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GAMES AND SPORTS Getting started 1 Which games or sports do you enjoy? 2. Why do you like them? 3. Do you prefer playing or watching? 4 How often do you play them? PartA In this recording, six people answer the question ‘Which games or sports do you ‘enjoy?’ Look at the pictures. Number the pictures in the order you hear them. running squash soccer (US) Speaker 2 describes sport as huge in her country. This means that sport is very popular there Speaker 4 describes her sport as ‘a huge favourite’. This means that she really enjoys this sport. Clear usage: ‘soccer’ vs ‘football’ sport US term UK term soccer football 9 football American football @ Listen again carefully to the six people. Fill in the table with ticks (V) to show which information goes with each sport. plays twicea | likes watching | plays with | played from agi week | friends (Bors soccer - — golf squash baseball When they are answering a question, people often give extra information. Sometimes this can help you to understand better. But try to stay focused on the important information while you listen. Part B Now listen to Hazel tal 1g about a sport she enjoys playing. ‘Answer the questions to check your general understanding. 1 Hazel plays a hockey b golf 2. She likes a playing alone b playing in a team 3 She used to be a member of @ a club b gym 4 She found going there a fun b difficult 5. She prefers a outdoor sports b_ team sports Listen again to Hazel. Fill in the gaps with words from the box to complete what she says. like interact being go playing Hike team sports. Its nice to... with a team, 1 2 3. | found it quite difficult to motivate myself to 4 tkind of prefer ina team sport 5 That's why | playing hockey, Hazel says ‘you're just sort of having fun’. You use sort of to talk about how something is in a general, but not exact way. You may also hear kind of, which has the same meaning. Part C Now listen to a recording of Tim talking about a sport he enjoys watching. ‘Answer the questions to check your general understanding. 1. Tims favourite sport is a rugby b_ baseball © hockey 2. The sport can be played by a tall players b small players © every kind of player 3. Tim watches a particular tournament a every week b every year © every four years 4 The tournament is called a Three Nations b Six Nations © Nine Nations Useful vocabulary and phrases: physical descriptions th fhe tall short thin fat large small i: Se strong weak fast slow @ Listen again carefully to Tim. Fill in the gaps to check your detailed understanding. { variety France = fat_—=—sthin.~—ittaly—player_~—s Ireland Six 11 There's a place in rugby for every kind of 2 Tall, players; small, players 3 It means that you get, uh, a great... sees Of people who enjoy the sport. 4 The: Nations’ rugby tournament is an annual tournament. 5. Teams from England... , Scotland, Wales, 6... and, most recently joined, Tim says that rugby is a sport which ‘generates great team spirit’. Team spiritis the feeling of pride and loyalty that makes players want their team to do well or to be the best. © Listen again to both Hazel and Tim's recordings. They both talk about being in a ‘team. Listen for the expressions below and complete the table with a tick (7) to show who says each one. = |Iike playing in a team | | working towards the same goal _ together asa team you get a great variety of, people who enjoy | the sport | Lit nice to interact with a team | Lcome together in order to win amatch

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