Smart Test Series: 1-Circle The Correct One. (15x1 15)

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Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Computer Science-11 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 15 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-3, Unit-4, Unit-5,

1- Circle the correct one. (15x1=15)

1. A set of instructions of computer are:
 (A) Hardware (B) Documents (C) CPU (D) Software
2. 3 Bytes is equal to:
(A) 16 bits (B) 20 bits (C) 24 bits (D) 30 bits
3. The set of rules to exchange data in a communication network is called:
(A) Gateway (B) Procedure (C) Protocol (D) Token
4. Mobile phone (Cellular) system often use:
(A) MAN (B) WAN (C) LAN (D)
5. A network that places all nodes on a single cable is called:
(A) Star (B) Mesh (C) Ring (D) Bus
6. The layer of OSI model that establishes connection of user, maintains it and terminate it:
(A) Presentation (B) Application (C) Transport (D) Session
7. A combination of client/server and peer to peer network is called:
(A) Mixed Network (B) Merged Network (C) Dedicated Network (D) Hybrid Network
8. Total No of layer is OSI model is:
(A) 6 (B) 9 (C) 7 (D) 8
9. The electromegnatic or light waves that represent data are:
(A) Pulse (B) Information (C) Waves (D) Signal
10. A signal is a representation of ;
(A) Light wave (B) Heat wave (C) Sun wave (D) Full wave
11. Which communication medium requires line-of-sight?
(A) Microwave (B) Fibre-wave (C) Twisted-pair (D) Coaxial
12. An Automated teller machine can be used for:
(A) Keeping records (B) Making budgets (C) Watching Movies (D) Withdraw Cash
13. Which of the following is not an example of E-Commerce:
(A) Electronic Banking (B) Electronic Shopping (C) Online Chatting (D) Online Education
14. Which of the following memory needs to refersh?
15. CPU is an example of:
(A) Software (B) Program (C) Hardware (D) Device driver
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Computer Science-11 Date: Time:
Test Type #: Type 15 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-3, Unit-4, Unit-5,

2- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) Define System Software. (ii) What is System? List different Components of System? (iii) Describe Dejure Standard.
(iv) What do you mean by CSMA / CR? (v) Differentiate between analog and digital signals.
(vi) Define Synchronous data transmission. (vii) Compare Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission.
(viii) How is data trasmitted in asynchronous transmission? (ix) Why we use operating system?
3- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
Why does application software need operating system? (ii) Convert 220 MB of memory into bytes.
(iii) Enlist different layers of OSI Model. (iv) What is Start Signal? List its different States.
(v) Why data transfer instruction are used? (vi) What is the use of message handing system?
(vii) Why is RAM called volatile? (viii) Define Arithmetic Unit and Logic Unit of CPU. (ix) What is FLAGS register?
4- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) Differentiate between uploading and downloading. (ii) Define Analog Signal. (iii) Define Decoder.
(iv) What is meant by Microwave data transmission? (v) What is the use of computer in stock exchange?
(vi) Define repragraphics. (vii) What is code segment Register? (viii) Compare compiler and interfreter.
(ix) Briefly about how level language.
Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (8x3=24)
5. What is Data Communication? Explain the basic components of communication network.
6. What is the use of plotter? Name and explain its different kinds.
7. Define Computer. Discuss any three primary components of a computer system.
8. Define Star topology. Explain its working with diagrams.Also Discuss its two disadvantages.
9. What is Computer? Discuss Primary Components of computer System.
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (D) Q:2 (C) Q:3 (C) Q:4 (A) Q:5 (D) Q:6 (D)
Q:7 (D) Q:8 (C) Q:9 (D) Q:10 (A) Q:11 (D) Q:12 (D)
Q:13 (D) Q:14 (A) Q:15 (C)

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