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3, MAYlJUNE 1988

The Generalized Theory of Indirect Vector Control

for AC Machines

Abstract-In recent years, numerous papers on ac machine vector 1 1

i:JTw ,
flux rotor stator
control have been published. It is well known that the instantaneous coordinate coordinate coordinate
torque produced by an ac machine is controllable when vector control is
applied. However, the published papers od vector control deal with
induction machines or synchronous machines, separately. A generalized Vector CCFC

vector control theory is developed to a generalized ac machine such as a %* Control
salient-pole synchronous machine having three kinds of torque, Le., the
field torque, the reluctance torque, and the induction torque. The theory
can be extended to ac machines producing a voluntarily combined torque
among the three. The experimental system consisted of applying the
generalized vector control theory to a non-salient-pole synchronous
machine with damper winding. It was verified experimentally that the CT : Coordinate Transformer
instantaneous torque was controllable, not only in synchronous or CCFC 1 Current-Contro/led Frequency Changer
induction machine operation but also in the transient state transferring PS : Position Sensor
between synchronous machine operation and induction machine opera-
tion without any change of the control circuit. Fig. 1 . Feedforward vector control.


T HE INSTANTANEOUS torque of the ac machine is the

vector product of the interlinkage flux vector and the
I stator

torque component current vector which is orthogonal to the CCFC 1

flux vector. The torque component current vector and flux

component current vector are decomposed from the current
vector of the ac machine and are controlled independently
where the flux component current vector is parallel to the
interlinkage flux vector. If the amplitude of the interlinkage F D : Flux Detector
flux is kept constant, the machine torque is controlled F C : Flux Golculator
instantaneously by the amplitude of the torque component Fig. 2. Feedback vector control.
current vector. Therefore the ac machine controlled by the
vector control scheme is equivalent to a separately excited dc the feedforward control utilizing the machine parameters 181,
machine. Concerning the flux control method, the vector
1131, [161-r191, [221, 1261, 1271.
control is classified into two schemes, as follows. b) Flux-Feedback Vector Control (Direct Vector Con-
a) Flux-Feedforward Vector Control (Indirect Vector trol): Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the flux-feedback
Control): Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the flux- vector control. The amplitude and position of the interlinkage
feedforward vector control. The so-called indirect vector flux vector ?Ilo, 40 are detected or calculated by the flux
control circuit inputs the amplitude of the torque component detector or flux calculator. The magnetizing current reference
current reference vector i f and the amplitude of the interlink- i,* is determined by the direct comparison between the
age flux reference vector 'kt and calculates the current amplitude of the interlinkage flux reference vector 'kt and
reference vector based on the rotor coordinate i;,, utilizing the actual value 'ko. The amplitude of the torque component
machine parameters. The inputs of the coordinate transformer
current reference vector i f and the magnetizing current
are i;) and the rotor position r#+, and the output is the current reference i; are transformed to the current reference vector
reference vector based on the stator coordinate i*. There is no
based on the stator coordinate i* by the coordinate trans-
interlinkage flux feedback loop, but the flux is controlled by
former, using the position of the interlinkage flux vector $0
Paper IPCSD 87-35, approved by the Industrial Drives Committee of the
[11-[41, 161, ~71,191, [io], [121, [141, [201, 1241.
IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1986 Industry Nowadays, the flux-feedforward vector control system is
Applications Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, September 28-October 3. preferred to the flux-feedback type because it requires no flux
Manuscript released for publication August 25, 1987. detector or flux calculator.
The authors are with the Technological University of Nagaoka, 1603-1
Kamitomioka, Nagaoka, Niigata, 940-21, Japan. The instantaneous torque produced by an ac machine is
IEEE Log Number 8719046. controllable. whether the ac machine is an induction machine

0093-9994/88/0500-O470$01.OO O 1988 IEEE


or a synchronous machine [5], [15], [23]. However, no

generalized flux-feedforward vector control that can oper-
ate as both an induction machine and a synchronous machine
without any change of the control circuit has been reported so
far as the authors know. In this paper, a generalized flux-
feedforward vector control scheme is described, regarding a
salient-pole synchronous machine as a generalized ac ma-
Fig. 3 shows a synchronous machine with damper winding,
expressed in d- q axes. The field voltage vector uJ, the Fig. 3. Synchronous machine with damper windings.
armature voltage vector u,, the field current vector 4, the
armature current vector i,, and the damper current vector ik linkage flux which is converted to an equivalent nonsalient-
are expressed, respectively, as follows: pole machine winding having inductance Lax. That is, the
interlinkage flux of the armature winding 4a is equal to the
UJ= [ - UJ 01 ua = [uad u,q] 4' [ - if 01 flux vector produced by the equivalent nonsalient-pole ma-
i k = [ikd ikq]
chine having inductance Lox with the equivalent exciting
ia = [ iad iaq]
current vector io,. Therefore the direction of the equivalent
The voltage-current equation of the nonsalient-pole synchro- exciting current vector io, equals that of the armature
nous machine is given by interlinkage flux vector tpa. The value of the equivalent
inductance Lox can be determined at will. Furthermore, io, is
expressed as
io,= irX+ iaX
+ ikx (4)

and ifx, i,, and ikx show the field, armature, and damper
current vectors converted to the equivalent nonsalient-pole
machine winding, respectively. The subscript x denotes the
where variable corresponding to the equivalent nonsalient-pole ma-
Rf= diag [R, 01 R, = diag [Rod R,,] From (2), the voltage-current equation of the damper circuit
is expressed as

Lj=diag [Lf 01 L,=diag [Lad La,]

Equation (7) is obtained by substituting (4) and (5) in (6) (refer
to Appendix I):

The bold-faced capital letters and small letters denote matrices

and column vectors, respectively. 4f,do,and 4 k are the inter-
linkage flux vectors of the field, armature, and damper
windings, respectively. Note that UJ and 4fvectors have only
d-axis components. The G matrix is an orthogonal matrix . (8)
which is used to rotate a vector 90" counterclockwise (i.e.,
GTG = I ) . From (2), the interlinkage flux vector of the Tko, TkJ, and Tkaare important time constant matrices which
armature winding is determine the transient characteristics of ac machines. Equa-
tion (7) is converted as follows:
4, =MJai,+Laia+ = Loxiox (3)
where iox is an exciting current vector of the armature inter- (9)

Obviously the parentheses on the right side of (9) indicate a

state variable vector of the synchronous machine x. That is,

X = Tkoiox- Tkfifx- Tkuiax.

Substituting (4)-(6) into (lo), the following equation is
Fig. 4. Block diagram of synchronous machine.

The following equation is obtained by substituting (5) and

(14) in (9):
From (1 l ) , the damper interlinkage flux vector is an important
vector that determines the state variable vector of the 1
io, - ifx- -Lu(iaT+ iuF)
synchronous machine. Lox
On the other hand, the instantaneous torque of the synchro-
nous machine r is given as follows:

r = i,TG'$,
- (Lud - Laq)iudiuq
= Mfudifiuq
Let the amplitude reference of the exciting current vector of
+ (Muqkq ikq iud - Mudkd ikd iuq (12) the armature interlinkage flux- and torque-component arma-
where the first term of the right side of (12) is a torque ture current vectors be i$x and respectively. The actual
produced by the field winding (field torque), the second term field current 4 can be detected. Therefore the exciting current
is a reluctance torque, and the third term is a torque produced vector of the armature interlinkage flux io,, the torque
by the damper winding (induction torque). Substituting (3) in component armature current vector iuT,and the flux compo-
(12), the following equation is obtained: nent armature current vector iuFare expressed as

r = Loxi,TGiox. (13) iox= iZXe iuT= iZTCe iaF= iuFe (17)

where 8 is an unit vector that is parallel to the exciting
From (3,(9), and (13), therefore, the block diagram shown in current vector of the armature interlinkage flux io,, and ioT, >
Fig. 4 expresses the synchronous machine with damper 0. From (16) and (17), the state variable vector of the machine
winding, which inputs a field current vector if and an arma- x is given by
ture current vector i, and outputs an instantaneous torque T. It
corresponds to a system in which the field current and the 1
armature currents are fed by the current-controlled converters. X=i&Tkoe- TkfGX-- TkuLu(io*,Ge+iuFe). (18)
THEORY Furthermore, (18) is expressed as follows:
A. Control of Instantaneous Torque
The armature current vector i, can be decomposed into the
components iuTand iuF;here iaTis orthogonal to the exciting
current of the armature interlinkage flux io, and iuFis parallel
to it:

i4= iUT+ i , ~ iZTiOx= 0 i,TFGiox= 0 . (14)

--1 TkudLud i , * ~

TkOq --
Lox TkuqLuq iuF
Substituting (14) in (1 3), the instantaneous torque of the
machine r is expressed as

r = Loxi,TTGiox
= LOxiaTiOx (15)
The state variable vector of the machine x can be calculated by
where iuTand io, are the amplitude of iuTand iox,i.e., iuT= (9) and (18), and the actual field current 4 is detected;
d-, iox = G. Since iuTrelates to the instantaneous therefore the z vector can be considered to be already known.
torque and iaFrelates to the armature interlinkage flux, iuTand The unknown quantities of (19) are the amplitude of the flux-
iuFare called the torque-component armature current vector component armature current iuF in the matrix A and the
and flux-component armature current vector, respectively. direction of the unit vector 8. From (19) and llell = 1 , the

Fig. 5. Control circuit.

following equation is obtained: The solution of (24) is the field current reference which forces
the power factor to be unity.
C. Control Circuit
Fig. 5 shows the block diagram of the control circuit based
where z = [Zd z , ] ~ . The amplitude of the flux component on the above theory. Part I is the instantaneous torque control
armature current iaFis determined by the solution of (21). Note circuit described in Section 111-A. Part I1 is the field current
that (21) may result in plural solutions. From (19), unit vector reference calculation circuit described in Section 111-B.Part 111
8 equals A - l z , and it is determined by the solutions of (21). is the calculation circuit of x and t vectors. It is assumed that
Therefore the exciting current of the armature interlinkage the actual armature current vector is equalized to the reference
flux vector io, having an amplitude of izx, the torque vector by a current-controlled converter.
component armature current vector iaThaving an amplitude of In the control circuit, the saliency of an ac machine is
iZT, and the flux component armature current vector iaFare included in the time constant matrix and inductance matrix. In
determined. The aim of this process is to calculate the the case of induction machines, the control circuit needs only
armature current vector io and output the instantaneous torque part IV, because the field current is always zero and the
7 which is expressed by a product of izx and i&. reference is meaningless. This vector control circuit of
induction machines is based on the interlinkage flux of the
B. Control of Field Current primary winding, as distinct from the conventional vector
The power factor of synchronous machines can be con- control circuit based on the interlinkage flux of the secondary
trolled by the field current. A field current reference 'f* is input winding.
to the field current controller so that the power factor of the In the case of ac machines having no induction torque, the
synchronous machine is unity, Le., iaF = 0. From (19), the time constant matrices are zero matrices because the damper
following equation is obtained: resistance is infinite. However, a similar control circuit is
1 composed by using a relationship io,- QX - iax= 0.
x+- TkfMf,if*=A*O*,if*=['; 0IT (22)
The generalized vector control described in Section 111 is
applicable to an ac machine having a voluntary combination
among the three kinds of torque, i.e., the field torque, the
reluctance torque, and the induction torque. In this section, a
nonsalient-pole machine is described as an example. (There-
fore it is not necessary to consider the reluctance torque.)
The following is the state equation of the nonsalient-pole
synchronous machine with damper winding, where Tkod =
where is the field current reference vector, and the unit Tkoq = Tko Tkad = Tkaq = Tka

vector 8* in this equation is different from 8 in (19). From

iie*ii = 1, iox- ifx- iax= - p ( Tkoiox- Tkfifx- Tkaier). (25)
(adaq+ bdb, i X ) Equations (21) and (24) are changed from ad = aq = a, bd =
b, = b:

z i + Z: + b2iX
= (a - biaF)

Two solutions of and 7 exist. They are


Fig. 6 . w, - iOTcharacteristic.
Under the normal condition, the minus sign in (28) and the
plus sign in (29) are selected, respectively.
A. Analysis of Induction Machine Operation in Steady
At b= 0, the nonsalient-pole synchronous machine with f,,
damper winding produces only the induction torque as the
instantaneous torque and is equivalent to an induction ma-
chine. Putting Lox=La(= Lad= Laq),the equivalent armature
current vector i, equals the actual armature current vector i, ,

and the state equation is expressed as Fig. 7. Steady-state vector diagram.

iox-ia= -p(Tkoiox- Tkoia). (30) Fig. 7 shows a vector diagram in steady states producing a
For simplification, the machine is assumed to operate at steady constant instantaneous torque T = (L~x/La)iaTxiox. When the
states, i.e., iox= const., iaT= const., and iaF= const. Observ- amplitude of the equivalent field current vector kx becomes
ing these vectors from a coordinate which is rotating smaller than the amplitude of the equivalent torque component
counterclockwise with the angular velocity us,(30) is con- armature current vector iaTx,the synchronous machine cannot
verted as follows (refer to Appendix 11): be operated in synchronous speed any longer, and some slip
ioxe- iaTGe- iaFB = - us(TkoioxGe TkaiaTe- TkaiaFGe). In the following, an analysis of the synchronous machine
rotating with some slip will be executed. For simplification,
(31) the synchronous machine is assumed to output a constant
From (3 l), the following equations are obtained: torque by a constant field current in asynchronous condition
(ifx< iaTx).That is
as TkOiOx= iaT+ u s TkaiaF
iox=const. iaTx=const. ifx= const. (35)
iox= i a F - TkaiaT.
Us (32)
From substituting (35) into (25), and the observation from a
The slip angular velocity usand the flux component armature coordinate rotating at the angular velocity us,the following
current iaF, therefore, are given by equation is obtained, where us is an angular velocity with
1 which the io, vector is rotating (Appendix 11):
us=- {(Tko- Tka)iox J(TkO- TkU)2itx-4Tiai&)
2 TiaiaT io@- Qx - iaTxGe+ iaFxe

Fig. 6 shows the uS-iaTcharacteristics calculated by (33).
This is equivalent to the slip-torque curve of an induction The terms parallel and orthogonal to io, are summed up,
machine fed by constant voltage and constant frequency.
B. Analysis of Synchronous Machines in Asynchronous
Operation (Constant Instantaneous Torque Operation) (io,- ioFx+ws~kaiaTx
- T~~-
dt )e
A state equation of the synchronous machine at steady states + (usTkoiox- usTkaiaFx - iaTx)Ge = ifx. (37)
is expressed as
. vx
. - iaTx
lox -
. - iaFx= -p x = 0 (34)
In (37), the first and second terms of the left-side and right-
side term vectors always form a right-angled triangle.
Fig. 8 shows the loci of the flux component armature
current iaFxand the slip frequencyf,( = wJ2 T ) , respectively,
iaTx=-La iaT La i,F.
iaFx=- which are solved by the aforementioned method, based on the
Lox Lox flux component armature current direction. In the first and

0 k lHzld

" =const


Fig. 8. Analytic result.

Fig. 9. Experimental result.


flux c o o r d i n a t e
I d-q coordinate
I armature
I .+.*..+
coordinate a
frequency changer

c u r r e n t - con t r ol led

Fig. 10. System configuration.

fourth quadrants the torque due to the field winding acts in the reference by the coordinate converter. The main circuit of the
positive direction; therefore both iaFxand f, are small. In the current-controlled frequency changer is a neutral point
second and third quadrants the field torque acts in the negative clamped inverter using 12 transistors [ 111. The main circuit of
direction; therefore both iuFxand f, are large so as to produce the current-controlled rectifier is a three-phase thyristor
the large torque due to the damper winding. Fig. 9 is a locus of rectifier using six thyristors. The synchronous machine with
the flux-component armature current vector ioFobtained by the damper winding is a peculiar wound-rotor induction machine
experimental control circuit at the same condition as Fig. 8. having two sets of three-phase stator windings. A set of stator
From the identity of both loci, the propriety of the aforemen- windings is used as damper winding, and the other set of stator
tioned analysis is confirmed. windings is used as field winding. This machine is therefore a
nonsdient-pole synchronous machine with damper winding.
CONFIGURATION RESULTS Table I shows the machine constants.
Fig. 10 shows the configuration of an experimental system. The control circuit in Fig. 10 allows control of the
The control circuit inputs the torque-component armature instantaneous torque and operation at unity power factor.
current reference i&, the exciting current reference of the Furthermore, the instantaneous torque control is possible
armature interlinkage flux i&, and the actual field current if, under induction machine operation (if = 0) and under
and it outputs the d, q axis armature current references izd, asynchronous machine operation (ifx < iuTx).Since the system
ia*, and the field current references ij!, izd, and izq. shown in Fig. 10 does not have a flux feedback loop, this
Furthermore, they are converted to each phase current vector control system is an indirect vector control system. The


Tk,=76.3 ms Tko=19.5 ms

Tkj= 10.2 ms

control circuit can be regarded as a kind of coordinate this paper the generalized indirect vector control is applied to
converter, converting current references from flux coordinate the generalized ac machine, i.e., the salient-pole synchronous
to d-q coordinate. machine with damper winding having field torque, reluctance
Fig. 11 shows the response of the synchronous machine torque, and induction torque. By applying the generalized
operation when the speed reference is changed between k 500 theory to a nonsalient-pole synchronous machine, it is con-
rfmin, when the exciting current reference itx is 10 A, and the firmed experimentally that the instantaneous torque is con-
limited value of the torque component armature current trolled not only at synchronous operation and induction
reference i,*Txis 12 A. At the constant-speed operation in Fig. operation, but also at transient states between the two
11, the armature current is very small; it means that the unity operations, under the same control circuit.
power factor operation is performed. Fig. 12 shows that the
induction machine operation is of the same condition as Fig. APPENDIX
11. The speed responses arc identical. The exciting current is OF (7)
fed by the armature winding as shown in Fig. 12, while in Fig.
Equation (5) gives
11 it is fed by the field winding. In both cases, excellent torque
controllability is obtained. G= Cfbx ia= Cuiax ik= Cik, (38)
Fig. 13 shows the transient response when the field current
is reduced to zero by decreasing the input voltage of the field where
rectifier and retrieved to the original state. The machine varies
Cf=diag [Lox/Mfod01
from synchronous operation to induction operation, and then
returns to synchronous operation. The instantaneous torque is Ca=diag [LOx/Lud LOx/Luql
controlled, even at a transient state varying between synchro-
nous and induction operation, because no speed variation k = diag
c [LOx/Mudkd LOx/Maqkql.
Substitution of (4) and (38) into (6) gives
Rk CkiQx PLk CkiQx
Although the principle of the torque generation of ac
machines was well known, the vector control had been studied = Rk ckifx + P (Lkck - Mfk cf>ifx
on induction machines or synchronous machines separately. In Rk ck iax +P (Lkc!i-Mak c~)iax. (39)


Fig 12 Induction machine operation.


Fig. 13. Transient characteristic.

Since QX consists of the d-axis component only,

TkO = ( R k c k ) - I L k c k

=diag [LkdlRkd Lkq/Rkq] =diag [Tkod Tkoq],

Tkf= ( R k C k ) - I ( L k C k - M f k C / )

= diag [ I k d / R k d 01 = diag [ T k f 01,

Fig. 14.

Tko =( R k C k ) ' (LkCk -M a k c a )

= diag [(LadLkd-M~dkd)/(RkdLad)

' ( L a q Lkq -Mtqkq)/( Rkq 11 TRANSFORMATION

As shown in Fig. 14, let al denote the vector u as viewed
= diag [ TkOd T k O q l
from the d-q coordinate, and let a2 denote the vector a as
which gives (7). In deriving the above equations, the following viewed from the cr-p coordinate, which rotates at an angular
relation is used: velocity w . Then
al=[ad aq]T @=[a, as]T a2=Cwal
MfkdMudkd -
- L k d - lkd
M/ad cw = [cos w t -sin w t
where [kd denotes the leakage inductance of the d-axis damper
winding. The time derivative pa, viewed from the cr-p coordinate is


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R. Krishnan, F. C . Doran, and T. S. Latos, “Identification of Since 1978 he has been a Professor at the Technological University of
thermally safe load cycles for an induction motor position servo,” Nagaoka, Japan He is now interested in the energy conversion and control
IEEE-IAS Ann. Meeting Conf. Rec., 1984, pp. 633-641. systems
K. B. Nordin, D. W. Novotny, and D. S. Zinger, “The influence of Dr. Nabae is a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan He
motor parameter deviations in feedforward field orientation drive received the 1985 JIEE Transactions Paper Award.

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