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Mid Term Exam – Summer Semester 2020

Name: Omer Javaid Reg no. 2081041

Course Title: Business Communication Program MBA
Instructor: Sir. Waqas Waheed Date 05-08-2020

Q# 2 what is Business Communication Process Explain the process with a

relevant example. (5 Marks)


The transmission of message from sender to receiver in an understandable

manner is called communication process.

There are following components explaining below:

1. The sender or communicator:- the person who starts a message

2. The receiver or interpreter:- the person to whom a message is to be sent.

3. The message:- the verbal and/or nonverbal content that must be encoded by
the sender and decoded by the receiver

4. The channel:- The medium by which the message is delivered and

recieved.e.g TV, radio, internet, newspaper.

5. Noise:- anything that interferes with the accurate expression or reception of a

message.e.g distortion in Ptcl landline no.

6. Feedback:- A response from the receiver indicating whether a message has

been received in its intended form

Example 01:-

When we visited in restaurant and ordered food then our communication are as

1. The sender or communicator: Call the waiter and asked for menu card.

2. The receiver or interpreter: Waiter replied with welcome and provide the
guest menu accordingly.

3. The message: the message is to ask for menu card.

4. The Channel: the medium to communicate with calling the waiter by waving
with speaking.

5. Noise: If the noises in the restaurant hall due to other people that create
distortion and hard to listen by waiter.

6. Feedback: Waiter responds with welcome wishes and places their order.

Effective communication takes place when a sender's message is fully

understood by the receiver.

Q# 3 Write down Business Communication 7C’s with some relevant Examples



1. Completeness:

• Contains all facts for the reaction you desire.

• Provide all necessary information.

• Answer all questions asked.

• Give something extra when desirable.

• Relevant information (who, what, when, where, how and why).

2. Conciseness:

• Fewest possible words with complete meaning.

• Eliminate wordy expressions.

• Include only relevant material.

• Avoid unnecessary repetition.

• Short and to the point

3. Consideration:

• Put yourself in receiver’s place.

• Do not lose your temper

• Keep “you-attitude”.

• Etiquette and respect boundaries.

4. Concreteness:

• Be specific, definite, and vivid

• Use specific facts and figures.

• Put action in your verbs.

• Solid foundation and a good reason

5. Clarity

• Choose precise, concrete and familiar words.

• Construct effective sentences.

• Understandable and straight forward.

6. Courtesy

• Value others feelings

• A courteous tone

• Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative.

• Use expressions that show respect

7. Correctness

• Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling

• Use the right level of language

Example: Applying 7 Cs in communication between candidate and employer while

giving interview.

1. Completeness:

 Contains all facts in communication with interviewer for the reaction you

 Provide all necessary information and answer all questions asked by

2. Conciseness:

 Use fewest possible words in interview with complete meaning and eliminate
wordy expressions that create bad impression on interviewer. Avoid
unnecessary repetition. Speak short and to the point.

3. Consideration:

 Put yourself in interviewer place. Take care of etiquette and respect

boundaries in interview session.

4. Concreteness:

 Be specific, definite, and vivid and tell about your actual facts, skills and
objective and put action in yours speaking.

 Give solid foundation and a good reason of the interviewer question.

5. Clarity:

 Choose precise and familiar words which interviewer can easy to access by
constructing effective sentences and understandable and straight forward.

6. Courtesy:

 A courteous tone in interview. Be sincerely and tactful. Use expressions that

show respect.

7. Correctness:

 Speak with good English by using proper grammar. Use the right level of

Q#4 Discuss the importance of technology advancement in business

Communication explains the pros and cons of them. (10 Marks)


Worthy communication always make an effective and efficient relationship in

businesses or job. If we are using technology in communication then we can
determine and deliver effective information to employees or customers in the
businesses. For example: If a manager in a company or team leader needs to
contact with their employees then he can use SMS or whatsapp from their smart
phone instead of calling them.

The technological uprising took place in 1950s and the whole world seen this
evolution from the business and industrial world. But since this early evolution, there
have been thousands of more developments in both the technology which change
the business / organizational culture. This advancement in technology have taken us
on that position where all communication between people of organization are more
efficient and effective. It has been growing productivity among sectors and
companies all over the world.

Pros of technology in business:

1. Increased & Fast communication: Technology has reduced the time it takes
to communicate thru email, messages, Skype or FaceTime, within a minutes
and from anywhere of the world.

2. Security and Secrecy improved: That technology make communicator safe

from any hazards, viruses, hacking and loss of data.

3. Trend of online Business: Most of the companies introduced and expand

their business by going to the online business in all over the world. Infact now
in intial stage of business start up the businessman invest on promotion of
their product on internet or social media’s website and give facilities to the
customers for buying from online shopping.

4. Quality of communication: Technology nowadays give us the different

software like Microsoft word, Excel, power point etc which help us in drafting,
making projects, presentations more visually attractive.

5. Monitoring your staff: In advancement of technology lead us the time where

we can put cameras in different areas of our offices and can monitor the
working of staff / worker. It improves the performance of employees during
work as they know that they are monitored in-camera.

Cons of technology in business:

1. Socializing: The use of online social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram is banned in offices. Because its waste the time of employee
which cause of lack of concentration toward the work.

2. Expensive machines: If you want to use the latest technology for your
business then buying latest tools is expensive for startup businesses. For
example using cameras, high-speed internet and computers, printers,
scanners are expensive.

3. Badly effect talent of employees: The access use of different robotic

softwares are reduce the mental growth of employee which become
dependent him on software base and technological base environment. Its also
the one reason that employee or worker have lack of confidence to interact
with boss for communication in appropriate manner.

4. Information can be stolen: If you are doing online business then more
chances that some hackers can steal your data. There is also chance that any
of your employees leak your company important information like emails of

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