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Republic of Yemen

The Legal Center for Rights and development

Human right Report

The first attack for the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen

Bani-Hewat- Sana'a - Yemen

March 26th, 2015

Done by:
The Legal Center for Rights and Development

E-mail: Tel:00967 777727212 - 777079909 Sanaa- Yemen



Human Right Report

The first attack for the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen

Bani-Hewat- Sana'a - Yemen

March 26th, 2015

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

The place of the violation:

A residential area called "Bani Howat" – Bani Al Harith – The Capital City of Sanaa
near by Sanaa international airport to the north side, 1 Kilometer away from the airport. It is a
residential area, full packed houses tens of families live there.

Violation Time: 2:30 o'clock after midnight

Violation Date: March 26, 2015

Violation type: Airstrikes bombing by The Saudi-led Coalition caused many dead people
and injuries, also the destruction of several houses on the head of their
inhabitants and serious material damage to houses and properties.

The violators:

The Saudi-led Coalition (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan,
Turkey, Jordan) and the logistic support by The United States Of America.

Incident description:

After Thursday midnight March 26th, 2015 residents in Sanaa were surprised by the
sound of aircraft flying in the sync with sounds of explosions in different places in the capital
city of Sanaa. Moments later people have discovered through media that Saudi Arabia has
adopted a war against Yemen, The Saudi Airstrikes have targeted some residential areas and
civilian properties, they bombed Sanaa International Airport as well.

In addition, they bombed a residential area in Bani Howat near by Sanaa international
airport, this neighborhood contains many random attached houses full of people. The
bombing caused (70) Yemeni citizens between dead and wounded among them an embryo in
the ninth month, (26) child, and 17 woman. (29) resident were killed among them 14 child, 8
women, and 7 men. Also, (42) people were injured among them (12), and (10) women. In
addition to that, (57) houses were damaged, (14) of them were completely destroyed on the

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

head of their inhabitants ,also, (43) house were partially damaged. The bombing also
destroyed (16) cars belong to civilians.

The Legal Center has documented these violations against civilians based on eyewitnesses,
victims and families statements, pictures, videos and some official and medical reports which
have approved that The Saudi-led coalition committed this transgression.

The Legal Center has been to the violation scene that was targeted by The Saudi-led
Coalition, The Legal Center has seen the complete damage on the residential area specially
on the houses that were destroyed on the head of their inhabitants, people there are so
frightened due to the horrible crime. People who still alive have reported that they have
pulled out tens of dead bodies from rubble many people were seriously injured. Three
families were completely died none of them survived except one baby who was under rubble.
Many houses are 2 Km far away from the scene were also damaged, the area was totally
destroyed. People were so surprised why The Saudi-led Coalition would attack them.

Victims' Families and eyewitnesses' statements:

Ali Abdoh Al Hibshi 47 years old: One of the victims relative reported that "it was
Thursday midnight March 26th, 2015 while I was sleeping suddenly I woke immediately due
to a huge explosion near by my house, I ran to the window to see what caused that
explosion. I saw a huge cloud of smoke in the same place where my brother live, then I saw
another two explosions a minute separates them. Then, I tried to call my brother but nobody
answers, a minute later I called my sister in law, she replied in an horror voice please help us
my children under rubble. Many people plus me went to the crime scene to provide
assistance, among victims my brother and three of his children".

Hamod Yahia Yahia Soliman 39 years old one of the victims' relatives mentioned a
real tragedy happened to his brother's family due to the bombing, all the family were killed
except two children were pulled out from rubble and they are badly wounded.

Hamod said that " he was called by some neighbors telling him that the bombing has
reached his brothers home and they already took dead bodies to hospital. His brother, sister in

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

law, and for children ( Samiah, Somiah, Thekra, and Asmaa). Osamah and Ebtesam the only
survived children from the whole family.

General description for the bombing according to the witnesses:

We found unlimited destruction tens of houses were destroyed, horror and fear has
infected residents, moreover, we have seen many dead bodies, injuries are so shocked from
pain. People there were wondering why would they attack a residential area, they have lost
everything. Many families were killed:

Al Jarmozi Family: The parents were killed and three of their children

Hamied Soliman Family: Parents were killed, and four children plus an embryo was in
his mom womb.

Al Hibshi Family: The head of the family was wounded and three of his children were
killed, the mother is seriously injured

Official and medical reports:

The Lega Center got reports and statements from different hospitals in the capital city of
Sanaa all of them have approved that on Thursday March 26th, 2015 they have received many
dead bodies and injuries they were bombed by The Saudi-led coalition in Bani Howat. The
medical reports show that injuries have different and serious situations.


We urgently call upon international human rights organizations and the United
Nations to speed up the work to stop targeting civilians and to stop The Saudi aggression
against Yemen, which is against the law and the humanity. As well, we call to relief victims
as soon as possible.

The Legal Center call on the international organizations to open an investigation file
and to send committees to investigate on these crimes and to bring proprietors to

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

Children were found dead under rubble

These pictures for people were pulling victims out from rubble

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

Legal Center For Rights and Development ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

Some pictures that were documented by legal center for some houses' rubble

Issued by
The Legal Center for rights and development
March 27th, 2015

Yemen - Sanaa- Airport Road- E-mail:

- TEL:000967777079909

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