increasing order of
1. Material
(j) The height of the numerals and the letters
The working standard metre bar (hereinafter I (symbols) shall be approximately 3 mm.
called metre bar) shall be manufactured from SB per I
cent nickel-steel, or austenitic stainless steel, or I (k) The graduation marks shall be square to the
stainless steel with 13 per cent chromium or pure scale axis to within 30 minutes of arc.

nickel (minimum purity 99 per cent). 1 5. Cursor

2. Shape and dimensions t' (a) The errors on the length measure under
(a) The metre bar shall have a rectangular cross 'Verification shan be determined by means
section of minimum dimensions 20 mm x 10 of a scale marked on a plate, made from
mm. The existing cross-section with transparent material, whlch·is carried by a
dimensions 30 mm x 15 mm shall be cursor capable of moving along the length
preferred. of the metre bar. The plate shall have
(b) The overall length of the metre bar shall be appropriate and constant dimensions and
1030 ± 1 mm and the graduated length shall thickness.
be 1010 mm. (b) The scale on the plate shall :
(c) Ungraduated length of 10 mm shall be left (I) either be a length of 9 mm divided
after the last graduated marks. into 10 parts thus forming a Vernier
3. Finish scale to read the errors to the nearest
of0.1 mm; or
The graduated surface shall be bright, nicely
polished and free from surface irregularities In the (li} one millimetre divided into 10 parts
neighbourhood of the graduation marks. for reading the errors directly to the
nearest of 0.1 mm.
4. Graduations
(c) T))e thickness of the graduation marks on
(a) The metre bar shall be graduated in
the scale shall be less than that of the
millimetre throughout from 0 to 1000 mm graduation marks on the metre bar.
on the wider upper surface.
(d) The graduation marks on the scale shall be
(b) Alength of 10 mm before the zero graduation
Inscribed on the surface facing the
mark shall also be graduated In mllllmetres. graduation marks on the metre bar.
(c) The scale shall be regular. The thickness of ·
(e) The readings shall be taken by means of a
the graduation marks shall be uniform and magnifying glass, the magnification of which
shall lie between 30 and BO micrometres.
. ' shall be not less than SX if the scale is
(d) The width of the graduation marks shall be graduated in 0.1 mm and not less than 3X If
uniform to within± fifteen per cent of the the scale is of Vernier type.
average width of all the marks.

(f) The cursor shall'be such that lt would be STANDARD METRE BAR" and the
possible to move it smoothly without jerks, Identification number.
along a straight line .from one end of the Note : The existing working standard length the other.
measure (metre bars) may differ in minor details in
(g) A mechanism to raise, ·fewer and .laterally regard to Inscriptions, etc. on it.
move the measure under verification, within
a view to putting its graduated surface at a
proper level and aligning its zero mark with MEASURES
that of the.metre bar shall be provided. 1. ·Denomination
(h) For facilitating the verification of end Litre series (I) Millilitre series (ml)
measures, two vertical stops bearing
10 500
reference lines shall be provided. The first
stop .shall be .such that its reference line can 5 200
be aligned with the zero mark of the metre 2 100
bar. The second stop shall be capable of 1 50
moving along the entire length of the metre 20
2. Material
6. Maximum pennlsslble errors
Working standard capacity measures shall be
(a) The error on the length between any two pressed out of oxygen free, deoxidized annealed
graduation marks on the working standard copper sheets of deep drawing quality.
length measure, at the standard temperature
3. Shape
of 20'C, shall not exceed the value "e"
calculated according to the following (a) Working standard capacity measure of
formula: 10 lltres shall be cylindrical and have its Inside
diameter approximately equal to the height
e = (SO+L/20) micrometres
of the measure. This shall have two handles
where Lis the nominal length In mllllmetres attached securely to its sides.
of that part of the metre bar between the
two graduation marks, the error on which is (b) Working standard capacity measures of
being determined. The calculated value of Slltres and below shall be of the same shape
"e" shall be rounded to the nearest Integer. as above but shall not have any handles.
(b) The errors on the length between any two (c) The outside of the body of the working
graduation lines on the plate shall not exceed standard capacity measures shall be oxidized
± 20 mlcrometres. to give a smooth dull black surface and the
7. Insaiption Inside shall be tinned.
(d) The denominations of the working standard
The metre bar shall bear the following Inscription:
measures shall be engraved on the outside
(a) the words "WORKING STANDARD METRE surface.
(e) Each working standard capacity measure
(b) identification number of the metre bar, shall be provided with specially selected
(c) the name of the manufacturer, striking glass and the measures and glasses
(d) the material of the metre bar, shall be securely packed in velvet lined
(e) the words, figures and letter "STANDARD AT teakwood boxes.
20°C", 4. Maximum pennissible error
(f) the year of manufacture. Denomination Permissible error in ml :t. ml
8. Protective and carrying case 10 lltres 8
(a) The standard metre bar shall be housed in Slltres 4
a case made from suitable material and · 2lltres 2
provided with a handle, lined Internally with llltre 1.5
velvet, a plastic materia! or any other 500 ml 1.0
material and In such a way that the metre
200m! 0.8
bar is not likely to be damaged, particularly
by shocks or corrosion. 100m! 0.6
50 ml 0.4
(b) The case shall have affixed on It a plate
20ml 0.2
bearing the Inscription "WORKING
['ll'T n-= 3(i)J 335

5. Pipette measures 8. Inscriptions

Pipettes of the following description may also be The boxes containing these capacity measures
used as working standard measures : shall have the following inscriptions :
(a) One mark pipettes of capacities 10 ml and 5
(b) the identification number of the capacity
(b) Graduated pipettes of capacities 5 ml measures,
graduated at every tenth of mi.
(c) the name of the manufacturer.
6. Delivery time and maximum permissible (d) the year of manufacture,
errors of pipette measures
(e) the mark(s) of verification of proper
Denomination Delivery time Permissible verification authority;
ml ---'l"'n-"seco='-'nd:::s'---- error ( + ml) FOURlli SCHEDULE
10 15 25 0.04 [See Rules 7, 8 and 9]
1. Every reference standard balance shall be of
5 10 40 0.05 such robust construction and have such metrological
(Graduated) qualities so as to ensure the continued good
performance, as indicated in paragraph 2.
7. Protective and carrying cases
2. Sensitivity figure/readability and precision of
These capacity measures shall be stored in their measurement of every reference standard balance
boxes made from teakwood or any other suitable non- shall be such as to give overall precision of
corrosive material with proper housing lined with velvet, measurement of 1 part in one nilllion for weights from
chamois leather or soft plastic material. Wood used 10 kg to 10 g and± 0.01 mg for weights from 5 g to
in such boxes shall be reasonably free from resins lmg.
and volatile materials. Glue may not be used for fixing
velvet or such other materials. Each capacity measure
shall be housed in such a manner so as to avoid their 1. Every secondary standard balance shall
excessive movement during transit. conform as regards capacity, sensitivity figure In mg
per division, minimum scale division, variation In
Each striking glass of the capacity measure shall sensitivity figure with respect to load and overall
be securely housed in proper grooves so as to protect accuracy of measurement, to the spedfications as
them from breakage during transit. indicated below :

capacity 5enslfiVItY figure Mm. scale diVISion Maximum vanat1on Minimum overall
mg/div. In sensitivity figure accuracy of
with respect to load measurement
1 2 3 4 5
20kg 25 1.5mm 10 per cent 25 mg In 10 kg
5 kg 7.5 l.Omm 10 percent 7.5 mg in 2 kg
1 kg 1.5 l.Omm 10 percent 1.5 mg in 500 g
200g 0.5 l.Omm 10 per cent 0.5 mg in 50g
20g 0.1 l.Omm 10 percent 0.01 mg in 1 mg
2g 0,02 0.75mm 10 percent 0.02 mg in 1 mg

2.. the standard deviation of the 10 consecutive rest pointS for every secondary standard balance shall not
be more than one scale division.

3. The 1devlation·fn arm ratio from unity, for interval as given below:-
every secondary standard equi-arm.balance shall not capacity Maximum value Type of weights
be more than;a fraction.equal :to sensitivity figure of verification to be verified
divided by fullload(both being taken'in the same unit). scale interval
4. The variation in time ;periods at different 20 kg 1 mg 20 kg to 500 g
loads for every secondary standard .balance shall not 200 g O.Dl mg 200 g to 1 mg
be more than 20 per,cent. PARTW- WORKING STANDARD BAlANCES
5. Every·secondary·standard 'balance shall be 1. Working standard balances may be of the
provided with a:device so that the contact between following two types:-
the knife-edges antlttheir.respective planes is broken (a) Equi-arm types balances;
when the balance' atrested position. (b) Digital type balances.
6.. The •secondary .standard balance shall,
2. Every working standard balance of equl-arm
type shall conform, as regards capacity, sensitivity
ordinarily, be used .for indoor work in laboratories.
figure, maximum variation In sensitivity figure with
7. Every secondary standard balance of digital respect to load and maximum overall inaccuracy of
type shall conform -as regards value of verification scale measurement to the specification as Indicated below-

Capacity Max. Sensitivity Maximum variation Minimum overall accuracy of

figure/division in sensitivity figure measurement
50 kg 100 mg 20 per cent 100 mg in 10 kg
5 kg 10 mg 20 per cent ·10 mg in 500 g
200 g 1 mg 20 per cent 1 mg in 100 g
50 g 0.4 mg 20 per cent 0.4 mg in 5 g
2g 0.05 mg 20 per cent 0.05 mg in 1 mg

2.1 The standard deviation of ten consecutive 4. The standard deviation of the 10 consecutive
rest points for every working standard balance shall rest points for every working standard balance shall
not be more than one scale division. not be more than one scale division.
2.2 The deviation In arm ratio from unity, for 5. The deviation in arm ratio from unity, for every
every working standard equi-arm balance shall not be
more than the fraction equal to sensitivity figure divided working stand<Jrd equi-arm balance shall not be more
by the full load (both being taken in the same unit). than a fraction equal to sensitivity figure divided by full
load (both being taken in the same unit).
3. Every working standard digital type balance
shall conform, as regards value of verification scale 6. The variation in time periods at different load
Interval as given below:- for every working standard balance shall not be more
than 20 per cent.
capacity Max. value of Type of weights
verification scale to be verified 7. Every Indoor type working standard balance
interval shall be provided with a device so that the contact
between the knife-edges and their respective planes
50 kg 1g Non-bullion : 50 kg
and 20 kg is broken when the balance is in arrested position.
20 kg 0.1 g Bullion : 10 kg, Note: For verification of bullion or carat weights,
5 kg; only Indoor type working standard balances shall be
Non-bullion : 20 kg used.
2 kg 10 mg Bullion : 2 kg to
SOOg; (5ee Rule 11)
Non-bu!!lon : 2 kg to PART-I
200g Weights (Other than Carat Weights}
200 g 0.1 mg Bullion : 200 g and
below; General
Non-bullion : 200 g This Part deals with the following categories of
and below weights:-
--- ---~--- -,--.-----------

[ '11'1 IH!iOs 3( i)] 337

(A) Iron weights, paralleloplped (SO kg to 5 kg) disc. The screwed brass plug shall be
(B) Cylindrical knob type weights (10 kg to 1g) provided with a screw driver slot and
·(C) Iron weights, hexagonal (SO kg to 50 g) the brass disc shall have a central hole
to facilitate lifting.
(D) Bullion weights (10 kg to 1 g) and
(Ill) The plug or a disc shall be sealed by
(E) Sheet metal weights (500 mg to 1 mg) means of a lead pellet pressed firmly
A.-IRON WEIGHTS PARALLELOPIPED (50 kg to into an internal circular slot or in the
5kg) ·threaded part of the tube.
1. Denominations Tjlpe 21oadtng hole
Paralleloplped Iron weights shall have the {I) The loading hole shall be cast in one of
following denomlnatlons:- the upper surfaces of the weights and
Kilogram series : 50, 20, 10 and 5. shall open out. on the upper surface
2. Shape (See Figure 4).
(a) The weights shall be integral and in the form (II) This loading hole shall be closed by a
of parallelopiped rectangles with corners plate cut from mlid steel.
rounded off and having a rigid handle for (Ill) The mild steel plate shall be closed by
ease of handling. a lead pellet pressed firmly into the
(b) The shapes shall be as shown either in Figure conical hole.
3 or in Figure 4. (b) In case of new weights, about two-third of
3. Material the depth of the loading hole shall remain
empty after adjusbment.
(a) Body: The body shall be made or
manufactured from grey cast Iron. 5. Markings
(b) Handles: Handles shall be made or (a) The denomination of the weight and the
manufactured from the following materials: marker's or manufacturer's name or trade
(i) Type 1 weights-Steel tube without mark shall be indicated Indelibly in the sunken
soldering form or in relief, on the upper surface of the
(ii) Type 2 weights-Cast along with the body central portion of the weight. (See Figure 3
and Figure 4.)
(c) Method of manufacture:
The weights shall be made or manufactured by (b) The denomination of the weight shall be
means of any suitable foundry and moulding process. Indicated in the international form of Indian
numerals in an indelible manner with the
4. Loading holes
symbols as illustrated below: ·
(a) The weights shall be provided with loading
holes of either Type 1 or Type 2 Indicated ·fil;ffi or f<nm 5 kg
below: Note: The abbreviation fll;ffi or f<nm, may be
Tjlpe 1 loading hole indicated In the regional script.
(i) The loading hole shall be located within 6. Dimensions
the tube which forms the handle (See (a) The dimensions of the two types of weight
Figure 3). . shall be as specified in Tables 1 and 2.
(ii) The loading hole shall be closed either (b) The tolerances on dimensions shall be
with a screwed brass plug or a brass ±5 percent.
Paralleloplped Weights Dimensions for
Type 1 Weights
(In millimetres)

Denomination A A' 8 8' H c D E F GIG'

Skg 150 152 75 77 84 36 30 6 66 12/20
10 kg 190 193 95 97 109 46 38 8 84 12/20
20 kg 230 234 115 117 139 61 52 12 109 24/32
50 kg 310 314 155 157 192 83 74 16 152 24/32

'1 7 1-t c, () tt--f5S'


Denomination I J K T L N 0 u v w p

5 kg 145 5 12 M16 X 1.5 14 1 2 16.5 18 16 5

10kg 185 6 16 M16 X 1.5 14 . 1 2 16.5 18 16 5
20 kg 220 8 20 M27 X 1.5 21 2 3 27.5 30 27 8
50 kg 300 10 25 M27 X 1.5 21 2 3 27.5 30 27 8
Sides A and A' as also B and B' may be lnversed.
Para!lelopiped Weights Dimensions for 'TJipe 2 Weights.
(In millimetre$)
Denomination A A' B B' H c D E F G J K M N p

5 kg 150 152 75 77 84 36 30 6 66 19 5 12 16 13 55
10kg 190 193 95 97 109 46 38 8 84 25 6 16 35 25 70
20 kg 230 234 115 117 139 61 52 12 109 29 8 20 50 30 95
50 kg 310 314 155 157 192 83 74 16 152 40 10 25 70 40 148
Sides A and A' also B and B' may be lnversed.



~-:..-.---- ----c~i~------ =------



L .. - '

~- ...

[ 'll'l II-<li"S 3(i ) ] 339

1--f-;:--;~..,.--- A'
~ ·.~
-. I

' 0
! 1
l i
I •
• I

I A J. - . !Rounded Corners

Manufacturer's Name or Trade Mark

c :1_ !mkg

Parallelopiped Weight Type 2

Figure 4


The weights shall be finished smooth and be
1. Denominations
free from dross, pits, blow-holes and other defects.
Cylindrical weights shall have the following
They shall be protected against corrosion by applying denominations :
an appropriate coating which is resistant to normal Gram series: 500, 200, 100, SO, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1
usage and wear and tear. Kilogram series : 10, 5, 2 and 1
8. Permissible error 2. Shape
(a) The weights shall be integral and cylindrical
The maximum permissible errors shall be as
In shape and provided with a flattened knob
specified below : for ease of handling.
Denomination Permissible error (b) The shapes shall be as shown in Figure (5).
3. Material
Verification Inspection The weights shall be made or manufactured from
(mg) (mg) brass, gun metal or bronze; grey cast iron may also
be used for weights from 10 kg to 200 g but grey cast
50 kg 7500 ±7500 iron weights shall not be used for weighment of gold,
20 kg 3000 ±3000 silver, precious metals or their products.
4. Method ofmanufacture
10 kg 1500 ± 1500 The weights shall be made or manufactured by
Skg 750 ±750 any suitable method as may be applicable to the
selected material.
9. Stamping
5. Loading hole
The Legal Metrology Officer's seals shall be (a) Weights of denominations 10 g to 1 g both
stamped on the lead pellet within the loading hole. Inclusive, shall be solid, integral weights
(See Figure 3 & Figure 4). without a loading hole.

(b) Weights ofdenoniinations10'kgto20 g both 6. Marking

inclusive, shall be provided with a loading
hole. (a) The denomination of the weight and the .
maker's or manufacturer's name or trade
(c) The loading hole shall be cylindrical and shall mark shall be indicated indelibly, in the
pass through the axis .of the weight open sunken form or in relief, on the flat knob.
out on the upper surface of the knob and (See Figure 5}.
have wider diameter at its upper end as
shown in Figure 5. (b) The denomination of weights of 10 kilograms
(d) The loading .hole shall be closed either by to 500 grams may also be indicated on the
means of a 'threaded brass plug or a flat cylindrical body of the weight, provided that
brass disc. (See Figure 5). the numerals and letters of the symbol shall
Note: The thread used .shall be that commonly be larger than those used for indicating them
known as 'ISO Metric'. on the knob.
(i) The threaded plug shall have a slot (c) The denomination of the weight shall be
for adjusting it by means of a screw Indicated in the international form of Indian
driver. numerals in an indelible manner with the
(ii) The flat disc. shall be provided with a symbols as illustrated below :
suitable hole in the centre to fadlitate
(e) The plug or the flat disc shall be closed by m or lJ1ll 100 g
means a lead pellet pressed firmly Into the
drcular groove in the wider part of the loading Note :The abbreviation ~. W;n, m or lJ1ll
hole. may be Indicated in the regional script.
(f) .·Weights without a loading hole shall be
7. Dimensions
adjusted by machining or grinding.
(g) Weights with loading hole shall be adjusted (a) The dimensions of cylindrical weights shall
with heavy metallic materials such as lead be as specified in Tables 3 and 4.
shots. (b) The tolerances on dimensions shall be :
(h) In the case of new weights about two-thirds
of the depth of the loading hole shall remain (I) for weights 1 kg. and below± 10 per cent;
empty after adjustment. (II) for weights above 1 kg± 5 per cent.
Cylindrical Knob TYpe Weights-Dimension for Weights in mm.
Denomination u v w H y R J K
10 kg 100 90 58 According 17 15 3 10
5 kg 80 72 46 to 13 12 2 10.
2 kg 60 54 36 · material 10 9 2 5
1 kg 48 43 27 8 7 2 5
500 g 38 34 22 6 5.5 1.5 3.2
200 g 28 25 16 4.5 4 1.5 3.2
100 g 22 20 13 4 3.5 1 ·2
50 g 18 16 10 3 2.5 1 2
20 g 13 11.5 7.5 2 1.8 0.5 1.5
10 g 10 9 6 1.6 1.5 0.5 1 Without
Sg 8 7 4.5 1.4 1.25 0.5 1 loading
2g 6 5.5 3 1 0.9 0.5 1 hole
1 g .. 6 5.5 3 1 0.9 0.5 1
['WI Jl-1Ji116 3(i)) 341
'11«1 "" "'""" : 3lm'lRUT

Cylindrical Knob Type Weights-Dimension for Loading Hole Variety I andU In mm.

Denominations A 8 c D E F G L T I M N p s
20 g 3 18 . 5.5 2.5 6.5 1.5 1 9 M4 X 0.5 5 1 5 5 1
50 g 4.5 25 7.5 3.5 9 2 1 10 M6 x 0.5 5 1.5 7 7 1.5
100 g 4.5 30 7.5 3.5 9 2 1 10 M6 X 0.5 5 1.5 7 7 1.5
200 g 7 40 10;5 4.5 12 2.5 1.5 15 M8 x 1 8 2 10 10 2
500 g 7 50 10.5 4.5 12 2.5 1.5 15 M8 x 1 8 2 10 10 2
1 kg 12 65 18.5 7 20 4 2.5. 20 M14 X 1.5 13 3 18 18 3
2 kg 12 80 18.5 7 20 4 2.5 20 M14x 1.5 13 3 18 18 3
5 kg 18 120 24.5 8 26.5 4 2.5 35 M20 x 1.5 18 4 24 24 3
10 kg 18 160 24.5 8 26.5 4 2.5 35 M20 X 1.5 18 4 24 24 3

. LOADWG tta.E
-.ElY I .. 1 v _j

l )Yj
~ w ~ .......
j ../
t "'·, ......

UEAD.~~ • p

~ ......
8 N

I. I I




8. Finish (c) The weights of denominations 2 kg and down

The weights shall be polished smooth. They to and Including SO g shall nest with each
may be protected against. corrosion by applying other.
an appropriate coating. which is resistant to normal 3. Material
usage and wear· and tear.
The ·weights shall be made or manufactUred from
9. Permissible error grey cast iron.
The maximum permissible ·errors shall be as 4. Method of manufacture
specified below :
oenommatiOn .Permissible error ·· The weights shall be made or manufactured by
means of any suitable foundry and moulding process.
:verification Inspection
. (mg) (mg) 5. Loading hole

·10 kg 1500 ± 1500 The weights must have a loading hole formed at
the foundry
5 kg 750 ± 750
(a) Forweights in Figure 6, this hole must be in
2 kg 300 ± 300 the shape of a right circular cone located
1 kg 150 ± 150 axially and opening into the bottom face of
the weight with its smaller diameter.
500 g 75 ± 75
(b) For weights in Figure 6A, this hole must be
200 g 30 ±30 In the shape of a frustum of a pyramid with
100 g 15 ± 15 rectangular base and opening into the bottom
face of the weight with its smaller end.
50 g 10 ± 10
(c) In the case of new weights about two-thirds
20 g 8 ±8 of the depth of the loading hole shall remain
10 g 6 ±6 empty after adjustment.
Sg 5 ±5 6. Marking
2g 4 ±4 (a) The denomination of the weights and the ·
maker's or manufacturer's name or trade
1g 3 +3
mark shall be indicated indelibly in the sunken
10. Stamping forp1 or in relief, on the upper surface of the
(a) The Legal Metrology Officer's seals shall be central portion of the weight (See
stamped on the load pellet within the loading Figure 6).
hole, where loading hole is provided. (b) The denomination of the weight shall be
(b) The Legal Metrology Officer's seals shall be . indicated in the international form of Indian
stamped on the bottom of weights which numerals in indelible manner with the
have no loading hole. symbols as illustrated below (See Figure 6).
C.-IRON WEIGHTS, HEXAGONAL (50 kg to 50 g) fil;ffi or f.fim 2 kg
1. Denominations
m or WI 200 g
Hexagonal iron weights shall hiiVe the following
denominations : Note :The abbreviation fil>ffi, f.fim, 'liT or WI
Gram series : 500, 200, 100 and 50. may be Indicated in the regional script.
Kilogram series : 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1. 7. Dimensions
2. Shape (a) The dimensions shall be as specified in
· (a) The weights shall be integral and hexagonal. Tables s and SA.
The shape shall be. as shown in Figures 6
(b) The tolerances on dimensions shall be :
and 6A,
(b) The weights of denominations of so kg and (I} for weights 1 kg and below± 10 per cent
down to and including 5 kg shall be provided (ii) For weights above 1 kg± 5 per cent.
with cast-in handles made of mild steel.
- -~ -- - "-·---- ----- ·--- -----

["'JTT II-~ 3(i)] '1m! q;] ~ : 3lm'lR"' 343

Dimensions for cast Iron or Forged
Mild Steel S Weights
(All dimensions In millimetres)

Denomination A 8 c D. H p Q R s T
2kg_ 94 101 78 41 10 34 30 9 18 4
1 kg 73 79 62 34 8 32 28 8 16 4
500g 57 62 47 27 6 23 20 6 13 3
200g 42 48 38 21 6 22 20 4 9 3
100g 33 38 31 17 5 18 16 3 7 2.5
50g 27 31 24 u· 3 16 14 3 5 2

Dimensions ofCast Iron Weights with Cast-in Handles
(Dimensions in mm)
Denomination A 8 c D E G p Q R s T
50 kg 236 253 134 170 100 27 58 48 24 102 32
20 kg 188 200 112 113 90 21 44 38 19 66 22
10 kg 152 161 92 88 74 18 36 30 15 54 19
Skg 125 132 75 65 62 15 29 25 12 40 16

8. Finish 10. Stamping

The weight shall be finished smooth and be free The Legal Metrology Officer's seals shall be
from pits, blow-holes and other defects. They shall -stamped on the lead pellet within the loading hole
be protected against corrosion by applying an -(See Figure 6).
appropriate coating which is resistant to normal usage
of wear and tear.
9. Permissible error
The maximum permissible errors shall be as
specified below ;

Denomination Permissible error

Verification Inspection
(mg) (mg) r-·-----~

50 kg 7500 ±7500
20kg 3000 ±3000
10kg 1500 ±1500
CAST IROtl Olt Hli\OEO ~ILO S'l', FIC IM:.u<T lltON 'llrU'ilfl5 WlT!I..:AST·r-IIW'ftl~f,
5 kg 750 ±750 '.100 W-11 /lf,llllu FIG- 6

2 kg 300 ±300
D.-6UWON WEIGHTS {10 kg to 1 g)
1 kg 150 ±150
1. Denominations
500g 75 ±75 Bullion weights shall have the following
200g 30 ±30 . denominations ;
100g 15 ±15 Gram series; 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5,
2 and 1.
50g 10 ±10
Kilogram series : 10, 5, 2 and 1.

___ ,

2. Shape bottom face of the welg ht with its smaller

Bullion w~jghts shall be of:the followi~g .,two diameter (See Figure 7).
types: (d) In the case of new weights about two-thirds
(i) Cylindrical:knob types--'Cylindrical knob type . of the depth of the loading hole shall remain
weights cif denomination 10 kg to 1 g, both empty after adjustment.
inclusive, shall be·otthe shape as specified 6. Marikings
in pa~graph:B,2.of this Part (See also Figure (a) The denominations and other marking on
5) but :shall bear .indiCations, specified In cylindrical knob type weights shall be as
paragfi!ph6 to lndicate·that·they are bullion specified in paragraph 15 of this Part.
weights. (b) Cylindrical knob type weights of
(ii) Flat <;ylindrlcal type--;Fiat cylindrical type denomination 100g to 1g, both inclusive,
weights of< denominations 1 kg to 1 g both shall be marked on the body with a 'diamond'
incluslve,,shall be ·flat cylindrical In shape, and those of denominations 10 kg to 200g,
without a: knob and shall nest with each other both inclusive, shall be marked on the knob
(See figure .7). with the words 'Bullion' and (~)within
3. Material a 'diamond'.
Weights shall be made or manufactured from (c) The denominations of flat cylindrical weights
brass, gun meta!, ·bronze or the like. and the maker's or manufacturer's name or
4. Method of manufacture trade mark shall be Indicated indelibly, in
Weights sl:lall 'be either cast, pressed or turned the sunken form or In relief, on the upper
from rods, or :made or manufactured by any other surface of the central portion of the weights
suitable method .as may be applicable to the selected (See Figure 7). ·
material. (d) Flat cylindrical weights of denominations 10
s. Loading holes g to 1 g, both inclusive, shall be marked with
only a 'diamond'. and those of denominations
(a) Weights of denominations 10 kg to 20 g, both
inclusive, made or manufactured according 1 kg to 20 g, both inclusive, shall be marked
to requirements specified in paragraph 11 with the words 'Bullion' and(~) within
of this Part, shall have loading holes of the a 'diamond'. ·
type specified for them. (e) The denomination of the weight shall be
(b) Weights of denominations 10 g to 1 g, both Indicated in the international form of Indian
inclusive of either type shall be solid Integral numerals in an indelible manner with the
weights without a loading hole, syl)lbols as illustrated below (See
(c) Flat cylindrical weights from 1 kg to 20 g Figure 7):
both Inclusive, shall have loading holes, in q or f.l;m 2 kg
the shape of a right circular frustum of a
'!IT or '!fl11 10 g
cone located axially and opening Into the
(All dimensions in millimetres)
Denomination A 8 c D E F G
1 kg 80 61.5 20 23 4.0 12 26.6
500g 61 48.5 16 19 2.5 10 22.5
200g 48 37.5 14 16 2.0 7 14.8
lOOg 37 28.5 12 14 2.0 6 12.7
50g 28 21.5 10 11 1.5 3 11.0
20g 21 16.5 9 10. 1.5 3 8.4
lOg 16 12.5 ** ** 1.5 ** 6.9
Sg 12 9.5 ** ** 1.0 ** 5.9
2g 9 7.0 ** ** 1.0 ** 4.4
1g 6.5 ** ** ** ** ** 3.6
- -· -- -------,----
·. ·•.

[ 'lT'T I Hllll"!f 3( i) ] "1m! "" ~ : arn!'IR"J . 345

(1) (2) (3)

200g 10 ±10
100g 5 ±5
SOg 3 ±3
20g 2.5 ±2.5
lOg 2.0 ±2.0
Sg 1.5 ± 1.5
2g 1.2 ±1.2
lg 1.0 ± 1.0
A0 · 10. stamping
l I 80
I (a) The Legal Metrology Officer's seals shall be
~ re- -~--------- -i------------J
stamped on the lead pellet within the loading

1 ir-- ----:--- hole, where loading hole is provided.

(b) The Legal Metrology Officer's seals shall be
-ce- stamped on the bottom of weights which
--oB- have no loading hole.
Flat Cylindrical Bullion Weights E.-sHEET METAL WEIGKTS
Figure -7 · 1. Denominations
Note :The abbreviation fll>ffi, 1ll;m, m or WI Sheet metal weights shall have the following
may be indicated In the regional script. denomlnatlons:-
7, Dimensions MIIIIgram series: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2
(a) The dimensions of cylindrical knob type and 1.
weights shall be as specified In Tables 3 and :z.. Shape
4. (a) Bullion weights shall be circular in shape and
(b) The dimensions of flat cylindrical weight shall shall have one edge bent for ease of handIing
be as specified in Table 6. (See Figure 8).
(c) The tolerances on dimensions for bOth types (b) Non-bullion weights shall have the following
of weights shall be- shapes and shall have one edge bent for
(i) for weights 1 kg and below± 10 per ease of handling (See Figure 9).
Denomination (mg) Shape after bending along
(ii) for weights above 1 kg ± 5 per cent. one of the sides
8. Finish
The surface of the weights shall be polished, 5, 50, 500 Equilateral triangle
smooth and shall not show any porosity to the naked 2,20,200 Square
eye. 1, 10, 100 Regular hexagon
9. Permissible error
The maximum permissible errors shall be as 3. Material
specified below : Sheet metal weights shall be made or
Denomination Permissible error manufactured from brass, stainless steel, aluminium
nickel-sliver or cupro-nickel sheets.
Verification Inspection
(mg) (mg) 4. Method of manufacture
(1) (2) (3) Sheet metal weights shall be made or
manufacture by pressing or by any other suitable
10kg 500 ±500
5 kg 250 ±250
2kg 100 ±100 5. Markings
1 kg 50 ±50 (a) Sheet metal weights shall bear only the
SOOg 25 ±25 denomination and symbol for 'milligram' as

(NON-BULUON) (Figure 9) (All dimensions In mill/metres)
Denomination A1 A2 A3 8 H
50 14.0 2.0 3.0
200 12.0 2.0 3.0
100 12.0 2.0 2.5
50 8.0 1.5 2.5
20 7.0 1.5 2.5
10 7.0 .1.5 2.5
5 4.5 1.0 . 2.0
4.0 ... 1.0 2.0
4.0 1.0 2.0

indicated below (See also Figure 8 and TABLES

(firnT) 500 mg (All dimensions in mill/metres)
Denomination ., D C H
Note :The abbreviation flrnT may be Indicated 500 mg 15 2.0 3.0
In the regional script. 200 mg 13 2.0 3.0
100 mg 11 2.0 2.5
(b) The maker's or manufacture's name or trade 50 mg 9 1.5 2.5
mark shall be indicated indelibly on the box 20 mg 8 1.5 2.5
·10 mg 7 1.5 2.5
containing the sheet metal weights.
5 mg 6 1.0 2.0
2 mg 5 1.0 2.0
· (c) The box shall also bear a serial number to · 1 mg 4 1.0 2.0
identify it.
7. F1nlsh
The sheet metal weightS shall be clearly sheared
6. Dimensions
and free from burrs. The stamped markings on sheet
metal weights shall be legible and deep enough to
(a) The dimensions of sheet metal weights shall
ensure Indelibility but not so deep as to crack the sheet
be as specified in Tables 7 and 8. metal weights.
8. Permissible error
(b) The tolerances on dimensions shall be
The maximum permissible errors shall be as
± 10 per cent. specified below :

Denomination (mg} Maximum permissible error ·

Verification TnSoection
Bullion (mg} Non-bullion (mg} Bullion (mg} Non-bullion (mg}

soo 0.8 2.5 ±0.8 ± 2.5

200 0.6 2.0 . ± 0.6 ±2.0
100 0.5 1.5 ±0.5 ± 1.5
so 0.4 1.2 ±0.4 ± 1.2
20 0.3 1.0 ±0.3 ± 1.0
10 0.25 0.8 ± 0.25 ±0.8
5 0.20 0.6 ± 0.20 ±0.6
2 0.20 0.6 ± 0.20 ±0.6
1 0.20 0.6 + 0.20 + 0.6
[ '1T'T IH!i116 3( i) ]
9. Stamping authenticated by the Issue of a certificate of
verification which shall also mention the serial
(a) ·Legal Metrology Officer's seals shall not be number on the box containing the weights.
(b) Legal Metrology Officer's seal for year alone
affixed on weights of 10 mg, 5 mg, 2 mg shall be stamped on sheet metal weights of
and 1 mg. These weights shall be 20 mg.

Figure 8
Sheet Metal Bullion Weights

500 H
D 1

H soo ' I
I J, ....
f1:rn"r mg I
H 200 I
I ' \
I \
T ·•·
, f1:rn"r mg I \
J ~

A, B ~,.,_J ~
Sheet Metal Weights


(c) The Legal Metrology·0ffice(s ,seals .(namely, 3. Knob weights

year, quarter and identification) shall be
stamped on sheet metal weights of (a) Materials
denominations· 500 mg to ·so mg, both. (i) The weights shall be made from
indusive. rolled, drawn or extruded material
PART II and shall not be cast.
CARAT WEIGHTS (ii) The weights shall be made from
1. General brass, bronze, gun-metal, nickel-
This Part deals with the requirements for carat chromium alloy or non-magnetic
weights intended for use in weighing pearls, diamonds stainless steel.
and other precious stones.·
(b) Shapeanddimenslons
2. Denominations
The shape and dimensions of the weights
The denominations of carat weights shall be as
given below (the gram ·and .milligram equivalents are shall be as shown in Figure 10 and Table 9.
shown against each for ·ready reference) : (c) Permissible error
(a) KNOB WEIGHTS (b) SHEET METAL WEIGHTS The maximum permissible errors shall be
as specified below :
Denomination Equivalent Denomination Equivalent
carat g carat mg Denomination Verification Inspection
500 100 2 400
Carat mg mg
zoo 40 1 200 500 5.0 ±5.0
100 20 0.5 100 200 3.0 ±3.0
50 10 0.2 40
20 4 0.1 20
100 2.5 ±2.5
10 2 0.05 10 50 2.0 ±2.0
5. 1 0.02 4 20 1.5 ± 1.5
0.01 2 10 1.2 ±1.2
0.005 1
5 1.0 ±1.0



[Clause 3(b)]

(All dimensions in millimetres)

Denominations Carat A* C** D E F G H

500 12.0 0.4 4.0 10.0 6.0 32.0 14.2

200 10.0 0.4 3.0 8.5 5.0 23.0 10.8

100 8.0 0.4 2.5 7.0 4.0 19.0 7.9

50 6.0 0.3 2.0 5.5 3.0 15.0 6.4

20 5.0 0.3 2.0 4.0 2.0 11.0 4.6

10 4.0 0.3 1.5 3.0 1.5 9.0 3.5

5 3.0 0.2 1.5 2.5 1.5 7.0 2.9

* The cross-section of the top ofthe knob is elliptical for all weights major axis being twice the minor axis
(therefore for all weights 8= A/4)

** This Is a recommended dimension.

. ,. f-. •" ~----· ., -..r ~,,.,. • -• r .,., ·1f''rflr·•"~

_ _ _.l_ _ _ _L.. I!
---- --·~~----,--~------:---;--c--:----

['ll'l II ~ 3(i)] 349

Note :With a material of density 8400 kg/m' Denomination VerifiCiltfon Inspection

(exactly) the above dimensions will give weights which carat mg· mg
possess masses to within the required tolerance limits 1 2 3
on the plus side (this ensures a longer life for the 2 0.8 ±0.8
weights). However, as the density of the material may 1 0.6 ±0.6
vary considerably as also the manufacturing 0.5 0.5 ±0.5
techniques, a tolerance of ±10 per cent Is allowed on 0.2 . 0.4 ±0.4
all obligatory dimensions (that is those other than C). 0.1 0.3 ±0.3
Final values of masses can be adjusted by controlling 0.05 0.25 ±0.25
the dimension H. 0.02 0.20 ±0.20
0.01 0.20 ±0.20
4. Sheet metal weights
0.005 0.20 +0.20
(a) Materials-weights of denominations 0.2 TABLE10
carat and below shall be made of aluminium Nominal dimension for sheet metal carat
sheet. Weights of higher denominations weights
shall be made of sheets of brass, aluminium, Denomination Size
nickel-silver, nickel chromium alloy, bronze carat mm
or cupro-nlckel. 2 12
(b) Shape and dimensions-sheet metal weights 1 10
shall be square with one edge bent for ease 0.5 9
0.2 8
of handling (See Figure 11). They shall
0.1 7
have dimensions given in Table 10.
0.05 6
(c) Permissible error 0.02 5
0.01 4
The· maximum permissible .errors shall be as 0.005 3
specified below:- Tolerance± 10 per cent

Manufacturers Name or
Trade Name

Figure 11
Sheet Metal Carat Weight

Figure 10
Knob Carat Weight

5. Manufacture andllnWI PART III

(a) The surface of '.the ·weights shall be STANDARD WEIGHTS FOR TESTING OF HIGH
reasonab)y smooth. Sheet :metal weights CAPACITY WEIGHING MACHINES
shall be smoothly sheared and shall be free 1. Scope
from burrs.
These specifications shall apply to standard
(b) For better stabllicy and finish, the weights weights having a nominal value equal to or greater
· may be nlckel,cor,~hodium :plated. than 50 kg, used for testing (and adjusting, where
appropriate) of high capacity weighing machines In
6. Marking
accuracy class III (medium) and class IV (ordinary),
(a) Every welght,,e,xcept weights of 50 carat and defined In the Metrological regulations for non-
lower •denominations, shall have the automatic weighing machines.
manufacturer's name or trade mark and the
denomination .Indelibly marked on it. (a) It sets forth the technical and metrological
requirements to which these standard weights must
(b) The denomination shall consist of the conform. In particular it establishes the values of the
International form of Indian numeral prefixed maximum permissible errors for standard weights and
and s~xed by the letter·~· and 'c' minimum densities as functions of the maximum
respectively except that in the case of number of scale divisions on the machines to be
weights below 50 carat, only the numerals verified using these weights.
shall be marked. The size of numerals and
letters Indicating the denomination of 2. Nominal values
weights shall be at least twice the size of •
letters Indicating the manufacturer's name The nominal value of the standard weight Is 50
or trademark. kg, or of the form k x lOn kg, where k is generally
. equal to 1, 2 or 5, and n is whole number equal to or
Note :The abbreviation·~· may be indicated
in the regional script. greater than 2.

(c) The marking shall be legible and deep 3. Shape

enough to ensure indelibility over a long '
period of use, but not so deep as to crack The standard weights must have a relatively
the weight itself. simple shape, with no sharp edges or corners. They
shall not have any cavities liable to cause a rapid
7. Packing accumulation of dirt. If they are intended to run on a
flat surface (or on rails), they must be equipped with
(a) Each set of carat weights shall, In addition
roller tracks (or grooves) of limited area.
to the series of denomination specified under
2, consist of an additional piece of weight of 4. Basis of adjustment
2 carat and the relevant decimal multiple of
two. The standard weights must be adjusted taking
the reference conditions applicable to the adjustment
(b) The weights shall be supplied In a suitable
velvet-lined box. The. small sheet metal of standard weights as follows :
weights shall be so housed and provided with
(a) standard reference density : 8000 kg/m',
a cover of glass or any other transparent
material that they will not get dislodged from
(b) ambient air density: 1.2 kg/m', and
their proper places. The box shall also
contain a pair of forceps for lifting the
(c) equilibrium in air at 200C, without correction
for air buoyancy.
-.~---- ...-----:-----------

[ 'WTJH11"6 3( i)] 351

5. Adjusting cavity TABLE

The standard weights must include one or more Maximum number Maximum j:lermisslble Minimum
adjusting cavities. It must be possible to seal the of scale divisions positive or negative density
closure of these cavities; the closures must be water- •n• on weighing relative error on the kg/m'
machines standard weights
tight and airtight (e.g., by means of a joint). The volume
(accuracy class
of adjusting cavities must be at least equal to 5/100 III), capable of
of the volume of the standard weight. Furthermore, It verification with
is desirable that, after the initial adjustment, a volume the standard
weights during
of at least 1/100 of the volume of the standard weight verification
remains empty.
(1) (2) (3)
6. Material
Standard weights are in general made of grey 1000 3.3/10000 1231
cast iron. They may be made of one or more other
materials, provided the provisions of paragraph 8 are 3000 1.7/10000 2087
observed. The material used must be of such hardness
5000 1.0/10000 3000
and strength that they withstand the loads and shocks
liable to occur under normal conditions of use. 10000 0.5/10000 4364
7. Surface condition
The standard weights may be coated with Note : Independent of the requirements
materials suitable for providing protection against concerning the density of the weights, it is desirable
corrosion by rendering their surface impermeable. This to obtain-particularly for reference standards or those
coating must withstand shocks and atmospheric
·of a high nominal value-a density of about 8000 kg/
conditions. Zinc-plating Is an example of a coating
which meets with these specifications. m'. For example, a cast iron body may be used, which
incorporates a special cavity In which a lead core may
8. Metrological characteristics
be cast, with a mass of approximately 30 per cent of
The maximum permissible error for the standard
weights must not exceed 1/3 of the maximum the total nominal mass of the standard.
permissible error for the corresponding load
considered, on the weighing machine under 9. Inscriptions and markings
verification. The absolute error for various
denominations of standard weights shall be as given Standard weights must carry their nominal value
In Annexure I. These maximum permissible errors for in numerals, followed by the symbol for the unit used
the standard weights must therefore be compatible
with the number of scale divisions on the machines and a verification mark.
which they are Intend to verify. Furthermore, the density
of standard weights must be such that a variation of± 10. Adjustment and verification
10 per cent ambient air density, with respect to its
reference value, does not produce a variation, In the Adjustment of the standard weights must be such
result of weighing the standard weight In air, exceeding as to comply with the maximum permissible errors
1/4 of its maximum permissible error. Sy way of
given In this specification. In particular this may be
application of these requirements, the following table
gives examples of the relation amongst :- achieved In the case of adjustment by the double
(a) the maximum number of scale divisions "n" substitution weighing technique (Gauss transposition
on weighing machines under verification method, or Borda substitution method}, using as
(assumed to be in accuracy class III); . reference standards, weights having an error of less
(b) the maximum permissible positive or than 1/3 of the maximum permissible error for the
negative relative error on standard weights weight to be adjusted, and as the comparator machine,
· used for initial verification of these machines;
a weighing machine for which the limit of repeatability
error does not exceed 0.2 times of the maximum
(c) the corresponding lower limit for the density
of the standard weights. permissible error for the weight to be adjusted.

Note :'Standard weights used for verification (where p has a value equal to or greater than 1), the
of a weighing maChine with "n" scale divisions may maximum permissible error on verification.
be used for the re,verlficatlon of a weighing machine 11. Dimensions
with "p. n" .scale (divisions, where the maximum The Dimensions for 500 kg and 1000 kg
permissible. error for this re-verification is "p" times denominations weights shall be as given In Annexure II

ABSOUJTE ERRORS FOR STANDARD WEIGHTS Maximum permissible error for the standard weights
3.3/10,000 1.7/10000 . 1/10000 0.5/10000
Corresponding absolute error (grams)
'SD 17 8.5 5 2.5
100 33 17 10 5
200 66 33 20 10
'500 170 85 so 25
1000 330 170 100 50
2000 660 330 200 100
5000 1700 850 500 250
1000 3000 5000 10000
Maximum number of scale divisions 5. n ~ on weighing machines (accuracy class III) capable of
being verified (verification) with the standard weights (see note given at clause 10)
This annexure contains diagrams of weights used for testing of high capacity weighing machines, which
are considered suitable for use as patterns because of their design and ease of use. ·
500 kg. and 1000 kg.
Dimensions (mm)

.. o

·- -- .. !
ri ~

. . 04


.a b c
SOOkg 273 100 0100
1000 kg 504 120 0140
· ['WI !Hll~ 3(i)] 353



lr ~



. - .- ...
I ~

~ i'\.



500 kg and 1000 kg
Dimensions (mm) FOR 500 kg WEIGHT

[r = 10
R = 20]
-. ---------;-- ~-----:-:---------- -------,----~

[IWT IH<N 3(1)] 355

SDCTlt SOiEDULE Cyffndricalmeasures Conical measures

SPEOF1CATIONS FOR MEASURES Dipping type Pouring type
[See Rule 12]
SOml 100ml 11itre
20ml SOml SOOml
1. General
20ml 200ml
This Part deals with two types of cylindrical liquid
measures, namely the dipping and the pouring types, 100ml
and one type of conical measures. 3. Shapes and dimensions
2. Denominations (a) The shape and dimensions of cylindrical
The denominations of the different types of measures (dipping and pouring types) shall
measures shall be as under : be as shown in Figures 12 and 13 and
Table 11.
Cylindrical measures Conical measures
Dipping type Pouring type TABLE 11
11itre 21itres 20 litres Nominal Dimensions of Cylindrical Capacity Measures
SOOml !litre 10 litres
Denominations D H 8 G
200ml SOOml Slitres
100ml 200ml 21itres Max. Min. Min.

fiN'I Qj
! 100
llr.n ml
' j

i {Rrvrn.O lo---0--...(
i ~LOED,
! j
100 i SOUlfRfD
fll'ift ml iI
H '
1 !
! !
-. (-G !


.._ . ____________ H_. ____. _}'



(b) The shape and dimensions of conical measures shall be as shown in Figure 14 and Table 12.


Denomination A 8 c D E F G H ) K M

20 litres 97 388 288 208 194 390 1.00 35 86 29 30

10 litres 77 308 307 174 154 309 1.00 30 75 26 25
5 litres 61 244 245 147 122 247 0.80 25 65 24 20
21itres 45 180 180 118 90 182 0.80 20 56 22 16
11itre 36 143 143 95 72 145 0.63 20 45 18 16
500ml 28 114 113 74 56 115 0.63 15 35 14 12
200ml 21 84 84 53 42 86 0.63 10 24 10 8
100ml 17 66 67 41 34 69 0.63 10 18 7 8
Note 1 :All dimensions in millimetres.
Note 2 :Tolerance on dimensions± 10 per cent except in case of 10 litre and 20 litre measures for which
the tolerance shall be ± 5 per cent.

4. Material (b) The handles shall be of robust construction

and shall be well formed and shaped
(a) Cylindrical measures-The body of cylindrical generally as shown In Figure 12, 13 and
measures shall be manufactured In one piece 14. They shall be securely fixed to the
from aluminium alloy sheets, brass sheets body by means of riveting, soldering or
or stainless steel sheets. The minimum brazing.
thickness of the sheets shall be as specified Note J: Capacity measures when used for
in Table 11. measuring milk shall have the handle fixed by welding,
(b) Conical measures-The conical measures soldering or other suitable methods. Brazing so as
shall be fabricated from galvanlsed steel not to leave pockets in which dirt may accumulate.
sheets, aluminium alloy sheets, copper
sheets, brass sheets, stainless steel sheets . Note 2: Dipping type of cylindrical measures
or tinplate. The minimum thickness of the may also have handles substituted by two suitable
sheets shall be as specified In Table 12. but diagonally opposite brackets affixed to the walls
of the measure by means of soldering, brazing or
(c) The handles for the measures shall be welding so as to hold the measure properly by a
fabricated from the same material as that handle at right angles to the walls of the measures
used for the body. · to facilitate Its use in hot and boiled milk trade.
5. Manufacture and finish (c) The measures shall be free from any
surface defects and indentations and shall
(a) Cylindrical measures made of brass sheets
be smoothly finished at the top.
and copper sheets shall be tinned or tin-plated
uniformly all over the inside as well as the (d) Cylindrical measures shall be provided with
outside surfaces. Conical measures made a well formed and proportioned spout to
of brass sheets or copper sheets, shall be facilitate pouring.
well tinned or tin-plated uniformly all over
the inside when they are used for measuring (e) Conical measures shall be provided with a
commodities like milk, edible oils and such retaining lip to avoid spilling. The retaining
other food articles. lip shall be provided with a plug of suitable

"'"Mf"~tr[rt'r-r-r"'T"'"I!'"'' ~·t""'"'"<H'M _,,,.-,-f,.,., -,-~•1>-- ~·

--------.L f

--'--"-..L..L_.L..___ --~---'-L _ __
[ 'lT'T IH!ilJG 3 (i) ] 357


H ----u-11" ___ ---

~--B ---41 --DIA-------l



material with a collar to receive the lead for (f) The measures shall be so designed that,
the Legal Metrology Officer's seal. A small when they are tilted 120 degrees from the
hole, about 5 mm in diameter shall be vertical, they shall become completely empty.
provided at the bottom of the retaining lip to (g) The finished measures shall have adequate
indicate the level to which the measures shall robustness for durability.
be filled and the hole shall be located on the 6. Permissible error
side at right angles to the handle. The The maximum penmisslble errors shall be as
bottom of conical measures shall be suitably specified:
Denomination VerifiaJtlon In excess only Inspection
CylindriaJI Conical Cy/lndriaJI · Conical
measures measures measures measures
ml ml
Excess Deficiency Excess Deficiency
ml ml
20 I 100 Error same as Error same as 50
in verification in verification
10 I 50 25
51 30 15
21 30 15 15 ' 7.5
11 20 10 10 5
500 ml 15 8 7.5 4
200 ml 8 4 5 2
100 ml 5 3 2.5 1.5
50 ml 3 1.5
20ml 2 1

Lt7Y c,(/11~/jo

7. Markjng Lead glass shall not be used for the

(a) 'Every wllnd~lcal ;measure shall have the
denomination and manufacturer's name or (b) Transparent plastic measures-The
trade mark Indelibly stamped on it. In the measures shall be made from a clear and
case of conical measures, the denomination transparent plastic material, manufactured
and manufacturer's name or trade-mark shall from plasticised polyvinyl chloride or
be either embossed on the body or indelibly copolymer, the major constituent of which
marked on a name plate securely fixed to Is polyvinyl chloride. The plastic materials
the body. used shall not contain any constituents
known to be injurious to health and likely to
(b) The denominations shall be Indicated with
be extracted by contact with liquids.
the abbreviations 'I' and 'oil' for litre; and
'ml' and 'lllm' to Indicate millllltre. 4. Definition of capacity
The capacity corresponding to any graduation
Note :The abbreviation 'm' or 'illm' may be marks Is defined as the volume of water at 27°C,
Indicated in the regional script. expressed In millilitres, required to fill the measure to
The size of numerals and letters Indicating that graduation mark at 27"C, the observer's eye being
denominations on the measures shall be twice the level with the front graduation marks and the lowest
size of the letters Indicating the manufacturer's name point of the water meniscus appearing to touch the
or trade mark. top edge of that mark.
8. Stamping 5. Shape, construction, etc. of conical measures

(a) Cylindrical capacity measures: The Legal (a) Shape-The measures shall be conical as
Metrology Officer's seal shall be stamped shown in Figure 1SA to 1SG. The SO ml
just above the indication of the denomination measures shall be either tall or squat as
of the capacity measure. shown in Figure 1SC and 1SD respectively.
(b) Conical capacity measures: The Legal (b) Construct/orr
Metrology Officer's seal shall be stamped
(I) Each measure shall have a pouring
on the lead pellet provided for this purpose.
lip. The form of the lip shall be such
PARTD that, when the measure is filled with
DISPENSING MEASURES water to the highest graduation mark,
the contents may be poured from the
1. General lip in a stream falling clear of the
This Part deals with two types of dispensing outside of the measure.
measures made of glass or transparent plastic (II) Each measure shall have a base on
materials, used for dispensing purposes. Conical which it shall stand vertically without
dispensing measures of capacity 100 ml may also be
rocking when placed on a horizontal
used in the sale of liquor.
surface. The size of the base shall
2. Types and denominations be such that the measure, when
Dispensing measures shall be of the following empty, shall not fall when placed on
types and denominations:- a plane inclined at 1S 0 to the
horizontal. The bottom of the
(a) Conical measure.T-200 ml, 100 ml, so ml, measuring space shall be uniformly
20 ml, 10 ml and S mi. rounded and shall merge smoothly
(b) Beaker measure.T-1000 ml and SOO mi. Into the sides of the measure.
3. Materials (Ill) The wall thickness of the measures
shall be sufficient to ensure sturdy
(a) Glass measure.T-The measures shall be construction and shall not show any
made from clear and transparent glass.
local departures from uniformity.
They shall be well annealed; free from
stones, cracks and chippings; and as free (lv) The external surface of the measure
as possible from blisters and other defects. shall be a cone having an included

- !o=lift-: N
[ "11'1 IH!i175 3 ( i) ] 359

angle of not less than 13° and not bottom graduation mark.
more than 14°. (iii) The graduati.on marks shall be marked
(v) The overall volume of the measure as shown in Figure 15A to 15G. The
shall be such that when It Is filled with marks shall be engraved or etched
water to the highest graduation mark ·and they shall be of a uniform
and a volume of water equal to half .thickness not exceeding 0.3 mm.,
provided that they may taper slightly
its nominal capacity Is added to it,
there shall be no overflow. But, the towards the ends. The graduation
addition of a further quantity of water marks shall lie In planes perpendicular
equal to quarter the nominal capacity to the axis of the measure and shall
shall result in water overflowing from be horizontal when the measure is
the pouring lip. standing on a horizontal surface.
{iv) Each graduation number shall be
(c) Graduations- etched or engraved close to the end
(I) The conical measures shall be of the graduation mark to which it
graduated in accordance with Table relates and In such a manner that It
13. would be bisected by a prolongation
{il) With the pouring dip of measure fadng of that graduation mark.
to the right, the front graduation (v) The numbered graduation marks shall
marks shall be placed at right angles have the minimum length specified In
to and on the right hand side of a Col. 7 of Table 13. The unnumbered
vertical line extending from above to graduation marks shall be at least
the top graduation mark to near the two-third the length of the numbered
base of the measure and below the graduation marks and dearly shorter
than the numbered marks.
Details of Conical Measures
Denomination Graduated Numbered Back Lowest Height of Minimum
At At Unes Graduation lowest length of
At mark graduation mark
Mark above
bottom of
1 2 4 5 7
ml ml ml ml ml ern ern
200 50, 100, 120, SO, 100, 120, so, 100, so 6.5±0.5 2.0
140, 160, 140, 160, 180, 200
180,200 200
100 Every 10 ml 10, 20, 40, 60, 20, 60, 10 3.0±0.5 1.75
from 10 to BO, 100 100
50 (Tall) Every 10 ml . 10, 30, 50 30, so 10 4.0±0.5 1.5
from 10 to
50 (Squat) Every 10 ml 10, 30, 50 30, 50 10 2.0±0.5 1.5
from 10 to
20 Every 5 ml 5, 10, 20 10, 20 5 2.5:1:0.5 1.25
from 5 to
10 Everyml 2, 4, 6, B, 10 2, 6, 10 2 2.5:1:0.5 1.0
from 2 to
5 Everyml 1, 3, 5 3, 5 1 2.5:1:0.5 0.75
from 1 to

(vi) The he,ight of. the iowest.graduation bottom of the measuring space shall
mark·above:the·lowest •point of the be within the limits given in Col. 6 of
Table 13.
2000ml o!OO:ml SOml SOml 20ml
(Tall) {SQUAT)


5 ml
(d) Permissible errors-Tlie maximum Note :The permissible errors, apart from those
permissible errors on verification or on of the 50 ml squat measure, apply to graduation marks
inspection shall be as specified below (in corresponding to the capacities stated, irrespective of
ml): the nominal capacity of the conical measure concerned.
Capacity corres- Measures except 50 ml (Squat) 6. Shape construction, etc. of beaker measures
ponding to 50 ml (Squat) measures (a) Shape-The measure shall be in the form
graduation mark shown in Figure 16A and 168.
{b) Construction-
(1) (2) (3)
(i) Each measure shall be provided with
200, 180, 160 ± 3.0 a pouring lip. The form of the lip shall
be such that, when the measure Is
140, 120, 100 ± 2.0 ·filled with water to the highest
90, 80, 70, 60 ± 1.5 graduation marks, the contents may
be poured from the lip in a stream
50, 40 ± 1.0 ± 1.00 falling clear of the outside of the
30 ±0.8 ± 1.00 measure.
(ii) Each measure shall be provided with
20 ± 0.6 ± 0.80 a base on which it shall stand vertically
15 ± 0.5 without rocking when placed on a
horizontal surface. The size of the
10, 9 ± 0.4 ±0.6 base shall be such that the measure,
8, 7, 6 ± 0.3 when empty, shall not fall when,
placed on a plane inclined at 15° to
5 ± 0.25 the horizontal. The bottom of the
measuring space shall be uniformly
4 ± 0.20 rounded and shall merge smoothly
3 ± 0.16 into the sides of the measure.
(iii) The overall volume of the measure
2 ± 0.12
shall be such that when the measure
1 + 0.08 is filled with water to the highest
graduation mark and a volume of

water equal to quarter the would be bisected by a prolongation

denomination volume is added to it, of that graduation mark.
the water shall not overflow.
(iii) The distance between the highest and
(c) Graduatfons- the lowest graduation marks and the
height of the lowest graduation mark
(i) The graduation marl<s shall be marked above the Inside of the base of the
as shown in Figures 16A and 16B and measure sha~ be In aa::ordanc'ewith Ccls.
Table 14. The marks shall be etched (3) and (4) respectively ofTable 14.
or engraved and shall be of a uniform
thickness not exceeding 0.3 mm, (d) .Permissibfe envi'-The maximum permissible
errors on verification or on Inspection shall be ± 7
provided that they may taper slightly ml for 1000 ml measures and ± 5 ml for 500 ml
towards the ends. The graduation measure.
marks shall lie in places perpendicular · 7. Marking
to the axis of the ·measures and shall Each measure shall have permanently and legibly
be horizontal when the measure is engraved or etched its denomination in Indo-Arabic
standing on a horizontal surface. numerals, the abbreviations 'ml' and 'fire\' being used to
indicate mlllilitres. The manufacturer's name or trade
(II) Each graduation numbered shall be mark shall be marked on the underside of the base of
etched or engraved close to the end each measure.
of the graduation mark to which it Note: The abbreviation '1lr.ft' may be indicated in
relates and in such a manner that it ~egional script.

1000 ml 500 ml

·Deno- 'Graduation .0/stanre Height of Diameter of Min. Overall
mination ·at .between lowest top Diameter of height
Jowest& graduation base
.highest mark above
· graduation bottom of
marks measuring
(J)ml !(2) (J)cm (4)cm (*S)cm (*6)cm (1)
loOO 200toiODOml 11±1 4±1 12 9 23
·at·each 1:00
;ml; 'numbered
'back lines at
:200, 600 and
500 100to SOOml 9±0.5 3±0.5 10 8 18
at each SO ml;
:numbered at
each 100 ml;
back lines at
100,300 and
* These are only recommendatory
8. Stamping minimum thickness of the sheet for liquor measures shall
The Legal Metrology Officer's seal shall be affixed be 1.2 mm.
after each verification just above the uppermost 5. Shapes and dimensions
graduation marks. The shapes and nominal dimensions of hand
operated liquor measures and automatic liquor measures
PART III· UQUOR MEASURES shall be as given in Figure 17, 18 and 19 respectively.
1. General 6. Manufacture
(a) Liquor measures made of brass sheet shall be
This Part deals with the requirements for liquor well tinned or silver-plated uniformly all over
measures of two types. the Inside as well as the outside surface.
(b) Hand operated liquor measures shall be well
2. Types formed. Measures of 60 ml and 30 ml capacity
may be joined together with a common stem
Liquor measures shall be of the following two by brazing.
types:- (c) The measures shall be free from any surface
defects and indentations and shall be smoothly
(i) Hand operated, and finished.
(ii) Automatic. (d) Automatic liquor measures shall be capable of
delivering 30 ml of liquor when tilted at an
3. Denominations angle of 120 from the vertical.
(e) Hand operated liquor measures shall have a
The denominations of the types of liquor measures knurled edge.
shall be as given below:- 7. Permissible error
The maximum permissible errors shall be as given
Hand operated : 100 ml, 60 ml and 30 mi.
. below:-
Automatic : 20 mi. Denomination Permissible error
4. Material 100 ml ±3ml
60 ml ±2ml
The body of the liquor measures shall be made
from glass or brass sheet or stainless steel sheet. The 30 ml ±1ml


~ lOOml

fiRft 30 ml

1 I
i i
i I i i


·" ·-·-·-·-~ ..)
I i
...:;,"_______ ,_ .... ·.~
' c..'·
,., ,)_______
..;._. ~.:.


100 ml, 60 ml and 30 ml capacity



64 I 6f

Jt-- 48 • ---toj ' '

60 ml and 30 ml capacity SHAPE AND NOMINAL DIMENSIONS

8. Markings centimetre for the first ten centimetres and

(a) Every liquor measure shall have the denomination thereafter at every five centimetres. The
and manufacturer's name or trade mark graduation marks at every ten centimetres
legibly and indelibly marked on it. shall be numbered. The marks at the
(b) The denomination shall consist of international centimetre divisions shall extend over half the
form ·of Indian numerals and the breadth and those at five centimetre divisions
abbreviations 'ml' and 'fiR'ft' to Indicate over full breadth of the measures. A cross
millilitres. The size of numerals shall be mark shall be provided at 25 em in the case
twice the size .of the letters indicating the of 0.5 m measure and at 25, 50 and 75 em In
manufacturer's name or trademark. the case of 1m measure (See Figure 20).
The graduations shall be only on one side of
Note :The abbreviation 'fiR;ft' may be Indicated
the measure.
in the regional script. (d) Permissible errol'-The error on the length
9. Stamping between any two consecutive five
Legal Metrology Officer's seal shall be affixed centimetre graduation marks shall not
after every verification just below the indication of the exceed± 0.25 mm and further the error from
denomination mark. the beginning of the measure to any
graduation mark shall not exceed 1.0 mm
PARTlV- LENGJH MEASURES for 1 metre bar and 0.5 mm for half metre
(NON-FlEXIBLE) bars provided that the errors on the full
1. General length of the measures shall not exceed the
This Part deals with the non-flexible type of following limits :
length measures made or manufactured from metal Denomination Verification Inspection
or wood. Excess Defidency Excess Deficiency
2. Denominations 1m 1.0 mm 0.5 mm 1.0 mm 1.0 mm
The denominations of the length measures shall 0.5 m 0.5 m 0.25 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm
be as follows :-
(e) Provision for stampirXJ-The measures shall
Metallic measures Wooden measures be provided with a copper rivet near each
lm 2m end (see Figure 20) firmly fixed in a hole,
O.Sm lm countersunk on both sides, for the Legal
O.Sm Metrology Officer's stamp. An arrow head
3. Material, shape, etc. of metallic measures shall be marked at each end of the measure
(a) Material-The measures shall be made from to provide the points for checking the length.
· mild steel, brass or stainless steel. 4. Material, shape, etc. of wooden measures
(b) Shape and dimensions-The shape and (a) Materials-The measure shall be made from
dimensions of the measures shall be as is well seasoned timber of any one of the
shown in Figure 20. following species :-
(c) Graduations-The graduation marks shall be (a) Teak ( Tectona grandis Linn.lj
made at every centimetre or at every (b) Roseweed ( Delbergia Latifolia Roxb)
(c) Shisham (DalbergiasissooRoxb)


II I I I +~ ?W-+
11 ---Wu o _. .l.Jf~ ~ *~ff'.~
~ ? ~,METRE ??..___xv_z___,}
['WI II-~ 3( i)] 365

(d) Haldu (Adhinacordifo!iaHoock.!j · (g) Beech (Fagus sylvatica)

(e) Bljasal (Pterocarpus marsupium (b) Shape and dimenslonr-The shape and
Roxb) dimensions of the measures shall be as
(f) Boxwood (Bfaxuxsempervirens) shown in Figure 21.

!. • inm
rr.•... ·:.::n
< I
i."' 1,~ 50
I' 0
:' ~

l C~l shaped 21 SWG Bras.~ Stnp S.(}+O.Smm

~fret 2metres XYZ

Seclional Enlarged ~1cw
View of Revitrse S1de

(c) Grodualionr-Thegraduation marks shall be The graduation shall be on one side of the
made at every centimetre for the first ten measures only.
centimetres and thereafter at every five (d) Permissible error-The error on the length
centimetres. The graduation marks at every between any two consecutive five
ten centimetres shall be numbered. The marks centimetre graduation marks shall not
at the centimetre divisions shall extend over exceed± 1 mm, and further the error from
half the breadth and those at the five centimetre the beginning of the measures to any
division over the full breadth of the measures. graduation marks shall not exceed 2 mm,
A cross mark shall be provided at every 25 for 2 metre bar, 1 mm for 1 metre bar and
em, excluding the one metre and two metre 0.5 mm for half metre bar provided that the
graduations. (See Figure 21) Last and first errors on the full length of the measure shall
marks shall coincide with the end faces. not exceed the following limits :

Denomination Verification Inspection

Excess Deficiency Excess Deficiency
2m 4mm 2mm 4mm 4mm
1m 2mm 1mm 2mm 2mm
O.Smm 1mm O.Smm 1mm 1mm

(e) Provision for stamping-Each measure shall s. Manufacture and finish

be provided at each end with a metal tip not
less than 1 em in width, securely riveted with (a) The measure shall be evenly finished and
two rivets at each end, as shown in Figure shall be reasonably straight.
21 for receiving the Legal Metrology Officer's (b) In the case of metallic measures, the
stamp. The width of the tips shall be graduation marks and the cross marks shall
included in the total length of the measure. be legible and deep enough to ensure

Indelibility over a reasonably long period of (vii) Kalam ( Mitragyna parvifolia korth)
use, but not so deep as to make the (viii) Kuthan (Hymenodictyon excelsum
measures liable to be easily bent. In the wall)
case of wooden. measures, the markings (IX) Gamri ( Gmelina abrorea Unn)
shall be finished neatly, sharply and legibly, (c) The timber shall be thoroughly seasoned and
in a colour contrasting with the wood finish. radially sawn. The moisture content of the
They shall be visible from a distance and timber shall be between 8 and 12 per cent.
shall remain indelible over a reasonably long The timber shall be free from knots, cracks, sap wood,
period of use. snakes and other visible defects such as
6. Marking decay, insect attack, etc. and shall be fairly
(a). The denomination shall be stamped on the straight-grained.
ungraduated side of the measure at about 4. Manufacture
one-third of the total length from the (a) General-The scales shall be reasonably
beginning of the measure and the straight and flat, the edges parallel to each
manufacturer's name or trade mark at a other and the ends reasonably square.
similar distance from the end of the (b) No point on any of the edges shall be more
measure. In the case of wooden.measures, than 0.5 mm distant from the straight line
the markings shall be finished in the same connecting its extremities. No point on the
manner as the graduations. surface of a scale shall be more than
(b) In Indicating the denominations the numerals 0.5 mm distant from the plane of the surface.
shall be preceded by the word 'lim' and (c) The scales shall consist of four pieces hinged
together and it shall be an end measuring
followed by metre. The size of numerals
scale. (First and last graduation shall be the
and letters, indicating denominations of the
end face). The joints shall work smoothly
measures shall be twice the size of the
without undue play and shall be sufficiently
letters indicating the manufacturer's name
free from the folds to be opened and closed
or trade mark.
. without strain. The brass caps shall be
(c) The end of the measure shall be marked on
Closely fitted and strongly secured to the
the graduated side with the International
blades. They shall be made flush with the
form of Indian numeral Indicating the
sides of the scales.
denomination, preceded and followed by the
(d) A protective layer of suitable lacquer or
letters '>lt' and 'm'. varnish or any other suitable material shall
Note :The word and abbreviation 'lim' or'lfi' be provided.
may be indicated In the regional script. s. Dimensions
PARTV-FOLDINGSCALES The principal dimensions of the scale blanks shall
1. General be as follows :- ·
This Part deals with wooden folding sca.les. Length of graduated Width max. Min. Thickness
part (m) (mm) (mm) . (nm)
2. Denominations
The denominations of folding scales shall be 1 0.5 15.0 14.5 4±1
1 20.0 19.0 5±1
m and 0.5 m.
3. Materials 6. Graduations
(a) The scales shall be made from strips or (a) Graduation marks shall be made at every
sheets of wood. They shall be reasonably millimetre with a longer line at every 5 mm
uniform, In width and thickness throughout and centimetre. The length of the graduation
the entire length. lines shall be as follows:-
(b) The scales shall be made of any one of the cm marks6 mm
following species of timbers:- 5 mm marks 4 mm
(!) Boxwood ( Buxus sempervirens)
1 mm marks 2.5 mm
(b) The lines shall be fine and clear, of uniform
(ii) Gardenia (Gardenia sp)
depth and thickness, and perpendicular to
(iii) Parrotla (Parrot/a jucquemontiana)
the edges. The thickness of lines shall be
(Rand/a dumetorom) not more than 0.2 mm for stamped scales
(iv) Dud hi (Wright/asp) and 0.1 mm for engine divided scales. The
(v) Bamboo. lines shall be of sufficient depth to be legible
(vi) Haldu (Adina cord/folia Hoock f.) and Indelible.
[ 'WI II <li"6" 3(i ) ] 367

(c) The lines shall be fill~ in black and natural 2. Classes of accuracy
background or with a suitable colour which Fabric or plastic tape measure shall be divided
shall contrast with the'colour of the base to. into three classes of accuracy, namely, Class I, Class
ensure legibility. II and Class III, in accordance with their accuracy.
(d) Every centimetre shall be numbered in 3. Nominal lengths
international form of Indian numerals. The
height of the figures shall be between 2.0 Fabrics or plastic tape measures shall be made
and2.5 mm. in nominal lengths of 0.5 m, 1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m, 3 m,
4 m, 5 m or multiples of 5 metres, provided that the
7. Permissible error maximum nominal length shall not exceed 100 metres.
The cumulative error for the entire graduated Note :The nominal length of a fabric or plastic
part shall n- exceed± 0.50 mm. Further, over any tape measure is the distance at the reference
10 em length scale, the error shall not exceed± 0.2 ·temperature of 20°C QE!tween the initial and terminal
mm. graduation lines, when the tape measure is stretched,
8. Marking in the wet or dry condition, and without friction on a
horizontal plane surface, under an extension of 20
(a) The denomination shall be stamped on the
newtons. The length so measured shall be equal,
ungraduated side of the measure at a distance about
within the limits of maximum permissible errors, to
one-third of the total length from the beginning of the
the nominal length of the tape measure.
measure. The manufacturer's name or trade mark
shall be indicated Indelibly at the same distance from 4. Material
the other end of the measure. The markings shall be (a) The materials used shall be adequately
finished in the same manner as the graduations. strong, stable and resistant to atmospheric
(b) In indicating the denominations the numerals conditions under the normal conditions of
shall be preceded by the word ".qm" and use and shall comply with the following
followed by 'metre'. requirements :-
(1) When ordinarily used at temperatures
Note :The word "-sim" may be Indicated In the
between ± 8°C of the reference
regional script. temperature, the variation in length
9. Stamping of the tape measure shall not exceed
the maximum permissible error.
The Legal Metrology Officer's seal shall be affixed
either on the metal strip at the ends or the central (II) When used with a change of± 10 per
·hinge as may be convenient. . cent in the tension, the variation In
length of the tape measure shall not
exceed the maximum permissible
1. General error.
(a) This Part deals with fabric or plastic tape (b) Tiipe measures of nomina/length O.Sm to
measures, which are used for Sm:
measurements, where the use of rigid length (I) The tape measure may be made from
measures Is not convenient or practicable. a suitable fabric or plastic material.
(b) Tape measures of 0.5 m to 5 m, made of (II) The fabric shall be coated with
materials specified in clause 4(b), are suitable paints, enamels or other
intended to be used for measurements suitable coating so as to give the tape
required In the tailoring trade, anatomical measure a good finish. All coatings
measurements or household measurements. shall be non-cracking and water
lllpe measures of 5 m and above made of resistant.
materials specified in clause 4( c) are
intended to be used for measurements of (c) Tape measure of nomina/length above
buildings, roads, timber and timber products Sm:
and for other similar measurements but not (i) If made from fabrics, the fabric may
for measurements of land, storage tanks, be reinforced length-wise with rust-
fermentation vats and other similar proof and rigid wires of metal or other
measurements. equivalent material.

- j_ · - -

(ii) If· made from ·plastic materials, the measure. The ring shall be securely
tape measure shall be reinforced fastened to the tape measure by a
length"wlse .by .means of rust"proof metal strip of the same width as the
and rigid wires of metal or glass fiber. tape.
(iii) If made from any other material, the (iii) The outer end of the tape measure
tape measure shall satisfy the shall be reinforced over a length of
conditions specified in clause 4(a). not less than 100 mm by a strip of
leather or other suitable material of
5. Manufacture
the same width as the tape measure.
(a) General.: The strip shall pass round the inner
(i) Tape .measures shall be well"made, end of the ring and under the metal
strip .
•robust and carefully finished.
Note :This strip, besides serving as
(ii) ·The cross-section of the tape
a protective device shall also be
.measures shall have such dimensions
utilised for affixing the stamp of
and shape that, under normal verification.
conditions of use it allows the tape
measure to have the accuracy (iv) The tape measure shall be rolled into
specified for its class. a suitable container or wound on a
winding device made of metal, plastic,
(iii) Tape measures shall be so made that leather or other suitable material.
when they are stretched over a plane
6. Graduations
surface their edges are practically
straight and parallel. (a) General requirements :
(I) Graduation lines shall be clear,
(iv) The rings, winding, devices or other
devices shall be attached to the tape uniform, indelible and so made as to
in such a manner that they do not ensure easy and unambiguous
cause any inaccuracy or permanent
deformation in the tape. (ii) The value of the graduations shall
(b) 7llpe measures of nomina/length O.Sm to be of the form 1 x 10", 2x 10" or 5 x 10",
5m: the exponent "n" being positive or
negative whole number or zero. The
(i) Tape measures of nominal length value of the graduation, however, shall
O.Sm to Sm shall have a width of not not exceed:
less than Smm and not more than 25
.mm. 1 em, on measures of nominal length
less than or equal to 2m,
(ii) If not wound on a spool or in a case, 10 em, on measures of nominal length
both the ends of the tape measure more than 2 m, but less than 10 m,
shall be reinforced with plastic or
metal strips, of the same width as the 20 em, on measures of nominal length
tape measure, over a length of not more than 10m, but less than 50m,
less than 10mm or more than 50 em, on measures of nominal length
100mm. equal to or more than 50 m.
(iii) If wound on a spool or In a case, the (Ill) Graduation lines shall be reasonably
tape measure shall have a metal ring straight, perpendicular to the axis of
or other device securely attached to the tape measures and of uniform
the outer end of the tape measure. thickness throughout the length.
A device, retraction or winding of the (lv) Graduations lines shall be so made
tape shall be provided. that they form a clear and distinct
(c) 7llpe measure ofnomina/length above 5 m : scale and their thickness does not
(i) The tape measures shall have a width cause any inaccuracy of reading.
of not less than 10 mm and a (b) 7llpe measures of nomina/length 0.5 m to
thickness between 0.3 and 0.6 mm. 5m:
(ii) A metal ring shall be securely (i) The zero graduation line may be
attached to the outer end of each tape located at the outer end of the ring or
['1T'T !Hll~ 3(i)] 369

other device or may commence on clearly, uniformly and indelibly and

the tape itself at a length equal to or shall be easily and unambiguously
greater than 50 mm from the outer legible.
end of the ring or other device.
(ii) The places, dimensions, shape, colour
(ii) The tape measures may be graduated and contrast of the numerals shall be
throughout at every millimetre or suitable for the scale and graduation
every5mm. lines to which they relate.
). (iii) The graduation lines at every 10 mm (Ill) The numerals shall be marked parallel
shall be marked in such a manner that to or perpendicular to the axis of the
there is. no confusion between the tape measure depending upon the
10 mm lines and the millimetre or intended manner of use of the
5 mm lines. measure.
(iv) The tape measures may be graduated
on one side or both the sides. If the (b) On tape measures ofnomina/length 0.5 m
tape is graduated on one side, the to5m:
manufacturer's name, trade mark, (I) Every graduation line at 10 mm shall
advertisement or other similar matter be marked with the complete number
may be printed on the ungraduated of centimetre.
side of the tape measure.
Explanation :The graduation number
(c) 78pe measures of nominal length above marked may be, for example 122 and
Sm: not. 22 after completion of one metre.
(i) The zero graduation line may be
(il) The height of the numerals shall not
located at the outer end of the metal
exceed two-thirds the width of the
ring or on the tape itself, at a length
tape measures.
equal to or greater than 100 mm from
the outer end of the ring. (c) On tape measures of nomina/length above
(ii) The tape measure may be graduated 5m:
at every millimetre, every 5 millimetre .t: ,c (i) The graduation lines at every 100 mm
or every 10 millimetre. and at every metre shall be
(iii) The graduation lines at every 10 mm numbered. The numerals shall have
shall be marked in such a manner that a height of not more than two-thirds
there is no confusion between the of the width of the tape.
10 mm graduation lines and the
(II) the metre graduations shall be
millimetre or 5 mm graduation line.
accompanied by the symbol 'm' and,
(iv) The graduation lines at every 10 m if required, 'tll'
shall have a length approximately half
the width of the tape. Note :The abbreviation 'til' may be indicated In
(v) Every graduation line at 50 mm shall the regional script.
have the same length as the (Ill) After the graduation line at one metre,
graduation line at 10 mm but may every graduation line at 100 mm may
have an arrow at Its end. This be marked with an additional numeral
requirement shall not apply to tape indicating the completed number of
measures graduated at every metres. This numerals, if provided,
millimetre. may be located just above, below or
(vi) The zero grad.uatlon line, the in line with the numeral of the
graduation lines at every 100 100 mm graduation line. The height
mlllimetres and at every metre shall of the numeral may be approximately
have a length equal to the width of half the height of the numerals
the tape. indicating 100 mm.
7. Numbering 8. Maximum pennissible error
(a) General requirements : (I) On verification, under the conditions
(i) The numerals shall be indicated specified in clause 2, the error on the length



between:the axis of any twqgrai:luation:lines (d) Advertising inscriptions, If made, shall be

shall not-exc:eed : : · ·.,. .... carried out of such a manner that they did
not Intrude in any way with the use of the
for Class.! ·±: (O:l-.+:0;1[) mm;
tape measure ..
for Class:II ±:(0:3·:+:0.21:}mm; and
10. Sealing
for Class III ±:(M :i-,Oi'!l).mm;'
The stamp of verification shall be affixed on the
Where~L •ts;the ·terigth •between the two
metal, plastic, leather or other strip provided at the
graduation lines :concerned, expressed in
beginning· of the tape measure.
metres;·next higher whole
number. cif metres. PART VII-sTEEL TAPE MEASURES
(ii) The maximum :permissible error on tape 1. General
· measures:onilnspection shall be twice that This Part deals with steel tape measures which
specified ;fonverification, the methods of are used for measurements where the use of rigid
verificatlon.remaining .unchanged. length measures is not convenient or practicable ..
(iii) Tape measure of .nominal length 0.5 m to 2. Classes of accuracy
5 m shall·betongto accuracy Oass II or Class Steel tape measures shall be divided into three
m. classes, namely, Class I, Class II and Class III, In
(iv) Tape .measures of nominal length above accordance with their accuracy.
5 m shall belong to accuracy Class I, Class 3. Nomina/lengths
II or Class HI. ·
The tape measures shall be made in nominal
9. Markings
lengths of 0.5 m, 1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4 m, 5 m or
. (a) 7ilpemeasures of nominal length 0.5 m to multiples of 5 m, provided that the maximum nominal
Sm: length not exceed 200m.
The tape measures and the case or container, if Note : The nominal length ·of a steel tape
provided shall be marked at a suitable place with the measure Is the distance at the reference temperature
following markings : of± zooc, between the initial and terminal graduation
(i) nominal length in metres. lines, when the tape measure is stretched, without
(ii) manufacturer's name or trade mark friction, on a horizontal plane surface, under a tension
or both. of SO newtons. The length so measured shall be equal,
(iii) class of accuracy II or III In an oval. within the limits of maximum permissible errors, to
the nominal length of the tape measures.
(iv) an Indication of the location of zero
on the scale. ·· 4. Materials
(v) model approval number Issued by the (a) The materials used shall be adequately
·Central Government.. strong, stable and resistant to environmental
(b) Tape measure of nominal length above Influences under nornnal conditions of use
Sm: and shall comply with the following
requirements :
·The tape measure and the case or container or
other device, where provided shall be marked near (I) when ordinarily used at temperatures
the zero graduation line and on the container, case or between ± 10°C of the reference
other device with the following markings ;- temperature, variation in length of the
tape measure shall not exceed the
(i) nominal length in metres.
maximum permissible error;
(ii) manufacturer's name or trade mark
(li) when used with a change of± 10%
or both.·
in the tensions, the variation in length
(iii) class of accuracy : I, II or III in an of the tape measure shall not exceed
oval. the maximum permissible error.
(iv) an indication of. the location of zero (b) The tape measure shall be made from steel
on the scale... ·,· ~ · or stainless steel.
(v) model approval number Issued by the 5. Manufacture
Central Government.
(a) Tape measures shall be well made, robust
(c) The inscription shaH be clearly visible and and carefully finished. (See Figure 22 to 26).
legible. .:... ,,, ... (b) The cross section of the tape measures shall
. - - - ·----,--- -;----. ~~-- --

['WTII ~3(i)] 371

have such dimensions and shape that, under the tape measure, and of unifonm
nonmal conditions of use, it allows the tape thickness throughout their length.
measures to have the accuracy specified for {iv) Graduation lines shall be so made that
its class. they fonm a clear and distinct scale
Note: It Is recommended for guidance of and that their thickness does not cause
manufacturer and users that tape measure any inaccuracy of reading.
may have a width of not less than 5 mm and (b) Tape measures above 5 m to 200 m shall
a maximum thickness of 0.4 mm. be graduated only on one side. Tape
{c) The steel tape measure shall be so made measures of 0.5 m to 5 m may be graduated
that when It Is stretched on a plane surface, on both sides (Only metric scale).
the edges are practically straight and parallel. (c) The graduated lines, numbers and other
(d) At the zero end, tape measures shall be markings shall be either in relief, engraved,
provided, with a ring or other device for typographically printed or made in any other
facilitating withdrawal. The ring or other suitable manner.
device, when provided, shall be fastened to
(d) The zero of the scale may be located at the
the tape measure by a metal strip of the
outer or inner edge of the ring or other
same width as the tape.
device, or may also be located on the tape
(e) The tape measures shall be capable of being measure itself, at a length equal to or greater
wound Into suitable container or other than:
winding device of robust construction and
{I) 50 mm from the outer end of the ring
made of metal, plastic, leather or other
or other device, in the case of tape
suitable material.
measures of nominal length 0.5 m to
(f) The winding devices shall be so designed 5 m; and
that they do not cause any Inaccuracy or
{II) 100 mm from the outer end of the
permanent defonmation in the tape.
ring or other device,. in the case of
{g) The edges of tape measures shall be slightly tape measures of nominal lengths
rounded. aboves m.
{h) The tape measure shall be provided with :' (e) Tape measure ofdenominationsO.Sm to Sm
rust proof coating and shall be free from niay be graduated throughout at every
burrs. millimetre, every 5 millimetre or every 10
6. Graduations millimetre.
(a) General requirements (i) The graduation lines at every 10mm
(i) Graduation lines shall be clear, shall be marked In sudh a manner that
uniform, indelible and so made as to there is no confusion between the 100
ensure easy and unambiguous mm graduation lines and the
reading. millimetre or 5 mm graduation lines.
(ii) The value of the graduations shall be (II} In the case of tape measures
of the form 1 x 10", 2 x 10" or 5 x 10" graduated at every 5 mm or 10 mm,
metre where the exponent 'n' being not less than the first 100 mm shall
a positive or negative whole number be subdivided into millimetre.
or zero. (f) In the case of tape measures of nominal
The value of the graduations, length above 5 m, every graduation line at
however, shall not exceed : SO mm shall have the same length as the
1 em, on measures of nominal length graduation line at 10 mm but may have an
less than or equal to 2 m, arrow at its end. This requirement shall not
apply to tape measures graduated at every
10 em, on measures of nominal length
more than 2 m but less than 10 m, .
(g) The thickness of the graduation lines shall
20 em, on measures of nominal length not exceed the following limits :
more than 10 m, but less than 50 m,
0.4 mm in the case of Class I and Class II
50 em, on measures of nominal length tape measures, and 0.5 mm in the case of
equal to or more than 50 m. Class III tape measures.
(iii) Graduation lines shall be reasonably (h) In the case of tape measures of nominal
straight, perpendicular to the axis of length 0.5 m to· 5 m, the graduation lines

-L -- · - -

~ I :1 :1 I ! I I


1x1d' . 5x10"


IL-L.....-1--.l..-11--L-1 l,ltltl i ltltlr[t[tltltl 21


i [\ r 11
1° I f I eI l I eI rs I
r I eI ra I r I
1° 19


i ~ 7
8 9 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 3
1 I 1 I 1° I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1° 17




['WI II-~ 3(i)]


"!0 u

< :. 0 , <
II 0 10

f I I I I ,Ll 1· I I II I I I .1. If



may have a length between om!~fourth and · (e) In the case of tape measures of nominal
full width of the tape, depending upon length 5 m and above, after the graduation
convenience. In the case oftape measures line at one metre, every graduation line at
of nominal length above 5 m, the length of 100 mm may be marked with an additional
the graduation lines may 'be as .follows :- numeral indicating the completed number
of metres. This numeral, if provided, may
(i) for millimetre graduation lines, about be located just above or in line with the
one-third of the width of the tape; numeral of the 100 mm graduation line. The
(ii) for 5 millimetre graduation lines, height of this numeral may be approximately
:about half the width of the tape; half the height of the numerals indicating
100mm. ·
(iii) for :10 :millimetre graduation lines,
:about two-thirds the width of the tape; (f) In the case of tape measures of nominal
:and length 5 m and above the height of the
numerals, except those given in sub-clause
(iv) ;for 100miliimetre graduation lines and (e) of clause 7 may be:
,for metre graduation lines as well as
,for the zero graduation lines, equal (i) about 1/3 of the width of the tape,
to the width of the tape. for 10 mm graduation lines,

7. Numbering (ii) about 1/2 of the width of the tape,

for 100 mm graduation lines, and
(a) General requirements :
(IIi} about 2/3 of the width of the tape,
(i) The numerals shall be Indicated for metre graduation lines.
clearly, uniformly and indelibly and
shall be easily and unambiguously (g) If tapes of 0.5 m to 5 m are contained in
legible. special container may be marked with its
dimension, for example, SO mm, to facilitate
(ii) The places, dimensions, shape, colour measurement of internal dimensions.
and contrast of the numerals shall be
suitable for the scale and graduation 8. Maximum permissible e/TOr
lines to which they relate. (a) On verification, under the conditions
(iii) The numerals shall be marked parallel specified in clause 2, the error on the length
to or perpendicular to the axis of the between the axis of any two graduation lines
tape measure depending upon the shall not exceed :
Intended manner of use of the for Class I± (0.1 + 0.1L} mm,
for Class II± (0.3 + 0.2L) mm, and
(b) The following graduation lines shall be
numbered: for Class III± (0.6 + 0.4L) mm,
10 mm, for tape measure of nominal length where Lis length between two graduation
0.5 to 5 m, 100 mm for tape measure of lines concerned, expressed in metres,
nominal length exceeding 5 m. rounded off to the next higher whole number
of metres.
(c) The metre graduation lines shall be
numbered and accompanied by the symbol (b) The maximum permissible error on tape
'm' and if required "liT" measures on inspection shall be twice that
specified for verification, the method of
Note :The abbreviation "liT" may be verification remaining unchanged.
indicated in the regional script.
(c) Steel tape measures of nominal length 0.5
(d) In the case of the tape measure of nominal m to 5 m shall belong to accuracy Class I or
length of 0.5 m to 5 m, the height of the Class II.
numerals shall be such as would facilitate
the reading of the measurement without (d) 'll!pe measures of nominal length above 5
ambiguity. m shall belong to accuracy Class I, Class II
or Class III.
['1T'T IH!l~ 3(i)] 375

9. Markings 2. Definitions

(a) The steel tape measures shall be marked at (a) Surveying chaiQ-An instrument for
a suitable place near the end and on the measuring the surface distance between two
container. where provided with the following points.
(b) Length of chain-The distance between the
(i) nominal length in metre, outside edges of the handles when fully
(ii) an Indication of the location of the
zero of the scale, .. (c) Tallies-Metallic tags or indicators of
distinctive pattern fixed at (various points)
(iii) the manufacturer's name or trade of the chain, to facilitate quick reading of
, mark or both, fractions of a chain,
(iv) class of accuracy : I, II or III in an 3. Material
The different components of the chains shall be
(v) model approval number issued by the made from the materials mentioned against each.
Central Government.

(b) The inscriptions shall be clearly visible and Components Material

legible. ·
Handle Brass Castings
(c) Advertising inscriptions, if made, shall be
Eye Bolt Collar Brass suitable for free cutting
carried out in such a manner that they do
and high speed machine work
not intrude in any way with the use of the
tape measure. Ring Link, Small Galvanised mild steel wire
Link, Large 4mm.
10. Sealing ·
Link, Connecting
The stamp of verification shall be affixed on the
metal, plastic, leather or other strip provided at the Tally Brass sheet or galvanized
beginning of the tape measure. Indicating ring sheet Brass wire

4. Constructional details
(a) The nomenclature of the different parts of
1. General the chain and their dimensions shall be as
Indicated in Figure 27, 28 & 29.
This Part deals with link type surveying chains of
20m and 30m lengths for land measurement. (b) The tallies shall be fixed at every fifth metre

I--'-- ··----+--1··T-·· I ·· 1
--ooo--oqo- -or--ooc-o~.





1---- Sm ---+-- 5m-olo-- 5111 -"'-- 5rn-+-- 5rn-+------- sm - - - - - o l




~---------------------5M ------------------------~


9Jtha~ lliMI


~---- UNK, SMASS

4.-.. (OR I SWG)
6mm DIA
Engrave 20 m OR 30 m OM SURFACE


,..'"'~"rttr-.-7·'·' ..r,... ..,,....,. ")··-""'l' .....,.t_...,,.~ ._... ...... -~

['11'TII ~3(i)] 377

along the chain. Small rings shall be fixed 2. Definitions

at every metre, except where tallies are A dip tape shall mean essentially a graduated
attached. Thllles shall have distinctive shapes steel tape in one continuous length used in conjunction
depending on their position in the chain as . with a dip weight.
shown In Figure 27 and 28. 3. Denominations
(c) Connecting links between two large links The tape shall be of the denominations 5, 10,
shall be oval in shape, the central one being 15, 20, 25 and 50 metres.
a circular ring. 4. Material
(d) To facilitate holding the arrows (chain pains) (a) Tape-The steel used shall have a minimum
in position with the handle of the chain, a tensile strength of 1500 M Pa.
groove shall be cut on the outside surface (b) Dip weights or dip bobs-The dip weights ·
of the handle as shown in Figure 29. The shall be made of brass or other non-sparking
radius of the groove shall correspond to the or low sparking material, sufficiently hard
radius of the arrows. to resist damage by contact with steel.
(e) The handle joint shall have flexibility in order 5. Dlptape
that it may be possible to swivel the handle
(a) The dip tape shall be of the following
round the eye bolt. A swivel may also be
provided at the middle of the chain.
Width : l3 mm or 16 mm
5. Permissible error
Thickness : Between 0.20 and 0.30 mm
(a) When measured with a tension of SO newtons
· Length : One continuous piece of sufficient
every metre length shall be correct with an
length for the purpose required. The tape
error not exceeding± 2 mm.
shall be longer than the distance between
The overall length of the chains shall be the dip reference point and the bottom of
correct within the following limits of error : the container.
20 metre chains± Smm (b) Graduations
30 metre chains ± 8 mm (I) The tape shall be marked legibly and
(b) The permissible errors shall be the same indelibly on one side only with a line at
for verification and inspection. every millimetre or five millimetres,
Explanation : Nominal distance between the centimetre, decimetre and metre. The
centres of the circular links containing the small rings height of marking lines shall be as
or tallies shall define the distance. follows:
6. Marking Unit ofgraduation Approximate height of
(a) The tallies used for marking the distances graduation mm
in chain shall be marked with letters '<it' and Millimetre 4
'm' (See Figure 29). Five mllllmetres 6
(b) The length of the chain, 20m or 30m, as Centimetre 8
the case may be, shall be indelibly marked Declmetre Full width of the tape
over the handle (See Figure 29). Metre Full width of the tape
(c) The chains shall be indelibly marked, on the (c) The tape shall be so made that it is capable
reverse side of the surface of the handle of being wound on a drum and held In a
having the denominations with the winding frame or case.
manufacturer's name or trade mark.
(d) The free end of the tape shall be fitted with
Note :The abbreviation '<it may be Indicated in the dip weight or arrangements provided for
the regional script. attaching the dip weight.
7. Provision for stamping 6. Dip weights
A metal label or disc shall be permanently (a) Dip weights shall be of two types, light and
attached to the handled at the beginning of each chain heavy, and shall be of cylindrical torpedo
for the verification of stamp. shape. The dimensions for light and heavy
PARTIX-TAPESFORUSEINMEASUREMENTOF dip weights shall be as shown in Figure 30.
On. QUANTITIES (b) The light type may either be fixed
1. General permanently to the tape or attached
This Part covers the requirements of tape with separately to it by any suitable device.
the dip weight attached to it and to be used In gauging (c) The heavy type shall be attached to the tape
petroleum, petroleum products and other oils. · by a swivel hook (See Figure 31).






(light Type} (Heavy Type)

All dimensions in mill Imetres
['11'1 II-~ 3(i)] 379


/ I \
1 I \
1 I \
1- --1--~
\ I I
\ I I
\ I I
\ I I

(d) The dip weight shall' have the lengths of denominations shall be legibly marked. In addition,
graduation and weights given below : direction of winding shall also be legibly marked on
Light Heavy the case or reel. Suitable provisions shall be made
for Legal Metrology Officer's stamps on the dip weight
Length of graduations 150 mm and the tape.
from bottom weight ZOO+ 50 g 1500 + 50 g (c) Every dip weight and dip tape shall be
(e) The dip weight shall :be graduated in a suitably marked to identify them with each other.
manner similar to .the tape.
Note :The word 'tim' and abbreviation 'l!\'
(f) The graduations on the dip weight shall may be Indicated in the regional script.
begln:from.its,bottom and shall be carried
overoin ·such a.manner that when the dip SEVENTH SCHEDULE· HEADING· A
weight Is attached to the tape the [See Rule 131
graduations are continuous from the SPECifiCATION FORNON-AUTOMATICWEIGHING
weightto the tape. JNSTRIJMENTS
7. Permissible error PARTI
The error in the length of the tape supported TERMINOLOGY
on horizontal surface with a tension of 50 newtons
shall not exceed the following limits : · 1. General definitions
(a) Between any two Not more (1) Weighing instrument
adjoining mm and em than ± 0.2 mm Measuring instrument that serves to determine
lines the mass of a body by using the action of gravity on
(b) Between any two Not more this body.
adjoining decimetre than± 0.4 mm The Instrument may also be used to determine
and metre lines other quantities, magnitudes, parameters or
(c) From zero to the points specified below: characteristics related to mass.

(I) One metre mark ±0.4 mm According to its method of operation, a weighing
instrument Is classified as an automatic or non-
(ii) Two metre mark ±0.6 mm automatic Instrument.
(iii) Five metre mark ± 1.0 mm (2) Non-automatic weighing instrument
(iv) Any metre mark ± 1.0 mmfor Instrument that requires the intervention of an
beyond the first the first five operator du~ing the weighing process, for example
five metres metres plus to deposit on or remove from the receptor, the load
0.5 mm for to be measured and also to obtain the result.
each addi-
tional five The Instrument permits direct observation of
metres or part the weighing results, either displayed or printed; both
thereof subject possibilities are covered by the word "indication".
to a maximum Note : Terms such as "Indicate", "indicating
error of component" and their derivatives do not include
2.0mm. printing.
A non-automatic weighing instrument may be
8. Marking
-graduated or non-graduated,
(a) Every centimetre, decimetre and metre shall
-self-Indicating, semi-self-indicating or non-self
be marked with International form of Indian numerals.
The decimetre and metre numerals shall be In bold
type. The metre divisions shall, in addition, bear the Note : In this specification, a non-automatic
designation •'tft' or 'm' or both. The end of the tape weighing Instrument is called an "instrument".
measure shall be marked with word •-..fW:• or 'metre' (i) Graduated instrument
or both. Instrument allowing the direct reading of
the complete or partial weighing result.
(b) On the ungraduated side and on the case
of each tape and also on the dip weight, the name (II) Self-indicating instrument
or trade-mark of the manufacturer and the Instrument in which the position of
. - -----,---.,----


equilibrium Is obtained without the mass of the load by means of an equilibrium

intervention of an operator. device for balancing the force coming from
(iii) Semi-self Indicating instrument the load transmitting device, and an
Indicating or printing device.
Instrument with a self-indication weighing
range, In which the operator Intervenes (2}Moduie
to alter the limits of this range. Part of an instrument which performs a
(iv) Electronic instrument specific function, can be examined
separately and Is subject to specified
Instrument equipped with electronic partial error limits.
(3} Electronic parts
(v) Instrument with price scales
(i) Electronicdevice
Instrument that indicates the price to pay
by means of price charts or scales related A device employing electronic subassembly
to a range of unit prices. and performing a specific function. An
(vi) Price computing instrument electronic device Is usually manufactured
as a separate unit and can be independently
Instrument that calculates the price to pay
on the basis of the indicated mass and
the unit price. Note : An electronic device, as defined
above, may be a complete Instrument (e.g.
(vii) Price-labelling instrument 1
Instrument for direct sales to the public)
Price computing instrument that prints the or parts of an Instrument (e.g. printer,
weight value, unit price and price to pay Indicator).
for pre-packages.
(ii) Electronic sub-assembly
(viii) Self-service Instrument
A part of an electronic device, employing
Instrument that is intended to be operated
electronic components and having a
by the customer.
recognizable function of its own. (e.g.
(3) Indication provided by an instrument ND converter, display matrix).
(i) Printing indication (Ill) Electroniccomponent
Indication, signals and symbols that are The smallest physical entity that uses
subject to requirements of this electron or hole conduction in semi·
specification conductors, gases or In a vacuum.
(ii) Indication, signals and symbols that are
(4) Indication device (ofa weighing instrument)
not primary Indications.
Part of the load measuring device on which
2. Construction of an Instrument
the direct reading of the result is obtained.
In .this specification the term "device" Is used
for any means by which a specific function is (i) Indicating component
performed, irrespective of the physical realization, Component indicating the equilibrium and/
e.g. by a mechanism or a key initiating an operation; or the result on an instrument with one
the device may be a small part or a major portion of position of equilibrium it indicate only the
an instrument. · equilibrium (so-called zero).
{1) Main device On an instrument with several positions of
(i) Load receptor or pan equilibrium it indicates both the equilibrium
and the result. On an electronic instrument,
Part of the Instrument intended to receive
this is the display.
the load.
(ii) Load transmitting device (II) Scale mark
Part of the Instrument for transmitting the A line or other mark on an indicating
force produced by the load acting on the component corresponding to a specified
load receptor, to the load-measuring value of mass.
device. (Ill) Scale base
(iii) Load-measuring device An Imaginary line though the centres of
Part of the Instrument for measuring the all the shortest scale marks.

474 c, 6)11- ";{,


(5) Auxiliary indicating devices without altering the weighing range for net
(i) Device for Interpolation ofreading (Vernier) loads (additive tare device); or
Device the:indicating element reducing the weighing range for net loads·
and sub-dividing the scale of an instrument, (subtractive tare device).
without special adjustment. It may function as:
(ii) Complementary indicating device a non-automatic devices (load balanced
Adjustable device by means of which it is by an operator);
possible to estimate, :in units of mass, the a semi-automatic device (load balanced
value corresponding to the distance automatically following a single manual
between a scale mark and the Indicating command);
an automatic device (load balanced
(iii) Indicating device with a differentiated
automatically without the intervention of
an operator).
Digltal.lndlcatlng device of which the last
figure after the decimal sign Is clearly (a) Jare balancing device: Tare device
differentiated from other figures. without indication of the tare value
when the instrument is loaded.
(6) Extended indicating device
A device temporarily changing the actual scale (b) Jare weighing device: Tare device
interval (d) to a value less than the verification scale that stores the tare value and Is
interval (e) following a manual command. capable of indicating or printing it
whether or not the instrument Is
(7) Supplementary devices loaded.
(i) Levelling device
(v) Preset tare device
Device for setting an instrument to its
reference position. Device for subtracting a preset tare value
from a gross or net weight value and
(ii) Zero setting device Indicating the result of the calculation.
Device for setting the indication to zero The weighing range for net loads is
when there Is no load on the load receptor. reduced accordingly.
(a) Non automatic zero setting device (vi) Locking device
Device for setting the Indication to
Device for immobilizing all or part of the
zero by an operator.
mechanism of an instrument.
(b) Semi automatic zero setting device
(vii) Auxiliary verification device
Device for setting the Indication to
zero automatically following a Device permitting separate verification of
manual control. one or more main devices of an
(c) Automatic zero-setting device
Device for setting the Indication to (viii) Selection device for load receptors and
zero automatically without the load measuring devices
intervention of an operator. Devices for attaching one or more load
(d) Initial zero-setting device receptors to one or more load measuring
Device for setting the Indication to devices, whatever intermediate load
zero automatically at the time the transmitting device are used.
lnstrumentis switched on and before (lx) Indication stabilizing device
it is ready for use.
Device for maintaining a stable indication
(iii) Zero tracking device under given conditions.
Device for maintaining the zero Indication 3. Metrological characteristics of an
within certain limits automatically. instrument
(iv) Jare device
{1) Weighing capacity (Max)
Device for setting the indication to zero
when a load is on the load receptor; (I) Maximum weighing capacity, not taking
Into account the additive tare capacity.
-- ----- -.,--.--.-.----.- ------·-- - --~

[ '1llT !Hll~ 3 ( i)] 383

(if) Minimumcapacity(Min) (vi) Multi-inteNal instrument

Value of the load below which the weighing Instrument having one weighing range
results may be subject to an excessive which is divided Into partial weighing
relative error. ranges each with different scale intervals,
(iii) Self-indication Cilpacity with the weighing range determined
automatically according to the load
Weighing capacity within which equilibrium applied, both on Increasing and
is obtained without the intervention of an decreasing loads.
(vii) Multiple range Instrument
(iv) Weighing range
Instrument having two or more weighing
Range between the minimum and ranges with different maximum capacities
maximum capacities. and different scale intervals for the same
(v) Extension lnteNal ofself-indiCiltion load receptor, each range extending from
Value by which it is possible to extend the zero to its maximum capacity.
range of self-Indication within the weighing 4. Metrological properties of an instrument
range. (1) Discrimination
(vi) Maximum tare effect (T= + ..., T =-...) Ability of an instrument to react to small
Maximum capacity of the additive tare variation of load.
device or the subtractive tare device. The discrimination threshold, for a given
(vii) Maximum safe load {Lim) load, is the value of the smallest additional
Maximum static load that can be carried load that, when gently deposited on or
by the Instrument without permanently removed from the load receptor causes a
altering Its metrological qualities. perceptible change in the indication.
(2) Scale divisions (2) Repeatability

(i) Scale spacing (instrument with analogue Ability of an instrument to provide results
indication) that agree one with the other when the
same load is deposited several times and
Distance between any two consecutive In a practically identv:al way on the load
scale marks, measured along the scale receptor under reas.lnably constant test
base. conditions.
(ii) Actual scale inte!Val (d) (J) Durability
Value expressed in units of mass of,- Ability of an instrument to maintain Its
the difference between the values performance characteristics over a period
corresponding to two consecutive scale of use.
marks, for analogue indication, or (4) Warm-up time
the difference between two consecutive The time between the moment power Is
indicated values, for digital indication. applied to an instrument and the moment
(iii) Verification scale interval (e) at which the instrument is capable of
Value expressed in units of mass, used complying with requirements. ·
for the classifications and verification of 5. Indications and errors
an instrument. (1) Methods of indiCiltion
(iv) Scale inte!Val of numbering (I) Balancing by weights:
Value of the difference between two Value of metrological controlled weights
consecutive numbered scale marks. that balance the load (taking into account
(v) Number of verification scale inte!Vals the reduction ratio of the load).
(single lnteNal instrument) (II) Analogue indiCiltion:
Quotient of the maximum capacity and Indication enabling the evaluation of the
the verification scale interval: equilibrium position to a fraction of the
n= Max/e scale interval.

(iii) Digital indication : to the standard deviation of the same

Indication, the reading of which is carried
Indication ·in--which· the scale marks are out under normal conditions of use by
composed of a sequence of a11gned figures several observers.
that;,do, not;.permit. interpolation to
fractions of the scale interval. It Is customary to make at least ten
readings of the results.
(2) Weighing resv/ts
(ill) Rovnding error of digital indication
Note: The following definitions·C!ppJy.only when
the Indication has,been;zero 'before the Difference between the indication and the
load-has been:applied to :the ·Instrument. result the instrument would give with
analog indication.
{i) Gross. valve{(Ci)::
(tv) Minimum reading distance
Indlcatlon,oftthe·weight·of a load on an
instrument, \With :no .tare or preset tare The shortest distance that an observer Is
device· ln"operation. able to freely approach the indicting
device to take a reading under normal
(ii) Net·VJJive:(N) :
conditions of use.
Indication of the weight of a load on an This approach is considered to be free for
instrument after operation of a tare the observer if there is a clear space of at
device. least0.8 min front of the indicting device.
(iii) Tare 'VJJive (T) : (See figure 32 A)

The .weight value of a load, determined

by a tare weighing device.
{3) Other weight valves
The Minimum read-
(i) Preset tare valve (PT) : ing distance is S;
Numerical value, representing a weight However, if S < 0.8
Indicating device m. the minimum
that is lotroduced into the Instrument. reading distance is L.
"Introduced" includes such as keying in,
recalling from a data storage, or Inserting
via an interface.
(ii) Calcvlated net VJJiue :
Value of the difference between a gross
or net weight value and a preset tare
(iii) Calculated total weight valve :
Calculated sum of more than one weight Platform
value and/or calculated net value.
(i) Reading by simple jvxtapositlon
Reading of the weighing result by simple
juxtaposition of consecutive figures giving
the weighing result, without the need of FIGURE- 32A
(ii) Overall Inaccuracy of reading
The overall Inaccuracy of reading of an (5) Errors
instrument with analog indication Is equal (See Figure 32 B for illustration of certain terms used)

• T 1 .,... ,, ••-• ,.
['IWT IH!I~ 3(i)] 385

.• r-- - - - - - - - - - - - -
r-- - - - - - - - - - - - - J

''· - - - -+---------+~ .....

'L. /
-- - ---- - -:- - - - - -,

.... _-- - -- ------


( iV) Maximum permissible error
Illustration of certain terms used
M = mass to be measured Maximum difference, positive or negative,
E = error of Indication allowed by regulation between the
MPE1 =maximum permissible error on Indication of an Instrument and the
verification corresponding true value, as determined
by reference standard masses, with the
MPEz =maximum permissible error in
service (inspection) Instrument being at zero at no-load, in the
reference position.
C = characteristic under reference conditions
C1 = characteristic due to influence factor or (v) Fault
disturbance The difference between the error or
c2 =characteristic after durability tests Indication and the Intrinsic error of an
I, = intrinsic Instrument.
DE= durability error Note: Principally, a fault Is the result of an
undesired change of data contained in or flowing
Situation 1 : Shows the error E1 of an
through an electronic instrument.
instrument due to an influence factor or a
disturbance, I1is the Intrinsic error. The fault due to (vi) Significant fault
the influence factor or disturbance applied equals A fault greater than e.
E1 minus It.
Note: For a multi-interval instrument, the value of
Situation 2 :Shows the error E2 of an instru-
e is that appropriate to the partial weighing range.
ment after the durability test. I2 is the Initial intrinsic
error. The durability error equals E2 minus r2 . The following are not considered to
(i) Error (of Indication) be significant faults, even when they
exceed e:
The indication of an instrument minus the ·
(conventional) true value of the mass. • Faults arising from simultaneous and
mutually independent causes in the
( ii) Intrinsic error
The error of an instrument under
reference conditions. • Faults implying the impossibility to
perform any measurement.
(iii) Initial intrinsic error
The intrinsic error of an instrument as • Faults being so serious that they are
determined prior to the performance arid bound to be noticed. by all those
span stability tests. interested in the result of measurement.

. -~ --1~~- ---

o Transltory<faults!:being ·momentary (2) Rated operating conditions

variations In the indication which cannot Conditions of use, giving the range of values of
be ··Interpreted, . memorized or influence quantities for which the metrological
transmltted·as a measuring· result. characteristics are intended to lie within the specified
(vii) Durability error maximum permissible errors.
The difference between;_the intrinsic error (3) Reference conditions
over a:perlod of use.and the· initial intrinsic A set of specified values of influence factors fixed
error of.. an Instrument. to ensure valid inter-comparison of the results of
(viii) Significant durability error measurements.
A durablllty•error:greater .than e. (4) Reference position
Note 1: A durablllty,errorcanobe Position of the instrument at which its operation
wear and tear or<due•to.drift.and.aging of electronic is adjusted.
parts. The concept <Of •significant ·durability error 7. Petformance test
applies only to electronlc,parts.
A test to verify whether the equipment under
Note 2: For a multHnterval instrument, the value of test (EUT) Is capable of performing its intended
eis that approprtlateto.the partial weighing range. functions.
The folloWin,g are not oonsideredt<~ be significant PARTII
durability error, .even when they exceed e:
Errors a period of Instrument use
that are clearly '.!ibe result of a failure of a device/ 1. Scope.
component, or ·of a disturbance and for which the This specification specifies the metrological and
indication : technical requirements for non-automatic weighing
o canllOt be Interpreted, memorized, or instruments and will not be applicable to the following
transmitted as a measurement result/or non-graduated instruments :
o implies the impossibility to perform any (1) Beam scale
measurement, or (2) Counter machine
o is so obviously wrong that It Is bound to 2. Prlndples/nvolved
be noticed by all those interested In the (1) Units ofmeasurement
results of measurement.· ·
(i) The units of mass to be used on an
(ix) Span stability inStrument shall be the kilogram (kg) the
The capacity of an instrument to maintain milligram (mg),.the gram (g) and tonne
the difference between the Indication of . (t).
weight at maximum capacity and the (ii) For special application e.g. trade with
indication at zero over period of use within
precious stones, the metric carat ( 1 carat
specified limits.
= 0.2 g) may be used as unit of
6. Influence and reference conditions measurement. A symbol for the carat shall
{1) Influence quantity be''c11•
A quantity that is not the subject of the (2) Metrological requirements
measurement but which influences the values of the
The requirements apply to all instruments
measure and or the Indication of the Instrument.
irrespective of their principles of measurement.
(i) Influence factor
Instruments are classified according to:
An influence quantity having a value within
. the specified rated operating conditions o the verification scale interval,
of the Instrument. o the number of verification scale intervals.
(ii) Disturbance The maximum permissible errors are in the order
An influence quantity having a value within of magnitude of the verification scale interval.
the limits specified in this specification but A minimum capacity (Min) is specified to indicate
outside the specified rated operating
that the Instrument should not be used for measuring
conditions of the instrument.
loads below that limit.

3. Metrological requirements TABLE16

(1} Principles of classification Type ofinstrument Verification scale interval
(i) Accuracy classes
Graduated, without e=d
The accuracy classes for instrument and their auxiliary Indicating
symbols shall be as given in Table 15.
aass· SymbOl Graduated, with . e is chosen by the
auxiliary Indicating manufacturer according t'?
Special accuracy I
device requirement in sub-
High accuracy n paragraph (3) and clause
Medium accuracy m (iii} of sub-paragraph (5) of
Ordinary accuracy 'N this paragraph.
(2) Verification scale Interval Non-graduated e is chosen by the manufacturer
according to sub-paragraph
(i) Verification scale interval shall be in the
form (3) of this paragraph.

1 X 10k, 2 X 10k, 5 X 10k (3) Classification ofinstruments

k being a positive or negative whole (I) The verification scale interval, number of
number or equal to zero. verification scale Intervals and the minimum
(ii) The verification scale interval for different capacity, in relation to the accuracy class
types of Instruments shall be as given in of an instrument, shall be as given in Table
Table 16. 17.


Accuracy class Verification scale verification scale intervals Minimum

Intervale n=MaX/e capacity
minimum maximum
Special I O.OOlgse 50 000* lODe
Highll 0.001 g ses o.o5 g 100 100 000 20 e
O.lgse 5000 100000 SOe
Medium III O.lgses2g 100 10000 20e
Sgse sao 10000 20e
Ordinary IV 5g < e 100 1000 lOe
Note: For values of 'e' less than 1 mg In respect of may have weighing ranges in classes I and
class I accuracy instruments, e shall be taken to be II or in classes II and III. The instrument
equal to 1 mg for the purpose of verification/Inspection. as a whole shall then comply with the more
severe requirements of sub-paragraph (9)
See for exception In clause (v) of sub-paragraph
of this paragraph applicable to either of
(5) of this paragraph.
the two classes.
(ii) On multiple range instruments, If the (4) Additional requirements for a multi-interval
verification scale intervals are e1, e2 .... instrument
with E! < < ... < e,, Min, n and Max shall (I) Partial weighing range
be indexed accordingly.
Each partial range (index i = 1, 2...) shall
(iii) On multiple range instruments each range be defined by:
shall be treated as an instrument with one -Its verification scale intervals ei, e,+, > e1
Its maximum capacity Max;
(iv) For special application that are clearly
Its minimum capacity Mini= Max(i-1) (for I
marked on the instrument, an Instrument = 1 the minimum capacity is Minr = Min)

The number of. verification scale intervals TABLE19

n for each partial range is equal to d= 0.1 g 0.2 g 0.5 g
n1 = Maxj/ei e= 1g 1g lg
(ii) Accuracy class (i) Example of a complementary indicating
ei and· ni in each partial·welghing range, device(*)
and mini shall .comply with:the requirements
given in-Table ~0 according to the accuracy
class of the instrument.
(iii) Maximum capacity ofpartial weighing
With ·.the exception of the last partial
weighingrcmge, the.requirements in Table
·ta shall' be complied with, according to the (II) examples of indicating devices each with
accuracy.class of the instrument.
a differentiated scale division (**)
Class I II Ill IV
Maxjlei+ 1 > 50 000 > 5 000
(iv) Instrument with a tare device
> 500 a 50 12 3. 4 &h 1 last differentiated figure : 5
d = O.QJ g or 0.05 p
Requirements concerning the ranges of a multi- e = 0.1 g
interval instrument apply to the net load, for every
possible value of the tare. 12 3, 4 II g I last differentiated figure : 8
(5) Auxiliary indicating devices d = O.QJ g or 0.02 g
(i) Type and application e = 0.1 g
Only instruments of classes I and II may
be fitted with an auxiliary indicating device,
Figure 32-C Example of a auxiliary indicating
which shall be,-
-a device with a rider, or
-a device for interpolation of reading, or (lv) Minimum capacity
-a complementary indicating device (*)
or The minimum capacity of the instrument
-an indicating device with a differentiated is determined in conformity with the
scale division (**). requirements in Table 17.
These devices shall be permitted only to
the right of the decimal sign. (v) Minimum number of verification scale
(ii) A multi-interval instrument shall not be Intervals
·fitted with an auxiliary indicating device.
(iii) Verification scale interval for an instrument of class I with d< 0.1
The verification scale interval e shall be mg, n may be less than 50000.
determined by the expression
(6) Maximum permissible errors
d< e < 10 d***
such that e ;;1 x 10k kg, 2 x 10k kg, 5 x 10k kg
(I) Values ofmaximum permissible errors on
k being a positive or negative whole number, or
zero. This condition shall not apply to an instrument
of class I with d < 1 mg. In that case e shall uniformly
The maximum permissible errors allowed
be 1 mg.
for increasing or decreasing loads shall
***The value of e, calculated following this rule, be as given Table 20.
are, for example,
Maximum permissible For loads m expressed In verification scale intervals e
errors on verification/
Class I Class II Class Ill Class IV
±O.Se Min ~ m ~SO 000 Min ~m £5000 Min~m ~500 Min~m~SO
±1e SOOOO< m ~ 200000 SOOO ~ m ~ 20 000 500 ~m~ 2000 50 <m ~200
+l.Se 200000 < m 20000 <m < 100000 2000 < m < 10000 200 < m < 1000

........ I .
- -- -----·-.-.---~,....-------------:---~----

[ '1J1T !H§JUS 3( i)] 389

(ii) Values of maximum permissible errors in with n>4, the fraction 1/(n-1) of the
inspection sum of the maximum capacity and
The maximum permissible errors during the maximum additive tare effect
inspection shall be twice the maximum shall be applied to each point of
permissible errors allowed on verification. support.

(iii) Basic rules concerning the determination of (c) On an instrument with a load receptor
errors subject to minimal off-centre loading
(e.g. tank, hopper) a test load
(a) Influence factors corresponding to one-tenth of the sum
Errors shall be determined under of the maximum capacity and the
normal test condition. When the maximum additive tare effect shall be
effect of one factor is being applied to each point or support.
evaluated, all other factors are to (d) On an instrument used forweighlng
be kept relatively constant, at a rolling loads (e.g. vehicle scale, rail
value close to normal. suspension instrument) a rolling test
(b) Maximum permissible errors for net load corresponding to the usual
values rolling load, the heaviest and the
The maximum permissible errors most concentrated one which may
apply to the net value of the load be weighted, but not exceeding 0.8
for every possible tare load, except times the sum of the maximum
preset tare values capacity and the maximum additive
tar effect, shall be applied at
(c) Tare weighing device different points on the load receptor.
The maximum permissible error for (Ill) Multiple indicating devices
a tare weighing device is the same,
for any tare value as those of the For a given load the difference between
Instrument, for the same value of the Indications of multiple indicating
load. · devices including tare weighing device,
shall be not greater than the absolute
(7) Permissible difference between results value of the maximum permissible error.
Regardless of what variation of results is but shall be zero between digital indicating
permitted, the error of any single weighing or printing devices.
result shall by itself not exceed the (lv) Different positions of equilibrium
maximum permissible error for the given
load. The difference between two results
obtained for the same load when the
(i) Repeatability method of balancing the load is changed
The difference between the maximum and (In the case of an instrument fitted with a
minimum results of several weighings of device for extending the self-indication
the same load shall not be greater than capacity) in two consecutive tests, shall
the absolute value of the maximum not exceed the absolute value of the
permissible error for the given load. maximum permissible error for the applied
(ii) Eccentric loading load.

The Indications for different positions of (8) Discrimination

a load shall meet the maximum (I) Non-self indicating instrument
permissible errors, when the Instrument An extra load equivalent to the value of
is tested according to sub-paragraphs (a) the maximum permissible error for the
to (d) of this paragraph. applied load when gently placed or
(a) Unless otherwise specified hereafter. withdrawn from the instrument at
a load corresponding to 1/3 of the equilibrium shall produce movement as
sum of the maximum capacity and required under sub-paragraph (1) of
the corresponding maximum paragraph 6.
additive tare effect shall be applied. (II) Self or semi-self indicating instrument
(b) On an instrument with a load (a) Analogue indication
receptor having n points of support, An extra load equivalent to the

474 l!.r-711-'1)$"
'1 [PART II---SEC. 3(i)]

maid mum -permisSible <error Jor freely suspended, or

·!IPPIIed load when• placed;gently ·on installed in a fixed position, or
or; withdrawn ifrom !the :instrument
at "equilibrium shall cause a complying with the requirements on
.permanent,displacement .of the tilting when tilted to 5% in any
indicating.element-.corresponding to direction. .
not:.less •than •o:J times the extra The limiting value of the level indicator
Joad. shall be obvious, so that tilting is easily
(b) J)igltal;indication noticed.
'An:additlonal:load equal to 1.4 times Note : Limiting value of tilting : Displacement of
:the actual, :scale interval, when 2 mm from a central position.
(Ql!nt!nilaced•on :or withdrawn from (b) On a class I instrument, the limiting value
tthe •instrument at equilibrium shall of tilting shall correspond to a tilt of no
•change the :initial indication. more than 2/1000 otherwise the
(9) Variation due ,to influence quantities and Instrument shall meet the requirement for
time Instruments of class II.
An instrument shall comply, unless otherwise (ii) Temperature
specified, with·:! (6}, (7) and (B) of (a) Prescribed temperature limits
this paragraph uRder the conditions of {II) and (iii) of If no particular working temperature Is
sub-paragraphr{9)-ofthls paragraph and additionally stated in the descriptive markings of an
it shall comply 1With clauses (i) and {lv) of sub- Instrument, this instrument shall maintain
paragraph (9) ofthis paragraph. · Its metrological properties within the
(i) Tilting following temperature limits:
(a) For instrument of dass II, III or IV liable -1QOC + 400C
to be tilted, the influence of tilting shall (b) Special temperature limits
be determined under the effect of a
lengthwise or transverse tilting equal to An instrument for which particular limits
2/1000 or corresponding to the limiting of working temperature are stated in the
value of tilting marked on, or indicated descriptive markings shall comply with the
by a level indicator, whichever Is the metrological requirements within those
greater tilt. limits.
T~e limits may be chosen according to
The absolute value of the difference
between the indication of the instrument the application of the instrument.
in its reference position (not tilted) and The ranges within those limits shall be at
the Indication in the tilted position shall least equal to:
not exceed: 5 °C for instruments of class (I)
- at no load, two verification scale 15 °C for instruments of class (II)
intervals, (the instrument having first
been adjusted to zero at no load in 30 °C for instruments of class {lll) and
Its reference position) except (IV)
instruments of class II. (c) Temperature effect on no-load indication
- at self indication capacity and at The indication at zero or near zero shall
maximum capacity, the maximum not vary by more than one verification
permissible error (the instrument scale interval for a difference in ambient
having been adjusted to zero at no temperature of 1°C for instruments of class
load both in the reference and in the (I) and 5°C for other classes.
tilted position). For multi-interval instruments and for
An Instrument shall be fitted with a multiple range instruments this applies to
levelling device and a level indicator fixed the smallest verification scale interval of
firmly on the instrument in a place clearly the instrument.
visible to the user, unless the Instrument (Ill) Mains power supply
An Instrument operated from a mains
['WI !Hli,.; 3 ( i) ] 391

power supply shall comply with the Adherence to this requirement is assumed
metrological requirements if the power if the instrument has passed the endurance
supply varies: test specified in paragraph 9, which shall
in voltage from :-15% to+ 10%ofthe value be performed only for instrument with
marked on the Instrument, Max~100kg.
in frequency: from-2% to+2% of the value (10) Pilttem evaluation tests
marked on the instrument, if alternate
Upon pattern evaluation, the tests given In
current Is used.
paragraph 9 and Annexure A shall be
(iv) Time performed, to verify adherence to the
Under reasonably constant environmental requirement in sub-paragraphs (6), (7), (8)
conditions, an instrument of class I, II or and clauses (i) to (iv) of sub-paragraph
III shall meet the following requirements. (9) of this paragraph, sub-paragraph (5)
(a) When any load Is kept on the and (6) of paragraph 4, sub-paragraph (3)
instrument, the difference between of paragraph 5 and sub-paragraph (1) of
the Indication obtained Immediately paragraph 6. The endurance test shall be
after placing a load and the performed after all other tests in paragraph
indication observed during the 9 and Annexure A.
following 30 minutes, shall not 4. Technical requirements for a self or semi-
exceed 0. 5 e. However, the selfIndicating instruments
difference between the Indication
(1) General requirements ofconstruction
obtained at 15 minutes and after
that at 30 minutes shall not exceed (I) Suitability
0.2 e. (a) Suitability for application
If these conditions are not met, the An instrument shall be designed to
difference between the Indication suit its intended purpose of use.
obtained Immediately after placing
a load on the instrument and the (b) Suitability for use
indication observed during the An instrument shall be solidly and
following four hours shall not exceed carefully constructed in order to
the absolute value of the maximum ensure that it maintains Its
permissible error at the load applied. metrological qualities during a period
(b) The deviation on returning to zero of use.
as soon as the indication has (c) Suitability for verification
stabilized, after the removal of any
An instrument shall permit the tests
load which has remained on the
set out in this specification to be
instrument for one half hour, shall
not exceed 0.5 e.
In particular, load receptors shall be
For a multi-interval instrument, the
such that the standard masses can
deviation shall not exceed 0.5 t'J.·
be deposited on them easily and In
On a multiple range Instrument, the total safety. If weights cannot be
deviation on returning to zero from placed, an additional support may be
Max 1 shall not exceed 0.5 e1. required.
Furthermore, after returning to zero
from any load greater than Max1 and It must be possible to identify devices
immediately after switching to the that have been subject to a separate
lowest weighing range, the type examination procedure (e.g.
Indication near zero shall not vary load cells, printers).
by more than e1 during the following {II) Secvrity
5 minutes.
(a) Fraudulent use
(c) The durability error due to wear and
An instrument ~shall have no
tear shall not be greater than the
characteristics likely to facilitate its
value of the maximum permissible
fraudulent use.

--1- ~-~---

(b) Accident<~ I· breakdown .and mal- · The scale, numbering and printing shall
adjustment permit the figures which form the results
An Instrument shall be so constructed to be read by simple juxtaposition:
that an accldental.breakdown or a Provided that this requirement shall not be
mal-adjustment-of control elements applicable in the case of steel yard type
likely to disturb its correct functioning weighing instruments.
cannot take place without its effect
being evident. (II) Form of the indication
(c) Controls (a) Weighing results shall contain the
names or symbols of the units of
Controls ,shall be so designed that
they cannot•nonmally come to rest in mass in which they are expressed.
positions .other .than those intended For any one indication of weight,
by •desLgn, :unless during the only one unit of mass shall be used.
manoeuvre ·an indication Is made
The scale interval shall be in the fonm
possible, :keys shall be marked
1 x 10k, 2 x 10k or 5 x 1ok, in which
the result is expressed, the index k
(d) Securing (Sealing) of components being a positive or negative whole
and pre,set controls number or equal to zero.
An .Instrument shall have provisions
All indicating, printing and tare
as required by the director legal
weighing devices of an instrument
metrology, for securing components
shall, within any one weighing
and preset controls to which access
or adjustment likely to affect the range, have the same scale interval
metrological characteristics of the for any given load.
Instrument, is possible. (b) A digital indication shall display at
On a class I instrument devices to least one figure beginning at the
adjust sensitivity may remain extreme right.
unsecured. Where the scale interval is changed
(e) Adjustment automatically the decimal sign shall
If an instrument is fitted with an maintain its position in the display.
automatic or a semi-automatic span A decimal fraction shall be separated
adjustment device, this device shall from its integer by a decimal sign
be incorporated inside the (comma or dot), with the indication
instrument. External influence upon showing at least one figure to the
this device shall be practically left of the sign and all figures to the
impossible after sealing. right.
(f) Gravity compensation
Zero may be indicated by one zero
A gravity sensitive instrument may be to the extreme right, without a
equipped with a device for decimal sign.
compensating the effects of gravity
variation. After securing, external The unit of mass shall be chosen so
influence on or access to this device that weight values have not more
shall be practically impossible. than one non-significant zero to the
(2) Indication of weighing results right. For values with decimal sign,
the non-significant zero is allowed
(i) Quality ofreading
only in the third position after the
Reading of the results shall be reliable, decimal sign.
easy and unambiguous under conditions of
normal use: (Iii) Limits of indication
the overall inaccuracy of reading of an There shall be no indication above
analogue indicating device shall not exceed Max +·9 e
0.2 e. (iv) Approximate indication device
the figures forming the results shall be of The scale interval of an approximate
a size, shape and clarity for reading to be indicating device shall be greater than
easy. MaX/100 without being smaller than

] __ [~. - I..L~--
['1T'Tll 191"63(i)] 393

20 e. This approximate device is (3} Analogue indicating device.

considered as giving secondary
The following requirements apply in addition to
those In clause (i) to (iv) of sub-paragraph (2) of this
(v) Extending the range ofself-indication on a paragraph.
semi-self-indicating instrument
(i) Scale marks : Length and width
The extension interval of the range of self-
indication shall not be greater than the Scale shall be designed and numbered so
value of the self-indication capacity. that reading the weighing results is easy
(a) The scale interval of extension of the and unambiguous.
range of the self-indication should be (a) Formsofscalemarks.
equal to tihe capacity of self, indication
Scale marks shall consist of lines of
(comparator instruments are
excluded from this provision). equal thickness; this thickness should
be constant and between 1/10 and
(b) An extension device with accessible 1/4 of tihe scale spacing, witihout being
sliding poises is subject to the
less than 0.2mm. The length of the
requirements of clause (ii) of sub-
paragraph (2) of paragraph 6. shortest scale mark should be at least
equal to the scale spacing.
(c) On an extension device with
enclosed sliding poises or mass (b) Arrangements of scale marks
switching mechanisms each Scale marks should be arranged in
extension should involve an accordance with one of the sketches
adequate change in the numbering. in Figure 32-D (the line joining the
It should be possible to seal the end ofthe scale marks optional).
housing and the adjusting activities
of the weights or masses.

1.10" ® 2.10"@

d1 r,rlr,rlllrlr,r,!,l.

Figure 32 D-Examples of the application to rectilinear scales

(c) Numbering should appear wholly in tihe projected

On one scale, the scale Interval of zone.
numbering should be: The height of the number (real or
-<:onstant, apparent) expressed in millimetres
should be not less than 3 times the
-In the form 1 X lQk, 2 X lQk, 5 X
mm1mum reading distance
10k units (k being a positive or a
expressed in metre, without being
negative whole number or equal to
less than 2 mm.
This height should be proportional
-not greater than 25 times as the
to the length of the scale mark to
scale Interval of the instrument.
which it relates.
If the scale is projected on a screen,
The width of a number, measured
at least two numbered scale marks
parallel to the base of the scale,

should .be. less .than .the distance ( 4) Digital indicating andprinting devices
between two consecutive numbered The following requirements apply in addition
scale marks. to those in clauses (i) to (v) of sub-paragraph (2) of
(d) Indicating component this paragraph.
· The width of the pointer of the (i) Change ofindication
indicating components should be
After a change in load, the previous
approximately equal to 'that of the
Indication shall not persist for longer than
scale marks and of the ·length such
1 second.
that the tip is at.ieast level with the
shortest mark. · (II) Stable equilibrium
.The distance:between the scale and Equilibrium is deemed to be stable
the pointer should be at the most equal when,-
to the .scale spacing, without being ln case of printing and/or data storage,
greaterthan.2mm. the requirement in clause (v) of sub-
(ii) Scale spacing paragraph ( 4) of this paragraph are met,
on an instrument of class{!) or (II); In case of zero or tare operations clauses
(lv), (vi), (vii) of sub-paragraph (5) and
1 mm for indicating·devices;
(viii) of sub-paragraph (6) of this
0.25 mm for complementary Indicating paragraph, it is sufficiently close to the
devices; final equilibrium to allow a correct
on an instrument of class III and III!. operation of the device within relevant
accuracy requirements.
1.25 mm for dial indicating devices.
(ill) Extended indicating device
1.75 mm for optical projection Indicating
devices. An extended indicating device shall not
be used on an instrument with a
(iii) Limits ofindication
differentiated scale division.
Stops shall be provided to limit the
When an instrument is fitted with an
movement of the indicating component
· extended indicating device, displaying the
whilst allowing it to travel below zero and
Indication with a scale interval smaller
above the capacity of self-indication. This
than 'e' shall be possible only.
re-requirements does not apply to multi-
revolution dial instruments. during pressing a key, or
The stops limiting the movement of the for' a period not exceeding 5 seconds after
indicating components should permit it to a manual command.
travel across zones of at least 4 scale In any case printing shall not be possible.
spacings below zero and above the capacity (Jv) Multiple use of indicating device
of self-indication (three zones are not
Indications other than primary indication
provided with a scale on fan charts and on
may be displayed in the same indicting
dials with a single revolution pointer they
device, provided that,-
are called "blank zone").
Quantities other than weight values are
(iv) Damping identified by the appropriate unit of
Damping should achieve a stable Indication measurement, or symbol thereof, or a
within 5 simple half periods of oscillation. special sign.
Hydraulic damping elements sensitive to Weight values that are not weighing
variations In temperature should be results (sub-clause (i) through clause (ill)
provided with an automotive regulating of sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 5 Part I )
device or an easily accessible manual shall be clearly identified, or they may be
regulating device. displayed only temporarily on manual
command and shall not be printed.
It should be Impossible for the fluid of
hydraulic damping elements on portable No restrictions apply if the weighing mode
instruments to spill when the instrument is Is made inoperative by a special
inclined at 45°. command.
['WT 11-1!1"6 3(i)] 395

(v) Printing device according to sub-paras (13) and (14) of

Printing shall be clear and permanent for this paragraph,
the Intended use, printed figures shall be whether or not equipped with an initial
at least 2 mm high. zero-setting device, may have a combined
If printing takes place, the name or the semi-automatic zero-setting device and a
symbol of the unit of measurement shall semi-automatic tare-balancing device
be either to the right of the value. or above operated by the same key.
a column of values. If an instrument has a zero device and a
Printing shall be impossible when the tare-weighing device, the control of the.
equilibrium Is not stable. zero-setting device shall be separated
from that of the tare-weighing device.
Stable equilibrium is considered to be
A semi-automatic zero setting device shall
achieved when over a period of 5 seconds
function only; and when the instrument
following printout, no more than two
Is In stable equilibrium, it cancels any
adjacent values are indicated, one of
previous tare operation.
which being the printed value.
(v) Zero indicating device on an instrument
(vi) Memory storage device
with digital indication
The storage of primary indications for
An Instrument with digital indication shall
subsequent indication, date transfer, have device that displays a special signal
totalizing, etc, shall be impossible when
when the deviation from zero is not more
the equilibrium is not stable. The criterion
than 0.25 e. This device may also work
of stable equilibrium is the same as in
when zero is indicated after a tare
clause (v) of sub-paragraph (4) of operation.
paragraph 4.
This device is not mandatory on an
(5} Zero setting and zero-tracking devices Instrument that has an auxiliary indicating
An instrument may have one or more zero- or a zero-tracking device provided that the
setting devices and shall have not more than one rate of zero tracking is not less than 0.25
· zero-tracking device. d/second.
(i) Maximum effect (vi) Automatic zero setting device
The effect of any zero setting device shall An automatic zero-setting device shall
not alter the maximum weighing capacity operate only when,-
of the instrument. the equilibrium is stable, and
The overall effect of zero setting and zero the indication has remained stable below
tracking device shall be not more than 4% zero at least 5 seconds.
and of the Initial zero setting device not
(vii) Zero tracking device
more than 20% of the maximum capacity.
A zero tracking device shall operate only
(ii) Accuracy
After zero setting, the effect of zero
the indication is at zero, or at a negative
deviation on the result of the weighing
net value equivalent to gross zero, and
shall be not more than 0.25 e; however,
on an instrument with auxiliary Indicating the equilibrium is stable, and
device this effect shall be not more than the corrections are not more than 0.5 d/
0.5 d. second.
(iii) Multiple range instrument When zero is indicated after a tare
operation, the zero tracking device may
Zero setting In any weighing range shall operate within a range of 4% of max
be effective also in the greater weighing around the actual zero value.
ranges if switching to a greater weighing
(6) 'Tare device
range Is possible while the instrument is
loaded. (I) General requirements :
A tare device shall comply with the
(iv) Control of the zero setting device
relevant provisions of sub-paragraph ( 1)
An instrument except an Instrument through ( 4) of this paragraph.


(ii) Scale inteNal-: greater weighing ranges, if switching to a

The scale interval of a tare-weighing greater weighing range is possible while
device shall be equal to the scale Interval the Instrument is loaded.
of the instrument for any .given load. (viii) Semi-automatic or automatic tare devices
(iii) Accuracy: These devices shall operate only when the
A tare device :shall permit setting the instrument is in stable equilibrium.
indication·to zero with an accuracy better (ix) Combined zero setting and tare balandng
than: device
± 0.25e for electronic instruments and any If the semi automatic zero settinJl device
instrument with analogue indication. and semi automatic tare balancing device
are operated by the same key; sub clause
± 0.25e for mechanical instruments with (II) and (v) of sub-paragraph (5) of this
digital .indication and instruments with
paragraph and if appropriate sub-cl.ause
auxiliary indication device.
(vii) of sub-paragraph (5) of this
± O.Se for mechanical instruments with paragraph apply at any load.
digital indication and instruments with
(x) Consecutive tare operations
auxiliary indication device.
Repeat operation of a tare device is
On a multi-interval instrument e shall be permitted.
replaced by e1.
If more than one tare device is operative
(iv) Operating range at the same time, tare weight values shall
The tare device shall be such that It cannot be clearly designated when indicated or
be used at or below its zero effect or printed.
above its maximum indicated effect. (xi) Printing of weighing results
(v) Visibility of operation Gross weight values may be printed
Operation of the tare device shall be visibly without any designation. For a
indicated on the instrument. In the case designation by a symbol, only "G" Is
of instruments with digital indication this permitted.
shall be done by marking the indicated If only net weight values are printed
net value with the sign "NET" or "Net" or without corresponding gross or tare
"net". values, they may be printed without any
Note: If an instrument is equipped with a device d~slgnation. A symbol for designation
that allows the gross values to be shall be "N". This applies also where semi-
displayed temporarily while a tare device automatic zero setting and semi-
is In operation, the "NET" symbol automatic tare balancing are initiated by
disappears while the gross value is the same key.
displayed. Gross, net or tare values determined by a
This is not required for an Instrument with multiple range instrument or by a multi-
a combined semiautomatic zero-setting Interval instrument need not be marked
device and a semi-automatic tare- by a special designation referring to the
balancing device operated by the same (partial) weighing range.
key. If net weight values are printed together
(vi) Subtractive tare device : with the corresponding gross and/or tare
values, the net and tare values shall at
When the use of subtractive tare device least be identified by the corresponding
does not allow the value of the residual symbof "N" and "T".
weighing range to be known, a device
shall prevent the use of the Instrument However, ·it is permitted to replace the
above its maximum capacity or Indicate symbols G, N, T by complete words.
that this capacity has been reached. If net weight values and tare values
.determined by different tare devices are
(vii) Multiple range instrument:
printed separately, they shall be suitably
On a multiple range instrument the tare Identified.
operation shall be effective also in the
[<wr II-~ 3(i)] 397

(7) Preset tare device stable positions corresponding to "locked"

(7)(i) Scale interval and "weigh"; and weighing shall only be
possible in the "weigh" position.
Regardless of how a preset tare value is
i::tmduced into the device, its scale interval A "pre-weigh" position may exist on any
shall be equal or automatically rounded to instrument of class I or II, except under
the scale interval of the instrument. On a sub-paragraphs (13), (15) or (16) of this
multiple range instrument, a preset tare paragraph.
value may only be transferred from one
weighing range to another one with a larger (ii) Indication ofposition
verification scale interval but shall then be The "locked" and"welgh" positions shall
rounded to the latter. For a multiple interval be clearly shown.
instrument, the maximum preset tare value
shall not be greater than Max1 and the (9) Auxiliary calibration devices (removable or
indicated or pnnted, calculated net value shall fixed)
be rounded to the scale interval of the (I) Devices with one or more platform
instrument for the same net weight value.
The nominal value of the ratio between the
(ii) Modesofoperation weights to be placed on the platform to
A preset tare device may be operated balance a certain load and this load shall
together with one or more tare devices not be less than 1/5000 (it shall be visibly
provided that: Indicated just above the platform).
clause (x) of sub-paragraph (6) of this The value of the weights needed to balance
paragraph Is complied, and
a load equal to the venfication scale interval
a Preset tare operation cannot be modified shall be an integer multiple of O.lg
or cancelled as long as any tare device
operated after the preset tare operation is (ii) Numbered sca~e devices
still in use. The scale interval of the auxiliary verification
preset tare devices may operate devices shall be equal to or smaller than
automatically only if the preset tare value 1/5 of the verification scale interval for
is clearly identified with the load to be which it is intended.
(1 0) Selection of weighing /Qnges on a weighing
(iii) Indication ofoperation scale on a multiple range instrument
For the indicating device clause (v) of sub- The range which is actually in operation
paragraph (6) of this paragraph applies. shall be clearly indicated.
It shall be possible to indicate the preset
tare value at least temporarily. (a) Manual selection of the weighing range is
Provisions of clause (xi) of sub-paragraph allowed
(6) of paragraph 4 applies accordingly -from a smaller to a greater weighing
provided that range at any load;
if the calculated net value Is printed, at -from a greater to a smaller weighing
least the preset tare value Is printed as range when there is no load on the load
well, with the exception of an Instrument
receptor and the indication is zero at a
covered by sub-paragraphs (13), (14) or
negative net value. The tare operation
(16) of this paragraph.
receptor shall be cancelled and the zero
Preset tare values are designated by the shall be set to.± 0.25 e both automatically.
symbol "PT"; however, it is permitted to
replace the symbol "PT" by complete (11) Device for selection (or switching) between
words. various toad receptors-Load transmitting
(8) Locking positions devices and various load measuring
(i) Prevention of weighing outside the "weight"
position (I) Compensation ofno toad effect
If an instrument has one or more locking The selection device shall ensure
device, these devices shall only have two compensation for the unequal no load effect

474 <:: o}l!- /<5$


of the· various "load receptors-h,ad about the correct zero position, tare, and
transmitting devices, in .use. pre-set tare operation.
(ii) Zerosetting (II) Zero setting device
Zero:settlng ·of an instrument with any An Instrument for direct sale to the public
multiple ,combination of various load shall not be fitted with a non-automatic
measuring .devices and various load zero setting device unless operated with
receptors ·shall be possible without any a tool.
,ambiguity and in .accordance with the (Iii) Tare device
provisions of sub-paragraph (5) of
paragraph 4. A mechanical instrument with a weight
receptor shall not be fitted with a tare
(iii) Imposslblllty.ofweighing device.
Weighing .shall not be possible while An Instrument shall not be fitted with a
selection devices are being used. device which can recall the gross value
(iv) Identification of the combination use while a tare or pre-set tare device is In
Comtilnatlon of load receptors and load operation.
measuring devices used shall be readily (a) Non-automatic tare device
identifiable. A displacement of 5 mm of a point
(12) "PlusHand ''minus#comparative Instrument of the control shall be at the most
For the purpose of verification a "heavy" equal to one verification scale
or "plus" and "light" or "minus" interval.
comparators Instrument is considered to (b) Semi-automatic tare device
be a semi-self Indicating Instrument. An instrument may be fitted with
(i) Distinction between ''plusH and ''minusH semi automatic tare device if-
zone the action of the tare device does
On an analogue indicating device, the not permit the reduction of the .tare;
zones situated on either side of zero shall and
be distinguished by"+" and"·", their effect can only be cancelled
On a digital indicating device, an when there is no load on the load
inscription nearer the indicating device receptor.
shall be given. In addition, the instrument shall
range ± .......... gram (kg, t) comply with at least one of the
following requirements :
range ........... gram (kg, t}/+ ...... gram
(kg, t) the tare value is indicated
permanently in a separate display,
(ii) Form of scale
the tare value is indicated with a sign
Scale of a comparator instrument shall
"-"(minus), when there is no load on
have at least one scale division dequal to
the load receptor, or
e (d = e) on either side of zero. The
corresponding value shall be shown at the effect of the device is cancelled
either end of the scale. automatically when the indication
returns to zero when unloading the
(13) Additional requirement for an instrument
load receptor after the stable net
for direct sales to the pub/1::.
weighing results greater than zero
The following requirements apply to an has been indicated.
instrument of class II, III, or IV with a
(c) Automatic tare device
maximum capacity not more than 100 kg
capacity designed for direct sa!e to the An instrument shall not be fitted with
public. an automatic tare devices.
(i) Primary Indication (lv) Preset tare device
On an Instrument for direct sale to the A preset tare device may be provided if
public, the primary indications are the the preset tare value is indicated as a
weighing results and the information . primary indication on a separate display
['WI II-~ 3(i)] 399

which is clearly differentiated from the (14) Additional requirements for an instrument
weight display sub-clause (b) of clause for dired sale tq the public with price
(iii) of sub-paragraph (13) of this indication
paragraph, applies. The following requirements are to be
It shall not be possible to operate a pre- applied in addition to sub-para(13) of this
set tare device, if a tare device is In use. rule:
Where a preset tare is associated with a (I) Primary indications
price look up (PLU), the preset tare value On a price indicating Instrument, the
may be cancelled at the same time, as supplementary primary indication are unit
the PLU is cancelled. price and price to pay and if applicable,
( v) Impossibility of weighing number, unit price and price to pay for
It shall be Impossible to weigh or to guide non-weighed articles and price totals.
the Indicating element during the nonmal Price charts, such as fan charts, are not
locking operation or during the normal subject to the requirements of this
operation of adding or subtracting specification.
weights. (II) Instrument with price scales
(vi) Visibility For unit price and price-to-pay scales, sub-
All primary Indications shall be displayed paragraph (2) of this paragraph and dauses
clearly and simultaneously to both the (i) to (iii) of sub-paragraph (3) of this
vendor and the customer. paragraph apply accordingly. The decimal
shall be indicated to two places.
On digital devices that display primary
indications, the numerical figures on either Reading from price scales shall be so
set shall be of the same dimension and at possible that the absolute value of the
least 10 mm high, with a tolerance of difference between the product of the
o.smm Indicated weight Wand unit price U and
the Indicated price to pay Pis not greater
On an instrument to be used with weights, than the product of e and the unit price
it shall be, possible to distinguish the value of that scale.
of the weights. ·
IW.U- PIs e.u
(vii) No auxiliary and extended indicating
device (ill) Price computing instrument

An instrument shall not be fitted with any (a) The price to pay shall be calculated
auxiliary indicating device nor an extended and rounded to the nearest interval
indicating device. of price to pay, by multiplication of
weight and unit price, both as
(viii) Instrument of class II indicated by the instrument. The
An Instrument of class II shall comply with device which performs the
the requirements given in sub-paragraph calculations in any case considered
(9) of paragraph 3 for an Instrument of a part of the instrument.
class III. (b) The unit price is restricted to price/
(ix) Significant fault 100g or price/kg.
When a significant fault has been (c) Notwithstanding. the provisions In
detected, a visible or audible alarm shall clause (i) of sub-paragraph (4) of
be provided for the customer, and data this paragraph, the indication of
transmission to any peripheral equipment weight unit price and price to pay,
·shall be prevented. This alarm shall shall remain visible after the weight
continue until such time as the user takes indication is stable and after any
action or the cause disappears. introduction of the unit price, for at
(x) Counting ratio least one second and while the load
is on the load receptor.
The counting ratio on a mechanical
counting Instrument shall be 1/10 or (d) Notwithstanding the provisions In
1/100. clause (i) of sub-paragraph (4) of
this paragraph, these indications

. may remain visible for not more than and the price for one article on the
Joseoonds after ·removing the load, unit price display, unless
;provided that!theweight indication supplementary display are used to
'·has· been stable before and the show the number of articles and
Indication would.otherwise be zero. articles price.
As long as there Is a weight (b) Totalization
·Indication after ire moving the load,
!'It shall not'be .possible to introduce An instrument may totalize
or.change.a.unit price. transaction on one or several tickets;
the price total shall be indicated on
(f!) ,lf'transaction performed by the the price-to-pay display and printed,
:instrument is printed, weight, unit accompanied by a special word or
iPrice .:and price-to-pay shall ail be symbol, either at the end of the
'Printed. price-to-pay column or on a separate
(f) Jhe data may be stored In a memory label ticket with appropriate
.of the Instrument before printing. reference to the commodities whose
T:he same data shall not be printed prices to pay have been totalized; all
twice on the ticket for the customer. prices to pay that are totalized shall
Instrument that can be used for be printed and the price total shall
price labelling purpose, must comply be the algebraic sum of ail these
with sub-paragraph (16) of this prices as printed.
paragraph as well. An instrument may totalize
(iv) Special ilpplications of a price computing transaction performed on other
instrument instruments linked to it, directly or
over metrologically controlled
Only if ail transaction performed by the · peripherals, and if the price-to-pay
instrument or by connected peripheral are scale intervals of all connected
printed on a ticket or label intended for instruments are identical.
the customer, a price computing
instrument may perform additional (c) Multi-vendor operation
functions which facilitate trade and An instrument may be designed to
management. These functions shall not be used by more than one vendor
lead to confusion about the results of or to serve more than one customer
weighing and price computing. at the same time provided that the
Other operations or indications not connection between the transactions
covered by the following provisions may and the relevant vendor or customer
be performed, provided that no indication is appropriately identified.
which could possibly be misunderstood as (d) Cancellation
a primary Indication, is presented to the An instrument may cancel previous
customer. transaction, where the transaction
(a) Non-weighed articles has already been printed, the
An Instrument may accept and relevant price-to-pay cancelled shall
record positive or negative prices to be printed with an appropriate
pay one of several non-weighed comment. If the transaction to the
articles, provided the weight cancelled is displayed to the
indication is zero or the weighing customer, it shall be clearly
mode is made inoperative. The differentiated from normal
price-to-pay for one or more of such transaction.
articles, shall be shown In the price- (e) Additional information
to-pay display. An instrument may print additional
If the price to pay is calculated for information if this is clearly
more than one equal article, the correlated to the transaction and
number of such articles shall be does not interfere with the
shown on the weight display, without assignment of the weight value to
being possibly taken for a weight · the unit symbol.
[ "f1lT II -19IU5 3( i) ] 401

(v) Selfsetvice Instrument

(li) Counting ratio
A self service instrument need not have· The counting ratio shall be shown dearly
two sets of scales displayed. just above each counting platform or each
If a ticket or label is printed, the primary counting scale mark.
indications shall include a designation of · 5. Requirements for electronic instruments
the product when the instrument used to In addition to paragraphs 3 and 4, an
sell different products. electronic instrument shall comply with
(15) Instruments similar to one normalfy used the following requirements.
for direct sale to the public (1) Genera! requirements
An Instrument similar to one normally (i) An electronic instrument shall be designed
used for direct sale to the public which and manufactured such that when It Is
does not comply with the provisions of exposed to disturbances :
sub-paragraphs (13) and (14) of this either;
paragraph shall carry near the display, the .
(a) significant faults do not occur, or
indelible marking :
(b) significant faults are detected and
- Note: A fault equal to or smaller than eis allowed
( 16) Price labelling instrument Irrespective of the value of the error of
Clause (viii) of sub-paragraph (13), sub- Indication.
clauses (a) and (e) of clause (Ill) of sub- {II) The requirements in sub-paragraphs (6),
paragraph (14), sub-clause (a) of clause (7), (8) and (9) of paragraph 3 and clause
(iv) of sub-paragraph (14) and sub-clause
(I) of sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph
(e) of clause (iv) of sub-paragraph (14)
shall be met durably in accordance with
of this paragraph respectively apply.
the Intended use of the instrument.
A price labelling instrument shall have at
{Ill) A pattern of an electronic instrument Is
least one display for the weight. It may be
used temporarily for set-up purpose such presumed to comply with the requirements
as supervision of setting weight limits, unit In clause (i) and (ii) of sub-paragraph (1)
price, preset tare values, commodity and clause (ii).of sub7paragraph (3) of this
names. paragraph, if it passes the examinations
and tests specified in sub-paragraph (4)
It shall be possible to verify, during use of
of this paragraph.
the instruments, the actual values of unit
price and preset tare value. (iv) The requirements in (/)of sub-paragraph
(1) of this paragraph may be applied
Printing below minimum capacity shall not
separately to-
be possible.
(a) each individual clause of significant
Printing of labels with fixed values of
fault, and/or;
weight, unit price and price-to-pay is
allowed provided that the weighing mode (b) each part of the electronic instrument
is made In-operative. The choice; where sub-clause (a) or (b) of
(17) Mechanical counting instrument with unit- clause (i) of sub-paragraph {1) of
weight receptor paragraph 5 is applied, is left to the
For the purpose of verification, a counting
instrument Is considered to be a semi- (2) Acting upon significant faults
self indicating instrument. · When a significant fault has been detected,
(i) Indicating device the instrument shall either be made
Inoperative automatically. or a visual or
To permit verification, a counting
audible indication shall be provided
instrument shall have a scale with at least
automatically and shall continue until such
one scale division d = e on either side of
zero, the corresponding value shall be time as the user takes action or the fault
shown on the scale. disappears.

tt7lt <; 1}11- /o/

----- ---- .1-~---- -



(3) Fundiom1! requirements Interchange point between an instrument

(i) Upon·swltch on (switch-on of indication), and peripheral devices or other
a special procedure shall be performed Instruments.
that shows all relevant signs of the (a) It shall not be possible to introduce
indicator ln•the active and non-active state into an instrument, through an
sufficiently long to be checked by the interface, instructions or data
operator. intended or suitable to:
(ii) In addition to the sub-paragraph (9) of o display data that are not clearly
paragraph 3 an electronic instrument shall defined and could be mistaken for a
comply with the .requirements under weighing result,
relative :humidity of the upper limit
o falsify displayed, processed or stored
of the temperature range. This Is not
weighing results,
applicable to an electronic instrument of
class I and of class II, if e Is less than 1 g. o adjust the instrument or change any
(iii) Electronic Instruments, class I Instruments adjustment factor; however
exempted, shall be subjected to the span instructions may be given through
stability test specified in clause (lv) of sub- the interface to carryout an
paragraph (4) of this paragraph. The error adjustment procedure using a span
near maximum capability shall not exceed adjustment device incorporated
the maximum permissible error and the inside the instrument or for
absolute value of the difference between instruments in class I, using an
the errors· obtained for any two external standard mass,
measurements shall not exceed half the o falsify primary indication displayed
verification scale interval or half the value in case of direct sales to the public.
of the maximum permissible error, (b) An interface through the functions
whichever Is greater. mentioned in sub-clause (a) of
(iv) When an electronic instrument is clause (vi) of sub-paragraph (3) of
subjected to the disturbances specified this paragraph cannot be performed
in clause (iii) of sub-paragraph ( 4) of this or initiated, need not be secured.
paragraph, the difference between the Other interface shall be secured as
weight indication without the disturbance per sub-clause (d) of clause (ii} of
(intrinsic error), shall not exceed e or the the sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4.
instruments shall detect and react to a
(" An interface intended to be
significant fault.
connected to a peripheral device to
(v) During the warm-up time of an electronic which the requirements of this
instrument there shall be no Indication or (Schedule) apply, shall transmit data
transmission of the weighing result. relating to primary indication in such
(vi) An electronic instrument may be equipped a manner that the peripheral device
with Interfaces permitting the coupling of can meet the requirements.
the instrument to any peripheral devices
(vii) A battery operated electronic instrument
or other Instruments.
shall either continue to function correctly
An interface .shall not allow the or not indicate any weight values,
metrological functions of the Instruments whenever the voltage is below the
measurement data to be inadmissibly manufacturer's specified value.
influenced by the peripheral devices (for
example computers), by other ( 4) Performance and span stability tests
interconnected instruments, or by (I) Test considerations:
disturbances acting on the Interface. All electronic instruments of the same ·
Functions that are performed or Initiated category, whether or not equipped with
via an Interface shall meet the relevant checking facilities, shall be subjected to
requirements and conditions of clause (iv) the same performance test programme.
of this sub-paragraph.
(II) State of instrument under test:
Note : An "Interface" comprises all mechanical,
electrical and logic properties at the data Performance tests shall be carried out on
fully operational equipment in its normal
--- - ~- -- -----.----:_-- --

['IWT I I - = 3(i)] 403

operational state or in a status, as similar (2) Indicating deVice

as possible thereto.
{I) General provisions-
If an electronic instrument is equipped with
(a) Equilibrium.lndlcatlng component
an interface permitting the coupling of the
instrument to external equipment, the If two indices are provided, with one
instrument shall, during the tests fixed and another movable then the
mentioned In sub-paragraphs (2), (3) and thickness of the two indicating
( 4) of paragraph 3 of Annexure A be components shall be equal and the
coupled to external equipment, as distance between them shall not
specified by the test procedure. exceed their thickness.

(iii) Performance test However, this distance may be equal

to 1 mm, If the thickness of the
Performance tests shall be performed indices is less than this value.
according to paragraphs 2 and 3 of
(b) Securing
Annexure A.
It shall be possible to secure the
sliding poises, the removable masses
Tests Characteristic under test and the adjusting cavities or the
Static temperature Influence factor housings of such devices as
Damp heat, steady state Influence factor prescribed by Director.
Power voltage variations Influence factor (c) Printing
Short time power reductions Disturbance If the device permits printing, this
Bursts (transients) Disturbance should be possible only if sliding bars
or poises or a mass switching
Electrostatic discharge Disturbance
mechanism are each in a position
Electromagnetic susceptibility Disturbance corresponding to a whole number of
(iv) Span stability test scale divisions. Except for accessible
sliding poises or bars, printing should
Span stability test shall be performed be possible only if the equilibrium
according to paragraph 4 of Annexure A. indicating component is in the
6. Technical requirements for a non-self reference position to within the
Indicating instrument nearest half scale interval.

A non-self-Indicating instrument shall (II) Sliding poise device

comply, as far as applicable, with (a) Form of scale marks
paragraphs 3 _and 4. On bars on which the scale interval
(1) Minimum sensitivity is the verification scale interval of
the instrument, the scale marks shall
An extra load equivalent to the absolute consists of Jines of constant
value ofthe maximum permissible error thickness. On other major (or
for the applied load, shall be placed on the minor) bars, the scale marks shall
instrument at equilibrium and shall cause consist of notches.
a permanent displacement of the Indicating
element of at least (b) Scale spacing
The distance between scale marks
1 mm for an Instrument of class I or II
shall not be less than 2 mm and be
2 mm for an Instrument of class III or IV of sufficient length so that the
with Max. 30 kg normal machining tolerance for
notches or scale marks does not
5 mm for an Instrument of class III or IV
cause an error in the weighing result
with Max. 30 kg
exceeding 0.2 of the verification
The sensitivity tests shall be carried out by scale interval.
placing extra loads with a slight Impact in · (c) Stops
order to eliminate the effects of
discrlmlnatlo~ threshold.
The displacement of sliding poises on
major and minor bars shall be limited

to the graduated _part of major and levers In such a way that the
minor bars. invariability of the ratios of the lever
{d) Indicating component arms is assured. They shall not be
welded or soldered.
Each sliding poise device shall be
provided with an indicating The edges of the knives of one and
component. the same lever shall be practically
parallel and shall be situated in one
(e) Accessible sliding poise device plane.
·:rhere shall .be no moving parts in (c) Bearings :
·sliding :poises, except sliding minor
:bars. The bearings shall not be welded or
soldered to their supports or in their
·There ·shall be no cavity on sliding mountings.
poises that could accidentally hold
foreign bodies. It shall be possible for bearings of an
instrument with ratio platforms and
It shall be possible to secure parts steelyards to oscillate in all directlons
that are detachable. on their supports or in their
The displacement of sliding poises mountings. On such instruments anti·
on major and minor bars shall disconnection devices shall prevent
require a certain effort. the disconnection of articulated parts. ·
(iii) Indication by use ofproportional weights (d) Friction plates :
The reductlon ratios shall be in the form The longitudinal play of the knives
10k, k being an integer or zero. shall be limited by friction plates.
On an Instrument intended for direct sale There shall be point contact between
to the public, the height of the raised edge knife and friction plates and it shall
of the weights receptor platform should be situated on the extension of the
not exceed one-tenth of the greatest line(s) of contact between knife and
dimension of the platform, without being bearing(s).
r more than 25 mm. The friction plate shall form a plane
(3} Condition of construction through the point of contact with the
(i) Equilibrium indicating component knife and its plane shall be
perpendicular to the line of the
An Instrument shall be provided with two contact between knife and bearing.
moving indices or one moving Indicating It shall not be welded or soldered to
component and a fixed datum mark, the the bearings or their support.
respective position of which Indicates the
(iii) Hardness
reference position of equilibrium.
On an Instrument of class III or IV Contact parts of knives, bearings, friction
designed to be used for direct sale to the plates, inter levers, inter lever supports and
public, the Indices shall allow the links shall have a hardness of at least 58
Rockwell C.
equilibrium to be seen from the opposite
sides of the Instrument. (iv) Protective coating
(ii) Knives, bearings and friction plates. A protective coating may be applied to the
(a) Types of connection parts in contact of jointed components
provided that this does not lead to changes
Levers shall be fitted with knives only of metrological properties.
and these shall be pivoted on
bearings. (v) · 78re devices
The line of contact of the knives and No Instrument sh~ll be fitted with a tare
bearing shall be a straight line. device.
Counter beams shall be pivoted on (4} Simple sliding poise instrument (steelyard}
knife edges. {I) General
(b) Knives (a) Scale marks :The scale marks shall
The knives shall be fitted to the be lines or notches, either on the
[ 'lflT II -<§!UJ5 3 ( i ) ] 405

edge, or on the flat of the graduated devices with accessible sliding poises shall
shank. be observed.
The minimum scale spacing is 2 mm (ii) Range ofnumbered scale
between notches and 4 mm
The numbered scale of the instrument shall
between lines.
permit continuous weighing from zero to
(b) Pivots :The load per unit length on the maximum capacity.
the knives shalf be not more than
(iii) Minimumscalespacing
10 kg/mm.
The scale spacing ix of the different bars
The bores of bearing in the form of
(x = 1, 2, 3.... )
an annulus shall have a diameter at
least equal to 1.5 times the largest ix ~ dx/C ex 0.05) mm but ix ~ 2mm
dimension of the cross section of the · (iv) Ratio platform
If an instrument is provided with a ratio
(c) Equilibrium indicating component platform for extending the indicating range
The length of the equilibrium of the numbered scale, the ratio between
indicating component, if provided · the value of the weights placed on the
taken from the edge of the fulcrum platform to balance a load and the load
knife-edge of the instrument, shalf itself shall be 1/10 or 1/100.
be not less than 1/15 of the length
This ratio shall be indicated legibly and
of the graduated part of the major
permanently on the bearn in a position close
sliding poise bar.
to the ratio platform, in the form 1 : 10,
(d) Distinctive mark 1 : 100 or 1/10, 1/100.
The head and the sliding poise of (v) Zero setting
an Instrument with detachable
An instrument shall have a zero-setting
sliding poises shall bear the same
device consisting:
distinctive mark.
either of a cup with greatly convex cover
(ii) Instrument with single capacity
(a) Minimum distance between knife- or of a captive screw or nut arrangement
edges with a maximum effect of 4 verification
scale intervals per revolution.
The minimum distance between
knife-edges is,- (vi) Locking of the beam

25 mm for maximum capacities less An instrument shall have a manual device

than or equal to 30 kg. for locking the beam, the action of which
prevents the equilibrium indices coinciding
20 mm for maxim urn capacities
when at rest.
exceeding 30 kg.
(vii) Wooden parts
(b) Graduation
If certain parts of an instrument, such as
The graduation shall extend from
the frame, the platform or the board are
zero to the maximum capacity.
of wood, this shall be dry and free from
(c) Zero setting defects. It shall be covered with a paint or
If an instrument of class III or IV is an effective protective varnish.
provided with a zero-setting device, No nails shall be used for the final assembly
this shall be a captive screw or nut of wooden parts.
arrangement with a maximum effect 7. Marking ofan instrument
of 4 verification scale intervals per
(1) Descriptive markings
All instruments shall carry, in order, the
(5) Instrument with a load measuring device
following markings :
with accessible sliding poises {of steelyard type)
(i) Compulsory in all cases
(i) General
manufacturer's mark, or name written in
The provisions of sub-paragraph (2) of full,
paragraph 6 relating to load measuring

. --- ---- --- ----· ---

-- ---- ·_ _j=··==-::__:_:::_:==-===========

• indication of accuracy class in the form - counting ratio on a in the form 1 :

counting instrument ...... or 1/ ....... .
for special accuracy I
range of plus/minus ± ....... mg/g/kg/t
for high accuracy n indication of a digital
for medium accuracy m comparator instrument
for ordinary accuracy N (iii) Presentation of descriptive markings
- maximum capacity in the form Max The descriptive marking shall be indelible
- minimum capacity in the form Min and of a size shape and clarity allowing
- verification scale interval in the form e= easy reading.

(ii) Compulsory if applicable They shall be grouped together in a clearly

visible place either on a descriptive plate
mark of manufacturer's agent for an
fixed to an instrument, or on a part of the
imported Instrument,
Instrument itself.
identification mark on each unit of an
instrument consisting of separate but The markings:Max ............. .
associated units. Min ............ .
- pattern approval mark, e ................ .
- scale Interval if d< e in the form d =
d If d = e and
c maximum additional in the form T = +...
tare effect Accuracy class ..... ..
- maximum subtractive in the form T =- ... shall also be shown near the display of
tare effect If the result if they are not already located
different from Max there.
- maximum safe load in the form Lim = It shall be possible to seal the plate
- the special temperature in the form 0 C/ bearing the descriptive marking.
limits within ....... 0 Cf (a) Markings in special cases :
which the instrument
complies with the In special case, some of the markings shall
prescribed conditions be In the form of a table as illustrated
of correct operation below:-

For a multi-interval For an instrument with more For an instrument with

instrument than one weighing range (Wt, f.1.2) , weighing ranges in
differentdasses ·
Wt w2 Wt w2
n. m
Max 2/5/15 kg Max 20 kg 100kg Max lOOOg 5000g
Min20g Min 200g 1 kg Min5g 40g
e = 1/2/5 g e =lOg 50g e = 0.1 g 2g
d =0.02g 2
(b) Dimensions : lead cap inserted in a device that cannot
When several plates are plaoed one above be dismantled. The diameter of the rivet
the other (as for example In the case of an or of the lead cap should be able to
instrument consisting of several separate accommodate a st<jmp 4 mm in diameter.
devices) they should be of the same width. (d) Dimension of the letters : The height of
This common width is fixed at 80 mm. capital letters should be at least 2 mm.
(c) Fixing:
{lv) Specific cases
The plate shall be fixed by rivets or screws
(a) Instrument having several load receptors
with one of the rivets of red copper or
and load measuring devices
material having qualities recognised as
similar. It should be possible to secure the Each load measuring device which Is
head of one of the screws by means of a connected or can be connected to one or

1 ~- ... "'" . ' 1-- .

['IT'f II-~ 3(i)] 407

more load receptors, shall bear the model approval number wherever
descriptive markings relating to these viz. applicable.
identification mark, (il) Tests
maximum capacity, Tests shall be carried out to verify
compliance with the following
minimum capacity,
requirements :
verification scale interval and • clause (I) of sub-para (6) of
if appropriate, maximum safe load and paragraph 3-Value of maximum
maximum additive tare effect. permissible error,
(b) Instruments consisting of separately built • sub-clauses(b) and (c) of clause (iii)
main parts of sub-paragraph (6) of paragraph
If main parts cannot be exchanged without 3-Maximum permissible error for
net and tare values,
altering the metrological characteristics of
the Instrument, each unit shall have an • clause (ii) of sub-paragraph (6) of
identification mark which shall be repeated paragraph 3-Scale interval of the
in the descriptive markings. tare weighing device,
(2) Verification marks • clause (iii) of sub-paragraph (7) of
paragraph 4 operation of the tare
(i) Position device shall be visible.
An Instrument shall have a place for the • clause (i) of sub-paragraph (7) of
application of verification marks. paragraph 3 repeatability (3
This place shall,- weighing on classes III and IV and 6
weighing for I and II)
be such that the part on which It is located
cannot be removed from the instrument • clause (ii) of sub-paragraph (7) of
without damaging the marks paragraph 3-Eccentric loading
allow easy application of the marks without • sub-paragraph (8) of paragraph 3-
changing the metrological qualities of the Discriminatlon
instrument (iii) Stamping
be visible without the instrument having to Verification shall be testified by verification
be moved, when it is In service. marks. All components whose dismantling
or maladjustment might alter the
(ii) Mounting
metrological characteristics of the
An Instrument required to bear verification Instrument should be secured by a seal.
marks shall have a verification mark (2) Inspection
support, at the place provided for above,
which e(lsures the conservation of the During inspection the following tests shall
marks: be carried :
- maximum permissible error; clause (i)
(a) When the mark is of the self-adhesive type,
of sub-paragraph (6) of paragraph 3,
a space shall be provided on the instrument
for the application of the mark. - Eccentric loading; clause (ii) of sub-
paragraph (7) of paragraph 3,
B. Metrological control
- the seal applied during verification shall
(1) VerifiC8tlon remain intact.
(i) Visual inspection
Before testing, the instrument shall be 9. Test procedure during verification and
visually Inspected for Inspection
metrological characteristics, I.e., accuracy (1) Evaluation of error
class, Min, Max e, d.
At a certain load L, the indicated value, I
prescribed Inscription and position for Is noted. Additional weights of say 1/10
verification and control marks. e are successively added until the

. L - -..

indlcatlon;•of the instrument' is Increased Unload in reverse order to zero, i.e. unload
unambiguously by .one 'Scale Interval the weights and determine the change over
(I + e). 'The additional; load ;Ladded to point. Place the weights back and remove
the load receptor. gives the: indication P, by the substitution material until the same
using the formula changeover point is reached. Repeat this
P=I+'(l/2)e-SL procedure until no-load is reached.
The error Is E-= P -·L {5} Ti!Jre
=I+ (1/2)e- L -.Ill (I) Ti!Jre weighing
~:mpe Weighing tests shall be performed at least
(2} Weights at two different tare values. At least 5
steps may be selected including Min.loads
(i) The standard .weights-used for verification close to values at which mpe changes and
of an· instrument shall not have an error the value close to the maximum possible
greater than 1/3 of the maximum load (or maximum additive tare if provided).
permlsslble.error ofthe instrument for the
applied-load. (6) Eccentricity test
(ii) Substitution of standard weights : While Large weights should be used in preference
verifYing :Instrument with maximum of 1 to several small weights. The load shall
tonne •and more, instead of standard be applied centrally in the segment If
weights, any other constant load may be several weights are used.
used,'IJroVIded that standard weights of at The location· of the load shall be marked
least 1 tonne or 50% of maximum, on a sketch in the report.
whichever Is greater, is used ..
The automatic zero-setting device shall not
(3) Weighing tests
remain in operation during the sets.
Apply test loads from zero up to and
(I) Instrument with load receptor having not
including Max. and similarly remove the test
more than four points ofsupports
loads back to zero. During verification 5
test loads shall be selected and during The four quarter segments roughly equal
inspection 3 test loads. to 1/4 of the surface of the load receptor
The test loads selected shall include Max., shall be loaded in turn.
Min and values at or near those at which (II) Jristruments with a load receptor having
the maximum permissible error changes. more than four points ofsupport
When loading or unloading, the weights
The load shall be applied over each support
shall be progressively Increased or
decreased. If the instrument Is provided on an area of the same order of the
with an automatic zero setting device, it magnitude as the fraction of 1/n of the
shall remain In operation during test. Error surface area of the load receptor, where n
is calculated as given in sub-para (!)above. Is the number of points of support.
(4) Weighing test using substitution method (ill) Instrument with special load receptor (tank,
Apply the test loads from zero up to and
including maximum portion of the standard The load shall be applied to each point of
weights. Determine the error and then support. ·
remove the weights so that the no load (iv) Instrument used for weighing rolling loads
indication, or In the case of an Instrument
with a zero tracking device, the Indication A rolling load shall be applied at different
of say lOe, Is reached. positions on the load receptor. These
positions shall be at the beginning, the
Substitute the previous weights with
middle and at the end of the load receptor
substitution material until the same
In the normal driving direction. The
changeover point, as used for the
determining of the error is reached. Repeat positions shall then be tested in the reverse
the above procedure until Max. of the direction.
instrument Is reached.
[ "11"! IH<l'l16 3 ( i ) ] 409

{7} Discrimination test If the instrument is provided with automatic

The following tests shall be performed with zero-setting or zero-tracking, it shall not
three different loads, i.e. Min, 1/21oad and be In operation. ·
Max. Test for the stability of equilibrium
(i) Non-selflndlcatlon andanalogue Indication (Instruments with printing and/or data
storage devices)
An extra load shall be placed gently on or
removed from the load receptor while the Load the instrument up to 50 per cent of
instrument Is at equilibrium. Max. Manually disturb the equilibrium and
Initiate the command for data printing or
(ii) Digital Indication : data storage as soon as possible. Read
A load plus sufficient additional weights the indicated value 5 seconds after
(say 10 times 1/10 of e) shall be placed printing. Perform the test 5 times.
on the load receptor. The additional {il) Influence factors
weights shall then be removed until the
indication, I Is decreased unambiguously (I) Tilting
by one actual scale interval i.e. 1-d. One The instrument shall be tilted both
of the additional weights shall be replaced forwards and backwards longitudinally,
and a load equal to 1.4 e shall then be and from side to side transversely.
placed gently on the load receptor and
give a result, Increased by one actual scale In the text that follows, class II instrument
interval above the initial Indication, i.e. Intended for direct sales to the public are
!+d. designated class II* and class II
Instrument not intended for direct sale to
(8) Repeatability test the public are designated class II.
Two series of weighing shall be In practice the tests (no load and loaded)
performed; one at 1/2 load and the other can be combined as follows :
at max. Readings shall be taken when the
instrument Is loaded and unloaded. After zero setting in the reference position,
the indication is determined at no load
(9) Creep test
and at the two test loads. The instrument
Load the Instrument close to Max. Take Is then unloaded and tilted (withouta new
one reading as soon as the Indication has zero setting), after which the indication
stabilized and then note the Indication at no load and at the two test loads are
while the load remains on the Instrument determined. This procedure is repeated
for a period of four hours. During this for each of the tilting directions.
test the temperature should not vary more
than 2oc. In order to determine the influence of
tilting on the loaded instrument, the
The test may be terminated after 30 Indication obtained at each tilt shall be
minutes If the indication differs less than corrected for the deviation from zero
O.Se during the first 30 minutes and the which the instrument had prior to loading.
difference between 15 and 30 minutes is
less than 0.2e. If the instrument Is provided with
automatic zero-setting or zero tracking,
(1 0) Zero return test It shall not be in operation.
The deviation In the zero indication before
Tilting class II, III and IIII instruments
and after a period of loading with a load
close to Max for half an hour, shall be (a) Tilting at no-load (class II*, III and
determined. The reading shall be taken III!) :
as soon as the indication has stabilized.
The instrument shall be set to zero
For multiple range instruments, continue in its reference position (not tilted).
to read the zero indication during the The instrument shall then be tilted
following 5 minutes after the Indication longitudinally up to 2/1000 or the
has stabilized. limiting value of the level indicator,

whichever is greater. The zero of the operating manual for the time
indication. is noted. The test shall following connection to the mains shall
be repeated with transverse tilting. be observed.
(b) Tilting when loaded (class II, II*, III (13) Temperature tests
and III!) : See Figure 32 E for practical approach to
The•fnstrument.shall be set to zero performing the temperature tests.
in its reference position and two (I) Static temperature tests:
.welghings ·shall be carrled out at a
·foad.ciose to the lowest load where The test consists of exposure of the
the :maximum permissible error equipments under test (EUT) to constant
•changes, -and at a load close to Max. temperatures within the range stated
The:instrument is then unloaded and under free air conditions, for a 2 hour
tilted 'longitudinally and set to zero. period after the EUT has reached
The ·tilting shall be 2/1000 or the temperature stability.
limiting value of the level indicator, The weighing tests (loading and
whiChever is greater. Weighing tests unloading) shall be carried out
as described above shall be
performed. The test shall be o at a reference temperature
repeated with transverse tilting. (normally 20oc but for class I
instruments the mean value of the
(c) Tittlng class I instrument : specified temperature limits);
The Instrument shall be tilted o at the specified high temperature;
longitudinally up to the limiting value
· of the level indicator. Check the tilt. o at the specified low temperature or
Repeat with transverse tilting. at a temperature of soc if the
specified low temperature is below
If the tilt Is not greater than 2/1000, 10°C; and
no further testing is required.
Otherwise test as per "tilting when o at the reference temperature.
loaded (class II, II* III and III!)" in The change of temperature shall not
(b) above. exceed 1°C/min during heating and
(d) Instrument without level indicator: cooling down.

For an Instrument liable to be tilted

' class I instruments changes in
and not fitted with a level indicator barometric pressure shall be taken into
the test "tilting class II, III and III!" account.
as given in (a) and (b) shall be The absolute humidity of the test
performed except that the atmosphere shall not exceed 20 gjm3,
instrument shall be tilted 5% instead unless the operating manual gives
of0.2%. different specifications.
(12) Wa1771 up time test (II) Temperature effect on the no-load
An instrument using electric power shall Indication :
be disconnected from the supply for a The instrument shall be set to zero and
period of at least 8 hours prior to the test. then changed to the prescribed highest
The instrument shall then be connected and lowest temperature as well as at soc
and switched on and as soon as the if applicable. After stabilisation the error
indication has stabilized, the instrument of the zero indication shall be determined.
shall be set to zero and the error at zero The change in zero indication per 1°C
shall be determined. Calculation of error (class I) instrument or per soc (other
shall be made. The instrument shall be instruments) shall be calculated. The
loaded with a load close to Max. These changes of these errors per 1°C (class I
observations shall be repeated after S, 1S instruments) or per S°C (other
and 30 minutes. Instruments) shall be calculated for any
For instruments of class I, the provisions two consecutive temperature of this test.
[ '11'1 II-<li'1r,l" 3( i ) ] 411

This test may be performed together with

the temperature test. The errors at zero
shall then be additionally determined
immediately before changing to the next
temperature and after the 2 hour period
after the Instrument has reached stability
at this temperature.
Note : Pre-loading Is not allowed before these
If the Instrument is provided with
automatic zero-setting or zero-tracking,
it shall not be in operation.
(14) Voltege Vilrlatlon

Stabilize the EUT under constant

environmental conditions.
The test consists of subjecting the EUT to
variations of AC mains voltage.
The test shall be performed with test loads
of 10e and a load between 1/2 Max and
Test severity : Voltage variations : Upper limit V + 10%
Lower limit V • 15%
Where V is the value marked on the Instrument. "•
Maximum allowable variations : All functions

shall operate as designed, and all indications shall i i

~L .,
be within the maximum permissible errors. If the
instrument is provided with an automatic zero-setting
or a zero tracking device, It may be in operation during
- A l'J

"' " ~

the test. Proposed test sequence for tests given in clauses (i)
(15} Endurance test: and (ii) of sub-paragraph (13) of Paragraph 9 of
(Applicable only to instruments of class II, III
and III! with Max .s,100 kg (temperature test where the temperature
limits are +40°C 1- 1o•c)
The endurance test shall be performed after
all other tests. Annex-A
Under normal conditions of use, the Instrument ADDIDONAL TESTS FOR ELECTRONIC
shall be subjected to the repetitive loading and INSTRUMENTS FOR MODEL APPROVAL
unloading of a load approximately equal to 50% of J. General requirements for electronic
Max. The load shall be applied 100 000 times. The instruments under test (ElJT}
frequency and speed of application shall be such that Energise the EUT for a time period equal to or
the instrument attains an equilibrium when loaded and greater than the warm up time specified by the
when unloaded. The force of the load applied shall not manufacturer and maintain the EUT energised for
exceed the force attained In a normal loading operation. the duration of the test.
A weighing test In accordance with the Adjust the EUT as closely as practicable to zero
procedure shall be performed before the endurance prior to each test, and do not re-adjust it at any time
test is started to obtain the intrinsic error. A weighing during the test, except to reset It If a significant fault
test shall be performed after the completion of the has been Indicated. The deviation of the no-load
loadings to determine the durability error due to wear indication due to any test condition shall be recorded,
and tear. If the Instrument Is provided with automatic and any load Indication shall be corrected accordingly
zero-setting or zero-tracking device it may be in to obtain the weighing result.
operation during the test.

The handling of the instrument shall be such that to the disturbance and the indication without
no condensation of water occurs on the instrument: the disturbance shall either not exceeds
2. Performance tests for influence factors eor the instrument shall detect and react to
a significant fault.
2(1} Static temperatures.
2(2) Damp heat, steady state
The test consists in exposing the EUT to
(not applicable to class I instrument or specified bursts of voltage spikes.
class II Instruments where e Is less than
1 gram). Before any test stabilize the EUT under
constant environmental conditions.
Test procedure in brief : The test consists
of exposure of the EUT to a constant The test shall be applied separately to:
temperature and a constant relative power supply lines,
humidity. The EUT shall be tested with at l/0 circuits and communications lines, If
least five different test loads. any.
o at the reference temperature (20 °C or The test shall be performed with test loads
the mean value of the temperature range . of 10 e and a load between 1/2 Max and
whenever 20°C is outside this range) Max.
and a relative humidity of 50% following
conditioning. Test severity : Open circuit output test
voltage for:
o at the high temperature of the range
specified In clause (ii) of sub-paragraph o power supply lines 1 kV
(9) of paragraph 3 of Part II and a relative o I/0 signal!, data and control lines O.SkV.
humidity of 85%, two days following Maximum allowable variations : The
temperature and humidity stabilization, difference between the weight indication
and due to the disturbance and the indication
o at the reference temperature and without the disturbance shall either not
relative humidity of 50%. exceeds e or the Instrument shall detect
Maximum allowable variations : All and react to a significant fault.
functions shall operate as designed. (3) Electrostatic discharge
All indications shall be within maximum The test, consists in exposing the EUT to
permissible errors. specified, direct and Indirect, electrostatic
3. Power volta$e variations discharges.
Performance tests for disturbances This test includes the paint penetration
method, if appropriate, for direct
(1) Short time power reductions discharges the air discharge shall be used
Test procure In brief : Stabilize the EUT where the contact discharge method
under constant environmental conditions. cannot be applied.
A test generator capable of reducing the Before any test stabilize the EUT under
amplitude of one or more half cycles (at constant environmental conditions.
zero crossings) or the AC mains voltage At least 10 direct discharges and 10
shall be used. The test generator shall Indirect discharges shall be applied. The
be adjusted before connecting the EUT. time interval between successive
The mains voltage reduction shall be discharges shall be at least 10 seconds.
repeated ten times with an Interval of at
least Hi seconds. The test shall be performed with test loads
of lOe and a load between 1/2 Max. and
The test shall be performed with test loads Max.
of 10e and a load between 1/2 Max and
Max: Maximum allowable variations : The
difference between the weight indication
Test sevt!rlty Reductions 100% 50%
due to the disturbance and the indication
Number of half cycles 1 2 without the disturbance shall either not
Maximum allowable variations The exceeds e or the instrument shall detect
difference between the weight Indication due and react to a significant fault.
------ - - -------

[ '!ll'l l HlN 3(i) ] 413

(4} Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields Test load : Near Max : The same test weights
The test consists in exposing the EUT to shall be used throughout this test.
specified electromagnetic fields. Number of measurement at least 8.
Before any test, stabilize the EUT under Test sequence : Stabilize aII factors at sufficiently
constant environmental conditions. constant ambient conditions.
The EUT shall be exposed to Adjust the EUT as close to zero as possible.
electromagnetic fields of the strength and Automatic zero-tracking shall be made
character as specified by the severity level. Inoperative and automatic built In span adjustment
The test shall be performed with one small device shall be made operative.
test load only : Apply the test weight( s) and determined the error.
Frequency range 26-1000 MHz At the first measurement Immediately repeat
Field strength 3 V/m ·zeroing and loading four times to determine the
Modulation 80% AM 1kHz sine average value of the error. For the next measurements
wave perform only one unless either the result is outside
Maximum allowable variations : The the specified tolerance or the range of the fiVe readings .
difference between the weight Indication of the initial measurements Is more than 0. 1e.
due to the disturbance and the Indication Record the following data:-
without the disturbance either shall not (a) data and time
exceed e or the instrument shall detect (b) temperature
and react to a significant fault.
(c) barometric pressure
4. Span stability test
(d) relative humidity
(Not applicable to class I instruments)
Test procedure In brief : The test consists in (e) testload
observing the variations of the error of the EUT under (f) Indication
sufficiently constant ambient conditions (reasonably (g) errors
constant conditions In a normal laboratory (h) changes in test locations
environment) at various Intervals before, during and
and apply all necessary corrections resulting
after the EUT has been subjected to performance
from variations of temperature, pressure, etc.
between the various measurements.
The performance test shall Include the
Allow full recovery of the EUT before any other
temperature test and If applicable, the damp heat
test is performed.
test; they shall not Include any endurance test; other
performance test In this Annexure and In paragraph Maximum allowable variations
9 shall be performed. The variation in the errors of indication shall not
The EUT shall be disconnected from the mains exceed half the verification scale interval or half the
power supply, or battery supply where fitted, two absolute value of the maximum permissible error on
times for at least 8 hours during the period of the initial verification or the test load applied, whichever
test. The number of disconnections may be Increased is greater, on any of the n measurements.
If the manufacturer specified so or at the discretion Where the difference of the results indicate a
of the approval authority In the absence of any such trend more than half the allowable variation specified
specification. above, the test shall be continued until the trend comes
For the conduct of this test the manufacturer's to rest or reverses itself, or until the error exceeds
operating instructions shall be considered. the maximum allowable variation. ·
The EUT shall be stabilised at sufficiently SEVEN1li SOIEDUU:
constant, ambient conditions after switch-on for at HEADING-B.
least 5 hours, but at least 16 hours after the (see rule 13)
temperature and damp heat test have been GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
J. category
Test duration : 28 days or the period necessary
for the performance tests to be carried out, whichever Weighing instruments of the following categories
Is shorter. are included In this Part:
nme between measurements : Between 1/2 (a) Beam Scales
and 10days. (b) Counter Machines

-------~ --- --

2. Constructions (b) Sensitivity figure-It is expressed in terms

(a) Weighing instruments cShall <be of such of milligrams per division.
materials, design and construction that (c) Sensitiveness-It is expressed as the least
under normal conditions of.service: weight, required to be added to or
(I) They maintain accuracy. removed from one of the pans, to cause
{ii) They function·satisfactorlly without a visible displacement of the pointer from
the need for' frequent adjustment. Its position of equilibrium.
{iii) Excessive .stresses ·do not develop Note : 1. Sensitivity figures shall be
In the determined only for those beam scales
(b) The plv.ots, :knife,edges and bearings, which have a pointer with sector plate. For
wherever :used shall be of agate or other beam scales the sensitiveness test
suitabJe!hard;material or of suitable quality shall apply.
steel. il"he·steel !knife,edges and bearings 2. All class 'A' beam scales shall be
shall have ;the :hardness spedfled below: provided with a pointer with sector plate
(i) For 'beam scale of dasses C and D or the scale.
and with capacities 10kg. and below (d) Error (Due to inequality of arms)-The
not less than 54 RDckwell C. error due to inequality of arms of a beam
(ii) .F.!i!r ·other weighing instruments-GO scale under specified load conditions Is
to 66 Rockwell C. equal to the mass of the additional
weights required to bring to equipoise the
(c) The piwts, knife-edges and bearings shall
balance, carrying weights of equal masses
be protected against corrosion and dirt.
In the pans.
3. Marking
(e) Greatest Error (Due to Inequality of
(a) All weighing Instruments shall carry the
Arms)-The greatest error due to
following markings:-
Inequality of arms Is the error determined
(i) manufacturer's name, or his
with two weights each equal to the
registered trade mark.
capacity (full load) of the balance.
(ii) to weight kg, or g as appropriate.
2. Classes 11nd Capacities
(iii) dass, wherever applicable.
(a) Beam scales shall be of any one of the
Note : The manufacturer's name or four classes namely, A, B, C or D, based
registered trade marks shall be such as on limits for sensitivity figure/sensitiveness
will not be mistaken for the stamp or seal and greatest error specified in Tables
of the verification authority. 21-A to 21-D, respectively.
(b) The markings shall be indelible and of a (b) Beam scales of the different classes shall
size, shape and clarity allowing easy · be of one of the capacities mentioned in
reading under normal conditions of use lllbles 21-A to 21-D.
of the Instruments.
(c) The trades for which the different classes
(c) All numerals appearing on weighing of scales may be used are:
instruments shall be international form of
Class of Scale Use
Indian numeral.
4. Sealing
A * Commercial assay and in 'Dharahl Kanta'
for verifying the weights of bullion and
All weighing Instruments shall be provided by precious stones.
the manufacturers with a plug or stud of soft metal B Precious stones, jewels, pearls, bullion,
to receive the stamp or seal of the verification precious metals, saffron and similar expensive
authority. Such plug or stud shall be provided in a commodities, chemists and druggists
conspicuous part of the Instrument and shall be made preparations, perfumery, etc.
in such a manner as to prevent its removal without
C Base metals and commodities such as cereals,
obliterating the seal.
tea, coffee, tobacco, jute, cotton, dry fruits,
PART I BEAM SCALES spices, oil seeds, etc.
J. Definitions D Weighment of cheaper commodities such as
(a) Beam Scale-A weighing instrument with scrap iron, fuel, wood, charcoal, vegetables,
equal arms having three knife edges, three etc.
bearings, an indicator (pointer) in the *Single pan balances may also be used in place of Class A
centre, and pans suspended from the end or 8 beam scales. (For tests to be conducted on such balances
knife-edges. see annexure at the end of this part.)
['WI II-~ 3(i)] <nm 'liT ~ : a:mi"'R"T 415



Class 'A:

cae_acity Verification Inse_ectlon

Sensitivity figure per Greatest error Sensitivity figure per Greatest error
division of scale at no allowed when 1 division of scale at no allowed when
load and at full load full'[_ loaded , load and at full load full'[_ loaded

.1 2 3. 4 5

m m mg m

2g 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

5g 0.05 0.10. 0.15 0.20

10 g 0.10 0.20 , 0.30 0.40

. 20 g 0.20 0.401 0.60 0.80

50 g 0.50 1 1 1.5 2

!00 g 1 2 . 3 4

200 g 2 4 6 8

500 g 5 10 , 15 20

1 kg 10 20 ' 30 40

2 kg 20 40 60 80

5 kg 30 60 90 120

10 kg 50 100 150 200

20 kg 100 200 300 400

50 kg 200 400 600 800




Capacity Verification Inspection

Sensitiveness Greatest error Sensitiveness Greatest error

at full load allowed when at full load allowed when
fully loaded ~ I fully loaded

1 2 3 4 5

2g 1 mg 2 mg 3 mg 4 mg

5g 2 mg 4 mg 6 mg 8 mg

10 g 3 mg 6 mg 9 mg 12 mg

~~· ·-- - ~~~~- --· --- · - - - - _j ___ --. - - - - - - - - -


1 2 3 4 5

20)g 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg

. so g 10 mg 20 mg 30 mg 40 mg

100 g 20 mg 40 mg 60 mg 80 mg

200 g 30 mg 60 mg 90 mg 120 mg

500 g 50mg 100 mg 150 mg 200 mg

1 kg 100 mg 200 mg 300 mg 400 mg

2 kg 200 mg 400 mg 600 mg 800 mg

5 kg 300 mg 600 mg 900 mg 1.2 g

10 kg 500 mg 1g 1.5 g 2g
20 kg 1g 2g 3g 4g

50 kg 2g 4g 6g 8g

100 kg 5g 10 g 15 g 20 g

200 kg lOg 20 g 30 g 40g



Cae,acity VerifiCiltlon Inse,ection

Sensitiveness Greatest error Sensitiveness Greatest error

at full load allowed when at fully load allowed when
fully loaded I fu!l't. loaded

1 2 3 4 5

100 g 100 mg 200 mg 300 mg 400 mg

200 g 200 mg 400 mg 600 mg BOO mg

500 g 500 nig 1g 1.5 g 2g

1 kg 1g 2g 3g 4g

2 kg 2g 4g 6g 8g

5 kg 3g 6g 9g 12 g

10 kg 5g 10 g 15 g 20 g

20 kg 10 g 20 g 30 g 40 g

50 kg 15 g 30 g 45 g 60 g

100 kg 25 g 50 g 75 g 100 g

200 kg . so g 100 g 150 g 200 g

300 kg 75 9 150 g 225 g 300 9

500 kg 100 g 200 g 300 g 400 g

1000 kg 150 9 300 9 450 g 600 9


capacity Verification Inspection
Sensitiveness at full Greatest error Sensitiveness at full Greatest error
load allowed when load allowed when
fully loaded fully loaded
kg g g g
1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20
10 10 20 30 40
20 20 40 60 80
50 30 60 90 . 120
100 50 100 150 200
200 100 200 300 400
300 150 300 450 600
500 200 400 600 800
1000 300 600 900 1200

3. Materials (c) Suspension-Pans shall be suspended from

the beam by metal chains through stirrups,
(a) Material for Class A Beam Scales-class A
hooks or rings. In the case of Class B beam
beam scales shall be made of non-magnetic
scales of capacity 100 g or less, the pans
materials only, except knife-edges and may be suspended by silk or nylon threads.
(d) All mild steel parts used In beam scales shall
(b) Material for other Class of Beam Scales- be suitably protected against rust. ·
Beams and pans shall be made of stainless 4. Construction
steel, mild steel, brass or bronze. Aluminium (a) Knife-edges and Bearings
alloy may be used in balances, having a (i) The knife-edges and bearings used
capacity of not more than 50g. The pans of in beam scales shall be of one of the
Class B beam scales may be made of glass following types:-
also. In the case of beam scales of Classes Agate-boA"-Whereln agates bearings are
C and D, pans of hard-wood shall be fitted in a brass or Iron box, with side
permitted for capacities 100 kg. and above. holes which permit the projecting
The pans of beam scales, when made of ends of the knife-edges to pass into
timber, shall be adequately reinforced and the boxes and rest on or rise to their
protected against wear. bearings (See Fig· 33 A).




Dutch-end-Wherein the end bearings are fixed a shackle (See Figure- 33 B)

inside plates bolted together across the' beam to form


Swan-neck-Wherein the ends are curved and at right angles to its length so that the base of the slot
slotted, the bottom of the slot forming a knife-edge, is parallel to the central knife-edge (See Figure
the extremities of the beam being widened In direction 55-H).



Continuous knlfe-edge'-Whereln the knife- edges bear along their whole length (See Fig 33 D)



['WT II-~ 3(i)] 419

(ii) Class A beam scales shall have continuous (c) Leading Dimensi<Jns
knife-edges and shall be provided with means
for relieving all the knife-edges from the (I) No dimensions have been specified for Class
bearings. A beam scales.
(iii) Class B, beam scale shall not have swan- (II} Beam scale of Classes B, C and D shall have
neck fittings. the leading dimensions specified in Tables
(b) Glass Case- 21 E to 21 I and Figure 33 E to 33 I as
Every beam scale of aass A shall be provided applicable to within the tolerances specified
with a glass case. It shall also be provided In 4(d). For Class C beam scales of capacities
with bubble or a plumb line and levelling 5 kg and below fixed hooks may also be
screws to facilitate levelling of the provided.

Class B (with pointer above the beam)
capacity Length between ends Depth at the centre Thickness of plate at the
(Nominal) (Nominal) centre (Nominal)
1 2 3 4
mm mm mm
2g 70 10 2
5g 95 12 2
lOg 110 15 2
20g 120 20 3
50g 135 22 3
lOOg 150 25 4
200g 170 25 5
500g 200 30 5
1 kg 250 40 6
2kg 300 45 6
5 kg 450 50 6
10 kg 500 58 8
20 kg 600 58 10
50 kg 750 100 15
100 kg 1000 110 18
200 kg 1250 125 25
200g 170 25 5
500g 260 37 5
1 kg 310 44 5
2 kg 350 48 5
5 kg 450 60 6
10kg 500 70 8
20 kg 600 80 10
50 kg 750 120 15
100kg 1000 150 20

Class B (Flat and Open Pattern Type with pointer below the beam)

Capacity Length between the ends Depth at the centre Th lckness of plate at the
(Nominal) (Nominal) centre knife edge
1 2 3 4
mm mm mm
2g 70 3 2
5g 95 3 2
lOg 110 4 2
20g 120 20 3
50g 135 20 3
lOOg 150g 20 4
200g 200 20 6
500g 235 25 8
1 kg 300 30 8
2 kg 320 30 8
5 kg 350 32 10
10 kg 400 40 12
20kg 500 50 14
50 kg 700 70 18
100kg 800 80 20
200kg 1250 125 25
Class C (Swan Neck Type)
Capacity Length between the Depth at the centre Thickness of plate at the
ends (Nominal) (Nominal) centre knife edge (Nominal)
1 2 3 4
mm mm mm
100g 150 30 4
200g 200 40 5
500g 300 40 6
1 kg 350 45 6
2kg 400 45 6
5 kg 550 70 6
10kg 600 80 6
20 kg 750 108 8
50 kg 900 116 8
100 kg 1200 138 14
200kg 1350 148 16
300kg 1650 154 18
500kg 1800 178 25
1000 kg 2000 200 32

. ·- 1 .
['fTTI n-= 3( i) J 421

Class C (Dutch End Type)

Capacity Length between end Depth at the centre Th lckness of plate at the
knife-edges (Nominal) knife-edge (Nominal)
1 2 3 4
mm mm mm
100g 150 35 4
200g 200 40 5
SOOg 300 40 6
1 kg 350 45 6
2 kg 400 45 6
5 kg 450 70 6
10 kg 450 75 8
20 kg 600 75 8
SO kg 750 80 8
100kg 900 120 14
200 kg 900 133 16
300kg 1050 142 16
SOOkg 1350 192 20
1000 kg 1650 203 25
Class 'D'

Capacity Length between the end Depth at the centre Thickness of plate at
knife-edges (Nominal) (Nominal) the centre (Nominal)
1 2 3 4
kg mm mm mm
5 550 70 6
10 600 80 6
20 750 108 6
50 900 116 8
100 1200 138 14
200 1350 148 16
300 1650 154 18
500 1800 178 25
1000 2000 200 32
47lf c,o)II-I~G




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SECTION XX ..1:~------- L SEAL~ ;












l + X
·~ ~ APROX



Note : Class D beam scales shall be dlstJnguished (e) Attachment for Adjusting the Balance of a
from Class C scale by the existence of two Identical Beam scale-Beam scales of Classes B, C
holes 5 to 10 mm in diameter through the beam, one and D may be provided with a balance ball
on either side of the central knife-edge. or balance box securely attached to one of
(d) Permissible variation in Dimensions-The the suspended chains or· pans in such a
dimensions of the beam scales shall not vary manner that it is not possible to alter it easily.
by more than 10 per cent of the dimensions The balance ball or balance box shall not be
prescribed In Tables 21 E to 21 I. · so large as to contain more loose material

than an amount exceeding one, percent in sensitivity figure. Beam scales of other
weight ofthe capacity of beam scales under classes shall not be provided with an
100 kg or an amount exoeedlng lkg for. beam attachment to adjust their sensitiveness.
scale of.c~paclty 100 kg and above. (g) For the purposes of postal transactions
(f) Arrangement adjustif]g sensitivity figure- Class C beam scales may be provided
Beam scales of Class. A shall 'be provided with an open type pan as illustrated in
with an .attachment for adjusting the Figure 33 J.



s = 2w/n.
5. TestS A similar test with appropriate weights in each
(a) Test for sensitivity figure or sensitiveness Only pan representing the full capacity of the beam scale,
-class 'A' beam scales shall be tested for sensitivity shall be performed to determine the sensitivity figure
figure. The sensitivity figure shall be determined at of the beam ~caie at full load.
zero and full loads and shall comply with the (II) Class A beam scales 2g to 20g--As it is not
requirements specified in Table 43-B, Beam scales practicable to make weights of
other than Class 'A' shall be tested for sensitiveness denominations smaller than one milligram,
at full load only and shall comply with the requirements the sensitivity figure of beam scales of
specified in Tables 43-C to 43-E. smaller capacities, that is, from 2 g to 20 g
(i) Class A Beam Scales-For determining the shall be determined by means of a pair of
sensitivity figure of a Class A beam scale at weights, each weight having a mass of
no load, the beam scale shall be properly approximately 5 mg. The difference in the
balanced without any load In the pans. A masses of the two weights of the pair shall
small weight whose mass Is accurately be adjusted to be of the order of 0.05 mg,
known shall be put on one of the pans. This 0.12 mg., 0.25 mg, or0.5 mg depending on
small weight shall be so chosen that the the beam scale under test, that is, for testing
turning points of the pointer remain within 2 g, 5 g, 10 g or 20 g, beam scale,
the reading Index. The rest point shall be respectively. This difference should be known
determined by the usual oscillation method. accurately. After balancing the beam scale
The weight shall then be transferred to the at zero load, one of the two weights in the
other pan and the second rest point shall be pair shall be put on the right pan and the
determined. If the rest points shift by 'n' other weight on the left pan. The rest point
divisions on the scale and if the mass of the shall be determined. The two weights shall
test weight is 'w' mg., the sensitivity figure then be inter-changed and the second rest
's' in milligrams per division, at no load, is point shall be similarly determined. If the
given by the relation: rest point shifts by 'n' divisions and if the
----. ·--.--~--

['WT II-~ 3(i)] 425

difference between the masses of the two (ii) Beam scales other than Class A-In the case
test weight Is 'w' mg., the sensitivity figure of beam with fixed hooks the beam with
's' of the beam scale in milligrams per division hooks but without chains and pans shall be
at zero load Is given by the relation: checked for balanoe. If detachable hooks are
provided the beam alone shall be checked.
s = 2w/n.
The loose hooks shall then be attached and
To determine the sensitivity figure of the beam the assembly checked for balance. The
scale at full load a similar test shall be performed chains and pans shall then be attached In
with weights equal to the maximum capacity of the the case of both the types of balances and
beam scale in each pan. checked again for balance.
(iii) Beam scales other than class A-Pans of a After checking at no load, each of the pans shall
beam scale other than Class A, shall be be loaded with weights equal to the maximum capacity
loaded with weights representing Its full of the beam scale and the scale shall be balanced.
capacity and the scale is balanced. Weights The loads thereon shall then the interchanged
of such mass shall then be added on one of and the beam scale balanced again by adding
the pans as may move the tip of the pointer necessary weights on one of the pans. The additional
from its equilibrium position by an weight shall be equal to twice the error due to
appreciable distance. After removing these inequality of arms of the beam.
weights the same test shall be repeated on
the other pan and the weights required for In the case of beams with attached hooks, the
moving the tip of the pointer by the same loads shall be Interchanged along with the chains, and
distance on the other side of the equilibrium pans and In the case of beams with detachable hooks
position shall then be added. If these weights the loads shall be interchanged along with the hook
are denoted by 'wl' and 'w2' respectively, chains and pans.
the sensitiveness "s" of the beam scale is (Ill) The figure so obtained shall be halved to
given by the relation: determine the error at full-load. These
should be within the limits specified in Tables
s=~,~2 43-B to 43-E.
2 (c) Shift 7esf--Beam scales other than Class A-,.
(b) Inequality ofArms Test With the pans loaded to half the capacity, no
appreciable difference in the accuracy of the
(i) Class A Beam Scale-The error due to
instrument shall result from moving the knife-edges
inequality of arm of Class A beam scale shall
or bearings laterally or backwards and forwards within
be determined by the following method. The
their limits of movement.
beam scale shall be properly balanced
without any load In the pans. The rest point Similarly when the above load is moved to any
(R,) shall be determined by the usual position on the pan, the difference shown shall not be
oscillation method. After arresting the beam appreciable.
both the pans shall be loaded with equal Note: The words 'appreciable difference' shall
weights of same material and representing mean 'a difference which can be detected; but the
the full capadty of the beam scale. The beam Legal Metrology Officer should exercise his discretion
scale shall then be properly balanced by in each particular case.
adding small weights. The rest point (R,) 6. sealing
shall be determined by the oscillation
All beam sea les sha II be provided by the
method. After arresting the beam, the loads,
manufacturer with a plug/plugs or stud/studs of soft
including the small weights, shall be
metal to receive the stamp or seal of the verification
interchanged and scale balanced again by
authority. Such plug/plugs or stud/studs shall be
putting additional weights (m), if necessary
provided In a conspicuous position and shall be made
on one of the pans. The rest point (R,) shall
in such a manner as to prevent its removal without
again be determined. The error (E) caused obliterating the seal/seals.
due to Inequality of the arms of the scale is
given by · ANNEXURE
Tests for single pan balances.
1. Sensitiveness-The balance shall be tested
2 2 for sensitiveness near zero, middle and extreme
where 5 is the sensitivity figure of the beam scale. position of the projection scale under three conditions
lt?<r tt/lll-1<>7

of loading namely no load, half load and full load. The and arresting the balance in the unloaded condition
balance shall be.such so as to record the change in followed by another ten readings when the balance
mass of the order of tsub,division of the·projection is in fully loaded condition. The standard deviation
scale accurately within the limits of the value equivalent from the mean of the rest point shall be calculated
to the least count of. the vernier or micrometre scale if separately for each condition, which in no case
provided, otherwise ,within half a division of the shall exceed half the division of the j:>rojection
projection scale. scale if no vernier or micrometer scale is provided
2. Accuracy of projection scale-The.accuracy or two divisions of the vernier or micrometer
of the projection scale shall be examined at 10 points scale.
of the scale under,three different conditions of loading
namely at no load, half load and full load. The PARTII-COUNTER MACHINES
maximum error at any point shall not exceed the value
of the one half-sub-dlvision,of the projection scale, if 1. Definition
no vernier or micrometer scale is provided or two A counter machine is an equal arm weighing
divisions of the vernier or micrometre scale. instrument of capacity not exceeding 50 kg, the pans
3. Consistency of performance-Ten of which are above the beam. Figure 33 K illustrates a
consecutive readings shall be noted by releasing typical counter machine.


2. Capacities two cross-bars. The supports for the pans

The machines may be of the following maximum shall be of a suitable rigid structure such as
capacities:- cross members strengthened by straps.
Central pieces or forks shaii be fixed so that
500g,lkg,2kg,3kg,Skg, lOkg, 15kg,20kg,25kg, they are not twisted or dislocated.
30kg and SOkg.
(b) Bearing surfaces, knife-edges and points of
3. General Requirements
contact of all stays, hooks and loops shall be
(a) When the beam of body has two sides, they of hard steel or agate. The knife-edges and
shall be connected further by not less than bearings shall be so fitted as to allow the
- -- ---~---·~-----:------------­

[ "lT'T I HllllS 3 ( i ) ] 427

beam to move freely. The knee-edges shall addition of the weight specified in col.
rest upon the bearings along the whole 2 or 4 as the .case may be of Table
length of their working part. 21 J shall cause the pointer to have a
(c) A counter machine may have a balance box displacement corresponding to the
for minor adjustments. In such a case, the minimum limits specified In
balance box shall be permanently fixed paragraph 3(e).
beneath the weight pan and shall be large (ii) The error that is the weight required
enough to contain loose material to an to bring the beam of the instrument
amount upto one per cent of the capacity of to horizontal position when fully
the machine. No other adjusting contrivance loaded with weights each equal to its
shall be used. capacity on both pans shall not exceed
(d) The pans may be made of any suitable the limits specified In cols. 3 and 5 as
material such as mild steel, stainless steel, the case may be ofTable 21 JK.
brass or bronze, aluminium or its alloys, (c) Shift Test
porcelain, enamel coated steel, glass or (I) When the goods pan is in the form of
plastic material. They may be of any a scoop, the counter machine shall
convenient shape. be correct to the prescribed limits of
(e) The minimum fall of the extremities of the error if half the full load is placed
beam, either way, of counter machines shall against the middle of the back of the
b.e as follows:- scoop and the other half at any
position on the scoop.
capaaty Minimum fall
(II) When the goods pan is not in the fonn
500 g, 1 kg and 2 kg 6mm of a scoop, the counter machine shall
3 kg, S"kg, 10 kg, 15 kg 10mm indicate the same weight within half
20 kg, 25 kg and 30 kg 12mm the prescribed limits of error, if the
50 kg 13mm centre of a load equal to half the
capacity placed on the goods pan Is
4. Tests moved any where within a distance
(a) The machine shall be tested on a horizontal from the centre equal to one-third of
level plane. the length of the pan. If the pan has
(b) Sensitiveness and Error a vertical side against the middle of
(i) The machine shall be tested for that side, the weight being entirely
sensitiveness at full load with the on the weight pan, but in any position
beam In a horizontal position. The on it.
Verification Inspection
Capacity Sensitiveness Maximum Sensitiveness Maximum
when fully permissible error, when fully permissible error
loaded in excess or loaded in excess or
deficiency, when deficiency, when
fully loaded fully loaded
1 2 3 4 5
SOOg LSg ' 2.2 g 4.5g 4.5g
1 kg 2.0g 3.0g 6.0g 6.0g
2kg . 3.0g 4.5g 9.0g 9.0g
3 kg 4.0g 6.0g 12.0g 12.0g
5 kg 6.0g 9.0g lB.Og lB.Og
lOkg 7.0 g 10.5g 2l.Og 21.0 g.
lSkg B.Og 12.0g 24.0g 24.0g
20 kg 9.0g 13.5g 27.0g 27.0g
25 kg lO.Og lS.Og 30.0g 30.0g
30kg ll.Og 20.0g 33.0g 40.0g
SO kg 15.0 g 30.0g 45.0g 60.0g
. · ·-· . ~ -~l


5. Sealing (li) Aprons

Each machlne.shall:be provided with a,plug or The parts of the weigh zone that are not the
stud of soft metal on a conspicuous part ofthe beam load receptor nor part of the load receptor.
or body to receive. the stamp orseal of.the verification
authority. Such a· plug. or •stud ~shall :be ·made (2) Electronic device
irremovable by undercutting· it.or by ,some suitable A device comprised of electronic subassemblies
method. and performing a specific function. An electronic device
SEVENTH: SCHEDULE is usually manufactured as a separate unit and Is
capable of being independently tested.
{I) Electronic sub-assembly
A part of an electronic device comprised of
.'P.ARTI electronic components and having a
TERMINOLOGY (Tenns and definitions) recognizable function of its own.
1.Gener.a/deRn~ons (il) Electronic component
(1) Weighing instrument The smallest physical entity that uses electron
Measuring instrument that serves to determine or hole conduction in semiconductors, gases,
the mass of a load :by using the action of gravity. or In a vacuum.
(2} Automatic weighing Instrument {3) IndiCiltfng device
An instrument that weighs without the The part of the instrument that displays the value
intervention of an operator and follows a of a weighing result in units of mass.
predetermined program of automatic processes ( 4) Ancillary devices
characteristic of the Instrument. (I) Zero-setting device
(3) Rail-weighbridge:
The means used to set to zero the weight
A weighing Instrument having a load receptor, Indicating device when the load receptor Is
inclusive of rails for conveying railway vehicles. e(Tlpty:
(4) Electronic instrument (a) Non-automatic zero-setting device :A zero-
An instrument equipped with electronic devices. setting device that must be operated
(5) Control Instrument '
(b) Semi-automatic zero-setting device: A zero-
A non-automatic weighing instrument used to setting device that operates automatically
determine the mass of a reference wagon. following a manual command.
(6) Weigh zone
(c) Automatic zero-setting device : A zero-
Zone in which a wagon must be located when it setting device that operates automatically
is weighed. and without the intervention of an operator.
2. Construction (ii) Printing device
Note: In this Recommendation the term "device" The means to print the weight values of
is applied to any part which uses any means to perform wagons weighed on the instrument and/or
one or more specific functions. a summation of those wagon weights.
(1) Load receptor 3. Hetrolog/cal characteristics
The part of the weigh zone that Is intended to {1) Weighing
·receive the load and which realizes a change In the
{I) Full draught weighing
balance of the instrument when a load Is placed upon
it. Weighing a wagon that is entirely supported
{I) Multiple load receptors on the load receptor( s).

Two or more load receptors placed In series (ii) Part/a/weighing

that are used as a single load receptor for Weighing a wagon in two or more parts on
. full draught weighing. the same load receptor. The results are
['IT'TII =3(i)] 429
automatically added to indicate or print the two consecutive indicated or printed values for
wagon weight. digital indication.
(iii) Weighing-In-motion (wim) {i) Scale interval for stationary load : The scale
interval used for static tests.
Weighing objects that are in motion.
{a) Uncoupled wagon weighing :
{i) Maximum operating speed : The greatest
Weighing-In-motion of wagons that
velocity of a wagon that the Instrument Is
travel Independently across a load
designed to weigh-In-motion and above
receptor. (This is usually achieved by
which the weighing results may be subject
means of an incline of the approach
to an excessive relative error.
to the load receptor)
{b) Coupled wagon weighing : (il) Minimum operating· speed : The lowest
. velocity of a wagon that the instrument is
Weighing-in-motion of a train of designed to weigh-In-motion and below
coupled wagons to obtain a weight which the weighing results may be subject
Indication or printout of the individual to an excessive relative error.
{iii) Range of operating speeds : The difference
(c) Train weighing :
between the minimum and maximum
Weighing-in-motion of a number of operating speeds at which a wagon may be
coupled wagons to obtain a totalized weighed-in-motion.
weight of all the wagon weights.
{lv) Maximum transit speed : The maximum
(iv) Static weighing speed that a railway vehicle can travel on
Weighing a wagon while stationary and the weigh zone without producing a
· uncoupled to obtain a weight for the permanent shift In the performance
purposes of testing. characteristics of a weighing instrument
beyond those specified. · .
(2) Capacity
{6) Warm-up time
(i) Maximum capacity (Max)
The time between the moment that power Is
The largest load that an Instrument is applied to an instrument and the ·moment at which
designed to weigh-in-motion without the Instrument is capable of complying with the
totalizing. requirements.
(ii) Minimumcapacity(Min) (7) Durability
The load below which a weighing-In-motion Ability of an instrument to maintain Its
result before totalizing may be subject to an performance characteristics over a period of use.
excessive relative error.
4.Indlcat/ons and errors
(3) Wagon weight
(1) Methods ofindication
(i) Maximum wagon weight
{i) Analogue indication :
The largest in-motion load that the
An Indication allowing the determination of
installation is approved to weigh for a
an equilibrium position to a fraction of the
particular site.
scale interval.
(ii) Minimum wagon weight ·{II) Digital Indication :
The wagon weight below which a weighing- An Indication in which the scale marks are
In-motion result may be subject to an a sequence of aligned figures that do not
excessive relative error. permit interpolation to a fraction of a scale
(4) Scale Interval (d) Interval.
A value expressed in units of mass for weighing- (2) Errors
in-motion that is the difference between: (I) Error{ofind/cation):
the values corresponding to two consecUtive scale The indication of an instrument minus the
marks for analogue Indication, or (conventional) true value of the mass.

--.J.~--~-- ----

(ii) Intrinsic·error: 5. Influence quantity

The error of an lnstrument.under reference (1) A quantity that is not the subject of the
conditions measurement but which influences the .value of the
measurand and or the indication of the instrument.
(Iii) Initial intrinsic error:
(I) Inffuence factor:
The Intrinsic .error •of .an :instrument as
An Influence quantity having a value within
determlned.prlor:toperformance tests and
the specified rated operating conditions of
durability evaluations.
the Instrument.
(iv) Fault:
(II) Disturbance:
The difference between the error of
An Influence quantity having a value that falls
indication and.the:intrinsic error of a weighing
within the limits specified in this specification
but that falls outside the rated operating
Note .t.: :Principally, a fault is the result of conditions of the instrument.
an undesired change of data contained in or
(2) Rated operating conditions:
flowlngthrough an electronic instrument.
Conditions of use which give the ranges of the
Note 2.: !From the definition it follows that influence quantities for which the metrological
in this specification a "fault" is a numerical characteristics are intended to lie within the specified
value. maximum permissible errors.
(v) Significl1!1t fault: (J) Reference conditions:
A fault greater than d. The following are not A set of specified values of influence factors fixed
considered to be sJgnlficant faults: to ensure valid inter-comparison of the results of
* faults that result from simultaneous
and mutually independent causes in 6. Tests
the Instrument or in Its checking (1) Static test:
A test with standard weights or a load that
* faults that imply the Impossibility of remains stationary on the load receptor to
performing any measurement, determine an error.
*• transitory faults that are momentary (2) Jn·m9tion (dynamic) test:
variations in the indications which
cannot be interpreted, memorized or A test with reference wagons that are In
transmitted as a measurement result, motion on the load receptor to determine
an error.
* faults that are so serious that they
(J) Simulation test:
will Inevitably be noticed by those
interested in the measurement. A test carried out on a complete instrument
or part of an instrument in which any part of
(vi) Span stability :
the weighing operation is simulated ..
The capability of an instrument to maintain (4) Performance test:
the difference between the Indication of
weight at maximum capacity and the A test to verify that the equipment under
indication at zero within specified limits over test (EIJT) is capable of accomplishing Its
a period of use, Intended functions.
(5) Span stability test:
(vii) Maximum span stability error:
A test to verify that the EIJT is capable of
A span stability error greater than one half
maintaining its performance characteristics
of the absolute value of the maximum over a period of use.
permissible error applicable to tr.e load.
7. Rail vehicles
(viii) Rounding error:
(1) Wagon:
The difference between a digital
A loaded or unloaded railway goods vehicle
measurement result (indicated or printed)
that Is recognized by the instrument as a
and the value of the measurement result with
vehicle to be weighed.
an analogue Indication.
['11'1 II-~ 3(i)] 431

(2) Reference wagon: (a) A minimum of 500 metre rail track length
A wagon of known weight that is typical of shall be available with a gradient of not more
those to be used for weighing on the than 1 : 400 on either side of automatic rail
instrument and which has been selected for welghbridge.
the purposes of in-motion testing. (II) Static weighing : The maximum
(3) Total train: permissible errors on static weighing
for increasing or decreasing loads
A number of coupled wagons whose shall be the appropriate values In
totalized weight Is to be obtained. Table II.
METROLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL Maximum Load (m) expressed in
REQUIREMENTS permissible errors number of scale Intervals
1.SCope ± O.Sd 0 ,.:; m ,; 500
{1) This part specifies the requirements and ± 1.0d 500 < m < 2000
. test methods for automatic rail-weigh-bridges,
± 1.5d 2000 < m < 10000
hereinafter referred to as "Instruments" that are used
to determine the mass of railway wagons, when they (3) Scale Interval (d)
are weighed in motion. For a particular method of weighing-in-motion
2. Metrological /lequlrements and combination of load receptors, all weight indicating
and printing devices on an instrument shall have the
(1) Accuracy classes:
·same scale Interval.
Instruments are divided into four accuracy classes
The relationship between the accuracy class,
as follows:-
the scale Interval and the maximum wagon weight
0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 divided by the scale interval shall be as specified in
An instrument may be in a different accuracy Table III.
class for wagon weighing than that for train weighing. TABLE ni
(2} Maximum permissible errors Accuracy d(kg} (Maximum wagon
(i) Weighing In motion: class weight)!d
The maximum permissible errors for minimum maximum
weighing-in-motion shall be as 0.2 :s; 50 1000 5000
specified in Table I 0.5 :s; 100 500 2500
TABLE I 1 :s; 200 250 1250
Accuracy Percentage ofmass of 2 :s; 500 100 600
single wagon or class
total train as appropriate The scale intervals of the indicating or printing
devices shall be in the form of 1 x lQk, 2 x lQk, or
Verification Inspection 5 x 1ok, "k" being a positive or a negative whole
0.2 :!:0.10% :!:0.2% number or zero.
0.5 ±0.25% ±0.5% (4) Minimum capacity
1 :!:0.50% :!: 1.0% The minimum capal:ity shall not be less than It,
2 :!: 1.00% :!:2.0% and not greater than the value of the result of the
minimum wagon weight divided by the number of
Note : For the application of maximum partial weighings.
permissible errors refer to paragraphs 2(8)(11)(a) and
2(8)(ii)(b) of this part. (5} Min/mum wagon weight
On initial verification of an instrument weighing The minimum wagon weight shall not be less
coupled wagons, the errors of not more than 10% of than SOd.
the weighing results taken from one or more passes (6) Single axle or bogie weights
of the test train may exceed the appropriate maximum
Single axle or bogie weights shall not be indicated
. permissible error given in Table I but shall not exceed
or printed without an associated warning that these
two time that value.
weighing results cannot be verified.

-- . - --------

(7) Agreement between indicating & printing (e-il) Distribution of test load
I Exoept for ecoentrldty test, standard weights
For the same load, the difference between the or masses shall be evenly distributed on the
weighing results provided by any two devices having load receptor.
the same scale Intervals shall be as follows:-
(e-111) Eccentricity tests :
• zero for dlgital.devices
Tests shall be carried out without excessive
• ilbt greater than the.absolutevalue of the
stacking or overlapping of the load on the
maximum~permissible error for weighing in
load reoeptor provided that the conditions
motion for analog•devices.
are practical and safe. The test load shall
(8) Weighing test methods be equal to one half of the maximum capacity
rounded up to the next 1 tonne increment.
The appropriate :procedures are specified in
The test load shall be on the rails ooverlng
paragraph 5(1) .(pattern evaluation) 5(2) (Initial
the least area as is practicable and stacked
verification) and 5(3) (Inspection) of this part.
across each pair of supports of the load
( i) Static weighing : receptor.
An instrument to be used as a control (f) Discrimination tests :
instrument shall meet the requirements of
paragraph 2(8)(iii)(b) and paragraph An additional load that is equal to 1.4 times
2(8)(1)(a) to 2{8)(i)(f) inclusive. The the scale interval for a stationary load,
maximum permissible errors shall comply when gently placed on or withdrawn
with Table II. from each load receptor in turn when
at equilibrium at any load shall change
(a) Multiple load receptors :
the initial indication.
Each load receptor shall be tested by
the static-weighing method both (li) Weighing-in-motion
independently and in oomblnation. (a) Wagon weighing :
(b) Zero-setting :
The maximum permissible error for coupled
The Instrument shall be capable of
or uncoupled wagon weighing shall be one
setting to zero within± 0.25% of the
of the following values, whichever is greater:
scale Interval for a stationary load.
(c) Eccentric loading : • the value calculated acoording to Table
The indications for different positions
' I,' rounded to the nearest scale
of the load shall comply with the
maximum permissible errors for the o the value calculated acoording to Table
given load. I, rounded to the nearest scale
(d) Verification standards : interval for the weight of a single
wagon equal to 35% of the maximum
The error of the standard weights or
wagon weight (as inscribed on the
masses used shall not be greater than
descriptive markings), or
one-third of the maximum permissible
error for the load, as specified in • 1d.
Table II. (b) Train weighing :
(e) Test loads
The maximum permissible error for train
(e-1) Load at which errors are to be weighing shall be one of the following values,
determined whichever is greater:
Errors shall be determined for test o the value calculated according to Table I,
loads of: rounded to the nearest scale interval,
• zero • the value calculated according to Table I,
• minimum capacity, for the weight of a single wagon equal to
• maximum capacity, and at or near a 35% of the maximum wagon weight (as
load where the maximum Inscribed on the descriptive markings)
permissible error changes · multiplied by the number of reference

• 1- ,. • •• - -~· '"'.
['WI IH9~ 3(i)] 433

wagons in the train (not exceeding 10 uncoupled shall be available for In-
wagons) and rounded to the nearest scale motion tests, The error of that
interval, or instrument shall not be greater than
either of the following values:-
• 1d for each wagon in the train but not
exceeding 10d • one-third of the appropriate maximum
permissible error for in-motion-
See Figure 1 for an Illustration of this requirement. .weighing in dause paragraph 2(8)(11)
{iii) Verification standard of this part arid Table I if the control
instrument is verified immediately
(a) Separate control instrument : prior to the in-motion tests.
A control instrument capable of being
• one-fifth of the. maximum permissible
used to determine the mass of each error if. the control instrument Is
reference wagon when stationary and verified at any other time.
Figure I
Illustration of maximum permissible errors and in-motion test requirements for a sample train

Error (:t)


0 35 SIJ 100
- Lnad (1('11111~~) -

.. - . -
Numb~rur wngDn$" SO; number of .,ruencll' '"'•l"n• .. 15
,. Wn1on WCPt~ht ~ 100 t


U111<l {tnnncs)

An instrument constructed only for partial • it must have an appropriate scale

weighing of two axle wagons may be used as the interval or scale interval for stationary
control instrument provided that the alignment land, and
calibration in Annex B has been successfully applied. • it must comply with the requirements
(b) Integral control instrument in paragraph 2(8)(i) and para
2(8)(iii)(a) of this part.
An Instrument under test may be used as
the control instrument provided that It meets An Instrument constructed only for partial
the following requirements :- weighing of two-axle wagons may be used as the

__j - - - - .

control instrument provided· that· the alignment interval (d), it shall be automatically
calibration in Annex B has been successfully i!PPiied. out of. service when the instrument is
(9) Influence quantities in use for weighing-in-motion. In
addition, if the instrument is not
(i) Temperature : verified for use as a non-automatic
· Instruments ;shall· comply ·with .the weighing instrument, the verification
approprlate·metrological and technical scale interval for stationary load shall
requirements at temperatures. from - 10°C not be readily accessible and shall only
to+ 45°C. be used for static testing.

For special:applicatlons;however, the .limits of 3. Techn/CIII requirement

the temperature,range may·differ;providedthat this (1) Composition :
range shall not be. less than,30~C and shall' be specified Instruments shall include the following:
in the descriptive markings.
• one or more load receptors,
Instruments shall betested in accordance with
the static temperature tests in .paragraph 8(1) of • aprons,
Annexure A. o vehicle type identification devices (e.g. track
(ii) Main Power Supply (AC): switch, load cells, transponder, etc.),
Instruments that are powered by an o Indicating devices,
AC supply .shall comply with the
o printer,
appropriate metrological and technical
requirements when operated under • control unit.
variations of voltage from- 15% to
(2) Suitability for use :
+ .10% of the value marked on the
instruments. Instrument shall be designed to suit the vehicle,
Instruments shall be tested in accordance with site and method of operation for which they are
main power supply (AC) test in paragraph 8(3) of intended.
Annexure A. Instruments constructed only for partial weighing
(iii) Battery.Power supply (DC) : shall not be used to weigh liquid loads or any other
load that may be subjected to fluctuations in its gravity
Instruments that are powered by a centre, unless there is a possibility to anticipate and
DC supply shall, comply with compensate for such fluctuations.
appropriate metrological paragraph '
(3) Security ofoperation
and technical requirements in
accordance with paragraph 4(3)(viii) (I) Accidental maladjustment:
of this part. Instruments shall be constructed so that
Instruments shall be tested in accordance with maladjustments likely to disturb their
the DC power supply test in paragraph 8(4) of ·metrological performance cannot normally
Annexure A. take place without the effect being easily
(10) Conditions of use detected.
(i) Use as a non-automatic weighing instru- (ii) Interlocks:
Interlocks shall prevent the use of any control
An Instrument that can be used as a device that may alter a weighing operation.
non-automatic weighing Instrument
shall meet the requirements for (Ill) Uncoupled wagon weighing:
accuracy class III (medium accuracy) Instruments used for uncoupled wagon
and !III (ordinary accuracy) under weighing shall recognize and indicate the
specification for "non-automatic following situations:
weighing instruments" given In Heading
A of the Seventh Schedule. • the passage of two or more coupled
(ii) Scale Interval for stationary load:
If the scale interval for stationary load • the passage of two or more uncoupled
wagons that is sufficiently close to
Is not equal to the verification scale

• T· t ~· · ·--· ~· ·
['!fiT II-~ 3(i)] 435

cause either a malfunction of the (lv) Operating speed:

Instruments or errors exceeding the
The printer shall not print the weight
appropriate maximum permissible
or any wagon that has travelled over
the load receptor at a speed outside
(iv) Use as a non-automatic weighing Instrument: the range of operating speeds. An
An instrument to be used as a non-automatic appropriate Indication shall be
weighing instrument shall included on the printout for any wagon
weight not printed and subtotal may
• comply with the requirements of be printed exclusive of unwelghed
accuracy class III or class IV of wagons provided that an indication
"specification for non-automatic clearly specified that it is not the total
weighing instruments prescribed in train weight.
Seventh Schedule Heading A, and
(v). Roll back:
• be equipped with an enabling device
for non-automatic operation that The weight indication and printout
prevents both automatic operation and shall not be altered due to any part of
In-motion weighing. any wagon travelling over the load
receptor more than once. If Rollback
(v) Zero setting device: takes place at the time of testing the
An instrument shall be equipped with entire weighing operation has to be
a semi-automatic or automatic zero repeated a new. The speed difference
setting device for each load receptor. shall not be more than 3 kmph.
Its operation shall be possible only (5) Installation
when the instrument is in stable
(i) Ease ofstatic testing :
equilibrium and when the rate of
correction is no more than O.Sd/s. The instrument shall be accessible to
The range of the zero-setting device shall not vehicle for moving test weights if It Is
exceed 4% of the maximum capacity. to be used as the control instruments.
(II) Drainage:
{4) Indicating and printing devices
(i) Quality oflndlcation: If the weighing mechanism is
contained in a pit, there shall be a
The weight indication shall be the self- provision for drainage to ensure that
indicating type. Indicating and printing no portion of the instrument becomes
device shall allow reliable, simple and submerged or partially submerged In
unambiguous reading of the results water or any other liquid.
by simple juxtaposition and shall bear
(6) Descriptive markings
the name or symbol of the appropriate
unit of mass. Instruments shall bear the following basic
(ii) Printing: markings at each location having a weight indicating
or printing device.
The minimum printout resulting from each
(I) Markings shown in fulf
normal weighing operation shall be each
wagon weight in the case of wagon weighing • identification rna rk of the
and total train weight in the case of train manufacturer
weighing. • identification mark of the importer (if
(iii) Weighing range : applicable)
Instruments shall not indicate or • designations of the instrument
print: • serial number of the instrument on
each load receptor (if applicable)
• the weight of any wagon, or
• a totalized weight inclusive of any • weighing method (see item 3( 1) under
wagon, that will cause a weighing part I)
results less than Min or greater than • maximum wagon weight-kg or t
Max+ 9d.
• minimum wagon weight-kg or t

__L __ - ~ -~~~~---

0 not to be used to weigh' liquid products It shall be possible to seal the plate bearing the
(If applicable) markings, unless it cannot be removed without being
0 full· draught or number of partial destroyed.
weighing per wagon (7) Verification marks
0 not to be used to weigh liquid product (I} Position :
(If applicable)
Instruments shall have a place for the
0 maximum transit speed-km/h application of verification mai-ks. The
0 direction ofweighing (lfapplicable) following applies for this place:
0 wagons_ pushed/pulled (whichever is The part on which the marks are
applicable) located cannot be removed from the
0 scale :Interval for stationary load (if instruments without damaging the
applicable}ckg marks.
0 ort The place shall permit the easy
application of the marks without
0 electric power supply voltage and changing the metrological qualities of
frequency-v...... Hz the instruments.
(ii) Marklng·shown In code The marks shall be visible when the
(a) For ali instruments instrument Is In service.
0 pattern approval mark (il) Mounting:
0 accuracy class (for each weighing Instruments required to bear
method, if applicable) 0.2, 0.5, 1 or verification marks shall have a .
2. . verification mark support located as
specified above, which shall ensure
0 maximum capacity Max-kg or t
the conservation of the marks as
0 minimum capacity Min-kg or t follows:-
0 scale Inter d-kg or t • When the mark Is made with a stamp,
0 maximum operating speed V max- the support may consist of a strip of
km/h lead or any other material with similar
qualities inserted into a plate fixed to
0 minimum operating speed V
, the instrument or a cavity bored into
mln-km/h the instrument.
(b) For coupled wagon and train weighing :
• When the mark consists of an
Marking required for each weighing method
adhesive transfer, a space shall be
provided for this purpose.
• maximum number of wagons per 4. Requirements for electronic Instruments
train -n max.
Electronic instruments shall comply with the
• minimum number of wagons per train following requirements, in addition to the applicable
-n min. requirements of all other clauses.
(iii) Other markings: (1) General requirements
The designation of the liquld(s) which
(I} Rated operating conditions:
the Instruments is designed to weight
(If applicable) Electronic weighing instruments shall
(iv) Presentation of descriptive markings: be designed and manufactured so that
they do not exceed the maximum
Descriptive markings shall be Indelible permissible errors· under rated
and of a size, shape and clarity that operating conditions.
permit legibility under normal
conditions of use of the Instrument (II} Disturbances:
Markings shall be grouped together In a clearly Electronic instruments shall be
visible place on the Instrument, either on a descriptive designed and manufactured so that
plate fixed r.ear the Indicating device or on the Indicating when they are exposed to
d_!!vice itself disturbances, either

T f- ,.
['WI II-~ 3(i)] 437

(a) significant faults do not occur, or part and In addition it shall maintain its
(b) significant faults are detected and metrological and technical characteristics at
acted upon. a relative humidity of 85% at the upper limit
of the temperature range of the instrument.
Note: A fault equal to or less than the significant
fault ( 1d) is allowed Irrespective of the value of the (iv) Disturbances :
error of indication.
When an electronic Instrument is subjected
(iii) Durability: to the disturbances specified in Annex A,
The requirements in paragraphs either of the following shall apply:
4(1)(1) and 4(1)(ii) of this part shall
The difference between the weight indication
be met durably in accordance with the
due to the disturbance and the indication
intended use of the instrument
without the disturbances (intrinsic error)
(iv) Evaluation for compliance: shall not exceed the significant fault ( ld).
A pattern of an electronic instrument The instrument shall detect and act upon a
is presumed to comply with the significant fault.
requirements in paragraphs 4(1)(i),
4(1)(ii) and 4(1)(iii) of this part if it (v) Warm up time:
passes the examination and tests
specified in Annexure A. During the warm-up time of an electronic
Instrument, there shall be no indication or
(2) Application transmission of the weighing result and
(i) The requirements in paragraph 4( l)(ii) of automatic operation shall be inhibited.
this part may be applied separately for the
following:- (vi) Interface:

each Individual cause of significant An Instrument may be. equipped with an

fault, and/or Interface permitting the coupling of the
instrument to external equipment. When an
each part of the electronic instrument
interface is used, the; instrument shall
(ii) The choice as to whether to apply paragraph continue to function torrectly and its
4(1)(ii)(a) or paragraph 4(l)(IJ)(b) of this metrological functions shall not be
part is left to the manufacturer. Influenced.
{3) Functional requirements (vii) Mains power supply {A C) :
(i) Acting upon a significant fault:
An Instrument that operates from the mains
When a significant fault has been detected, sl)allln the event of a power failure retain
a visual or audible Indication shall be provided the metrological information contained in the
and shall continue until the user takes action Instrument at the time of failure for at least
or the fault disappears. 24 hours. A switch-over to an emergency
Means shall be provided to retain any power supply shall not cause a significant
totalized load Information contained in the fault.
instrument when a significant fault occurs. (viii) Battery power supply (DC):
(ii) Switch-on procedure:
An Instrument that operates from a battery
Upon switch-on (in the case of electronic power supply shall, whenever the voltage
instruments permanently connected to the drops below the manufacturer's specified
mains at switch-on of indication), a special value, either continue to function correctly
procedure shall be. performed that Indicates or automatically be put out ofservice.
all the relevant signs of the Indicator In their
active and non-active state for a sufficient ( 4) Examination and tests :
time to be easily observed by the operator. The examination and testing of an electronic
(iii) Influence factors: weighing Instrument is intended to verify compliance
with the applicable requirements of this specification
An electronic Instrument shall comply with and especially with the requirements in paragraph 4
the requirements of paragraph 2(9) of this of this part.

t17 t; ~ {)11 ~ /1 o,

(i) Examinations: (1) Pattern evaluation

An electronic weighing instrument shall be (i) Documentation :
examined to obtain a general (lppraisal of
The application for pattern evaluation shall
the design and construction.
Include documentation which provides the
(ii) Performance tests·: following information:-
An electronic weighing instrument or • metrological characteristics of the
electronic device, as appropriate, .shall be instrument;
tested as.specified in. the Annex to determine • a standard set of specifications for the
their correct functioning. instruments;
Tests are to be conducted :on the whole • a functional description of the
instrument except when the size and/or components and devices;
configuration of the instrument does not lend
• drawings, diagrams and general soft
itself to testing as a unit. It such cases, the
ware information (if applicable},
separate electronic devices shall be
explaining the construction and
subjected to testing. It is not Intended that
electronic devices be further dismantled for
separate testing of components. In addition, • any document or other evidence
an examination shall be carried out on the demonstrating that the design and
fully operational weighing instrument or, if construction of the instrument
necessary, on the electronic devices in a complies with the requirements of this
simulated set-up that sufficiently represents specification.
the weighing instrument. The equipment (II) General Requirements :
shall continue to function correctly as
specified In Annexure A. Pattern evaluation shall be carried out on at
least one and normally, not more than three
(iii) Span stability tests: Instruments that represent the definitive
The instrument shall be subjected to span pattern. At least one of the instruments shall
stability tests at various intervals, before be completely installed at a typical site and
during and after being subjected to at least one of the instruments or the major
performance tests. component of an instrument shall be
submitted in a form suitable for simulation
When the instrument is subjected to the span testl119 in a laboratory. Pattern evaluation
stability tests specified in paragraph 10 of shall be carried out as prescribed under the
Annexure A. Model Approval Rules.
The maximum allowable variation in the The evaluation shall consist of the tests
errors of Indication shall not exceed half the specified in paragraph S{l)(iii) of this part.
absolute value of the maximum permissible
error in Table II for the test load applied on {Ill} Pattern evaluation tests:
any of the measurements. Instruments shall comply with the
Where the difference of the results indicate following:-
a trend more than half the allowable • the metrological requirements In
variation specified above, the test shall be paragraph 2 of this part, particularly
continued until the trend comes to rest or with reference to maximum
reverses Itself, or until the error exceeds the permissible errors and, if appropriate,
maximum allowable variation. when the instrument is operated In
accordance with the manufacturer's
5. Metrological controls specification for products;
The metrological controls of instruments shall Note: Evaluation for static weighing [paragraph
consist of the following:- 2(8)(1)] shall be excluded unless the instrument Is
• pattern evaluation constructed for use as a control instruments
[paragraph 2(8)(iii)(b)].
• initial verification
• the technical requirement in paragraph 3 of
• in-service Inspection
this part.
['1Jllll-~ 3(i)J 439

Additionally, electronic Instruments shall 2(8)(ii)(a) or 2(8)(ii){b) of this part,

comply with the requirements in paragraph as appropriate:
4 of this part. PROVIDED that where test wagons are
(a) In-motion tests : not available loaded wagon weighed
on a static machine fulfilling conditions
The Instrument shall be tested in
accordance with the provisions in laid down in paragraph 2(8)(i)(d) of
paragraph 2(8)(ii) of this part by this part shall be used as a reference
reference to "initial verification" as wagon.
appropriate and shall comply with the {b) Simulation tests:
requirements in paragraph 2(7) of this
Influence factors shall be applied during
part. Errors shall be determined by
simulation tests in a manner that will reveal
comparing the tests results with the
an alteration of the weighing results for any
reference wagon mass derived as in
weighing process to which the instrument
paragraph 2(8)(iii) of this part.
could be applied, in accordance with the
The range of speeds used during following:-
these tests shall be in accordance with
the pattern specification. Paragraph 2(9) of this part for all
(a-I) Uncoupled wagons :
Paragraph 4 of this part for electronic
Instruments for weighing Individual un
coupled wagons shall be tested using
not less than five reference wagons Wheh conducting such tests on a load cell
having a range of loads from zero load or on an electronic device equipped with an
(wagon tare weight) to that of a fully analogue component, the maximum
loaded wagon. A minimum of five permissible error for the device under test
weight indications or print outs of shall be 0.7 times the appropriate value
each wagon shall be used for specified in Table II.
assessing compliance with the.
If the metrological characteristics of the load
requirements in paragraph 2(B)(ii)(a)
cell, or other major component has been
of this part.
evaluated in accordance with the
(a-Il) Coupled wagons: requirements of the OIML International
Instruments designed to weigh either Recommendation R60 or any other
Individual coupled wagons or a total applicable Recommendation that evaluation
train of coupled wagons shall be shall be used to aid in the pattern evaluation,
tested In either of the following If so requested by the applicant.
manners:- Note : Since the requirements of this clause
• By using a test train of empty apply only to the instrument submitted for pattern
reference wagons and a test train of evaluation and not to those subsequently submitted
both full and partially filled reference for verification, the means used to determine if the
wagons. Each test train shall be appropriate maximum permissible error or maximum
comprised of not less than five (and allowable variation has been exceeded will be decided
normally not more than 15) reference and mutually agreed upon between the Metrological
wagons and shall be weighed Authority and the applicant. Following are examples
repeatedly and in each direction (if of these means:-
applicable) to yield not less than 60
• an adaptation of the Indicating device to give
wagon weights or the equivalent in
greater resolution than that of the scale
total train weight.
• According to the requirements in • the use of the scale Interval for stationery
paragraph 5(2)(ii) of this part. load;
• Each weight indication and printout • the use of change points;
obtained in the test shall be used for
assessing compliance with • any other means mutually agreed upon.
requirements in either paragraphs (3) Tests for compliance to determine

_L __ _ - - -------------------------~
, ___.


compliance with the requirements ·in qualified personnel and a control instrument.
par(lgraphs 3(3) and 3(4) of this part. . The instrument under test may be used as
(iv) Provisions of means for. testing: a control instrument provided it complies
with the requirements In paragraph
For the purpose oUesting,;the.applicant may 2(8)(1ii)(b) of this part.
be required to :furnish the .Metrological
Enforcement-Authority with .the test vehicles, {lv) Place of testing:
material,.qualifled personnel and a control Verification test shall be conducted entirely
instrument. The Instrument under test may at the place of installation and during testing,
be used as a controlinstrument provided it the Instrument shall include all parts which
complies with the requirements in paragraph form the assembly as Intended for normal
2(8)(ill)(b) of this part. use.
(v) Place of. testing: (3) Inspection :
Instruments submitted for pattern approval Inspection shall be carried out In accordance with
may be .tested at the following places: the same provisions as in paragraph 5(2) of this part
o a:slte at which all necessary tests can for verification with the exemption that the maximum
be conducted and agreed upon permissible errors applicable for Inspection shall be
between the Metrological Authority applied.
and .the applicant, 6. On site test methods
o a 'laboratory considered appropriate (1) Proportion ofreference wagons in a test train
by the Metrological Authority,
The proportion of reference wagons to the
o any other suitable place mutually remaining wagons in a test train shall be in accordance
agreed upon by the Metrological with Table-IV.
Authority and the applicant.
(2) Verification
(i) Tests : Total number of Minimum number of
wagons In test train(n) reference wagons
Instruments shall comply with the
requirements In paragraph 2 [except 2(9)] n < 10 n
and paragraph 3 of this part for any 10 < n < 30 10
product(s) for which they are Intended and 30 < 1\ 15
when operated under normal conditions of
use (2) In-motion tests with coupled wagons
If the number of reference wagons is less than
Tests shall be carried out in-situ, In a normal
the total number of wagons in a test train, the
installation. The instruments shall be Installed
reference wagons shall be distributed throughout the
so that an automatic weighing operation will
be virtually the same for testing as It Is for a
transaction. (3) In motion tests with liquid load
(ii) In-motion tests: When using liquid load, tests shall be consistent
with the Intended use of the instrument.
In-motion tests shall be conducted in
accordance with paragraph 5(1)(11i)(a) of this
part with the exception that the types of TEST PROCEDURES FOR AUTOMATIC RAIL-
vehicles and, for test with coupled wagons WEIGHBRIDGES
the number of vehicles in the test train shall (Mandatory)
be in accordance with the normal operation
Meaning of symbols:
of the Instruments and used in accordance
with paragraph 6 of this part. I ; Indication
(Iii) Provisions of means of testing: L =Load
D.L = Additional load to next changeover point
For the purposes of testing, the applicant
may be required to furnish the enforcement P = 1 + 0.5d- D.L; Indication prior to rounding
authority with the test vehicles, material, Pn = nth indication prior to rounding
['TT'T II-~ 3(i)] 441

d =Scale interval indication shall be corrected accordingly to obtain the

E=P-L=error weighing results.
E0 = Error calculated at zero The handling of the instrument shall be such that
no condensation of water occurs on the instrument.
Ec = Corrected error
mpe = Maximum permissible error (i) Indication with a scale Interval smaller
EUT = Equipment under test
If an instrumentwlth digital indication has a
Max = Maximum capacity device for displaying the Indication with a
Min = Minimum capacity smaller scale interval, this device may be
used to calculate the error. If a device Is
used it should be noted In the test report.
1. Documentation {5(1)(1)]
(2) calculation of error:
Review the documentation that is submitted,
including necessary photographs, drawings, diagrams, For instruments with digital indication with a test
general software information, relevant technical and scale Interval [see note in 5(1)(111)(b)]less or equal to
functional description of main components, devices 0.1 d, the device may be used directly to read the
etc. to determine if It Is adequate and correct. Consider error.
the operational manual.
For Instruments with digital Indication and with
2. Comparing construction with documentation a test scale Interval greater than O.l.d, changeover
5(1)(1) points are used to determine the Indication of the
Examine the various devices of the Instrument instrument, prior to rounding, as follows:-
to ensure compliance with the documentation. At a certain load, L, the Indicated value, I, is
Examine the simulator to ensure that it is noted. Additional weights of for example 0.1d are
adequate for train movement simulation. It shall successively added until the indication of the instrument
provide the signa Is from track switches, or other is increased unambiguously by one scale interval (I +d).
vehicle type Identification devices, normally The additional load -L added to the load receptor gives
transmitted when a vehicle passes over the weighing theindlcation, P, prK>r to rounding by using the following
system. It is not expected to simulate effects such as formula:-
dynamic loading. P =I + 0.5 d-IlL
3. Initial examination The error prior to rounding is:
{1) Metrological characteristics: E=P-L
Note metrological characteristics in the test report. Thus E = (I + O.Sd - Ill)- L
(2) Descriptive markings [3(6)]: Example : An instrument with a scale interval,
Check the descriptive markings. d, of 10 kg Is loaded with 1000 kg and thereby indicates
{3) Verification marks [3(1)]: 1000 kg. After adding successive weights of 1 kg. the
indication changes from 1000 kg to 1010 kg at an
Check the arrangements for verification marks. additional load of 3 kg. Inserted in the above formula
4.General these observations give:
( 1} General requirements for electronic p = (1000 + 5-3) kg = 1002 kg
instruments under test (EUT) :
Thus the true Indication prior to rounding is 1002 kg,
Energize the EUT for a time period equal to or and the error Is:
greater than the warm-up time specified by the
manufacturer and· maintain it energized for the E = (1002- 1000) kg = 2 kg
duration of the test. 5. Testprogram
Adjust the EUT as closely as practicable to zero (1) Pattern evaluation [5(1)]:
prior to each test, and do not readjust it at anytime
during the test, except to reset it if a significant fault All tests of paragraphs 6 to 10 of Annexure A
has been indicated. shall normally be applied for pattern evaluation.
The deviation of the no-load indication due to The tests for paragraphs 6 to 10 of Annexure A
any test condition shall be recorded, and any load shall be performed with static load, a wheel movement

- - - - - - ·-------~-- - - __1~~---

simulator (switches) may be used if necessal)'for the For certain tests the test description specifies
calculation of the weighing results. whether the automatic zero-setting shall be
operative or inoperative.
(2) Initial verification, [5(2)}:
(iv) Recovery:
Initial verification tests normally.only:lndudesthe
After each test the instrument should be
tests in paragraph 11 of Annexure A.
allowed to recover sufficiently before the
The test shall·lnclude all dynamic :In-motion following test.
effects corresponding to •normal operation of the (2) Checking ofzero
(I) Range ofzero-setting [J(J)(iv)}
6. Perfonnance:tests.during pattem evaluation (a) Semi-automatic zero-setting :
The equipment •under test should have the This test shall not be carried out
following items associated with it, for the purpose of during the span stability test.
testing:- With the load receptor empty, set the
instrument to zero. Place a test load
• Weight simulator.
on the load receptor and use the zero-
• Train wheel simulator. setting de\lice. Continue incrementing
the test load until the zero-setting
• For practJcal·reasons, the weight simulator device fails to re-zero when activated.
may take·varlous forms. For example, it may The maximum load that can be
be a weigh pan or platform scale of rezeroed is the positive portion of the
approximately 1/lOOOth of the weight range zero-setting range.
of a site Installation. To test the negative portion of the
Whichever method is adopted, It must be zero-setting range, recalibrate the
instrument with an additional weight
independently calibrated and readable to at least O.ld.
on the load receptor at the zero and
(1} General conditions span points. This additional weight
should be greater than the negative
(i) Temperature : zero-setting range. Then remove
weights and after each weight Is
The tests shall be performed at a steady ' removed, use the zero-setting device.
ambient temperature, usually normal room The maximum load that can be
temperature unless otherwise specified. removed while the instrument can still
be re-zeroed by the zero-setting
The temperature is deemed to be steady
device, is the negative portion of the
when the difference between the extreme zero-setting range.
temperatures noted during the test does not
exceed one-fifth of the temperature range Recalibrate the instrument without
of the given Instrument without being this additional weight.
greater than 5°C and the rate of change (b) Automatic zero-setting :
does not exceed soc per hour. This test shall not be carried out
during the span stability test.
(ii) Power supply;
With the load receptor empty, add
Instruments using electric power shall weights in small quantities and after
normally be connected to the power supply each weight is added allow time for
and "on" throughout the tests. the automatic zero-setting device to
function to see if the instrument is re-
(iii) Automatic zero-setting: zeroed automatically. Repeat this
procedure until the instrument will not
During the tests, the automatic zero-setting be re-zeroed automatically. The
device may be switched off. When this is maximum load that can be re-zeroed
done it should be mentioned in the test is the positive portion of the automatic
report. zero-setting range .

. 1 t •
['WI 1Hil"6 3 ( i) ] 443

To test the negative portion of the (b) Automatic zero-settl ng :

zero-setting range recalibrate the The Indication is either brought outside the
Instrument with an additional weight zero range, or the automatic zero-setting Is
onthe load receptor at the zero and disabled. Then the additional load at which
span points. This additional weight the indication changes from one scale
should be greater than the negative interval to the next above Is determined and
zero-setting range. Then remove the error is calculated according to the
weights and after each weight is description in paragraph 4(2) of this
removed, allow time for the automatic Annexure. It is assumed that the error at
zero-setting device to function to see zero load would be equal to the error at the
If the Instrument is re-zeroed load in question.
automatically. The maximum load that (II) Determination of weighing performance
can be removed while the Instrument (a) Preloading :
can still be re-zeroed by the zero- · Before the first weighing test the
setting device, is the negative portion Instrument shall be preloaded once to
of the zero-setting range. Max.
Re-zero the instrument without this (b) Weighing test [2(8)(1)(e-1)):
additional weight. Apply substitution material from zero up to
(3} Setting to zero before loading: and Including Max, and then remove the
material back to zero. When determining the
For instruments with digital Indication, the
initial intrinsic error, at least ten different load
adjustment to zero, or the determination of the zero
values are selected, and for other weighing
point is carried out as described in paragraph 6(5)(i)
tests at least five are selected. The values of
of this Annexure.
the loads selected shall include Max and Min,
( 4} Association ofindicating and printing device [2{7}] and values at or near those at which the
If the instrument has more than one indicating maximum permissible error (mpe) changes.
device, the indications of the various devices (both It should be noted that when loading or
indicating and printing) are compared during the test. unloading weights the load must be
respectively increased or decreased In a
(5} Non-automatic tests ofthe control instrument uniform progression.
Note : This sub-clause is only applicable to (Ill) Discrimination test [2(8)(i)(vi)] :
instruments which are to be used as control The following tests are performed with three
instruments. different loads, e.g. Min, 0.5 Max and Max.
A load plus sufficient substitution material (e.g.
(i) Accuracy ofzero-setting [2(8)(0{b)]
10 times 0.1 d) is placed on the load receptor.
(a) Semi-automatic zero-setting : The additional material is then successively
removed until the indication, I, is decreased
The accuracy of the zero-setting device is
unambiguously by one actual scale interval, 1-
tested by setting the instrument to zero and
d. Replace substitution material equivalent to
then determining the additional load at which
0.1 d and then a load equal to 1.4 d shall be
the indication changes from zero to one
gently placed on the load receptor and the
scale interval above zero. The error at zero
result will be increased by one actual scale
is calculated according to the description in
paragraph 4(2) of this part. Interval above the initial indication, I+ d.

Example : instrument with d = lOg

I+ d

Add 1/lOd ~ 1 g add~': d = 14 g./'" lJ,

190( 11 200 g

II ____ H II
I - d = 190 g I = 200 g

-- _________ j ______ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1


The indication.· at start is I.= 20Qg. Remove (1) Static temperature tests [2(9)(i)]:
additional weights until the indication.changes to I - d Static temperature tests are carried out aocording
= 190g. Add 0.1d -;lg and thereafter 1.4 d.= 14g. to Table V.
The Indications must then be
I+ d = 210g.
Environmental Phenomena Test Specification
7. Additional functionality
Reference of 2o•c
(1) Warm-uptimetest[4(3)(v)}
Temperature Spedfied high for2 hours
(i) Disconnect: the instrument from the power
Specified low for 2
supply;for a;period·ofat least 8 hours prior
to the:test. ·
(ii) Reconnect the instrument and switx:h on while Reference of 20•c
observing the indicating device. Verify that Supplementary information to the test procedure
it is not possible to initiate automatic
weighing or printout until the indication has Object of the test : To verify compliance with
stabilized or until completion of the warm- the provisions In paragraph 2(9)(1) of part II under
up time If this is specified by the ~onditlons of dry heat (non-condensing) and cold.
manufacturer. Test procedures in brief :
(iii) As soon as the indication of the indicating Precondition : 16 hours
device has stabilized, set the instrument to
zero and determine the error of zero-setting. · Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied and
"on" for a time period equal to or greater than the
(iv) Apply a load close to Max. Determine the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power Is
error by the method in paragraph 4(2) of to be "on" for the duration of the test.
this Annexure.
Stabilization : 2 hours at each temperature under
(v) Repeat stages (3) and (4) after 5, 15 and "free air" conditions.
30 minutes.
Temperature : As specified in paragraph 2(9)(1) of
(2) Agreement between indicating and printing devices part II.
Temperature sequence : Reference tempera-
During the course of the tests verify that for the ture of 2o•c;
same load, the difference between any two Indicating Specified high
devices having the same scale interval Is as follows: temperature;
Specified low
Zero for digital indicating or printing devices; temperature;
Not greater than the maximum permissible error A temperature of
for weighing-in-motion for analogue devices. s•c;
8. Influence factor tests
temperature of 2o•c.
SUMMARY OF TESTS Number of test cycles : At least one cycle.
Test Characteristics Conditions Weighing test : Adjust the EUT as close to zero
under test applied indication as practicable prior to the test (if an automatic
zero-tracking device is connected, adjust it to a value
(1) Static temperature Influence factor mpe(*) near zero). The EUT shall not be readjusted at any
(2) Damp heat, steady Influence factor mpe time during the test.
state After stabilization at the reference temperature
(3) Mains power supply Influence factor mpe and again at each specified temperature, apply at least
voltage variation (AC) five different test loads or simulated loads and record:
(4) Battery power supply Influence factor mpe (a) date and time;
Voltage variation (DC) (b) temperature;
(*) mpe : maximum permissible error (c) relative humidity;

["ll'T n-~3Cill 445

(d) test load; The upper limit temperature at 85%

(e) indications (as applicable);
Reference temperature of 20°C at 50%
(f) errors;
(g) functional performance.
Number of tes\cycles : At least one cycle.
Maximum allowable variations : All functions shall Weighing test and test sequence : After
operate as designed. All errors shall be within the
stabilization of the EUT at reference temperature and
maximum permissible errors specified In 'Table II.
SO% humidity, apply at least five different test loads or
(2) Damp heat, steady state [4(3)(iii)} simulated loads and record:
Damp heat, steady state tests are carried out (a) date and time;
according to Table VI.
(b) temperature;
(c) relative humidity;
Environmental Phenomena Test specification
(d) test load;
Damp heat, Steady state Upper limit
temperature and (e) Indications (as applicable);
relative humidity of (f) errors;
85% for 2 days (48
hours) (g) functional performance
Increase the temperature in the chamber to the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION TO THE TEST upper limit and increase the relative humidity to 85%.
PROCEDURE Maintain the EUT at no load for a period of 2 days (48
Object of the test : To verify compliance with the hours). Following the 2 days, apply at least five test
provisions in paragraph 4(1)(i) of part II under loads and record the data as Indicated above. Allow
conditions of high humidity and constant temperature. full recovery of the EUT before any other tests are
Precondition : None required.
''Maximum allowable variations : All errors shall be
Condition of the EUT: Normal power supplied and within the maximum permissible errors specified In
"on" for a time period Equal to or greater than the Table II.
warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. Power is
to be "on" for the duration of the test. (3) Mains power supply voltage variation {A C) [2(9)(1!)}
Adjust the EUT as close to zero Indication as Power voltage variation tests are carried out
Practicable prior to the test (if an automatic zero- according to Table VII.
tracking device Is connected, adjust it to a value near TABLE VII
zero). The EUT shall not be readjusted at any time
Environmentalphenomena Test specification .
during the test.
Voltage variation Reference voltage
The handling of the EUT shall be such that no
condensation of water occurs on the EUT. Reference
voltage+ 10%
Stabilization : 3 hours at reference temperature and
50% humidity. Reference voltage-
2 days (48 hours) at the upper limit temperature
as specified in paragraph 2(9)(i) of part II. Reference voltage
Temperature : Reference temperature of 20°C SUPPLEMNTARY INFORMATION TO THE TEST
and at the upper limit as specified in paragraph 2(9}(i) PROCEDURES
of part II. Object of the test : To verify compliance with the
Relative humidity : 50% at reference temperature; provisions In paragraph 2(9)(11). of part II under
conditions of voltage variations.
85% at upper limit temperature.
Test procedures in brief:
Temperature-humidity sequence : Reference
temperature of 20°<! at 50% humidity; Precondition : None required.

.... ---------
____ L ____ _

Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied and former Is operating under normal atmospheric
"on" for a time· period ·equal to or. greater than the conditions wlth one test load or simulated load between
warm-up time specified ·by the mar1Ufacturer.. Power 50% and maximum capacity of the ElJT.
Is to be "on" for the duration of the test. Test severity : Supply voltage: lower limit, the voltage
Adjust the ElJT as· Indication as at which the ElJT clearly ceases to function (or Is
practicable prior to. the. test. :I fit has an .automatic automatically put out of service) + 2% of this voltage.
zero-setting function then the instrument should be Number of test cycles : At least one cycle.
set to zero after applying each:fevel of voltage.
Conduct of the test :
Number oftest.cycles: At:least one cycle.
Precondition : None required.
Weighing test.: The ElJT shall be.tested at no load
and with one testload.orslmulated load between 50%
Test equipment : Variable DC power source;
and maximum:capaclty cifthe'ELIT. calibrated voltmeter;
Test sequence:: Stabilize the power supply at the Load cell simulator, if
reference voltage within the defined llmlts and record: applicable.
(a) date and time; Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied and
"on" for a time period equal to or grater than the warm-
(b) temperature; up time specified by the manufacturer.
(c) relative humidity; Adjust the ElJT as close to zero indication as
(d) power supply voltage; . practicable prior to the test. If it has an automatic
zero-setting function as part of the automatic weighing
(e) test loads; process, then the instrument should be set to zero
(f) indications (as applicable); after applying each level of voltage.
Test sequence : Stabilize the power supply at
(g) errors;
nominal battery voltage ±2% and record the
(h) functional performance. following data at no load and with one load or
simulated load between 50% and maximum capacity
Repeat the test weighing for each of the voltages of the ElJT:
and record the indications.
(a) date and time;
Maximum allowable variations : All functions shall
operate as designed. All errors shall be within the (b) temperature;
maximum permissible errors specified In 'Table II. (c) relative humidity;
8(4) Battery power supply voltage variation (DC) {d) power supply voltage;
[2(9){iii) and 4(3)(viii)]
(e) test load;
Test method : Variation in DC power supply. Where
the ElJT continues to operate below the stated battery (f) Indications (as applicable);
voltage, the following test shall be conducted using an (g) errors;
equivalent variable DC power source.
(h) functional performance.
Object of the test : To verify compliance with the
provisions in paragraph 2(9)(iii) and 4(3){vlll) of part Reduce the power supply to the ElJT until the
II under conditions of varying DC power supply. The equipment clearly ceases to function and note the
requirements shall be met either by use of an voltage. Switch the ElJT "off" and increase the power
equivalent variable DC power source or by allowing supply voltage to nominal battery voltage ±2%. Switch
the battery voltage to fall by use. the ElJT"on" and reduce the power supply voltage to
the above noted voltage (out of service voltage) + 2%
Reference to standard : No reference to of the noted voltage. Record the data indicated
international standards can be given at the present above.
Maximum allowable variations : All functions shall
Test procedures In brief : The test consists of operate as designed. All errors shall be within the
subjecting the ElJT to DC power .variations when the maximum permissible errors specified in Table II.
['WI II -<51"5 3(i)] 447
9. Disturbance tests 4(:1)(11) and 4(3)(/v) Adjust the EUT as close to zero indication as
SUMMARY OF TESTS practicable prior to the test. The EUT shall not be .re-
adjusted at anytime during the test except to reset If
Test Characteristic Conditions a significant fault has been indicated.
under test applied
Number oftest cycles: At least one cycle.
1. Voltage dips and Disturbance sf(*)
Weighing test and test sequence : Stabilize all
short Interruptions
factors at nominal reference conditions. Apply one load
2. Electrical fast Disturbance sf or simulated load between 50% and maximum capacity
transients/burst ofthe EUT and record:
(a) date and time;
3. Electrostatic Disturbance sf
discharge (b) temperature;
4. Electromagnetic Disturbance sf (c) relative humidity;
susceptibility (d) power supply voltage;
(*) sf : value of the significant fault [see 4(2)(v) of (e) test load;
part I.]
(f) indications (As applicable);
(g) errors;
(1) Voltage dips and short Interruptions
. (h) functional performance.
Short time power reduction (voltage dips and
short interruptions) tests are carried out according to Interrupt the power supply to zero voltage for a
Table VIII. period equal to one half cycle and conduct the test.
TABLE VIII During Interruption observe the effect on the EUT and
record as appropriate.
Environmental phenomena Test Specification
Reduce the power supply to 50% of nominal
Interruption from voltage for a period equal to two half cycles and conduct
reference voltage · the test. During reductions observe the effect on the
to zero voltage for EtiT and record, as appropriate. ·
one half cycle
Interruption from Maximum allowable variations : The difference
reference voltage between the weight indication due to the disturbance
to 50% of and the Indication without the.d•sturbance either shall
Voltage dips and short reference voltage not exceed the values given in paragraph 4(2)(v) of
for two ha If cycles part I, or the EUT shall detect and act upon a significant
These mains fault.
voltage interrup- .(2) Electrical fasttransientsjburst immunity
tions shall be
repeated ten times Electrical fast transients/burst immunity tests are
with a time interval carried out for 2 minutes with a positive polarity and
of at least 10 for 2 minutes with a negative polarity and according
seconds to Tables IX, Xand XI.
Object of the test : To verify compliance with the UNES
provisions in paragraph 4(1)(ii) of part II under
Environmental phenomena Test specification
conditions of short time mains voltage Interruptions
and reductions. Fast transient common mode 0.5 k V (peak)
Test procedures In brief: 5/50 nsT/fh
Precondition : None required. 5 H rep. frequency
Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied and
"on" for a time period equal to or greater than the Note : Applicable only to ports or interfacing
warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. with cables whose total length may exceed 3m
according to the manufacture's functional specification.

.TABLE ·X Maximum allowable variations: The

INPUT AND OUPUT DC POWER PORTS difference between the weight Indication due to the
Environmental phenomena Test specification disturbance and the indication without the
disturbance either shall not exceed the value given
Fast transient common mode 0.5 k V (peak)
in paragraph 4(2)(v) of part I or the Instrument shall
5/50·ns T1/Th detect and act upon a significant fault.
5 kHz rep. frequency (3) Electrostatic discharge
Note: Not applicable to battery operated Electrostatic discharge tests are carried out with
appliances that cannot be connected to the mains test signals and conditions as given in Table XII.
while in use.
Environmental phenomena Test specification
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV air discharge
Environmentalphenomena Test specification
6 kV contact
Fast transient common mode 0.5 k V (peak)
5/50 ns T11Th
Note: The 6 kV contact discharge shall be
5 kHz rep. frequency applied to accessible conductive parts. Metallic
f(ote: Not applicable to battery operated appliances contacts e.g. In battery compartments or in socket
that cannot be connected to the mains while In use. outlets are excluded from this requirement.
A coupling/decoupling network shall be applied Contact discharge is the preferred test method.
for testing AC power ports. 20 discharges (10 with positive and 10 with negative
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION TO THE TEST polarity) shall" be applied on each accessible metal
PROCEDURES part of the enclosure. The time interval between
successive discharges shall be at least 10 seconds.
Object of the te$t: To verify compliance with In the case of a non-conductive enclosure, discharges
the provisions In paragraph 4(1)(ii) of part II under shall be applied on the horizontal or vertical coupling
conditions where fast transients are super-Imposed planes. Air discharges shall be used where contact
on the mains voltage, Interruptions and reductions. discharges cannot be applied. Tests with other (lower)
Test procedures In brief: voltages than those given in Table X are not required.
Condition ofth!! EUT: Normal power supplied
and "on" for a time period equal to or greater than Object of the test: To verify compliance with
the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer. the provisions in paragraph 4(1)(ii) of part II under
conditions where electrostatic discharges are applied.
Adjust the EUT as close to zero Indication as
Test procedures in brief:
practicable prior to the test. The EUT shall not be re-
adjusted at any time during the test except to reset Precondition: None required.
If a significant fault has been indicated. Condition of the EUT: Normal power supplied
Stabilization: Before any test stabilize the EUT and "on" for a time period equal to or greater than
under constant environmental conditions. the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer.
Adjust the EUT as close to zero indication as
Weighing test: Stabilize all factors at nominal
practicable prior to the test. The EUT shall not be re-
reference conditions. Apply one load or simulated
adjusted at any time during the test except to reset
load between 50% and maximum capacity of the
if a significant fault has been indicated.
EUT and record the following with and without the
transients: Stabilization: Before any test stabilize the EUT
under constant environmental conditions.
(a) date and time;
Weighing test: Stabilize all factors at nominal
(b) temperature; reference conditions. Apply one load or simulated
{c) relative humidity; load between 50% and maximum capacity of the
EUT and record the following with and without
{d) test load;
electrostatic dlscha rge:
(e) indications (as applicable); (a) date and time;
(f) errors; (b) temperature;
(g) functional performance. (c) relative humidity;
[ 'WI II <91116 3(i) ] 449

(d) test load; least five hours, and at least 16 hours after the
(e) indications (as applicable); temperature and damp heat tests have been
performed. -
(f) errors;
Test severities:
(g) functional performance.
Test duration:
Maximum allowable variations: The
difference between the weight indication due to the 28 days or the time period necessaryto conduct
disturbance and the indication without the the performance tests, whichever Is less.
disturbance either shall not exceed the value given Time (t) between tests (days): 0.5 ~ t ~ 10.
in paragraph 4(2)(v) of part I or the instrument shall
detect and act upon a significant fault. Test load: near maximum capacity (Max): the
same test weights shall be used throughout the test.
tO. Span stability test (4)(iii)
Maximum allowable variations: The
variation In the errors of indication shall not exceed
Test Characteristic Condition half the absolute value of the maximum permissible
under test applied error In Table II for the test load applied on any of
Span stability Stability 1/2 absolute the n measurements.
Number of test(n}: At least 8 except where
(*) mpe: maximum permissible error on initial the differences of the results indicate a trend more
verification in Table II. Note: The maximum than half the allowable variation specified, the
permissible error for the zero point shall also be taken measurements shall be continued until the trend
into consideration. comes to rest or reverses Itself, or until the error
Test method: Span stability. exceeds the maximum allowable variation.
Object of the test: To verify compliance with Precondition: None required.
the provisions in paragraph 4(4)(iii) after the EUT Condition ofthe EUT: Normal power supplied
has been subjected to the performance tests. and "on" for a time period equal to or greater than
Reference to standard: No reference to the warm-up time specified by the manufacturer.
International standards can be given at the present
Adjust the EUT as close to zero indication as
time. practicable before each test. The automatic zero-
Test procedures In brief: The test consists tracking should be made inoperative during the test
of observing the variations of the error of the EUT or (if the EUT Is so equipped).
simulator under sufficiently constant ambient
Test sequence: Stabilize all factors at nominal
conditions (reasonable constant conditions in a
reference conditions.
normal laboratory environment) at various Intervals:
before, during, and after the EUT has been subjected Adjust the EUT as close to zero as possible.
to performance tests. Automatic zero-tracking shall be made
The performance tests shall include the inoperative and the automatic built-in span
temperature test and, If applicable, the damp heat :adjustment device shall be made operative.
test; an endurance test shall not be included. Other
Initial measurement
performance tests listed in this Annex may be
performed. Determine the span error using the following
The EUT shall be disconnected twice from the
mains power supply (or battery supply where fitted) 1. Determine the initial zero error (E.)
for at least 8 hours during the period of the test. The If necessary disable any automatic zero-setting
number of disconnections may be increased if so or zero-tracking devices, by placing a "zero weight"
specified by the manufacturer or at the discretion of of for example 10 times the scale interval on the
the approval authority in the absence of any load receptor. Note the indication atzero (Io ).
Either by use of an indicator with a suitable
In the conduct of this test, the operating
.higher resolution scale interval or using the change
Instructions for the Instrument as supplied by the
. point weight method in paragraph 4{2)(ii) of
manufacturer shall be considered. -
.Annexure A (noting the total addition change point
The EUT shall be stabilized at sufficiently weight • Lo) determine and record the initial zero
constant ambient conditions after switch-on for at error (E,).
l17l/ qiJ?II-/13

2. Determine·· the-error "at·near'Max capacity recording the data above and

(EL) determine and record the average
Carefully remove the change point weights (if value of the error of the five tests.
used) and apply the test load (or simulated load) The measurements shall continue until there
and note the indication (IL)· are at least 8 measurements except where the
Either by use of an indicator with a suitable differences of the results indicate a trend more than
higher resolution scale lntervaf.or using the change half the allowable variation specified, the
point weight method In paragraph 4(2)(11) of measurements shall be continued until the trend
Annexure A (noting addition change point comes to rest or reverses itself, or until the error
weight • Lo) determine and record the error at near exceeds the maximum allowable variation.
Max capacity (Et:).
1.1. In-situ tests
(1) General:
(a) date and time;
Note the accuracy class· required for wagon
(b) temperature; weighing and train weighing.
(c) barometric pressure; Ensure that the desired scale inter\tal and the
(d) relative humidity; maximum wagon weight comply with Table III Check
(e) valueof0.1 d; that the minimum capacity complies with paragraph
2( 4) of part II.
(f) testload;
Check that the minimum wagon weight
(g) total of added change point weights at
complies with paragraph 2(5) of part II.
zero load C?Lo;
For pattern evaluation, testing may be carried
. (h) total of added change point weights at
out for coupled weighing, uncoupled weighing or train
test load oL;
weighing depending on the approval required by the
(i) the following indications: applicant.
<1 indication at zero (Io); For Initial verification, tests shall be carried out
q the indication of test load (ILL); corresponding to the normal site operation of the
(j) calculate; instrument.
o Initial zero error E0 ; (2) Rail alignment:
"' error at test load (EL)· If exemption from the alignment calibration at
Annexure BIs required, alignment of ±1 mm must
(k) change In location
be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
and apply all necessary corrections metrological authority by means of:
resulting from variations of temperature,
pressure, etc. between the various • survey by the authority;
measurements. • submission of independent survey results;
Immediately repeat steps 1 and 2 four o other mutually acceptable procedure.
more times and determine and record the
(3), Control Instrument:
average value of the error for the five
tests. Establish whether or not the instrument is to
be used as the control instrument. If it is to be used
Subsequent measurements
as the control instrument it shall comply with
After observing the time between paragraph 2(8)(iii)(b) of part II.
measurements requirement repeat the
test sequence 1 to 2 once recording the If not the static weighing [2(8)(i)] shall be
data above unless: omitted.
o e!ther the result is outside the If wagons have to be moved over some distance
maximum allowable variation, or from the control instrument to the EUT, the conditions
must be closely controlled. Differences in weather
'o the range of the five readings of the
conditions will cause errors which will not be
Initial measurement is more than 0.1.
determinable and so this should be avoided where
d, In which case continue four more
times repeating steps 1 and 2 possible.
['WI li-1§1JS 3(i) J 451

{4) Static weighing [2(8)(i)}: Take note of the need to only particularly fill
Apply test loads from zero up to and including some of the wagons.
Max, then remove the test loads back to zero. Ensure Any errors shall not exceed the appropriate mpe
that the error Is recorded at change in load (normally as given in Table I.
In steps of one tonne). Ensure that errors are
(lv)Coupled wagon weighing (full):
recorded in line with paragraph 4(2) of Annexure A.
Record the errors and compare them to the limits in Record the wagon weights of the coupled
Table II. ·· reference wagons, in-motion as they are displayed
(5} Eccentricity tests [2(B)(i)(e-III)]:
or printed by the instrument under test at a variety
of speeds up to the maximum. Record the errors.
Apply the eccentricity test only where it is
practical and safe to do so. On installations where The Instrument under test must behave
the weighed length Is very short it may not be possible correctly for the condition of. operating speed 3( 4)(1v).
to apply this test fully. If so note the reduced load. The printer shall not print the weight of any wagon
· that has travelled over the load receptor at a speed
(6) Coupled weighing {S{l){iii)(a-Il}}
outside the range of operating speeds. An appropriate
(i)Static weighing (empty}: indication shall be included on the printout for any
Select the required number of reference wagons wagon weight not printed. A sub-total may be printed
as in Table IV and weigh them individually, statically exclusive of wagons which have not been weighed
and uncoupled on the control instrument. provided that it is indicated it is not the total train
Any errors shall not exceed the appropriate mpe
as given in Table I. The Instrument shall also operate in the
(ii)Coupled wagon weighing (empty): following manner in the case of rollback 3(4)(v). The
roll-back condition shall be detected automatically
Record the wagon weights of the coupled and the weighing process shall be aborted i.e. the
reference wagons, In-motion [6(2)] as they are instrument shall either:
displayed or printed by the instrument under test at
a variety of speeds up to the maximum. Record the (a) not indicate or print any weighing result,
errors. or
The instrument under test must behave {b) give a clear indication that any indicated
correctly for the condition of operating speed or printed weighing result may not be
[3(4)(iv)]. The printer shall not print the weight of correct.
any wagon that has travelled over the load receptor (7) Uncoupled weighing [5(1 )(iii)(a-1)].
at a speed outside the range of operating speeds.
An appropriate indication shall be included on the {I) Static weighing:
printout for any wagon weight not printed. A sub· Select not less than 5 wagons and fill them
total may be printed exclusive of wagons which have with a range of loads from zero load to
not been weighed provided that it is Indicated it is that of a fully loaded wagon and weigh
not the total train weight. them statically on the control instrument.
The instrument shall also operate in the ·(II) Uncoupled wagon weighing:
following manner In the case of rollback [3(4)(v)].
Record the wagon weights of the
The roll-back condition shall be detected
uncoupled reference wagons, in-motion,
automatically and the weighing process shall be
aborted, i.e. the instrument shall either: as they are displayed or printed by the
Instrument under test at variety of
(a) not Indicate or print any weighing result, (controlled) speeds including near Max,
or near Min and the typical site operating
(b) give a clear Indication that any Indicated speed. Record the errors.
or printed weighing result may. not be The instrument under test must behave
correct. correctly for the condition of operating
Repeat the In-motion tests to obtain not less speed 3(4)(iv). The printer shall not print
than 60 wagon weights. the weight of any wagon that has travelled
(iii)Static weighing (full): over the load receptor at a speed outside
the range of operating speeds. An
Select the required number of reference wagons ·
appropriate indication shall be included
(see Table IV) and weighs them individually, statically
on the printout for any wagon weight not
and uncoupled on the control instrument.

-L ____ -·--- - -

printe·d. cA sub-total may be printed (1) While motionless, each axle shall be
exclusive of wagons which have not been weighed in the centre and at each end of
weighed ·provided. that:it: Is ;Indicated .it Is the load receptor.
not the total train weight. (2} The six weight indications noted in para
A mlnlmum.of.S;weight printouts of each 4(1) of Annexure B shall be summed up
wagon shall be·obtained. and the result divided by three.
(8) Train weighing (3) Standard weights, as specified in para 4(4)
Tests;are the.same•asin paragraph 11(6) of Annexure B shall be evenly distributed
of thls'"Annexure and may be carried out over the empty wagon and the weighing
in conjunction with,paragraph 11(6) of this procedure in para 4(1). and (2) of
Annexure ·.without repeating the test, if Annexure B shall be repeated.
both modes of.operation are required. (4) The sum of the standard weights referred
The weights ofthe reference wagons shall to In para 4( 3) of annexure B shall be at
be summed and any errors shall not least equal to the larger of the following
exceed the appropriate mpe as given in values:-
Table I and applied to the summation. • the . difference between the
ANNEX B maximum capacity and 1.5 times the
ALIGNMENr CALIBRATION OF SINGLE:AXLE weight of the wagon as determined
WEIGHING INSTRUMENT in para 4(2) of Annexure B with the
The alignment calibration is not recommended result rounded down to the nearest
as an adequatesubstltute for verification of reference 1 tonne;
wagons by full draught weighing and shall only be • 10 tonne.
applied under the conditions in paragraph 2(8)(iii)(b) (5) The difference between the results of the
of part II. computations in accordance with para 4(2)
1. The alignment calibration applies to and (3) of Annexure B shall be subtracted
Instruments that operate by partial weighing of two- from the total value of the standard
axle wagons and the same instrument Is required weights, the result being the calibration
for use as the control instrument for the purposes of correction.
determining the mass of reference wagons in 5. Example of alignment calibration test sheet
paragraph 2(8)(111)(b) of part II.
Accuracy class: 1
2. Instruments that operate by partial weighing
Maximum capacity: a = 3St
are exempt from the alignment calibration procedure
provided the following:- "TYpical' wagon tare weight: b = ll.St
• the top surface of both ralls along the Mass of standard weights required: c = 17t
length of the weight zone are vertically (a- l.Sb, rounded down)
aligned to ±1 mm, and Scale Interval: 0.1 t
• the alignment has been checked along Scale Interval for stationary load: 0.01 t
both ralls at not less than two positions
on the load receptor and .not less than TABLE XII
two positions within a wagon length from Position on load receptor Indicated weight (t)
the load receptor on each associated Empty Loaded wagon
apron. First axle Leading end 5.76 14.27
3.For instruments not covered by para 2 of Middle 5.75 14.26
Annexure B, a calibration correction shall be "!tailing end 5.75 14.26
determined by application of the alignment calibration 5.75 14.25
Second axle
procedure in para 4 of Annexure B. This calibration
5.75 14.25
correction shall be added to each totalized wagon
weight to determine the mass of each reference 5.74 14.24
wagon. Total of six welghlngs 34.50 85.53
· 4. The alignment calibration is conducted with Divide total by three d = ll.SOe = 28.51
the use of a single empty uncoupled wagon of a Derived mass of
standard weights f = e- d = 17.01
wheelbase similar to those wagons used for in-motion
testing.· An example of an alignment calibration is Calibration c. f = -0.01
given in para 5 of Annexure B.

• • ·~- •••. 1.• Li""!;;:;;:;;:::;l I

[<rl'T II = 3(i)J 453

The calibration correction shall be added to the controlling the output feed from the weigh
totalized indicated weight of each reference wagon hopper.
weighed while stationary and uncoupled. In the case {4) Fill:
given above, the minus sign should be noted.
Therefore, if the totalized indicated weight Is 41.38, One or more loads discharged into a single
the corrected weight will be: container to make up the predetermined
41.38 + (·0.01) = 41.37
{5) Electronic instrument:
Note: The calibration correction computed In
An Instrument equipped with electronic devices
this example is not Intended to be typical.
{6) Control instrument:
A weighing instrument used to determine the
HEADING-D mass of the test fills delivered by the filling
INSTRUMENTS 2. Construction
PART I Note: In this Part the term device is applied to
any part which uses any means to perform one or
1. General definitions
more specific functions.
{1) Weighing instrument: (1) Principal parts
Measuring Instrument that serves to determine (I) Weighing units:
the mass of a load by using the action of gravity on
A device which provides information on
that load. According to its method of operation, a
the mass of the load to be measured. This
weighing instrument Is classified as automatic or non·
devise may consist of all or parts of non·
automatic weighing instruments.
{2) Automatic weighing Instrument: (II) Local receptor:
An instrument which weighs without the Part of measurement Instrument intended
Intervention of an operator and follows a ;.T.:.~ . to receive the load ..
predetermined programme of automatic process
(Ill) Feeding device:
characteristic of the instrument.·
Device which provides the supply of the
{3) Automatic gravimetric filling instrument: . product from bulk to the weighing unit. It
An instrument which fills containers with may operate in one or more stages.
predetermined and virtually constant mass of product (iv) Control devices
from bulk by automatic weighing, and which
(a) Feed control device-Device which
comprises essentially an automatic feeding device
regulates the rate of the feed of the
or devices associated with one or more weighing units
feeding device
and the appropriate control and discharge devices.
(b) Fill setting device-Device which
(i) Associative {selective combination) allows the setting of the pre-set
weigher: value
Automatic gravimetric filling Instrument (c) Final feed cut off device-Device
comprising one or more weighing units which controls the cut off the final
and which computes an appropriate feed so that the average mass of
combination of the loads and combines the fills corresponding to the preset
them for subsequent discharge as a fill. value. This device may include an
( ii) Cumulative weigher: adjustable compensation for the
material in flight.
Automatic gravimetric filling Instrument
with one welahina unit with the facility to (d) Correction device-Device, which
affect the fill-by more than one weighing automatically corrects the setting of
cycle. the filling instrument.
(2) Electronic parts
(iii) Subtractive weigher:
(I) Electronic device:
Automatic gravimetric filling instrument
for which the fill is determined by A device comprising electronic assemblies

Lf 7'-f 4 l7 II - II '-{

and: performiog"a"speciflc ;function. difference benveen-

Electronic devices are usually (a) the values corresponding to two
manufactured .as separate•unlts and consecutive scales mark for analogue
capable of belngdndependently.tested. indication.
(ii) Electronic sub7iilssembly:
(b) two consecutive indicated values for digital
A part· of an electronic device employing indication.
electronJc: components .and having a
(2} Reference particle mass of a product:
recognizable function of its .own.
(iii) Electronic components: Mass equal to the mean of ten of the
largest elementary particles or pieces of
The smallest physical.entitythat uses the the product taken from one or more loads.
electron •.. or\hole .conduction In semi-
conductors/gases :a vacuum. (3) Pre set value:
(3) Indiciilting device: Value, expressed In units of mass, preset
by the operator by means of the fill setting
The part. of a measuring instrument that
device, in order to define the nominal
displays an .Indication.
value of the fills.
/Votes: 1. Fora weighing instrument, the indicating
device is a ·set of components, which (4} Static set point:
displays the value, in units of mass, of Value of the test weights or masses,
the:result of a weighing operation. which, in static tests, balance the value,
2. For.fllllng Instrument, the indicating device selected on the indication of the fill setting
may indicate either the mass of the load device.
or difference between the mass and the (5) Weighing cycle:
preset value provided the Intention is The sequence of the operation which
made ·clear. Includes:
( 4) Ancillary devices (a) delivery of the material to the load
(i) Zero setting device: · receptor;
A device for setting the indicating device (b) a weighing operation; and
to zero when the load receptor Is empty.
(c) the discharge of a single discrete
(a) Non automatic zero setting device- load.
A device for setting the Indicating
device to zero by an operator (6} Final feed time:
(b) Semi automatic zero setting device- ' taken to complete the last stage of
A device for setting the indicting delivery of the product to a load receptor.
device to zero automatically (7} Minimum capacity (min):
following a manual command Smallest discrete load that can be weighed
(c) Automatic zero setting device-A a'utomatically on a load receptor.
device for setting the Indicating
(8} Maximum capacity (max):
device to zero automatically without
the Intervention of an operator. The largest discrete load that can be
(ii) Tare device.
weighed automatically on a load receptor.
A device for setting the indication to zero (9) Warm up time:
when a load is on the load receptor The time between the moment power is
(a) without altering the weighing range for applied to an instrument and the moment
net loads (additive tare device), at which the instrument is capable of
or complying with the requirements.
(b) reducing the weighing range for net loads (10) Average number of loads per fill:
(subtractive tare device). Half the sum of the maximum and
3. Metrological characteristics minimum number of loads per fill that can
(1) Scale Interval (d): be set by the operator or, in cases where
the number of loads per fill is not directly
Value expressed In units of mass, of the determined by the operator, either the
[ "ll'1 II-<§1'115 3( i) ] 455

means of the actual number of loads per specified in sub-paragraph (2) of para 2]
fill (If known) In a period of normal for an in-service verification, for a fill equal
operation, or the optimum number of to the rated minimum fill.
loads per fill as may be specified by the Note: The following are not considered to be
manufacturer for the type of product significant faults even when they exceed
which Is to be weighed.· the value defined above:
( 11) Rated minimum fill: (a) Faults arising from simultaneous and
The rated value of the fill below which mutuqlly independent cau_ses in the
the weighing results may be subject to instrument.
errors outside the limits specified in this (b) Faults implying the impossibility to
part. perform any stage of operation.
(12) Minimum discharge: (c) Faults being so serious that they are
The smallest load that can be discharged bound to be noticed by an operator.
by a subtractive weigher. (d) Transitory faults bring momentary
4. Indications and errors
variations In the indication or
operation which cannot affect the
(1) Methods of indication final results of the automatic cycles .
. (i) Analogue indication: ·Note: For Instruments where the fill may be greater
An Indication allowing the evaluation than one load, the value of significant fault
of equilibrium position to a fraction applicable for a test on one static load
of the scale interval. shall be calculated in accordance with the
test procedures.
(ii) Digital indication:
(vi) Span stability.
An Indication in which the scale mark
comprises a sequence of an aligned The capability of an instrument to
figure that do not permit maintain the difference between the
Interpolation to fraction of a scale Indication of weight at maximum capacity
Interval. and the indication at zero within specified
limits qver a period of use.
(2) Errors
(3} Reference value for accuracy class
(I) Error of indication:
The value of accuracy class determined
The Indication of an instrument by static testing of the weighing unit
minus the (conventional) true value during influence quantity testing at pattern
of the mass. approval stage. The reference value for
(II) Intrinsic error: accuracy class is equal to the best
accuracy class for which the instrument
The error of an instrument under
may be verified for operational use.
reference conditions
5. rnnuences and reference conditions
(iii) Initial Intrinsic error:
(1} Influence quantity
The Intrinsic error of an Instrument
A quantity, which is not the subject of the
as determined prior to performance
and span stability tests. measurement but which influences the
. value of measurand or the indication of
(iv) Fault: the instrument.
The difference between the error of (i) Influence factor:
Indication of an instrument and the An Influence quantity having a value within
intrinsic error. the specified rated operating conditions
Note:Prlncipally, a fault is the result of an of the instrument.
undesired change of data contained in or (I!) Disturbance:
flowing an electronic instrument.
An Influence quantity having a value within
(v) Significant fault: the limits specified in this Part but outside
A fault greater than 0.25 of the maximum the rated operating conditions of the
permissible deviation of each fill [as Instrument

_L ______

(2) Ratedoperating conditions accordance with sub-paragraph (2) of

Conditions: of use, . giving .the ranges of paragraph 2 and marked Q!1 the
the· measurand ,and •.the 'Influence Instrument in accordance with sub-
quantltles"for which ,the •metrological paragraph (10) of paragraph 3.
characterlstlcs..arei intended to .lie within Accuracy class shall be specified for intended
the···maxlmum. permissible :deviation usage, I.e. nature of the product to be weighed, type
specified. of Installation, value of the fill, and operating rate.
(3) Reference conditions Note: The limitation of accuracy classes to
A set of specified values •of 'influence certain application may be determined by these
factors iflxetl :to •ensure valid Inter- Rules.
comparison :of lhe results of (2) Limits of error
6. Tests (I) Maximum permissible error for static tests:
(1) Mater/a/test: This instrument shall have a reference
A test carried out on a complete value for accuracy class Ref (x), applicable
instrument using the type of material, for static testing only, for which the
which .iUs Intended to weigh. maximum permissible error for influence
(2) Simulation tests: factor tests shall be as specified in sub-
paragraph (4) of paragraph 2, multiplied
A test :carried out on a complete
by the class designation factor (x).
inst~.ument or a part of an Instrument in
which ar..y partof the weighing operation (II) Maximum permissible deviation of each
is simulated. fills:
(3) Performance test: The instrument shall have a specified
A test to verify whether the equipment accuracy class X(x) for which the
under test (EUT) is able to accomplish its maximum permissible deviation of each
intended functions fill from the average shall be equal to the
( 4) Span stability test: limits specified in Table I given below,
A test to verify that the EUT Is capable of multiplied by the class designation factor (x).
maintaining Its performance characteristics (x) shall be 1 x 10k, 2 x 10k, 5 x 10k, k being
over a period of use. a positive or negative whole number or
PART II ~ro.
1. General TABLE 1
Value of the Maximum permissible deviation of
(1) Scope: mass of the each fill from the average for
This Part specifies the metrological and fill M(g} class X (1)
technical requirements for automatic gravimetric
filling instruments (hereafter called "filling Initial In service
instruments"), which sub-divide a bulk product into verification Inspection
fills of predetermined and virtually constant mass by
M <50 6.3% 9%
automatic weighing, the fills being kept separate.
Note: (1) This specification places no constrain 50< M < 100 3.15g 4.5g
on the maximum or minimum capacities of the 100 < M < 200 3.15% 4.5%
instruments for which this specification Is applicable.
(2) Filling instruments may also be required to comply 200<M<300 6.3g 9g
with certain requirements e.g. an instrument which 300< M < 500 2.1% 3%
could operate as a non-automatic instrument will
500 < M < 1000 10.5g 15g
need to comply with the specification for non-
automatic weighing Instruments. 1000 < M < 10000 1.05% 1.5%
2. Metrolog/C8/ requirements 10000 < M < 15000 105g 150%
(1) Accuracy classes 15000 < M 0.7% 1%
The accuracy class and reference value
(See Table 2 under sub-paragraph (3) of para
for accuracy class shall be specified in
['lll'T II-~ 3(i)] 457

6 for the number of fills required to find the average (iii) Tilting:
value) Instruments which are not intended for
For in-service testing, when the reference installation in a fixed position and which
particle mass exceeds 0.1 of the maximum do not have a level indictor shall comply
permissible in-service deviation, the values derived with the appropriate metrological and
from Table 1 shall be increased by 1.5 times the value technical requirements when tilted by 5%.
of the reference particle mass. However, the Where a level indictor is present it shall
maximum value of the maximum permissible enable the instrument to be set to a tilt of
deviation shall not exceed (x) x 9%. 1% or less.
Note: Particle mass correction is not applicable
(6) Units of measurement:
to limits, which are derived from Table 1, e.g.
influence quantity test, zero setting, etc. The units of mass to be used on an instrument
(3) Maximum permissible preset value error . are the milligram (mg), the gram (g), the kilogram
(setting error): (kg) and the tonne (t).
For instruments where it is possible to preset a 3. Technical requirements
fill weight the maximum difference between the ( 1) Suitability for use
preset value and the average mass of the fill shall
A filling instrument shall be designed to
not exceed 0.25 of the maximum permissible
suit the method of operation and the
deviation of each fill from the average, as specified
products for which it is intended. It shall
for in service inspection in item (ii) of sub-paragraph
be of adequately robust construction so
(2) of this paragraph. This limit will apply for initial
that it maintains its .netrological
verification and for ln•5ervice inspection testing.
(4) Maximum permissible error for influence
factor tests: (2) Security of operation
The maximum permissible error for any static (I) Accidental mal-adjustment:
test load during Influence factor tests shall be 0.25 An instrument shall be so constructed that
of the maximum permissible deviation (as specified an accidental. breakdown or a mal-
in item (ii) of sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph adjustment of control elements likely to
for in-service inspection, corresponding to the disturb its correct functioning cannot take
value of a fill equal to that load. place without its effect being evident.
Note: For instruments where the fill may not (II) Use of a printer:
be equal to one load, the maximum permissible error Any print-out is for information purposes
applicable for a test on one static load shall be only and not for use in a commercial
calculated in accordance with the test procedures. transaction, except for preset values and
(5) Influence factors: Refer to Annex A for test number of weighings.
conditions. (iii) Ancillary devices:
(i) Static temperatures: Any ancillary device provid!i!d for use with
Instruments shall comply with the a filling instrument shall not affect the
appropriate metrological and technical correct functioning of the instrument.
requirements at temperatures from -10°C (lv) Scale interval (d):
to +40°C. However, for special applications
the limits of .the temperature range may Scale intervals of all indicating devices
differ from those given above but such a associated with a weighing unit shall be
range shall not be less than 30°C and shall the same.
be specified In the descriptive markings. (3) Fill setting device
(ii) Power supply (AC): If fill setting is by means of a scale, it
Instruments which are powered by an AC shall be graduated in units of mass.
electricity supply shall comply with the If fill setting is by means of weights, they
appropriate metrological and technical · shall be either weights in accordance with
requirements when operated at voltages these rules or purpose-designed of any
from - 15% to + 10% of the reference nominal value, distinguishable by shape
voltage. and identified with the filling instrument.

(4) Final feed cut-off device (iii) Non-automatic or semi-automatic zero-

The final feed ,cut,off device shall be setting and tare device should be locked
clearly differentiated ,from any other during automatic operations.
device. (iv) The weighing unit shall b'e in stable
The direction of movement corresponding equilibrium when the zero setting and tare
to the sense-of the desired result shall be device is being set.
shown, where applicable. (8) Equilibrium mechanism
(5} Feeding device: The equilibrium mechanism may be provided
, The feeding device shall be designed to with detachable masses which shall be either weights
provide sufficient and regular flow rate( s). in accordance with OIML requirements or purpose-
designed masses of any nominal value,
An adjustable feeding device shall be fitted distinguishable by shape and Identified with the filling
with an Indication of the direction of instruments.
movement corresponding to the sense of
the adjustment of the feed where (9) Security
applicable. A security means shall be provided, for
(6) Load receptor components and pre-set controls to which access is
(i) The load receptor, and feed and discharge
devices as appropriate, shall be designed (10) Descriptive markings
to ensure that residual material retained Filling Instruments shall bear the following
after each discharge is negligible. markings
(ii) Instruments using the subtractive ,(I) Marking shown in full
, weighing principle shall be designed to (a) Name or identification mark of the
ensure that residual material retained at manufacturer
feed from the discharge gate Is negligible.
(b) Name or identification mark of the
(iii) The load receptor shall provide access and Importer (if applicable)
facilities so that where necessary test
weights or masses up to the maximum (c) Serial number and type designation of the
capacity can be placed in position, in a Instrument
safe and secure manner. If these facilities (d) Product(s) designation (i.e. materials that
are not a permanent fixture of the may be weighed)
instrument, they should be kept In the '
(e) Temperature range (if applicable, see
vicinity for the instrument. 2.5.1) in the form ....... Cf .... C
(iv) Manual discharge of the load receptor ,(f) Electrical supply voltage in the form ...... V
shall not be possible during automatic
operation. (g) Electrical supply frequency in the form ... Hz
(7) Zero setting and tare devices (h) Working fluid pressure (if applicable) in
the form ...... kPa
(i) The filling Instrument shall be provided
with a zero-setting device, which may also (I) Average number of loads/fill (if applicable)
be used for the setting of tare. The device (J) Maximum fill (if applicable}
may be- (k) Minimum fill (if applicable}
(a) Manual; (I) Rated minimum fill
(b) Semi-automatic, or (m) Maximum rate of operation (if applicable)
(c) Automatic In the form ....... Load per minute
(ii) Zero-setting and tare devices shall be (ii) Marking shown in code
capable of setting to less than or equal to
0.25 of the maximum permissible (a) Pattern approval sign
deviation for in-service inspection for a (b) Indication of the accuracy class X(x)
fill equal to the minimum capacity for (c) Reference value for accuracy class Ref (x)
·instruments with one weighing unit, and
for a fill equal to the rated minimum fill (d) Scale interval (if applicable} in the form
for selective combination weigher. d = ......... .
['WI II-~ 3(i)] 459

(e) Maximum capacity (or minimum discharge cannot be removed from the filling
where applicable) in the form Max= ..... instrument without damaging the marks
(f) Maximum additive tare in the form (b) allow easy application of the mark without
T= + ...... changing the metrological qualities of the
(g) Maximum subtractive tare In the form filling instruments
T = -....... (c) be visible without the filling instrument
An instrument may be verified for different having to be moved when it is in service.
materials for which different classes shall apply or (ii) Mounting:
which require different operating parameters to Filling instruments required to bear verification
maintain limits of error. Marking shall be such that marks shall have a verification mark support, at the
the alternative class or operating parameters are place provided for above, which shall ensure the
clearly associated with the appropriate material · conservation of the marks.
When the mark is made with a stamp, this
In the case of subtractive weigher the minimum support may consists of a strip of lead or any together
load to be discharged shall be specified. material with similar qualities, Inserted into a plate
fixed to the filling instrument or a cavity bored In the
(iii) Presentation of descriptive markings: filling instrument itself.

The descriptive marking shall be indelible and When the marks consist of an adhesive transfer,
of a size, shape and clarity to enable legibility under a space shall be prepared for this purpose.
normal conditions of use of the filling instrument. (12) Control instrument:
They shall be grouped together in a clearly visible
The control instrument may be separate from
place on the filling instrument, either on a date plate an integral part of the filling Instrument.
fixed to the instrument or on the filling instrument
itself. 4. Requirements for electronic Instruments
Where the markings are placed on a date plate, Electronic filling instruments shall comply with
it shall be possible to seal the plate bearing the the following requirements, In addition to the
markings. Where they are marked on the filling "applicable requirements of all other clauses of this
instrument Itself it shall not be possible to remove specification.
them without destroying them. (1) General requirements
The descriptive markings may be shown on a (i) Rated operating conditions:
programmable display, which is· controlled by Electronic operating conditions
software. In this case, means shall be provided for
any access to reprogramming of the markings to be Electronic instrument shall be so designed
automatically and non-erasable, recorded, e.g. by and manufactured that they do not exceed
traceable access software when a programmable the maximum permissible errors under
display is used, the plate on the instrument shall rated operating conditions.
bear at least the following markings: (ii) Influence factors:
(a) Type and designation of the instrument; An electronic Instruments shall comply
(b) Name or identification mark of the with the requirements of sub-paragraph
manufacturer; (5) of paragraph 2 and shall also comply
with appropriate metrological and
(c) Pattern approval number; technical requirements at a relative
(d) Electrical supply voltage; humidity of 85% at the upper limit of the
(e) Electrical supply frequency; and temperature range of the Instrument.
(f) Pneumatic pressure (iii) Disturbances:
( 11) Verification marks Electronic instruments shall be so
designed and manufactured that when
(i) Position: exposed to disturbances, either:-
The filling instruments shall have a place for ( a) significant faults do not occur, i.e.
the application of verification marks. This place shall: the difference between the weight
(a) be such that the part of which it is located indication due to the disturbance and

the ·indication w.ithout the external equipment. When an interface is

dlsturbance'(intrinsic error)shall not used, the instrument shall continue to
exceed •the .val.ue specified in function correctly and its metrological
paragraph ~(2)(v}ofPart I; or functions shall not be influenced.
(b) slgnificant:faults :are ·detected and (v) Battery power supply:
acted .upon. An instrument that operates from a
Note: A fault:equalto or:lessthan the value in battery power supply shall, whenever the
paragraph 4(2)(v)'ot:Part.l!is•allowed irrespective of voltage drops below the manufacturer's
the value of the error·of,indication. specified minimum value, either continue
(iv) Evaluationfor:compliance: to function correctly or automatically be
The pattern •of •an electronic instrument is put out of service,
presumed to comply with the requirements of (3) Examination and tests:
paragraphs 4(1)(i).-4(1)(ii) and 4(1)(i1i), If it passes
The examination and testing of an electronic
the examination and .tests specified in Annex A.
instrument is intended to verify compliance with the
( v) Application: applicable requirements of this specification and
The. requirements in paragraph 4(1) (iii) may especially with the requirements of this paragraph.
be applied separately-
(i) Examinations
( a) either to each individual cause of
significant fault; or An electronic instrument shall be ·
examined to obtain a general appraisal
(b) to eaCh part of the electronic Instrument;
of the design and construction.
(c) to both. (ii) Performance tests:
The choice of whether sub-item (a) or sub An electronic instrument or electronic
item (b) above should be applied is left to device, as appropriate, shall be tested as
the manufacturer. specified in Annex A to determine the
(2) Functional requirements correct functioning of the instrument.
(i) Indicator display tests: Tests are to be carried out on the whole
If the failure of an indicator display instrument except when either the size
element can cause a false weight or the configuration or both of the
indication, then the instrument shall have instrument does not lend itself to testing
a display test facility which is automatically as a unit. In such cases the electronic
initiated at switch-on of indication, e.g. de<tices shall be tested, where possible
indication of all the relevant signs of the as a simulated instrument including all
indicator in the active and non-active electronic elements of a system which can
states for a sufficient time to be easily affect the weighing result. In addition, an
observed by the operator. examination shall be carried out on the
fully operational instrument.
(ii) Acting upon a significant fault:
When a significant fault has been Susceptibility that would result from the
detected, the Instrument shall either be use of electronic Interfaces to other
automatically made inoperative or a visual equipment shall be simulated in the tests.
or audible Indication shall be provided (iii) Span stability:
automatically and shall continue until such When an electronic instrument is subjected
time as the user takes action or the fault to the span stability test specified in
disappears. paragraph 7 of Annexure A, the absolute
(iii) Warm-up time: value of the difference between the errors
During the warm-up time of an electronic obtained for any two measurements shall
instrument there shall be no indication or not exceed half the maximum permissible
transmission of the result of weighing, and error for influence factor tests for a near
automatic operation shall be Inhibited. maximum capacity load.
(iv) Interface: 5. Metrological controls
An instrument may be equipped with an (1) General
interface within allows it to be coupled to
(i) Provision of means of testing:
---- --- ----- -- - - - - -

["!T'l II-~ 3(i)] 461

For the purposes of testing, the the weighing result except In the case of
metrological authority may require from an associative weigher where only one
the applicant the product (i.e. the material representative weighing unit may be
to be weighed), the handling equipment, included.
the appropriately qualified personnel and The instrument or simulated instrument
a control Instrument. shall have a load Indicator, or an interface
(ii) Material tests: allowing access to a quantity that can be
(a) For pattern evaluation-The material used calibrated to provide an indication of load,
as the test load for pattern evaluation shall so that the requirements of paragraph
be representative of a product for which 2(2)(i) (maximum permissible errors for
static tests) may be tested and so that
the Instrument is designed. The test shall
be conducted in accordance with the test the instrument may be tested for influence
procedure in paragraph 8(1) of Annexure quantities. The scale Interval of the load
indicator shall not exceed 0.125 of the
maximum permissible deviation for In-
(b) For initial verification and in-service service verification for a fill equal to the
· verification-The in-situ material tests minimum capacity.
shall be done in accordance with the
The evaluation shall consist of the tests
descriptive marking under the normal
specified in paragraphs 5(1)(ii)(a) and
conditions of which the instrument is
intended. The test shall be conducted in
accordance with the test procedure laid (iii) Pattern evaluation:
down In paragraph 8(2) of Annexure A. The submitted documents shall be
(2) Pattern approval examined and tests carried out to verify
that the instrument complies with:
(i) Documentation:
(a) the requirements specified for static
The application for pattern approval shall . tests in paragraph 2,
include documentation comprising:
(b) the technical requirements in
(a) metrological characteristics of the paragraph 3,
( t) the requirements In paragraph 4 for
. (b) a set of specifications for the electronic Instruments, where
Instrument, applicable.
(c) a functional description of the The appropriate metrological authority
components and services, shall conduct the test In a manner, which
(d) drawings, diagrams and general soft prevents an unnecessary commitment of
ware information (if applicable), resources.
explaining the construction and Note: The appropriate metrological authority
operation, including interlocks, may accept with the consent of the applicant,
(e) any document or other evidence that equivalent test data obtained from other metrological
the design and construction of the authorities.
Instrument complies with the (a) Tests for compliance with technical
requirements of this specification. requirements
(ii) General requirements: Operational test with material shall be
The pattern evaluation shall be carried out done in accordance with the procedure In
on one or more (and normally not more paragraph 8(1) of Annex A on a complete
than three) units that represent the instrument to assess compliance with the
definitive pattern. One or more of the units technical requirements of paragraph 3.
shall be complete and fully operational of (b) Influence factor tests
the purposed of paragraph 5(2)(iii)(a).
One or more of the units shall be Influence factors shall·be applied during
submitted in a form suitable for simulation simulation tests in a manner that will reveal
testing In a laboratory and shall include a corruption of the weighing results of any
the whole of the electronics which affect weighing process to which the instrument
should applied, in accordance with-

y 7 4 t. {}11- II 6

(a) Paragraph 2(5) for all instruments; to between the metrological

and authority concerned and the
(b) Paragraph 4 for electronic
Instruments (v) Certificate ofapproval and determination
of paragraph [2(2}(1} and paragraph 5 of
(c) Apportioning of e~rors
Annex A}:
Where parts of an instrument are
The pattern approval certificate shall state
examined separately in the process of
the reference value for the accuracy class
patter.n approval, the following
as determined by the static tests In
requirements .shall apply-
paragraph 5 of Annex A and shall state
The error limits applicable in a part which that the actual class (equal to the greater
is examined separately are equal to a than the reference value) shall be
fraction PJ of the maximum permissible determined by compliance with the
errors or the allowed variations of the metrological requirements at initial
indication of the complete instruments. verification.
The fractions for any part have to be taken (3) Initial verification
for the same accuracy class as for the
complete Instrument incorporating the (i) General requirements:
part. Instruments shall be examined for
conformity with the approved pattern
The fractions Pi shall satisfy the following
where applicable and shall be tested for
compliance with paragraph 2 [excluding
(P12 + p22 + p32 + .... ) ~ 1 paragraph 2(2)(1) and paragraph 2(5)] for
the intended products and corresponding
· The fraction Pi, shall be chosen by the
accuracy classes under normal conditions
manufacturer of the part and shall be
of use.
verified by an appropriate test. However,
the fraction shall not exceed 0.8 and shall Tests shall be carried out by the
not be less than 0.3 when more than one appropriate metrological authority, in-situ,
part contributes to the effect In question. with the instrument fully assembled and
fixed in the position in which it is intended
Note: As the requirements of this sub- to be used. The installation of an
paragraph only apply to the instrument submitted instrument shall be so designed that an
for pattern evaluation and not to those subsequently autdmatic weighing operation will be the
submitted for verification, the means by which it will same whether for the purposes of testing
be possible to determine whether the appropriated or for use for a transaction.
maximum permissible error or maximum allowable
variation has been exceeded while decided mutually (ii) Material tests:
between the metrological authority and the applicant. Material test shall be carried out In
The. means may be for example: compliance with paragraph 5(1)(ii) using
the test methods specified in paragraph
(a) the provision or adoption of the
indicating device to give the required
resolution, (iii) Conduct of the test:
(b) the use of change point weights, or The appropriate metrological authority:
(a) shall conduct the test in a manner
(c) any other means mutually agreed.
which prevents an unnecessary
(iv) Place to testing: commitment of resources,
Instruments submitted for pattern (b) may, where appropriate and to avoid
approval may be tested either- duplicating tests previously done on
the instrument for pattern evaluation
( a) on the premises of the metrological under paragraph 5(2)(iii) (a) use the
authority to which the application results of observed tests to assess
has been submitted; or for initial verification.
(b) In any other suitable place agreed (iv) Determination of accuracy class:

['ll'T II-~ 3(i)] 463

The appropriate metrological authority determined using one of the methods
shall:- specified in paragraph 6(5)(i) or in
(a) determine the accuracy class for the paragraph 6(5)(1iJ.
materials used in the tests in (2) Conduct of material tests
accordance with paragraph 5(2)(v)
by reference to the material test (a) The tests shall be carried out on fills using
results and the limits of error loads at or near to, the maximum capacity
specified in paragraph 2(2)(ii) and and· also at, or near to, the minimum
paragraph 2(3) for initial verification, capacity. Material tests should only be
carried out with the products the
(b) Verify that accuracy classes
instrument is intended to be used for.
determined as above.
( 4) In-service verification (b) Cumulative weighers shall be tested as
In-service verification shall be as specified in above with the maximum practical number
para 5(3)(1) and para 5(3)(ii). The maximum of load per fill and also with the minimum
permissible errors shall be as specified in para 2(2)(ii) number of loads per fill, and associative
for in-service verification. weighers as above with the average (or
optimum) number of loads per fill.
The appropriate metrological authority shall
conduct the test in a manner, which prevents an (c) If the minimum capacity is less than one
unnecessary commitment of resources. third of the maximum capacity then tests
Quite often a question is asked as to how to shall also be carried out near the centre
calculate R(x). The method is as follows: of the load weighing range preferably at
Ref. (x) or simply x, is a numeral indicating the a value close to, but not above, 100g,
class of the gravimetric filling machine, which is to 300g, 1000g or 15000g as appropriate.
be assigned at the time of model approval. Once the
(d) All tests shall be conducted with any
value of x or Ref. (x) Is assigned, one can determine
adjustable parameter critical to
Its MPD by multiplying the figures given in Table I of
metrological integrity e.g. final feed time
this part of this book. At the time of verification, one
or rate, set to the most onerous condition
has to see only for the compliance to the MPD and
allowed by the manufacturer's printed
other requirements.
instructions and incorporated in the
For calculating x or Ref. (x), one should calculate descriptive markings.
(1) value of setting error se and (2) maximum
deviation md as explained in this part on. Remember ( i) Testing the effect of a correction device
mpse(l) is 1/4 of mpdl given in table of 5(3)(i) and
last column of the observation sheet gives deviation (a) Any correction device e.g. in-flight
from the mean fill, so maximum deviation md is correction or automatic zero setting fitted
calculated from here. Number of fills to be taken is to an instrument shall be operated during
chosen with the help of Table 2. the tests according to the manufacturer's
printed instructions.
Then examine the values of se/mpse1 and md/
mpd(1)• these may be a whole number (including (b) If the correction device is not activated
zero) plus a fraction like 2 + 0.325 and 2 + 0.545 during each filling operation, then tests
then class of the Instrument is one plus the whole at minimum capacity shall be arranged to
number irrespective of the value of fraction, i.e. 3 in Include the effect of one or more regular
the given example. In case whole number is zero operations of the correction device, e.g.
then Ref. (x) or x Is 1. buy including in the test at least three
If the values of se/mpse 1 and md/mpd1 are fills immediately before and after the
3.575 and 3.265 then Ref. (x) or x will be 5 and not activation of the device.
4, as x has to be either of 1, 2, 5 or multiples of 10 of
1, 2 and 5. (c) The Initial fills after the charge between
maximum capacity and minimum capacity
6. Test methods
shall be included In the test unless the
(1) Determination of the mass of individual instrument bears a clear warning to
fills discard the stated number of fills after a
The mass of the individual fills is change to the instrument settings.

----· __ _.... ____


(3) Number of fiHs cycle of operation, i.e. that the sum of the loads is
The number of Individual tests fill depends upon equal to the fill, then the separate verification method
the preset value (ni ):as specified in Table 2 below:- [paragraph 6(5)(i)] should be used.
·,TABlE;2 (2) When using the integral verification method
for a cumulative weighing instrument a sub-division
m < lOkg 60 fills
of the test fill is unavoidable. When calculating the
lOkg ~ m .$_,2Skg 32 fills conventional true value of the mass of the test fill, it
25kg < m < JlOOkg .20 fills is necessary·to consider the Increased uncertainty
lOOkg < m 10 fills due to the division of the test fill.
(4) Accuracy of standards (a) Interruption of automatic operation
The control ifnstwment and standard weights An automatic filling operation of a test fill
used in testing shall:ensurethat,checklng of the test be initiated as for normal operation.
fills to an error not\greater than either- However, the automatic operation shall be
( a) one-third ·of the maximum permissible interrupted twice during each filling cycle
deviation and maximum permissible i.e. after the load is assembled and after
preset <value error (as appropriate) for the load is discharged.
automatic weighing [paragraph 2(2) and An .automatic operation shall not be
paragraph 2(3) respectively) if the control Interrupted during consecutive weighing
instrument or the device used for control · cycles if the speed of operation is so high
purposes Is verified immediately prior to that the interruption would significantly
the material test; or affect the mass of the fill.
(b) one-fifth of the maximum permissible (i) Pre-discharge (full) Interrupt
deviation and maximum permissible The automatic operation shall be
preset value error (as appropriate) for interrupted after the load receptor(s) has
automatic weighing [paragraph 2(2) and (have) been loaded and the feed of
paragraph 2(3) respectively) in all other ·material has ceased. Wheh the load
cases: receptor(s) has (have) stabilized, the net
weight of the fill indicated or determined
(5) Material test methods
by balancing with standard weights shall
(i) Separate verification method: be recorded and the instrument switched
The separate verification method requires back to automatic operation.
the use of a (separate) control instrument (ii) Post-discharge (empty) Interrupt
to find the conventional true value of the
The automatic operation shall be
mass of the test fill. ' .
Interrupted after the load(s) has (have)
(ii) Integral verification method: been discharged and the load receptor(s)
With this method the instrument being Is (are) ready to receive a further load.
tested Is used to determine the When the load receptor(s) has (have)
· conventional true value of the mass of the stabilized, the empty load receptor weight .
test fill. The Integral verification method Indicated or determined by balancing with
/ shall be conducted using either:- standard weights shall be recorded and
( a) an appropriately designed Indicating the instrument switched back to automatic
device, or · operation.
(b) an indicating device with standard (6) Preset value
weights to assess the rounding error. The indicated preset value of the fill shall be
The total uncertainty of the test method noted where applicable. ·
(separate or integral verification) shall be (7) Mass and average value of the test fill
not greater than one-third of the The test fill shall be weighed on a control
maximum permissible error for the instrument and the result shall be considered as being
instrument. the conventional true value of the test fill. The
Notes: (1) The integral verification method average value of all the fills in the test shall be
depends on determining the masses of the loads. calculated and noted.
Limits of error as specified in paragraph 2(2) are for (8) Deviation for automatic weighing
the mass of the fill. If it Is not possible to ensure that The deviation for automatic weighing used to
In normal operation, all load is discharged at. each determine compliance of each fill with the maximum
,.·.- ·---··---·---·

['11'1 Il-1.'i!'T6 3(i)] 465

permissible deviation for automatic weighing Consider any document or other evidence that
paragraph 2(2) shall be the difference between the ' the design and construction of the instrument
conventional true value of the mass of the test fill complies with the requirements of this specification.
[as defined in paragraph 6(7)] and the average value (2) Compare construction with documentation
of all the fills In the test. [paragraphs 4(3} and 5{2)}
{9) Preset value error for automatic weighing
Examine the various devices of the instrument
The preset value error for automatic weighing to ensure conformity with the documentation.
used to determine compliance with paragraph 2(3)
shall be the difference between the average value of (3) Technical requirements (Paragraph 3)
the conditional true value of the mass of the test fill Examine the instrument for conformity with
(as defined in paragraph 6(7) and the preset value technical requirements according to the checklist
for the fills. given In the test report format.
·(4) Functional requirements {Paragraphs 4(2) and
TESTING PROCEDURES FOR AUTOMATIC Examine the instrument for conformity with
GRAVIMETRIC ALUNG functional requirements according to the checklist
given in the test report format.
2. Examination for initial verification
[See paragraph 2(5)]
(1) Compare construction with documentation
Meaning of symbols
[paragraph S(J){i)]
I = Indication
Examine the instrument for conformity with the
In = nth Indication approved pattern.
L =Load (2) Descriptive markings [paragraph 3(10)}:
l\L = Additional load to next changeover point Check the descriptive markings according to the
P = I+ 1/2 d- l\ L + Indication prior to rounding checklist given in the test report format.
(digital indication)
E = P - L = Error 3. General test requirements
mpd = Maximum permissible deviation of each (1) Power supply
fill from the average
Power up the equipment under test (EUT) for
EUT = Equipment under test
a time period equal to or greater than the warm-up
se = Setting error time specified by the manufacturer and maintain the
mpse = Maximum permissible setting error EUT energized for the duration of each test.
md = Maximum deviation of each fill from the (2) Zero-setting
average Using the manual or semi-automatic zero-
1.. Examination for pattern approval setting facility, adjust the EUT as closely as practicable
(1) Administrative examination [paragraph 5(2)] to zero prior to each test, and do not readjust it at
any time during the test, except to reset if a significant
Review the documentation that is submitted to fault has been indicated.
determine if it Is adequate and correct. For pattern
approval the documentation shall include:- Status of automatic zero facilities shall be as
specified for each test.
l(l)(a) metrological characteristics of the
instrument, {3) Temperature

l(l)(b) a set of specifications for the The tests shall be performed at a steady
instrument, ambient temperature, usually normal ambient
temperature unless otherwise specified. The
l(l)(c) a functional description of the temperature is deemed to be steady when the
components and devices, and difference between the extreme temperatures noted
l(l)(d) drawings, diagrams and general during the test does not exceed one-fifth of the
software Information (If applicable), temperature range of the instrument without being
explaining the construction and greater than soc, and the rate of change does not
operation, Including interlocks. exceed soc per hour.

47 LJ c, ofll- I I 7

__j. -
7 •·


The handllng:of the instrument shall .be such P = I + 0.5 d - t. L

that no condensation ,of •water .occurs on the The error prior to rounding Is:
E = P - L = I + 0.5 d - t. L- L
(4) ConifolmsifumenG
Example: An instrument with a scale interval,
(i)Accvracror test•system[paragraph 6(4)} d, of 5g Is loaded 1kg and thereby Indicates 1000g.
The control.instrument .and standard weights· After adding successive weights of O.Sg, the indication
used in testing shall•ensure·the·determination of the changes from 1000g to 1005g at an additional load
weight of test ioads;and,fills to,an error not greater of 1.5g. Inserted in the above formula these
than either: observations give:
(a) one-thkd .of :the .maximum permissible P = (1000 + 2.5 - 1.5)-g = 1001g
error of\thednstrument i.e., In the case of Thus the true indication prior to rounding is
material :tests, •one-third of the maximum 1001 g, and the error prior to rounding is:
permissible :dev.iation and maximum
permissible preset value error (as . E = (1001 - 1000) g = + 1 g
appropriate) for automatic weighing, if the (b) Correction for error at zero
control instrument or the device used for Evaluate the error at zero load, (E 0) by the
control ,purposes is verified immediately method specified in paragraph 3(4)(ii)(a) of this
prior to the material test; or Annex.
(b) one-fifth cf the maximum permissible Evaluate the error at load L, (E) by the method
error of the Instrument i.e., In the case of specified in paragraph 3(4)(ii)(a) of this Annex .
.material tests, one-fifth of the maximum
permissible deviation. and maximum The corrected error prior to rounding, (Ec) Is:
permissible preset value error (as Ec=E-Eo
appropriate) for automatic weighing, in Example: if, for the example In paragraph 3( 4)(ii)(a),
all other cases. · the error calculated at zero load was:
Note: Accuracy requirements for the test · Eo=+ 0.5 g
system depend on the limits of error which depend
on the accuracy class. However, the class is The corrected error is:
determined from the results of the tests. It is, Ec = + 1 - ( + 0.5) = + o.5g
therefore, necessary that the metrological authority 4. Test program
responsible for testing should be informed of the best
accuracy class that may be achieved, prior to (1) Patte<n evaluation [paragraph 5(2}(iil)}
commencement of testing. (I) Paragraphs 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8(1) of this
(ii)Use of standard weighG to assess rounding Annex shall normally be applied for
error pattern evaluation.

(a) General method to assess error prior to (ii) For instruments In which the weighing
rounding: function is provided by a non-automatic
weighing instrument that has been
For Instruments with digital indication approved of its model, the tests specified
having a scale interval d, changeover In paragraph 4(1)(i) may be omitted.
points may be used to interpolate between
scale Intervals, i.e. to determine the (2) Initial verification [Paragraph 5(3)}
·indication of the instrument, prior to Paragraph 2 and paragraph 8(2) of this Annex
rounding, as follows:- · shall be applied for initial verification tests. -
At a certain load, L, the indicated value, Static weighing test method (paragraph 5( 4) of this
I, is noted. Additional weights of say 0.1 Annex) may also be used if necessary to verify the
d are successively added until the indicator for the integral verification method of
indication of the instrument is increased material tests.
unambiguously by one scale interval (I 5. Static tests (pattern approval stage)
+d). The additional load oL added to the
load receptor gives the indication, P, prior (1) General Paragraph 5(2)(ii)
to rounding by using the following Electronic instruments or Instrument simulators
formula:- are required to have a load indicator, or an interface
[ 'Wf Jl <!JUil" 3(j) J 467
allowing access to quantity that can be calibrated to (a) the error (corrected for zero error)
provide an indication of load so that the effect of for a static load close to Max is not
influence quantities may be tested and the reference greater than the limit specified In
accuracy class determined. This facility also enables · paragraph 2(4).
testing of warm-up time and zero-and tare-setting (b) after each time Interval the error at
where applicable. This static weighing tests are zero is not greater than twice the
normally done as part of influence quantity testing. . limit specified In paragraph 3(7).
Limits for warm-up time tests and for accuracy Note: Zero-setting· accuracy Is specified as 0.25
of zero-and tare-setting are derived from Paragraph mpd so the additional allowance of 0.25 mpd is added
2(2), and are therefore dependent on the reference for variation of zero after the Initial zero-setting. This
accuracy class. Therefore the results of these tests is consistent with paragraph 2(4) (mpe for a static
must be evaluated after the reference accuracy class test load) and paragraph 6(2)(1i) of this Annex
has been determined. (temperature effect on no load Indication).
(2) Warm-up time [Paragraph 4(2)(iii)] (3) Zero- and tare-setting paragraph 3(7)
This rest Is to verify that in the period (I)Generaf.
Immediately after switch-on, operation is inhibited
until the warm-up time is finished, I.e. until the Unless It is clear that zero and tare functions
metrological performance can be maintained. The are performed by the same process then both
method is to check that automatic operation is function shall be tested separately.
Inhibited until a stable Indication is obtained and to Zero-and tare-setting may be by more than one
verify that zero and span errors comply with the mode, for example:
specified requirements during the first 30 minutes of (a) non-automatic or semi-automatic,
operation. If the zero Is set as part of the normal
automatic weighing cycle then this function shall be (b) automatic at switch-on,
enabled or simulated as part of the test. (c) automatic at start of automatic operation,
Other test methods which verify that (d) automatic as part of weighing cycle.
metrological performance is maintained during the It is normally only necessary to test the accuracy.
first 30 minutes of operation may be used: of'zero-and tare-setting in one mode if it is clear
(i) Disconnect the instrument from the power that the same process is used for each mode. If zero
supply for a period of at least 8 hours prior or tare is set as part of the automatic weighing cycle
to the test. then this mode shall be tested. To test automatic
(ii) Reconnect the instrument and switch on zero-or tare-setting it is necessary to allow the
while observing the load indicator. instrument to operate through the appropriate part
of the automatic cycle and then to halt the instrument
(iii) Check that It is not possible to initiate before testing.
automatic weighing until the Indicator has
stabilized. (ii) Accuracy of zero-settfng [paragraph 3(7)]:
(iv) As soon as the indication has stabilized, (1) Set the instrument to zero in a mode as
set the Instrument to zero if this is not determined by paragraph 5(3)(i) of this
done automatically. Annex.

(v) Determine the error at zero by the method (2) Add weights to the load receptor to
of para 3(4)(ii)(a) of Annexure A. determine the additional load at which the
Indication changes from zero to one scale
(vi) Apply a static load close to Max. interval above zero.
Determine the error by the method of
paragraphs 3(4)(ii)(a) and 3(4)(11)(b) of
(3) Calculate the error at zero according to
this Annex. · the description in paragraph 3(4)(ii)(a) of
this Annex.
(vii) Repeat steps (v) and (vi) after 5, 15 and
(iii) Accuracy oftare-setting [paragraph 3(7)]:
30 minutes.
Accuracy of tare shall be tested at the maximum
(viii) From (v) verify that the zero-setting error
tare as specified by the manufacturer.
is not greater than the limit specified in
paragraph 3(7); ( 1) Place the tare load on the load receptor
and allow the tare function to operate In
(ix) From steps (vi) and (vii) verify that: a mode as determined by paragraph


5(3)(1) of this Annex and In accordance 6. Influence factor and disturbance tests
with the manufacturer's instructions. ( 1) Test conditions
(2) Add weights :to :the load rec~ptor to (I) General requirements:
determine the additional'load at which the
indication changes'Jrom zero to one scale Influence factor and disturbance tests are
interval:above zero. Intended to verify that electronic
Instruments can perform and function as
(3) Calculate ·the .error according to the Intended in the environment and under
description In paragraph3( 4)(ii)(a) of this the conditions specified. Each test
Annex. Indicates, where app'ropriate, the
(4) Static weighfng'test.method.[paragraph 5(2)(iii)} reference condition under which the
Intrinsic error Is determined.
Apply testiloadsJr:om zero up to and including
Max, and similar!y•remove the test loads back to zero. It Is generally not possible to apply the
The test loads s.elected shall include values close to influence factors or disturbances to an
Max and Min and other critical loads as specified in instrument which Is processing material
paragraph 6(2)(a), subject to requirements of this automatically, The Instrument shall
Annex. therefore be subjected to the influence
factors or disturbances under static
Determine the error at each test load, using conditions or simulated operation as
the procedure of paragraph 3( 4)(ii) of this Annex, if defined herein. The permissible effects of
necessary, to cibta'in the accuracy requirements of the influence factors or disturbances,
paragraph 3(4)GI) of this Annex. under these conditions, are specified for
It should be noted that when loading or each case. When the effect of one
unloading weights, the load shall be progressively influence factor Is being evaluated, all
Increased or progressively decreased. other factors are to be held relatively
constant, at a value close to normal. After
(5) Determination of reference accuracy class
each test the instrument shall be allowed
[paragraph 5(2)(v)]
to recover sufficiently before the following
The static weighing tests during application of test-
Influence factors (as appropriate) shall be used at
Where parts of the instrument are
pattern approval stage to establish the reference
examined separately, errors shall be
value for accuracy class, i.e. Ref(x), as follows :-
apportioned in accordance with paragraph
(i) Perform static weighing tests for Influence 5(2)(iii)( c).
factors and loads as specified in this The operational status of the instrument
or simulator shall be recorded for each
(ii) For each load determine the maximum test. When the instrument is connected
permissible error for influence factor tests in other than a normal configuration, the
for class X(l), mpe(l) procedure shall be mutually agreed on by
(Refer to para 2(4) and to this Annex the approving authority and the applicant.
where appropriate). (ill Simulator requirements
(iii) Calculate [Error/mpe(l)l for each load. (a) General
(iv) From (IIi) determine the maximum value The simulator for influence factor
of [Error/mpe(l)l for all the Influence and disturbance tests should include
factor tests, [Error/mpe(l) m"] all electronic elements of the
weighing system.
(v) Determine Ref (x) from [Error(mpe(l) m,J
such that : (b) Load cell

Ref (x)> [Error/mpe(l)l max and The simulator should also include the
load cell and a means to apply
Ref (x) = 1 X 10k, 2 X 1Qk, or 5 X 10k, standard test loads. Where this Is
the Index k being a positive or negative not possible, e.g. for high capacity
whole number or zero. Values for instruments, then a load cell
significant fault shall then be calculated simulator may be used or
from the mpd for the reference class. alternatively the load cell interface
['WT II-~ 3(i)] 469

may be modified to incorporate a each fill (as specified in Table 1) for

. scaling factor to give the design in-service verification divided by the
output for a small test load. square root of the average (or
Repeatability and stability of a load optimum) number of loads in a fill,
cell simulator should make It possible for a fill equal to the minimum
to determine the performance of the capacity multiplied by the average
instrument with at least the same (or optimum) number of loads In a
accuracy as when the instrument Is fill.
tested with weights.
Example : For .a class X(l)
(c) Interfaces instrument with Min ~ 200g
designed for an average of 8 loads
Susceptibility that would result from per fill, fill ~ 1600g, the maximum
the use of electronic interfaces to permissible deviation of each fill
other equipment shall be simulated from the average fill (as specified In
In the tests. For this purpose it is Table 1) for in-service verification Is
sufficient to connect 3 m of interface 1.5% ~ 24g. Hence the value of
cable terminated to simulate the significant fault Is :
interface impedance of the other
equipment. 0.25 X (24/ "8) ~ 2.12g

(d) Documentation (a-ii) Significant fault for cumulative

Simulators shall be defined in terms
of hardware and functionality by A fault greater than 0.25 of the
reference to the instrument under maximum permissible deviation of
test, and by any other docu- each fill (as specified in Table 1) for
mentation necessary to ensure in-service verification, for a fill equal
reproducible test conditions. This to the rated minimum fill, divided by
Information shall be attached to, or the square root of the minimum
be traceable from the test report. number of loads per fill.

(iii) Test limits for multi-load instruments : Example : For a class X ( 1)

instrument with Max ~ 1200g and
For instruments where the fill may consist rated minimum fill of 8 kg: 8 kg/1.2
of more than one load, the value of a kg ~ 6.67; therefore the minimum
significant fault and the limit of error for number of loads per fill is 7.
influence factor tests must be determined
The maximum permissible deviation (as
by the metrological authority after
considering the design of the Instrument specified in Table 1) for the minimum fill
and the method of test, such that the of 8 kg is 1.5% or 120g. Hence the value
of significant fault Is :
effect on the fill is equivalent to the values
specified In paragraph 4(2)(v) specified 0.25 X (120/ Y7) ~ 11.34g
in Part I and paragraph 2( 4) of Part II.
Note : This definition of significant fault for
(a) Significant fault for multi-load cumulative weighers does not include Min.
Instruments A cumulative weigher would normally be
The following examples show how used at or near to Max.
to determine the value of a (b) Limits of error for influence factor tests
significant fault on selective
combination weighers and The following examples show how to
cumulative weighers when testing. determine the limit of error for influence
factor testing for selective combination
(a-1) Significant fault for selective weighers and cumulative weighers when
combination weighers testing.
A fault greater than 0.25 of the (b-i) For selective combination weighers
maximum permissible deviation of the maximum permissible error for

any:statlc.test load during influence (2) Influence factor tests

factor tests shall be 0.2S of the SUMMARY OF TESTS
maximum permissible deviation for Test Characteristic under test Conditions
ln~.service verification for the applied
appropriate .mass of the fill divided Static temperatures Influence factor · Mpe(*)
by the square root of the average Temperature effect on Influence factor Mpe(*)
(or optimum) number of loads per no-load indication
fill. Damp heat, steady state Influence factor Mpe(*)
Power voltage variation Influence factor Mpe(*)
Example : Class X( 1) selective Tilting Influence factor Mpe(*)
combination weigher, where the
(*) mpe : maximum permissible error
average number of loads per fill =
4. for a static test load = 100g the (I)Statlc temperatures (paragraph 2(5){i)
appropriate mass of the fill will be Static temperature tests are carried out
400g for which the maximum according to Table 3 given below :
permissible deviation for in-service TABLE 3
verification is 3% i.e. 12g. Hence the Environmental Phenomena Test specification
maximum permissible error for
Reference of zooc
Influence factor tests Is :
Temperature Specified high for 2 hours
0.25' (12g/4) = l.Sg Specified low for 2 hours
(b-il) For cumulative weighers the 5°C
maKimum permissible error for any Reference of 20oc
static test load during influence Object of the test : to verify complaince with
factor tests shall be 0.2S of the the provisions in paragraph 2(S)(i) under conditions
maximum permissible deviation for of dry heat (non condensing) and cold. The test
In-service verification for the rated specified In 6(2)(ii) of this Annex may be conducted
minimum fill divided by the square during this test.
root of the minimum number of
Test procedures in brief
loads per fill.
Precondition : 16 hours
Example : For a class X( 1) Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied
Instrument with Max = 1200g and and "on" for a time period
rated minimum fill of B'kg : 8 kg/1.2 equal to or greater than
kg = 6.67; therefore the minimum the warm-up time
number of loads per fill = 7. specified by the
The maximum permissible deviation manufacturer. Power Is to
(as specified in Table 1) for the be "on" for the duration
minimum fill of 8 kg is l.S%, i.e. of the test. The automatic
120g. Hence the maximum zero-setting should be
permissible error for influence factor disabled.
tests Is : Stabilization : 2 hours at each
temperature under "free
0.25' (120/ ..f 7) = 11.3Sg air" conditions.
Note: For cumulative weighers the Temperature : As specified in paragraph
average number of loads per fill is 2(S)(i)
not known. Therefore It is not Temperature sequence : Reference temperature of
possible to define the limit of error 20°C
for Influence factors in terms of Specified high tem-
average loads per fill and perature
appropriate mass of the fill. The Specified low temperature
above definition is based on
Temperature of soc
maximum load and rated minimum
fill. Reference temperature of
[ "!T'1 Il-191'6 3 ( i ) l 471

Number of test cycles : At least one cycle. · Maximum permissible variations : The change
Weighing test : After stabilization at the in zero Indication shall not yary by more than the
reference· temperature maximum permissible error for Influence factor tests
and again at each for· a load equal to the rated minimum fill, for a
specified temperature temperature difference of soc.
conduct the following :
Condition of EUT : Normal power supplied and
Adjust the EUT as close
"on" for a time period equal to
to zero indication as
or greater than the warm-up
practicable. It is important
time specified by the
to ensure that the test
result is unaffected by the manufacturer. Power is to be
automatic zero-setting "on" for the duration of the test.
function which should
therefore be disabled. The
EUT shall be tested with (iii) Damp heat, steady state [paragraph 4(J)(ii)]
at least five different static
test loads (or simulated Damp heat, steady state test are carried out
loads) including Maximum according to Table 4.
and Minimum capacities.
When loading or TABLE 4
unloading weights the
Environmental phenomena Test specification
load must be respectively
increased or decreased Damp heat, steady state Upper limit tern·
monotonically. perature and
Record : (a) date and time relative humidity of
(b) temperature 8S% for 2 days
(c) relative humidity Supplementary information :
(d) test load
Object of the test : To verify compliance with
(e) indications the prOVISIOnS Of
(f) errors paragraph 4(3)(i) under
(g) functional perform- conditions of high
ance humidity and constant
Maximum allowable All functions shall operate
variations : as designed. All errors Precondition : None required.
shall be within the
maximum permissible Test load: One static test load close
errors specified in to minimum capacity.
paragraph 2( 4).
Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied
(II) Temperature effect on no-load indication
and "on" for a time
Note : This test should not be performed for period equal to or
instruments that have automatic zero-setting as part greater than the warm·
of the automatic weighing process. up time specified by the
The instrument Is set to zero, the temperature manufacturer. Power Is
is then changed to the prescribed highest and lowest to be "on" for the
temperatures as well as at 5°C. After stabilization, duration of the test.
the error of the zero Indication is determined. The
change in zero Indication per soc is calculated. The The zero-setting and zero· tracking facilities shall be
· changes of these errors per soc are calculated for enabled as for normal operation. Adjust the EUT as
any two consecutive temperatures of this test. ) close to zero Indication as is practicable, prior to the
This test may be performed during the test. The handling of the EUT shall be such that no
temperature test [paragraph 6(2)(i) of this Annex]. condensation of water occurs on the EUT.

___ _j ___________________

Stabilization : Three hours:at reference TABLE 5

temperature and '50% Environmental phenomena Test specification
humidity. 'rwo days at the Reference voltage
, upper:limit temperature
Voltage variation Reference voltage + 10%
'as specified•in paragraph
2{5){i). Reference voltage - 15%
Reference voltage
Temperature : ·Reference temperature
-of.20 C and at the upper
limit as specified In Object of the test : To verify compliance
:paragraph 2(S)(i). with the provisions of
paragraph 2(5)(11)
Relative humidity:: '50% at reference under conditions of
temperature. 85% at voltage variations.
upper limit temperature. Test procedures in brief
Temperature The reference tem- Precondition : None required.
humidity sequence·: perature of 20°C at 50% Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied
humidity. The upper limit and "on" for a time
temperature at 85% period equal to or
humidity. The reference greater than the warm·
temperature of 20°C at up time specified by
50% humidity. the manufacturer.
Number of test .cycles : At least one cycle. Adjust the EUT as close
to zero indication as
Weighing-test and test After stabilization of the practicable, prior to the
sequence: EUT at reference test. If it has an
temperature and 50 % automatic zero-setting
humidity apply the test function then the
load. Instrument should be
set to zero after
Record: (a) date and time applying each level of
(b) temperature voltage.
Number of test, cycles : At least one cycle.
(c) relative humidity
Weighing test : The EUT shall be tested
(d) test load with a test load
approximately equal to
(e) indications the minimum capacity.
Zero-setting function
(f) errors
shall be in operation.
Increase the temperature in. the chamber to Test sequence : Stabilize the power
the upper limit and Increase the relative humidity to supply at the reference
85%. Maintain the EUT at no load for a period of voltage within the
2. days. Following the 2. days, apply the static test defined limits and
load and record the data as indicated above. Allow apply the test load.
full recover of the EUT before any other tests are Record the following data :(a) date and time
(b) temperature
Maximum allowable variations : All errors shall (c) power supply voltage
be within the maximum permissible errors specified
(d) test load
In paragraph 2(4).
(e) Indications (as
(lv) Power voltage variation [paragraph 2(5)(iiJJ applicable)
(f) errors
Power voltage variation tests are carried out •
according to Table 5. (g) functional performance

['WT II-~ 3(i)] 473

Maximum allowable All functions shall it shall not be in

variations : operate as designed. . operation.
All errors shall be
within the. maximum The test sha II be
permissible errors performed with a test
specified in paragraph load approximately
2(4). equal to the maximum

(v) Tilting [paragraph 2(5}(iii)] Test sequence : Record the zero

Note : This test only applies to instruments that will Indication. Apply the
not be permanently installed. . test load and record
the Indication. Remove
This test is not required for mobile instruments
the test load.
with a level indicator if It can be established that the
tilt can be adjusted to 1% or less. Tilt the EUT longitu-
Test method : Static tests whilst the dinally to the appropriate
EUT is tilted. extent and record the
Object of the test : To verify compliance zero Indication. Apply
with the provisions in the test load and
paragraph 2(5)(iii) record the indication.
under conditions of tilt. Remove the test load.
Test procedure In brief : The test consists of Without further adjust-
tilting the EUT both ment to any control
forwards and back- affecting metrological
wards, longitudinally performance tilt the
and from side to side
EUT to the appropriate
(transversely), while
extent in the opposite
observing the weight
indications for a static direction and repeat
test load. the static weighing
tests as above.
Test severities : Instruments without
level indicators. shall be Tilt the EUT in the
tested at a tilt of 5%. transverse direction to
Maximum allowable Ail indications shall be the appropriate extent
variations : within maximum and repeat the tests.
permissible errors
Tilt the EUT in the
specified In paragraph
opposite direction and
repeat the tests.
Condition of EUT : Normal power supplied
and "on" for a time In order to determine
period equal to or the influence of tilting
greater than the warm- on the loaded instru-
up time specified by ment, the indication
the manufacturer. obtained at each tilt
Power Is to be "on" for shall be corrected for
the duration of the test. the deviation from zero
Adjust the EUT In its which the instrument
reference position (not had prior to loading.
tilted) as close to zero
indication as practi- (3) Disturbance tests [paragraph 4(1}(iii)}
cable. If the instrument ·(i)Short time power reduction
is provided with
automatic zero-setting Short time power reduction (voltage dips and

short interruptlons).tests are.carried ouLaccording functions shall not

to Table 6. be in operation. Not
:TABLE6 to be adjusted or
readjusted at any
Environmental phenomena ·:restspeciflcation
time during the test
Voltage dips and short except the reset if a
interruptions. ··Interruption from significant fault has
:reference voltage been indicated.
-to_ zero voltage -for
Number of test cycles : At least one cycle.
!nte~ruption from
Weighing test and test The EUT shaii be
•reference voltage variations : tested with a test
:to SO% of reference load approximately
vciltage.fortwo half equal to the mini-
.cycles. mum capacity.
These mains vcltage Stabilize aii factors
interruptions shall at nominal reference
be repeated ten con-ditions. Apply
times with a time the test load and
interval of at least 10 record the foiiowlng
seconds data: _
Supplementary information to the test
(a) date and time
procedures :
(b) temperature
Object of the test : To verify compliance
with the provisions (c) power supply voltage
in paragraph 4(1)
(d) test load
(iii) under conditions
of short mains (e) indications
voltage interrup-
(f) errors
tions and reductions
while observing the (h) functional perfor-
weight indication for mance Interrupt the
a static load power supply to
approximately equal zero voltage for a
to the minimum period equal to one
capacity. - half cycle and
conduct the test.
Test procedures In brief:
During interruption
Precondition : None required. observe the effect
Condition of the EUT : Normal power on the EUT and re-
supplied and "on" cord, as appropriate.
for a time period Reduce the power
equal to or greater supply to 50% of
than the warm-up nominal voltage for
time specified by a period equal to
the manufacturer. two half cycles and
Adjust the EUT as conduct the test.
close to zero During reductions
indication as practi- observe the effect
cable, prior to the on the EUT and re·
test. Zero-setting cord, as appropriate.
['WI II-~ 3(i)] 475

Maximum allowable variations: The difference Supplementary information to the test procedures :
between the weight
Object of the test : To verify compliance with the
indication due to the provisions in paragraph
disturbance and the
4( l)(lil) under conditions
indication without
where electrical bursts (fast
the disturbance
transients) are super·
either shall not
imposed on the mains
exceed the values
voltage while observing the
given in paragraph
weight Indication for a static
4(2)(v), or the EUT
test load approximately
shall detect and act
equal to the minimum
upon a significant
Test procedures in.brief:
Precondition : None required.
(ii) Electrical bursts(fast transient tests)
Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied and
Electrical bursts tests (fast transient tests) are "on" for a time period equal
carried out for two minutes with a positive polarity to or greater than the warm·
and for 2 minutes with a negative polarity according up time specified by the
to Tables 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 given below : manufacturer. Reset the EUT
TABLE 7.1 if a significant fault has been
Ports for signal lines and control lines
Stabilization : Before any test stabilize the
Environmental phenomena Test specification EUT under constant
Fast transient common mode 0.5 kV (peak) environmental conditions.
5/50 ns T 1/Th Weighing test : With the single static load In
place record the following
5kHz rep.
with and without the
transients :-
Note : Applicable only to ports or interfacing (a) date and time
with cables whose total length may exceed 3m
(b) temperature
according to the manufactures functional
specification. (c) test load

TABLE 7.2 (d) indications (as

Input and Output DC Power Ports
Maximum allowable The difference between the
Environmental phenomena Test specification variations : weight Indication due to the
Fast transient common mode 0.5 kV (peak) disturbance and the
5/50 ns T 1/Th indication without the
5kHz rep. disturbance either shall not
frequency exceed the value given In
paragraph 4(2)(v) of Part I,
Note : Not applicable to battery operated
or the Instrument shall
appliances that cannot be connected to the mains
detect and act upon a
while in use.
significant fault.
TABLE 7.3 (iii) Electrostatic discharge
Input and Output DC Power Ports Electrostatic discharge tests are carried out with
Environmental phenomena Test specification test signals and conditions as given in Table 8 below:
Fast transient common mode 0.5 kV (peak) TABLE 8
5/50 ns T 1/Th Environmental phenomena Test specification
5kHz rep. Frequency
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV air discharge
A coupling/decoupllng network shall be applied 6 kV contact
for testing AC power ports. discharge

Note : The 6 kV contact discharge shall be detect and act upon a

applied to conductive accessible parts. Metallic significant fault.
contacts e.g. In battery compartments or In socket
outlets are excluded from this-requirement. Contact 7. Span stability test [paragraph 4(3)(iii)]
discharge is the preferred.testmethod. 20 discharges
Test method : Span stability.
(10 with positive and 10 With negative polarity) shall
be applied on each accessible metal part of the Object of the test : To verify compliance with the
enclosure. The time :Interval between successive provisions of paragraph
discharges shall be ·at 'least 10 s. In the case of a 4(3)(111) after the EUT has
non conductive enclosure, discharges shall be applied been subjected to the
on the horizontal :or vertical coupling planes. Air performance tests.
discharges shall be used where contact discharges
cannot be applied. Tests with other (lower) voltages Reference to standard : No reference to international
than those given 'in :rable 8 are not required. standards can be given.
Supplementary Information to the test
procedures : Test procedure in brief :The test consists of observing
the variations of error of the
Object of the test : To verify compliance with
EUT under sufficiently
the provisions of paragraph
constant ambient conditions
4(1)(iii) under conditions
(reasonably constant
where electrostatic
conditions in a normal
discharges are applied while
laboratory environment) at
observing the weight
various intervals, before,
Indication for a static test
during and after the EUT has
load approximately equal to
been subjected to
the minimum capacity.
performance tests.
Test procedures In brief:
Precondition : None required. The performance tests shall
Condition of the EUT : Normal power supplied and include the temperature test
"on" for a time period equal and, if applicable, the damp
to or greater than the heat test. Other performance
warm-up time specified by tests listed in this Annex may
the manufacturer. Reset the be performed.
EUT if a significant fault has
been indicated. The EUT shall be
Stabilization : Before any test stabilize the disconnected from the
EUT under constant mains power supply, or
environmental conditions. battery supply where fitted,
Weighing test : With the single static load two times for at least eight
In place, record the hours during the period of
following with and without the test. The number of
electrostatic discharge :- disconnections may be
increased if the manu-
(a) date and time
facturer specifies so or at the
(b) temperature discretion of the approval
(c) testload authority in the absence of
any such specification.
(d) indications (as appli-
cable). In the conduct of this test,
Maximum allowable : The difference between the the operating instructions for
variations : weight indication due to the the Instrument as supplied by
disturbance and the the manu-facturer shall be
Indication without the considered.
disturbance either shall not
exceed the value given in The EUT shall be stabilized
paragraph 4(2)(v) of Part I at sufficiently constant
or the instrument shall ambient conditions after
switch-on for at least five (e) test load
hours, and at least sixteen
(f) Indication
hours after the temperature
and damp heat tests have (g) errors
been performed. (h) changes in test location
Test severities : Test duration :Twenty eight and apply all necessary
days or over the period corrections resulting from
necessary for the conduct of · varlatlons··of temperature,
the performance tests, pressure, etc. between the
whichever is less. Time t various measurements.
(days) between tests: 0.5 ~ At the first measurement
t ~ 10. immediately repeat zeroing
Test load : a static test load and loading four times to
determine the average
near maximum capacity
(Max); the same test value of error. For the next
weights shall be used measurements perform only
throughout the test. one, unless either the result
is outside the specified
Maximum allowable The variation In the tolerance or the range of the
variations : indication of the test load five readings of the initial
shall not exceed 1/2 the measurement was more
absolute value of the mpe than 1/10 of the maximum
for influence factor tests permissible variation.
paragraph 2(4) for the test
load applied on any of the Repeat this test at periodic
(n) tests conducted. intervals during and after
the conduct of the various
Number of tests (n) : n ~ 8. If the test results performance tests.
indicate a trend more than
half the permissible Allow full recovery of the
variation specified above, EUT before any other tests
conduct additional tests are performed.
until the trend comes to rest 8. Procedure for material tests
or reverses itself, or until the
error exceeds the maximum (1) Material tests at pattern evaluation [paragraph
permissible variation. 5{l}{li}{a) and paragraph 5(2)]

Precondition : None required. · Operational tests with material shall be done

on a complete instrument to assess compliance with
Test equipment : Verified mass standards. the technical requirements of sub-paragraph (3) with
· Condition of the EUT : Adjust the EUT as close to material for the test load as specified in paragraph
zero indication as 5(1)(ii)(a).
practicable before each test.
(i) Feeding device [paragraph 3(5)]
Test sequence: Stabilize all factors at
Check that the feeding device provides
nominal reference
sufficient and regular flow rate.
conditions. If the Instrument
Is provided with automatic Check that any adjustable feed device has
zero-setting it shall not be an lndi.cation of the direction of movement
In operation. Apply the test corresponding to the sense of the
load (or simulated load) and adjustment of the feed (where applicable).
record the following data :~ For instruments using the subtractive
(a) date and time weighing principle check that residual
(b) temperature material retained at the feeding device
after each load is delivered, is negligible
(c) barometric pressure relative to limits of error.
(d) relative humidity

tplf t,/71/ ..... /::<o



(ii) Load recepto({paragraph 3{6)] (a) Separate verification method :the separate
For instr:uments·thatweigh material in a verification method Is as defined In
separate load·receptor,prior to discharge paragraph 6(5)(1).
to a :·container, check ·that 'the :residual (b) Integral verification method :the integral
material retained at the load receptor·after verification method Is as defined in
each dlscha!]e ds :negligible :relative to paragraph 6(5)(11).
limits.·of:error, (iii) Procedure for metrological material tests
Check·.that,manual discharge .ofthe load STEPS:
receptor•ts.not,possible during automatic ( 1) Set up the instrument In accordance with
operation. paragraph 6(2) (d) and 6(2)(i).
(2) Material Initial werificatlon [paragraph (2) Select a preset value for the fill and set
S{l){ii)(b) and paragraph.S(J)] the load value if different from the fill, In
accordance with paragraph 6(2). Record
Metrological :tests .with ·material shall be done the indicated preset value.
on a complete Instrument, fully.assembled and fixed
(3) Run the instrument to produce a number
In the position In •which It .is intended to be used and
of fills as specified in paragraph 6(3).
as specified in paragraph 5(1)(ii)(b).
(4) Weigh all the fills by one ofthe methods
The accuracy class (or classes) shall be In paragraphs 6(5)(i) or 6(5)(ii).
determined from the results. (5) Calculate the average value of all the fills
In the test and the preset value error
(!)Requirements for metrological material tests
[paragraph 2(3)].
Types of loads [paragraph The materials (6) Calculate the deviation of each fill from
5(3)(i) and paragraph 6(2)(a)] : used as the test the average paragraph [2(2)].
load shall be as (7) Repeat stages (2) to ( 6) for other loads
specified in as specified in paragraph 6(2).
paragraph 6(2) Concerning paragraph 6(7) : The result of
(a). weighing the test fill
Mass of test loads and fills The mass of the on the control
[paragraph 6(2)] : test loads and fills instrument shall be
shall be as considered as the
specified in conventional true
paragraphs 6(2) value of the test fill.
(a, band c). Concerning Paragraph 6(8) : The deviation for
Adjustments [paragraph 6(2) (d)] :The adjustments automatic .weighing
shall be set as used to determine
specified in compliance of each
paragraph 6.(2) fill with the
(d). maximum per·
Correction devices Any correction mlssible deviation for
[paragraph 6(2)(1)] : device shall be automatic weighing
operated as [paragraph 2(2)]
specified in shall be the
paragraph 6(2)(i). difference between
the conventional true
Number of fills [para 6(3)] : The number of value of the mass of
fills shall be as the test fill as defined
specified in in paragraph 6(7)
Paragraph 6(3). and the average
(ii) Methods for metrological material tests value of all the fills in
. (paragraph 6(5)] the test.
One of the following verification methods shall Concerning paragraph 6(9) : The preset value
be used: error for automatic
[ 'l1'T II -1!if1TS 3( i ) ] 479
weighing used to gravity. According to its method of operation, a
determine com- weighing instrument is classified as automatic or non-
pliance with automatic .
. paragraph 2(3) shall (2) Automatic weighing instrument
be the difference
between the average An Instrument that weighs without the
value of the intervention of an operator and follows a
conventional true predetermined programme of automatic processes
value of the mass of characteristic of the instrument.
the test fills, as (3) Discontinuous totalizing automatic weighing
defined In para 6(7) instrument (totalizing hopper weigher)
and the preset value An automatic weighing instrument that weighs
for the fills. ·a bulk product by dividing It into discrete loads,
(iv) Determination ofaccuracy class {p8ragraph determining the mass of each discrete load in
5(2}{v)} sequence, summing the weighing results and
(1) For each preset value of the test fill, delivering the discrete loads to bulk.
determine the preset value error (i.e. the ( 4) Electronic instrument
setting error, se) and the maximum An instrument equipped with electronic devices.
permissible preset value error for class
X(l), mpse : (5) Control instrument
Then calculate [se/mpse ] for each preset A non-automatic weighing Instrument used to
value of the test fill.
1 determine the mass of the product used as the test
load during material tests.
(2) For each preset value of the test fill
determine the maximum actual deviation 2. Construction
from the average (md) and the maximum Note : Jn this Part and Part II, the term "device"
permissible deviation from the average for is applied to any part which uses any means to
class X(1), mpd . perform one or more specific functions.
Then calculate md/mpd for each preset (1) Load receptor
value of the test fill. ·
The part of the instrument intended to receive
(3) From (1) determine the maximum value the load.
of [se./mpse ], [se/mpse ] max (2) Electronic parts
1 1
(4) From (2) determine the maximum value (I) Electronic device
of md/mpd , [md/mpd ] max.
1 1 A device comprised of electronic sub-
(5) Determine the accuracy class {x} such that assemblies and performing a specific
(x) > [se/mpse] max function. An electronic device is usually
and (x) > [md/mpd ] max manufactured as a separate unit and Is
I capable of being Independently tested.
and (x) = 1 x 10k, 2 X 10k, or 5 X 10k,
(li) Electronic sub-assembly
the Index k being a positive or negative
whole number or zero. A part of an electronic device comprised
of electronic components and having a
SEVENTH SCHEDULE recognizable function of its own.
HEADING-E (iii) Electronic component
DISCONTINUOUS TOTALIZING AUTOMATIC The smallest physical entity that uses
WEIGHING INSTRUMENTS electron or hole conduction in semi-
(TOTALIZING HOPPER WEIGHERS) conductors, gases or In a vacuum.
PART I (3) Indicating device
1. General dennltlons The part of the instrument that displays the
(1) Weighing Instrument value of a weighing result in units of mass.

A measuring Instrument that serves to (i) Totalization indicating device

determine the mass of a load by using the action of The part of the instrument that indicates

-_______L=- =--=-:::.::===-:::==========

the sum of. consecutive loads weighed and consecutive scale marks for analogue
dischargedto:bulk. indication, or
(a) Principal: totalization· indicating device (b) two consecutive indicated values for digital
The part.of.the instrumennhat·lndlcates
the sum(Of aiP.the loads -,weighed and (I) Totalization scale Interval (dtl
discharged·.to.bulk. The scale interval of a principal totalization
(b) Partial totalization. indicating device Indicating device.
The part of the·instrument that indicates (II) Control scale interval (d)
the sum ;of a .limited number of The scale interval on a control indicating
consecutlveiloads·.delivered to bulk. device. ·
(c) Supplementary .totalization indicating (2) Weighing cycle
device The sequence of weighing operations that
An indlcat/ng•devicewith a scale interval includes the following :-
greater than .that of the principal (I) one delivery of a load to the load receptor,
totalization ·indicating device and
(II) a single weighing operation,
indicating the sum of consecutive loads
weighed over a fairly long period of time. (Ill) the discharge to bulk of a single discrete
(ii)Control Indicating device
(3) Automatic weighing range
An indicatin_g device that enables the use of
the inStrument as .a control instrument to weigh The range from minimum capacity to maximum
discrete loads for control purposes. capacity.
(i) Maximum capacity (Max)
( 4) Ancillary devices
The largest discrete load that can be
(i) Zero-setting device
weighed automatically.
The means used to set the weight (il) Minimum capacity (Min)
indicating device to zero when the load
receptor Is empty. The smallest discrete load that can be
weighed automatically.
(a) Non-automatic zero-setting device
(iii) Target load
A zero-setting device that must be
The' preset value of the load in the load
operated manually.
receptor that causes the flow to stop In
(b) Semi-automatic zero-setting device each weighing cycle.
A zero-setting device that operates (4) Minimum totalized load(Lmln)
automatically following a manual
command. The value of the smallest bulk load that can be
totalized without exceeding the maximum permissible
(c) Automatic zero-setting device error when the automatic operation is comprised of
A zero-setting device that operates discrete loads, each within the automatic weighing
automatically and without the Intervention range.
of an operator. 3{5) Warm-up time
(ii) Printing device The time between the moment that power Is
The means to print the value of each discrete applied to an instrument and the moment at which
load weighed in the load receptor, or the sum of the instrument is capable of complying with the
consecutive loads weighed and discharged to bulk requirements.
or both. 4. Indications and errors
3. Metrological characteristics {1) Methods of indication
(1) Scale-interval (I) Analogue indication
A value expressed in units of mass that is the An indication allowing the determination
difference between of an equilibrium position to a fraction of
(a) the values corresponding to two the scale interval.
[qpr II-~ 3(i)] 481

(ii) Digital indication (vii) Maximum span stability error

An Indication In which the scale marks are A span stability error greater than one half'
a sequence of aligned figures that do not of the absolute value of the maximum
permit Interpolation to a fraction of a scale permissible error applicable to the load.
interval. 5. Influences and reference conditions
(2) Errors (1) Influence quantity
(i) Error (of Indication) A quantity that is not the subject of the
The Indication of an instrument minus the measurement but which influences the value of the
(conventional) true value of the mass. measurand or the indication of the Instrument.
(ii) Intrinsic error · (i) Influence factor .
The error of an instrument under An Influence quantity having a value within
reference conditions. the specifred rated operating conditions
(iii) Initial Intrinsic error of the instrument.

The Intrinsic error of an instrument as (ii) Disturbance

determined prior to performance tests and An influence quantity having a value that
durability evaluations. falls within the limits specified in this
(iv) Fault International Recommendation but that
falls outside the rated operating conditions
The difference between the error of of the instrument.
indication and the intrinsic error of a
weighing instrument. (2) Rated operating conditions

Note 1 : Principally, a fault is the result of an Conditions of use which give the ranges of the
undesired change of data contained in or flowing influence quantities for which the metrological
through an electronic Instrument. characteristics are intended to lie within the specified
maximum permissible errors.
Note 2 : From the definition it follows that in
this heading a "fault" Is a numerical value. (J) Reference conditions
(v) Significant fault A set of specified values of influence factors
fixed to ensure valid inter-comparison of the results
A fault greater than dt. of measurements.
The following are not considered to be 6. Tests
significant faults, namely :-
(1) Material test
(a) faults that result from simultaneous
and mutually independent cause in A test carried out on a complete instrument
the Instrument or in Its checking using the type of material that it is intended to weigh.
facility, (2) Simulation test
(b) faults that imply the Impossibility of A test carried out on a complete instrument or
performing any measurement, part of an Instrument in which any part of the
(c) transitory faults that are momentary weighing operation is simulated.
variations in the Indications which {3) Perrormance test
cannot be interpreted, memorized A test to verify that the equipment under test
or transmitted as a measurement (EUT) Is capable of accomplishing its intended
result, and functions.
(d) faults that are so serious that they (4) Span stability test
will Inevitably be noticed by those
Interested in the measurement. A test to verify that the EUT is capable of
maintaining Its performance characteristics over a
(vi) Span stability period of use.
The capability of an instrument to PART II
maintain the difference between the
indication of weight at maximum capacity 1. General
and the Indication at zero within specified {1} Scope
limits over a period of use. This specification specifies the requirements and
'-174 c,Olll-121

_J -----

test methods for. discontinuous totalizing automatic Digital indications and printed results shall be
weighing instruments (totalizil}g. hopper weighers), corrected for the rounding error, and the error shall
[hereafter referred. to: as '~instruments'.1· be determined with an accuracy of at least 0.2 dt.
It is intended to ,provide •standardized (3) Form of the scale interval
requirements and'·test procedures to •evaluate the
The scale intervals of the indicating and printing
metrological and:technical ·characteristics of an
Instrument in a unlform•and:traceable way. devices shall be in the form of 1 x 10k, 2 x 10k, or
5 x 10k , "k" being a positive or negative whole
(2) Application number ·or zero.
This specification appliesto instruments having (4) Totalization scale interval (dt)
a load receptor ln'the!form ·of.a :hopper.
The totalization scale Interval shall be :
This Part does notapplytothe.following types
of Instruments :- · (a) not less than 0.01 o/o of maximum
capacity; and
(a) "welghll}g,ln•motion" :instruments,
(b) hot greater than 0.2 % of maximum
(b) instruments .thattotalize the bulk load by
multlplylng:the weight of a preset constant
load by:the number of weighing cycles. (S)Minimum value ofminimum totalized ioad(:Eminl
2. Metrologiaforequlrements The minimum totalized load shall not be less
(1) Accuracy classes than :
Instruments.shallbe divided into four accuracy · (a) the value of the load for which the
classes as follows :- maximum permissible error for automatic
0.2, 0.5 1, 2 weighing on initial verification is equal to
the totalization scale interval (dt); and
(2) Maximum permissible errors
(b) the minimum capacity (Min).
(i) Automatic weighing
Note : It results from the first indent above
The maximum permissible errors for each
that the maximum permissible error on initial
accuracy class shall be the appropriate values
in Table 1 given below rounded to the nearest verification (mpe in the following example) for a load
totalization scale interval. Maximum equal to l:min shall not be less than dt.
permissible errors apply to loads not less than Therefore, using table 1, l:mln shall not be less
the minimum totalized load (~minl· · than:
TABLE 1 · 1000 x dt for class· 0.2 Instruments,
Accuracy class Percentage of the mass of 400 x dt for class 0.5 instruments,
the totalized load
200 x dt for class 1 Instruments; and
Verification ·Inspection
100 x dt for class 21nstruinents.
0.2 + 0.10% . + 0.2%
Example : maximum capacity = 1000 kg
0.5 + 0.25 % + 0.5 %
minimum capacity = 200 kg
1 + 0.50% + 1.0%
totalization scale Interval = 0.2 kg
2 + 1.00% + 2.0% (see paragraph 2.4).
(ii) Influence quantities
accuracy class of Instrument = 0.5
The maximum permissible errors applied
Emin 400 x 0.2 = 80 kg
in tests to assess the effect of influence
quantities shall be as specified in Table 2 But to satisfy the second indent above :
below:- Emin ~ min = 200 kg
TABLE 2 Therefore, in this example the minimum value
Maximum permissible errors .Load (m) expressed of the minimum totalized load Is 200 kg.
in totalization scale
(The values used in this example are not
intervals ·
intended to be typical.)
+ 0.5 dt 0 < m < 500
(6) Agreement between indicating and printing
+ l.Odt 500 < m < 2000 devices
+ 1.5 dt 2000 < m < 10000 For the same load, the difference between the
[ '1T'T II -<91'6 3(i) ] 483

weighing results provided by any two devices having a maladjustment likely to disturb their
the same scale Interval shall be as follows :- metrological performance cannot normally
(a) zero for digital indicating or printing take place without the effect being easily
devices; detected.

(b) not greater than the absolute value of the ( ii) Purging of load receptor
maximum permissible error for automatic The design of the load receptor and the
weighing for analogue devices. operation of the Instrument shall be such
(7) Influence quantities that the weighing results are not adversely
affected by any variation in the quantity
(i) Static temperature of the load remaining In the load receptor
Instruments shall comply with the after discharge during a weighing cycle.
appropriate metrological and technical (Iii) Automatic weighing conditions
requirements at temperatures from - woe
to+ 45oc. An automatic operation shall be
Interrupted, printing shall be prevented
For special applications, however, the or marked and a warning signal shall be
limits of the temperature range may differ given in the following cases :-
from the above provided that this range
is not less than 30°C and Is specified in (a) if the maximum capacity (Max) has
the descriptive markings. been exceeded by more than 9 d;
Instruments shall be tested In accordance
with the static temperatures test in as (b) if the value of the load to be weighed
specified In paragraph 8(3)(1) of Annex A. and discharged to bulk is less than
minimum capacity (Min), unless
(ii) Mains power supply (A C) processed as the last discrete load
Instruments that are powered by an AC of the tra nsactlo n.
supply shall comply with the appropriate (lv) Operational adjustments
metrological and technical requirements
when operated under variations of voltage It shall not be possible to make operating
from - 15 % to + 10 % of the value adjustments nor to reset the indicating
marked on the instrument. devices during an automatic weighing
operation, with the exception of the
Instruments shall be tested In accordance possibility to interrupt the weighing cycle
with the mains power supply (AC) test as during testing as described in paragraph
specified In paragraph 8(3)(111) of Annex 6.3.1.
(v) Dust extraction
(iii) Battery power supply (DC)
The operation of a dust extractor shall not
Instruments that are powered by a DC affect the result of the measurement.
supply shall comply with the appropriate
metrological and technical requirements (vi) Zero-setting device
in accordance with paragraph 4(3)(viii). Instruments that do not tare-weigh after
Instruments shall be tested in accordance each discharge shall be provided .with a
with the battery power supply (DC) test zero-setting device. ·
as specified In paragraph 8(3)(1v) of Annex An interlock shall be provided to stop an
A. automatic operation If the zero indication
3. Technical requirements varies by:

(1) Suitability for use (a) ldt on instruments with an

automatic zero-setting device; or
Instruments shall be designed to suit the
method of operation and the materials for which they (b) O.Sdt on instruments with a semi-
are intended. automatic or non-automatic zero-
setting device ..
(2) Security of operation
A zero-setting device shall be
(i) Accidental maladjustment capable of setting zero to± 0.25 of
Instruments shall be constructed so that the smallest scale interval of all the

l -- -- ------· - - - - - _ _ __j_.__ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

·indicating devices of the instrument supplementary totalization indicating

.:and have.a ra~ge of,ac;ljustment not device shall be at least equal to ten
··exceeding 4% of maximum capacity. times the totalization scale interval
(vii) Fraudulent use indicated In the descriptive
Instruments shall not have characteristics
likely-to fadlltate theirJrauduient use. (iv) Combined indicating devices
(3} Instruments wlth..control indicating devices Two or more types of indicating
For an instrument ·with :a control indicating devices may be combined so that
device, the load ·receptor shall have the facility to the indication required can be
support a quantlty.ofstandardweights lri accordance displayed on demand provided that
with Table 3 giveni.beiow::- it is clearly Identified.
JABl£'2 (5) Ancillary devices
Maximum ca{MCI/y (Max) Minimum quantity of Ancillary devices shall not affect the indicated
standard weights totallzation(s) representing a bulk load .for a
Max~ 5t Max transaction.
5 t < Max ~ 2S•t 5t (6) Sealing
25 t< Ma X ·~'50 t 20% Max
Components that are not intended to be
50t<Max 10 t adjusted or removed by the user shall either be fitted
( 4) Totalization indicating and printing devices with a sealing device or be enclosed. When enclosed,
Instruments shall include a principal totalization it shall be possible to seal the enclosure.
indicating device and may include a supplementary (7) Descriptive markings
totalization indicating device, partial totalization
Instruments shall bear the following markings:-
indicating devices, and printing devices.
(i) Marking shown in full
On an instrument equipped with a printing
device, the following shall apply :- o identification mark of the
(a) It shall not be possible to reset the
principal totalization indicating device to o identification mark of the importer
zero unless the printing device (if applicable)
automatically prints the last total indicated
' serial number and type designation
before resetting to zero.
of the instrument
(b) An automatic printout of the last total shall
o nature of product
be generated if the automatic operation
is interrupted and operating adjustments o control scale interval
can be made. (if applicable) .... g or kg or t
(i) Quality of indication o Electrical supply voltage ... V
A totalization indicating and printing
o Electrical supply frequency .. , Hz
device shall allow reliable, simple
and unambiguous reading of the o Working ftuld pressure (if applicable)
results by simple juxtaposition and kPa or bar
shall bear the name or symbol of o Operational speed Max and min
the appropriate unit of mass.
(ii) Markings
(ii) Scale interval
o pattern approval sign in accordance
Except for a supplementary
with national requirements
totalization indicating device, the
scale Intervals of all totalization e accuracy class 0.2, 0.5, 1 or 2
indicating devices shall be the same. o maximum capacity
(iii) Supplementary totalization Max =... g or kg or t
Indicating devices
o minimum capacity
The scale interval of a
Min = ... g or kg or t
['WT 11--&us 3(i)] 485

• minimum totalized load (b) When the mark consists of an

•min = ... g or kg or t adhesive transfer, a space shall be
provided for this purpose.
• totalization scale interval
4. Requirements for electronic Instruments
dt= .. gorkgort
Electronic instruments shall comply with the
• Output per hour at maximum following requirements, in addition to the applicable
operating speed requirements of all other clauses.
• Model approval mark (1) General requirements
(iii) Presentation of descriptive markings (i) Rated operating conditions
Descriptive markings shall be Indelible and Electronic instruments shall be designed
of a size, shape and clarity that permit and manufactured so that they do not
legibility under rated operating conditions. exceed the maximum permissible errors
Markings shall be grouped together in a under rated operating conditions.
clearly visible place on the Instrument, (ii) Disturbances
either on a descriptive plate fixed near
the Indicating device or on the Indicating Electronic instruments shall be designed
device Itself. and manufactured so that when they are
exposed to disturbances, either-
It shall be possible to seal the plate
bearing the markings, unless the plate ( a) significant faults do not occur; or
cannot be removed without being (b) significant faults are detected and
destroyed. acted upon.
(8) Verification marks Note : A fault equal to or less than the value
( i) Position specified in paragraph 4(2)(v) of Part I
(1 dtl is allowed Irrespective of the value
Instruments shall have a place for the of the error of indication.
application of verification marks. The
following applies for this place : (iii) Durability

(a) the part on which the marks are The requirements In paragraphs 4(1)(1)
located cannot be removed from the and 4(1)(ii) shall be met durably In
Instrument without damaging the accordance with the intended use of the ·
marks; Instrument.

(b) the place shall permit the easy ( iv) Evaluation for compliance
application of the marks without A pattern of an electronic instrument Is
changing the metrological qualities presumed to comply with the
of the Instrument; and requirements in 4(1)(1), 4(1)(ii) and
(c) the marks shall be visible without 4(1)(iii) if it passes the examination and
requiring that the instrument or its tests specified in Annex A.
protective covers be moved when it (2) Application of requirements for disturbances
Is In service. (i) The requirements In paragraph 4(1)(1i)
(ii) Mounting may be applied separately to :
Instruments required to bear verification (a) each individual cause of significant
marks shall have a verification mark fault, and/or
support located as specified above, which (b) each part of the electronic
shall ensure the conservation of the marks instrument.
as follows:- (ii) The choice as to whether to apply
(a) When the mark is made with a paragraphs 4(1)(11)(a) or (b) is left to the
stamp, the support may consist of a manufacturer.
strip of lead or any other material (3) Functional requirements
with similar qualities inserted into a (I) Acting upon a significant fault
plate fixed to the instrument or in a When a significant fault has been
cavity bored into the instrument; detected, a visual or audible indication

shall be provided and shall.continue until retain the metrological information

the user takes action .or :the fault contained in the Instrument at the time
disappears. of failure for at least 24 hours. A switch-
Means ,shall· be :provided to .retain any over to an emergency power supply shall
totallzed.foad inforrnationrcontalned in the not cause a significant fault.
instrumentwhen a significant.fault occurs. (viii) Battery power supply (DC)
(ii) Switch-on,procedure An instrument that operates from a
Upon switch-on .(in the·case of electronic battery power supply shall, whenever the
instruments perrnanently.connected to the voltage drops below the manufacturer's
mains.atswltch-on·of indication), a special specified value, either continue to function
procedure ,shall :be ·performed that correctly or automatically be put out of
indicates ·all the :relevant signs of the service.
indicator 'in :their active and non-active (4) Examination and tests
states for a sufficient time to be easily The examination and testing of an electronic
observed by the operator. weighing Instrument is intended to verify compliance
(iii) Influence quantities with the applicable requirements of these
An electronic Instrument shall comply with specifications and especially with the requirements
the requirements paragraph 2(7) and in in paragraph 4.
addition ·It shall maintain its metrological (i) Examination
and technical characteristics at a relative An electronic weighing instrument shall
humidity of 85% at the upper limit of the be examined to obtain a general appraisal
temperature range of the instrument. · of the design and construction.
(iv) Disturbances (II) Performance tests
When an electronic instrument is An electronic weighing instrument or
subjected to the disturbances specified in electronic device, as appropriate, shall be
Annex A, either of the following shall apply : tested as specified in Annex A to
(a) the difference between the weight determine its correct functioning.
Indication due to the disturbance and Tests are to be conducted on the whole
the indication without the disturbance instrument except when either the size
(intrinsic error) shall not exceed the or C\)nfiguration or both of the instrument
value specified in paragraph does not lend itself to testing as a unit. In
4(2)(v) of part I (1 dt) such cases, the separate electronic
(b) the Instrument shall detect and act devices shall be subjected to testing. It Is
upon a significant fault. not intended that electronic devices be
further dismantled for separate testing of
(v) Warm-up time
components. In addition, an examination
During the warm-up time of an electronic shall be carried out on the fully operational
instrument, there shall be no indication weighing instrument or, if necessary, on
or transmission of the weighing result and the electronic devices in a simulated set-
automatic operation shall be Inhibited. up that sufficiently represents the
(vi) Interface weighing instrument. The equipment shall
continue to function correctly as specified
An instrument may be equipped with an
in Annex A.
interface permitting the coupling of the
instrument to external equipment. When (iii) Span stabtlity tests
an Interface Is used, the instrument shall The instrument shall be subjected to span
continue to function correctly and its stability tests at various intervals, I.e.
metrological functions shall not be before, during and after being subjected
influenced. to performance tests.
(vii) Mains power supply (AC} When the instrument is subjected to span
An Instrument that operates from the stability test specified in paragraph 9 of
mains shall, in the event of a power failure, Annex A-
['WI II-1§JUG 3(i)] 487

(a) the maximum allowable variation in errors, when the instrument Is

the errors of indication shall not operated in accordance with the
exceed half the absolute value of the manufacturer's specifications for
maximum permissible error spedfied range and product(s);
In paragraph 2(2)(ii), Table 2 for the • The technical requirements in
test load applied on any of the n paragraph 3 including the
measurements; requirement for security of operation
(b) where the differences of the results in paragraph 3(2). Additionally
Indicate a trend more than half the electronic Instruments shall comply
allowable variation specified above, with the requirements in paragraph
the test shall be continued until the 4.
trend comes to rest or reverses itself,
(b) The appropriate metrological
or until the error exceeds the authority :
maximum allowable variation.
• shall conduct the tests in a manner
5. MetrologiCIII controls that prevents unnecessary
(1) Pattern evaluation commitment of resources;
(i) 'Documentation • shall permit, when the same
The application for pattern evaluation shall instrument Is involved; the result of
include documentation comprising : these tests to be assessed for initial
verification; is advised to accept,
(a) metrological characteristics of the
with the consent of the applicant,
Instrument; test data obtained from other
(b) a standard set of specifications for metrological authorities without
the Instrument; repeating the tests;
(c) a functional description of the • shall ensure that an instrument that
components and devices; can be operated as a non-automatic
(d) drawings, diagrams and general weighing instrument meets the
software information (If applicable), relevant requirements for class III
explaining the construction and or class IV of non-automatic
operation; weighing instruments.

(e) any document or other evidence (c) Material tests

demonstrating that the design and Instruments shall be subjected to in-
construction of the instrument situ material tests In accordance with
complies with the requirements of either the separate verification
these specifications. method as specified in paragraph
(ii) General requirements 6(2)(ii) of Annex A or the integral
verification method as specified In
Pattern evaluation shall be carried out on paragraph 6(2)(1il) of Annex A
at least one a11d normally, not more than
three instruments that represent the Where the material test is conducted
definitive pattern. At least one of the using the integral control instrument
instruments shall be completely installed the integral verification method
at a typical site and at least one of the weighing test in paragraph
instruments or the major component of 6(2)(iii)(a) of Annex A shall be
an instrument shall be submitted in a form performed.
suitable for simulation testing in a In-situ material tests shall be carried
laboratory. The evaluation shall consist of out as follows :
the tests specified in paragraph S(l)(iii). • in accordance with the descriptive
(iii) Pattern evaluation tests markings;
(a) Instruments shall comply with : • under the rated operating conditions
• The metrological requirements in for the instrument;
paragraph z,-
particularly with • not less than three material tests
reference to maximum permissible shall be conducted, one at minimum

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