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What is a Spread sheet?

A spread sheet is a table of values arranged in rows and
columns. These values can take many forms such as text, dates
and times, and numbers (including currency and percentages).
Each value is stored in a cell. You can define what type of data is in
each cell and how different cells depend on each other. The
relationships between cells are called formulae. If you value will
change automatically. This enables you to study what-if scenarios.
Excel can create and manipulate spreadsheets (which it calls
worksheets). It can also produce graphs (known as charts) from
your data and can link one worksheet to another.
It contains the below options:

The intersection of a row and column creates a rectangular
area that is called a cell. In a cell data or information is stored. Cell
is the smallest part of the worksheet. The cell that has highlighted
thick border around it, is called active cell. When worksheet opens,
the cell displayed has the row 1 and column A. it is active cell or
current cell. A full worksheet contains 16,384 rows and 256

Ribbons have replaced the toolbar from the older version of
Office. Each Ribbon tab opens up a Ribbon full of Tool Groups.

The Office Button is the round icon at the top left-hand
corner. It includes the basic File Functions from the older version of
Office like NEW, OPEN, SAVE, SAVE AS, PRINT etc.

Formula bar is used for displaying information such as
address of current active cell, contents of the formula entered in
the current cell and number, text entered in cell etc.


Open the Microsoft Excel from the start button. A worksheet
opens and a user can work in new worksheet by entering
information (data) in it.
After entering the desired information in the worksheet, the
user wants to save the present worksheet. Click on the Office
button then a drop down menu appears where we can find save as
option, click on it. A dialogue box appears, in the open dialogue
box enter the name of the file then click the save button. The user
can open the saved file and edit for better modification. This is all
about Naming and saving of worksheet.
Printing of a worksheet, click on the Office button then
select the Print option, it displays a dialogue box with the
adjustments, click on ok button and get the print out.

To enter data, first select the cell you want by clicking on it.
Enter the data (text, formulas, dates, etc.) into the active cell.

Data types can be:

• Numeric (number only)
• Alphabetic (a single letter or strings)
• Alphanumeric (letters and numbers together)
• Dates (calendar)
Arithmetic Operations:
• Addition (+)
• Subtraction (-)
• Multiplication (×)
• Division (÷)
• Percentages (%)
• Decimals (.)
• Exponents (^)
• Parentheses ()
• Equal to (=)
• Greater than (>)
• Lesser than (<)
• Greater than or equal to (≥)
• Lesser than or equal to (≤)
• Not equal to (≠)

Formatting is to modify the cell by changing font, styles,
alignment, border etc. If you want to modify a cell click on the
desired cell and apply the styles.


• A formula is a mathematical expression that calculates a
• In Excel, formulas always begin with an equal sign (=).
• A formula can consist of one or more arithmetic


The option Copy is used to copy the data, formulas and
numbers from other cells or other worksheets.
The option Paste is used when the information is copied from
other cells and pasted in the required cell.
The option Cut is used to cut the whole information and been
pasted in the required cell.
• A relative reference is a cell reference that shifts when
you copy/ move it to a new location on a worksheet.
• An absolute reference is a cell reference that does not
change when you move/ copy the formula to a new
• A mixed reference combines both relative and absolute
cell references.


• It is also called as Auto fill.
• To use the Auto fill feature, select the cell (range) that
contains the values and/or formulas you want to copy.
• Click and drag the fill handle in the direction you want to
copy and then release the mouse button.
• If needed, click the Auto fill options button, and then
select the Auto fill option you want to apply to the
selected range.
• Copy cells will copy all values and formulas into the
selected range as well as the formats used to display
those values and formats.
• Fill series does just that! What are the rules?
• Fill formatting only copies only the formats used to
display values and formulas themselves.
• Fill without formatting copies only the values and
formulas without any of the formats used in the source

• Why sort?
1. Easier to read a data list that has been sorted
2. Can aid in proof reading for data entry errors
3. Things like ‘people’ lists are easier to maintain
• Excel makes it easy to sort a list in ascending or
descending order based on any fields in the list.
• The fields selected to sort on are called the sort fields or the sort keys.


A Chart is a graphical representation of the data in your
worksheet. You can create an embedded chart, which appears on
the worksheet beside the data or you can create a chart sheet as a
separate sheet in the workbook so that it can be displayed apart
from its associated data.
Whichever method you choose, your chart data is
automatically linked to the worksheet, the chart will change
Excel offers many different chart and graph types, each of
which has several subtypes or variations.
• Select the information you want to show it graphically.
• Select the whole cells.
• In the Ribbon tab select insert option, where we can find
different types of graphs.
• Select the desired graph or chart, and then there
appears the graph or chart.
• The graph is displayed with all the fields you have

SUM ():
It computes the sum of a particular defined range or range
For example, see the below worksheet.
Formula: =SUM (RANGE)
It computes the average of a particular defined range or
range names.
For example, see the below worksheet.
It will compute the standard deviation from a particular
defined range or range names. For example, see the below
Formula: =STDEV (RANGE)
This function finds out the Median of specified numbers.
For example, see the below worksheet.
Formula: =MEDIAN (RANGE)

MODE ():
This function finds out the mode of a series of specified
For example, see the below worksheet.
Formula: =MODE (RANGE)

This function finds out the number of entries in a specified
For example, see the below worksheet.
Formula: =COUNT (RANGE)


This function finds out the maximum value from a series of
specified numbers. For example, see the below worksheet.
Formula: =MAX (RANGE)


This function finds out the minimum value from a series of
specified numbers. For example, see the below worksheet.
Formula: =MIN (RANGE)

FV () denotes the Future value. It calculates the future value
of any investment. The syntax is
FV (rate, nper, pmt, [pv], [type])
Rate is periodic rate of interest,
Nper is the total payment period,
Pmt is payment made per period,
Pv is present value of the total amount,
Type is the number 0 or 1 depending upon whether the
deposit is to be made at the end of the period or at the beginning

For example, Amount deposited = Rs. 1,000 at the beginning of

every month for 18 months. The bank pays 24% annual rate to be
compounded every month. So, rate = 0.02, nper = 18, pmt =
-1000, pv = 0 and type = 1.

This function is used to calculate the present value of a series
of equal payments to be received in the future. Note that these
payments are discounted at fixed periodic rate of interest. As the
discount rate has to be realistic so we take current interest rate i.e.
it calculates the present value of any investment. The syntax is

PV (rate, nper, pmt, fv, type)

Here Rate is periodic rate of interest,
Nper is the total payment period,
Pmt is payment received per period,
Fv is future value of the total amount,
Type is the number 0 or 1 depending upon whether the
payment is received at the end of the period or at the beginning

For example, Amount received = Rs. 1,000 at the end of every

month for 18 months. The bank pays 24% annual rate to be
compounded every month. So, rate = 0.02, nper = 18, pmt =
-1000, fv = 0 and type is 0.


It is the modified form of PV. The purpose of NPV is to
calculate the net present value of a series of cash flows
disconnected at a fixed interest rate. The general syntax used is
NPV (rate, value 1, value 2, so on)


It is the internal rate of return, purpose of this function is to
compute the interval rate of return expected from a series of cash
flow occurring at regular intervals. The general syntax of IRR is
IRR (value, guess)


Date function is used to enter the specific date in the cell. The
general syntax of DATE is

DATE (year, month, day)

To enter current date in a cell, standard built in date function

used are NOW and TODAY.

The today function gives the current date. The general syntax
for Today function is

Now function gives the current time and date. The general
syntax for Now function is
= NOW ()

= TODAY ()
= NOW ()

A Macro is a sequence of commands that can be assigned to
a single key, toolbar button, or menu item and then can be
repeated at will. Excel lets the user to record a micro simply by
switching on the macro recorder, performing the actions user want
to record and then turning of the recorder off. A recorder macro
can be opened using visual basic editor and can be edited by
adding, deleting or alternating the instructions it contains.

Recording a new Macro:

To record a new Macro:
• Click on the View option of the Ribbon tab.
• Select the macro option and click on to record
• It displays a dialogue box; enter the macro name in
the macro name box. Then assign macro a short
cut key and description about the macro can also
be given. There is also an option available where to
store the macro.
• Click ok to close the record macro dialog box and
start recording the macro. Excel will display the
stop recording tool bar in the ribbon.
• Perform the actions which are to be recorded.
• Click the stop recording button on the Ribbon tool

Running a Macro:
• The recorded macro can be run by using the short
cut key or making the appropriate cell active.
• Select the name of the recorded macro and click
the run button. Excel will perform the actions
recorded in the macro.

Recording a New macro:

Running a Macro:

If you want to maintain a lot of information about any topic
and be able to access it at a snap of your finger, Microsoft Access
2007 database management system through which you can have
multiple tables all kinked to each other through a common field,
each table containing a specific type of information.
Access also gives you the option of working with one access
table by itself or with different kinds of databases, fields and
records. A systematic organization of data is called a database.

Objects of Microsoft Access Database:

• Tables – A fundamental building block of an access
• Query – A filter through which data is evaluated. A
question given to the Database.
• Forms – Used to simplify data entry work or to display
information in a specific manner.
• Reports – It summarizes data in a format suitable for
• Data access page – It is a HTML page created in access
that allows users to view, add or edit data stored in an
access database.
• Macros – Used to automate repetitive tasks.
• Modules – To develop a fully fledged software
application, this automates a wide variety of complex

Creating a Database:
• Define the purpose of your database.
• Determine the tables that you do or may need in future
in the database.
• Determine the fields that you need in each table.
• Identify unique field values that allow access to relate
and store information contained in different tables.
• Determine the relationships between tables.

When you open the MS-Access:

• Click on the blank access database.
• Give the name for the access database.
• Click on create button to create new database.
• Click on the table tab to create new table.
• Select the table by using wizard to create a table using
the table wizard.

Creating and working with Tables in MS-

Table using Design view:
• Open the database and click on Tables.
• Select View option in Design view.
• Select the Table and give the name for it.
• Enter the parameters in Field name, select the
corresponding Data type and give the parameters
• Save the table.

Table Using Design View

Creating Table by using wizard:
• Select Create Table by using wizard.
• A table wizard appears where in sample tables can be
used to create a particular table.
• Enter the required fields in the table.
• Enter the data into the required fields.

Creating Table by Entering Data:

• Click on the desired fields and enter the data into the
• Continue for the required number of data.
• Save the table.

Table by using Wizard and by entering data

Relationships between Tables:
• Select the option Database Tools from the Ribbon Tab.
• Select the Relationships option.
• A show table dialogue box is shown with all the created
• Select more than one table to determine relationships.
• Now drag the field name of one table to the exact field’s
name of the other table and drop it. This can be carried
on for the rest of the tables. This creates a relationship
between the two tables.

Reation between Tables

Creating and working with Queries in Access:
Create Query in Design View:
• Select Create option to create Queries in database.
• Select Create query in Design View.
• A show table box is displayed where we need to select a
particular table already created.
• Select a particular table and Click on Add.
• The table is selected and displayed as shown on the
• Select the parameters from the drop down box and sort
• Save the Query.
Query using design view

Create Query by using Wizard:

• Select Create Query by using Wizard.
• A simple Query dialogue box opens.
• Select the particular table from the drop down list and
select the fields required for the query.
• Confirm it and the Query is displayed.

Using query wizard

Creating and Working with Forms in Access:
Create Form by Using Wizard:
• Select Create option to create Form in database.
• A Form Wizard dialogue box is displayed where we select
the table from drop down box for which we create form.
• Select the required fields.
• Click OK then the Form is created and is automatically
Form using Wizard

Creating and Working with Reports in Access:

Create Report by using Wizard:
• Select Create option and create Report by using Wizard
in database.
• A Report wizard window opens where we select the table
for which the report has to be generated.
• Fields are selected which should be included in the
• Select the Layout, Style and give a name.
• A report is automatically created and the selected table
and its fields are displayed in the Report.

Report by using wizard

Excel Gantt Charts

The Gantt chart is a very helpful and popular tool in the field of project
management. A Gantt chart is just one of many project management forms used throughout the
project life cycle.

For a more in-depth look on how useful this device can be and for additional resources in other
software applications, please see the guide Gantt Chart Examples and Tutorials.

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to construct a Gantt chart in Excel 2007. This article is part
of a series of Excel project management tutorials that can be found here at Bright Hub.

Create a Table with Project Data

The first thing you want to do in preparation for creating a Gantt chart in Excel is to input the
project timeline data into a spreadsheet. For the purpose of this tutorial, I’ve created a sample file
entitled Sample Gantt Chart Created in Excel with project data that can be downloaded from the
Project Management Media Gallery. Additionally, the screenshot below shows the table created
for this example. As with any of the other images in this tutorial, you can click on it to see a larger

Create a Stacked Bar Chart

We will use the stacked bar chart option in Excel to create our Gantt chart. First, as shown in the
image below, hold down the CTRL key and select the columns that contain the Task, Start Date,
Days Completed, and Days Remaining Data.
Next, navigate to the Insert screen of Excel and choose the option to insert a stacked bar chart.
You’ll end up with an image like that in the following screenshot.

This isn’t at all what we want as a final version, but we now have a representation that contains
our basic information that we can modify to reach our desired appearance.

Alternative Directions for Creating the Initial Stacked Bar

If you're having trouble getting your initial stacked bar chart to look like the one above, you may
need to approach the construction in a slightly different way. First, select the Task and Start Date
columns. From the Insert tab on the Excel Ribbon, choose to insert a 2-D Stacked Bar Chart.

Next, right-click on any blank area in the newly created chart and choose Select Data.

The Select Data Source window will appear as shown in the screenshot below.
Click on the Add button under Legend Entries (Series). This will cause the Edit Series window
to appear.

We want to add a new series for the Days Completed column. To do this, first click on the button
next to the Select Range box under Series name.

Next, click on the cell containing the name of the column, Days Completed.

Click on the icon to the right of the box to return to the Edit Series window. Now, click on the
button to the right of the box under Series values.
This time, select the range of cells in the column that contain the actual number of days.

Click the icon to the right of the data entry area to go back to the main Edit Series window.

In the background, you should now see the bar representing the series for Days Completed on the
chart. Click OK to return to the Select Data Source window.

Repeat the process described above to add another series for Days Remaining. When finished, the
chart should look like the following image.
Modify the Stacked Bar Chart
Now that we have the framework in place, we need to make a few more modifications so that the
final result takes on the standard appearance of a Gantt chart.

First we want to make sure that the tasks on the chart are listed in chronological order from oldest
to newest. To do this, right-click over any of the task names and choose Format Axis from the
dialog box. Check the box in front of the option “Categories in reverse order” and then close the
window. This process is shown below.

Now we want to remove the Start Date as one of our series items. Right-click on one of the
segments representing the Start Date field and choose Format Data Series. Pick “No Fill” for the
Fill option and “No Line” for Border Color.

Next we want to override the automatic dates that Excel has picked for our chart and use the
minimum and maximum dates related to our specific project. Before we do this, we need to
determine the serial numbers that are assigned to these dates in Excel.

On a “scrap” worksheet, we will enter the dates that we want to use. In this case, the dates are
12/15/07 and 12/31/08. Select the cells containing the dates and choose the Format Cells option.
From the Category list, choose Number and then click OK. We obtain 39431 and 39813 as our
corresponding minimum and maximum values.
The file that accompanies this tutorial in the Media Gallery contains a worksheet that will make
this calculation for any date that you choose to enter. Feel free to download this file to use for later

Return to your stacked bar chart and right-click on the Start Date axis. Under Axis Options, enter
39431 for Minimum, 39813 for Maximum, 91 for Major Unit, and 1 for Minor Unit. Entering
91 for the major unit allows the chart to be divided into blocks that represent about 3 months. The
minor unit of 1 represents a single day.

Finally, we arrive at something that looks like a Gantt chart.

You can use the chart design options in Excel to fancy the final
Gantt chart up a bit if you like, but the object we have here contains all the basic


What is a Spread sheet?
A spread sheet is a table of values arranged in rows and
columns. These values can take many forms such as text, dates
and times, and numbers (including currency and percentages).
Each value is stored in a cell. You can define what type of data is in
each cell and how different cells depend on each other. The
relationships between cells are called formulae. If you value will
change automatically. This enables you to study what-if scenarios.
Excel can create and manipulate spreadsheets (which it calls
worksheets). It can also produce graphs (known as charts) from
your data and can link one worksheet to another.
It contains the below options:

The intersection of a row and column creates a rectangular
area that is called a cell. In a cell data or information is stored. Cell
is the smallest part of the worksheet. The cell that has highlighted
thick border around it, is called active cell. When worksheet opens,
the cell displayed has the row 1 and column A. it is active cell or
current cell. A full worksheet contains 16,384 rows and 256

MS Excel
1) Introduction to MS Excel
2) Data and Graphical options
3) Working with Graphs and Charts
4) Statistical tools
5) Financial tools
6) Date and Time function
7) Preparation of Gantt Chart
8) Macros
MS Access
9) Introduction to MS Access
10) Creating and working with tables in MS Access
11) Creating and working with queries in MS Access

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