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Interferon kinetics and adverse reactions after intravenous,

intramuscular, and subcutaneous injection

Three groups of six subjects each received a single 36 x 106 U dose of recombinant leukocyte A
interferon (rIFN-a.4) as a 40-min infusion, an intramuscular injection, or a subcutaneous
injection. Blood samples were collected at specific times after dosing for analysis of rIFN-aA
serum concentrations by an enzyme immunoassay method, ELISA. The rIFN-aA was rapidly
distributed and moderately eliminated (t1/2 = 5.1 hr) after intravenous infusion. The maximum
concentrations at the end of intravenous infusion were tenfold the maximum concentrations after
intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. Renal tubular secretion or extrarenal elimination
was suggested by clearance values of 1.8 times the glomerular filtration rate. After
intramuscular and subcutaneous injection, rIFN-aA was absorbed slowly (time to reach
maximum concentration ranged from 4 to 8 hr), which resulted in prolonged serum
concentrations. Estimated bioavailability was more than 80% for both intramuscular and
subcutaneous injection shares qualitatively the same adverse reactions, the reactions differ in
severity and duration. The adverse effects appear to be related to route of administration.
of herpes labialis were also noted. There were no significant clinical laboratory abnormalities of
medical concern. Although rIFN-cxA injected by intravenous infusion or intramuscular or
subcutaneous injection shares qualitatively the same adverse reactions, the reactions differ in
severity and duration. The adverse effects appear to be related to route of administration.

Robert J. Wills, Ph.D., Susana Dennis, M.D., Herbert E. Spiegel, Ph.D.,

Donald M. Gibson, B.S., and Paul I. Nadler, M.D. Nutley, N. J., and Madison, Wis.
HoffmanLa Roche Inc., Nutley, and Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc., Madison

Recombinant leukocyte A interferon (rIFN- fections. Preliminary evidence of antitumor ac-

aA) is a single protein moiety of human a- tivity was also reported in this study .1-6 More
interferon derived by recombinant DNA tech- recently, rIFN-aA in doses ranging from 3 to
niques" that is being evaluated in disseminated 136 x 106 U was injected intramuscularly three
cancer and viral diseases. An early tolerance times a week for 28 days in patients with dis-
and efficacy trial with single intramuscular seminated cancer." Side effects similar to those
doses ranging from 3 to 198 x 106 U rIFN-aA after single doses were noted. In both the sin-
in patients with cancer reported acute side ef- gle- and multiple-dose trials, only preliminary
fects resembling those in patients with viral in- kinetic data were obtained after intramuscular
injection .8 Definitive kinetic evaluations of
rIFN-aa after intravenous infusion and subcuta-
Received for publication Sept. 20, 1983; accepted Dec. 22, 1983. neous and intramuscular injections have not yet
Reprint requests to: Dr. Robert J. Wills, Department of Pharma-
cokinetics, Biopharmaceutics, and Drug Metabolism, HoffmanLa been completed. The purpose of our study was
Roche Inc., Nutley NJ 07110 to determine the kinetics of rIFN-aA after a

Volume 35 Interferon kinetics and adverse reaction 723
Number 5

Table I. Adverse reactions after a 36 x 106 U dose of rIFN-aA

Adverse reaction*

Route Chills Headache Myalgias Malaise Nausea Diaphoresis Syncope

Intravenous infusion 1/6 5/6 3/6 1/6 0/6 1/6t 1/6t
Intramuscular injection 5/6 5/6 3/6 4/6 0/6 0/6 0/6
Subcutaneous injectiont 4/6 6/6 5/6 2/6 4/6 2/6 2/6
*Expressed as the number of volunteers with adverse reactions /number of volunteers evaluated at each route of administration.
tDuring infusion.
*Two instances of herpes labialis recurrence.

40-min intravenous infusion and the bioavail- sample was drawn for antibody testing before
ability of rIFN-aA after intramuscular and sub- and 1 wk after dosing. Collected blood was
cutaneous injection. centrifuged and the serum was removed and
stored frozen at 20° until assayed.
Methods Human rIFN-aA was measured by an en-
Our subjects were 18 healthy men between zyme immunoassay method with a solid-phase
19 and 36 yr of age (X =26) and weighing sandwich principle.9 Incubation at room tem-
between 58.1 and 81.6 kg (X = 74). Their good perature binds rIFN-aA to a polystyrene bead
health was determined by medical history, coated with mouse monoclonal rIFN-aA anti-
physical examination, and clinical laboratory body. Binding was subsequently effected with a
tests that included a hematologic examination, second monoclonal mouse antibody with spec-
urinalysis, and blood chemistry tests. Volun- ificity for a second epitope on rIFN-aA. This
teers with a history of gastrointestinal, renal, second monoclonal antibody was conjugated to
hepatic, pulmonary, cardiac, hematologic, or horseradish peroxidase. After this incubation
endocrinologic disease were excluded. Volun- step, unbound material was removed by wash-
teers who received any form of medication ing and the activity of peroxidase bound to the
within 2 wk of the study or had a history of drug bead was measured by 0-phenylenediamine as
addiction or alcohol abuse were also excluded. substrate. The resulting color intensity (mea-
Twelve hours before starting, all subjects sured photometrically) is directly proportional
were confined to the study area. A light snack to the rIFN-aA concentration in the sample.
was served 10 hr before dosing, after which an The reference standard had a specific activity of
absolute fast was maintained. In the morning, 1.7 x 109 U/mg protein as determined against
three groups of six subjects each received the National Institutes of Health (NIH) inter-
36)< 106 U rIFN-aA as a 40-min intravenous feron standard. The assay sensitivity in serum
infusion, an intramuscular injection into the was 20 pg/ml rIFN-aA.
gluteus muscle, or a subcutaneous injection into Body temperature was recorded at 2, 3, 4, 5,
the forearm. In addition, each subject received 6, 7, 12, 24, 28, 31, and 35 hr after dosing.
650 mg acetaminophen at the time of dosing Analysis of variance was performed on the body
and again every 4 to 6 hr for 24 hr to ameliorate temperature data. In addition, subjects were
the expected febrile effect. No food or fluids queried for adverse effects at 2, 6, 25, 31, 36,
were taken until the 4-hr blood sample was col- and 48 hr after dosing.
lected, after which a meal was served. All sub- The dose (in units) was converted to pico-
jects were confined to the study site until the grams by multiplying by a factor of 6.0 as de-
36-hr blood sample was drawn. Blood was termined from the NIH reference standard. The
drawn before (7 ml) and after the start of dosing maximum concentration (Cmax) and the time of
(4 ml) at 30 mm and 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, maximum concentration (tmax) were read di-
12, 24, 36, and 48 hr. Additional samples were rectly from the serum concentrationtime data.
drawn at 10, 20, 40, and 50 min after starting Cmax after intravenous infusion was taken as the
intravenous infusion only. Finally, a 3-ml blood concentration at the end of the infusion, tmax ,
724 Wills et al. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther.
May 1984

Table II. Kinetics determined from plasma rIFN-aA concentration-time data

Subject Weight C max tmax AUMC°-" t1/2 Vd
No. (kg) (pg 1ml) (hr) (pg hr 1ml) (pg hr21m1)* (hr) (1)

Intravenous infusion
2 75.7 17,600 19,700 38,600 5.7 21.5
4 81.6 10,700 14,700 35,500 6.1 35.3
9 73.0 15,500 23,000 73,000 8.5 29.8
- 13,300
X 13,900 17,600 41,900 5. it 31.4
±SD 3,570 4,430 18,400 17.0
Intramuscular injection (f = 0.83)$
5 79.8 1,500 4.0 11,200 3.5
6 82.6 2,040 3.0 8,960 1.5
8 58.1 2,580 6.0 17,600 2.6
12 70.8 1,960 4.0 11,700 2.9
16 82.1 1,880 3.0 11,300 1.5
18 69.9 2,130 3.0 26,500 4.5
R 2,020 3.8 14,600 2.3t
±SD 352 1.2 6,540
Subcutaneous injection (f = 0.90)$
1 66.2 2,320 8.0 25,200 3.3
3 68.5 1,720 7.0 16,100 2.6
7 73.5 1,540 7.0 13,500 3.9
11 68.9 2,280 6.0 18,700 3.5
13 74.4 1,250 8.0 10,700 4.4
15 78.5 1,260 8.0 11,200 3.7
3C- 1,730 7.3 15,900 3.5t
±SD 477 0.8 5,466
*Corrected for increase in mean residence time.'s
tHarmonic mean t1/2.
*Determined from mean data and used in determination of apparent Vd and CI,.

and the elimination rate constant (J3) was de- vided by and the last measurable concentration
termined by fitting the individual data with divided by 13-squared." The volume of dis-
NONLIN." The 3 values after intramuscular tribution at steady-state (Vd) was determined
and subcutaneous injection were determined by by multiplying the dose (D) by AUMC°-'
fitting the individual data from the terminal and dividing by AUC°-'-squared.1 The Vd
portion of the concentration-time profiles to a after intravenous infusion was corrected for the
log-linear regression equation by the method of increase in mean residence time as AUMC°-'' -
least squares. The terminal t1/2 was calculated [(AUC''/2) x infusion time].'5 Total body
by dividing 0.693 by (3. The AUC from time clearance (Clb) was calculated as Vd x
zero to the time of the last measurable concen- (AUC('''/AUMC") after intravenous infu-
tration point was calculated by trapezoidal sum- sion. The fraction of D systemically absorbed (f)
mation. Extrapolation to time infinity (AUC') after intramuscular and subcutaneous injections
was determined by dividing the last measurable was estimated from mean data because separate
concentration point by /3. The area under the subjects were used in each treatment.
plasma concentration-time moment curve
(AUMC') was calculated by trapezoidal Results
summation and extrapolated to time infinity by Many of the common side effects of rIFN-aA
the addition of the last measurable moment di- appeared during the study and are listed by
Volume 35 Interferon kinetics and adverse reaction 725
Number 5


Clb Vd CIB 39
(ml/mm) (1/kg) (mIlminIkg)
38 5

183 0.284 2.42 37

245 0.435 3.00
157 0.408 2.14
271 0.302 3.62 36.5

165 0.223 2.34 36° 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 318

216 0.400 2.79

53.5 0.188 0.58 Fig. 1. Mean change in body temperature (°C) after a
single 36 x 106 U dose of rIFN-aA given as an intra-
venous infusion (dashed line) or an intramuscular
(dotted line) or subcutaneous (solid line) injection.
The symbol X indicates temperatures significant dif-
ferent (P < 0.05) from the temperatures after intra-
venous infusion.

Parameters other than Cmax, AUC', and

AUMC° after intravenous infusion were de-
termined by estimates from the NONLIN fit. 12
Serum rIFN-aA concentrations were measurable
through 24 hr for all routes, but the shapes of
these curves were quite different among the three
routes. Serum concentrations increased rapidly
during the 40-mM intravenous infusion. Cmax at
the end of the infusion ranged from 8570 to
17,600 pg/ml. Concentrations then declined
rapidly in a biexponential manner. Serum rIFN-
aA concentration fell from 1/20 to 1/30 its original
route of administration in Table I. The observ- level within 3 to 4 hr of stopping the infusion.
able side effects were more prevalent and longer This rapid disposition was followed by an appar-
in duration after intramuscular and subcutane- ent terminal elimination phase, with Ph ranging
ous injection than after intravenous infusion. from 3.7 to 8.5 hr = 5.1 hr). The AUC''''
Elevated temperatures were common after rIFN- ranged from 13,200 to 23,000 pg hr/ml. The
aA was administered by all routes; these data Vd ranged from 0.223 to 0.748 //kg and Clb
are summarized in Fig. 1. Body temperatures ranged from 2.14 to 3.62 ml/min/kg (Table II):
were significantly higher after intramuscular In contrast, the intramuscular and subcutane-
and subcutaneous administrations than after in- ous routes exhibited protracted absorption, which
travenous infusion between 3 and 7 hr of dos- resulted in slower rises to lower Cma. values.
ing. The maximum (X SD) body tempera- After intramuscular injection, C,ax ranged from
tures were 37.6° ± 0.6°, 39.1° ± 0.7°, and 1500 to 2580 pg/ml at tmax ranging from 3 to 6
40.0° -± 0.7° for intravenous infusion and in- hr. The concentrations increased, then exhibited
tramuscular and subcutaneous injections. None a short plateau and subsequently declined
of the clinical or laboratory findings resulted in monoexponentially. Serum ti/2 ranged from 1.5
significant sequelae. to 4.5 hr and AUC°-'' ranged from 8960
Mean serum rIFN-aA concentrations in six to 26,500 pg hr/ml (Table II). In a like man-
subjects per route of dosing are plotted in Fig. ner, Cmax after subcutaneous injection ranged
2. Kinetic parameters from the individual serum from 1500 to 2580 pg/ml at tmax ranging from 6
concentration-time data are listed in Table II. to 8 hr. The concentration profile resembled that
726 Wills et al. Pharmacol. Ther.
May 1984

100,000 It was apparent that the rIFN-aA serum con-

centration profiles varied with route of admin-
istration. Intravenous infusion resulted in earlier
10,000 (0.67 vs 3.8 and 7.3 hr) and much higher Cmax
(13,900 vs 2020 and 1730 pg/m1) than those
after intramuscular and subcutaneous injection
k (Fig. 2). After termination of the infusion,
serum concentrations declined quickly for 3 to 4
hr before exhibiting an apparent terminal elimi-
/ \._
nation phase, whereas the continued absorption
100 P
from the intramuscular and subcutaneous injec-
tion sites maintained serum concentrations that
exceeded those of the intravenous dose after 3
0 5 10 20 215
to 4 hr.
TIME (hours) There also were distinct differences in the
Fig. 2. Mean serum rIFN-aA concentrations after a adverse effect profiles, including increased
single 36 x 106 U dose as an intravenous infusion (o) body temperature, for the routes of injection.
or an intramuscular (X) or subcutaneous injection The clinical adverse experiences were least se-
vere and of shortest duration after intravenous
infusion, whereas they were more severe and of
longer duration after the intramuscular injection
of the intramuscular injection, differing only in and most severe and of longest duration after
the time to reach C.a., which caused the elimi- the subcutaneous injection (Table I). The dura-
nation phase of the curve to occur later after tion of elevated body temperature showed this
dosing. Serum Ph ranged from 2.6 to 4.4 hr and pattern with significantly higher and more sus-
AUC° ranged from 10,700 to 25,200 pg hr/ tained elevation after intramuscular and subcu-
ml (Table II). taneous injections than after intravenous infu-
Apparent f values of the intramuscular and sion. If one assumes that there is a relationship
subcutaneous doses (with the mean intravenous between serum concentrations and adverse ef-
data [AUC°-1 as the standard for comparison) fects, it would appear that these effects are not a
were 0.83 and 0.90. Because a complete simple function of the magnitude of the serum
crossover was not accomplished, f was not de- concentrations; rather, they appear to be a func-
termined in each subject; hence these mean val- tion of exceeding and maintaining serum con-
ues are only approximations of f. centrations above a threshold level. For exam-
ple, if 66 pg/m1 is arbitrarily chosen as the
Discussion cutoff concentration (see Fig. 2) for a given
Overall, the rIFN-aA kinetics we report are adverse effect, this adverse effect could be ex-
consistent with published data.s 10 There are pected to last for 12 hr after an intravenous in-
small differences in tihs (4 to 8 and 6 to 9 hr) fusion and for 24 hr after intramuscular and
between our findings and reported results that subcutaneous injection. If 200 pg/m1 were cho-
have involved patients with proved dissemi- sen, the effect could be expected to last between
nated cancer. Other studies conducted in iso- 5 to 6 hr after intravenous infusion, for 12 hr
lated animal fivers''. 7 and kidneys'. 3' 5' 6 sug- after intramuscular injection, and for almost 24
gest that the kidney is the main site for elimina- hr after subcutaneous injection. These projec-
tion of a-interferons. In our study, the mean tions are in good general agreement with the
total Clb of 216 rt. 53.5 ml/min is about 1.8 observed adverse effect profiles in our study
times the glomerular filtration rate, indicating and, therefore, support our conjectures of a
that tubular secretion, renal catabolism, or "threshold hypothesis" and the idea that ad-
extrarenal elimination must also be occurring. verse effects, including elevated temperatures,
Volume 35 Interferon kinetics and adverse reaction 727
Number 5

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