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Course Name CORPORATE SKILLS Prepared Feb-2021

Course Code On
Credit Hours 48
Course Prereq. CAREER MANAGEMENT Revised March-
Code On 2021
Course Type Core Course Elective
Program BBA MBA
Semester Fall 2020
Instructor: Fouzia Awan
Course Description

The course is aimed at equipping learners with skills and expertise needed by employees to deal with real life
challenges at work place. Students will learn to develop clear expectations of the corporate world. The course
focuses on developing mental preparedness for new comers, work environment preparedness for freshers, people
awareness for working population and smart tools for dealing with challenging situations. After attending this
course, learners will be able to map their abilities to current market expectations and excel in corporate work
environment. Through this course, learners will develop skills that offer them the opportunity to engage in SMART
goal setting, practice strategic communication, learn effective leadership styles, learn the art of creativity and out of
box thinking, and master the art of resume writing and interviews. Additionally the course will also equip learners to
create effective networks for personal and professional success, engage in personal branding and fnally learn to
effectively manage their time, increase their productivity, and become an integral part of a team.

Course Learning Outcomes Program Goal

Sr. No PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5

CLO1 To evaluate one’s strengths and interests,   

investigate a variety of career options, explore
an array of professional opportunities, set
S.M.A.R.T goals, learn about the job application
process and refine the skills needed to be
successful in the 21st century workplace
CLO2 Prepare and equip oneself with all essential    
tools required for effective oral and written
business communication
CLO3 Developing effective leadership skills for    
professional success
CLO4 Practice the application of theoretical and  
practical reality of human dynamics of
innovation at individual, group and organization
CLO5 Demonstrate an understanding of Business     
Networking both when applying for job and on
joining an organization as a first job.

CLO6 To explore how to increase chances of career
success through effective networking and
resume writing
CLO7 Demonstrate the art of developing and    
maintaining a successful personal brand
CLO8 Explore and practice advanced technical skills  
useful for organizational processes
CLO9 Explore ways of understanding what rich means  
to each individual and focus on big wins and
setting up money system.
CLO10 Demonstrate and prove understanding of    
Teamwork skills and the ability to adjust and
adapt to teamwork situations.
CLO11 To explore the sources of stress and develop  
effective stress coping strategies
Teaching & Learning Methodology
Teaching and learning goes hand in hand. The best learning occurs when teachers and students both
came prepared to the class ready to deal with the issues that are presented. In this spirit, it is expected
that students will assume the responsibility for their own learning, which includes:

o Regularly attending the class (atleast 75 % attendance is compulsory to take your

final exam).
o Respect & listen to the one who is talking.
o Present their ideas in a clear and articulate way.

The teaching methodology will include:

• Lectures
• Handouts/ reading material/ exercises
• Group discussions.
• Journal and Magazine articles as home reading assignment.
• Case studies and their presentation.
• Class Activities
• Small Scenario Analysis
• Group Project

• Dyer, J., Gregersen, H., and Christensen, C.M. (2011). The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of
Disruptive Innovators. ISBN: 978-1422134818
• Purdie, J. (2012). Life coaching for dummies. Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons
Grading Policy
Assessment Instruments Percentage
Quizzes+ CP 15%
Assignments + project 20%
Mid Term Exam 25%
Final Exam 40%

Activities (Critical Thinking)
Week Contents Discussions Topics, Case Studies, Learning
Roleplays, Movie Clips, Assignments, Objectives
Research Papers, Presentations Addressed
Wk 1: • Course Introduction and group Class Activities:
formation  Ice Breaking; “Who Am I” CLO1
• Draw your future map using Ted Talk • Ted Talk: Draw your Future-(Video1)
points • A Visualization activity “A day in
• How to identify your dream job your dream life” (pg. 158. Life
• Difference between Talent, Coaching for Dummies)
Passion, and Career Assignment-I-Part I
 Road Map to earn your dream • Goal Setting Worksheet (handout)
job  Ending on A High Note (Video 2)

• SMART Goal Setting-I

Wk 2: Powerful Questions for SWOT Class Activities:

• Asking the right questions • Tell me your secret (pg. 103- LCD) CLO1
• Reflective vs Presupposing question • Assets & Liabilties worksheet (pg. 107-
• Listening to the answers LCD)
• Taking Stock of Now • Goal Setting worksheet (pg. 137-LCD)
• Personal Assests and Liabilities
• Beliefs, Values & Motivation Readings:
• Planning Action • Chapter 5: Choosing your beliefs
• SMART goal setting-II • Chapter 6: Discovering the values that
motivate you

Assignment-I Part II
SMART goal setting-II
Wk 3: Impact Communication Lecture: CLO2
• Communicating strategically • Communictaing Strategically
• Communicating at different levels • Oral Communication
• Oral presentations
• Listening & seeking feedback Assignment-II:
• Oral Presentations
Wk 4: Impact Communication Case Study: The team that wasn’t-HBR case
• Communicating CLO2,
electronically(writing effective Readings: CLO10
emails, drafting effective messages, • Making Meetings work- (Self Directed
report writing and memos) Workbook)
• Team work & Effective meetings • The team that wasn’t-HBR case
Wk 5: • Practicing Communciation Class Activities:
• Presentating Assignment-II • Presentation of Assignment-II CLO1,
Delivering Oral presentations on • QUIZ-I CLO10
different scenarios by
incorporating points of strategic
and oral communication
Wk 6: • Leadership Ted Talk: .
• Creating your leadership story • How changing your story can change CLO3
• Understanding your Why, How, & your life
What • How great leaders inspire action
• Introduction to core leadership
capabilities (Visioning, Analyzing, Class Activities:
Relating, Inventing, Enabling) • What is your leadership story
• DISC assessment • Crafting shared leadership
• Negotiation roleplay
Wk 7: Creativity Class Activities:
• Theories of Individual creativity • Practicing brainstorming CLO4
• Difference between creativity and • QUIZ-II
• Main waves of creativity research
• Big C vs Little C
• Sawyer’s model of creative
• Innovator’s DNA(5 discovery
skills & innovator DNA process

 Group Creativity
• Why are groups creative
• Group problem solving techniques
Wk 8: Guest Speaker Session

Wk  Resume Building
10: • Difference between CV and Class activities: CLO6
Resume’ • Peer Review of Resume’
• Key components of an effective • Peer review of Linkedin Profile
• Video resume’
• LinkedIn Profile
Wk  Interviews Class Activities:
11: • Types of interviews Ted Talk: What I learned from 100 days of CLO2,
• Interview structures rejection? CLO6
• How to master the art of Role Play: The class would be divided in
interviewing to three groups. Interviewers, interviewees
• Dress for success and observers.

• “Note on Interviewing”-HBR
• Master the art of interviewing
• Types of Interviews
Wk  Networking Class Activities:
12: • What is networking • Mapping out your habitual footpaths CLO2,
• Importance of networking • Ted Talk: Successful Networking - The CLO5,
• Process of networking Ultimate Guide by Christopher Barrat CLO8
• Use of social media for networking • Ted Talk: The secret to great
• Creating personal pitch and opportunities the person you haven’t met
assessing one’s network yet- Tanya Menon
• Creating an effective networking
strategy Assignment-III: Draft a networking strategy

Wk  Personal Class Activities:

13: Branding • In class activities on assessing and CLO2,
• Why personal branding? building your personal brands CLO7,
• Personal branding & leadership CLO8
• Authenticity
• Establishing your brand’s digital Readings:
home •
Wk  Technical Skills Clasplatform-is-right-for
s Activities:
14: • Advanced MS word & excel • Working on Word and Excel documents CLO2,
• Use of Outlook to incorporate advanced functions CLO8
Wk  How to be rich • Talk: I Will Teach You to Be Rich |
15: Ramit Sethi | Talks at Google CLO9

Wk  Job Stress & Career sustainability Ted Talk: The Gift and Power of Emotional
16: • What is Job Stress? Courage –Susan David CLO11
• Sources & consequences of stress
• Coping, Social Support & Stress

WEEK 17: Final Project Presentations

WEEK 18: Final Exams
• Assignment-I(Part I & II): Goal Setting

• Assignment-II: Oral Presentations

• Assignment –III: Networking Strategy

Identify some contacts within a specific career to contact, and ask questions to learn more about the reality of
the job

• Assignment-IV: Workshop
Students are required to complete any one personal/professional workshop based on their gaps.

No. of Assignment Issue Date Submission Date
Assignment-I Part I Week 1 Week 1
Assignment-I Part II Week 2 Week 2
Assignment-II Week 3 Week 5
Assignment-III Week 12 Week 13

• Article/ Case Study Discussions: Students will be handed HBR case studies and articles. These
case studies will be used as basis for analysis, application and concept interpretation. The activity
will be conducted in the form of class discussions
• Worksheets: Students will be handed worksheets of all relevant theories of career exploring and
• Video and Movie Analysis: Students will be required to review various video clips and a movie
and develop discussion points detailing the major career exploring concepts.
• Situational Analysis: Students will be given short situations in the class to assess and apply
various career concepts.
• Story Board Development: To help students grasp main concepts and narrate them, students will
gain practice in designing storyboards.
Project: Attend one online workshop/seminar/course that provides a certificate upon completion.
Goal: To explore and bridge professional gap
Requirements: Students’ will explore their own professional areas of growth which represent a need in
the “real world”. Students are encouraged to find a free online workshop/seminar/course that addresses
any one area of their professional growth.
• Indicate the professional need identified and the purpose for taking the course.
• Create a presentation of the main learning outcomes of the course/workshop/seminar
• Submit a self assessment feedback for the course.

Course Instructor: Ms. Fouzia Awan

Visiting. Lecturer
Department of Management Sciences

BBA Program Goals

PG1 – Ethical consideration and behavior
PLO 1: Inculcating ethical values and prosocial behavior among students through community support
programs and other related activities.
PLO 2: Ensuring ethical considerations while making effective business decisions.
PG2- Analytical skills
PLO 3: Developing analytical skills by evaluating current and emerging business problems to enhance
critical thinking of students.
PG3 – Communication and interpersonal skills
PLO 4: Enhancing business communication skills for self and professional development through class
room teaching, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
PLO 5: Developing interpersonal skills by preparing students to work in teams in diverse professional
environment to better understand and respect the opinion of others.
PG4- Core business knowledge
PLO 6: Providing core knowledge in the field of management, marketing, finance, human resource,
information technology, statistical analysis, and research.
PLO 7: Imparting industry specific knowledge while bridging the gap between academia and industry.
PG5 – Technological skills
PLO 8: Depict knowledge and problem solving through technology based instructional design.
PLO 9: Instill among students the use of current technology through application of relevant and latest
software across broad business domains.

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