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Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

3rd Multi-User Forum Workshop of the CLARA project (H2020)

Hosted by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)

October 3-4, 2019 Venice, Hotel NH Venezia Laguna Palace, Viale Ancona, 2 (Mestre).

Market growth and diffusion strategies of climate forecasts-enabled services;

public-private partnerships for service development and delivery
CLARA (Climate forecast enabled knowledge services) is a Horizon 2020 funded innovation action
set to develop a number of advanced climate services building upon the newly developed
Copernicus Climate Change Services – seasonal forecasts and sectoral information systems. A
portfolio of user co-designed and co-developed climate services will help to improve policy and
decision makings in five priority sectors: disaster risk reduction, water resource management,
agriculture and food (security), renewable energy sources, and public health. To foster the users’
engagement and co-generation of the services, we have established a Multi-User Forum (MUF)
that comprises public bodies and authorities, irrigators’ associations, energy producers, civil
protection, insurance companies, and other financial organisations. The MUF plays a crucial role
in co-designing the innovative application, informing and reviewing the project’s development,
and stimulated collaboration among the end-users, purveyors, and services providers.

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Day 0: 2nd October 2019 (Wednesday)

18:30 - 19:30 Ice breaking

During the afternoon, the following meetings will take place:

- WP3-CS, developers’ meeting (16:00 – 17:30, Room 1)
- Rapporteurs and facilitators meeting (17:30 – 18:30, Room 1)

Day 1: 3rd October 2019 (Thursday)

08:30 – 08:50 Registration

Session 1: Welcome and introduction

chaired by Jaroslav Mysiak, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change

08:50 – 09:00 Welcome address by Jaroslav Mysiak, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on

Climate Change

09:00 – 09:30 Invited talk: Business model innovation

Florian Lüdeke-Freund, ESCP Europe Business School, chair of
corporate sustainability (by videoconference)

09:30 – 10:00 Reflections and expectations

How the previous workshops have shaped the CLARA innovation?
Expectations from the MUF-3
Maria J. Polo, University of Cordoba

Session 2: Market barriers and opportunities

chaired by Francesca Larosa, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change

10:00 – 11:00 What have we learnt from the deployment of CLARA services?
Francesca Larosa, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break and group photo

11:30 – 12:30 Panel discussion: Policy and business model innovation

Featuring 3 providers and 3 members of the MUF

12:30 – 13:00 A conversation with Chris Hewitt (Met Office)

The business case behind climate services: enabling innovation

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch at NH Laguna Palace Hotel

Session 3: Strategies and market prospects for CLARA services

chaired by Francesca Larosa, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change

14:00 – 15:30 Breakout session: Coping with market barriers

Interactive game

15:30 – 16:30 Poster session combined with coffee break

16:30 – 17:30 Launching climate services: a strategic vision

Case study interactive exercise
Silvia Santato, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change

17:30 – 18:15 Wrap-up and discussion

20:00 – 22:00 Social dinner – Casin dei Nobili, Venice historic centre

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Day 2: 4th October 2019 (Friday)

08:30 – 09:15 ISC meeting and PSC meeting (Room 3)

Session 4: Recommendations for European market development for

seasonal and decadal forecast and downstream services
chaired by Helen Ivars Grape, SMHI

09:15 – 10:00 Wrap-up and discussion

10:00 – 10:30 Invited talk: Digitally-enabled Business Models and their essential Metrics
Marco Pavan, Global Project Manager at H-FARM

10:30 – 11:00 CLARA work in progress WP5 (wrap up of the scenario game)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 12:45 Breakout session: Recommendations for European market development

Reporting back and discussion

12:45 – 13:00 Wrapping up and next steps

Jaroslav Mysiak, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change
Maria J. Polo, University of Cordoba
Vittorio Marletto, ARPAE

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch at NH Laguna Palace Hotel

For those who are interested, please notice that the meeting rooms 3 and 4 will be both available
from 14:00 to 16:00 on October 4th, 2019.

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Invited speakers

Florian Ludeke-Freund is a Professor for Corporate Sustainability at ESCP Europe Business School,
Berlin, Germany. He is a research fellow at the Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM),
Leuphana University, and the SustBusy Research Center of ESCP Europe. From 2016 to 2017, he
was a fellow of the Governing Responsible Business Research Environment at Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark. Florian’s research and teaching deal with corporate sustainability
management, sustainable entrepreneurship, sustainable business models, and values-based
innovation. As well as publishing numerous journal articles and book chapters on these topics, he
has co-edited several journal special issues, including an Organization & Environment special issue
on “Business Models for Sustainability”. His publications on sustainable business models are
among the most downloaded and most cited papers. Florian founded as an international research hub with 25 members from
more than 10 countries. Florian is an active member of the Strongly Sustainable Business Model
Group at OCAD University, Toronto, Canada. He has been a visiting researcher at the Universities
of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and Stellenbosch (South Africa).

Marco Pavan is Global Project Manager at H-FARM, the innovation platform that supports the
creation of new business models and the transformation and education of young people and
companies using a digital approach. Graduated in Economics & Management at Ca' Foscari
University, Marco joined H-FARM in 2013 and since then he has gained notable experience in
entrepreneurial & innovation sectors with a particular focus on the startup ecosystem, open
innovation, corporate venturing and digital transformation. He is currently focusing on the
international development of H-FARM by supervising and coordinating the 1st-year launch of the
Barcelona-based Hub, H-FARM BCN.

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
3rd Multi-User Forum Workshop of the CLARA
project (H2020)
Venice, October 02-04, 2019

List of participants from CLARA MUF members

Name Organisation E-mail Country
Aliti Mirsad NGO Environment & Community Development Kosovo
Baruzzi Valeria Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane Italy
Benaglia Chiara Consorzio di bonifica della Romagna Italy
Bermúdez Pita María University of Granada Spain
Dalla Valle Francesco Enel Green Power Italy
Del Jesus Peñil Manuel Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental. Universidad de Cantabria Spain
El Habash Shadi Region Gotland Sweden
Fusto Francesco Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Calabria Italy
Lo Conti Francesco Leithà - Gruppo UnipolSai Italy
Magliulo Yves Meteo France International France
Modebadze Grigol State Security Service Georgia
Montanari Enrico Consorzio di Bonifica della Romagna Italy
Morgillo Antonella Italian National Department of Civil Protection Italy
Nordlander Peter Plain Sweden
Paglione Fabio Burana Land Reclamation Board Italy
Palentini Alessandra Green Dev Italy
Rametta Francesca AIRIS SRL Italy
Roglieri Mauro MR Energy Systems Italy
Ruml Mirjana University of Belgrade Serbia
Semenza Pietro M6 s.r.l. Italy
Tirri Antonio Leithà - Gruppo UnipolSai Italy
Uzielli Marco Georisk Engineering S.r.l. Italy
Vezzani Claudia Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale del Fiume Po Italy

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 The meeting is hosted by the Euro-Mediterranean
research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Center on Climate Change Foundation
3rd Multi-User Forum Workshop of the CLARA
project (H2020)
Venice, October 02-04, 2019

Name Organisation E-mail Country

Wang Hongbin WSP UK UK
Yakut Zehra Universitá degli Studi di Milano Turchia
Zuccaro Giulio University of Naples Italy

List of presenters
Name Organisation E-mail Country
Fiondella Francesco Columbia University USA
Hewitt Chris MET Office UK
Ivars Grape Helen SMHI - Product Manager Hydrology Sweden
Larosa Francesca CMCC Italy
Lüdeke-Freund Florian ESCP Europe Business School Germany
Marletto Vittorio ARPAE Italy
Mysiak Jaroslav CMCC Italy
Pavan Marco H-FARM Italy
Polo Gómez María J. UCO, University of Córdoba Spain
Santato Silvia CMCC Italy

List of participants from partners in CLARA

Name Organisation E-mail Country
Amadio Mattia CMCC Italy
Bagli Stefano GECOsistema Italy
Balboni Matteo Regione Emilia-Romagna Italy

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 The meeting is hosted by the Euro-Mediterranean
research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Center on Climate Change Foundation
3rd Multi-User Forum Workshop of the CLARA
project (H2020)
Venice, October 02-04, 2019

Name Organisation E-mail Country

Barbato Giuliana CMCC Italy
Bianconi Patrizia Regione Emilia-Romagna / ART-ER Italy
Bonora Nico ISPRA Italy
Botarelli Lucio ARPAE Italy
Cantone Carolina SMHI Sweden
Carlon Ottavia CMCC Italy
Contreras Arribas Eva UCO, University of Córdoba Spain
Crochemore Louise SMHI Sweden
Delpiazzo Elisa CMCC Italy
Eberle Monica CMCC Italy
Ercoli Patrizia Regione Emilia-Romagna Italy
Essenfelder Arthur CMCC Italy
Fernández de Ahumada Luis Manuel UCO, University of Córdoba Spain
Gualdi Silvio CMCC Italy
Herrero Javier UCO, University of Córdoba Spain
Ivars Grape Helen SMHI - Product Manager Hydrology Sweden
Ivarsson Pär Apertum Sweden
Larosa Francesca CMCC Italy
Loukos Harilaos TCDF France
Marletto Vittorio ARPAE Italy
Marzi Sepehr CMCC Italy
Materia Stefano CMCC Italy

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 The meeting is hosted by the Euro-Mediterranean
research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Center on Climate Change Foundation
3rd Multi-User Forum Workshop of the CLARA
project (H2020)
Venice, October 02-04, 2019

Name Organisation E-mail Country

Mazzoli Paolo GECOsistema Italy
Moreno García Isabel M. UCO, University of Córdoba Spain
Mysiak Jaroslav CMCC Italy
Niero Elena CMCC Italy
Örtegren Lars Apertum Sweden
Pellizzari Julie CMCC Italy
Polo Gómez María J. UCO, University of Córdoba Spain
Santato Silvia CMCC Italy
Schiavon Emma ISPRA Italy
Staccione Andrea CMCC Italy
Suzzi Francesco CMCC Italy
Taramelli Andrea ISPRA Italy
Tornato Antonella ISPRA Italy
Villani Giulia ARPAE SIMC Italy
Willers Saskia DCMR Netherlands

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 The meeting is hosted by the Euro-Mediterranean
research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Center on Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019




This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Viale Ancona 2, Venice Mestre
30172 - Venice - Italy
Phone number: +39 041 8296111

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

How to reach the venue

The main entrance of the hotel is the one overlooking Viale Ancona road

From Venice and Treviso airports

From Marco Polo Venice Airport

Catch the ATVO bus line “Marco Polo airport – Mestre railway station” and get off at Mestre railway
station. From there, take ACTV bus line n.43 which will stop right in front of the hotel. Timetables for ATVO
bus line are available at this link. Timetables for ACTV bus line n.43 are available here.
The hotel is located at 450m away from the bus stop (approximately).
Duration of the journey: around 35min
Rates and prices for the tickets: around 8€ for a single ticket, around 15€ for a return ticket. From Mestre
station to the hotel, around 1.50€.
Prices are per person, luggage included.

From Canova Treviso Airport

Catch the ATVO bus line “Treviso airport – Mestre railway station – Venice P.le Roma” and get off at Mestre
railway station. From there, take ACTV bus line n.43 which will stop right in front of the hotel. Timetables
for ATVO bus line are available at this link. Timetables for ACTV bus line n.43 are available here.
Duration of the journey: around 1h10min
Rates and prices for the tickets: from Treviso airport to Mestre railway station, around 12€ for a single
ticket, around 22€ for a return ticket. From Mestre station to the hotel, around 1.50€.
Prices are per person, luggage included.

From the railway station / bus terminal

From Venezia-Mestre railway station

The hotel is located at about 800mt from Venezia-Mestre railway station. Take ACTV bus line n. 43 which
stops right in front of the main entrance of the hotel. Timetables for this line are available here.
Duration of the journey: around 10min
Rates and prices for the tickets: around 1.50€.
Prices are per person, luggage included.

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

From Venezia Santa Lucia railway station

Take the train and get off at “Venezia-Mestre railway station”; from there, take ACTV bus line n.43 which
stops right in front of the main entrance of the hotel. Timetables for this line are available at this link.
Duration of the journey: around 8min
Rates and prices for the tickets: around 1.35€.
Prices are per person, luggage included.

From Venice Piazzale Roma bus terminal

Take ACTV bus line n. 43 which stops in front of the main entrance of the hotel. Timetables for this line are
available here.
Duration of the journey: around 15min
Rates and prices for the tickets: around 1.50€.
Prices are per person, luggage included.

By car
The hotel provides all the guests with an indoor parking service onsite. Click here to get directions.
Rates and prices: around 1€ per hour, around 12€ for the whole day.
Please notice that the car parking cannot be booked in advance.

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019


This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
ATVO shuttle bus Marco Polo Venice APT - Mestre STATION - Marco Polo Venice APT
days and
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019


This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

3rd Multi-User Forum Workshop of the CLARA project (H2020)

Hosted by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)

October 3rd, from 8pm


Calle Lotto Dorsoduro 2675
30123 Venice, Italy
Phone: + 39 041.522.4077

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

How to reach the social venue

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019


From Venice Porto Marghera station to Venice S. Lucia station

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

From Venice Mestre station to Venice S. Lucia station

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

From Venice S. Lucia station to Venice Porto Marghera station

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

From Venice S. Lucia station to Venice Mestre station

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019


Instructions and questions

Tables allocations

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Breakout session I – October 3rd

The first breakout session consists of an interactive exercise that builds upon barriers to climate services
marketing collected throughout the project.

Participants are split in three groups, each reflecting a Business Model Pattern. The detailed description of
BM patterns has already been published in D5.1 and is available at

The first group “Service and Performance BM pattern” is presented in Figure 1 with related services.

Figure 1. Service&Performance BM pattern

The second group – Access provision BM pattern is presented in Figure 2 with the associated services

Figure 2. Access provision BM pattern

The third group – Supply Chain BM pattern – is described in Figure 3 with the associated CLARA services

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Figure 3. Supply chain BM pattern

Participants will interactively play with barriers associated with each group. Barriers are presented in Table
1-3 and are distinguished in five categories: Product, Process, Market, Input and Organisation. Shared
and/or overlapping barriers are an option.

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Table 1 | Barriers for Service & Performance BM pattern groups

Barrier / Result-oriented Use-oriented Product-oriented
Type of BM

The service innovation has The innovation is used by groups or The innovation is not
very few possibilities to be firms not compatible with the user’s compatible with existing
modified by the user: poor set of values (Image) technologies (Compatibility)
satisfaction (Amenability)
Dysfunctionalities - Benefits arising from the The use of the innovation

especially at initial stages – innovation’s use are not well disrupts the existing routines
can discourage the uptake communicated (Communicability) (Usage)
(Functional risk)

The innovation is not as valuable as its precursors (Value)

The inclusion of the innovation may harm an established routine on the user side, discouraging the
uptake of the climate service (Usage)

Outsourced activities are Operations to generate and


not delivered on time deliver the service innovation

(Temporal mismatch) are not routinely performed
(Increased costs)

Bigger companies are Price does not reflect the actual use Lack of demand: User requires

taking over the whole (Price mismatch) significant knowledge to

process disrupting appreciate the technological
available market shares innovation (Lack of demand)
Lack of knowledgeable Cost effective technologies may not Technological uncertainty
partners to outsource some be as attractive as cutting-edge (Trust)
activities (Operational ones, forcing the user to shift
risk) towards less innovative and
inefficient inputs (Shift risk)
Initial financial disbursement is

too high to sustainably cover

the commercialisation of the
technology (Financial
Inadequate governmental
subsidies or contributions to
finance the R&D activities
(Inadequacy public support)
Inadequate internal High effort on marketing strategies Unbearable costs for specialised

coordination may shift costs towards unplanned human resources (Lack of

(Coordination) activities (Planning) vision)
Rigid structural values that Unplanned maintenance costs
do not allow outsourced (Unplanning)
activities (Culture)

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Table 2 | Barriers for Access provision BM pattern groups

Barrier / Modification of the value Change of channels to deliver the Revision of the financial
Type of proposition service structure
The service innovation is not The user perceives the needs to The innovation is too expensive,
commercially more viable than incorporate the service innovation or the effort required to learn
the precursor (Value) with too many additional parts (Co- the new features is too high
dependence) (Economic risk)

The innovation is not Difficulties in observing the The use of the innovation
compatible with precursor or innovation at work (Visibility) disrupts the existing routines
consumer’s routine (Usage)

The innovation is too difficult Benefits arising from the

to understand (Complexity) innovation’s use are not well
communicated (Communicability)

Clients acquisition efforts is too Operations to generate and


high; stakeholders’ involvement deliver the service innovation

prescribes significant time and are not routinely performed
money investment (Increased costs)
Targeted users belong to an Incoming competitors from newly Lack of economies of scale

extremely small niche acquired market segments (Economic risk)

(Selectivity) (Competitors)

Lack of access to public funds Obsolete or inadequate in-house Poor investment in R&D and
due to the newly launched resources to absorb the intermediate unintended economic
service features (Operational or source inputs supplied by new repercussions (Short-looking

myopia) stakeholders (Obsolesce) approach)

Lack of adequate competences Uncertainty about outcomes of

to handle the innovation partners’ inputs (Trust)
Unmanageable workload Lack of committed support (Biased Unbearable costs for specialised

(Burnout) commitment) human resources (Lack of

Risk-averse culture preventing Unplanned maintenance costs
the innovation to fly (Risk (Unplanning)

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Table 3 | Barriers for Supply Chain BM pattern groups

Barrier / Type of BM Produce on demand Shorter supply chain

The user actively resists to the innovation,


due to poor understanding of benefits

(Information asymmetries)

Process are not automatized (Poor Steps throughout the process are deleted if

sustainability) considered unnecessary: risk of removing

some crucial and essential components
(Narrow-mind attitude)

Market shocks can seriously damage the Poor scalability, due to narrow local focus

diffusion of consultancy-like climate (Scalability)

innovations (Shocks)

Users requests may lack precision (Blurry Delays along the supply chain may cause
inputs) issues in delivering (Delay)

Costs are unrealistically high for incoming

users (Entry barriers)

Different requests from users have In-depth knowledge of the whole value

different priorities: effectiveness in network and supply chain is required

addressing diverse users’ needs can be (Knowledge)
harmed (Heterogeneity)

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Breakout session II – October 3rd

The second breakout session will consist of a case study adapted from a true story. Tables will be guided
through the successful story of a start-up that is disruptive the US and global market. MUF participants will
listen to the different phases of the business creation (from value proposition design to capital acquisition)
and will be asked to detect the best strategies from business logic.

Details about the case study will be disclosed during the breakout session.

The table that detects the highest number of best business strategies wins.

Breakout session III – October 4th

The aim of the breakout session is to engage participants in drawing, reviewing and proposing policy
measures to support the development of climate services market. Given the geographic and background
heterogeneity of MUF participants, the discussion should touch upon European, national and even local
initiatives that can create and strengthen a coherent policy framework.

Given the existing tension between market dynamics and the provision of climate information, some may
say climate services should be freely accessible and open to everyone.

1. Under what conditions, should climate services be commercialized? What kind of data should be
protected under intellectual property right regimes?
2. How should climate services be priced? Is a value-driven approach more appropriate than a cost-
driven one?1
3. Should be CSs simply incorporated in already existing services market (such as consulting)? What
are the limitations you see in doing this?

In order to deliver actionable information, coherence is essential. Roadmaps and policy frameworks
regulating climate services at global and European level already exists. However:

1. How should the local needs for climate information be aligned to the macro frameworks (such as
the European Framework for CSs)?
2. Is there any need to build a global/European market platform (e.g. CSs LinkedIN) to match demand
and supply and make providers visible beyond their local expertise? If so, how should this look like?

Innovation cannot flourish without a strong and continuous flow of funds. The uptake of climate services
may be slow and might require more than 2 years to actually happen. Different schemes already exist (such
as the Research&Innovation actions), but continuity is not often guaranteed.

1. Can competitive grants schemes be proposed to support already existing projects and guarantee
2. How many years should a funding scheme be created to support the whole CS supply chain (from
design to marketing)? Are two years enough? Based on what criteria should funding schemes be
aligned to CSs market needs?

The price in the first case should align to the value that users assign. The latter assigns to climate services a price
equivalent to the costs associated with the inputs required to produce them.

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Breakout sessions: participants allocation

Table Facilitator Rapporteur Participants

Access Provision 1 (AP1) Arthur Hessenfelder Jaroslav Mysiak Vittorio Marletto
Bianconi Stefano
Materia Stefano
Roglieri Mauro
Schiavon Emma
Uzielli Marco
Yakut Zehra
Willers Saskia
Access Provision 2 (AP2) Sepehr Mazri Paolo Mazzoli Aliti Mirsad
Barbato Giuliana
Cantone Carolina
Del Jesus Penil Manuel
Loukos Harilaos
Magliulo Yves
Nordlander Peter
Polo Gomez Maria J.
Rametta Francesca
Access Provision 3 (AP3) Andrea Staccione Javier Herrero Bagli Stefano
Baruzzi Valeria
Manuel Fernandez de Ahumada
Ivars Grape Helen
Moreno Garcia Isabel M.
Paglione Fabio
Zuccaro Giulio
Service and Performance 1 (SP1) Silvia Santato Eva Contreras Bermundez Pita Maria
Arribas Crochemore Louise
Fabbri Alessandro
Ivarsson Par
Giulia Villani
Modebadze Grigol
Palentini Alessandra
Tirri Antonio
Service and Performance 2 (SP2) Francesca Larosa Antonella Tornato Bonora Nico
Botarelli Lucio
Dalla Valle Francesco
Gualdi Silvio
Ortegren Lars
Ruml Mirjana
Semenza Pietro
Wang Hongbin
Supply Chain Julie Pellizzari Delpiazzo Elisa Amadio Mattia
Balboni Matteo
Benaglia Chiara
El Habash Shadi
Ercoli Patrizia
Fusto Francesco
Morgillo Antonella
Vezzani Claudia

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Breakout session II: Test your strategic thinking with a real case study

Question Options Points

What is Fathom’s value proposition? 1. Develop a data product capable of
improving flood risk assessment and
2. Build a consultancy company that help
translating data into information to
improve flood risk assessment and
3. Reduce flood risk and limit related
damages through data

What is the University for Fathom? 1. A stakeholder

2. A partner
3. A client
What risks is Prof. Bates touching upon in 1. Network and reputation
his narrative? 2. Financials
3. Team diversity
What component of the Business Model 1. Key partners
Canvas is Prof. Bates talking about? 2. Key resources
3. Channels
What competitive advantage did Fathom 1. The experience in writing grants and
exploit at first to break through the the reputation of the team
market? 2. The reputation of the team and the
knowledge of the context
3. The time to develop the prototype and
the experience in writing grants

What is the core point of this passage? 1. A careful cost-benefit analysis is

essential to target opportunities and
build trust
2. A careful cost-benefit analysis is
essential to target opportunities in your
selected market
3. A careful cost-benefit-analysis helps
setting priorities

What is Fathom’s business model pattern 1. Service & Performance

group? 2. Access provision
3. Supply chain


1. Listen and choose the answer you feel correct

2. Assign the correspondent number of points once the speaker tells you the solution
3. Count

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation
Third CLARA Multi-User Forum (MUF) Workshop, Venice, October 03-04, 2019

Please provide the following information:

1. How would you define yourself in this Workshop?

a. Partner
b. Stakeholder
c. User of a service

2. What is your sector of interest?

a. Agriculture
b. Renewable energy
c. Water Management
d. Disaster risk reduction
e. Health
f. Multi-sectoral

3. What is your professional qualification?


4. What is your background?

5. Are you working in:

a. Private sector company

b. Association
c. NGOs
d. Research institution (para-academic)
e. Academia
f. Public sector
g. Municipality and policy making
h. Other (please specify): _______________________________________________

This project has received funding from the European The meeting is hosted by the
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Euro-Mediterranean Center on
programme under the grant agreement No 730482. Climate Change Foundation

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