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Classroom Procedures

Students entering the classroom-

Students will come into my classroom with their I.D’s on or with them
as well as all materials needed for the class. When coming into my
classroom, students will be in dress code, as well as following all class
rules regarding food, drinks and electronics. When students enter the
room the will sit in their chosen seat unless assigned one and wait for
Quieting the class-
If my class begins to become too loud, I will stand up in the front and
ask for “all eyes on me”. If this does not work, then I will ask one more
time for the class's attention. When I get the class’s full attention, I will
let them know that the volume is above where it needs to be and give a
verbal warning. The verbal warning will let them know that if I have to
ask again for the class to quiet down then I will have all students work
in silence for the next 10 minutes unless given permission otherwise.
Start of the lesson-
For the start of the lesson, I will let the class know what we are working
on for the day. I will also have the daily work written or shown up on
the board behind me. Once I have let the class know what we are
working on for the day, I will then give instructions that can get the
class started. Before we start, I will allow a chance for students to ask
any questions or if they have any comments. Once there are no
questions or comments, the work will start.
Students' movement around the class-
Students are to be always seated unless there is an activity allowing
otherwise. If a student needs any materials, textbook or to throw
anything away, they do not have to ask and are free to do so, unless
during a test. If a student needs to talk to me about anything they are
free to come up to my desk and do so.
Picking up papers/assignments-
If there are any paper or assignments that need to be picked up, I will
hand them out at the beginning or end of class. Otherwise, students
can come up to my desk and ask for any paper or assignment they need
back or have any questions about.
Passing out papers/assignments-
At the beginning or end of class, I will pass out any papers or
assignments that need to be passed out. If I do not do it, I will ask for
one student to do so for me. I will do my best not to do this in the
middle of the class period to prevent disruption the lesson.
Taking Attendance-
5 minutes after class has begun, I will go through the list of students in
my class and ask for them to either say present or here. When I am
done taking it, I will read back the students names that I have marked
off as absent. Once confirmed I will send it in.
Students requesting make up assignments (make up for absences)-
If a student is absent for any assignments or notes, I will give them a
printed out copy of any notes or materials they may need and allow
them 5 days after it was assigned to do the work. If the student is
confused or needs help, I will offer in the morning or after school
tutoring for them to come in and work.
End of period/class dismissal-
When there is 10 minutes before class ends, I will let students know to
start wrapping up whatever work they are doing. After 5 minutes, I will
then let students know that it is about time to stop working and start
cleaning up. They will have 5 minutes to put away any textbooks,
materials or papers that they need as well as pick up around them and
their desk.
Students leaving the room-
Before the bell rings I will make sure the students and the class are
ready for them to leave. Once it is and the bell has rung, students are
free to grab their things and head off to the next class, unless they need
to stay for any reason and it has been approved by me.

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