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ID: UGR/4011/12


2. a teacher places a gold stars on the chalkboard when the students are quit and
attentive. Eventually, the students start becoming quit and attentive whenever the
teacher approaches the chalkboard. Explain the students’ behavior in terms of classical
conditioning. \

Sine classical condition study things related to associations between naturally

occurring events and conditioned ones, the change on the students can be
correlated to it.

 In phase one the existence of the teacher can be considered as unconditioned

stimulus, in which it was happening for no reason but used to trigger the
students to be quit and attentive. And the silent and attentive behavior of the
students could be unconditioned response, because it was happened

 In phase two, after the correlation was made between the sudden action of the
teacher and responses of the students, there happened conditioned stimulus and
conditioned responses
 conditioned stimulus: the sudden action of teacher by putting a gold ring on
the chalkboard which later became the reason for the silence and due
attention of the students.
 conditioned responses: it is when students silence and attention became to
be affected by the conditioned stimulus together with the previous
unconditioned one.

 In phase three: the correlation between the two actions become strict and,
became inseparable. And the conditioned response starts to happen only with
conditioned stimulus, in that the attention of the students became subject to
whether the teacher approaches the board or not. The students shall not be
quite and attentive unless the teacher does something, approaches to the

3. how might we incorporate principles of observational learning to encourage the acts

of kindness and our society.

Observation is the one and biggest method of learning and acquiring a behavior. Since
the environment we live in together with its habitat is the ultimate determinant of our
mindset, it has a big effect in shaping one’s kindness of selfishness.

As we know there are about four major principles of observational learning. And they all
can be incorporated to encourage the actions of kindness as well as selfishness.

Let us see them and how could we incorporate them with behaviors one by one.

 Attention: since things could not be encoded in mind without due attention,
organisms should have attention towards a model so that it will remain in their
mind and influence them. Thus, if someone looks at somebody kind with
attention, that will create a motive of being kind in the observes mind. This will
be a base for shaping a good mindset. In contrary, for instance f a child saw a film
actor killing others, this will lead him to develop the sense of killing.

 Retention: is the act of remembering what has been witnessed by the observer.
It is an obligatory to remember something if it has to influence our behavior. If
some someone witnessed and able to remember and memorize something
unpleasant and witnessed but could not remember some kindness of a man,
he/she will likely be the victim of that unpleasant circumstance than becoming
kind to other. The vice versa works as well.

 Reproduction: is about mental and physical ability to try and be capable of doing
what we have witnessed and remembered. If we observe some kindness that we
are capable to copy and act in a way, we most likely become kind people soon. If
are exposed to some selfish manners of our wrong models and their behavior is
bearable for us, unfortunately, we might become selfish.

 Motivation: is the most important principle of observational learning. Whatever

the attention we give, the degree we remember things, or our ability to copy it,
without motivation a certain behavior could not be imitated by the observer. In
case our models are motivated for being kind, we probably shall follow their
footstep. In the same history, we witness and understand the punishment to the
guilty people, we may tend not to be tyrant, selfish or wrongdoer.

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