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"Feathertop" is a 

short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, first published in 1852.

Plot summary

In seventeenth century New England, the witch Mother Rigby builds a scarecrow to protect her garden. She is so taken with her own handiwork that
she whimsically decides to bring the scarecrowto life and send it into town to woo Polly Gookin, the daughter of Judge Gookin, toward whom Mother
Rigby bears an unspecified grudge. Once the stuffed man does come alive, Mother Rigby gives him the appearance of a normal human being - and
a pipe, on which the Scarecrow must puff to keep himself alive.

Judge Gookin meets the Scarecrow, whom Mother Rigby has named Feathertop. Feathertop is introduced to Polly, and the two begin to fall in love.
But when Polly and Feathertop gaze into a bewitched mirror, they see Feathertop reflected as a scarecrow, not as a man. Polly faints, and the now-
terrified and anguished Scarecrow rushes back to Mother Rigby, where, knowing himself utterly rejected by Polly, he deliberately breaks his pipe and
collapses in a lifeless heap. Mother Rigby reflects, "There are thousands upon thousands of coxcombs and charlatans in the world, made up of just
such a jumble of wornout, forgotten, and good-for-nothing trash as he was! Yet they live in fair repute, and never see themselves for what they
are," and decides that her "son" is better off as merely a scarecrow.

Feathertop ( part one)[BR] This play was originally written as a short story by the American short story teller Nathaniel Hawthorn. I rewrote it
as a play to be performed by ENCG students of Agadir. It was performed and registered by a group of ENCG students[BR] Act
one[BR]Scene one[BR]( The warm days of Spring have at last come. There is new life again in the earth. Green corn plants begin to show.
They push through the soil and are now seen above the ground)[BR]Old mother Rigby: ( jumps out of bed. The wrists of her watch point six
in the morning): I must stop these bloody birds from eating my corn. ( She waddles across the plantation). Thanks to this ( pointing at her
broomstick), I can be lord on my land. This ( pointing at her broomstick again), will distract them from their goal. It will get them trapped up to
their necks in mudd

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