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Introduction a 5 A have you had

2 a 3 b 4 c Sc 6a 7b B e 9 a lO a n 've had; for

I l a 12 b 13 a 14 b lS a 16 c 17 a/ c 18 b 6 A has Pete been trying
19 b 20 a B 's been trying; since
7 A has your sister \vanted
Introduction b B 's \vantcd; since
8 A have you kno,,·n
3 've lived 4 \Vife's name·s En1ilia 5 We do n't
B 've kno,v n; for
have any children 6 ./ 7 \Ve'd like to have
8 ./ 9 ./ I 0 En1ilia is a translator 11 \VOrk very hard 3A comparatives and superlatives:
12 do n't have to do 13 they look a fter the house adjectives and adverbs
14 n1uch free ti1ne 15 ./ 16 ./ 17 l don't have
3 less 4 1nore comfortable than 5 younger than
enough ti n1e 18 I want to get 19 ./
6 ./ 7 ./ 8 more modern than 9 inuch better
20 I o ften 111ake mistakes 2 1 ./ 2 2 to do
10 ./ 11 the n10St beauti fu I beach T've ever been
lA present simple and continuous 12 the 'vorst actor 13 ./ 14 the best in the \vorld
15 nicer 16 ./ 17 hotter 18 the same school as
a 2 l'm doing 3 do you con1e 4 do you have 19 as much food as 20 ./
5 it depends 6 Do you kno\v 7 Do you rnean
8 I'1n getting ready 9 are you living l 0 T'rn staying 38 articles: a I an, the, no article
11 do you do 1 2 \vant
3 t he 4- 5- 6 the 7 - 8The 9 - IO an
b 2 'm buying 3 don't like 4 depends 5 gets ll - 12 an 13 - 14 -/ - 15 the / - 16 a / -
6 do 7 sounds 8 Do (you) have to 9 have 17 -/- 18 an / the 19 a / a / The / the 20 - / -
10 doesn't work 11 n1eet 12 Do (you) \Vant
13 need 14 is staying 4A can, could, be able to
a 2 bo th possible 3 be able to 4 both possible
18 future forms
5 no r beino0 able to 6 be .able to 7 bo th possible
2 're getting ("re going to get' also possible but less 8 be able to 9 both possible 10 both possible
commo n) 3 'm going to look for 4 'm having / 'm 11 being able to 1 2 bo th possible
going to have 5 'm going to be / 'II be 6 's going to
b 2 could n't 3 be able to 4 can 5 been able to
fall / 'II fall 7 \von't tell 8 'll check 9 's going to
6 couldn't 7 being able to 8 can't 9 Being able to
pass/ 'II 10 're going ("re going to go skiing' also
10 be able to 11 be able to 12 can't
possible but less cornmon) 11 Shall I turn 12 \von't
take 13 'n1 introducing / 'n1 going to introduce 48 must, have to, should
14 'n1 going ("m going to go shopping' a lso possible
a 2 111ustn't 3 don't have to 4 bo th possible 5 should
but less con1mon) 15 'II finish / 're going to finish
6 doesn't have to 7 mustn't 8 mustn't 9 should
2A present perfect and past simple b 2 mustn't 3 don't have to 4 rnusr / have to
a 2 I've been 3 d id you go 4 fini shed 5 T've been 5 do n't have to 6 rnust / have to 7 mustn't
6 did you go 7 ' vent 8 n1u t / have to
b 1 2 had 3 did you rneet 4 \Vas 5 \VCnt 6 've kno,vn SA past tenses
7 got 8 \Vere you 9 've just 1nct
3 \Vas still feeling 4 didn't have 5 didn't 1natter
2 1 Have you taught 2 taught 3 have just co1n e 6 kne"v 7 had always \Vanted 8 called 9 told
4 have you been 5 was 6 started 10 \VClS shining 11 \Vas driving 12 \Vere chatting
7 haven't finished 13 sa\v 14 had flo>vn IS tried 16 \Vas buzzing
17 disappeared 18 felt 19 had stung
28 present perfect+ for I since, present 2 0 \vas driving 21 crashed
perfect continuous
a 2 's been playing 3 hasn't been feel ing / hasn't been SB usually and used to
4 've been looking 5 have you been doing 2 \VOrks 3 don't live 4 used to d rean1 S didn't use
6 's been reading to car 6 (usually) cook 7 used to live 8 (usually)
b 2 A have you been \Vorking stay 9 didn't use to play I 0 doesn't ride
13 've been \vorking; for l l (usually) \vear 12 used to be 13 (usually) stay in
3 i\ have you been going out 14 used to have
B 've been going o ut; since
4 i\ has Penny been
B 's been single; since

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