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Lisa Roberson

Healthcare Academy

CRN: #20461

April 20, 2021

In this essay I will be talking about what my future goals are, I will talk about two short

term goals and one long term goal. I understand that many people have different goals, and to

some mine might sound like something that should have been done years ago. I am 31 years old

and I am barely attempting to start a career in the medical field. Due to personal reasons I have

been unable to accomplish what I’ve always wanted to do since I graduated from high school.

One of my first goals is to finish my medical coding class, and take the certification test so that I

can start working on what I like to do. Second, I would like to work on my credit score so that

we can be able to purchase a home of our own. Finally, and most importantly I would love to set

up a savings account for my children’s college funds.

It has always been a dream of mine to work in the medical field, whether it’s doing

medical coding or nursing. I have already accomplished the first step to becoming a nurse in the

near future, by taking a CNA course and completing it, getting my certification. After

accomplishing that I found out that I was pregnant, and decided to go with medical coding. I am

now currently taking a course with Houston Community college, which is the first step to

accomplishing my goal as a medical coder. To finish this goal, I am aware that I will have to

work hard for it, as it is not something that seems easy to do. I will have to pay attention and

study very hard to be able to understand all the rules and guidelines when it comes to coding.

The class consists of different types of classes, which I have already finished three and I am now


Lisa Roberson

Healthcare Academy

CRN: #20461

April 20, 2021

currently on my last one. Once I have finished this last class I will get a certificate of completion,

and then I will have to take the a CPC test which will give me my license to officially become a

medical coder. For this first goal I am already closer to achieving which is why it is one of my

short term goals.

My second goal is to work and improve my credit score so that we may be able to

purchase a home of our own one day. Due to not having much knowledge on what a credit score

was I made mistakes when I was younger that affected my score in very minimum significant

ways. Recently, I was able to make a purchase by taking out a small loan with a bank which is

helping me improve my credit score. This purchase has helped me because it is reported to credit

bureaus and by making my payments on time my credit score has increased. This has been a

great benefit because I have now been given an offer with my personal bank to open a credit card

line, which will also help me significantly. As you can see, I have already started on

accomplishing this goal as well, which is why I also consider it a short term goal. There are also

other steps I still need to take, such as clearing off the debts which are on my report, but that is

something that will not stop me for accomplishing my goal. Since this is something I have

already started working on it is also considered for a me a short term goal.

My last and most important goal is to open up a savings account for my children so that I

can be able to provide a college fund for them. To do this I will have to finish my and start


Lisa Roberson

Healthcare Academy

CRN: #20461

April 20, 2021

working on my career, by doing this I will be able to help my husband financially and also be

able to have money left after paying bills and buying our necessities. As of now, he is the only

one working, since I am attending school, which has kept us from being able to save. Once I start

working we will be more financially stable and will be able to have enough money left to start

going towards my children’s college fund. I know that this might take a few years but it is not an

obstacle for me, and since it is something that will take more than one year I am considering this

my long term goal. To me this is the most important one because it means giving my children a

better future and a better opportunity to attending school, hopefully without them ending having

to taking out loans to pay for college. This is what I plan to accomplish with having a college

fund for them, them not being in debt is a great responsibility for me.

To close this essay I would like to say, that even though for some these might not be big

goals, or it might be something I should have started years ago, to me they are very important.

Even though I have had some obstacles in the past that have kept me from accomplishing my

goals, I am now in a better place and I will work hard to achieve them. Nothing will stop me and

I will not let anything else keep me from doing so. Every little step I take is just a step closer to

reaching my future goals in life, and many more.


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