Role Play

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Script outline for role play (Afrilyn Andrea)

Domestic abuse

Andrea looking tired and sleepy

Afrilyn : Andrea? Are you okay?

Andrea : I couldn’t sleep well at all last night

Afrilyn : Why?

Andrea: I heard noises from my neighbor ’s house .

Afrilyn : What kind of noises did u hear from them?

Andrea : sound of them fighting , screaming and woman’s crying.

Afrilyn : Really?

Andrea : I could hear the husband’s and wife’s voice very clearly. I could
hear the daughter’s crying sound too. The husband yellat his wife and
say she is useless or something.

Afrilyn : I think this family is facing domestic abuse, the wife and the
daughter are facing physical and emotional abuse by the husband.

Andrea : What is domestic abuse and what do u mean by physical and

emotional abuse?

Afrilyn : No, there are actually many types of domestic abuse. Physical
abuse is the type that involve a lot of violence acts. Meanwhile
emotional abuse is a way to control another person by using emotions,
criticize ,embarrass or anything that hurt the victim feeling. Andrea,
when was the last time u talk to the wife?

Andrea : Hmmm the last time I talk to the wife was two days ago maybe.
I do notice there is a bruise on her right hand and a bandage on her
forehead. She didn’t really want to talk about it, so I just left her alone.
Afrilyn : Is there anything besides wounds?

Andrea: I saw her swollen eyes as if she just finished crying. She looked
like she was beaten .I noticed that she didn’t talk much.Her husband was
giving “cold stare” to us.

Afrilyn : Did u ever saw her after that?

Andrea. No, that was the last time I saw her.

Afrilyn : Do you even know how bad are the side effects? Do u know
what might happen if we didn’t help them?

Andrea : I should have lend my helping hand to them earlier….

Afrilyn : The daughter will be having anxiety and depression, develop

phobia and insomnia. Furthermore , both the victims might self harm
and suicidal.

Andrea : I heard the daughter is having discipline problems in school.

She is lacking of empathy and caring for her friends I think that the wife
don dare to leave him because of financial problem. The husband is the
only one who is working and he don’t let the wife to work.

Affrilyn: I agree with you Andrea, how can a man restrict his wife from

Andrea: Well, the problem now is how do we help them?

Afrilyn : Firstly, for today I would go home with u and have a

deeeepppppp conversation with her . She would not feel all alone and
she might speak up later.

Andrea : We can go to nearby police station and lodge a police report.

Afrilyn: What time does her husband always go home from work?

Andrea : He always come home around 8 pm.

Afrilyn : Do u have her phone number?

Andrea : Her name is Milly. Ya I do have her phone number.

Afrilyn: You text her and ask her whether she is free for lunch and invite
her to come over to your house for lunch.

Andrea : Ok, im texting her now. She will be coming at 12’30.

Afrilyn : we can start our plan today but lets go to cafe first. We both are

Andrea : Ok then. Lets go

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