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Course Code : 19TSH110A

Course Title : Human Rights

Course Leader:

Advocate Reet Singh


Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Session 1 & 2
At the end of this week, students will be able to:
1. Explain the types of Human Rights and Duties
2. Classify Human Rights and Duties
3. Compare Human Rights and Duties
4. Discuss the need for balance between Human Rights and
Duties for social and cultural development
5. Explain the evolution of Human Rights Civilization
6. Comprehend the basic terminologies pertaining to various
legal instruments internationally
7. Explain the basics of International Law
8. Identify the application of various legal instruments

Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
9. Identify the Human Rights under UNDHR
10. Analyze Convention on Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women, 1979, (CEDAW)
11. Explain Child Rights
12. Explain UN Declaration of Duties & Responsibilities of
13. Identify the core socio-economic problems existing in society
14. Explain the role of religion, politics, ethnicity and class
towards Human Right abuses prevalent in society
15. Compare examples similarities and dissimilarities with regard
to Human Right abuses

Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Human Rights and Human Rights in Indian
• Why study Human Rights?
• Concept of Human Rights
• Definition of Human Rights
• Features of Rights
• Types of Rights
• History of Rights
• Human Rights and Indian Constitution

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Why study Human Rights?
• International human rights documents provide inspiring goals
for human rights education. For example, the first words of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) proclaim
that "recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and
inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world."
• Thus effective human rights education has two essential
objectives: learning about human rights and
learning for human rights.

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Concept of Human Rights

• Human rights are "the basic rights and freedoms to which

all humans are entitled“
• Rights are those essential conditions of social life without
which no person can generally realize his best self.
• Examples of rights :
include civil and political rights, such as the right to life,
liberty, and property, freedom of expression, pursuit of
happiness and equality before the law; and social, cultural
and economic rights, including the right to participate in
science and culture, the right to work, and the right to

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• “Rights are those conditions of social life without which no

man can seek in general, to be himself at his best.” –Laski

• “Rights are powers necessary for the fulfillment of man’s

vocation as a moral being.” -T. H. Green

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Features/Nature Of Rights:

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Types of Rights

– Civil Rights
– Political Rights
– Economic Rights
– Positive And Negative Rights
– Universal Rights

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History of Human Rights

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Human Rights and Duties in Indian Perspective

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Human Rights and Duties in Indian Perspective

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Human Rights and Duties in Indian Perspective

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Human Rights in International Perspective
• International Human Rights Standards
• What is UDHR
• Is the Universal Declaration legally binding?
• The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights
• The Formation Of The United Nations
• Video on Formation Of The United Nations, 1945
• Legal Instruments/bodies to protect Human Rights
• Societal Problems caused due to Abuse of Human Rights

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International Human Rights Standards

• The term “human rights” was mentioned seven times in the

UN's founding Charter, making the promotion and protection
of human rights a key purpose and guiding principle of the
Organization. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights brought human rights into the realm of international
law. Since then, the Organization has diligently protected
human rights through legal instruments and on-the-ground

Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
What is UDHR

• The Universal Declaration begins by recognizing that ‘the

inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world’.
• It declares that human rights are universal – to be enjoyed by
all people, no matter who they are or where they live.
• The Universal Declaration includes civil and political rights,
like the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy. It also
includes economic, social and cultural rights, like the right to
social security, health and education.

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Is the Universal Declaration legally binding?

• The Universal Declaration is not a treaty, so it does not

directly create legal obligations for countries.
• However, it is an expression of the fundamental values which
are shared by all members of the international community.
Therefore, it has had a profound influence on the
development of international human rights law.
• Further, the Universal Declaration has given rise to a range of
other international agreements which are legally binding on
the countries that ratify them.

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Is the Universal Declaration legally binding?
These include
1. The International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR) and
2. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights (ICESCR).
Other binding agreements which expand on the rights contained
in the Universal Declaration include:
1. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women 1979 (CEDAW)
2. The Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (UNCRC)

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The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

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The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

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Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
The Formation Of The United Nations, 1945

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Video on Formation Of The United Nations,

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Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Legal Instruments/bodies to protect Human

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Societal Problems caused due to Abuse of
Human Rights
• Poverty
• Underdevelopment
• Illiteracy
• Women And Societal Problems
• Children And Disadvantaged Group

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How to measure freedom

Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
• Human rights are "the basic rights and freedoms to which all
humans are entitled“
• Natural Rights, Moral Rights, Legal Rights.
• Human Rights is included in the Indian Constitution in various
Parts like Part III and Part IV
• The Universal Declaration begins by recognizing that ‘the
inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world’.
• There is abuse of Human Rights in the form of Poverty,
Underdevelopment, Illiteracy , Women And Societal Problems,
Children And Disadvantaged Group

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• All data and content provided in this presentation are taken
from the reference books, internet – websites and links, for
informational purposes only

Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

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