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Navigating Bias

Part 1: Visit the news websites listed below and choose a headline from each one. Then, explain what bias is
inherent in each headline and what specific words or connotations show that. Finally, answer the questions below.

News Website Headline Bias Analysis

CNN Biden made the right call on They are only looking at the Afghanistan positives that were a result of this
decision. The writers of the article
have decided for the reader that he
made the correct choice in this
matter. They do everything to show
their president and his decisions in
a positive light.

Fox News ‘Learn my name’: Rep. McClain We can analyze from this headline slams Pelosi’s ‘that woman’ some specific things, for example
remark, Dems’ double standard on the choice of words that was used
Maxine Waters in the headline. Words such as
“slams” and “that woman”. It
mentions only Representative
McClains statement, and does not
mention any reaction from the
other end which in this case is
Pelosi. It makes clear the tension
and the differences that are put in
between the two political parties.

AP News Biden faces scrutiny over reliance In this headline it makes it clear on executive orders. that President Biden is facing some
sort of questioning towards how he
is using his power. The headline can
make the impression that some of
the powers that were given to the
president may have been used
irresponsibly. However, it should be
important that it shows what kind
of decisions that were taken into
place, which lead into this type of

How are these headlines different Something that is common in all of these headlines is that they are all
and what do they have in common? told from a one sided perspective and one end of a story. They aren’t
giving the information that is used on both sides. For example in the AP
News headline it makes the claim that the people are starting to question
whether Biden is abusing his power, however they did not mention the
actions that have brought this into question. The headline also did not
mention what kind of actions that Biden has taken which resulted in the
people to react in such a way.

Why do news organizations have Both sides have different views and values of what is important to them.
different stories if the same things They want to highlight things that make themselves look good or push
are happening? their own political goals. Slandering the other side in the news recruits
people to their side and or confirms what the reader already believes.
They only cater to people who want that specific information without
explaining the other side even when the other side has a better
Part 2: Go to and choose a topic addressed on varying news networks. Read the articles and examine
them for biased language, similarities, and differences.

Questions Answers
List the three headlines: 1. A year of U.S. public opinion on the coronavirus pandemic
2. All Signs Point to Vaccine Success Against COVID-19
3. How Biden’s Coronavirus Plan Funds and Supports State Vaccination Efforts

What do they all All of these headlines are all under one common reasoning, which is covid. They all
include? have views on covid-19 and the covid-19 vaccine. They have similar viewpoints on
covid and Agree that it is a problem that needs to be solved. They all have different
numbers of covid cases.

How are they different? The one about Biden and his coronavirus plans Swings clearly in favor of him and
Be specific and cite other Democrats. It shows favor Democrats by saying that Biden Gives complete
evidence. transparency when talking about covid-19 and the projected results.
The one about public opinion doesn't have many words that's why you one way or
the other it just reports things that other people have said and society's viewpoints.
The one about vaccine success mostly just talks about how hopefully covid will
decrease in the coming months or may Spike because of the vaccine and then reduce
shortly after. People with the highest need to get vaccines will be put first on the

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