Pink and White Teen Magazine Cover

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MARCH 8TH 1932

As a single gunshot rings through the air the crowd

of protestors scatter to find cover. Many scatter into
the nearby field and pick up rocks and sticks and
begin to fight back against the police force. Through
all this commotion the workers continue one mile
toward the plant where they are greeted by two fire
engines who begin to spray the crowd with cold
water. The leaders of the march decided to order a
On the cold morning of march 7th, an estimated
retreat when Harry Bennett, the head of Ford
5,000 workers gathered outside Dearborn city
security, drives by with his windows rolled down and
limits to protest their starvation. Workers from the
fires a pistol into the crowd. This escalated the
Ford River Rouge Complex have demanded better
situation and caused the car of Mr, Bennett to be
conditions from the Ford Company to allow them to
attacked by the protestors. In an outrage, Bennett
feed their families. Many people have been
exited his car and proceeded to fire more shots into
struggling since 1929 and these workers are no
the crow.
different. They gathered outside of the city limits in
This horrible massacre took the lives of four young
the morning and started to make their way towards
men, Coleman (also spelled Kalman) Leny, Joe
the plant with permission from mayor, Frank
DiBlasio, Joe York—the 19-year-old district leader of
Murphy. As they reached the city limits, they were
the YCL, and 16-year-old YCL member Joe Bussell.
confronted by Dearborn police who then attempted
These four men will be remembered by their
to stop the march by firing tear gas and attacking
sacrifice they made on the cold morning of March
the protestors.

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