Charlottes Story

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Four dads, one brother, and one daughter.

Charlotte Scott lives a completely different

life than most families here in America. She has lived most of her life wondering what it would
be like to live with a girl because everyday she's surrounded by boys who are tough, loud, and
have no idea how to take care of a girl the right way. Growing up she has always felt like her
family is normal and that she didn’t think that her life was any different.

“Honestly, it’s really all I could remember my whole life, but I guess i'm always pretty
happy about it.” said Charlotte Scott, “I mean some people are really confused by the concept of
having four parents. It’s basically just more love in the family. I'm pretty happy with it.” Growing
up she had people asking her questions and teasing her about her family. She had a few people
to stand by her side as she went through it.

“I always got teased about having no mom and how it was weird that I had four parents
and the fact that they were all guys and they were gay.” said Scott, “I was always bullied and
they would say “oh your going to be just like them when you grow up. You're going to be an
outcast and you're going to be weird.” It’s like that’s ok, I'm fine with that. Everybody has their
problems so I just let it go.” Even though people tried to make her feel alone, she wasn’t. Before
she moved she had a best friend named who stuck by her side the whole time.

“Before I moved six years ago, I had a really really good friend, and her name was
Apple.” said Scott, “She stuck with me through everything, she always stuck up for me
whenever I felt down. She’s always there. She was my support through it all. Now that I’ve
moved it’s been Lauren helping me with people” Even though Charlotte has moved she has
made more friends than before and has found a new friend like Apple to help her through it the

“She kinda told me just like “Hey I have two dads” because she didn’t want me to be
weirded out by it.” Said Lauren Hummet, “Which I wasn’t, I was perfectly fine. I was supportive
of her family.” Lauren is one of her most supportive friends in her life right now. She helps
Charlotte learn about all of the girl things and is like the missing piece in her life. It’s hard for
Charlotte to be the only girl because she had no mother to teach her the stuff that her fathers

“I have to learn everything myself. I have to learn how to take care of myself on harder
days. If I were to say it was like going out in the wild not having anything and having to learn to
make everything yourself. They don’t know how to speak your language”

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