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(Appropriate Verbiage)
"Good Evening, welcome to BAH, How are you
a. Always maintain alert posture and positive body language. Use guest name if possible.
tonight ?
b. The guest is acknowledged within 10 seconds of arrival with eye contact "Good Evening, Mr. ….., would you like to join Guest is assisted with coats and bags
and a warm smile. us for dinner ?" if needed
" Would you mind to have a sit the time we
Acknowledge and
c. When a guest arrives at the door, stop what you're doing, move towards Hostess, waiters, prepare a table for you?. It shouldn't take more
Ascertain guest needs and anticipate
the guest to greet him/her smiling and using the appropriate verbiage. them. When possible open the door
1 head waiters or than 2 minutes."
Greet the Guest
d. Use the guest's name, if known, and welcome him/her. Supervisor "Welcome back. Mrs …..." Never lean on the counters.
e. Do not ask the guest their room number, or if they are staying in the Never put your hands on the pockets
"Mrs …..., how are you doing tonight?"
hotel. This will be done later. or fold arms.
f. Paperwork regarding the guest is completed after the guest has/have Be alert at all times. Is everyone's responsibility to ensure guests are greeted once they
been escorted to their table. approach the entrance of the restaurant.
a. Ask the guest if a Reservation was made. "Do you have a reservation?"
Double check with the guest all
b. If there is no reservation, check availability and go to step 3 "Under which name the reservation was made?" details regarding the reservation and
c. If a reservation was made, reconfirm all details with the guest and jump Hostess, waiters, Yes Mrs. …., we reserved a table for you,
enquiry about any further wishes
to step 5 by using guest name.
2 Ask for Reservation head waiters or
d. If reserved, guest’s tables will be ready 10 minutes before the appointed
time, and set for the correct number of guests.
Supervisor "A table will be available in 10 minutes, would
Guest might be invited to wait in
lounge or on the coach and
you like to start having a look on the menu in the
e. If there is a delay of several minutes, guests will be given an accurate continuosly updated about table
estimate of waiting time, and a drink will be offered. status

a. All guests are offered a choice of seating preference. Generally the "Would you prefer a smoking or a non-smoking
Tables in the smoking section will be
options will be “smoking or non-smoking” or close to a window or partition. waiters, head table?" "How many are there in your party
Enquiry Table If walk in, ask guest name and room # Madame?"
set with ashtrays and matches.
3 waiters or
preference b. If a guest requests a seating preference that is unavailable, apologize Supervisor "May I have your name and room number for
Keep on mind manning issues
and offer another option. our register book Sir ?"
a. Walk always one step ahead of guest but never turn your back to "Certainly Sir, allow me to escort you to your
him/her. table"
Whenever possible: Do not seat
b. Guests are always escorted only to full-prepared tables. "Please come in" "Please follow me" individual guests next to each other,
c. When escorting the guest(s) to the table, take the shortest route. Be sure do not seat a lady guest next to a
"This way Please" group of men, and give a lady a seat
which table will you assign. waiters, head that allow her to sit with her back to a
Escort Guest to the
4 d. Walk at a speed that is comfortable for the guest. Seat a guest at a waiters or wall.
table table that is appropriate for them. For example, do not seat a guest who "This is your table Mrs……., do you like it ?"
has difficulty walking at a far table. Supervisor
e. While walking inquiry about guest preferences such as; preferred
A guest should have at least one
seating area (by the window or close to buffet), additional guest joining the "What about this table close to the window ? It's
empty table between themselves and
party, first visit or not, etc. Try to get guest's name if you don't have it yet. a bit intime, am sure you will like it !! "
another party, when possible.
Bring always A la Carte menu
(Appropriate Verbiage)

a. Show to guest the assigned table with your hand (palm facing up). Invite
"Allow me to help you with your chair Be natural, keep on smiling. Do not
them to have a sit and help them by pulling out chairs, starting with ladies
Madame/Sir" be noisy when pulling chairs.
and children first. waiters, head
5 Assist with Seating waiters or
b. Assist guest with packages and special requests "Are you comfortable with your table?" Be discreet and natural.

a. Menus will always be presented at the time of seating once we know the
"This is our a la carte Menu Madame"
guest will be having a la carte.
waiters, head Do not present menus that are torn,
6 Present the Menu b. Menus are presented open, from the right side, with the right hand waiters or "Would you like to have a look in our Wine list
dirty or marked. Menus must always
be clean and in perfect condition.
holding them from the top, beginning with the eldest lady and then moving
clockwise around the table.
Supervisor as well?"

a. The server approaches the guest within 2 minutes of seating and

Smile, be warm and natural. Do
acknowledges him/her with eye contact, a warm smile, speaking clearly in "May I start you with an aperitif this evening?"
pleasantries while offering drinks.
a friendly manner and using his name.if known

b. The server will verbally offer a selection of wines by the glass, mineral "We are pouring a Undurraga Chardonnay by Mention some of the brands
waters or beers that are available, as well as any special cocktails offered the glass, or perhaps a special Martini, a beer or available, up sell beers, glass wines
Greet the Guest and that day. waiters, head Campari?" and cocktails.
7 Offer pre-meal waiters or
c. The order will be taken using a Captain Order according to the standard.
Beverages Begin taking the order with a lady, continuing around the table in a supervisors "Would you like to accompany your meal with a
Do it quickly ! Ask the barman for any
bottle of water or house wine ?"
clockwise movement. special request before confirming to
c.When a guest requests water,soft drink, beer, type of drink must be "Any special brand ? We have plaiser de merle, the guest. Make sure you know the
determined. The bottled water, beer, soft drink should be mentioned by Perrier, St. Pellegrino, which one would you 86 items before taking the order
brand name. prefer?" "Sparkling or plain?"
Make sure all postings are correct and the # of guests Is accurate. Do it as soon as
a. Open your check on CNET immediately, by giving all details regarding
8 Open check on CNET the order TO THE CASHIER
possible to avoid any delay on the service at the bar.TAKE YOUR ORDER TO THE
waiters, head
waiters, or
(Appropriate Verbiage)
a. Server will bring on a beverage tray a bread basket and butter prepared
"Good Evening Mr. Mrs." "Would you start with
according to the standards, and the drinks ordered according to the C.O
some freshly baked bread?" Carry only those items you can safely
within 4 minutes of guest seating.
put on your tray. BUT ALWAYS USE
b. Server will offer bread from the basket from the left hand side (when A TRAY. Only wine can be brought
"I will put it right here on the middle!"
Serve drinks and possible) and will place butter dish on the center by hand. If a second trip to the
9 Waitress kitchen is needed to get the bread, do
Bread and Butter c. The server will then serve the beverage according to the modes of so.
services, beginning with a lady, and continue in a clockwise movement "Your Martini Madame, Enjoy it"
around the table.

d. All stemware and glassware must be spotless and are to be served from (There should be a complete listing on the "Beverage Standard of Service" that details
a clean tray. how every drink is prepared and served)

a. Determine if the guests are prepared to order by questioning as per our

"May I answer any questions about our menu?" Be a seller, not an order taker. Upsell
standard verbiage.
b. To take an order, position yourself to the right side of the guest, so that Ensure you know the 86 items
"Would you like me to take your order Miss ….?"
the guest can easily see you. beforehand
c. If there is more than one guest at the table, try to position yourself so Make sure you know all courses
that you will require limited movement around the table when taking the waiters, head "Allow me to recommend our "Catch of the day:
which is ………."
offered on the Menu, so you can
10 Take the Order order. waiters, better sell

d. Be prepared to offer “positive” suggestions. supervisors "Would you care for the carrot soup before your
Salad or would you like them served together?" Whenever taking the order, always
e. Take the order according to the standards kids,ladies,gents repeat the order to ensure everything
is clear, and guest will be served
"Would you prefer to order a second course accordingly
f. Collect and remove the menu from the guest after taking their order.
later on?"

a. after posted in cnet,pass order to kitchen, write and sign special waiters, head
Pass Order to cashier explanation needed and ensuring he/she fully understands the order "chef, this is the order for table 12, make sure
Do it quickly to avoid any delay on the
11 waiters, the sauce is served on the side, not on the top
to post on cnet and no garlic at all, she is allergic !!"
preparation and service of the order.
waiters, head
Pass Order to cashier "chef, this is the order for table 12, make sure
Do it quickly to avoid any delay on the
11 waiters, the sauce is served on the side, not on the top
to post on cnet and no garlic at all, she is allergic !!"
preparation and service of the order.
b. follow up on order supervisors
a. After the order is taken and posted, the table needs to be prepared for Keep always on mind Hygiene
"This will be for your pasta Mrs. ..."
the items ordered. standards
""Excuse me, you wont need that…"
12 Prepare the table Waitress Be discreet, do not interrupt guests.
Minimize visits to the table by
c. When clearing or adding equipment, it is mandatory to use a beverage
tray. Flatware should never be carried in your hands, a tray or lined plate performing several tasks on a single
must always be used trip"

Check the order before pick up to ensure everything matches the C.O. The presentation
e. Make sure you pick-up the food so that it can be served from the right
of plates, temperature and condiments or garnishes must be carefully reviewed
side of the guest, with the right hand, in sequential order around the table.
13 Pick up Food f. The food is to be picked up backwards; meaning that if you want to serve Waitress
Do not ever carry more than 3 plates at once. If you need help with a big table, make
the guests in seat numbers 1, 2 and 3, in that order, you pick-up your food
sure you have it before picking up your plates on the kitchen. Get ready a service cloth
from 3 to 1, so the plate for seat number 1 is to be served first in your right
if plates are too hot.

(Appropriate Verbiage)
a. The person who picks up the food, serves the food within 15 minutes of
"Beef Tenderloin…"
guest ordering, otherwise an apology is given Serve always with your right hand
b. Guest orders will be served exactly as requested, and with no confusion from the guest right hand side.
"Enjoy your meal Gentlemen"
about which items were ordered.

c. We never ask a guest, "Who gets what?" This is why we use a chair
14 Serve the Food numbering system and an order pad. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! Waitress
If two servers are utilized to serve at one table, the proper starting point at the table for
d. Serve a lady first, continuing in a clockwise movement around the table. each server must be established before the food is picked up in the kitchen and brought
Children should be served first, if possible. to the restaurant. This decision is important to ensure smooth service movement.
e. When serving, announce the dish with an one/two word description.
Wish a good meal once all plates served

(Appropriate Verbiage)
a. While guest is eating, be alert to any need they may have. Refill drinks,
change ashtrays, revisit them discreetly every 10 minutes to check the "Would you care for another glass of wine Mrs.
table, inquire levels of contentment, quality of food, etc., and notify your ….?, perhaps a bottle of water?" Write down every single guest
leader of any negative feedbac preference, as we might used them to
wow the guest, and share it with other
b. Anticipate guests needs and wishes and ensure that guests are being team members !
"Allow me to help you with your cigarette
taken care of. E.g: Fold guest napkin on chair arm whenever they left table
Monitor Guest during their meals, etc waiter/ress/ head Madame"
Experience waiter/ supervisor
c. Supervisor must do at least one Quality check on the table throughout
guest meal, by approaching the table, ensuring guest satisfaction, doing Monitoring a table doesn't mean always talking to a guest. It can be done visually by
Public Relations, and recording opportunities and guest preferences. being alert at all times and anticipating guest needs. Visits to the table must be limited
to 2 staff (including supervisor) and not more than 5 times during service. Is
d. Record Guest preferences on a pad and share with your colleagues on
the briefings
a. When guest is finishing a course, server will check with kitchen for next
16 Call Main Away course waiter/ress Make sure you do it with enough time in advance, so no delays on food pick ups.

(Appropriate Verbiage)
a. Ensure the table is ready to be cleared. "May I clear your Plate Mr…..?" Be discreet when clearing

b. Start removing the course plates and used cutlery left on the plate and
"How was your Dinner Madame?" "Did you Avoid letting food debris falling down
try to work clockwise, from the right side of the guest, working with your
enjoy it?" "Is there anything else I might get you from the plates when scraping plates
right hand for removal. The plates are then carried in the left hand. Scrap
at this time?" and being viewed by the guest
plates only if needed.
17 Clear the table Waitress
c. We return to the table with a beverage tray to remove remaining small
items, such as small plates, remaining cutlery, empty glasses and Once Main course is finished, all items will be removed from the table, except for the
condiments. water glass and napkins. Dessert cutlery will be placed on table only after guestoreder
d. Salt and Peppershakers, Bread basket and B&B plates will be taken only dessert. (spoon on the right, fork on the left), food debris will be cleared and
after main course is finished.
Offer Coffee and after a. Once guest is having dessert offer some coffee, after dinner drinks or a
"Would you have some Coffee or tea with your
18 bottle of water. If so, prepare order and serve from the right hand side waiter/ress
dinner drink according to the standards.
dessert?" "Maybe a glass of Cognac?"

Check all your CNET a. Go to CASHIER and check that all postings have been done accordingly double check all the orders for the table, all items are posted properly before preparing
19 waiter/cashier
postings and there is no mistakes on the bill. the bill

a. Upon request, present the bill to the guest from the right side with the Check covers must be clean and in
"This is your check Mr…..."
right hand, within 3 minutes of guest asking.(cash/room/visa) excellent condition

20 Present the Check c. We never: Ask the guest to settle the check, wait at the table to hurry the waiter/ress
guest to make payment, stand next to the guest while he / she reviews the "Excuse me Mr….., would you like separate bills Check must be accurate and neatly
charges, tell the guest you are leaving at this time and you would like to or should I put evrything together?" presented with a working pen.
close out.

a. When the guest has placed their credit card, cash or signed the guest
check to their account, we retrieve the check from the table, (thanking the "Thank you very much Mr….., I will be right back Double check that all postings have
guest) and handle it to the cashier. with your change" (or your slip, if paying with been done and the check is accurate
credit card) and neatly presented.
b. The cashier will then process the payment according to the Guidelines.
Bill to be charged on rooms within 3 minutes.
21 Settle the Check c. All change is returned to the guest in a guest check folder and is never waiter/ress We never talk to the guest about
"Here is your change Madame"
assumed to be a gratuity. gratuities
d. Return the credit card and properly imprinted voucher in a guest check Make sure voucher and invoice are
"Would you kindly sign the voucher Ms Lee?"
folder and with a working pen accurate.
e. Thank the guest. "Thank you very much Mr….." Check folder beforehand

a. To "continue service" means that throughout the time the guest is in the
restaurant, he/she will continue to receive attention from the service staff. waiter/head "Continuing service" happens as long as the guest is in the restaurant, regardless of
22 Continue Service For example, ensure that water glasses are filled, coffee cups are filled, up
what has been ordered, the time of the day, if the check has been settled, if it is the last
on request, items no longer needed are removed
waiter table of guests, if lunch time is finished, if there is a sidework to comple

a. When guests are ready to leave it is important for all employees to Assist guest to pull out their chairs if
assist with chairs and packages, regardless if the party is in your station. "Allow me to assist you with your baggage Sir" needed

23 Assist with Leaving b. Help ladies with coats and bags and then assist the men.
Keep always a positive and proactive
c. If any guest belonging has been stored, retrieve it and assist the guest. "Here is your bag Madame" attitude. Eye contact and smile !

(Appropriate Verbiage)
a. When a guest leaves the restaurant it is important to thank them for
choosing our restaurant. It is just as important to bid them a good day as
"Thank you very much for coming Mr…." The manager will also bid the guest
they leave, as it is to greet them when they enter the restaurant; using
their name if known! farewell, coming from behind the
24 Bid Farewell ALL STAFF desk, smiling and establishing eye
b. If a guest is leaving the table and their server is unavailable, it is the contact.
"Good bye Mrs…., have a wonderful evening
responsibility of the other staff to bid farewell, using the guest's name, if
and see you again"

Reset the table for new arrivals immediately. Make sure all chairs and table Captain and Be ready for your next guest as soon as possible. Make sure you have all you need at
25 Reset Tables are aligned and clean. Clear any food debris from the floor. Maintain
general cleanliness and tidiness of your station. Waitress hand. never leave the dining room and his/her station

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