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Hazardous Area

Explosion and Fire

Oxygen Ignition Source

Combustible Material
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Ignition Sources
 Motor vehicles (particularly gasoline driven
engines, which must be excluded from the work
 Hot work (welding, grinding and chipping).
 Lighters and matches
 Sparks (from electric motors, switches, torches,
cameras etc).
 Static discharge, lightning strikes.
 Heat generated by: chemical reaction (e.g.
pyrophoric Iron burning in air), metal friction.
 Hot surfaces (e.g. furnaces, heat exchangers
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Combustible Material
 All
hydrocarbon liquids and gases
burn in air when brought into
contact with an ignition source.

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 Fireand explosions are not possible

without the presence of Oxygen. As
the air that we breathe contains 21%

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

What Is The Hazard?
 Fire.
 Explosion.
 Serious injury to on-site personnel.
 Serious injury to third parties.
 Significant unit/plant shutdown.
 Major equipment damage.
 Release of a toxic material.
 Release of an environmentally sensitive
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Fire Extinguish Philosophy

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Hazards Management Process
For the individual Design and The Work
Activities the HMP are as follows:
 Identify hazards and potential effects
(hazardous events).
 Evaluate likelihood and severity of
consequences, (risk).
 Record hazards and effects.
 Assess control and recovery measures.
 Compare with objectives and performance
 Establish measures needed to reduce risk to
tolerable levels and demonstrate that no
further cost effective risk reduction measures
can be found. U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Very Likely Unlikely Highly
likely Unlikely


Major injuries MEDIUM MEDIUM


Minor injuries MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW


Negligible injuries MEDIUM MEDIUM LOW LOW

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
How can a safe electrical
installation be produced
in a hazardous zone?

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/CE

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/CE

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The 3 conditions for an explosion

Oxygen present in air

(gas, vapour,
(temperature rise,
mist, dust)
electrical arc)

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What constitutes a site
with an explosion hazard ?

Any site where hazardous

substances are produced,
processed or stored

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Sites with an explosion hazard
Production and processing
of hydrocarbons

• Crude oil (production, refining)

• Gas (gas pipelines, processing and liquefaction)

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Sites with an explosion hazard
Petrochemicals and fertilisers

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

Sites with an explosion hazard
Fine chemicals and alcohols

• Paints, solvents, varnish (manufacture, application)

• Ink (manufacture, printing)
• Pharmacy
• Distillery
• Perfumery
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Sites with an explosion hazard
Sites generating
dusts and fibres

• Food technology industry (grain, flour, sugar, powdered

milk silos, etc.)
• Woodworking and furniture industry
• Chemical industry (sulphur, fertilisers, etc.)
• Metal processing (aluminium dust, etc.)
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Sites with an explosion hazard
Other sites at risk

• Aircraft hangars
• Ammunition and explosives (quarries / pyrotechnics etc. )
• Water and waste processing sites

• Electric power stations

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Sites with an explosion hazard
• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/EC

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

What the hazard is:
 Gas Group (IEC) Class (North America).

Where the hazard is and how likely it is to

 Zone (IEC) Division (North America).

The (auto) Ignition Temperature of the hazard:

 Temperature Class (IEC & North America).

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Europe (IEC System), there are two gas

 Group I : Covering mining.

 Group II : Covering Surface Industry.

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Group I

Is typified by the gas Methane (firedamp).

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Group II: Is sub-divided into
three sub-groups:

 IIA typical gas –Propane.

 IIB typical gas –Ethylene.
 IIC typical gas –Hydrogen

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In North America, there are three
classes defining the hazard:

 Class I Gases and vapors.

 Class II Dusts.
 Class III Fibers.

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Class I: Locations:
 An area where flammable gases or
vapors are or can be present in the
air in quantities sufficient to produce
explosive or ignitable mixtures.

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Some typical Class I locations are:
 Petroleum refineries, and Gasoline storage and
dispensing areas
 Dry cleaning plants where vapors from
cleaning fluids can be present.
 Spray finishing areas.
 Aircraft hangers and fuel servicing areas; and
 Utility gas plants and operations involving
storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas
or natural gas.

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Class II: Locations:
 An area where presence of combustible
dust present a fire or explosion hazard.

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Some typical Class II locations are:

 Grain elevators.
 Flour and feed mills.
 Plants that manufacture, use or store
magnesium or aluminum powders.
 Producers of plastics, medicines and
 Producers of starch or candies.

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Class III: Locations

 An area made hazardous due to the

presence of easily ignitable fibers or
flying, but in which such fibers or flying
are not likely to be in suspension in the
air in quantities sufficient to produce
ignitable mixtures.

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Some typical Class III locations are:

 Textile mills, cotton gins.

 Cotton seed mills, flax processing plants.
 Plants that shape pulverize or cut wood
and create sawdust or flying.

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3 hazardous zones
(IEC standard 79-10 (1995)

The explosive The explosive The explosive

atmosphere is atmosphere atmosphere
continuously is often may accidentally
Present be present
Present Between (10-100hrs/yr) (less than 10 hrs/yrs)
(1000+ hrs/yr) Probability = 0.001-0.1 Probability < 0.001
Probability ≥0.11

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Zone classification
NEC (National Electrical Code)

Until 1995 : 2 zones

- Division 1 : equivalent to zone 0 + zone 1 (IEC)
- Division 2 : equivalent to zone 2 (IEC)

1996 : the NEC recognises IEC classification

- Class 1 zone 0
- Class 1 zone 1
- Class 1 zone 2

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Zone classification
International Comparison
Hazardous NEC U.S. IEC
Materials Standards Standards
Gas or Vapor Class I Division 1 Zone 0
Class I Division 2 Zone 1
Dust Class II Division 1 Zone 10
Class II Division 2 Zone 11
Fibers or Class III Division 1 Zone 10
Flyings Class III Division 2 Zone 11
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
The Technique of Hazardous area
The Basic Design Information Must Be include:
 Flow diagram showing flows, temperatures, and
 Flash point, or boiling ranges, and physical
characteristics of fluids handled.
 Elevations drawing ,showing the position of all
equipments including operational vents, and drains to
 Equipments features and the mode of operation.
 Ventilation Situations.
 Whether the release (s) will be lighter or heavier than
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

Loading intake axis Axis of filler arm in resting position

Tanker loading station

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Zone classification

Zone classification is the responsibility of the

person in charge of the site at risk

Possible support from qualified professionals

- engineering companies
- insurance inspectors
- regulating bodies
- specialised installers

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

Zone classification
• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/EC

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

Selection criteria

The selection of electrical equipment depends

on the hazardous substances present on the site

A hazardous substance can be characterised

by 2 criteria:
- its gas group and subdivision
- its ignition temperature

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment
Selection criteria
Energy source
(electrical arc/spark) Gas Group and subdivision
How can
produce an Temperature
Temperature increase class of the
(hot surface/hot spot) electrical
 DEGREES equipment

of electrical

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment
Gas group and subdivision
2 gas groups :
I = Mines Firedamp
II = Surface industries

3 subdivisions as a function of the minimum

energy required to produce an explosion, and
the force of the explosion
(explosion pressure and
pressure rise time) DANGER

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
The selection of electrical equipment
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
The selection of electrical equipment
Selecting electrical equipment as a function of the
classification of the surrounding gas (or vapour)

Classification Electrical equipment which may be used

of the
surrounding increased safety “e” “flameproof ”


II C II only IIC

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The selection of electrical equipment
Comparison between CENELEC-IEC/NEC

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The selection of electrical equipment

An industrial storage area contains both

acetylene and ethylene.

Which subdivision is required for the electrical

equipment used in this area?

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment

• Answer :
- acetylene IIC
- ethylene IIB

• The most hazardous gas: acetylene

• Electrical equipment must be marked II or IIC

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The selection of electrical equipment
Ignition temperature

Definition :
Temperature at which a substance
spontaneously ignites

A spark or electrical arc is not necessary

The hot surface of an electrical device

may ignite the hazardous gas in the
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
The selection of electrical equipment
Ignition temperature

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment
Temperature class
Electrical safety equipment is divided into 6
temperature classes in accordance with its
maximum surface temperature
Temperature Maximum surface
class temperature
T1 450° C
T2 300° C
T3 200° C
T4 135° C
T5 100° C
T6 85° C

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment
Temperature class
Ignition temperature of Temperature class of the electrical equipment
the gas T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
(°C) (450°) (300°) (200°) (135°) (100°) (85°)

85° < T° < 100°

100° < T° < 135°
135° < T° < 200°
200° < T° < 300°
300° < T° < 450°
450° < T°

Danger : explosion!
Equipment which may be used
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
The selection of electrical equipment

• Both propane and propanal are present on an

industrial site.

• Which temperature class is required for

the electrical equipment installed on this

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment
• Answer :
Propane Propanal
ignition ignition
temperature: 450°C temperature: 205°C

electrical equipment electrical equipment

T2, T3... or T6 T3, T4, T5 or T6

electrical equipment
T3 or T4 or T5 or T6
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
The selection of electrical equipment

• Which classification is required for the

electrical equipment (gas group,
subdivision, temperature class) of an
installation where carbon disulphide is

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment

• Answer
• Carbon disulphide:
- gas group : II
- subdivision : C
- ignition temperature : 90° C

• Marking of the electrical equipment

II C T 6
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
The selection of electrical equipment
Selecting equipment
from the catalogue

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment
Marking of the equipment

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

The selection of electrical equipment
• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/EC

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Manufacturing standards

3 main manufacturing standards throughout the world:



Standards used by American

laboratories (UL/FM)

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

Manufacturing standards
(International Electrotechnical Commission)
Established in 1904
Most countries throughout the world accept
IEC standards
IEC standards 79.0 to 79.9
• design of electrical equipment for
hazardous areas
IEC standards 79.10
• classification of hazardous areas
IEC standards 79.14
• installation rules
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Manufacturing standards
European Commitee for Electrotechnical Standardization

Created in 1978 to harmonise standards

throughout Europe

Starting point: IEC standards

Deals with manufacturing standards

and installation rules

Mandatory standards in the CENELEC

member states
U:ATX Internal : ATX training A
Manufacturing standards
member states
• Austria • Netherlands
• Belgium • Norway
• Denmark • Portugal
• Finland • Spain
• France • Sweden
• Germany • Switzerland
• Greece • U.K.
• Iceland
• Ireland
• Italy
• Luxembourg CENELEC standards compulsory
CENELEC standards accepted

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

Manufacturing standards
A special case:
the U.S.A.
Products must be tested by UL or FM
laboratories according to their own standards,
derived from the NEC (National Electrical Code)

Products must be installed in accordance

with NEC standards

1996: the NEC also recognises IEC

manufacturing standards

U:ATX Internal : ATX training A

Manufacturing standards
Standards throughout the world

NEC compulsory
CENELEC compulsory
several standards permitted
(IEC, CENELEC, etc.)

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Manufacturing standards
Certificates of conformity

In each European country, approved laboratories

provide manufacturers with certificates of
conformity with CENELEC standards
• LCIE France

• EECS United Kingdom

• PTB Germany

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Manufacturing standards
of A.T.X. products
With European standards

With international standards

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Manufacturing standards
• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/EC
The various protection methods
recognised by the IEC
For zone 0 : .ia (intrinsic safety)

For zones 1 and 2 : .ib (intrinsic safety)

.o (oil immersion)
.p (pressurized enclosures)
.q (powder filling)
.m (encapsulation)
.e (increased safety)
.d (flameproof enclosures)

For zone 2 only : .«concept» n

Methods of protection
What are methods of protection ?

Type of protection

methods of designing, manufacturing and testing

electrical equipment for hazardous zones
Aim of the methods of protection

Eliminate one of the 3 conditions for an explosion

Mixture of air/hazardous

of the explosion
(outside the
electrical Spark,
equipment) hot surface

Methods of protection
“d” and “e”

The most common methods of protection in the world

flameproof “d”
increased safety “e”

Methods of protection
Flameproof “d”

Mixture of air/hazardous

Transmission Spark,
of the explosion hot surface
(outside the

Methods of protection
The “d” principle

enclosure resistant to explosions

inside the enclosure:

standard electrical

during an internal explosion:

the flame is
- cooled as it passes through the flamepath
- made inert as it reaches the outside

Methods of protection
The “d” principle
3 types of flameproof joints

IIB / /

flanged joint threaded joint spigot joint

Methods of protection
“d” products

plugs and sockets

junction boxes and 16, 32, 63A
control stations
Methods of protection
“d” products

“d” cylindrical fluorescent

Methods of protection
“d” products

“d” luminaires

Methods of protection
Marking of “d” products

Methods of protection
Increased safety “e”

Mixture of air/hazardous

of the explosion
(outside the
hot surface

Methods of protection
The “e” principle

insulated enclosure,
minimum IP 54

Ex certified electrical
(with electrical connections
that cannot loosen
by themselves)

Methods of protection
“e” products

junction box
Methods of protection
“de” protection

Mainly junction boxes have 100% increased

safety “e”
Sparking equipment often incorporates d

Most products commonly referred to as “e”

combine the 2 types of protection “e+d”

Methods of protection
“de” protection

Mixture of air/hazardous

of the explosion
(outside the
hot surface

Methods of protection
“de” protection

“e” enclosure

“e+d” electrical components:

the contacts make and break
in a flameproof “d” chamber
Methods of protection
“de” products
also called «ed»
“e” enclosure

16A plug and socket flameproof “d” chambers

Methods of protection
“de” products
also called «ed»

Control stations
Methods of protection
“de” products
also called «ed»

fluorescent luminaire

Methods of protection
“de” products

stainless steel “e” (junction box)

cabinet “de” (control station)

Methods of protection
Marking of “de” products

Methods of protection

All methods of protection

offer the same level of safety
when there is risk of explosion

Methods of protection
“d” or “e” - reaching a decision

customer preference
chemical agents in the vicinity
risks of corrosion
ease of installation and maintenance
resistance to impact

Methods of protection
• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/EC

Standard IEC 79-14

In zones 1 and 2,
electrical installations may be realised:
using multicore cables and
Ex certified cable glands
using conductors inside conduits and

Installation rules
Methods of installation
throughout the world
conductors placed inside a
rigid threaded conduit
connection using a seal

wire, braid or steel-tape

armoured cable
connection using an earth
continuity cable gland

unarmoured cable
connection using a cable gland

Installation rules
Multicore cables

Protection against mechanical shocks

• armoured cables
or • cable ducting + installation clamps

Protection against chemical attack

• most industrial cables are suitable

Protection against fire

• minimum: cable which does not propagate flames (C2)
• ideal: cable capable of withstanding fire (CR1)
(for example: MICC)

Installation rules
Multicore cables

Use series U1000 cables (insulated to 1000V)

Limit the current to 85% of the permissible level

• to limit the risk of overheating

Use the appropriate cable gland

Installation rules
Selecting cable inlets

The cable gland must:

- be adapted to the type of thread of the product
on which it is mounted
- be Exe or Exd certified
- have at least the same index of protection
as the product on which it is mounted
- be adapted to the cable diameter and type
- sometimes clamp the cable

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands
The types of thread:
“d” products Conical thread
• NPT (National Pipe Thread)
Ø 1/2’’; 3/4’’; 1’’; 1’’1/4...
• Metric
M 16; M 20; M 25;...
Cylindrical thread

“e” products
. Electrical thread (PG)
9; 11; 13
• Metric

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands

The cable gland must be certified:

• Exe if the enclosure is Exe or Exed
• Exd if the enclosure is Exd

IP of the cable gland > IP of the product

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands
The cable gland must be matched to the cable type

• Cable diameter

• Cable .armoured
or .unarmoured
or .MICC

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands

The cable must be correctly clamped

by means of the cable gland

• internal clamping system

• external clamping system

or by means of an installation clamp

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands

“e” cable gland

• polycarbonate
• IP 67
cable clamp
• for unarmoured cable

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands

“e” plastic cable gland

“ed” 16A 230V socket

unarmoured cable

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands

“ed” rotary switch

armoured cable

“e” cable gland for

an armoured cable

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands
cable clamping

“e” cable gland for an armoured cable

and earth continuity
NB: this type of gland ensures the earth continuity of the armoured cable

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands

“d” cable gland

Installation rules
Selecting cable glands

The connection between the

conduit and the electrical
device is achieved using a

The connector is filled with a

sealing compound (to prevent
an explosion from spreading
through the conduits)


Installation rules
Advantages of an installation with cable
glands compared to a conduit installation

More competitive prices

No need to thread the conduits on site

No generalized seals

Easier maintenance, inspection and extensions

Far fewer problems with corrosion

Installation rules
• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Classification of hazardous areas
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/EC

U:ATX Internal :ATX training D

General points

Also called ATEX 100a

Relates to atmospheres with an explosion hazard
Applies to products sold throughout the European

Introduces a new marking

Applicable since March 1st, 1996

Mandatory from June 30, 2003

U:ATX Internal :ATX training D

European Directive 94/9/E
Example of new marking

CE equipment equipment group equipment nature of the

marking for an explosive
atmosphere { I mining industry
II surface industry
category substance

{ {
1 zone 0 G gas
2 zone 1 D dust
3 zone 2

NB: This marking will be supplemented by the specific marking

of the relevant standards. Example : EEx de II C T6
U:ATX Internal :ATX training D
• Sites with an explosion hazard
• Zone classification
• The selection of electrical equipment
• Manufacturing standards
• Methods of protection
• Installation rules
• European Directive 94/9/EC

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Tests on ATX products

There are 3 types of tests:

Tests carried out in order to obtain certificates of

conformity with CENELEC and IEC standards(type test)
Tests carried out on each product (routine test)
Product development and quality tests

U:ATX Internal :ATX training D

Type tests

Defined by the standards themselves

Must be carried out by a notified body

Example : • “d” and “e” products:

- impact test (resistance to shocks)
- temperature rise (temperature class)
- U.V. resistance test

• “d” products:
- pressure test
- non-transmission test

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Routine test

Compulsory (IEC and CENELEC


Carried out in the factory

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Routine tests
“d” products: hydraulic test (static overpressure )

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Routine tests
“e” products : dielectric test

U:ATX Internal :ATX training D

Product development and
quality tests
Resistance to corrosion
Climatic test
IP test
Photometric test

Electromagnetic compatibility test (EMC)

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Product development and
quality tests
Resistance to corrosion

U:ATX Internal :ATX training D

Product development and
quality tests
Climatic test

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Product development and
quality tests
Index of Protection test

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Product development and
quality tests
Photometric tests

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Product development and
quality tests
Electromagnetic compatibility tests (EMC)

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a constant priority
Conformity with the standards

Each product is tested individually

• hydraulic test (“d”)
• dielectric test (“e”)

ISO 9001 certificate

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A choice between
The various wiring methods
“d” or “e” equipment
Metal or plastic
Pre-assembled or self-assembly products
Standard or customised products

U:ATX Internal :ATX training D

U:ATX Internal :ATX training D

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