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Atmospheric Moisture
Saturation Vapor Pressures for Various Temperatures *
o o o o
F mb F mb F mb F mb
-20 .43 15 2..74 45 10.09 80 34.6
-15 .57 20 3.47 50 12.19 85 40.7
-10 .75 25 4.40 55 14.63 90 47.7
-5 .98 30 5.55 60 17.51 95 55.7
0 1.30 32 6.10 65 20.86 100 64.9
5 1.66 35 6.87 70 24.79 105 75.3
10 2.14 40 8.36 75 29.33 110 87.2
*Recall from earlier that the saturation vapor pressures of any substance are known quantities based on
temperature. In this case, the vapor pressures are expressed in millibars, a common meteorological pressure unit.

1. Given: w = 7g/kg and ws = 14 g/kg

Find: RH

2. Given: e = 8.36 mb and es = 17.51 mb

Find: RH, T, Td

3. Given: T = 80oF and Tw = 70oF

Find: RH, Td
4. Given: RH = 70% and es = 12.19 mb
Find: Td

5. Given: RH = 70% and ws = 10g/kg

Find: w

6. Given: e = 2.74 mb and es = 4.40 mb

Find: RH, Td, T

7. Given: RH = 80% and e = 29.33 mb

Find: T

8. When is it possible that Td will equal Tw?

9. Can Td ever exceed Tw? Explain.

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