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1 General Information

1.1 About This Manual

1.1.3 Warnings, Cautions and
1.1.1 Introduction Notes in This Manual
This manual has been written in a format that is WARNING: Warnings are used to
designed to meet the needs of Vehicle indicate that failure to follow a
Converters. The objective is to use common procedure correctly may result in
formats with the workshop manual which is used personal injury.
by technicians worldwide.
This guide is published by Ford and provides CAUTION: Cautions are used to
general descriptions and advice for converting indicate that failure to follow a
vehicles. These requirements must be complied procedure correctly may result in
with before a Ford Dealer should take delivery damage to the vehicle or equipment
of motor vehicle accessories from an external being used.
supplier either for themselves or on behalf of a
motor vehicle client. NOTE: Notes are used to provide additional
essential information required to carry out a
It must be emphasized that any change to the complete and satisfactory repair.
basic vehicle which does not meet the enclosed
guideline standards may severely inhibit the As you read through this manual, you will come
ability of the vehicle to perform its function. across WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTES.
Mechanical failures, structure failure, component A warning, caution or note is placed at the
unreliability or vehicle instability will lead to beginning of a series of steps if it applies to
customer dissatisfaction. Appropriate design multiple steps. If the warning, caution or note
and application of body, equipment and or only applies to one step, it is placed at the
accessories is key to ensuring that customer beginning of the specific step (after the step
satisfaction is not adversely affected. number).
The information contained within this publication
takes the form of recommendations to be 1.1.4 How to Use This Manual
followed when vehicle modifications are
undertaken. It must be remembered that certain This manual covers vehicle conversion
modifications may invalidate legal approvals and procedures.
application for re-certification may be necessary.
The pages at the start of this manual list the
Ford cannot guarantee the operation of the content, by group. A group covers a specific
vehicle if non-Ford approved electrical systems portion of the vehicle. The manual is divided into
are installed. Ford electrical systems are four groups, General Information, Chassis,
designed and tested to function under Electrical, Body and Paint. The number of the
operational extremes, and have been subjected group is the first number of a section number.
to the equivalent of ten years of driving under Each title listed in the contents links to the
such conditions. relevant section of the manual.
In some section of the book it may refer you to
1.1.2 Important Safety Instructions see additional sections for information, links have
been provided, these links are in blue text.
Appropriate conversion procedures are essential
This manual is designed to be used online or as
for the safe, reliable operation of all vehicles as
printed material, document links for the online
well as the personal safety of the individual
version are also shown with page numbers for
carrying out the work.
the printed version, this will help guide you to the
This manual cannot possibly anticipate all such start of the section which contains the relevant
variations and provide advice or cautions as to information.
each. Anyone who departs from the instructions
There is also an alphabetical index at the back
provided in this manual must first establish that
of the manual. As with the contents pages you
he compromises neither his personal safety nor
will be able to link to sections. To do this just click
the vehicle integrity by his choice of methods,
on the page number.
tools or components.
All left and right-handed references to the vehicle
are taken from a position sitting in the driver seat
looking forward unless otherwise stated.

Date of Publication: 05/2011

FordRanger 2011.5

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