Tartuffe Needs

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Tartuffe Needs

Act Scene Set Needs Costume Needs Prop Needs Other notes
Space for Pernelle, Elmire, Flipote, Damis, Dorine, Cleante, and
1 1 Mariane. Offstage is the way to foyer and front door "Going outside" clothes...
2 Cleante and Dorine seem most correct (or at least thoughtful). Can their costumes reflect this?
3 Elmire exits to go upstairs. Damis exits very quickly, and unseen.
Orgon enters through front. Dorine exits (servant's exit?) Cleante leaves
4 to talk to Valere, prob front.
Orgon exits, but finds Mariane and calls her over. *2nd room. A closet he
2 1 looks for eavesdroppers in.
Dorine bursts into room with OR without secrecy. Orgon exits to go
2 outside. Orgon: moustache
Mariane tries to leave room. Valere enters (but if he enters from other
3 room won't it be distracting? Lighting if rooms are too seperate to be shown at same time.
Valere's shirt must be
grippable so Dorine can
grab it. Dorine must be
able to run. Gloves must
Dorine withdraws to rear of the stage. Focal point between lovers for be off so they can hold
4 Dorine to be observing from. For couple's exit, two opposing doors. hands.
Damis is in a fit of
violence and rage -
Damis enters through THIRD entrance, Dorine meets him somehow. costume should reflect
3 1 (First room.) Damis conceals himself in a rear closet. that.= antsyness.
Instructs his man to
hang his hair-shirt, so
he's not wearing that.
"Going to the prison
now." Dorine's chest is
2 Elmire appears from upstairs. Dorine disappears. seen to some extent. Hankerchief
Knee-length dress at
least, lacework on
3 Two chairs, movable. dress.
5 Orgon enters. Elmire exits.
7 Orgon exits at end, doesn't see Cleante.
4 1 After Tartuffe exits, Cleante must seem utterly alone.
2 Dorine and Mariane enter.
3 Cleante and Mariane leave together Contract
Orgon must not have
pieces that could stick
4 Table Orgon can be entirely under, "Pull up this table" out beneath the table
Tartuffe can be heard coming before he enters. Closes a door connected
5 to the "hall" Bag of licorice
Elmire must be big /
distracting enough to
conceal her husband
6 Tartuffe exits deeper into "his" house. behind her
5 1 Orgon is on his way up to Tartffe's bedroom when Cleante stops him.
2 Damis enters.
Madame P, Elmire and Mariane enter (from front), needs to be room for
3 all three in that entrance. M. Loyal also comes that way.
4 Loyal exits. "Black jacket" - Loyal writ
6 Valere enters, having just received word from a friend.
Tartuffe Needs

Tartuffe enters, declaring the prince ordered Orgon to jail, with Officer.
7 Room for 10 people.

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