2009 AFOSR Strategic Plan

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Table of Contents

A Letter from the Director 1

I. Introduction: AFOSR Vision & Mission 2

II. Elements of Strategy 3
Transformational Opportunity  5
Comprehensive Search 5
Investment Balance  6
What Other Agencies Are Funding 6

III. Portfolio: Basic Research Focus Areas 8

Aerospace, Chemical and Materials Sciences 8
Physics and Electronics 10
Mathematics, Information and Life Sciences 11

IV. Basic Research Programs 14

University Research  14
AFRL Intramural Basic Research 14
Small Businesses 15
International Involvement 15
Interagency Coordination and Alliances 16
Future U.S. Technology Workforce  16

Appendix 17
1. Discovery Challenge Thrusts (DCT) 17
2. References 17
3. Basic Research Focus Areas 18
4. AFOSR Program Manager Portfolios 19
• Aerospace, Chemical, and Material Sciences Directorate 19
• Physics and Electronics Directorate 20
• Mathematics, Information and Life Sciences Directorate 21

A Letter from the Director

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research

is the basic research component of the Air Force
Research Laboratory. For nearly 60 years, AFOSR has
discovered, shaped, and championed basic science
that profoundly impacts the Air Force. AFOSR fulfills
this responsibility by identifying breakthrough scientific
opportunities, actively investing in the best of these
opportunities, and transitioning the resulting discoveries
to other AFRL components, to defense industries, and
to other federal agencies.

This AFOSR strategic plan strives to strengthen our organization to better accomplish
our basic research mission. Because AFOSR is a lean organization, each individual’s
performance is crucial to our success. The AFOSR strategic plan helps guide each of us
to be more effective by understanding how each job relates to the whole, to improve our
performance by optimizing feedback channels, and to maintain our technical and scientific
edge. I want to emphasize that our mission is indeed challenging - our strength lies in our
opportunity to shape the future Air Force based on the promise of high-risk, high reward

I call your attention to the Air Force Strategic Plan, in which we play a critical role. The
Air Force will, “focus and protect research and development investments that advance
the state of the art in areas critical to continued dominance of air, space, and cyber-
space…. We will protect our heritage of technological innovation and extend it into the
future by ensuring the right levels of investment in important research and development
efforts across the Air Force.”

AFOSR is responsible for protecting that heritage of technological innovation. We help

create the future Air Force. Our strategic plan will ensure we fulfill our responsibility.

Dr. Brendan Godfrey, SES

Director, AFOSR


I. Introduction: AFOSR Vision & Mission

Today’s U.S. Air Force dominance is the direct result of a 60-year investment in the science
and technologies that underlie air and space power. This broad-based investment
ranges from focused research, enabling rapid development of specific systems and
capabilities, to the most basic research into emerging new sciences. Our comprehensive
investment strategy gives the Air Force a technological edge resulting in its preeminent
air and space systems in the world today.

AFOSR is the arm of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) that focuses exclusively
on the far term capabilities. Across the Air Force, there is a shared vision of dominating
air, space, and cyber. The AFOSR vision and mission have the unique feature of focusing
on revolutionary, transformational basic research that produces today’s breakthrough science
for tomorrow’s Air Force. AFOSR has the responsibility to direct Air Force investment of
basic research funds into areas that identify and explore emerging scientific concepts
and to assess their applicability to tomorrow’s Air Force.

AFOSR Vision:

The U.S. Air Force dominates air, space, and cyber

through revolutionary basic research.

AFOSR Mission:

We discover, shape, and champion basic

science that profoundly impacts the future Air Force.

At AFOSR we have three core strategic goals to ensure we remain a constant guardian
of the Air Force’s long-term technical future.

Strategic Goal 1:
Identify opportunities for significant scientific advancements and breakthrough research
here and abroad

Strategic Goal 2:
Rapidly bring to bear the right researchers and resources on these opportunities in the
interest of fostering revolutionary basic research for Air Force needs

Strategic Goal 3:
Enable the Air Force to exploit these opportunities at the appropriate time transitioning
revolutionary science to DoD and industry

This document focuses primarily on the first two of these three goals. It specifically
considers how we identify the activities we wish to fund and the logic that underlies the
allocation of resources to these activities. The third of these goals, which requires we
take steps to assure that scientific advances resulting from its investment benefit the Air
Force, is discussed in the 2009 AFOSR Business Plan.

II. Elements of Strategy
As a vital component of a larger organization, it is important we at AFOSR understand and
align our strategies with the mission and vision of AFRL. AFRL’s mission is leading
the discovery, development, and integration of affordable warfighting technologies for
America’s aerospace forces. AFRL must consider all periods, ranging from rapid response
to meet today’s warfighter needs to the very far term transformational research that
prepares the Air Force for an uncertain future. As the AFRL Directorate responsible for
directing the Air Force basic research investment to prepare for an uncertain future,
AFOSR must be attuned to transformational research across the globe.

How is it possible, then, to invest in such truly high impact transformational

research, when it may be impossible to identify or understand the true future
impact of the scientific discovery?

This conundrum is captured visually

in Figure 1, where we consider our
ability to predict what will become
truly important in the future. In this
graphic, the “probable” represents a
straightforward projection of today’s
important problems together with an
assessment of the most likely direction
of trends as we understand them.
The “alternative” accounts for the
fact that there are many different
possibilities resident in those trends,
which, though understandable, are not
deemed to be the most likely. As time
passes, it becomes increasingly likely
Figure 1. Our ability to predict today what will be
our “best guess” as to the detailed
important to the Air Force in the future decreases the
direction of those trends will be
further we look into the future.
wrong. The “plausible” accounts for
the chance that some scientific breakthrough or some geopolitical or natural event that was
unpredictable from today’s trends will profoundly and unexpectedly change everything,
including the direction of the future Air Force.

In the near to intermediate term, we expect that our understanding of today’s trends
will lead us to a reasonable assessment of what the important problems will be, but
it is highly likely the important problems 50 years hence are unpredicted by today’s
trends. The conundrum is that the AFOSR mission balances two strategic requirements.
AFOSR must, first, “discover, shape, and champion basic science” and second, assure
that transformational scientific discoveries are nurtured to “profoundly impact the future
Air Force.” These strategic requirements can occasionally be contradictory. Truly transfor-
mational basic science affects the future in ways that cannot be predicted.


II. Elements of Strategy
In addition, Figure 1 can be correlated with the two types of risks inherent in the AFOSR
investment strategy: technical risk and relevance risk. Technical risk involves the possibility a
proposed approach with well-understood promise for meeting Air Force and DoD needs
may fail technically. Relevance risk applies to research so revolutionary it might succeed
in some unanticipated way that proves to be of minimal importance to the Air Force.
Technical risk is inherent in any basic research investment decision and is an accepted
characteristic of all AFOSR basic research investments. Relevance risk relates to the
conundrum described above. Investments that focus on the “probable” have minimal
relevance risk; these investments address new solutions to the direct projection of
today’s problems and are easily seen as affecting the future Air Force as we understand
it, while investments in the “plausible” that take relevance risk are harder to clearly relate
to the future Air Force. It is important to note that truly transformational research seldom
occurs as a result of addressing today’s problems and requires that AFOSR take relevance
as well as technical risk.

The strategic goals of AFOSR requires it seek out and support the very best, most
transformational basic research with the greatest potential for impact on the future Air
Force. This requires, first and foremost, AFOSR program managers be aware of and
responsive to technological opportunity, wherever it may arise. It also requires the
search for such opportunity to be comprehensive and informed by an understanding of Air
Force and AFRL overarching strategic direction. Within the two overarching guidelines,
we must balance the investment across technological areas based on its best understanding of
future warfighting and technological trends. We also must consider the extent to which
other agencies, inside and outside DoD, are investing in similar activities and assure
that its investment is appropriately coordinated with those agencies.

The four considerations that underlie AFOSR investment

decisions are described below.



AFOSR Investment Decision Matrix

Transformational Opportunity:
AFOSR makes investments in new technologies beyond today’s articulation of Air Force
capability needs in order to capture truly transformational scientific breakthroughs that
have the potential to change the Air Force profoundly. Truly transformational advances
usually occur where they are not expected, so AFOSR focuses on early recognition of
disruptive technologies, rapid scientific breakthroughs, and unanticipated advances in
science. To this end, AFOSR continues to assume some measure of relevance risk chal-
lenges and encourages risk-taking investments on fundamentally new ideas, even when
the ultimate applications are not entirely certain. It is important to note that this search
for transformational opportunity is intrinsically a “bottom-up” activity and depends on
maintaining a cadre of program managers who are intimately familiar with advances in
their technical communities.

Comprehensive Search:
Though the principal challenge for AFOSR is to seek out and support truly transformational
research, it is important to recognize such change can come from anywhere. Thus,
we look broadly across all perceived future Air Force needs through the telescope of
transformational change. The AFRL Focused Long Term Challenge (FLTC) process has
developed a capability taxonomy capturing not only today’s needs but a projection of
future needs based on an understanding of today’s trends. With the organizing vision to
“anticipate, find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess anything, anytime and anywhere,”
AFRL has created these FLTCs to be broad enough to represent a complete view of the
evolution of technology and its importance to the Air Force in the near future (see Figure 2).


Anticipate, find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess-anything, anytime, anywhere

Universal Situational Access and Survive in the

Deliver Precision Effects
Awareness Battlespace

• Multi-layer sensing • On demand access and

architecture with fused • Low-collateral-damage
mission effectiveness in
knowledge delivery, weapons
forensics and technical
efforts • Cyber security, forensics,
• Ubiquitous Swarming
and assured battlespace
• Cyber Situational Sensors & Shooters
• Rapid global engagement • Self Protection
• Space Situational
Awareness • Sustaining Warfighter
FLTC 3 -Dominant Difficult Sur- Capabilities
• Psycho-cultural
Situational Awareness face Target Engagement/Defeat
FLTC 6 -Dominant Offensive
Cyber Engagement
FLTC 1 -Anticipatory Command, FLTC 4 -Persistent & Responsive
Control and Intelligence Precision Engagement FLTC 7 -On-demand Force
Protection, Anywhere
FLTC 2 -Unprecedented Proac-
tive Intelligence, Surveillance & FLTC 5 -Assured Operations in
FLTC 8 -Affordable Mission
Reconnaissance High Threat Environments
Generation & Sustainment

Figure 2. Focused Long Term Challenges summarize the Air Force vision for science and technology.


II. Elements of Strategy

Because the FLTCs are intended to cover the near, intermediate and far term, AFOSR
has collaborated with FLTC leadership to define the Discovery Challenge Thrusts
(DCTs) as areas for which AFOSR will provide increased funding in the coming years.
(See Appendix 1) Continuous attention to the FLTCs and DCTs assures that AFOSR’s
search for the best basic research investment will broadly reflect the probable evolution
of future Air Force requirements.

Investment Balance:
The FLTCs provide an excellent top-level view of the breadth of science which, based
on today’s projections, may be important to the future Air Force, while the DCTs provide
some investment guidance. Nevertheless, these constructs provide incomplete guidance
on what the balance of investment across technology areas should be and how that balance
should change with time. As a result, AFOSR management must make judgments based
on an understanding of military, geopolitical and technology trends. Multiple agencies,
including: AFRL, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and others, have studied
the emerging trends that seem most likely to affect the ability of DoD and the Air Force
to reduce, neutralize and eliminate future threats. Though each of these studies has its
own emphasis based on the mission of its sponsoring organization (see Appendix 2), all
agree substantially as to the various world trends that are driving change (see Table 1).

What Other Agencies Are Funding:

Other government agencies, inside and outside DoD, fund basic research that poten-
tially could impact the future Air Force. The responsibility for understanding and deal-
ing with the overlap of AFOSR interests with those of other agencies resides at both
the program manager level and the management level. We select program managers
based on their expertise and familiarity with the breadth of research within their technical
disciplines, including an understanding of who funds it. It is expected that they will
coordinate with their counterparts in other funding agencies when appropriate. AFOSR
management must also be aware of the priorities and funding levels of basic research
within other agencies and consider those as they balance investment across scientific
disciplines. It is reasonable to expect there could be areas of importance to the Air
Force where AFOSR is minimally invested because other agencies have taken the lead.
DDR&E coordinates basic research investment across the services where considerable
overlap of interests exists. In addition to DDR&E efforts, we take steps to coordinate
with other such agencies outside DoD, as described in Section IV.

Table 1: AFOSR Trends from, “Air Force Research Laboratory
Capability-Based Science and Technology Strategy 2030”

Projected to reach a combined population of 2.7 billion people

by 2020, China and India have among the world’s highest growth
Asia Rising
rates in economic and military strength. This could portend the
re-emergence of a peer competitor.

The complexity of the urban environment can degrade or reduce

the effectiveness of high-technology weapons; communication
systems; and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
(ISR) capabilities.

Economic, financial, industrial, and information globalization

Globalization and represent the leading edge of market forces driving us toward a
Interdependence more interdependent global framework of political and ideological

Energy Crisis The availability of alternate energy sources must be considered

Interdependence in forming military technology strategy.

Those marginalized and disenfranchised as a result of globaliza-
Engagement –
tion and urbanization will not directly confront those they perceive
Hiding in Plain
as oppressors.

Based upon the ever-increasing emphasis in technical education

Declining U.S. as a foundation for technology and national competitiveness in
Technology Edge the growing economies of Asia, it is unlikely our nation will con-
tinue to have the science and engineering edge it once enjoyed.

Space: A Critical
The ultimate high ground is space. The unrestricted use of
and Competitive
space as a domain that enables us to see, hear, locate, and
Military Environ-
communicate on a global scale is essential.
Information technology, advanced ubiquitous communications,
Cyberspace: and unfettered use of the electromagnetic spectrum have been
Opportunity and great strengths in terms of enhancing the security, connectivity,
Danger and sensory abilities of our nation - but embedded in our reliance
is also a great weakness, should it be denied.
History has shown that we usually underestimate significantly
Emerging the impact of emerging technologies. This is particularly true
Technologies of technologies that are so new that their impacts cannot be


III. Portfolio: Basic Research Focus Areas

AFOSR is organized by technical disciplines in order to most effectively facilitate our interface
with the scientific community. AFOSR has three scientific directorates, each managed by a
Senior Executive Service (SES)-level director with 10-15 program managers (see Appendix 4).
Each directorate is responsible for multiple Research Focus Areas (see Figure 3).

Aerospace, Chemical & Mathematics, Information

Physics & Electronics
Material Sciences & Life Sciences
• Complex Electronics and
• Aero-Structure Interac- • Information and
Fundamental Quantum
tions and Control Complex Networks
• Plasma Physics and High
• Energy, Power, and
Energy Density Nonequil- • Decision Making
librium Processes

• Natural Materials
and Systems
• Optics, Electromagnetics,
• Complex Materials and
Communications, and
Structures • Dynamical Systems,
Signal Processing
Optimization, and

Figure 3. AFOSR Research Focus Areas


Aero-Structure Interactions and Control:
This area focuses on the characterization, modeling, and exploitation of interactions
between the unsteady aerodynamic flow field and the dynamic air vehicle structure to
enable enhanced performance in next generation Air Force systems. Research contribu-
tions in this area are expected from, but not limited to, the following areas: turbulence
and laminar-turbulent transition, flow control, unsteady aerodynamics, structural dynam-
ics, and aeroelasticity. Of particular interest to this area is the synergy gained from an
interdisciplinary look at multiple technologies and the integration of core disciplines of
fluid mechanics, structures, and materials.

Strategic Direction: Micro air vehicles and their promise of exquisite and persistent ISR
are a potential answer to the challenges presented by operations in the urban environ-
ment. This area emphasizes a wide range of fundamental scientific challenges for such
micro air vehicles. An additional focus is to extend the fundamental understanding of
turbulence and laminar-turbulent transitions at hypersonic velocities to the aerothermal
materials environment where chemistry, fluid physics, and materials sciences overlap.
Additional areas of focus are flow control for vehicle maneuverability and improved
efficiency and structural dynamics of hypersonic and flexible wing aeroelasticity.

Energy, Power and Propulsion:
This area focuses on underlying processes associated with the production, storage, and utilization of
energy specifically for Air Force systems. Examples include developing novel energetic materials as
well as understanding and optimizing combustion processes. Novel propulsion methods for aircraft and
spacecraft are being explored as are new ways in which energy can be produced, collected, stored,
and utilized. In addition, fuels modeling research in cooperation with other agencies is emphasized.
The research includes theoretical and experimental approaches to advance macro and micro chemical
propulsion, nano/micro/macro electric propulsion research, rarefied ultraviolet, infrared, and optical
signature characterization, including the chemistry of plumes, surveillance of LEO and GEO processes,
high-sensitivity sensing and detection (mass spectrometers), satellite contamination prediction, and
ionospheric chemistry. This crosscutting, multi-disciplinary focus area seeks to harvest technological
innovations and develop potentially revolutionary technologies by integrating core disciplines of
combustion, plasma dynamics, chemistry, hybrid simulation, structures, and materials.

Strategic Direction: Overall, this is a growing area. Energy is an urgent national priority and concern to
DoD and Air Force. Other agencies, particularly DOE, are concerned with this problem, so AFOSR
focus will be on alternate energy science specific for Air Force needs-from Fischer-Tropsch com-
bustion to improved energy harvesting and storage. Turbine engine combustion research, long
an AFOSR emphasis area, is being directed towards scientific advances with implications for
enhanced energy efficiency. Space micro/nano space propulsion, including plume dynamics for
satellite contamination and space surveillance, will be emphasized as will propulsion research for
advanced lift and research into novel energetic materials.

Complex Materials and Structures:

This topic focuses on future materials and structures composed of different classes of materials and may
be able to change functionality or performance characteristics to enhance the mission versatility of
future air and space systems, with a key goal of increasing functionality, while decreasing weight and
volume. Particular emphasis will be on research enabling the development of micro air vehicles and
space structures. The focus will be on complex materials, microsystems, and structures by incorpo-
rating hierarchical design and functionality from the nano-scale through the meso-scale, ultimately
leading to controlled, well-understood material or structural behavior capable of dynamic functionality
and/or performance characteristics to enhance mission versatility. This cross-cutting, multi-disciplinary
focus area seeks to develop revolutionary complex materials and exploit the interaction between the envi-
ronment and the material interface by developing hybrid materials of dissimilar materials, tunable materi-
als properties, adaptive morphing structures, active materials with on-demand shape and phase change,
reconfigurable structures, and real-time, integrated on-board health monitoring.

Strategic Direction: Due to revolutionary advances in the manufacture and understanding of traditional
materials and because of limited funding, we are migrating away from our long-standing investment
in characterizing and optimizing traditional materials toward opportunities associated with the
development of revolutionary new materials of complex design and function. Particular emphasis
will be on the discovery of novel, thermally robust materials and new techniques for characterizing,
predicting, and controlling thermal phenomena in complex material systems to include surface
physics, especially tribology and energy transport across dissimilar materials and the development
of innovative measurement techniques to characterize extreme environments. Emphasis will be on
self-healing materials, lightweight structures, active vibration suppression, precision deployable
structures, and software controlled multi-functional surfaces.


III. Portfolio: Basic Research Focus Areas


Complex Electronics and Fundamental Quantum Processes
This burgeoning area has grown out of 50 years of research into condensed matter and quantum
physics. It includes exploration and understanding of a wide range of complex engineered materials
and devices, including non-linear optical materials, optoelectronics, metamaterials, cathodes,
dielectric and magnetic materials, high-energy lasers, semiconductor lasers, new classes of
high-temperature superconductors, quantum dots, quantum wells, and graphene. Research into
new classes of devices based on quantum phenomena can include new generations of ultra-
compact or ultra-sensitive electronics to improve conventional devices for sensing or information
processing and such new concepts as quantum computing.

This area also includes generating and controlling quantum states, such as superposition and
entanglement, in photons and ultra-cold atoms and molecules (e.g. Bose Einstein Condensates).
In addition to research into underlying materials and fundamental physical processes, this area
considers how they might be integrated into new classes of devices, seeking breakthroughs in
quantum information processing, secure communication, multi-modal sensing, and memory, as
well as high speed communication and fundamental understanding of materials that are not amenable
to conventional computational means (e.g., using optical lattices to model high-temperature

Strategic Direction: This area is opportunity-driven with possibilities associated with new sens-
ing modalities, new classes of reconfigurable states, and secure communication. The Quantum
Information Science aspects of this area have been called out by OSD as a breakthrough op-
portunity worthy of special consideration. New superconducting materials for power systems are
being emphasized, as are materials for eye and sensor protections from laser light. New directions
in computational ability, such as “spintronics” and photonics, are essential as the limitations
based on CMOS integrated circuits have been reached. We are deemphasizing investment in
characterizing bulk semiconductor materials as this area matures.

Plasma Physics and High Energy Density Nonequilibrium Processes:

This area includes a wide range of activities characterized by processes that are sufficiently en-
ergetic to require the understanding and managing of plasma phenomenology and the non-linear
response of materials to high electric and magnetic fields. This includes such endeavors as space
weather, plasma control of boundary layers in turbulent flow, plasma discharges, RF propagation
and RF-plasma interaction, and high power beam-driven microwave devices. It also includes topics
where plasma phenomenology is not necessarily central to the activity but is nonetheless an
important aspect, such as laser-matter interaction (including high energy as well as ultra short
pulse lasers) and pulsed power. This area pursues advances in the understanding of fundamental
plasma and non-linear electromagnetic phenomenology, including modeling and simulations, as
well as a wide range of novel potential applications involving matter at high energy density.

Strategic Direction: This area is a crosscutting enabler for a number of capabilities and continues
to be a strong AFOSR investment area. In particular, space weather, a key aspect of space situ-
ational awareness, will be enhanced as will research into ultrashort pulse laser matter interaction.
Some aspects of power systems that involve materials at high energy density as well as plasma
effects on combustion and control surfaces will also receive enhanced attention.

Optics, Electromagnetics, Communication, and Signal Processing:

This area considers all aspects of producing and receiving complex electromagnetic and
electro optical signals, as well as their propagation through complex media, including adaptive
optics and optical imaging. It also covers aspects of the phenomenology of lasers and non-
linear optics. This area not only considers the development of physical devices to enable such
activities, but also includes sophisticated mathematics and algorithm development for extracting
information from complex and/or sparse signals This crosscutting activity impacts such diverse
efforts as space object imaging, secure reliable communication, on-demand sensing modalities,
distributed multilayered sensing, automatic target recognition, and navigation.

Strategic Direction: This crosscutting enabler for virtually all Air Force capabilities will remain
an AFOSR emphasis area. In particular, networked systems of sensors, as envisioned for
swarming semiautonomous micro air vehicles will require advances in the theory and application of
data extraction from complex, multi-modal sensors as well as protection of networked elec-
tronics from RF weapons. A particularly strong emphasis area is optical imaging, electromagnetic
sensing, and solar observations and modeling for Space Situational Awareness. Some aspects
of the theoretical and computational aspects of interaction of extremely short-pulsed lasers
with the atmosphere and condensed phase media are included in this area.


Information and Complex Networks

This area, which has been substantially enhanced during the past three years in response to
the AFOSR-commissioned National Academy of Sciences study, Basic Research in Informa-
tion Sciences and Technology for Air Force Needs, focuses research required to enable reli-
able and secure exchange of information and predictable operation of networks and systems.
Though it includes traditional aspects of information assurance and research into reliable
systems, the emphasis is on the mathematics that underlies fundamental new secure-by-
design architectures of networked communications and decision-making platforms. Subareas
that support this scientific focus are system and network performance prediction, design, and
analysis, information operations and security, and modeling of human-machine systems.

Strategic Direction: This area continues to be substantially enhanced in response to the wide-
spread (Air Force, OSD, and others) realization that the emerging importance of cyberspace
poses new opportunities and new risks for the Air Force of the future. Research will be performed
in areas where Air Force requirements drive the need for new mathematical methods: the analysis
of system and network properties to assure stability and security with minimal information; the
prediction of the behavior of networks and complex systems as they dynamically change state
and configuration; the anticipation of the nature of future information system attacks; and the
assessment of the effect of actions, malicious or otherwise, on a network or information space.


III. Portfolio: Basic Research Focus Areas

Decision Making:

This thrust focuses on the discovery of mathematical laws, foundational scientific

principles, and new, reliable and robust algorithms, which underlie intelligent, mixed
human-machine decision-making to achieve accurate real-time projection of expertise
and knowledge into and out of the battle space. It includes both efforts to advance the
critical knowledge base in information sciences and information fusion and models of
individual and group cognitive processing and decision-making. Subareas that support
this scientific focus are information fusion, robust human-machine decision-making,
socio-cultural modeling, and mathematical analysis and models of individual human
cognition and collective behavior.

Strategic Direction: This area is being enhanced in response to an understanding that

asymmetric engagement and urbanization require new paradigms promoting symbiosis
between man and machine for decision-making under conditions of uncertainty and
unexpected changes in environment and goals to improve robustness and efficiency
in the OODA Loop. We are enhancing research in the area of socio-cultural modeling
to forecast the impact of cultural differences on decision-making and identify possible
future courses of actions, partly in response to Secretary of Defense direction, which
promises to help identify and predict cultural differences in decision-making.

Natural Materials and Systems:

This area focuses on multidisciplinary approaches for studying, using, mimicking, or

altering the novel ways that natural systems accomplish their required tasks. Nature has
used evolution to build exquisite materials and sensors that often outperform manmade
versions. This scientific thrust discovers how to mimic existing natural sensory systems
and adds existing capabilities to these organisms for more precise control over their
material production. Subareas that support this scientific focus include biomimetics of
materials, sensors, interfaces, physical mechanisms of natural systems under environ-
mental stress (i.e., extremophiles), and bioenergy. Bioenergy includes research to
understand and improve the facility of certain microorganisms to produce biofuels -
specifically molecular hydrogen and algal lipids—for use in fuel cells and air breathing
engines, and to utilize other complex or impure biofuels for use in compact power
generation. This area also includes biomimetics for research into low speed, highly
maneuverable flight.

Strategic Direction: Though this area, which promises to provide the next revolution in
material science, is largely opportunity driven, we place specific emphasis on biofuels,
biomimetics for materials and sensing, and extreme environment survivability. We are
deemphasizing some aspects of biological research for which the Army is the lead, such
as toxicology, safety, and standards. Beginning in about three years, we will also deem-
phasize sensory system research, which has produced many valuable discoveries over
the past two decades.

Dynamical Systems, Optimization, and Control:

This area emphasizes mathematical research for discovering new scientific concepts
supported by rigorous analysis for advancing the science of autonomy and promoting
the understanding necessary to analyze and design complex multi-scale systems as
well as provide guaranteed levels of performance. It includes novel adaptive control strategies
for coordinating heterogeneous autonomous or semiautonomous aerospace vehicles
in uncertain, information rich, dynamically changing, adversarial, and networked envi-
ronments. This thrust also includes work on rigorous new methods and algorithms for
robust and efficient multidisciplinary design and optimization as well as the extremely
challenging problems of quantifying and understanding the effects of uncertainties in a
wide variety of computational analysis problems arising in the characterization of the
behaviors of complex systems.

This area also studies a variety of natural systems (e.g., dragonflies and bats), which
have incredible capabilities beyond the reach of current technology, with the aim of
discovering and understanding fundamental new engineering principles that could
enable the design and operation of agile autonomous systems with revolutionary new
capabilities. Subareas that support this scientific focus are robust adaptive control of
complex hybrid systems, embedded optimization, dynamical systems theory, computa-
tional and discrete mathematics, management of the effects of uncertainties, and
reliable scalable algorithms.

Strategic Direction: Intelligent and highly responsive adaptive control and optimization
(particularly embedded optimization) are pervasive issues and critical enablers for the
Air Force of the future to operate safely and effectively in crowded heterogeneous
battlespaces. Research enabling efficient reliable operation of large networks of semi-
autonomous agile micro air vehicles and sensor systems will be required to make possible
extremely challenging missions that occur in highly uncertain terrain (e.g., urban canyons,
cave, and mountainous areas) in the presence of large natural and adversarial distur-
bances. Moreover, research done in this thrust will be extremely useful for the adaptive
integrated sensing and processing that will be important to the secure and reliable
operation of DoD networks.


IV. Basic Research Programs

For almost 60 years, AFOSR has expanded the horizon of scientific knowledge by iden-
tifying, supporting, and exploiting basic research opportunities. AFOSR has sponsored
57 scientists and engineers who have earned worldwide recognition as Nobel Laureates
in physics, chemistry, medicine, and economics. AFOSR basic research investments
are executed primarily with U.S. universities, but critical portions occur within the other
nine AFRL Technology Directorates, businesses, international organizations, and other
Federal agencies. This section provides an overview of the mechanics of the AFOSR
research investment.

Single Investigator Grants:
Grant awards to single university researchers seek revolutionary scientific breakthroughs
in the AFOSR Research Focus Areas. University researchers typically are university
professors leading small teams of graduate students and postdoctoral associates.
Businesses are also eligible for single-investigator contracts.

Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI):

MURI grants complement single-investigator awards by investing in research intersecting
multiple science and engineering disciplines. Such multidisciplinary research teams,
often involving multiple universities, accelerate research progress through the cross-
fertilization of scientific disciplines.

Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP):

The DURIP provides equipment grants to universities to enhance current research

capabilities or develop new ones to support research of Air Force interest. We at
AFOSR are especially interested in equipment that benefits multiple investigators.


Laboratory Research Independent Research (LRIR) Program:

AFOSR invests in basic research at the nine AFRL Technology Directorates to address
significant scientific challenges and to develop the AFRL in-house technical workforce.
Investment in basic research within AFRL Technical Directorates and other Air Force
entities is limited to 30 percent of the AFOSR core budget. Laboratory researchers typically
are single investigators or senior investigators leading small teams of government
scientists, postdoctoral associates, and on-site research contractors.

Resident Research Programs:

AFOSR manages and co-funds the National Research Council Resident Research
Associates (NRCRRA) program and the Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP).
The NRCRRA provides postdoctoral (<5 years since Ph.D.) and senior scientists and
engineers (>5 years since Ph.D.) one to three year research fellowships at Air Force
research sites. The SFFP supports academic faculty to conduct on-site research in col-
laboration with Air Force researchers during the summer months. These two programs
provide opportunities to bring new expertise to AFRL and enhance professional relationships
among Air Force and university researchers.

AFOSR manages the Air Force Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program.
The STTR program is designed to transition ideas from research institutions to the
commercial market, where the technology can benefit the Air Force and the nation as a
whole. This program is similar to the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program
but requires official collaboration with a U.S. university, Federally Funded Research and
Development Center, or non-profit research institution.


“The Sun Never Sets on AFOSR”

The Air Force’s technical competitiveness increasingly depends on its ability to be fully
cognizant of international scientific and technological breakthroughs and advances.
The Air Force must maintain a constant vigilance of the evolution of science across the
globe and be prepared to exploit any scientific advances when appropriate. This
requirement becomes increasingly critical to the future Air Force as the quantity and
quality of research performed outside the U.S. continue to increase. At AFOSR, we
maintain the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) in Tokyo, the
European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD) in London, and
the recently established Southern Office of Aerospace Research and Development
(SOARD), located in Santiago, Chile, to support direct interchanges with the interna-
tional scientific and engineering community.

It is unrealistic to imagine that AFOSR’s international offices can directly assess all
international basic research activities. So our principal strategy is to foster scientific
research relationships with a broad range of key international scientific researchers and
communities. These relationships enable a sustained awareness of the increasingly
broad range of international research. AFOSR utilizes three main programs: 1) Window
on Science (WOS), which brings foreign researchers to meet and share their research
with AFRL scientists and engineers; 2) Conference Support, which promotes AFRL
access to worldwide scientific dialogues; and 3) research grants and contracts, which
provide modest support to foreign researchers on specific topics of Air Force interest.


IV. Basic Research Programs


AFOSR’s basic research investment is a small fraction of the nation’s overall basic
research investment. Within DoD, the entire basic research investment is formally coor-
dinated through the Reliance 21 process, established to facilitate sharing of information
to enhance high-quality research with increased efficiency and greater effectiveness.
Strengthening AFOSR interactions with non-DoD scientific organizations, such as the
National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and
the Department of Homeland Security ensures investments are fully coordinated and
opportunities for leveraging are exploited. Expanded interaction beyond DoD is critical
to support our Strategic Goal 1 to, “Identify opportunities for significant scientific
advancements and breakthrough research here and abroad.”


The technological superiority of the Air Force depends on the availability of well-trained
scientists and engineers. Each year, approximately 2,000 graduate students and post-
doctoral associates work on AFOSR basic research grants under the mentorship of
outstanding university researchers. We also manage the National Defense Science and
Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) program and the Awards to Stimulate and
Support Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE) program on behalf of the entire
DoD. The NDSEG program provides three year fellowships to U.S. citizens or U.S. nationals
pursuing Ph.D.s in science and engineering disciplines of DoD importance. The ASSURE
program provides meaningful research opportunities for undergraduates, emphasizing
the involvement of students who might not otherwise have such opportunities.

At AFOSR, we recognize that America’s research and workforce challenges are best
addressed by a diverse application pool from which to select the best and brightest
researchers. Through our Historically Black Colleges/Universities and Minority Institu-
tions (HBCU/MI) program, we not only support quality research but also increase the
number of minority graduates in the fields of science, engineering, and mathematics.
ASSURE also contributes substantially in this regard.

In response to the American Competitiveness Initiative, AFOSR established a Young

Investigator Program in FY2007 to increase opportunities for new investigators to
participate in Air Force basic research. This program provides research support to
scientists and engineers who have received a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in the last
five years and show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research.
This program fosters creative basic research approaches and enhances early career
development of outstanding new investigators. Research awards are made to principal
investigators who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Appendix 1-4
1. Discovery Challenge Thrusts (DCTs)
Integrated Multi-Modal Sensing: Processing & Exploitation: Enables performance-based, multi-modal sensors that
can autonomously determine which mode(s) are best for providing real-time decision-making information about potential
targets and threats in complex, dynamic environments

Robust Decision-Making: Investigates and allows for new computational and mathematical principles of cognition to create
symbiosis between human and machine systems to optimally coordinate and allocate responsibility between these entities
for comprehensive situational awareness and anticipatory command and control

Turbulence Control & Implications: Pushes the boundary of flow control research to enable optimal aerodynamic and
propulsion performance across a wide range of Mach numbers

Space Situational Awareness: Develops concepts for not only detecting, tracking, and identifying space objects, but also
for predicting future capabilities, actions, and positions of these objects (at all altitudes with known accuracy and precision)

Complex Networked Systems: Enables network performance to be predictable and quantifiable over a wide range of
operating conditions, assures probability of information transfer on a complex network as opposed to data transmission,
and enables detection and mitigation of conditions for network failure or compromise that avoid catastrophic performance

Reconfigurable Cellular Electronic Systems: Develops real-time tuning of electrical and optical properties to enable
devices to be tailored and optimized for specific tasks, and allows devices to reconfigure and recover from defects or damage
(such as radiation effects)

Thermal Transport Phenomena & Scaling Laws: Analyzes modeling, analyzing, and understanding thermal phenomena
at multiple time and length scales to enable future AF technologies, such as high speed processing, high power electronics,
and hypersonic thermal protection and propulsion systems

Radiant Energy Delivery & Materials Interactions: Enhances understanding and control of the generation, propagation
and deposition of radiant energy at all wavelengths with applications to such things as antenna design, imaging/sensing,
and directed energy weapons

Socio-Cultural Modeling of Effective Influence: Helps develop fundamental understanding of social, demographic, and
cultural influences that form the operational environment in all phases of military activity across air, space, and cyberspace

Super-Configurable Multifunction Structures: Provides the scientific basis for new morphing aerospace platforms
capable of altering their shape, functionality, and mechanical properties in response to changes in surrounding environments
or operating conditions

Prognosis of Aircraft and Space Devices, Components, and Systems: Enables basic research to predict when a
unique device, component, or system is reaching a state where it must be repaired, upgraded, or replaced (under changing

2. References
1. Air Force Research Laboratory Capability-Based Science and Technology Strategy 2030
2. Army Science and Technology Master Plan
3. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Strategic Plan
4. Defense Intelligence Agency Strategic Plan
5. Defense Threat Reduction Agency Strategic Plan
6. Department of Defense Basic Research Plan
7. Department of Energy Strategic Plan
8. Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World (National Intelligence Council)
9. Naval S&T Strategic Plan: Defining the Strategic Direction for Tomorrow


3. Basic Research Focus Areas

Mapping of FLTCs to Basic Research Focus Areas:

This appendix addresses the completeness question by first considering how AFOSR Research
Focus Areas map to the AFRL Focused Long Term Challenges (FLTCs). Since the focus areas
are based on technical disciplines rather than operational capabilities, it is natural that these
areas cut across many FLTCs and that problems in each of the FLTCs are addressed by multiple
areas. Finally, it should be recalled that the Discovery Challenge Thrusts described in Appendix
1 were constructed as part of the FLTC process to explicitly identify basic research of particular
importance to the FLTCs. They too are part of the AFOSR effort to assure its search for innovative
research broadly addresses future Air Force problems.

Surface Target Engagement/

FLTC 8: Affordable Mission

veillance & Reconnaissance

FLTC 7: On-demand force

AFRL Focused Long Term

FLTC 1: Anticipatory Com-

FLTC 3: Dominant Difficult

Proactive Intelligence, Sur-

FLTC 6: Dominant Offen-

tions in High Threat Envi-
FLTC 5: Assured Opera-

Generation and Sustain-

FLTC 2: Unprecedented

sive Cyber Engagement

mand, Control and Intel-

FLTC 4: Persistent and

Responsive Precision

Projection, Anywhere
Challenges (FLTCs)




x x x x x
Interactions and Control

x x x x x x
Energy, Power,
and Propulsion

x x x x x x
Complex Materials and
Complex Electronics and
Fundamental Quantum
x x x x
Plasma Physics and

x x x
High Energy Density
Optics, Electromagnet-
ics, Communication, and
Signal Processing
x x x x
x x x x
Information and Complex

x x x
Dynamical Systems,
Optimization, and
x x x x x
x x x x
Natural Materials
and Systems

4. AFOSR Program Manager Portfolios

Mapping of Current AFOSR program manager portfolios to Basic Research Focus Areas:
In what follows we complete the mapping by showing how individual program manager port-
folios relate to the Basic Research Focus Areas in each of the AFOSR Directorates. Note that
all of the activities of any individual portfolio are mapped to only one focus area. While this
is mostly true, it is important to note that it is part of AFOSR culture for program managers to
interact closely in order to identify and support cross-disciplinary activities. It is possible, and
even encouraged for program managers to have collaborative projects outside their usual disci-
pline. No attempt has been made to capture such exceptions here.

Aerospace, Chemical, and Material Sciences Directorate

Aero-Structure Energy, Power & Complex Materials &
Interactions & Control Propulsion Structures

Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials

& Microsystems
Dr. Les Lee
Multi-scale Mechanics & Prognosis
Dr. David Stargel X
Surface and Interfacial Sciences
Maj. Michelle Ewy X
Thermal Control
Dr. Joan Fuller X
Low Density Materials
Dr. Charles Lee X
Theoretical Chemistry
Dr. Michael Berman X
Molecular Dynamics
Dr. Michael Berman X
High Temperature Aerospace
Dr. Joan Fuller
Polymer Chemistry
Dr. Charles Lee X
Hypersonics and Turbulence
Dr. John Schmisseur X
Flow Control and Aeroelasticity
Dr. Douglas Smith X
Space Power and Propulsion
Dr. Mitat Birkan X
Combustion and Diagnostics
Dr. Julian Tishkoff X


Physics and Electronics Directorate
Complex Electronics Plasma Physics & Optics, Electromagnetics,
& Fundamental High Energy Density Communication & Signal
Quantum Processes Non-equilibrium Processes Processing

Electro Energetic Physics

Dr. Bob Barker X
Atomic & Molecular
Dr. Tatjana Curcic
Physical Mathematics and
Applied Analysis
Dr. Arje Nachman
Dr. Arje Nachman X
Laser & Optical Physics
Dr. Howard Schlossberg X
Remote Sensing &
Imaging Physics
Dr. Kent Miller
Space Sciences
Dr. Kent Miller X
Quantum Electronic Solids
Dr. Harold Weinstock X
Adaptive Multi-Mode
Sensing and Ultra-High
Speed Electronics
Dr. Kitt Reinhardt
Semiconductor &
Electromagnetic Materials
Dr. Don Silversmith
Components, Integration
& Information Processing
and Storage
Dr. Gernot Pomrenke

Sensing, Surveillance &

Dr. Jon Sjogren

Mathematics, Information, and Life Sciences Directorate
Information & Dynamical Systems, Natural
Complex Optimization, & Materials
Networks Control & Systems

Dr. Walt Kozumbo

Complex Networks
Dr. Bob Bonneau

Dr. Fariba Fahroo
Information Fusion
Dr. Doug Cochran

Dynamics and Control
Dr. Bill McEneaney

Mathematical Modeling

of Cognition &
Decision Making
Dr. Jun Zhang
Natural Materials,

Systems &
Dr. Hugh De Long
Optimization and
Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Don Hearn
Sensory Information
Dr. Willard Larkin
Dr. Willard Larkin

Collective Behavior &

Socio-Cultural Modeling
Dr. Terry Lyons
Systems & Software
Dr. David Luginbuhl

Information Operations
& Security
Dr. Bob Herklotz


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