Newsletter 21 May 2021

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 44 21 May 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the forty fourth issue of whether to lift and store your dahlias
my newsletter for Volume 3. over winter is a personal one. I needed
Newsletter back issues to do it because I need the room to grow
I hope you have had a good week. It’s tulips over winter. I’m keeping them in
Facebook been another busy week in the garden boxes filled with potting mix and saw
for me. I have managed to power dust and spray them with a bit of water
through the following tasks: every day to keep the tubers viable,
Twitter otherwise they will dry out and die. I’ll
 Planting more daffodils in the divide them in spring if they need do-
Linkedin ground and some miniature ing. Some gardeners prefer to keep
ones in pots their dahlia tubers underground over
winter and lift and divide them in
 Potting up rhubarb I grew from
spring. Either way, the eyes will be
seed from 6-cell punnets into easier to see in spring if you make the
individual 10 cm pots divisions then, as the tubers should
Contact me
 Extracting seeds from chillies have resprouted by then.
 Feedback
on my superhot plants and My task list for the coming week is as
 Newsletter input leaving them to dry. I will later follows:
(tips, recipes, gar- label and store them for sowing
den photos etc) next season  Plant new season’s and last
year’s tulips, which have been
 To be added to my  Planting two more tamarillo chilling in our fridge over the
mailing list trees that I grew from seed in past six weeks.
spring.  Plant anemones. I always plant
 Planting some more rhubarb them towards the end of May
which I grew from seed in when the ground is cooler. Soak
spring the corms beforehand to aid ger-
Inside this issue: mination.
 Preparing the space where I
intend to plant tulips this sea-  Pot up strawberry plants when
son. My bulbs for this year are they arrive. Sometimes they are
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 coming from Bulbs Direct, who sold bare-rooted. Normally I pop
Anita’s Garden have kindly been chilling them them straight into the garden but
for me. the bed still has brassicas grow-
ing in it.
Top 5 gardening tasks 2  Harvesting more Wombok cab-
for the week bages (see my photo on page 2) Useful links
 Repotting a pineapple pup into  Italian Seeds Pronto
News 2 a 35 litre container. I used Tui
Pot Power, a very high quality  Awapuni
container mix, to help it get off
to a strong start. Pineapple  Bulbs Direct
How to grow garlic 3 plants are precious so they’re
Kind regards,
well worth looking after.
Anita Kundu
 Lifting dahlias. The decision
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 4 4

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

It took awhile to form roots, but

our pineapple pup was finally
ready to be potted up into a 35 li-
tre container, which will be its fi-
nal resting place. I used Tui Pot
Over the weekend, we harvested Power for this, which is an excel-
the last of our Wombok cabbages. lent high quality container mix. I
Mum and I have really been enjoy- now have six pineapple plants, all Our Misi Luki banana tree has
ing them. We like having them potted in these containers. They two bunches of bananas growing
raw in coleslaw. They are also don’t produce every year but I like from it! We will cover them with a
nice in rice paper rolls. having them in our garden. bag soon to help them ripen.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

4. Order lily bulbs
1. Plant shallots in on the shortest day, start chit-
ting them now so they have Bulbs Direct have a great range to
You can plant shallots between enough time to sprout choose from this season.
now and July, with most gardeners
aiming to get them in the ground 3. Use neem granules 5. Plan your strawberry
around the shortest day (21st patch
June) Did you know that neem has many
uses? It acts as a soil conditioner. Strawberries will be arriving at
2. Chit seed potatoes It also helps deter the dreaded Awapuni soon! Plan your patch so
guava moth. Sprinkle some gran- you’re ready to get your order in
If you live in a frost-free climate ules around the base of your plants when they become available as
and are hoping to get your spuds every few months. they sell out fast.

Italian Seeds Pronto have recently Bulbs Direct now have garlic, shal- Awapuni have a great promotion
added Fennel Romanesco to their lots and lily bulbs available on for you this week. Spend $45 and
range. I grew this variety many their website. There’s still a great receive a FREE Tui Quash Slug
years ago, with great success. range of spring bulbs, but get in and Snail Stoppa! This deal is
Fennel does best in cooler condi- quick as they won’t last long. I try valid until 9 am 24 May 2021 or
tions. I recommend growing it in and plant all my spring bulbs be- while stocks last.
spring and autumn. Sow seeds in fore the end of May, so they have
punnets and transplant when they enough time to grow and flower Awapuni will be getting garlic in
are large enough. Keep an eye on before the end of spring. If you soon. It’s a good idea to get your
plants regularly as they can form leave it until after May, you risk order in as soon as it becomes
bulbs quite quickly. that your bulbs won’t flower. available, as it is hard to come by.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 4 4 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

How to grow garlic

I’m not sure I’m qualified to write As mentioned in my news column, I like to mulch garlic with some
an article about growing garlic, Awapuni will be getting garlic in pea straw, to help keep weeds
since my attempts to grow it over shortly. I’ve never grown their down and add nitrogen to the soil,
the past two seasons have been a garlic before and this year, they You can also use compost as a
dismal failure. Like a lot of gar- are kindly giving me some along mulch.
deners, I’ve struggled with rust with two varieties of strawberry
Liquid feeding
and am still searching for a solu- plants, when they become availa-
tion to the problem. Unfortunate- ble in June. When your garlic surfaces, start
ly, I can’t share a magic spray to liquid feeding it every week with a
help prevent this dreaded disease. Here are some growing tips to help
water soluble plant food or sea-
Last year, I planted seed garlic you get the best from your crop.
weed tonic.
from my previous year’s stock, Choose high quality seed gar-
which I sourced from Bulbs Direct. Spraying your garlic
I diligently sprayed my plants eve-
ry fortnight, alternating between a To help prevent diseases, most of
Getting your hands on good seed
concoction Wally suggested and all rust which has become a terri-
garlic can be quite difficult these
Aqua Glow, a spray recommended ble problem in recent years, you
days, given growers’ problems with
to me by Kings Plant Barn in may decide to spray your garlic.
rust. Choose healthy, big bulbs.
Botany. The plants started off As I mentioned before, I haven’t
Separate the cloves a few weeks
very promising, but by spring, the found commercial sprays very ef-
prior to planting to prepare them
rust looked terrible. When I har- fective in the past, so I’ve decided
for the next stage. Don’t peel the
vested them on the longest day, to go back to doing things organi-
they looked like spring onions. cally. If you do decide to spray,
The funny thing was that an ele- Select the site well Liquid Copper is a good option and
phant garlic self-seeded near my it is organic for those of you who
Traditionally, I have always grown enjoy gardening that way.
Mum in a Million rose, which I
garlic in its own bed but this year,
planted mum for Mother’s day a Harvesting your garlic
I’m squeezing my new plants in
number of years ago. Unlike my
between some of my roses, because
garlic crop, I didn’t spray it or give Resist the urge to lift your garlic
the self-seeded elephant garlic
it the slightest bit of attention. It early, as it won’t have developed. I
plant that cropped up there did so
didn’t even get a sprinkling of bulb once read in an arti-
well last year.
food, which I use as a fertiliser at cle that garlic does
Make sure the site “Lik e a lot of
the time of planting garlic. It nev- most of its growing in
is sunny and well gardeners, I’ve
er got rust and by December, I had the last couple of
drained. Mix in lots struggled with rust
harvested an enormous bulb con- months. If you plant-
of compost, sheep and am still searching
taining three cloves. ed it around the
pellets and fertiliser for a solution to the
shortest day, it will
This year, I decided not to go to (I like to use bulb problem”
be ready to be har-
the expense of purchasing seed food) into the
vested on the longest
garlic, given my lack of success at ground prior to
day (21st December). Resist the
growing garlic in recent years. I planting.
urge to pull up your garlic by
decided to replant my elephant hand, as the stalk may break. It’s
Planting garlic
garlic cloves near my roses and not best to use a spade to lift them.
bother spraying the plants. I Don’t plant a whole bulb of garlic. Brush or wash away the dirt and
planted two cloves between my Make sure you separate the bulb leave them in a sunny spot to cure,
roses Evelyn and Friesia and gave into the individual cloves. Each so that the skin hardens and they
the other clove to my cousin clove will yield a ball of garlic. are ready for storage. Keep in a
Shireen, who lives in Whangarei Plant cloves with the pointy side cool, dry place and allow the air to
and also loves gardening. I facing upwards. circulate. You may wish to store
thought it would be a good idea to them in netted bags. Don’t forget
gift one so there is a better chance Weeding
to set aside your best bulbs for re-
of keeping the strain going should planting the following season.
my garlic succumb to rust again. I Garlic hates competing with weeds
for nutrients, so make sure you This will become your seed garlic
advised Shireen not to eat the stock. You may wish to share
cloves from the first year and re- keep on top of them. It’s best to
weed manually ie by hand to avoid some of your seed garlic, as I have
plant them so she can build up her done, to help a fellow gardener to
stock. damaging the garlic as it grows.
get started.

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