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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm

PowerSeries PC1616 / PC1832 / PC1864 v4.1 and higher

The PowerSeries v4.1 panels can be programmed to Auto Arm each

partition independently, once per day.

The PowerSeries v4.2 and higher panels can be programmed to Auto Arm
and/or Auto Disarm each partition independently, once per day.

The Auto Arm / Auto Disarm controls can be programmed by the installer or
by the end user (see instruction for end user programming under the [*][6]
User Functions in the User or Installation Guides.)

Installer Programming Options:

PowerSeries v4.1 and higher Auto Arming Programming:

Section [181] for Partition 1 through Section [188] for Partition 8.

Enter into Section [181 – 188] and enter the desired Auto Arm trigger time
(using Military Time) for each day. The first entry will be for Sunday and
will continue through Saturday as being the seventh entry, if you want to
skip a day enter 9999 for that day’s entry.

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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm

Please note: The actual arming time will be the Auto Arm trigger time PLUS
the Auto-Arming Pre-Alert Timer value in Section [199].

The minimum Auto-Arming Pre-Alert Timer is 001 = 1 minute.

Default is 004 = 4 minutes.

For example, if you want Partition 1 to Auto Arm at 10:00PM ~ Sunday –

Saturday, with a 4 minute Auto-Arming Pre-Alert, you would program:

Section [181]: 2156


Section [199]: 004

 Tech Tip: Use the Installer’s Programming Menu style of

programming to enter the Auto Arming trigger times – this menu
view will display the days of the week as you are programming.

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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm

PowerSeries v4.2 and higher Auto Disarm Programming:

Section [681] for Partition 1 through Section [688] for Partition 8.

Enter into Section [681 – 688] and enter the desired Auto Disarm trigger
time (using Military Time) for each day. The first time entry will be for
Sunday and will continue through Saturday as being the seventh entry, if
you want to skip a day enter 9999 for that day’s entry.

For example, if you want Partition 1 to Auto Disarm at 8:00AM ~ Monday –

Friday, you would program:

Section [681]: 9999


 Tech Tip: Use the Installer’s Programming Menu style of

programming to enter the Auto Disarming trigger times – this menu
view will display the days of the week as you are programming.

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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm

Auto Disarm Holiday Schedule Programming:

When using the Auto Disarm feature you can assign specific dates in
programming as Holidays. The Auto Disarm feature will be skipped on the
dates programmed in Section [691] – [698].

Section [691] for Partition 1 through Section [698] for Partition 8.

 Tech Tip: Use the Installer’s Programming Menu style of

programming to enter the Holiday dates – this menu view
will display the dates in a MM/DD/YY format.
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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm

Auto Arm Postpone Timer Programming:

The Auto Arm feature can be postponed by the end user. By programming
a value from 001 – 255 in Section [175] the end user can postpone the
Auto Arm process from 1 to 255 minutes. If this option is programmed,
once the Auto-Arm Pre-Alert begins the end user can enter a valid
passcode at any partition keypad to postpone the Auto Arm feature for that
partition. The panel will then begin the Auto Arm process again once the
Auto-Arm Postpone Timer in Section [175] has expired.

For example: If the end user wants the panel to Auto Arm Partition 1 at
10:00PM ~ Sunday – Saturday and allow the employees to continually
postpone the Auto Arm process for a 1 hour time period until they leave the
premise. You would program:

Section [175]: 060

Section [181]: 2156


Section [199]: 004

At 9:56PM the Partition 1 keypads will begin to buzz the Auto-Arm Pre-Alert
tone, prior to the expiration of the 4 minute Auto-Arm Pre-Alert timer the
employees can enter a valid passcode and automatically postpone the
Auto Arm feature for the 60 minutes programmed time period. Then at
10:56PM the panel will begin the Auto-Arm Pre-Alert tone and arm in 4
minutes provided the Auto Arm process did not get postponed again.

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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm

End User Controls:

The Auto Arm trigger time can be altered and the Auto Arm / Auto Disarm
feature can be turned on or off by the end user using the [*][6] User
Functions menu. The menu labels for these options can be removed from
the [*][6] User Functions menu (however, they can still be accessed by
using the numeric menu structure of the [*][6] User Function menu.)

To hide the menu labels for the Auto Arm / Auto Disarm options in the
PK/RFK5500 keypads (only): Enter into panel programming, then enter into
keypad programming (Enter LCD Section _ _ _) [*] [8] [Installers Code] [*],
then enter into Section [071] and toggle 2 OFF. This must be done at each
keypad you wish to hide the Auto Arm / Auto Disarm option on.

Please note: The Auto-Arm/Auto-Disarm Enable/Disable option and the

Auto-Arm Time/Day option can still be accessed by pressing [2] or [3]
respectively while in the [*][6] User Functions menu.

Please note: The end user can change or program the Auto Arm trigger
time in the [*][6] User Functions menu. If the installer is responsible for
programming the Auto Arm trigger time, it is strongly recommended that
Toggle Option 5 in Section [013] be toggled OFF so that the end user does
not accidentally change the Auto Arm trigger times programmed in
Sections [181] – [189].

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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm


1) The Auto Arm / Auto Disarm feature must be enabled in the [*][6] User
Functions menu for each partition using this feature.

 Tech Tip: Use the # key to port to each of the partitions from any
keypad. Press and hold the # until the keypad beeps, then press and
hold the number associated with the partition you wish to view on the
current keypad until the keypad beeps. This process will port you into
the desired partition, at which point you can access the [*][6] User
Functions menu for that specific partition (as well as providing full
control of the selected partition.)

2) The Auto Arm and Auto Disarm feature will turn off in the [*][6] User
Functions menu if the panel is ever power cycled or loses complete
power (AC and DC.)

Reason: When the panel loses AC and DC power, it loses its Time
and Date reference. Once the power is restored, the panel will come
back up in the last known armed / disarmed state. The panel
disables the Auto Arm / Auto Disarm features to prevent the partitions
from accidently being Auto Armed or Auto Disarmed based on the
incorrect Time and Date reference.

 Tech Tip: If the panel loses power, make sure you enable in the Auto
Arm / Auto Disarm feature in the [*][6] User Functions menu for each
partition using this feature.

3) Any zone that is open at the time the panel completes the Auto Arm
process will be force armed (regardless of the zones programming for
the Force Arm Attribute (Attribute 5.)) However, this zone will return to
the panel once the zone is restored and it will follow its preprogrammed
function for the armed state (ie. Stay / Away.)

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PowerSeries – Auto Arm / Auto Disarm


To test Auto Arming:

 Set the Time and Date to one (1) minute before the programmed Auto
Arm trigger time (make sure the date is set to a day of the week that
has an Auto Arm trigger time programmed.) Once the panel time
transfers through the Auto Arm trigger time, the Auto-Arm Pre-Alert
tone will begin. Allow the Auto-Arm Pre-Alert timer to expire and the
partition will Auto Arm. Then disarm the partition and test all other
partitions as needed. Reset the Time and Date as needed.

To test Auto Disarming:

 Set the Time and Date to two (2) minutes before the programmed
Auto Disarm trigger time (make sure the date is set to a day of the
week that has an Auto Disarm trigger time programmed.) Then arm
the partition, once the panel time transfers through the Auto Disarm
trigger time the partition will Auto Disarm. Test all other partitions as
needed. Reset the Time and Date as needed.

Setting the Time and Date:

 Enter [*] [6] [Master Code] [1] [hh mm MM DD YY] #

hh = Hour (Military Time)
mm = Minute
MM = Month
DD = Date
YY = Year

For example:
Setting the Time and Date for 3:00PM on May 31, 2014
Using a Master Code of 1234
Enter: [*] [6] [1234] [1] [15 00 05 31 14] #

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