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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

A Business Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty of College of Business and Accountancy
Marketing Management
National University

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Final Requirements for the Course
Business Research Methods

Presented by:

Balbin, Darchie Throy

Bercasio, Jasper
Camacho, Jhelain
Frias, Trishia Mae
Penilla, Cristine

Presented to:
Mr. Stephan Earl S. Chow

November, 2020
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal













Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

This research study was entitled “Facebook Online Selling Versus Other Online Selling

Platform: A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal”. This

study will benefit the Online Shoppers to determine which online shopping platforms is more

effective and to know the importance on seeking guarantee on which online shop is safe and

reliable to access during pandemic. Nowadays, shoppers tend to rely on E-commerce instead of

going to physical stores. While the pandemic certainly does create a series of new challenges, those

that are able to take advantage of the opportunities available right now will be the most likely to

thrive and survive during and after this crisis since this is the so-called «new normal» in the current

situation that people are facing right now. This research study will only focus on the three major

online shopping platform applications which are Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada. In

order to collect the data in this study, the researchers will formulate a multiple-choice survey

questionnaire that will be distributed to only 50 Shopee, Facebook Marketplace and Lazada sellers

in the Philippines. Moreover, the following findings that were driven from the study are; (1) Most

of the online sellers in today’s new normal are the millennial and females are more into doing

business than men particularly about selling goods online. (2) Shopee is the most popular online

selling platform that is commonly used by the online sellers for their e-commerce business and it

is the most visited site that has numerous potential customers in these platforms. (3) Many online

sellers encountered difficulties in using online selling platforms. And also, high pricing, defective

products, poor customer service, and deceiving advertising are the most common complaints of

Filipino online buyers. (4) Therefore, behind it, the use of online selling platforms to online sellers

has positive impacts in their business that boosted their sales even if most of them are sometimes

experiencing a "no place order". (5) Lastly, Feedbacks form the customers are their mostly
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
concerned because customer reviews can strengthen the business credibility. With that, an overall

conclusion can be drawn that, Shopee is the most effective one in the new normal because most of

the respondents are sellers from this platform and it is most commonly used by the online sellers

and accessed by the online shoppers. Another reason that made it effective is that, majority of the

monthly visitors and revenue of the sellers in this platform had grown during the Pandemic. Last

is even if its sellers have complaints or problems in Shopee, all of them would still prefer to

recommend this platform to the aspiring online sellers and future buyers. Overall, the

recommendation of the researchers for Shopee Company is to properly address the problems that

the sellers from this shop is encountering It can be done by having or choosing the best and right

third-party company with regards to the problem about irresponsible courier and the payment

options. Lastly, the researchers’ recommendation for the improvement of the study is to explore

additional articles about the factors that affect the quality of Shopee’s service and additional

researches about how to sustain its effectiveness as the top online selling platform.
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
1.1. Introduction

The world is now in the Fourth Industrial Revolution that represents a fundamental change in

the way people live, work and interact to one another. It is a new chapter in human development,

enabled by extraordinary technological advancements as to compare to first, second and third

industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds that

human live in the present time. According to the article (, 2011), Michael Aldrich was

the one who first discovered of online shopping in the United Kingdom in 1979, using computer

with telephone line and invented “teleshopping” which means shopping at a distance. After

several years, Charles Stack established the Book Stacks Unlimited, an online bookstore way back

1992, after 2 years, the well-known, Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos. E-commerce is closely

tangled with the history of the internet. Online shopping only became possible when the internet

was opened to the public in 1991. was one of the first E-commerce sites in the US to

start operate.

Furthermore, in today’s online shopping online shoppers may now have the access to visit

shops with real life shopping using their smartphone devices and their internet connection.

Nowadays, shoppers tend to rely on E-commerce instead of going to physical stores. Based on the

article written by (Liu, 2018), the social networking site, Facebook became an entry point of some

businesses as they open a new feature which caters a Marketplace and was introduced in 2016 to

trade such as buy and sell.

At the moment, one out of three people in the United States use Facebook marketplace to buy

or sell their pre-loved and brand-new items that they can post in the said social networking site.
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
As stated by Bali, 2014 (as cited in, 2018), marketplace business function as

genuine ecosystems, solving problems that technology alone cannot do, and it elaborates the

stipulations that entrepreneurs must keep in mind when launching a wealthy marketplace business.

Based on the study conducted by (Winters, 2020), half of B2B buyers are not holding off on

purchases, in other words, deals in their markets are still moving forward. While the pandemic

certainly does create a series of new challenges, those that are able to take advantage of the

opportunities available right now will be the most likely to thrive and survive during and after this

crisis since this is the so-called “new normal” in the current situation that people are facing right


As the news regarding COVID-19 spread and as it was officially declared a Pandemic by the

World Health Organization, people responded by stocking up. They bought out medical supplies

like hand sanitizer and masks and household essentials like toilet paper and bread. That is the main

reason why more and more people started to become online seller and started struggling to keep

up with demand, and price gouging for supplies become rampant.

Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
1.2. Statement of the Problem
In a wider perspective, this research paper seeks to have a comparative study between

Facebook Online Shopping, its marketplace and Online Shopping Platforms on the

Effectiveness of Online Shopping in the New Normal. With this study, the main statement of

the problem is What avenue is more Effective in Online Selling, Facebook or the other online

selling platforms?

This study also aims to answer these sub-questions:

1. Among Facebook Online Shopping and other Online Shopping Platform, which of

them is commonly accessed by the Online Shoppers in the New Normal?

2. Between Facebook Marketplace and other Online Selling Platform, which has the most

number of sales, numerous customers and countless closed online business


1.3.Objectives of the Study

The aims of this research study are the following:

The main objective of the study is to identify what avenue is more effective in Online Selling,

Facebook or the other Online Selling Platforms? However, this study also aims to answer the

following sub-objectives; To ascertain which among Facebook online shopping and other online

shopping platform is commonly accessed by the online shoppers in the new normal in order to

certify which of it is much preferred by the online shoppers. Lastly, to determine which between

Facebook marketplace and other online selling platform has the most number of sales, numerous
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
customers and countless closed online business transactions in order to give a guide for the online

shoppers if which online selling platform should they access.

1.4.Significance of the Study

The output of this study can be a great contribution in the E-Commerce Industry especially

Online Selling. This study will benefit the following:

Online Shoppers. This study will benefit the Online Shoppers to determine which online

shopping platforms is more effective and to know the importance on seeking guarantee on

which online shop is safe and reliable to access during this pandemic.

Online Sellers. This study is significant to online sellers for them to know where they can

establish their online shops to promote and publicize their business. With this study, they

may be able to find out on which online selling platform do the online shoppers mostly

visited for them to gain more potential customers.

Researchers- This study has significant impact to the Philippine society and will show that

the country can be globally competitive in the E-Commerce Industry. The upsurge growth

of online selling in the country has a great factor that affects the economy of the country

despite the Covid-19 Pandemic.

E-Commerce Industry- This study has an important factor for them to know which

specifically online shops do the online shoppers mostly visited. Also, for those online shops

that are least visited may use the opportunity to boost their promotions and publicize their

online shopping platforms by advertising.

Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
1.5. Scope and Limitation
This study will start by September and will end on November 2020. Furthermore, the data that

will be collecting may start to gather in the middle of the month of October. The focus of this

research paper is to determine the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal due to Covid-

19 Pandemic and will create a Comparative Study between Facebook Online Selling Platform. The

study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents.

This research paper will conduct a study to observe which method will be use by the Third

year Marketing Students of National University. This research study will only focus on the three

major online shopping platform applications which are Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and

Lazada. Thus, this study will only be conducting within the Philippines with the respondents which

will be limiting to one-fourth of the total population of the Online Sellers. They will be ask using

a survey questionnaire provided by the researchers regarding the subject matter of the study. Other

limitations are those based on their opinion and on how they will take to answer the questionnaires

distributed to them.
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


For better understanding regarding which Online Selling Platform is mostly used by the

Online Shoppers in times of Covid-19 Pandemic, the literature is arranged on which to first discuss

what is the Current State of E-Commerce during Covid-19 Pandemic locally and internationally.

Also, they will present the Comparison on Different Online Selling Platforms in the New Normal

and what Online Platform does Online Shoppers are commonly used by the Online Shoppers in

the Philippines and other Foreign Countries. Lastly, there will be a thorough presentation on the

complaints, sales performance and additional features for the research study’s variables and who

among them leads in the Southeast Asian market with data analysis and by explaining each as a

moderating variable in measuring the Effectiveness of Online Selling Platforms in the New


2.1. Current State of E-Commerce during COVID-19 Pandemic

In today’s time during this COVID 19 crisis, as individual, it attempts to keep commonality

in their lives in the midst of restrictions on this pandemic, Social media and Virtual gatherings is

now the “new normal”. According to Arreola, 2020 (as cited in Digital April Statshot, 2020) which

was reported by Hootsuite and We Are Social, Filipinos are spending more time on social media

with a rate of 64% and associated with 24% increased rate of activity on shopping online. With

that, as the global pandemic continues, businesses have started to close down as a result. The

pandemic has caused a distraught in the Philippine enterprises and this has caused retailers to adjust

and be flexible to switch on to online business or e-commerce as the global pandemic continues.

(, 2020).
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
In that sense, as online businesses had surged, online shopping and deliveries became to

be very useful as of today for Filipinos which serves as an alternative for physical visits to the

shops/malls. Others have created opportunities to let online shopping and delivery during ECQ as

an alternative of physical shopping due to the limitations of movements during the pandemic.

(, 2020).

But behind those factors, based on the government data of the Philippines (as cited to Fenol,

2020), showed that during this time wherein Filipinos are on lockdown, there is a surged with

regards to different complains about Filipinos online transaction. High pricing, defective products,

poor customer service, and deceiving advertising are the most common complaints of Filipino

online buyers. Furthermore, online shopping sites continue to run in the Philippines despite the

government’s enforced lockdown. (dela Cruz, 2020)

The growth of the technology with the use of Internet and information, it has a great impact

to the popularity of online shopping. E-Commerce in Malaysia has grown progressively to the

point where it brought the estimated one-tenth of worldwide retail sales in the country. Dahlan,

2019 (as cited in PWC, Global Consumer Insights Survey, 2018). Since then, the world learns

adapts to a “new normal” setting, many countries are observing changes in the online shopping

behaviors of their populations. Retailers evolved fast due to pandemic and E-Commerce in

Malaysia became the most digitally advance in the Southeast Asia despite the impact of Covid-19

outbreak. (Tech Collective, 2020).

During the earliest ranges of the lockdown in March 2020, data from the Bazaarvoice

Network indicates that customers began to simply embrace online buying and started putting

themselves up for what looked to be a long period spent at home. They noticed a 21% increase in

online orders in March 2020 vs March 2019, and in a survey, they conducted with over 3,000
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
individuals of the Influenster community, 41% of respondents stated that they were currently

shopping online for things they would usually shop for in-store. (Wold, 2020). According to

(Saisa-ard, 2018), their study found that 59% of the online shoppers used online shop platform to

buy goods and service online since one-third of all internet users sold goods and services virtually

where it is a good indication of growth in the E-Commerce Industry in Thailand.

Facebook perceive six subject matters that have been unfolding throughout Southeast

Asia’s customer market in current years, especially as online engagement has extended in the

region. The Covid-19 crisis has affected the growth of these trends, in some instances accelerating

them significantly. (Consultancy Asia, 2020). Also, Facebook previously released a report which

the discovers the consumption themes that would materialize for Southeast Asian consumers and

would perhaps continue even after lockdowns and restrictions are eased or lifted. (Nortajuddin,


As discussed in a current RAND American Life Panel (ALP) survey, greater than 2,000

Americans who have been chosen to represent all demographic groups, almost two-thirds of the

respondents have no longer changed their online buying habits considering the pandemic began.

About one-quarter are buying online more, however 13 percent are absolutely buying online less.

Ecola et al, 2020 (as cited in APL, Survey on Impacts of COVID-19, 2020). Furthermore, the study

conducted by (McDonald, 2020), found out that 44% of customers believe the shift in shopping

behaviors during the pandemic and will continue onwards and around 45% of customers said they

bought products online and during the pandemic when many were in lockdown, lastly 34% of

customers were able to purchase both essential and non-essential products from online sellers.

Hwang & Nageswaran, 2020. (as cited to Mattioli and Herrera 2020, Cohan 2020), There

is an evidence that channel shift was the reason of the increase in online sales from offline shoppers
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
who already starts to purchase online and the rise of essential products has a great impact in online

income that lead to a positive outcome due to increase spending per customer and the channel-

shift behavior of offline customers. (McDonald, 2020), However, during the coronavirus outbreak,

lockdowns in different parts of the world have limited the amount of activities that people could

leave their homes for, shifting many day-to-day activities online, including shopping. This

customer behavior shifting away from physical stores to digital shopping, this became a problem

for physical retail over the past 10 years.

2.2. Comparison on Different Online Selling Platforms in the New Normal

(Bondoc, 2020), Almost 80% of the respondents said that they have encountered different

kinds of advertisement online by means of social media. In this sense, the online sellers can now

use this great opportunity to boost their presence online in order to market their product in a wider

sense. Also, based on the survey, Lazada, Shopee, Instagram, retailer’s online store, Zalora,

Facebook Marketplace, and Amazon are the top popular online shopping platforms.

With that being said, Lazada and Shopee, are online shopping platform that are in the peak

of attaining its goal to gain millions of incomes. With the online trading, it became

more helpful and effective for both buyers and sellers as of the moment since technology during

this time was already innovated and it changed the online business transactions into an infinite

marketplace. The COVID-19 widespread has made this marketplace as an obvious thing that

people nowadays needed. Arreola, 2020 (as cited in Digital April Statshot, 2020).

In comparison with these two online selling platforms in the Philippines perspective,

Lazada wins the title; “Which Provides Better Mobile Experience” as it has detailed and neater

design rather than Shopee. On the other hand, Shopee wins for the price category because this
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
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online selling platform provides cheaper and lower prices than Lazada. In fact, Shopee was now

considered as “online divisoria” by Filipino shoppers. (Zoleta, 2020). Next is that, when it comes

to knowing which among them delivers fast, the winner is Lazada because the purchased item of

the customer arrives within the given delivery time or earlier which is a missing factor for Shopee.

(Zoleta, 2020).

(Zoleta, 2020). But with regards to buyer’s protection, it is also the winner because they

provide “shopee guarantee” which means the customer do have a security over their purchased

item which Lazada don’t offer at all. They only have payment protection and Filipino customers

doubt how that thing really works. For the customer support, Shopee also wins it. It is due to the

fact that they can be reached 24/7 in their application.

Furthermore, Facebook is also one of the best platforms to be used in putting up your

business. This is a great platform that offers low-cost marketing strategies (Pielago, 2020) unlike

Lazada in which for every item being sold through these platforms; a commission fee will be

charged to the sellers. (Zoleta, 2020). In addition, for questions, support and tracking deliveries on

Facebook Marketplace, customers can directly message the seller through WhatsApp, Messenger,

or Instagram Direct which are also Facebook-owned apps (Pielago, 2020) while Lazada and

Shopee do also have their own Help center section or built-in chat service that can be easily

accessed by the customers for their inquiries or transactions (Zoleta, 2020).

With those facts being stated above, those comparisons should raise an idea for the

customers, seller, and future online seller about how those online selling platforms muddle through

with the different aspects of customer service and e-commerce industry. As a whole, in choosing

which is better, the answer is, it would only depend on the buyer’s priorities. After all, they all

have pros and cons. (Zoleta, 2020).

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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
2.3. Commonly Accessed Online Platform by the Online Shoppers in the Philippines

Lazada and Shopee are indeed the top most visited online shopping platform here in the

Philippines and based on the survey of Kanta Worldpanel, N.D. (as cited to Zoleta, 2020), 84%

Filipinos would choose to purchase from E-commerce despite having numerous more choices in

the market. In the Philippines, Lazada have a lot of more online visits with a total of 32 million

per month rather than Shopee with only 16 million. However, according to (Janio, 2020), for both

android and IOS devices, Shopee is the top downloaded online selling application. These things

bring a fact that the competition among online shopping platform here in the Philippines is getting

more intense and these two online shopping companies are competing with each other by creating

up their own way to win a wider number of customers. (Zoleta, 2020)

According to Sapo’s survey (as cited to Hoang et al. 2019), Over 5,000 online stores, and

more than 73% of online stores are doing business in Online Selling Platforms such as Lazada,

Shopee, Adayroi and it was really effective. Shopee become the main E-Commerce platforms in

Vietnam with more than 41 million visits per month. This Online Shopping platform started in

2018 with 3rd position in website traffic but after 7 months, Shopee become the leading position

in attracting visitors to visit and purchase goods. (Hoang et al. 2019), Besides, the study was made

to identify factors that affects the decision in using Shopee's online shopping service.

(Wowor et al, 2019) Discusses that one of the Online Shopping applications that are

currently being used in Indonesia, particularly in Manado, is Shopee. Shopee is one of the many

retailers who take advantage of E-Commerce business opportunities by stimulating the

Marketplace through their mobile application for easier buy and sell transactions. With the rapid

development of information technology, there is a change of trend in shopping due to lifestyle

change and the increase of online happenings. (Wowor et al, 2019), Likewise, this will provide
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
additional analysis in terms of comparison of continuation intention in using the application with

any same nature of the company and industry, as well in the different places in Indonesia.

Based on the reviews from Shopee users, both as buyers and sellers, there are still many

comments that the application is being rated less satisfactory, particularly in supporting features

like Shopee wallet, payment features, tracking orders, have technical errors and the images do not

appear. It is known that the Shopee app still needs to be improved. (Wowor et al, 2019). In this

sense, this concluded that many people still think that Shopee online platform still observed as

unsatisfactory, including Shopee users in Manado, though it still does not mean that people in

Manado, Indonesia will not use again that platform, even though there still several issues and

complaints of Shopee’s application feature, the impulse buying, shopping volume. (Wowor et al,

2019). Overall, this study wants to gain knowledge and data from the customers regarding online

shopping continuance intention of Shopee users in Manado. (Wowor, et at, 2019).

2.4. Variables for Measuring Effectiveness of Research Study’s Variables

2.4.1. Features Facebook Marketplace Additional Features

With the artificial intelligence or AI in Facebook Marketplace, it automatically

recommends products that the online sellers prefer or interested in by simply snap the photo of the

item preferred in the said platform. Marketplace’s AI technology could recommend similar listings

for sale nearby. (Liu, 2018).

In the previous years, Facebook has been trying to win the local commerce and tried the

“Marketplace” in classified listings about possessions to be sold like housing, jobs etc. Sadly,

Marketplace failed and in 2009, it was transferred to Oodle, the commerce platform powering it.
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
It was shut down in 2014. (Constine, 2016). In that sense, Facebook Marketplace presented its

main features which are Browse to Buy – Marketplace opens a filtered feed of items that may buy

around the community. Online buyers may to tags people add to their listings with the use of

Facebook’s text analysis AI combined with what Pages you Like browse on Marketplace, the

listings see are ranked based on relevancy. Pre-made Messages like “Is this item still available?”

and “What condition is this item in?” make negotiation easier. (Constine, 2016).

Second is, Sell Your Stuff – Aside from to setting up a new profile, it can easily snap a

photo of the item, add a description, set an asking price, and publish your listing. Lastly, Search

Your Surroundings – Searching for something specific made easily by filtering what can be seen

by location, category, price or with the use of map. Browsing specific categories like Household

or Electronics, once found the something that they online shopper’s want, they may see the seller’s

approximate location but not their exact address unless told. (Constine, 2016). Shopee’s Additional Features

(Manila Bulletin, 2020) Shopee is a widely recognized as Lowest Price Guaranteed Deals

among other Online Selling Platforms since prices displayed there are guaranteed affordable and

lower compare to others and found a cheaper deal from another E-commerce channel. More

importantly, its Free Shipping. Shopee has offered a Free 5kg Shipping program whereas only

limited in Malaysia.

In further details about its additional features, ShopeePay is the new official electronic

wallet or E-wallet issued by Shopee and licensed by Central Bank of the Philippines which aims

to make shopping faster and more convenient without having to use cards or Cash On Delivery.

Refunds will go directly to ShopeePay instead of Shopee Wallet. With the use of ShopeePay
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
balance to purchase products on Shopee. Simply visit the app and select ‘Top Up’ and follow the

payment instructions. (Shopee, 2020). Furthermore, Shopee is known for Tons of Deals like the

11.11 Super Flash Sale which was held and celebrate every month and Shopee has something

special to offer. (Manila Bulletin, 2020).

(Manila Bulletin, 2020) In addition to that, Shopee is widely recognized as Lowest Price

Guaranteed Deals among other Online Selling Platforms since prices displayed there are

guaranteed affordable and lower compare to others and found a cheaper deal from another E-

commerce channel. More importantly, its Free Shipping. Shopee has offered a Free 5kg Shipping

program whereas only limited in Malaysia.

(McSpadden, 2019) Shopee also offers Live Selling which called “Shopee Live” that is a

live streaming way of presenting products for online sellers that allows them start their own shows

and sell goods via the brand. This is designed for online shoppers to buy or purchase items without

disrupting the stream. On the bottom left-hand corner of the live stream is little shopping bag icon.

When they click the bag, they are given a list of items they may buy and able to purchase the

product instantly. The Shopee Livestream never stops during the process.

Lastly, Shopee is popular for its in-app games wherein Shop visitors can play the games

and win prizes like Discount Vouchers or Coin Cashback Vouchers, which can be used to purchase

products. They can redeem prizes and earn as many points which they can use for the big sale.

This helps increase shopper engagement and encourage higher spending in order to use the

vouchers won. This are the popular games that can be accessed by Shopee users: ₱1 Game, Daily

Prize, Shopee Farm, Shopee Hourly Prizes, Shopee Throw, Shopee Claw, Shopee Poly, Shopee

Candy, Shopee Flappy, Shopee Link, Shopee Bubble which is New to Shopee, Shopee Shake and

Shopee Catch. (Lansang, 2020).

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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal Lazada’s Additional Feature

(Paul, 2018). The newest Feature of Lazada is that there is an image scan product search,

with the use of augmented reality. This new feature lets the customers look for a product listing

by just taking a photo of an object using Lazada app. However, there is no proof that the tool is

accurate, but it does look to be a convenient and as a means of alternative option to text searches.

(Paul, 2018). Just like Shopee, Lazada also uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), to analyze what they

online shopper’s needs and wants. With the help of AI, products are shown to online shoppers

based on their searches and previous purchases.

Furthermore, using Lazada app, the shopper may now contact directly sellers and ask

numerous questions to deliberate queries as much as the shopper wants in order to clarify

questions. (Paul, 2018). Also, another feature was Cashback with Lazada E-Wallet which was a

new trend as means to cashless transactions, fil in the e-wallet with any amount use to pay to the

purchased items and this will help to control the amount they spend on one transaction and some

purchases may have the chance to get 10% cashback. (Paul, 2018).

LazLive is another feature of Lazada wherein online sellers there may do live streaming

and caters not just the sales aspect of online selling but also on the potential of sellers to build a

long-lasting relationship with online shoppers and may be able to sell products in real-time. (Split

Dragon, 2020). Another thing is, prior to Live Streaming, one of Lazada’s primary attempts to

finalize Shoppertainment in the integration of LazCity in the platform. LazCity is the game portion

of the website where buyers can play and earn coins in the process and can be redeemed for special

items within the Lazada website and app. Customers may also use coins to purchase vouchers.

(Split Dragon, 2020).

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on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
(Paul, 2018) Lazada users may start following their favorite stores and immediately

notified on their possible upcoming stocks on their products, also be updated to their offered

discounts on their items. (Paul, 2018) With the use of Lazada’s QC Code, online shoppers may

scan the QR code in the QR code scanner and it will directly be led to promotion or product within

the Lazada app. Lastly, the most awaited part of the Lazada users was “Shake Shake” while using

Lazada app, shaking the device and online shoppers may get random codes and promotions. (Paul,


AI (Artificial ShopeePay Augmented Reality
ONLINE Intelligence)
SELLING Browse to Buy Shopee Live (AI) Artificial
PLATFORM Intelligence
FEATURES Pages You Like Shopee In App Games Lazada E-Wallet
“Shake Shake”
Figure 2.4.1. Additional Features of Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada

2.4.2. Complaints
According to (Woodburn, 2019), in Facebook Marketplace, even if a seller looks so good

in his or her profile, there are still some sort of scams that they are doing. With that, there are usual

scams or fraudulent scenarios that are happening around Facebook Marketplace. One of it is the

unauthentic products that some sellers are selling. Next is that, “catfishing” wherein sellers are

using some fake photos to attract their customers. Third is what they called “You’ve Won Scam”

wherein a certain customer can be led to a site where he or she would fill up a form that requests

some of his or her personal information. Fourth is the dislike button in which it turned out to be
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malware where it damages or gain access in a computer in an unauthorized way. Furthermore,

according to (, N.D.), there are some additional scams that are in Facebook

Marketplace. First are the broken items that the buyers are receiving from the seller in this platform

and last but not the least is the fake accounts of the sellers which is the biggest scam that is

happening in Fcaebook Marketplace.

Furthermore, according to (, 2020), there are some customers who gave

reviews about their complaints about Shopee as an online selling platform and most of it are;

unreliable courier, unprocessed refund of money, wrong item received, defective items, poor

customer service and unresponsive sellers. Those are the most usual complaints that the buyers

from Shopee had reviewed. Lastly, there are also customer reviews from Lazada whom they also

posted about their complaints about this shop namely; defective items, unprocessed refund, poor

customer service and irresponsible courier. Those are some of the usual complaints of the buyers

from Lazada online selling platform.

Online Selling Platform Complaints

1. Lazada - Defective Items
- Unprocessed Refund
- Poor Customer Service
- Irresponsible Sellers
2. Shopee - Unreliable Couriers
- Unprocessed Refund of Money
- Wrong Item Received
- Defective Items
- Poor Customer Service
- Unresponsive Sellers

3. Facebook Marketplace - Fake products

- Catfishing
- “You’ve Won” scam
- Celebrity Scam
- Malware Dislike Button
- Fake Facebook accounts
- Defective or Broken Items
Figure 2.4.2. Usual Complaints in Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lzada
| 22
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
2.4.3. Sales Performance

For the sales performance of Shopee, according to (, 2020), at the end of the

year 2019, its gross merchandise value was approximated by 5.56 billion U.S dollars. While

according to (Rusell, 2018), Lazada grossed 650 million U.S dollars at the last quarter of the year

2019. Lastly, for the Facebook Mrketplace, there is no data given about its year end 2019 gross

merchandise value. It is due to the reason that according to (Emelyanova, 2019), Facebook

Marketplace is still not a real e-commerce platform even if it has something to do about online

selling and buying. It is because there is no such thing as shopping cart and there is no payment

processor that is being supported in this platform.

Online Selling Platform Q4/Year-end 2019 Gross Merchandise Value

1. Lazada 4.5 Billion

2. Shopee 5.65 Billion
3. Facebook Marketplace No Data (Facebook Marketplace is still not a real
e-commerce platform)
Figure 2.4.3. Sales Performance of Facebook Marketplace, Shopee, and Lazada
| 23
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
2.4.4. Regional Traffic/Monthly Visit: Map of top 5 most visited E-commerce in

Philippine and in 6 Largest Southeast Asia Countries including Shopee and Lazada: 2019

year-end report and Q1 2020 vs. Q2 2020

According to (, 2020), there was an increase in the monthly visit of the top 2

online selling platform in the Philippines namely Shopee and Lazada from quarter 1 to quarter 2

and also according to (iPrice Group and SimilarWeb, 2020), Shopee gained the highest monthly

visits of 2,061,511,094 in the end of the year of 2019.

In connection with that, according to (iPrice, 2020), in today’s present time, it can be seen

that the e-commerce industry in Southeast Asia is growing and shifting and Southeast Asians are

also shifting their buying behavior as they discover different platforms of online shopping. This is

a proof that transition is in place and Southeast Asia’s e-commerce growth is at the peak.

In further details, Facebook Marketplace is not included in the top list it is due to the fact

that even if we perceive Facebook Marketplace has something to do with regards to online buying

and selling, it is still not a real e-commerce platform. It is just a place wherein consumers can find

the list of the products and just negotiate with the owner to settle the payment and delivery. Another

reason is that, in Facebook Marketplace, there is no such thing as shopping cart and no payment

processor that is being supported. (Emelyanova, 2019) Also, according to (Freeman, 2017), even

if many people are participating in buy and sell groups in Facebook, people still don’t often go

into this platform. That’s the reason why Facebook Marketplace must not be considered as a

business to consumer platform with a determinate face. (Emelyanova, 2019).

| 24
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
Year-end 2019
Q1 2020
Q2 2020
Lazada Shopee Zalora Beauty Ebay

Figure 2.4.4. Monthly web Visits of the Top 5 E-commerce in Philippines: Year-end 2019, Q1
2020, Q2 2020



1,000,000,000 Year-end 2019


Shopee Lazada TokopediaBukalapak Thế Giới
Di Động

Figure Year-end 2019 Total Combined Regional Traffic of the Top 5 E-commerce in 6
Largest Southeast Asia Countries
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


This research study provides both Theoretical and Conceptual Framework to better

understand what the study seeks to find out by illustrating theories from Literature Review. On the

other hand, Conceptual Framework should be in a schematic diagram showing how the variables,

independent and dependent connected and show the relationship that will influence the results of

this study.


3.1.1. Online Selling Platform in the New Normal

Online selling Platforms

in the New Normal

Alternative for Physical Retailer’s Selling Platform as Usual or Common Complaints:

Shopping During Enhanced the Global Pandemic
Community Quarantine Continues - High Pricing
- Defective Products
- Poor Customer Service
- Deceiving Advertising

The Theoretical Framework given above shows the functions or usage of the online selling

platforms in the New Normal. It was driven from the review of related literature that was according

to (, 2020) and (, 2020). Another theory that was illustrated above is the

usual complaints regarding those online selling platforms which was according to (dela Cruz,

2020). This framework is relevant for the study as this shows the main or basic concept of the

functions and common complaints regarding the online selling platform in today’s new normal.

This framework also serves as a tool to simplify the important key points of the current state of E-

commerce during COVID-19 Pandemic as an introduction for the main point of this research study.
| 26
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
3.1.2. Popular Online Selling Platform and Its Features
Popular Online
Selling Platform:

Lazada Shopee Instagram Retailer’s Zalora Amazon Facebook

Online Store Marketplace

Features: Features: Features:

- AI - ShopeePay - AI
- Lazada E-Wallet - ShopeeLive - Browse to Buy
- LazLive - Shopee In App Games - Pages You Like
- LazCity
- “Shake Shake” Complaints: Complaints:
- Unreliable Couriers - Fake products
Complaints: - Unprocessed Refund of Money - Catfishing
- Defective Items - Wrong Item Received - “You’ve Won” scam
- Unprocessed Refund - Defective Items - Celebrity Scam
- Poor Customer Service - Poor Customer Service - Malware Dislike Button
- Irresponsible Sellers - Unresponsive Sellers - Fake Facebook accounts
- Defective or Broken Items
Year-end 2019 Total Year-end 2019 Total Regional
Regional Traffic: Traffic: Year-end 2019 Total Regional Traffic:
- 1,843,848,694 - 2,061,511,094 - No data (Facebook Marketplace is still not
a real e-commerce platform)
Year-end 2019 GMV Year-end 2019 Total Revenue:
- 4.5 Billion - 5.65 Billion Year-end 2019 Total Revenue:
- No Data (Facebook Marketplace is still not
a real e-commerce platform)

Research Study

The Theoretical Framework shown above are the popular online selling platform (Bondoc,

2020) features; (Paul, 2018), (Split Dragon, 2020), (Shopee, 2020), (McSpadden, 2019), (Lansang,

2020), (Liu, 2018), (Constine, 2016), complaints (Woodburn, 2019), (, 2020),

(, 2020), regional traffic and revenue of Lazada, Shopee, and Facebook

Marketplace (, 2020), (Rusell, 2018) as the main variables of this research study. The

relevance of this framework is that, this serves as a tool to provide an illustration about how to

systematically compare the key variables which are the online selling platforms. In addition, this

also serves as an instrument to measure the effectiveness of Lazada, Shopee and Facebook

Marketplace during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

| 27
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
3.1.3. Variables for Measuring Effectiveness of Research Study’s Variables
Variables for Measuring Effectiveness of
Facebook Marketplace, Shopee, & Lazada

Features Sales Performance Regional Complaints


The third theoretical framework above shows the four variables that will be used in

measuring the effectiveness of the three comparative variables of this study which are Facebook

Marketplace, Shopee, and Lazada. The variables for measuring its effectiveness are, Facebook

Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada features (Liu, 2018), (Constine, 2016), (Manila Bulletin, 2020),

(McSpadden, 2019), (Lansang, 2020), (Paul, 2018), (Split Dragon, 2020). Next are the sales

performances of these three online selling platforms (, 2020), (Rusell, 2018),

(Emelyanova, 2019). Third are its regional traffic or monthly visits (, 2020), (iPrice

Group and SimilarWeb, 2020), (iPrice, 2020), (Emelyanova, 2019), (Freeman, 2017), (Freeman,

2017), (Emelyanova, 2019). Last are the complaints in these online shops (Woodburn, 2019),

(, N.D.), (, 2020). The relevance of this framework is that, this will

serve as a concise illustration on what are the most rational variables that can be a tool in

determining which among Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada is the most effective online

selling platform is in the new normal.

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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

3.2.1. Effectiveness of Online Selling and Online Shopping Platform in the New Normal


Facebook Marketplace

- AI
- Browse to Buy
- Pages You Like
Facebook accounts Variables for Measuring
- Defective or Effectiveness
Broken Items

Year-end 2019
Total Regional • Complaints
Traffic: • Features
- No data • Regional
Other Online Selling
(Facebook Traffic/Visits
Marketplace is still • Sales
not a real e-
platform) Lazada

Year-end 2019
Total Revenue:
- ShopeePay -Lazada E-Wallet
- ShopeeLive
- No Data -LazLive
- Shopee(Facebook
In -LazCity
App Games “Shake Shake”
Marketplace is still
not a real e-

The Conceptual Framework illustrated above serves as a structural organization of the

overall important points that was being stated by the researchers in the review of related literature

and the combination of all the Theoretical Frameworks. This Conceptual Framework is relevant

for the study as gives direction to the study by bringing together all the concepts of the research’s

Key Variables in Measuring its Effectiveness in order to create connection to the purpose and aim

of this study.
| 29
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
This chapter seeks to provide a step-by-step method on how the Researchers do their

research study. With this, they will discuss the research locale, research design, population

sampling or respondents of the study, research instrument, and the statistical treatment of data.

4. 1. Research Locale

4.1.1 The study will be conducted in the Philippines. Before the Covid-19 Pandemic, the

change towards ecommerce was occurring, but when the quarantine began, it intensified further.

People nowadays prefer to shop online to avoid physical contact to other and crowded places. The

researchers gathered respondents residing in Philippines who has an online shop on any online

selling platforms particularly Facebook, Shopee or Lazada. The respondents will answer the

survey questionnaire in their houses or any comfortable place that the respondent will choose to.

4.1.2 The researchers will conduct its study in the Philippines. The participants on the study

which are the online seller that are living in the Philippines. It is accessible population which the

researcher can apply their conclusion.

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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
4.2. Research Design

This research paper will be a Comparative type of Research Design to identify what avenue

is more effective in Online Selling in the New Normal, Facebook Marketplace or the other Online

Selling Platforms. To evaluate the data and information needed of this study, the researchers will

use a comparative method to assess throughout the study to compare the specified online selling

platforms. By conducting survey to target respondents, the researchers will provide survey

questionnaires to answer what will be the most effective selling platform for the Online Sellers

given the Covid-19 Pandemic.

4.3. Population Sampling or Respondents of the Study

In this study, the sampling technique that the researchers will be using is a non-

probability sampling which is a purposive type of sampling. It is due to the fact that this

study is only arranged for the online sellers. Thus, this study would be particularly targeting

the online sellers in Facebook Marketplace as the main comparative variable of this study

and the online sellers in Shopee and Lazada as the secondary variable for comparison due

to the reason that these are the other top online shopping platform. The age of these online

sellers would range from fifteen to fifty-five (15 – 55) years old as they have the ability to

sell online.

Slovin’s formula will be the tool to know or classify the sample size of the

respondents of the online sellers in Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada.

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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
Slovin’s Formula:

n = number of respondents
N = total population
e = margin of error

Furthermore, to perform this formula and to determine the total seller population of

these platforms, the researchers will determine first the estimated total sellers of each

online selling platform then sum it up. For the Facebook Marketplace, there are 75 verified

estimated numbers of sellers (Marketplace Philippines, 2020). For the Shopee, there are

300,000 estimated active sellers (Drilon, 2019) and in Lazada, there are 30,000 estimated

listed sellers (Gatpolintan, 2018). That will rise for an estimated total of 330,075 online

sellers in these three platforms.

Given: Solution:

n =?

N = 330,075

e = 5% or 0.05

The estimated total population of the online sellers in Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and

Lazada are 330,075 and the margin of error will be 0.05 or 5%. Therefore, the sample size or the

number of respondents will be 400 (399.5158484). This shows that the sample size being

calculated is bigger than the prescribed number of respondents wherein n > 50. Thus, the

researchers will only focus on limiting it into 50 respondents as it is the prescribed one.
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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
The tables shown below are the distribution of the survey questionnaires:

Age Frequency Percentage

15 – 35 25 50%
36 – 55 25 50%
Total 50 100%

Table 1. Age of the Respondents

On Table 1 it shows the frequency and percentage of the distribution of the survey

questionnaires with regards to the age of the respondents which are the online sellers of Facebook

Marketplace, Shopee, and Lazada. It shows that 25 or 50% of the respondent will be from ages 15

to 35 years old. And 25 or 50% of the respondent will be from ages 36 to 55 years old.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 25 50%
Female 25 50%
Total 50 100%

Table 2. Gender of the Respondents

On Table 2 it shows the frequency and percentage of the distribution of the survey

questionnaires with regards to the sex of the respondents which are the online sellers of Facebook

Marketplace, Shopee, and Lazada. It shows that 25 or 50% of the respondent will be male and 25

or 50% of the respondent will be female.

| 33
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
4.4. Data Gathering Procedures
This research paper will be conducting by the researchers to have a Comparative Study

between Facebook versus Other Online Selling Platform are more effective in the New Normal.

Below are the step-by-step procedures on how the researchers will gather and collect the data

needed for this study which will be coming from the respondents.

Step 1: The researchers will formulate survey questionnaires that the study is intended to

find out for the respondents particularly the online shoppers who has a virtual store whether

in Facebook Marketplace, Shopee or Lazada.

Step 2: After formulating survey questionnaires, the researchers will post the survey

questionnaires via Google Forms which will be used as a main tool in distributing the

questionnaires to the target respondents. They will disseminate the link provided by Google

Forms through online.

Step 3: Every researcher has to look for the target respondent/s they know using their

connections that are online sellers with virtual store in any of the three online selling

platform: Facebook Marketplace, Shopee or Lazada.

Step 4: Once they find a target respondent/s who are qualified to the said qualifications,

they have to contact them immediately and ask for their approval that they will conduct a

survey. They will message the respondent via email or personally send it over to their

personal social media account/s.

Step 5: Once they have done messaging and have the consent the respondent/s allowing to

conduct a survey, they may proceed to next step.

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Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
Step 6: Send the link of the survey questionnaire to the respondent/s via Google Forms.

The survey questionnaires are expecting to be return after 3-5 working days.

Step 7: Lastly, once the respondent/s had already returned the survey questionnaire, the

researchers will have to collate the turned-in answers of the respondents and will analyze

the data gathered based on their answers and feedback. Since the researchers will be using

Google Forms, it will be tallied automatically. The gathered data and information will be

interpreted by the researchers and finding out the results by formulating the analysis and


4.5. Research Instrument

4.5.1 The instrument that will be using is researcher-made to gather the data needed for

this study. It is easy to understand by the respondent and it only takes 2 to 5 minutes to

answer the survey questionnaire. The researchers will use Google Forms that will be send

via email or through social media such as Facebook Messenger and the like that contain

link of the form.

4.5.2. The survey questionnaire will be use in the main data-gathering instrument for this

study. It has two sections which comprises of demographic profile of the respondents and

the questions contains open-ended and close-ended as these provides more diverse detail.

The profile contains demographic profile of the respondents such as age and sex in order

to provide efficiency of the answers in the survey. While the second part deals with the

respondent’s assessment statement with multiple choice type of questions that will only

allow one answer per question. In this study, the questionnaire is a set of orderly questions

carefully prepared by the researchers to collect facts and information and to arrive with the

accurate result.
| 35
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
4.6. Statistical Treatment of Data

4.6.1 After collecting the data, the result of the survey that will be coming from the

research study’s respondents will be analyzed by the researchers. The data that will

be collected from the multiple-choice questionnaires that will be given to them will

be treated by the use of percentage formula as this generates logical or clearer

interpretation with regards to their responses in determining the comparison of the

effectiveness of online selling in the new normal. This will also give an informative

decision about the sample size as the representative of the overall population of the

online sellers in Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada.

4.6.2 On the self-structured multiple-choice type of questionnaires, the researchers will

not be scaling the respondents’ answers but the researchers would rather be

determining the frequency of how many respondents on each choice per questions

have chosen it and by determining its percentage. This will be the process in

analyzing the responses of the respondents in each question and to make

summarization of the data that will be gathered.

4.6.3 As mentioned above, the tool that will be used for the treatment of data is the

percentage formula. To find the size or portion of some things in terms of one

hundred, the percentage method is the suitable formula to be used. This formula is

generally used to differentiate or find out ratios and this is represented by the “%”

symbol (, 2020). In further details, according to (,

2013) percentage method is performed by getting the frequency of a certain

category and divides it by the total number of respondents and multiply it by one

| 36
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
The figure below shows the formula that the researchers will be using in analyzing

the answers of the respondents:

P= x 100


P = Percentage
f = Frequency
n = Number of Respondents
| 37
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


The data for this study has been collected using the survey questionnaires provided by the

researchers that were distributed to the 50 respondents coming from the Online Sellers in Facebook

Marketplace, and other online selling platforms specifically in Shopee and Lazada. After collecting

the filled questionnaire, they were analyzed for presentation of research findings under data

analysis using the percentage method. The following graph will be used as guide in analyzing the

data collected throughout the process of interpreting the results of the research’s survey in a

detailed and generalized way.

| 38
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.1. Demographic Survey Question: Age

The result of the survey question about the age of the respondents shows that, among the

50 respondents, 50% or the majority of them are online sellers that are from ages 21-30 years old.

Next is that 36% of them are 15-20 years old and 8% of them are 31-40 years old. Lastly, 6% of

the respondents are ages 41-50 years old. According to (Kristensen, 2020), the reason why

millennial are the online sellers in today’s new normal is due to the reason that they know on how

to effectively target and market this generation. After all, millennial is bringing trends unlike any

other. Therefore, the survey result indicates that, most of the online sellers in today’s new normal

are the millennial.



0% 15 - 20
36% 21 - 30
31 - 40
41 - 50
50% 51 and above

Figure 5.1 “Age of the Respondents”

| 39
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.2. Demographic Survey Question: Gender

The survey result about the gender of the respondents shows that, among the 50

respondents, 82% of them are female online sellers and on the other hand, 18% of them are male.

In connection to that, according to (Griffits, 2015), the reason why there are more female

entrepreneurs is because men tend to have more time talking about other things and just hammer

out on dealing with business for only few minutes things. While on the other hand, females are

always into business and do only have small time for pleasantries than men. Another point is that,

according to (Finkel, 2019), females are much better in building a relationship within her

customers and suppliers than men. Hence, the survey result denotes that, females are more into

doing business than men particularly about selling goods online.





Figure 5.2 “Gender of the Respondents”

| 40
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.3. Survey Question number 1: Which Online Selling Platform Does Your Business Use for E-


In question number one, the survey result shows that, out of 50 respondents, 56% of them

answered that they use Shopee as a platform to sell their products. While, 36% of them uses

Facebook Marketplace and 8% of them uses Lazada for their e-commerce business. According to

(Zoleta, 2020), the reason why Shopee is the most commonly used as an online selling platform

compare to Lazada and others is because Shopee has over 300,000 active online sellers and it been

quickly catching up with its catchy ads and attractive pricing. This is their way to win more

customers. Therefore, the main analysis is that, Shopee is the most popular online selling platform

that is commonly used by the respondents for their e-commerce business.


36% Lazada
Facebook Marketplace

Figure 5.3 “Online Selling Platforms Use for E-commerce”

| 41
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.4. Survey Question Number 2: In Question Above, Why Do You Prefer To Sell Your Product

to That Platform?

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 2 shows that, out of

50 respondents, 64% of the seller from Shopee and 82% of the sellers from Facebook Marketplace

answered that they prefer to sell their products in this platform due to numerous potential

customers. On the other hand, 50% of the sellers from Lazada answered that it is due to promotions.

Therefore, it can be analyzed that, there are many potential customers in Shopee and Facebook

Marketplace that made the seller chose this platform for selling their products and on the other

hand, Lazada as an online selling platform is good at promoting the online shop of the seller.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 2 shows that, out of 50

respondents, 66% of them prefer to sell their products in their chosen online selling platform due

to numerous potential customers. While, 20% answered that it is because of promotion and lastly,

14% of the respondents answered that it is because of multiple payment options. With that survey

result, it represents that; the main reason why the respondents sell their products to their chosen

online selling platform is by the fact that it has numerous potential customers and promotion is

just a secondary reason for them and lastly, the least reason for them is that this online selling

platform has multiple payment options. According to (Similar web, 2020) Shopee received a total

of 34.21 million visits worldwide including desktops and mobile phones during this period. In

addition, according to (, 2019), Facebook Marketplace is now being popular and

is being used by millions of people in different countries every month. This proves and reflects

that there are really numerous potential customers in these platforms.

| 42
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Lazada Facebook Marketplace

promotion promotion promotion

25% Multiple
Multiple Multiple
payment 50% payment payment
Options Options Options
64% 25% 82%
Numerous Numerous Numerous
Potential Potential Potential
Customers Customers Customers

Figure 5.4.1 In Detailed: “Preference to Sell Products on the Online Selling Platforms”

20% Promotion

Multiple Payment Options

66% Numerous Potential

Figure 5.4.2 In General: “Preference to Sell Products on the Online Selling Platforms”
| 43
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.5. Survey Question 3: Estimated Monthly Revenue Before the Covid 19 Pandemic

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 3 shows that, out of

the 50 respondents, 43% of the sellers from Shopee and 39% or majority of the sellers from

Facebook Marketplace answered that their estimated monthly revenue was 1,000 and below before

the Pandemic. While on the other hand, there is no one from the Lazada sellers that have 1,000

and below estimated monthly revenue before the Covid pandemic. This survey result signifies that,

the online sellers form Shopee and Facebook Marketplace have small revenue before the Pandemic

rather than the sellers from Lazada.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 3 shows that, among the 50

respondents, 38% of them answered that their estimated monthly revenue before the Covid-19

Pandemic is ranging from Php 1,000 and below. However, 34% of them answered that their

monthly revenue is ranging from Php 1,001.00 up to Php 5,000.00 and 14% of them have Php

5,001 up to Php 10,000 revenue. Lastly, also 14% of them do have estimated monthly revenue of

Php 10,001 and above before the Covid-19 Pandemic are ranging. This survey result implies that,

most of the respondents have small monthly revenues in Online Selling before Covid-19

Pandemic. In connection to that, according to (Vishnoi, 2020), the reasons why many E-commerce

business find online selling difficult before is that they are struck in the traditional selling with

physical stores. Most of them lack the necessary insight into customer behavior and buying

patterns that can help them succeed in the current E-commerce milieu.
| 44
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

3% 0%
1,000 and 1,000 and 1,000 and
Below below below

18% 1,001 - 1,001 - 22% 1,001 -

43% 39% 5,000
5,000 5,000
50% 50%
5,001 - 5,001 - 5,001 -
36% 10,000 10,000 10,000
10,001 10,001 10,001
and above and above 11% and above

Figure 5.5.1 In Detailed: “Estimated Monthly Revenue Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”


1,000 and Below

14% 1,001 - 5,000
5,001 - 10,000
10,001 and above


Figure 5.5.2 In General: “Estimated Monthly Revenue Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”
| 45
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.6. Survey Question number 4: Estimated Monthly Revenue When the Covid 19 Pandemic


The findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 4 shows a shift that, among

the 50 respondents, there are only 22% of the sellers from Shopee answered that they have an

estimated monthly revenue of 1,000 and below when the Pandemic started which was 21% lower

from the previous result in figure 5.3.1. Next is that, there are only 17% of the Facebook

Marketplace sellers who answered that they have 1,000 and below monthly revenue which was

22% lower from the figure 5.3.1. Last is that, 25% of the seller from Lazada said that they acquire

a 5,001 up to 10,000 monthly revenue which states that there is a small decrease in their sales.

With those results, it indicates that, the estimated monthly revenue of Shopee and Facebook

Marketplace sellers rises up when the Pandemic started.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 4 shows that, out of 50

respondents, 46% or majority of them do have 1,001 up to 5,000 estimated monthly revenue when

the Covid-19 Pandemic started which was 12% higher from figure 5.3.2. Moreover, 18% of them

have monthly revenue of 900 and below which was 20% lower from figure 5.3.2 and also 18% of

the respondents answered that they have 5,001 up to 10,000 monthly revenue which was 4% higher

from figure 5.3.2. Lastly, also 18% said that their estimated monthly revenue when the Pandemic

started were 10,001 and above which was also 4% higher from figure 5.3.2. Thus, this result gave

an indicator that most of the Online Seller gain more revenue as the pandemic continues since

most of the people stayed in their house due to lockdown and they tend to shift in online shopping.

In connection to that, according to (Handley, 2020), during the Covid 19 pandemic, the sales of

the online sellers and the e-commerce industry were extremely boosted. It is by the orders of the

customers that are staying at home due to the ongoing Pandemic.

| 46
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

0% 1,000 and
1,000 and 1,000 and
below below below
11% 17%
21% 22% 1,001 - 1,001 - 1,001 -
5,000 5,000 5,000
7% 50% 33%
5,001 - 5,001 - 5,001 -
50% 25% 39% 10,000
10,000 10,000
10,001 10,001 10,001
and above and above and above

Figure 5.6.1 In Detailed: “Estimated Monthly Revenue when the Covid-19 Pandemic Started“

18% 18%

1,000 and Below

1,001 - 5,000

18% 5,001 - 10,000

10,001 and above


Figure 5.6.2 In General: “Estimated Monthly Revenue when the Covid-19 Pandemic Started “
| 47
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.7. Survey Question Number 5: How Many is Your Monthly Visitors at Your Page Shop Before

the Covid 19 Pandemic?

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 5 shows that, out of

the 50 respondents, 57% of the sellers from Shopee, 50% of the sellers from Lazada, and 61% of

the sellers from Facebook Marketplace answered that their monthly visitors at their page before

the Covid-19 Pandemic were ranging from 10 up to 100 visits per month.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 5 shows that, among the 50

respondents, 58% or majority of them do have monthly visitors at their page shop that is ranging

from 10 to 100 before the Covid 19 pandemic. 20% of them have 101 to 300, 16% have 301 to

500 and last is that only 6% of the total respondents have a monthly visitor of 501 and above before

the Pandemic. This survey result implies that, most of the respondents are receiving a little amount

of monthly page shop visitors before the Covid 19 pandemic. In connection to that, according to

(, 2020), in the Philippines, at the first quarter of the year 2020 wherein Covid 19

Pandemic is not yet fully experienced by the Filipinos and there is still no lockdown, the top

popular online selling platform here in the Philippines like Shopee and Lazada only received an

estimated total of 26,760,000 and 21,997,000 monthly visitors respectively which was way lower

compared in today’s current and latest online shop monthly visitors.

| 48
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

4% 10 - 100
10 - 100 10 - 100
17% 101 - 300
18% 101 - 300 25% 101 - 300
21% 57% 301 - 500 301 - 500 61% 301 - 500
25% 17%

501 and 0% 501 and 501 and

above above above

Figure 5.7.1 In Detailed: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”


10 - 100
101 - 300
301 - 500
58% 501 and above

Figure 5.7.2 In General: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”
| 49
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.8. Survey Question Number 6: How Many is Your Monthly Visitors at Your Page Shop

When The Covid 19 Started?

The findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 6 shows a shift that, among

the 50 respondents, there are 43% of the sellers from Shopee and 50% of the sellers from Facebook

Marketplace answered that their monthly visitors at their page when Covid-19 Pandemic started

were ranging from 10 to 100 visits per month which has 14% and 11% decrease from the previous

result in figure 5.5.1. On the other hand, the sellers from Lazada equally answered all the choices

which came up to a 25% result per choices. This states that, for the sellers from these three online

selling platforms, there is an increase in their monthly visitors when the Pandemic started.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 6 shows that, among the 50

respondents, 44% or majority of them do have 10 to 100 monthly visitors at their page shop when

the Pandemic started which was 14% lower from figure 5.7.2. Next is that, 20% of them have 101

to 300 monthly visitors which has the same percentage in figure 5.7.2 and also, 20% of the

respondents answered that they have 301 to 500 monthly visitors which was 4% higher form the

previous graph. Lastly, 16% said that their monthly visitors when the Covid 19 started were 501

and above which was 10% higher from the figure 5.7.2. This gives an indication that when the

Pandemic started; most of the respondents gain more monthly visitors. With that, according to

(, 2020), the top popular online shopping platform here in the Philippines like Shopee and

Lazada received an estimated total amount of 30,745,300 and 28,950,100 monthly visitors

respectively at the quarter 2 of the year 2020 wherein Covid 19 Pandemic is happening.
| 50
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

10 - 100 10 - 100 10 - 100

17% 101 - 300
101 - 300 25% 25% 101 - 300
21% 17% 50%
301 - 500 301 - 500 301 - 500
25% 25%
22% 16%
501 and 501 and 501 and
above above above

Figure 5.8.1 In Detailed: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop when the Covid-19 Pandemic


10 - 100
44% 101 - 300
20% 301 - 500
501 and above


Figure 5.8.2 In General: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop when the Covid-19 Pandemic
| 51
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.9. Survey Question Number 7: How Many Orders Do You Receive Everyday Before The

Covid 19 Pandemic?

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 7 shows that, among

the 50 respondents, 78% of the sellers from Shopee, 75% of the sellers from Lazada, and 83% of

the sellers from Facebook Marketplace answered that the order they receive before the Covid-19

Pandemic were ranging from 1 to 50 every day. This implies that, the online sellers from these

three platforms receive few orders every day before the Pandemic.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 7 shows that, among the 50

respondents, 80% of them receive orders every day that are ranging from 1 to 50 orders before the

Covid-19 Pandemic and 12% of them answered that they receive 51 to 100 orders. While only 8%

of the respondents receive orders every day that is ranging from 101 and above before the Covid-

19 Pandemic. This generally gives an analysis that almost all of the respondents experience few

orders before the Pandemic. In connection to that, according to (Picincu, 2018) in the year 2018

wherein the Covid 19 Pandemic were still not prevailing, many people do prefer to go to shopping

malls rather than doing online shopping is due to the reason that they want to try on products and

see other items in person before purchasing them. In that year, the experience of being able to

personally touch items cannot be matched by online shopping. This gives reason to why the online

sellers do have few orders before the Pandemic.

| 52
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

0% 6%

1 to 50 1 to 50 1 to 50
25% 11%
11% 51 - 100
51 - 100 51 - 100

78% 75% 83% 101 and

101 and 101 and
above above above

Figure 5.9.1 In Detailed: “Orders Received Every Day Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”



1 to 50
51 - 100
101 and above


Figure 5.9.2 In General: “Orders Received Every Day Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”
| 53
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.10. Survey Question Number 8: How Many Orders Do You Receive Every day When The

COVID-19 Pandemic Started?

The findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 8 shows a shift that, out of

50 respondents, 79% of the sellers from Shopee which has the same percentage before the Covid

19 Pandemic, 100% of the sellers from Lazada with the difference of 25% before the Covid 19

pandemic, and 83% of the sellers from Facebook Marketplace answered that the order they receive

when the Covid-19 Pandemic started were ranging from 1 to 50 every day. This signifies that there

is an increase to the percentage of the Shopee and Lazada sellers that are experiencing a few orders

every day when the Pandemic started.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 8 shows that, among the 50

respondents, 82% or majority of them receive orders every day that are ranging from 1 to 50 orders

when the Pandemic started which has 2% increase from the previous result in figure 5.7.2. Next is

that, 14% of them answered that they receive 51 to 100 orders which also has 2% increase from

the previous result. Last is that, only 4% of the respondents receive orders every day that are

ranging from 101 and above when the Covid 19 Pandemic started which was 4% lower from figure

5.7.2. This generally gives an analysis that, there is an increase to the percentage to almost all of

the respondents about receiving a few orders every day when the pandemic started. Online

shopping habits since pre-COVID-19, 36% of consumers shop online weekly since the rise of

COVID-19, up from 28% pre-pandemic, according to new data from Digital Commerce 360

(David & Toney, 2020). According to (Hottenroth, 2020) April 19-25 had the highest percentage

of year-over-year growth for order count.

| 54
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

7% 0%
1 to 50 1 to 50 1 to 50
51 - 100 51 - 100 51 - 100

79% 83% 101 and

101 and 100% 101 and
above above above

Figure 5.10.1 In Detailed: “Orders Received Every Day when the Covid-19 Started”


1 to 50
51 - 100
101 and above


Figure 5.10.2 In General: “Orders Received Every Day when the Covid-19 Started”
| 55
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.11. Survey Question Number 9: Have You Experienced a No Place Order at All?

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 9 shows that, among

the 50 respondents, 100% or all of the online sellers from Lazada are sometimes experiencing a

no place order at all. While there are only 29% of the shopee sellers and there are 50% from

Facebook sellers who are experiencing it.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 9 shows that, among the 50

respondents, 42% of them do sometimes experience a no place order at all in their online shop.

Then 20% of them rarely experience a “no place order” at all and 14% of them often experience

it. There are also 14% of the respondents who usually experience a no place order in day. However,

6% of them are always experiencing it and lastly only 4% of them never experience a “no place

order” at all in their online shop. Thus, this represents that, the respondents are not badly

experiencing a “no place order” due to the reason that most of them answered “sometimes” which

made them to be in a neutral mode. With that, according to (Hottenroth, 2020), order slowed

slightly over the last week of April. This could be because the end of the month could be a more

financially difficult period for customers, particularly with increasing of unemployment.

Shopee Lazada 5% Facebook

4% 7% 0% 0% 6% Marketplace
0% 0%
Always Always
Usually Usually
21% 11% Usually
21% Often Often
Sometimes Sometimes
29% 18% 50% Sometimes
Rarely 100% Rarely
Never Never

Figure 5.11.1 In Detailed: “Experienced a No Place Order at All”

| 56
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

20% 14% Usually
14% Sometimes

Figure 5.11.2 In General: “Experienced a No Place Order at All”

| 57
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.12. Survey Question Number 10: As an Online Seller, Are There Any Problems You

Encounter In This Platform?

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 10 shows that, among

the 50 respondents, 54% of the online sellers from Shopee, 75% of Lazada sellers and 78% of the

Facebook Marketplace sellers answered that they are experiencing problems in the online selling

platform that they are using like limited payment options, irresponsible courier and commission-

based selling.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 10 shows that, among the 50

respondents, 64% of them encounter a problem in online selling platform. While on the other hand,

36% of the respondents answered no. Therefore, this result reveals that, most of all the online

sellers do have a bad experience with regards to the operation of the selling platform that they are

in. Based on the government data of the Philippines (as cited to Fenol, 2020), showed that during

this time wherein Filipinos are on lockdown, there is a surged with regards to different complains

about Filipinos online transaction. High pricing, defective products, poor customer service, and

deceiving advertising are the most common complaints of Filipino online buyers. Therefore, the

finding is that, despite all the efforts of online sellers to alleviate them, there are a few problems

that they are still experiencing in these online selling platforms. But if online sellers can fix these

issues on their platforms, they will certainly improve customer experience and hence generate

more sales.
| 58
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

25% 22%
46% yes yes yes
54% none none none
75% 78%

Figure 5.12.1 In Detailed: “Problems Encounter in the Online Selling Platforms”

Yes - Limited payment

options / Irresponsible
36% courier / Commission
Based Section

Figure 5.12.2 In General: “Problems Encounter in the Online Selling Platforms”

| 59
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.13. Survey Question Number 11: As A Seller of Goods Online, What is The Most Important

Aspect after the Buyer Received Your Product?

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 11 shows that, out of

the 50 respondents, 68% of the online sellers in Shopee, and 75% of Lazada sellers answered that

consumer reviews are the most important aspect for them after their buyer received their product.

While 56% of Facebook Marketplace sellers answered that the most important aspect for them is

the repeat of orders from their buyers.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 11 shows that, out of the 50

respondents, 60% of the online sellers are more focus in the consumer reviews and 40% of them

answered that “repeat orders” is the most important aspect for them. Therefore, this result reveals

an idea that the most important aspect in the post purchase stage of the buyer for the online seller

is their reviews. That’s why, according to the survey by (Salsify,2018) of online shoppers and to

(Fan & Fuel, 2016), the main reasons for trusting a brand online are previous experience with that

company and good online reviews because 94% of online customers read reviews before making

any purchasing decisions. With that, feedbacks form the customers are their mostly concerned

because customer reviews can strengthen the business credibility.

| 60
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook

Consumer Consumer
Reviews Reviews
32% 25%
Featured Featured 44% Reviews
on the on the
68% Vlog Vlog 56%
75% Featured
Repeat Repeat on the
Orders 0% Orders Vlog
0% 0%

Figure 5.13.1 In Detailed: “Important Aspects after the Buyer Received the Product”

Consumers Reviews
Features on the Vlog
60% Repeat Orders

Figure 5.13.2 In General: “Important Aspects after the Buyer Received the Product”
| 61
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
5.14. Survey Question Number 12: Would You Recommend These Online Selling Platforms to

Those Buyers and Aspiring Online Sellers

The major findings of the detailed survey result in Question number 12 shows that, 100% or

all the sellers from Shopee and Lazada would like to recommend these online selling platforms to

those buyers and aspiring sellers because these platforms provide better customer service, have

flexible payment and the shipment options are on time. While on the other hand, there is only 94%

of the Facebook Marketplace online seller who would like to recommend this platform.

In general analysis, the survey result in question number 12 shows that, 98% the respondents

strongly agreed to recommend these online selling platforms to the buyer and aspiring sellers. Only

2% the respondents won’t suggest this Online Selling Platforms. Therefore, based on the result,

even if the sellers do have problems or are experiencing a lot of problems in the online selling

platform that they are in, they would still recommend these three platforms because after all, these

still somehow provides better customer service and sometimes do have flexible payment option,

and on time shipment. In connection to that, the reason why these respondents do recommend these

online selling platforms is due to the reason that these have many features that might help the

consumer and the seller. With that, according to (Liu, 2018), Facebook Marketplace have a feature

of AI Technology and according to (Constine, 2016), there is also “Browse To Buy” and “Sell

your Stuff” additional feature. Next is that, according to (Idris, 2018), Shopee have a feature of

“Shopee Pay”, (McSpadden, 2019), “Shopee Live”, and (Lansang, 2020), “In App Games”. Lastly,

according to (Paul, 2018) the features of Lazada are; Artificial Intelligence, “Lazada E-Wallet”,

“Shake Shake”, (Split Dragon, 2020), “LazLive” and “Laz City”

| 62
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace


yes yes yes

none none none

100% 100%

Figure 5.14.1 In Detailed: “Recommendation for Buyers and Aspiring Online Sellers”

Yes - Provides better

customer service /
Flexible payment option /
On time shipment
No - Limited products
offer / Careless couriers /
Delayed shipments

Figure 5.14.2 In General: “Recommendation for Buyers and Aspiring Online Sellers”
| 63
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


The following Conclusions were formulated by the researchers to better understand the

study by citing relevant information from the data analysis that will answer the statement of the

problem of this research paper. Thus, this will be comprised by three sub-components:

6.1. What Avenue is More Effective in Online Selling, Facebook or the other Online Selling


From the review of related literature up to the survey results and analysis, an overall

conclusion can be drawn that, among the online selling platforms stated in the study, Shopee is the

most effective one in the new normal because of the reason that most of the respondents are sellers

from this platform and it is most commonly used by the online sellers and accessed by the online

shoppers. Another reason that made it an effective online selling platform is due to the result that

majority of the monthly visitors and revenue of the sellers in this platform had grown during the

Pandemic. Last is that, even if its sellers do have complaints or problems in Shopee, all of them

would still prefer to recommend this platform to the aspiring online sellers and future buyers.

6.2. Among Facebook Online Shopping and other Online Shopping Platforms, which of them

is commonly accessed by the Online Shoppers in the New Normal?

Given the review of related literature of the study, the researchers conclude that, Shopee is

the most commonly accessed by the online shoppers compared to the other selling platforms due

to the reason that, In the Philippines, in the quarter 2 of the year 2020 in which the Covid-19

Pandemic is taking place, Shopee earned an approximate total of 30,745,300 monthly visitors that

Lazada which has 28,950,100 monthly visitors. However, the main reason to that conclusion is
| 64
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
because of the result of the survey which shows that Shopee sellers gained the highest increase of

its monthly visitors since the Pandemic started.

6.3. Between Facebook Marketplace and other Online Selling Platform, which has the most

number of sales, numerous customers and countless closed online business transactions?

Based on the result of the study, a conclusion can be drawn that, none of Shopee, Lazada

and Facebook Marketplace had countless closed online business transactions due to the reason that

all of the online sellers from that platform had experienced a decrease of orders when the pandemic

had started and there is an increase of the rate of having small amount of orders received by these

sellers. Another reason is that these three platforms do equally experiences a “no order” sometimes.

However, the conclusion to which online selling platform has the most number of sales and

numerous customers is Shopee. It is due to the result that among the three online selling platforms,

Shopee has the highest increase in the rate of having a big amount of revenue when the Pandemic

started and Shopee do also gained the highest increase of its monthly visitors among the three

online selling platforms.

| 65
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


The following recommendations were given by the researchers to give rational suggestion

for the improvement of the service of Shopee as the most effective online selling platform During

the Pandemic in the new normal and to provide suggestions for future improvement of the study.

Thus, this chapter will be composed of two sub-components:

7.1. Recommendation for the Company

In this part, the researchers will give a recommendation for the Shopee Company as the

most effective online shopping platform during the Pandemic to properly address the problems

that the sellers from this shop is encountering like the issue about commission-based selling,

limited payment option and irresponsible courier. It can be done by having or choosing the best

and right third-party company with regards to the problem about irresponsible courier and the

payment options. That recommendation can be an aid to better decrease the rate of the online

seller’s form Shopee who experiences these kinds of problems. It can also help to increase the

number of customers in this shop and to improve the rate of having repeat of orders.

7.2. Recommendation for the Study

To better improve the study, since the recommendation of the researchers to Shopee

company is to properly address the problems that its sellers are experiencing like choosing the

right third party involved, an additional study that can be explored are articles about the factors

that affects the quality of Shopee’s service or articles about why this online shop is experiencing

this kind of problems that can give results of gaining complaints from the buyers. It can be by

searching related articles about how well do Shopee couriers, riders perform their services, why

does Shopee experiences commission-based selling and what are the possible company that can
| 66
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
give unlimited payment options. This will give a better understanding about how it gives impacts

to the effectiveness of this online shop and how to give solutions to the problems that its seller is

experiencing. Last is that, additional researches about how to sustain the effectiveness of Shopee

as an online selling platform can also be a recommendation for the study. This would help the said

online shop to maintain its effectiveness during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
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kxWeH9QvBIvMAhqTLXY OwD2y4AZ-48sosLE
| 74
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

AI (Artificial ShopeePay Augmented Reality
ONLINE Intelligence)
SELLING Browse to Buy Shopee Live (AI) Artificial
PLATFORM Intelligence
FEATURES Pages You Like Shopee In App Games Lazada E-Wallet
“Shake Shake”
Figure 2.4.1. Additional Features of Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada

Online Selling Platform Complaints

1. Lazada - Defective Items
- Unprocessed Refund
- Poor Customer Service
- Irresponsible Sellers
2. Shopee - Unreliable Couriers
- Unprocessed Refund of Money
- Wrong Item Received
- Defective Items
- Poor Customer Service
- Unresponsive Sellers

3. Facebook Marketplace - Fake products

- Catfishing
- “You’ve Won” scam
- Celebrity Scam
- Malware Dislike Button
- Fake Facebook accounts
- Defective or Broken Items
Figure 2.4.2. Usual Complaints in Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada
| 75
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
Online Selling Platform Q4/Year-end 2019 Gross Merchandise Value

1. Lazada 4.5 Billion

2. Shopee 5.65 Billion
3. Facebook Marketplace No Data (Facebook Marketplace is still not a real
e-commerce platform)
Figure 2.4.3. Sales Performance of Facebook Marketplace, Shopee and Lazada

Year-end 2019
Q1 2020
Q2 2020
Lazada Shopee Zalora Beauty Ebay

Figure 2.4.4. Monthly web Visits of the Top 5 E-commerce in Philippines: Year-end 2019, Q1
2020, Q2 2020



1,000,000,000 Year-end 2019


Shopee Lazada TokopediaBukalapak Thế Giới
Di Động

Figure Year-end 2019 Total Combined Regional Traffic of the Top 5 E-commerce in 6
Largest Southeast Asia Countries
| 76
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Online selling Platforms

in the New Normal

Alternative for Physical Retailer’s Selling Platform as Usual or Common Complaints:

Shopping During Enhanced the Global Pandemic
Community Quarantine Continues - High Pricing
- Defective Products
- Poor Customer Service
3.1.1. Online Selling Platform in the New Normal - Deceiving Advertising

Popular Online
Selling Platform:

Lazada Shopee Instagram Retailer’s Zalora Amazon Facebook

Online Store Marketplace

Features: Features: Features:

- AI - ShopeePay - AI
- Lazada E-Wallet - ShopeeLive - Browse to Buy
- LazLive - Shopee In App Games - Pages You Like
- LazCity
- “Shake Shake” Complaints: Complaints:
- Unreliable Couriers - Fake products
Complaints: - Unprocessed Refund of Money - Catfishing
- Defective Items - Wrong Item Received - “You’ve Won” scam
- Unprocessed Refund - Defective Items - Celebrity Scam
- Poor Customer Service - Poor Customer Service - Malware Dislike Button
- Irresponsible Sellers - Unresponsive Sellers - Fake Facebook accounts
- Defective or Broken Items
Year-end 2019 Total Year-end 2019 Total Regional
Regional Traffic: Traffic: Year-end 2019 Total Regional Traffic:
- 1,843,848,694 - 2,061,511,094 - No data (Facebook Marketplace is still not
a real e-commerce platform)
Year-end 2019 GMV Year-end 2019 Total Revenue:
- 4.5 Billion - 5.65 Billion Year-end 2019 Total Revenue:
- No Data (Facebook Marketplace is still not
a real e-commerce platform)

Research Study

3.1.2. Popular Online Selling Platform and Its Features

| 77
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Variables for Measuring Effectiveness of

Facebook Marketplace, Shopee, & Lazada

Features Sales Performance Regional Complaints


3.1.3. Variables for Measuring Effectiveness of Research Study’s Variables


Facebook Marketplace

- AI
- Browse to Buy
- Pages You Like
Facebook accounts Variables for Measuring
- Defective or Effectiveness
Broken Items

Year-end 2019
Total Regional • Complaints
Traffic: • Features
- No data • Regional
Other Online Selling
Platform Traffic/Visits
Marketplace is still
• Sales
not a real e-
commerce Performance
platform) Lazada

Year-end 2019
Total Revenue:
- ShopeePay -Lazada E-Wallet
- ShopeeLive
- No Data -LazLive
- Shopee(Facebook
In -LazCity
App Games “Shake Shake”
Marketplace is still
not a real e-

3.2.1. Effectiveness of Online Selling and Online Shopping Platform in the New Normal
| 78
Facebook Online Selling versus Other Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
Dear Respondent, 6. How many is your monthly visitors at your page shop
when the Covid 19 pandemic started?
We, the 3rd year Marketing students from National [] 10-100
University are currently conducting a research paper as part of our [] 101-300
final requirement in our subject, Business Research Methods. [] 301-500
[] 501 and above
The undersigned is presently conducting a research study
that aims to find out "Among Facebook Online Shopping and other
Online Shopping Platform, which of them is commonly accessed by 7. How many orders do you receive every day before the
the Online Shoppers in the New Normal". We would like to take few Covid 19 pandemic?
minutes of your time to accomplish this Survey questionnaire. [] 1-50
[] 51-100
Thank you very much for your time and outmost [] 101 and above
cooperation on this academic exercise. Kindly read carefully and
answer all questions honestly. Rest assured that your answers would
be treated with confidentiality 8. How many orders do you receive every day when the
Covid 19 pandemic started?
.Age: Gender: [] 1-50
[] 51-100
[] 15 – 20 [] Male
[] 101 and above
[] 21 – 30 [] Female
9. Have you experienced a no place order at all?
[] 31 – 40 [] Always
[] Usually
[] 41 – 50
[] Often
[] 51 and above [] Sometimes
[] Rarely
1. Which online platforms does your business use for E- [] Never
[] Lazada 10. As an online seller, are there any problems you
[] Shopee encounter in this platform?
[] Facebook Marketplace
[] Yes
2. In question above, why do you prefer to sell your - Limited payment options
product to that platform? - Irresponsible courier
[] Promotion - Commission based selling
[] Multiple Payment Options [] None
[] Numerous Potential Customers
11. As a seller of goods online, what is the most important
3. Estimated monthly revenue before the Covid-19 aspect after the buyer receive your product?
pandemic [] Consumer reviews
[] Featured on the vlog
[] 1,000 and below
[] Repeat order
[] 1,001-5,000
[] Others
[] 5,001-10,000
[] 10,001 and above
12. Would you recommend these online selling platforms
to those buyers and aspiring online sellers?
4. Estimated monthly revenue when the Covid-19
pandemic started
[] Yes
[] 1,000 and below
- Provides better customer service
[] 1,001-5,000
- Flexible payment option
[] 5,001-10,000
- On time shipment
[] 10,001 and above
[] No
5. How many is your monthly visitors at your page shop - Limited products offer
before the Covid 19 pandemic? - Careless couriers
[] 10-100
- Delayed shipment
[] 101-300
[] 301-500
[] 501 and above
| 79
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal




0% 15 - 20
36% 21 - 30
31 - 40
41 - 50
50% 51 and above

Figure 5.1 “Age of the Respondents”





Figure 5.2 “Gender of the Respondents”

| 80
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


36% Lazada
Facebook Marketplace

Figure 5.3 “Online Selling Platforms Use for E-commerce”

Lazada Facebook Marketplace

promotion promotion promotion

25% Multiple
Multiple Multiple
payment 50% payment payment
Options Options Options
64% 25% 82%
Numerous Numerous Numerous
Potential Potential Potential
Customers Customers Customers

Figure 5.4.1 In Detailed: “Preference to Sell Products on the Online Selling Platforms”
| 81
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

20% Promotion

Multiple Payment Options

66% Numerous Potential

Figure 5.4.2 In General: “Preference to Sell Products on the Online Selling Platforms”

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

3% 0%
1,000 and 1,000 and 1,000 and
Below below below

18% 1,001 - 1,001 - 22% 1,001 -

43% 39% 5,000
5,000 5,000
50% 50%
5,001 - 5,001 - 5,001 -
36% 10,000 10,000 10,000
10,001 10,001 10,001
and above and above 11% and above

Figure 5.5.1 In Detailed: “Estimated Monthly Revenue Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”
| 82
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


1,000 and Below

14% 1,001 - 5,000
5,001 - 10,000
10,001 and above


Figure 5.5.2 In General: “Estimated Monthly Revenue Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

0% 1,000 and
1,000 and 1,000 and
below below below
11% 17%
21% 22% 1,001 - 1,001 - 1,001 -
5,000 5,000 5,000
7% 50% 33%
5,001 - 5,001 - 5,001 -
50% 25% 39% 10,000
10,000 10,000
10,001 10,001 10,001
and above and above and above

Figure 5.6.1 In Detailed: “Estimated Monthly Revenue when the Covid-19 Pandemic Started“
| 83
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

18% 18%

1,000 and Below

1,001 - 5,000

18% 5,001 - 10,000

10,001 and above


Figure 5.6.2 In General: “Estimated Monthly Revenue when the Covid-19 Pandemic Started“

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

4% 10 - 100
10 - 100 10 - 100
17% 101 - 300
18% 101 - 300 25% 101 - 300
21% 57% 301 - 500 301 - 500 61% 301 - 500
25% 17%

501 and 0% 501 and 501 and

above above above

Figure 5.7.1 In Detailed: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”
| 84
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


10 - 100
101 - 300
301 - 500
58% 501 and above

Figure 5.7.2 In General: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

10 - 100 10 - 100 10 - 100

17% 101 - 300
101 - 300 25% 25% 101 - 300
21% 17% 50%
301 - 500 301 - 500 301 - 500
25% 25%
22% 16%
501 and 501 and 501 and
above above above

Figure 5.8.1 In Detailed: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop when the Covid-19 Pandemic
| 85
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


10 - 100
44% 101 - 300
20% 301 - 500
501 and above


Figure 5.8.2 In General: “Monthly Visitors at the Page Shop when the Covid-19 Pandemic

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

0% 6%

1 to 50 1 to 50 1 to 50
25% 11%
11% 51 - 100
51 - 100 51 - 100

78% 75% 83% 101 and

101 and 101 and
above above above

Figure 5.9.1 In Detailed: “Orders Received Every Day Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”
| 86
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal



1 to 50
51 - 100
101 and above


Figure 5.9.2 In General: “Orders Received Every Day Before the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

7% 0%
1 to 50 1 to 50 1 to 50
51 - 100 51 - 100 51 - 100

79% 83% 101 and

101 and 100% 101 and
above above above

Figure 5.10.1 In Detailed: “Orders Received Every Day when the Covid-19 Started”
| 87
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal


1 to 50
51 - 100
101 and above


Figure 5.10.2 In General: “Orders Received Every Day when the Covid-19 Started”
| 88
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada 5% Facebook

4% 7% 0% 0% 6% Marketplace
0% 0%
Always Always
Usually Usually
21% 11% Usually
21% Often Often
Sometimes Sometimes
29% 18% 50% Sometimes
Rarely 100% Rarely
Never Never

Figure 5.11.1 In Detailed: “Experienced a No Place Order at All”

20% 14% Usually
14% Sometimes

Figure 5.11.2 In General: “Experienced a No Place Order at All”

| 89
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace

25% 22%
46% yes yes yes
54% none none none
75% 78%

Figure 5.12.1 In Detailed: “Problems Encounter in the Online Selling Platforms”

Yes - Limited payment

options / Irresponsible
36% courier / Commission
Based Section

Figure 5.12.2 In General: “Problems Encounter in the Online Selling Platforms”

| 90
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook

Consumer Consumer
Reviews Reviews
32% 25%
Featured Featured 44% Reviews
on the on the
68% Vlog Vlog 56%
75% Featured
Repeat Repeat on the
Orders 0% Orders Vlog
0% 0%

Figure 5.13.1 In Detailed: “Important Aspects after the Buyer Received the Product”

Consumers Reviews
Features on the Vlog
60% Repeat Orders

Figure 5.13.2 In General: “Important Aspects after the Buyer Received the Product”
| 91
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

Shopee Lazada Facebook Marketplace


yes yes yes

none none none

100% 100%

Figure 5.14.1 In Detailed: “Recommendation for Buyers and Aspiring Online Sellers”

Yes - Provides better

customer service /
Flexible payment option /
On time shipment
No - Limited products
offer / Careless couriers /
Delayed shipments

Figure 5.14.2 In General: “Recommendation for Buyers and Aspiring Online Sellers”
| 92
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
| 93
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal
| 94
Facebook Online Selling versus Online Shopping Platform: A Comparative Study
on the Effectiveness of Online Selling in the New Normal

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