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~ Pergamon

PII: S0306-4522(00)00496-6
Neuroscience Vol. 102, No. 3, pp. 527-540, 2001
© 2001 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0306-4522/01 $20.00+0.00



M. MEG[AS, ZS. EMRI, T. F. FREUND and A. i. GULY,~S*

Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, P.O. Box, H-1450, Hungary

Abstract--The integrative properties of neurons depend strongly on the number, proportions and distribution of excitatory
and inhibitory synaptic inputs they receive. In this study the three-dimensional geometry of dendritic trees and the density of
symmetrical and asymmetrical synapses on different cellular compartments of rat hippocampal CA I area pyramidal cells
was measured to calculate the total number and distribution of excitatory and inhibitory inputs on a single cell.
A single pyramidal cell has -12,000 txm dendrites and receives around 30,000 excitatory and 1700 inhibitory inputs, of
which 40% are concentrated in the perisomatic region and 20% on dendrites in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare. The pre-
and post-synaptic features suggest that CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites are heterogeneous. Strata radiatum and oriens dendrites
are similar and differ from stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites. Proximal apical and basal strata radiatum and oriens
dendrites are spine-free or sparsely spiny. Distal strata radiatum and oriens dendrites (forming 68.5% of the pyramidal cells'
dendritic tree) are densely spiny; their excitatory inputs terminate exclusively on dendritic spines, while inhibitory inputs
target only dendritic shafts. The proportion of inhibitory inputs on distal spiny strata radiatum and oriens dendrites is low
(-3%). In contrast, proximal dendritic segments receive mostly (70 100%) inhibitory inputs. Only inhibitory inputs
innervate the somata (77 103 per cell) and axon initial segments. Dendrites in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare possess
moderate to small amounts of spines. Excitatory synapses on stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites are larger than the
synapses in other layers, are frequently perforated (-40%) and can be located on dendritic shafts. Inhibitory inputs, whose
percentage is relatively high (-14-17%), also terminate on dendritic spines.
Our results indicate that: (i) the highly convergent excitation arriving onto the distal dendrites of pyramidal cells is
primarily controlled by proximally located inhibition; (ii) the organization of excitatory and inhibitory inputs in layers
receiving Schaffer collateral input (radiatulrdoriens) versus perforant path input (lacunosum-moleculare) is significantly
different. © 2001 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: synaptic convergence, dendrite geometry, serial reconstruction, 3D, electron microscopy, database for modeling.

The principal cells of the hippocampal CA1 area, the contrast, controls the generation of dendritic Ca 2+ spikes
pyramidal cells, integrate information arriving from and is associated with synaptic plasticity in dendrites. 2v
several sources. Schaffer collaterals from the CA3 area Although several studies have estimated the total
form synapses on dendrites located in strata radiatum and n u m b e r of inputs converging onto a pyramidal cell by
oriens; input from the entorhinal cortex and different counting spines.,5'23'3°'33 important aspects of pyramidal
subcortical structures (e.g. nucleus reuniens thalami, cell innervation may have gone unnoticed at the light
amygdala) innervate the distal apical dendrites in stratum microscopic level. Measurements of spine density did
lacunosum-moleculare, whereas recurrent collaterals not reveal the detailed organization of excitatory inputs
from CA1 pyramidal cells innervate basal dendrites. 3'36 on different cell domains. The number, distribution and
Several functionally different interneuron populations ratio of inhibitory synapses converging onto pyramidal
control pyramidal cell activity via axon terminals that cells has not been studied either. The arrangement of
target precise domains of the postsynaptic cells. 7'14'17 excitatory and inhibitory inputs relative to each other,
Inhibitory cells terminating in the perisomatic region their ratio and the distribution of the inputs on the
control the generation of Na + spikes and thus the output cells' surface are important parameters influencing inte-
of the neurons. Inhibition in the dendritic region, in grative properties and cellular activity patterns. This
information may shed light on how pyramidal cells trans-
form signals arriving from different sources.
*Corresponding author. Tel: +36-1-2100-819/246; fax: +36-1-313- We recently described the number, ratio and distribu-
E-mail address: (A. I. Guly~is). tion of excitatory and inhibitory inputs on three subsets
Abbreviations: AMPA, c~-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole- of hippocampal interneurons in the CA1 area, j5 and
propionate; BDA, biotinylated dextran amine; CA, comu ammonis; found significant differences as well as c o m m o n prin-
CB, calbindin D28k; CCK, cholecystokinin; CR, calretinin; DAB, ciples in the organization of synaptic inputs among
3Y-diaminobenzidine; PB, phosphate buffer; PV, parvalbumin; these cell populations. Interneurons and principal cells
SLM, stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites; SRO, strata radia-
turn and oriens dendrites; TBS, Tris-buffered saline; VIP, vaso- show rather different average activity levels ~° and
active intestinal polypeptide. firing patterns. ~ Mapping the distribution of terminals
528 M. Megfas et al.

on pyramidal cells provides structural parameters that are Light microscopic sampling
n e c e s s a r y to understand h o w interactions b e t w e e n exci- The BDA injection sites contained large amounts of labeled
tatory and inhibitory inputs c o m b i n e to shape cellular neurons hindering the identification of individual dendrites (Fig.
activity. 1B). Therefore we selected neurons for reconstruction at a
To a n s w e r these questions, the c o m p l e t e dendritic distance from the injection sites, where individually visualized
cells could also be found. We selected only those cells where all
trees o f C A 1 p y r a m i d a l cells in the adult rat h i p p o c a m p u s the dendrites could be clearly followed until their natural end.
w e r e r e c o n s t r u c t e d in 3D at the light m i c r o s c o p i c level, The dendritic segments were classified into different subclasses in
f o l l o w e d by serial electron m i c r o s c o p i c reconstruction o f each layer, based on their order, spine density and distance from
excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs c o n v e r g i n g onto the soma. The division between subclasses was evident due to
the organization principles of pyramidal cell dendrites. Cells
different dendrites, somata and axon initial segments.
(n = 20) were reconstructed from six to 13 sections using camera
The density, distribution and ratio o f inhibitory and exci- lucida. The subclasses of dendrites and their location were
tatory inputs were measured, and the total n u m b e r o f recorded. The 3D structure of the neurons and data on the length
c o n v e r g i n g inputs was calculated. of dendritic subclasses were obtained after the digitalization of
the reconstructed cells using the program ARBOR developed by
S. Pomah~izy and modified by A. I. Guly~s. t5'35

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Sampling for electron microscopy. Four to six segments of

each dendritic subclass were selected, re-embedded and serially
Seven adult (300 g) male Wistar rats (Charles River, Budapest)
sectioned for electron microscopy (samples derive from five
were used in these experiments. The animals were anesthetized
animals, each dendritic subclass was sampled in at least two
with Equithesin (chlornembutal, 0.3 ml per 100g of body
animals, at least two samples per animal). Before and after the
weight). Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA, Molecular Probes;
serial ultrathin sectioning, dendrites were drawn using a camera
10% in phosphate buffer, PB) was injected into the CAI region
lucida to determine the length of the sectioned segment. To mini-
at the following coordinates: Bregma: - 3 . 2 mm; lateral: 2 mm
mize the error in the measurements we cut long series of ultrathin
(left and right); - 2 . 4 m m from pia mater; and Bregma:
sections containing on average 25-/xm-long segments of den-
- 4 . 3 mm; lateral: 3 mm (left and right); - 2 . 4 from pia mater.
drites. The synapses were classified as symmetrical or asym-
The BDA was iontophoretically applied by pulsed positive
metrical from the postsynaptic density and the type of vesicles. L3
current for 5 min, 5 IxA, 7 s on/7 s off via a glass capillary.
Spine densities shown in Table 2 derive from the electron micro-
After two days survival, the animals were anesthetized with
scopic measurements. We noticed differences in the size of
Equithesin (chlornembutal, 0.3 ml per 100 g of body weight) and
synapses in different layers. We made a semi-quantitative
perfused transcardially with 50ml of physiological saline
measurement: in the case of 30 synapses from each dendritic
followed by 300 ml of fixative containing 3% paraformaldehyde,
subclass we counted the number of sections the synapses occu-
1% glutaraldehyde and 15% saturated picric acid in 0.l M PB
pied to gain a distribution of synapse size. To count the number
(pH 7.4). All experiments were approved by the animal care
and types of synapses on somata and axon initial segments, long
committee of the Institute. Every effort was made to minimize
serial sections (300-400 sections, 55 nm thickness) were cut
animal numbers and suffering during the experiments.
from the CA1 pyramidal cell layer. Unlabeled pyramidal cell
The brains were removed from the skull and postfixed (1 h).
bodies (n = 5, from two animals) were completely reconstructed.
Then 60-/xm-thick sections were cut on a Vibratome. The
Axon initial segments of labeled cells with a long straight passage
sections were kept in sequential order to allow serial reconstruc-
were also reconstructed (n = 4, from three animals).
tion of the dendritic arbors. To calculate possible shrinkage
In case of the input density measurements of this paper, stan-
during the experimental procedure, several sections were placed
dard errors are not given, since, due to the rather laborious nature
on a slide and their profiles and cut capillaries were drawn using a
of the sampling, the sample size for individual dendrite
camera lucida. To increase penetration of reagents, sections were
subclasses from each layer was small (three to five segments).
cryoprotected by immersion in 25% sucrose and 10% glycerol in
0.1 M PB for 30 rain, and freeze-thawed three times over liquid
nitrogen. Sections were treated with 1% NaBH4 for 30 min. BDA lmmunogold detection of GABA. The immunostaining proce-
was then visualized by incubation in Elite ABC (1:200, Vector, dure followed those described by Somogyi and Hodgson, 32 with
2 h), and developed using 0.03% DAB (3,3r-diaminobenzidine- small modifications, ~5 using a well-characterized antiserum
4HCI, Sigma) and hydrogen peroxide (0.01%, 5 min). Sections against GABA. 21 The steps were carried out on droplets of
were treated with 1% OsO4 in 0.1 M PB for 40 rain, dehydrated Millipore-filtered solutions in humid Petri dishes, as follows:
and embedded in Durcupan (ACM Fluka). The shrinkage was 2% periodic acid (H5IO6) for l0 min; wash by dipping in several
estimated by checking the change in the size of the sections changes of double-distilled water; 2% sodium metaperiodate
drawn before the immunostaining. (NaIO4) for 10 min; wash as before; three times 2 min in TBS

Fig. 1. CAI pyramidal cells visualized by extracellular BDA injection. After BDA injection in CA1, a tightly packed group of
stained pyramidal ceils was observed at the injection site (long arrow in B). At distances of 1 or 2 ram, some ceils were labeled
retrogradely (short arrow in B) and individual cells could be distinguished and reconstructed completely. (A) Apical dendrite. The
spine density increases from the proximal to the distal part of the dendrite. In the proximal part (P: radiatum/Thick/proximal) no
spines are visible; they start to appear at around 100 ~m from the soma, and increase progressively in number through the middle
segment (m, radiatum/Thick/medial) until they reach the distal third (d, radiatum/Thick/distal) of stratum radiatum where their
density is maximal. Open arrows label subclass boundaries. (C) Thin spiny dendrites (short arrows, radiatum/thin) branch from the
apical dendrite in stratum radiatum. These dendrites are homogeneous in appearance and could be clearly distinguished from labeled
intemeuron dendrites (long arrow). (E) In the stratum oriens, proximal dendrites bore no spines (curved arrow, oriens/proximal).
Spine number increased gradually with the distance from the soma, reaching and maintaining a maximal density (arrows) on the
most distal portions (oriens/distal). Axon initial segments were also labeled (arrowheads). (F) The density of spines decreased
considerably at the stratum radiatum (r, long arrow)/stratum lacunosum-moleculare (lm, short arrow) border. (G) Spines in the
stratum lacunosum-moleculare are larger and less frequent, their number decreases from thick (large arrow, l-m/Thick) to medium
dendrites (short arrow, l-m/medium). (H) The most distal dendrites in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare are very thin and long (l-m/
thin). They bear very few spines (large arrows) and show varicosities (short arrows). Scale bars = 4 ixm (A), 250 ixm (B), 20/xm (D),
10 ~m (C, E-H).
Synaptic convergence onto CA I pyramidal cells 529

(pH 7.4); 30 rain in 1% ovalbumin dissolved in TBS; three times acetate for 30 min; wash in four changes of double-distilled
10 min in TBS containing 1% normal goat serum; l - 2 h in a water; staining with lead citrate; wash in distilled water. Pro-
rabbit anti-GABA antiserum (Code No. 9, diluted 1:1000 in files showing a density of colloidal gold particles at least five
normal goat serum/TBS); two times 10rain TBS; 10rain in times above background level, in two to three adjacent sec-
0.05 M Tris buffer (pH 7.4) containing 1% bovine serum albumin tions, were considered GABA-immunoreactive. Axon terminals
and 0.5% Tween 20; goat anti-rabbit IgG-coated colloidal gold forming asymmetrical synapses (presumed glutamatergic) were
(12 nm, Jackson) for 2 h (diluted 1:20 in the same buffer); two used to establish background density. Replacement of the GABA
times 5 min wash in double-distilled water; saturated uranyl antiserum with normal rabbit serum in the postembedding

Fig. 1.
530 M. Megfas et al.

immunogold reaction resulted in a loss of specific staining; i.e. no the basilar dendritic tree: (i) thick dendrites, close to the
signs of colloidal gold accumulation could be detected over any soma with few or no spines in upper stratum oriens (oriens/
proximal); and beyond that (ii) thinner distal dendrites
densely covered with spines (oriens/distal). The spine
RESULTS density progressively increased from spine free segments
Light microscopy (up to 3 0 - 5 0 ~m from the soma) until the first branch-
point, where they reached their maximum density (Figs
Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) injected into the 1E, 2).
CA1 area labeled a dense group of cells in the center The thick apical trunk of the pyramidal cells emits
of the injection site, as well as cells several hundred many secondary thinner dendrites in stratum radiatum,
micrometers away from the injection site, probably by and upon reaching stratum lacunosum-moleculare bifur-
retrograde transport. These solitary cells (Fig. 1D) cates several times to form thinner branches of different
showed very dense precipitation of DAB so that den- appearance. The bifurcating apical dendrites turn, and
drites could be followed and morphological features run parallel with the hippocampal fissure spanning a
described in detail (Fig. I C). The labeling visualized considerable distance. The diameter (lateral spread) of
the fine dendritic spines and the dendrites could be the apical dendritic tree in stratum lacunosum-moleculare
followed until their natural ends terminated abruptly, is thus often larger (350-750 I~m, 462.4 + 132.5 p~m)
without fading within the sections. We used these soli- than the diameter of the dendritic arbor in stratum oriens
tary cells for the reconstructions. (170-320 txm, 250.5 +-54.5 txm) and stratum radiatum
During the experimental procedures the shrinkage of (200-350 p~m, 255.6 _+ 54.2 Ixm).
the slices was checked. The dimensions of the sections Thick apical dendrites were divided into three
before and after the BDA visualization and embedding subclasses, based on spine density: (i) a proximal seg-
remained the same, so no corrections were applied for ment of approximately 100 I~m with no spines (radiatum/
shrinkage. Note also that for the calculation of the total Thick/proximal); (ii) a medial segment ( - 1 5 0 txm) with
number of synapses, no correction was necessary, since a low spine density (radiatum/Thick/medial); and (iii) a
light and electron microscopic data were obtained from thick distal segment ( - 2 0 0 Ixm) with very high density
the same material. of spines (radiatum/Thick/distal, Figs 1A and 2). Thinner
branches, originating from the apical dendrites in stratum
Dendritic features and types. Although several studies radiatum formed the fourth group (radiatum/thin). These
and databases have quantified the dendritic length of dendrites represented the majority of dendrites in this
CA1 pyramidal cells, 5,23,3°,33 we needed to classify the layer and were similar in appearance to oriens/distal
dendrites and to measure the length of each subclass dendrites.
separately in order to calculate the total synaptic conver- The spine density decreased on thick (bifurcated)
gence. We reconstructed 20 pyramidal cells from the apical dendrites entering stratum lacunosum-moleculare
CAI region of the dorsal hippocampus (the detailed (Fig. IF). Here we distinguished three dendrite sub-
geometry of the cells together with additional data, not classes: (i) the prolongation of the thick apical dendrite
presented in the paper, can be downloaded from: http:// (l-m/Thick, - 1 . 1 i~m) that were covered by fewer but As shown in Figs 1 and larger spines than in stratum radiatum (Fig. 1G, long
2, pyramidal cell dendritic trees are rather heterogeneous. arrow); (ii) after further bifurcations the segments carried
The dendrites were classified into nine subclasses fewer spines of smaller size (1-m/medium, Fig. 1G, short
according to their location, diameter, and the density of arrow); and finally (iii) thin distal dendrites (Fig. I H)
spines on them. Dendritic subclasses and their character- representing the majority of the dendrites in stratum
istic diameters are listed in Fig. 2 and Table 1. lacunosum-moleculare (1-m/thin). These dendrites pos-
Pyramidal cells have a basal dendritic tree consisting sessed very few spines and also showed varicosities
of three to five (3.55 + 0.82) primary dendrites and an and segments without spines.
apical dendritic tree which arises in the form of a thick
apical dendrite ascending until stratum lacunosum-
moleculare and emitting secondary branches in stratum Dendritic lengths. Following the light microscopic
radiatum. Two dendritic subclasses were distinguished in reconstruction, the total dendritic length as well as the

Fig. 2. Dendritic structure of a CA1 pyramidal cell filled with BDA. The drawing illustrates the subclassesof dendrites distinguished
and sampled in the study (illustrated by light micrographs in Fig. 1). Two types of dendrites were classified in stratum oriens.
Proximal basal dendrites carried no spines or were sparsely spinous (oriens/proximal).Spine density increased until the first branch
point (-50 p~m),where the second subclass of dendrites (oriens/distal)began; these carried large numbers of spines throughout their
extent. In stratum radiatum, four subclasses of dendrites were distinguished.The thick apical dendritic trunk was divided into three
segments: a proximal part with no spines (radiatum/thick/proximal),a medial sparsely spiny part (radiatum/Thicldmedial)and a
densely spiny distal part (radiatum/Thick/distal).The fourth type correspondedto the thin side branches (radiatum/thin)arising from
the thick apical dendrite. In stratum lacunosum-moleculare,three subclassesof dendrites were identifiedon the basis of diameter and
spine density: dendrites which were a continuation of the radiatum thick dendrites possessed fewer spines than the radiatum
dendrites, and were relatively thick (1-m/Thick). These dendrites became thinner and sparsely spinous (l-m/medium). In the
more distal apical parts, the dendrites were nearly spine-free, and often became beaded and very thin (l-m/thin). For every dendritic
subclass the density of asymmetrical, symmetrical (left and middle numbers, respectively, number/l ~m) and the proportion of
symmetrical synapses (right number) are shown. Scale bar= 100 ~m.
~,.jjy '~ 1-m/thin
~ 10.4 0i0917%1

/ radiatum
radiatum/thin \ Thick distal
16.9 ~1
3.5 o.15 3% I r

Thick medial
12.3 0+5 18%I

Thick proximal
0.03 1!7 98%I
0.64 0i61 48%

"-j[3.4 0.1 3%1

density of ratio of
excitatory inhibito~ inhibito
input input : input

Fig. 2.
532 M. Megias et aI.

Table 1. Length and proportion of different dendritic subclasses

A 160001
Length (~m) Contribution Dendrite
140004 to total diameter (Ixm)
1ooot .t .T,
I0O0O] • •
Ori/dist 3815 + 1023 33.0% 0.3; 0.25-0.45
600041I I
Ori/prox 382.8 + 129.1 3.3% 0.7; 0.50-0.9
Rad/T/prox 114.2 ± 19.4 1.0% 2.1; 1.8-2.5
Rad/T/med 117.4 + 47.6 1.0% 2.0; 1.6-2.2
Rad/T/dist 311.3 ± 137.5 2.7% 1.2; 1.0-1.5
Rad/t 4095 + 895 35.5% 0.5; 0.45-0.55
L-M/T 283.0 ± 174.8 2.5% 1.1; 0.8-1.2
L-M/M 610.2 ± 216.6 5.3% 0.6; 0.3-0.8
L-M/t 1818 ± 631 15.7% 0.2; 0.15-0.4
Total 11549 - 2010
B Ori
4198 - 1056
4638 + 1022
L-M 2712 + 873 23.5%

3o001 •

497.0 ± 140.9
11052 ± 1992
7350 + 1494
4198 + 1056
T, Thick; M, medium; t, thin dendrites, respectively. The most char-
'E 1000~ m ~ ~ L ~ L ~ acteristic diameter value is followed by the range of diameters
within a dendrite subclass. Rad, stratum radiatum; Ori, stratum
oriens; L-M, stratum lacunosum-moleculare; prox, med, dist repre-
• g g sent proximal, medial and distal parts, respectively.

5D) were associated with asymmetrical synaptic special-

Fig. 3. Dendritic length of CAI pyramidal cells. (A) Total dendritic izations. We found a large difference in synaptic organi-
length, length by layers, by distance from the soma and length of zation between stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites
apical versus basal dendritic tree. (B) Length of each dendritic and the relatively similar strata oriens and radiatum
subclass examined. Note that the majority of dendrites belong to
the densely spiny thin oriens and radiatum dendrites. dendrites (Figs 4, 5). Therefore, the two sets of dendrites
will be described separately.

length of dendrites in each layer were calculated (Fig.

3B, Table 1). The total dendritic length was Strata radiatum and oriens dendrites. In agreement
11.5-+ 2.0 mm and it was distributed unimodally. The with previous studies m the asymmetric synapses termin-
contribution of the strata radiatum and oriens dendrites ated on spines, regardless of the subclass of dendrite
to the total dendritic length was similar (4.63 - 1.0 mm (Figs 4, 9B). Every spine received only one synaptic
and 4.2 + 1.0 mm, respectively), whereas the stratum contact that was always asymmetrical. The morpho-
lacunosum-moleculare dendrites represented approxi- logical heterogeneity of spines was similar to that
mately 2.7 -+ 0.8 mm. Thin dendrites, densely covered reported in previous studies. 5'2° No correlation was
by spines in strata oriens and radiatum, represented more apparent between the dendrite subclasses and the spine
than 60% of the total dendritic length. The contribution size or shape. The size of the synapses also varied (Fig.
of 1-m/thin dendrites is also significant. The apical 4C). By counting the number of sections spanned by a
branches form about two thirds of the total dendritic tree. single synapse we compared the size of asymmetrical
synapses on different dendritic subclasses. Analysis of
30 synapses for each dendritic subclass resulted in simi-
Electron microscopy
lar, unimodal distributions, with extents ranging from
The number and ratio of excitatory and inhibitory two sections (approximately 20%) to six sections
inputs terminating on each subclass of dendrite was (approximately 15%). Synapses most often occupied
calculated from electron microscopic observations of three to four sections (approximately 30%).
serial sections. 'Excitatory' and 'inhibitory' synapses The density of spines and thus the density of asym-
were identified in two ways. In a smaller set of samples, metrical synapses varied among the different dendrite
postembedding G A B A immunostaining was made on subclasses. On oriens/proximal and radiatum/Thick/
serial sections of all subclasses of dendrites. Inhibitory proximal dendrites, there were no asymmetrical contacts.
terminals were identified on the basis of accumulated In contrast, on radiatum/Thick/distal dendrites, the site
immunogold particles. On a larger set of samples the of the highest spine (synapse) density, there were 6.98
symmetrical or asymmetrical nature of the synapses asymmetrical synapses (spine) per micrometer. The oriens/
was identified. The two methods gave similar results. distal and radiatum/thin dendrites were extensively
All symmetrical synaptic contacts were formed by covered by a rather similar density of spines (3.08 and
GABA-positive (Figs 4D, E, 5F, 7E, F) terminals, 3.52 synapses/txm, respectively; Figs 2, 6A and Table 3).
whereas the GABA-negative terminals (Figs 4D, E, Perforated (or partitioned) asymmetrical synapses
Synaptic convergence onto CA1 pyramidal cells 533

Fig. 4. Synaptic inputs on dendrites in strata oriens and radiatum. (A) Thick apical dendrite (radiatum/Thick/distal) located in distal
radiatum. The BDA staining reliably visualized all spines. (B) and (C) Consecutive sections from the field shown by a rectangle in A.
Asymmetrical synapses were always found on spines (curved arrows), whereas symmetrical synapses were located on the shafts
(white arrowhead). Sometimes symmetrical synapses formed another synaptic contact with additional dendrites (double arrowhead).
The asymmetrical synapses showed large differences in size and contacted spines of different types and sizes. The larger spines
spanned five to seven sections (curved arrow on the left), whereas small spines can be seen only in two sections (curved arrow on the
right). (D) and (E) In both strata oriens (D) and radiatum (E), all the terminals tested for GABA immunoreactivity were negative on
spines (curved arrow) and positive on the shafts (arrowhead). Scale bars = I ~xm (A), 0.25 p~m (B-E).

were observed on spines of different dendritic subclasses. asymmetrical synapses. They were most abundant on
Because such structures have been implicated in synaptic spineless proximal dendrites (oriens/proximal and radia-
plasticity,12 we recorded their occurrence. W e found no tum/Thick/proximal), where less asymmetrical synapses
difference in the ratio of perforated synapses on spines of were found. The number of symmetrical synapses per
different dendritic segments in these layers. They micrometer increased towards the soma, i.e. the radia-
appeared to distribute randomly along the different turn/Thick/proximal and oriens/proximal dendrites
spiny dendrites and represented 10.7% of the asym- showed 1.72 and 0.61 symmetrical synapses per micro-
metrical synapses. meter, respectively, whereas the radiatum/thin and
Symmetrical synapses on strata radiatum and oriens oriens/distal showed 0.11 symmetrical synapses per
dendrites were always located on dendritic shafts (Figs micrometer (Table 2). Close to the soma, synapses
4 B - D , 7B, D, 9C). Their density and distribution were nearly exclusively inhibitory (98.1% on radiatum/
c o m p l e m e n t e d the distribution of the spines and thus of Thick/proximal and 48.6% on oriens/proximal dendrites),
534 M. Megfas et al.

Fig. 5. Pyramidal cell dendrites in stratum lacunosum-moleculare. The synaptic organization of stratum lacunosum-moleculare
dendrites differed from dendrites in other layers. (A), (B) Spines originating from dendritic shafts (S) in stratum lacunosum-
moleculare were larger than in strata radiatum and oriens. Presynaptic boutons were also larger (curved arrow) and often formed
perforated synapses (straight arrow). Symmetrical synapses making synaptic contact on spines could also be seen (arrowhead).
These inhibitory terminals frequently contacted other postsynaptic targets (double arrowhead). (C), (D) Medium dendrites (l-m/
medium) possessed few spines (black curved arrow in D) and often received asymmetrical synapses from GABA-negative terminals
onto their shafts (white curved arrow). Asterisks (in D) show GABA-positive profiles. (E) Perforated synapses were observed both
on spines (straight arrow) and dendritic shafts (S, curved arrow). The spine shown was innervated by a terminal that formed
symmetrical synapses on it (arrowhead) and also on a dendritic shaft (double arrowhead). (F) Symmetrical synapses (arrowhead)
in stratum lacunosum-moleculare were formed by GABA-positive terminals. Scale bars = 1 txm (C), 0.25 Ixm (A, B, D-F).

whereas their ratio was only 3 . 3 - 2 . 9 % on the thin spiny on the l-m/medium and l-m/thin dendrites, so in this region
dendrites in strata oriens and radiatum. Symmetrical the density of asymmetrical synapses was higher than spine
synapses were in general larger than asymmetrical density (Fig. 6; Table 2). In general the size of asym-
synapses, and were present in five to 14 sections. metrical synapses was larger than in the strata radiatum
and oriens. Asymmetrical synaptic contacts frequently
S t r a t u m l a c u n o s u m - m o l e c u l a r e . As apical dendrites spanned five to six sections (30%), while small synaptic
entered stratum lacunosum-moleculare, spine density contacts ranging from one to two sections represented only
dropped to 1.72 spines per micrometer. This density was 10-15% of all asymmetrical synapses. On the 1-m/thin
decreased to 0.60 spines per micrometer in 1-m/medium dendritic segments, where spines were infrequently
dendrites, and to 0.37 spines per micrometer in the l-m/ observed, asymmetrical synapses were located on dendritic
thin dendrites (Fig. 1 F - H ; Table 2). In contrast to the strata varicosities. The ratio of asymmetrical synapses showing
radiatum and oriens, asymmetrical synaptic contacts could perforated synaptic junctions was also higher than in strata
also be observed on dendritic shafts (Fig. 5 C - E ) , mainly oriens and radiatum. The perforated synapses were most
Synaptic convergence onto CA1 pyramidal cells 535

those immunopositive for CCK/VIP. The axon terminals

A 8 of the two types of cells can be differentiated in the
electron microscope, because only CCK/VIP terminals
II °GA.A+ contain dense-core vesicles. In our sample, 18% of the
presynaptic terminals contained at least one dense-core
m .GABA vesicle when examined in the serial sections. Although
this might be a minimum estimate for the ratio of CCK/
2 VIP terminals, it suggests that the majority of the somatic
input derives from parvalbumin-containing basket cells.

/ + ,-oOO -,+ -. Axon initial segments. Four axon initial segments were

serially sectioned (36-, 32-, 24- and 50-~xm-long
segments were reconstructed) and received 25, 27, 22
B and 23 synaptic contacts, respectively (Fig. 7G), giving
90%~ 0.68 synapses per micrometer. However, the distribu-
so~ tions were not homogeneous; portions with different
7o~ coverage of synaptic terminals could be observed. One
60%J of the initial segments was followed until the first col-
40%-t lateral branchpoint ( - 5 0 Ixm from the soma), and syn-
aptic contacts were still apparent at this distance. Since
10%J axons were not followed until the beginning of myelina-
'~ 0%: tion, these values may under-estimate the total number of
axo-axonic synapses per pyramidal cell, and therefore
were not included when the total number of synapses
per cell was calculated.
Fig. 6. Density and ratio of excitatory and inhibitory synapses on
different subclasses of dendrite. (A) Density of asymmetrical and Total number of synapses
symmetrical synapses expressed as number per ixm. (B) Ratio of
asymmetrical and symmetrical synapses on different dendritic The total number of synaptic inputs on CA1 pyramidal
subclasses. Note that on dendrites giving the majority of total dendri- cells was calculated from the length of different dendrite
tic length (ori/dist and rad/t) the GABA-negative inputs are much subclasses and the associated values for synapse density.
more frequent than GABA-positive inputs.
We estimate that a typical CAI pyramidal cell receives
32,351 _+ 5486 synaptic contacts on its dendritic tree
abundant on 1-m/Thick (34, 37%) and 1-m/medium (47, (Fig. 8A, Table 3), of which 94.7% are asymmetrical
89%) dendrites. They represented 28.7% of the total asym- and only 5.3% are symmetrical (Fig. 8B, Table 3). The
metrical synapses in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare majority of the excitatory input is concentrated in stratum
(Figs 5A, B, E, 8 and Table 2). radiatum (55.1%, Table 3) and to a smaller extent in
The ratio of symmetrical synapses was higher (15%, oriens (39.1%), because a considerable fraction of the
Figs 6, 8C and Table 2) on all subclasses of stratum total dendritic tree is formed by the densely spiny, thin
lacunosum-moleculare dendrites than in the strata oriens dendrites in these layers (Fig. 3B). The total number of
and radiatum dendrites, excluding the proximal region. spines (30,382 -+ 5214) is less than the total number of
The number of symmetrical synapses decreased with GABA-negative synapses (30,637 _+ 5259) since, in stra-
dendritic thickness from 0.28 _+ 0.19 synapses per micro- tuna lacunosum-moleculare, GABA-negative synapses
meter on 1-m/Thick dendrites to 0.09 -+ 0.06 synapses per terminate on both dendritic shafts and spines. As with
micrometer on 1-m/thin dendrites. Symmetrical synapses the organization of the dendritic tree, a larger part of
were located mainly on shafts (Fig. 5F), but around 10% the synapses is located on the apical dendritic tree
of them contacted spine heads (Fig. 5A, B, D). (60.9%), than on the basal dendritic tree (39.1%). For a
typical pyramidal cell, perforated synapses form only
Somatic input. The number of synapses on the pyra- 10.2% of the total, and the majority of these contacts
midal cell bodies was obtained by serial reconstruction of are on different subclasses of the stratum lacunosum-
complete somata (n = 5). All synaptic inputs converging moleculare dendrites (7.4-48.0%, depending on sub-
onto the somata were symmetrical (Fig. 7A, C) and class; Fig. 9A). Unconventionally located asymmetrical
GABA-positive (Fig. 7E). On average, 91.6_+ 12 syn- synapses on stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendritic
apses per cell body were found. With soma surfaces of shafts (10.7-19.2%) account for only 0.8% of the total
465.4 -+ 50.2 sq. micrometer, the density of synapses is synapses (Fig. 9B).
thus 19.91 synapse/100 sq. micrometer. Synapses were As shown in Fig. 8C, inhibitory synapses are concen-
distributed all over the soma surface without evident trated on the soma and proximal dendrites (40.5% of all
clustering, although areas in close contact with other symmetrical synapses). GABAergic synapses terminat-
somata were not innervated. CA1 pyramidal cells ing on pyramidal cell soma and axon initial segments,
receive somatic inhibitory input from two distinct sets the only inputs to these domains, form 7.2% of all inhi-
of basket cells: l those containing parvalbumin and bitory synapses. Inhibitory inputs predominate (98.1% of
536 M. Meg/as et al.

Fig. 7. The somatic and proximal dendritic region of a CA1 pyramidal cell is shown in (A). Open arrows identify segments enlarged
in B-D. Pyramidal cells received exclusively symmetrical synapses in their perisomatic region; they were found on the soma (C) and
on the proximal apical (B) and basal dendrites (D). All symmetrical synapses studied with postembedding GABA immunostaining
were positive (arrowheads) both on the somata (E) and the proximal apical dendrites (F). (G) The axon initial segments received only
symmetrical synapses (arrowhead). Scale bars = 2.5 Ixm (A), 0.25 Ixm (B-G).

synapses are symmetrical) on the radiatum/Thick/proximal excitatory input arrives onto spiny SRO dendrites.
dendrites, and represent around half of the synapses Here, asymmetrical synapses terminate exclusively on
(48.6%) on oriens/proximal dendrites. These proximal dendritic spines, while symmetrical synapses contact
dendrites, which form only 6.7% of the total dendritic dendritic shafts at much lower density. (4) Spine-free or
tree, carry 33.4% of the total symmetrical synapses sparsely spiny proximal dendritic shafts receive only
converging onto a pyramidal cell. As shown above, the symmetrical synapses, similar to somata and axon initial
ratio of symmetrical synapses on different subclasses segments, thus inhibition is concentrated in the perisomatic
of stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites is higher region. (5) Asymmetrical synapses in stratum lacunosum-
(14.1-17.0%) than on other parts of the dendritic tree. moleculare are larger than in other layers, they are
Another unique feature of symmetrical synapses in stratum frequently perforated and also contact dendritic shafts. In
lacunosum-moleculare is that they sometimes target this layer, symmetrical synapses, whose percentage is rela-
dendritic spines. These contacts form only 0.08% of tively high, also terminate on dendritic spines.
the total synapses (Fig. 9C). Pyramidal cells had a total dendritic length of approxi-
mately 12 mm, consistent with previous results. 2,5,28,31
Earlier estimates of the total synaptic inputs were based
on the observation that nearly all the asymmetrical
The main findings of the present study are: (1) Pyra- synapses terminate on spines of hippocampal pyramidal
midal cell dendrites are heterogeneous in diameter, spine cells, j9 Therefore, excitatory inputs have been largely
density and in the number of asymmetrical and sym- quantified from light microscopic measurements of
metrical synaptic inputs. Strata radiatum and oriens spine density. This method may underestimate the
dendrites (SRO) are similar to each other both at the number of spines, since smaller spines, and those located
light and electron microscopic levels and are different under and above the dendritic shaft, may not be detected
from stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites (SLM) in the light microscope. This might explain the reported
with respect to dendritic shaft diameter, branching lower spine density values (0.7-1.9 spines per micro-
pattern and spine density. (2) The ratio of symmetrical meter; see Refs 2, 4) compared to the present measure-
versus asymmetrical synapses on different parts of the ments at the electron microscopic level (3.0-3.5 spines
CA1 pyramidal dendritic tree is highly variable but per micrometer on spiny SRO dendrites). Our calculations
consistent with dendrite type. (3) The majority of the gave a density similar to that reported by Bannister and
Synaptic convergence onto CA I pyramidal cells 537



,,< --: c~ :5

~D ¢).

~ _ ~ ~
c ~

~ d - ~ - ~
m +~ +~ +~ +~ +~ +~ +~ +~ +~ +~ +1 +1 +1

& 4-1 +1 +1 +1
Y. m Z


,o dd d~dd~d +1 +1 +1 +1

e [-
+ ~ c~CD

-a +l +1 +l +1 +l +[ +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +1 +1


,q.~. o.
+1 +l +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +i +1 +1 +1 +1 +1


~C~ ,
+1 +i +1 H +1 +l +i +1 +1 +i +1 H +l '-1
g ~1 ~-P'-


e"h ,,~-
H +1 +1 H +l +1 +1 +1 +l +1 -H ÷l +1 O

t~,l P- ("q ~


~o~,,'.~ '~-
538 M. Megias et al.

A A 60- perforated
40000 ==total s y n a p s o s
30000 FI s p i n e s
25000 30
20000 20
0 , ~ , , ~-'~--~1 ,

B ~~ o ,
÷ ~25 ] GABA- on shaft on spine

o, . . . . - 0,m,, ,, m

2 Fig. 9. Ratio of special types of synapses on subclasses of dendrites.

C100% (A) Proportion of perforated synapses. (B) GABA-negativeterminals
90%j ............ on dendritic shaft. (C) GABA-positive terminals on spines. Note the
large difference between stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites
70% ii!~,~iiiil 'i~::' and the rest of the dendritic tree.

distinct synaptic organization is associated with different

subtypes of pyramidal cell dendrites. This suggest that, in
ili;iii;iiiiii functional terms, the dendritic tree of pyramidal cells
10%' ~ii,i~i......
l iiii+ii,!ii;ii!: ii;iii~!i should be divided into SRO dendrites and SLM dendrites
rather than into basal and apical trees. The distinct char-
acteristics suggest that integration of synaptic inputs
arriving from the CA3 area via the Schaffer collaterals
Fig. 8. Total number of different types of synapses converging onto a in SRO differs from those arriving from entorhinal cortex
CA1 pyramidal cell. (A) Number of synapses and spines in different and different subcortical structures (e.g. nucleus reuniens
layers. (B) Ratio of GABA-negative and GABA-positiveterminals in
each layer. (C) Distribution of synapse types among different domains thalami, amygdala) onto SLM dendrites.3
of a pyramidal cell. Note that, while a significant portion of the A strong current sink has been shown in SLM 25
GABA-positive terminals is concentrated on the soma and on the following perforant path stimulation and during theta
proximal dendrites, excitatory synapses are devoid in these areas. activity, 6 suggesting that entorhinal input is powerful in
spite of its distal location. This is supported by the
Larkman, 5 with correction for hidden spines. Spine present morphological data showing larger asymmetrical
density measurements may also underestimate total synapses in SLM, and a horizontal trajectory of dendrites
asymmetrical synaptic input because, as we also showed, in this layer allowing multiple contacts from similarly-
some of them arrive onto shafts of SLM dendrites. Inhi- oriented entorhinal fibers. It should also be noted that
bitory synapses were quantified only in the present study. larger synapses are associated with more A M P A recep-
Besides the glutamatergic and GABAergic local and tors, 29 and that perforated (partitioned) synapses (having
extrinsic axons, axons of different transmitter content a high incidence in this layer) are associated with more
ascend from subcortical areas into the hippocampus. effective synaptic transmission following long-term
However, the axon terminals of subcortical projections potentiation. ~2 The arrangement of the inhibitory inputs
using monoamines or acetylcholine 34 only occasionally nicely matches the distribution of excitatory inputs. The
form classical synaptic specializations, and therefore stronger excitation is coupled with an elevated inhibitory
their contribution to the total synaptic input of pyramidal synapse ratio, providing a strict inhibitory control in
cells is minimal. SLM. That might reflect the requirement of a more
precise transmission of information from diverse after-
ents representing the sensory environment (thalamus,
Differences in inputs between strata radiatum/oriens entorhinal cortex, and amygdala) for the formation of
versus stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites receptive fields (place cells). 24
Our light and electron microscopic data show that In addition to differences in synaptic inputs to SLM
Synaptic convergence onto CA1 pyramidal cells 539

and SRO, we also observed a variation in the size of inputs, pyramidal cell somata receive only inhibitory
asymmetrical synapses contacting distinct dendritic input, s The innervation of the axon initial segment is
subclasses. Rather small synapses spanning only two also different. Interneurons receive only a few (7-10)
consecutive sections formed one fifth of the synaptic axo-axonic synapses onto the first few micrometers of
inputs on SRO dendrites. Similar proportions of small their axon initial segment, while the examined pyramidal
synapses were supposed to be 'silent' synapses 22 in the cells received over 25 inhibitory terminals distributed
Schaffer-collateral/CA1 pyramidal cell input system by along the sampled length (up to 50 txm) of the axon
demonstrating that they lack AMPA receptors. 2~ This initial segment. These features may at least partly explain
may suggests that around one fifth of the excitatory that, despite the large number of converging excitatory
synapses converging onto a pyramidal cell from the inputs, the average activity level in pyramidal cells is
Schaffer-collateral system may be 'silent'. significantly lower than in interneurons. 9
We detected differences in synaptic inputs to distinct
h~hibitory input is concentrated in the perisomatic region types of interneurons. CB and CR cells received rela-
tively fewer inputs (3800 and 2200, respectively) with
The thick proximal dendrites represent the gateway tbr
a high ratio of inhibitory inputs (32 and 23%, respec-
synaptic potentials to reach the soma. Very few, if any,
tively). In contrast, PV cells were contacted by a higher
excitatory synapses are found on these dendrites, and the
number of terminals (16,300) and the ratio of inhibitory
density of inhibitory contacts is the highest here. The
inputs was rather low (6.4%). Thus, from the three inter-
arrangement of synaptic inputs on these dendrites thus
neuron subclasses, PV cells share the most common
resembles that on the somata and axon initial segments,
features with pyramidal cells: the density of excitatory
which receive exclusively inhibitory inputs. Thus, the
synapses is comparably high and the ratio of inhibitory
thick, proximal apical dendrite is essentially equivalent
synapses is comparably low on the dendrites of the two
to the cell body in terms of synaptic organization. Conse-
cell populations. Another important similarity is that the
quently, a large part of the cell's inhibitory terminals
ratio of inhibitory inputs is higher on the SLM dendrites
converges onto the perisomatic region (40%, Fig. 8C).
of both cell types, suggesting that their input from the
This suggests that as dendritic inhibition is sparse, the
entorhinal cortex and other subcortical structures is under
perisomatically clustered inhibition--which controls the
a strong inhibitory control. Since these cells receive
output of the neurons27--does not perform a selective
inputs from similar sources, the excitatory and inhibitory
control over individual dendritic excitatory synaptic
innervation of PV cells and pyramidal cells is rather
events, but rather exercises a non-selective veto function.
There is, however, specificity associated with different
In conclusion, the present quantitative analysis
dendritic inhibitory cells. Their axons terminate in speci-
demonstrated a very high convergence of excitatory
fic layers and thus they control different sets of input
inputs onto CA1 area pyramidal cells. Excitatory inputs,
pathways. 7'16-1~ However, as shown by Miles et al., 26
terminating primarily on distal spiny dendrites, are
the sparse dendritic inhibition can only be effective if
balanced by inhibitory inputs that are largely concen-
large populations of dendritic inhibitory cells are
trated in the perisomatic region. This separation of exci-
synchronously activated.
tatory and inhibitory inputs suggests that dendritic
excitatory events are vetoed by the potent perisomatic
Comparison of interneurons and pyramidal cells inhibition, in'espective of their origin. The relatively
In a recent paper, ~ we described the organization of high ratio of inhibitory terminals in SLM suggests that
synaptic inputs on three different types of CA1 area inter- entorhinal cortical input is under a stronger inhibitory
neurons (parvalbumin-, PV, calbindin D28k-, CB, and control than Schaffer collateral input. The similarity in
calretinin-, CR, containing cells) in much the same way the synaptic inputs of pyramidal cells and PV-containing
as in this study. There are clear differences and simi- interneurons--including basket and axo-axonic cells--
larities in the organization of the inputs compared to suggests that the dynamics of perisomatic inhibition
pyramidal cells. controlling the pyramidal cell's output are closely
The differences are that pyramidal cells receive several coupled to the activation of the pyramidal cell itself.
times more (two to 10 times) synaptic inputs (-32,000)
than interneurons (--3000-16,000, consistent with the
fact that their total dendritic length is longer than for Acknowledgements--We are grateful to Drs L. Acsfidy, K. Kaila
interneurons), and the ratio of inhibitory terminals on and R. Miles for helpful discussions and comments on the
them is lower ( - 3 % for pyramidal cells, - 4 - 3 0 % for manuscript, and to Mrs E. Bor6k, Mr G. Goda and Mrs E.
interneurons). An important feature shared with inter- Oswald for excellent technical assistance. This work was
neurons is that the inhibitory terminals are concentrated supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; the
McDonnell Foundation; NIH (MH 54671); FPI grants,
in the perisomatic region. However, whereas inhibitory Ministerio de Educi6n y Ciencia, Spain; and OTKA (Hungarian
cells receive both excitatory and inhibitory somatic Scientific Research Found, T23261), Hungary.


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(Accepted 18 October 2000)

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