Revision 1 - SA2 (Answer Keys)

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English/Term IV/Semester II
AY202021/S2T4/P6/EL/Revision 1/SA2

Student’s name: Teacher’s name : Ms. Widya

Date : Score : -

Part I. Reading Comprehension – NF (Non-Fiction)

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions clearly.

Come and visit paradise!

Aruba is an exotic island paradise in the southern Caribbean sea. Just 32 kilometres from
end to end, it offers the tourist a perfect location. It has a dry climate and is outside the hurricane
belt, so thunderstorms are rare and, on average, there is less than 50 centimetres of rain a
Aruba is a land of perpetual sunshine and a melting pot of cultures, as it is home to over
90 nationalities. A family will never get bored! The plentiful beaches have white sands and
inviting waters, perfect for swimming and sunbathing in a balmy 28–32 °C. There is also a
National Park to explore, as well as hiking trails where you can find abandoned gold mines and
plantation house ruins, all in 32 square kilometres. Visit the old stone California Lighthouse in the
far northwest of the island, which is like a sentry on the highest point, overlooking the island’s
western coastline of sandy beaches and rocky coral shorelines. One of Aruba’s most well-known
landmarks, the lighthouse beckons visitors to climb it and experience the most spectacular 360°
If you want a more active holiday you can learn to kitesurf in the turquoise waters, taught by
one of the island’s professionals. Younger members of the family can be a pirate for the day, sailing
on a wooden ship, swimming and snorkelling at the best underwater sites. With a shoreline of 68.5
kilometres, there are plenty to choose from!
Experience an unforgettable horse ride from one of Aruba’s ranches, taking a trek to Conchi,
a natural pool where you can have a refreshing dip before returning to enjoy the island’s constant
cooling breezes in your beachside resort.
Those who want a more sophisticated experience can enjoy a visit to the capital, Oranjestad,
which is home to a wealth of museums, as well as shops and restaurants.
Getting to Aruba has never been easier. Aruba is served by a number of airlines, and
connections can be made to any part of the world. There are over 100 flights every week to the US
alone, as well as international flights to and from several European and Latin American countries.
Check with your travel agent or online for the latest flight schedules.

1. What is author’s purpose of the text above?

To persuade us to go to Aruba. / To tell the reader how beautiful and exciting Aruba is._
2. Explain in your own words what ‘a melting pot of cultures’ means (line 5).
people from lots of different countries / who speak different languages /
have different beliefs all live together / work together / come together as
one / make one community / society.
3. Look at the sentence ‘Visit the old stone California Lighthouse ... which is like a sentry ... ’

Ms Widya
Source: Complete Practice for Vocab Primary English 6
English/Term IV/Semester II
AY202021/S2T4/P6/EL/Revision 1/SA2

(lines 9–10).
(a) What technique is the underlined phrase an example of?
Simile / personification

(b) What does the underlined phrase suggest about the lighthouse?
Protecting the shoreline / keeping unwanted people away.

4. How does the final paragraph differ in purpose from the rest of the text?
• it tells you how to get to Aruba
• it’s all about travel arrangements
• the rest of the text tells you what you can do when you get there, this is
for before you go
• it is more informative and less persuasive.
5. A friend is trying to decide where to go on holiday, and has asked you for information about
(a) Complete the fact file below about Aruba, using the information in the text.
Fact file

Location southern Caribbean (sea)

Length of the Island 32 km / kilometres

28–32 °C
less than 50 cm / centimetres per year
Area of the National 32 square km / kilometres
Principal city Oranjestad

Location of highest (the) northwest


Length of coast 68.5 km / kilometres

(b) Summarise why Aruba is a good place to visit. Use up to 30 words.

The summary will include the following main points:
1. good climate / sunny and warm
2. lots of activities / activities for all the family / range of activities / from
beach to museum activities / land and sea activities / places to visit
3. now easy to reach / easy access by plane.
The third point may be omitted where the range of activities and

Ms Widya
Source: Complete Practice for Vocab Primary English 6
English/Term IV/Semester II
AY202021/S2T4/P6/EL/Revision 1/SA2

places to visit has been more extensively described, e.g.:

• Aruba is a paradise with a dry climate. There are activities covering a
wide range of interests for all the family. Getting to Aruba is easy by
plane. [28 words]
• Aruba is an exotic paradise. There are activities for families and single
people ranging from volleyball on one of the plentiful beaches to visiting
attractions in the capital city.

6. Suggest a suitable subtitle / subheading for paragraph 3.

__Activities that we can do in Aruba (other sensible answers are accepted)_

Part II. Vocabulary Comprehension

A. Synonyms and Antonyms (MCQ)
1. What is the synonym of “flippant”?
(a) irrelevant (b) irreverent (c) respectful (d) mannerly ( b)
2. What is the synonym of “aggressive”?
(a) easy-going (b) laidback (c) calm (d) hostile (d )
3. What is the synonym of “honourable”?
(a) respectable (b) corrupt (c) unjust (d) immoral (a)
4. What is the synonym of “gigantic”?
(a) miniature (b) enormous (c) minute (d) tiny ( b)
5. What is the antonym of “awful”?
(a) terrible (b) horrible (c) delightful (d) dreadful ( c)
6. What is the antonym of “poverty”?
(a) wealth (b) famine (c) deficit (d) starvation ( a)
7. What is the antonym of “graphic”?
(a) vague (b) concrete (c) clear (d) expressive (a)

B. Glossary Comprehension (MCQ and Cloze)

1. Study the following extract of a poem:

The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,

The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,

Ms Widya
Source: Complete Practice for Vocab Primary English 6
English/Term IV/Semester II
AY202021/S2T4/P6/EL/Revision 1/SA2

And the highwayman came riding –

Riding – Riding –
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.

Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard,

And he tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred;
He whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord’s black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord’s daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.

How many stanzas are there? There are __2__stanzas.

2. Write the rhyme scheme of each stanza above.

Stanza 1 = A, A, B, C, C, B

3. In what point of view is the poem told? What makes you say that? Give evidence.
The poem is told in the third point of view as it narrates the story of the highwayman in the
point of view of him. The pronoun used: “he”.
4. Study again the text on page 1. We can categorise such a text as follow, except
(a) non-chronological report (c) fiction
(b) informational text (d) non-fiction (c)

5. One common feature of informational texts is the use of subheadings.

Mention 2 functions of subheadings.
 To inform the reader what will come next
 To organize text
 To guide the reader to find important or relevant text
 To categorise items

6. The following are the features of non-chronological reports, except _________.

(a) written in the third person
(b) use colloquial and casual language
(c) written in formal language
(d) presenting facts and thus, written in simple present tense. (b)

Ms Widya
Source: Complete Practice for Vocab Primary English 6
English/Term IV/Semester II
AY202021/S2T4/P6/EL/Revision 1/SA2

7. Do you remember Johnny (my brother’s friend)?

What is the function of the brackets above? Choose the correct answer.
(a) to further explain/clarify previous statement.
(b) to define an abbreviation.
(c) to show extra information.
(d) to indicate singular or plural. (c)

8. Please turn off your device(s) before entering the room.

What is the function of the brackets above? Choose the correct answer.
(a) to add emphasis
(b) to add a personal opinion
(c) to define abbreviation.
(d) to indicate singular or plural. (d)

9. Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were
warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and
she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up
at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!” Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on
the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books
into her backpack, and then ran out the door.

a) Can you infer what problem Cassie is having? She is late for school.
b) Can you guess / infer where Cassie is going? She is going to school.
c) Can you conclude what kind of person Cassie is? What makes you say that?
Cassie is a lazy / forgetful person. She is too relaxed or unprepared for the upcoming school day.
(Other plausible reasons are accepted)

Part III. Literary Devices – MCQ

1. “The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees.”
This sentence contains a technique called _________________.
(a) hyperbole (c) simile
(b) personification (d) metaphor (d)

2. “The rain seemed like an old friend who had finally found us.”
This sentence contains a technique called _________________.
(a) onomatopoeia (c) simile
(b) metaphor (d) personification (c)

3. Tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot! Had they heard it? The horse-hoofs ringing clear;
This sentence contains a technique called ________________.

Ms Widya
Source: Complete Practice for Vocab Primary English 6
English/Term IV/Semester II
AY202021/S2T4/P6/EL/Revision 1/SA2

(a) metaphor (c) enjambment

(b) hyperbole (d) onomatopoeia (d)

4. “Her gun shattered the moonlight”

This sentence contains a technique called ________________.
(a) personification (c) alliteration
(b) onomatopoeia (d) metaphor (a)

5. “The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor.”

This sentence contains a technique called ________________.
(a) idiom (c) rhyme
(b) metaphor (d) personification (b)

6. “And the highwayman came riding—

Up to the old inn-door.”
(a) rhyme (c) enjambment
(b) personification (d) alliteration (c)

7. After facing lots of misfortunes, I finally see a miracle in my life. Oh well, it is true that
every cloud has a silver lining.
(a) enjambment (c) simile
(b) idiom (d) personification (b)

8. Purple puppies are playing on the playground.

This sentence contains a technique called ________________.
(a) onomatopoeia (c) alliteration
(b) idiom (d) hyperbole (c)

9. Don’t disturb me! I have a million things to do today.

This sentence contains a technique called ________________.
(a) enjambment (c) simile
(b) hyperbole (d) metaphor (b)

10. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.

This sentence contains a technique called ________________.
(a) simile (c) hyperbole
(b) idiom (d) personification (a)

Part IV. Writing

Ms Widya
Source: Complete Practice for Vocab Primary English 6
English/Term IV/Semester II
AY202021/S2T4/P6/EL/Revision 1/SA2

You have read about Lucy’s dream

Write a fantasy story where the main character has a dream. (min.350 words)
Ideas to help you:

Character: You could be the main character or it could be an imaginary person.

Who else or what else is in the story?
Plot: What is the main character doing when the story begins?
Does something exciting or interesting happen?
How are the other characters (if there are any) linked to the
Setting: Dreams are often set in strange places.
What’s odd or interesting about the setting of your dream?

Remember to include as much detail as you can in your story. Try to make it exciting so that
people will want to read on to find out what happens.

Spend up to five minutes making notes in the box below to plan your story:

Write here.


Ms Widya
Source: Complete Practice for Vocab Primary English 6

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