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PC Woman Unties Knot to Her Past

Adopted mother seeks child she placed for adoption

By Merritt Patterson j.... . ~."

Contributing Writer

Susan Morrison serves count-

less cups of coffee with a warm
smile at Kuby's in Snider Plaza
and puts her tips in a cup
adorned with a photo of herself
taken 52 years ago when she
was 2 and living in Japan. It
serves as a reminder of where
the money goes and why she COURTESY PHOTOS
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continues to wait tables day
after day .
Susan is half Japanese. It took
Susan Morrison poses with her biological mother, Toshiko, during a trip to
Sendai, Japan, SuSan'sbirthplace •.'.
-----~-----------------.-' -.--
a lifetime and a reunion with the possibility of reuniting his
.bride with her biological family
her high school sweetheart to
fully discover her heritage and before they ieft on the trip. He N
come to terms with her past, enlisted the help of a newspa- 0
present, and future. per reporter in Sendai, and
When Susan was 15and liv- when he discovered that Sendai
ing with her adoptive family in was the sister city to Dallas, he
Dallas, she was smitten with a got a little help from then-
local radio DJ, 18-year-old Bob Dallas Mayor' Ron Kirk.
Morrison, Because of the age Ultimately he was able to find
difference, her mother prohib- the one W() the"'wpdd
ited her from seeing Bob. But that could answer every ques-
he didn't give up without a tion Susan had about herself
fight. He circled her home in Susan met her mother,
the radio station's van with a Toshiko, for the first time in a A photo of Susan as a child with her
light up sign that read; "I love hotel room in Sendai and was adoptive parents. "0
you." Despite his efforts, her told that she was conceived as >-
mother won out and eventually the result of an affair with an letters and sends fmancial sup- ~

both youths went on with their American soldier. Her mother port to her Japanese family,She
lives. had written to the biological returned in 2005 for another
At 20, -Susan gave birth to a father letting him know of the joyful reunion. j
baby boy on April 15,1972,but pregnancy but the letters went Susan, knowing that Toshiko (F;
was not prepared to parent and unanswered. Living in poverty, is growing older, hopes that the "i:'
placed him for adoption. She t:r.:l
Toshiko tried her best to care son she placed for adoption 34
went on to marry and divorce for Susan but after two years years ago, who she is unable to o
with occasional thoughts about knew she could no longer locate, will have the opportu- t'"'
Bob and the burdensome ques- endure the hardships. She nity to meet his biological fam-
tion surrounding her biological placed Susan for adoption with ily before it's too late.
family. a loving American family sta- Even if that never happens,
Flash forward. One day in tioned in Japan while the father she has Bob. He gave her the
1996,Bob, also divorced, dialed was serving in the Air Force. past she needed, allows her to
the last number he had for his Susan learned of the agoniz- live and love in the present and
true love: Susan's mother's ing guilt her birth mother lived have hope that one day a certain
home. Miraculously she passed with and was able to put her gentelman will show up asking
the message on to Susan and mind at ease by sharing her own questions. She has a lot of
the two lovers were finally experience ofplacing a baby for answers for him.
reunited. They married in 1997. adoption. Susan eased
They chose to honeymoon in Toshiko's pain by relating to her Merritt Patterson is a
Sendai, Japan, Susan's birth- firsthand. freelance writer who lives
place. Bob began to research Susan frequently exchanges in the Park Cities.

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