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What is the main cause of world

• Poverty is the main cause of hunger in
the world. ... Most people who are hungry are
living in extreme poverty, defined as income
of $1.90 per day or less.
• The largest group of people in the world in
extreme poverty are smallholder farmers in
developing countries.

How bad is world hunger?
• Today, nearly 2.5 billion people—almost one-
third of the world's population—have some
level of hunger, due to lacking the resources
to purchase the food they would like, while
800,000 people are severely food insecure,
going entire days without eating at least once.

Is ending world hunger possible?
• Can we end world hunger?
• Yes. 193 countries have signed an agreement
committing to end all forms of malnutrition by
• United Nations Division for Sustainable
Development Goals (#2) states “End hunger,
achieve food security and improved nutrition and
promote sustainable agriculture.”2 Sep 2020

What will happen if world hunger is
not solved?
• Additionally, with hunger limiting human
development, we will not be able to achieve
the other sustain- able development goals
such as education, health and gender equality.

Who topped Global Hunger Index
• Africa South of the Sahara and South Asia have
the highest hunger and undernutrition levels
among world regions, with 2020 GHI scores of
27.8 and 26.0, respectively—both considered
serious. According to 2020 GHI scores, 3
countries have alarming levels ofhunger - Chad,
Timor-Leste, and Madagascar.

WHO published Global Hunger Index
• Welt Hunger Hilfewas

• The Global Hunger Index report, prepared

and published jointly by Irish aid agency Concern
Worldwide and German organization
Welt Hunger Hilfewas, calculated on the basis of
four indicators that are - child mortality,
undernourishment, child wasting (weight for age) and
child stunting.18 Oct 2019

What is the hungriest country in the
• Chad.
• Timor-Leste. ...
• Madagascar. ...
• Haiti. ...
• Mozambique. ...
• Liberia. ...
• Sierra Leone. ...
• Lesotho. .
Why is hunger a problem?

• Persistent instability due to adverse climate

events, conflict and economic slowdowns all
contribute to food insecurity.
• But with the majority of hungry people living in
developing countries, the main cause
of hunger around the world is poverty.
• Poverty is the principal cause of global hunger.5
Oct 2018

How many people die of hunger?
• 9 million people
• Around 9 million people die of hunger and
hunger-related diseases every year (2017
How is hunger a global issue?
• The main cause of hunger worldwide is poverty.
Millions of people around the world are simply
too poor to be able to buy food.
• They also lack the resources to grow their own
food, such as arable land and the means to
harvest, process, and store food. ... Another
contributing factor is hunger itself.

Why do I constantly feel hungry even
after eating?
• Consuming fewer calories than the body
burns can cause the body to produce a
hormone called ghrelin.
• Some refer to ghrelin as the
“hunger hormone” because the stomach
releases it when the body needs more food.
• A low-calorie diet can increase ghrelin
production and cause hunger, even after a
person has just eaten.
What will happen if world hunger is
not solved?
• Additionally, with hunger limiting human
development, we will not be able to achieve
the other sustain- able development goals
such as education, health and gender equality.
9 Solutions to Global Hunger to Get
Us to 2030
• Climate Smart Agriculture. ...
• Responding to Forced Migration. ...
• Fostering Gender Equality. ...
• Reducing Food Waste. ...
• Disaster Risk Reduction. ...
• Supporting Hygiene and Sanitation. ...
• Controlling Infestations and Crop Infections. ...
• Enhancing Crops with Biofortification.
Reference :
• 8.9%
• How many people are hungry in the world?
Globally, about 8.9% of the world'spopulation
— 690 million people — go to bed on an
empty stomach each night. Since 2014, the
number of people affected by hunger has
been slowly on the rise. If it continues at this
rate, it'll exceed 840 million by 2030.
Why are people starving?
• High population pressure is also causing
increased deforestation and natural resource
degradation. Not enough money.
Many people living in poverty simply do not
have enough money to buy food due to
factors like having children at a very young
age, HIV/AIDS, natural disasters and lack of
opportunities for income.
How many people die of hunger each
• 9 million people
• Every year, around 9 million people die of
hunger, according to the international relief
agency Mercy Corps. That's more than the
death toll of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
combined.5 May 2020
Why is zero hunger so important?

• A world with zero hunger can positively

impact our economies, health, education,
equality and social development. It's a key
piece of build- ing a better future for

Who is affected by world hunger?

• Children. Children are at high risk

of hunger because they are dependent on
adults for their care. And their younger and
growing bodies are more vulnerable to the
other problems hunger causes. Every year, 2.6
million children die as a result of hunger-
related causes.
How much would it cost to End World
Hunger 2020?
• Ending world hunger is within reach: Study
finds it will cost only USD 11 billion more a
year. Ending world hunger is within reach,
according to a new study that found it
willcost USD 11 billion a year to feed hundreds
of millions of needy people.
How can we stop poverty and hunger?
• Sustainable Food. Heifer International is an
organization that helps transform agriculture. ...
• Access to Credit. Many organizations are helping
people in poor countries to gain access to credit. ...
• Food Donations. ...
• Transitioning. ...
• Urban Farming. ...
• Access to Education. ...
• Social Change. ...
• Government Intervention.
How many died of hunger every day?
• 25,000 people
• Each day, 25,000 people, including more
than 10,000 children, die from hunger and
related causes. Some 854 million people
worldwide are estimated to be
undernourished, and high food prices may
drive another 100 million into poverty and
How much food is wasted in the
• An estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food is
wasted globally each year, one third of
all foodproduced for human consumption,
according to the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
What countries are most affected by
world hunger?
• According to the Global Hunger Index 2020,
which was adopted by the International Food
Policy Research Institute, Chad was the most
affected by hunger and malnutrition, with an
index of 44.7.
Why is Africa so hungry?
• In general, the principal causes
of hunger include poverty, conflict, climate
and weather, lack of investment in agriculture,
and unstable markets. (World Food
Programme, 2018).
• Note: This is not an exhaustive list; See
factsheet on hunger and nutrition. Poverty is a
principal cause of hunger in Africa and
What are the 17 SDG?
• The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero
Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4)
Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6)
Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable
and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and
Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and
Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (11)
Sustainable ..
What country has the worst hunger
• A global pandemic and an economic
downturn have affected every corner of the
world,with many of the countries most
vulnerable to hunger and food insecurity
further plagued by a devastating outbreak of
locusts that have decimated crops.
• Chad.
• Timor-Leste. ...
• Madagascar. ...
• Haiti. ...
• Mozambique. ...
• Liberia. ...
• Sierra Leone. ...
• Lesotho. ...
Where is starvation The worst?
• Some countries, particularly in sub-Saharan
Africa, continue to have extreme cases
offamine. Since 2010, Africa has been the
most affected continent in the world. As of
2017, the United Nations has warned over 20
million are at risk in South Sudan, Somalia,
Nigeria (in the northern part) and Yemen.

Who is most affected by malnutrition?
• Women, infants, children, and adolescents are
at particular risk of malnutrition. Optimizing
nutrition early in life—including the 1000 days
from conception to a child's second birthday—
ensures the best possible start in life, with
long-term benefits. Poverty amplifies the risk
of, and risks from, malnutrition.
How much money is donated to world
hunger each year?
• Estimates range from $7 billion to $265
billion per year. World leaders have
committed to ending hunger and malnutrition
by 2030 as part of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).1
How much would it cost to End World
Hunger 2018?
• How much money would it cost to end world
hunger? Let's talk numbers. According to a
2018 report from the International Food Policy
Research Institute (IFPRI), estimates
rangefrom $7 billion to $265 billion per year.
How can we reduce poverty?
• Policies to reduce poverty in developing
• Education – greater spending on education and
training can enable higher-skilled workforce.
• Foreign Aid – aid from developed countries can
be used to invest in better health care and
education. ...
• Diversification of economy away from agriculture
to manufacturing.
How many kids die from hunger?
• 3.1 million children
• Approximately 3.1 million children die from
undernutrition each year (UNICEF, 2018a).
Hunger and undernutrition contribute to more
than half of global child deaths, as
undernutrition can make children more
vulnerable to illness and exacerbate disease
(UNICEF, 2018a).

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