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Breastfeeding Recommendations

in COVID-19 Pandemic

According to WHO until now there has been no evidence or reports of vertical
transmission of COVID-19 from mother to fetus as well as the SARS-CoV-2
virus in breast milk.
i. Management of healthy infant born to mother with confirmed COVID-19:
- Healthy infant born to mother with confirmed COVID-19 is categorized
as high-risk close contact
- SARS-CoV-2 test should be done by taking swab specimen on 1st day and
14th day
- The infant is treated separately from the mother, until the mother
recovers from the disease (in accordance with applicable criteria)
- Breast milk is still given to the infant in the form of expressed breast milk
- Each mother should be provided by a dedicated breast pump and the
entire pump should be clean thoroughly after each pumping session
- Maintain hygiene in each equipment that is used to express breast milk
- Basic psychosocial support should be provided to all mothers and their
- The infant must be monitored closely and need to be followed up until
- If the infant is showing any symptoms, treat as suspected case in negative
pressure isolation room. If not possible, the infant is treated in an
isolation room (one room alone)
ii. Management of healthy infant born to mother with suspected COVID-19:
- Healthy infant born to mother with suspected COVID-19 is categorized
as low risk close contact
- The infant does not require any swab
- Infant is treated separately from the mother until the mother is proven
negative from SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Breast milk is still given to the infant in the form of expressed breast milk
- Each mother should be provided by a dedicated breast pump and the
entire pump should be clean thoroughly after each pumping session
- Maintain hygiene in each equipment that is used to express breast milk
- The infants must be monitored closely and need to be followed up until
- Basic psychosocial support should be provided to all mothers and their
iii. Management of healthy infant born to mother with patient under surveillance
- The infant does not require any swab
- Healthy infant is being treated together with the mother and can be
directly breastfed, by implementing adequate procedures to protect the
airway, including using surgical masks, maintaining hand hygiene before
and after contact with the infant, and routinely cleaning the surface area
where the mother has made contact
In a condition of not being able to guarantee airway protection procedures
and prevention of transmission by contact, the infant is given formula milk.

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