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Learning and The Learner

Wan Cassie Azrul
Question 1:

Discuss each of the Ewell (1997)’s Principles

by giving examples based on 21st century
Active Involvement
- Students create knowledge by themselves
- Not just taking everything from teachers
- Examples in 21st century learning:
- HOTS questions
- More hands on activities in class
- More students’ centered activities
Patterns and Connection
- Making links on the knowledge that they learnt
- Able to point out the pattern, the connections, etc. out of concepts.
- Examples in 21st century learning:
- Relating the history to the current situation
- Solving problem in real life situations
Informal Learning
- Students’ learning process are not fixed inside the classroom.
- Happens when students by themselves.
- Learning process are continuous.
- Example in 21st century learning:
- Task given at home
- Appliances of knowledge learnt at school in real life situations.
Direct Experience
Students is the one who experienced the situation

Making the lesson more enjoyable

Examples in 21st century learning

- Doing some practical exercises such as experiments and acting
- Students will feel the experience and they’ll remember it more rather than just reading
- They’ll know what exactly what the teachers intended and will maintain the character throughout the
process ( Example : Acting in a Short Stories/ Reading Poem)
Students reflect back what they’ve learnt throughout the lesson

Giving their own perspective towards the lesson and his opinion

Examples in 21st Century Learning:

- Making a reflection session at the end of the class

- Some of the students shares their experience, perspective and their opinion regarding
the lesson
Compelling Situation
- Attraction to learn
- Balance of challenging task and the probability of the students to solve it
- Connection to real life often provide best motivation for students
- Examples in 21st century learning:
- Role play
Frequent Feedback
- Feedback from teachers and peers.
- Allow them to practice what they have learnt.
- To fix any incorrect perceptions of learnt knowledge.
- Examples in 21st century learning:
- Giving feedback to students’ work
- Frequent practice of learnt materials
Enjoyable Setting
- Refers to the social environment of learning.
- Learning mostly happens in social and interactive manner.
- Have sufficient individual supports.
- Examples in 21st century learning:
- Teachers helping students do challenging tasks.
- Discussions between students.
- Students to share their knowledge with one another.
Question 2:

Effective teaching will result in meaningful learning.

Teachers need to play an important role in helping
students acquire knowledge.
a) State the meaning of teaching and learning

Teaching :

➔ ‘Teach’ lies in the Old English tæcan meaning ‘show, present, point
❏ Process of attending to people’s need, experiences and feelings, and
intervening so that they learn particular things, and go beyond the
❏ Giving lessons about a particular subject to a group of learners.

Most common approach to teaching includes teacher-centered and

One of the important psychological process determine the human behavior.

Process of accumulation of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA).

➢ A continuous process, not a one time activity or an annual, half

➢ yearly, quarterly or monthly activity.
➢ training, experience, reading, observation, discussions, electronic
media including internet, experimentation, facing the new challenges,
travel and exploration etc.
Learning style
★ Visual

Learn more effectively by looking and seeing. Exmp : Visual presentation and

★ Aural

Learn more efficiently through hearing. They benefit from discussions, by

listening to recordings and reciting lessons out loud.

★ Kinesthetic

By doing or touching. They are more active and thrive in jobs that require
physical movement and material manipulation.
b) Show how teachers can improve students’ perception in the
learning process

- By always maintain a good mood in class

- We shouldn’t get angry if they made a slight mistake, we are the one
who guide them to do the right thing
- This will maintain a positive vibe between the teacher and the student
- They will also learn that learning process isn’t that hard and frustrating,
it can be filled with positive vibe and curiosity when learning
“The learner is not the ‘receptacle’ of knowledge, but
rather creates his or her learning actively and uniquely.”
(Ewell,1997a, p6.)

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