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1. Title of the project: Human Resource Management System

2. Introduction and Objectives of the Project:

2.1 Introduction:
This project intends to provide an innovative, people-centric human resource
solution that optimizes human capital by nurturing and empowering employees and
users to adapt to the company's requirements.
The role of HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT in organizations has
been evolving dramatically in the recent times. HR is increasingly receiving attention
as a critical strategic partner, assuming stunningly different, far reaching
transformational roles and responsibilities. Taking the strategic approach to human
resource management involves making the function of managing human assets the
most important priority in the organizations and integrating all human resource
policies and programmes the frame-work of a company’s strategy.

2.2. Objectives of HRMS

• To help the organization reach its goals
• To employ the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently.
• To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees.
• To increase to the fullest the employer’s job satisfaction and self-actualization.
• To develop and maintain a quality of work life.
• To communicate HR policies to all employees.
• To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society.

3. Project Category :
This is a web based application in which I use J2ee as front end and Oracle10g
at backend.
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4. Tools / Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement

4.1. Tools/Platforms :

Tools : Jdk1.6.1,My eclipse, Web logic Server

Platforms : Windows XP Professional

4.2. Hardware Requirements:

The selection of hardware is very important in the existence and
proper working of any software. In the selection of hardware, the size and the
capacity requirements are also important.
The Web Based Manufacturing System can be efficiently run on
Pentium system with at least 128 MB RAM and Hard disk drive having 20
GB. Floppy disk drive of 1.44 MB and 14 inch Samsung colour monitor suits
the information system operation.(A Printer is required for hard copy output).
• Pentium processor -------- Pentium Dual Core or above
• RAM Capacity -------- 1 GB or higher
• Hard Disk -------- 80 GB
• CD-ROM Drive -------- Required
• KEYBOARD -------- 108 Standard

4.3. Software Requirements:

One of the most difficult tasks is that, the selection of the software,
once system requirement is known is determining whether a particular
software package fits the requirements. After initial selection further security
is needed to determine the desirability of particular software compared with
other candidates. This section first summarizes the application requirement
question and then suggests more detailed comparisons.
• Operating System -------- Windows 98/NT/2000/XP

• Browser -------- IE, Netscape navigator

• Tool ---------- Jdk 1.6.1

• Web/Application Server -------- Web Logic

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4.4. Problem Definition, Requirement Specifications:

The role of HR persons within an organization is to look after the human

resources i.e. the employees of the organization so that they get a healthy working
environment, take necessary steps to handle their grievances, conduct recruitment
drives, provide trainings to keep the employees up-to-date with the emerging
technologies etc.
Drawbacks of Existing System:
The following drawbacks of the existing system emphasize the need for
computerization of the Antenatal system
• Manual System makes use of huge amounts of records.
• Difficulty in tracking and retrieving data from the abundant papers is
quite difficult.
Need for Computerization:
• Manual work reduction.
• Retrieval and access of data is easy.
• Reports are processed quickly.
• Easy tracking and communication of exigencies in emergencies.
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5. Project Planning and Scheduling :

Below is the GANTT CHART for this project, which shows the time line flow for the project.

June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008

1 System Analysis
1.1 determination
of needs
1.2 investigation
1.3 feasibility study

2 Design
2.1 data design
2.2 table design

2.3 form design

3 coding

4 testing
4.1unit testing
4.2integration testing

4.3 system testing

5 implementation

6 documentation

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6. Scope of the solution.

The proposed system will incorporate all the latest technologies for the
development of the system. The different modules will have least interaction
between them. This will make the system secure, scalable, robust and
efficient. Any new but similar system can also use the modules with minimal
7. Analysis:

7.1. Data Flow Diagram:

Context Level Data Flow Diagram (level 0)

ENT Administra
End-user tor

1st Level Data Flow Diagram



Emp_details Emp_address


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Feedback Feedback_repl



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7.2. Entity Relationship Diagram:

id des


Name Name

Location 1 Id=desig_id

Desig_ Service_Allowa
id nce
id M h
Sal_struct hra
s id=id
DA Dept_i
TA d
Id=dept_id c


Enam commiss
e ion
emai 1 dob
l desg_
State Phone 1
Employee_details hire_d
dept_i Lna
d emp_i gender me
s Emp_i
e Password
date End_dt s

Performance Id
Comment Emp Dt of
by _id Apply
Leave_details Emp
comme by _id
h nt
a Start
_dt Leav Purpo
s e type se
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emp_Id = emp_Id

emp_id = h
emp_id a
h s
a Attend
s Id
Status End_d Dept_Id = Id parttime
Id Attendence detail
Leave Emp
time _id
Training _Details Nam
emp_id =
Start_dt Purpos emp_id
h s
emp_id = a Feedb
emp_id s ack
Date Feedback Emp
Grievence Grievances Emp
_id 1 Leav
h a
a Id sM
date Id
Id=Grv_id s M Id = feedback_Id
Gver_Reply Repl
Date Feedback Reply Feedback
Countr Qualificati ays Id
y Gende on
pin DO Id Lna Work_days
me Year
Material Application Resum s
Details Mont
Status e h
Addrs Spelizati
state emp
Fna date
Emp_id me
Notice Subje

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8. A complete structure of Human Recourse Management System:

8.1. Modules:


Login End-user

Administrator Employee

View opening Company profile Job apply

To make the task of HR people easier Human Resource

Management System has been developed. It is divided into three
basic modules, based on the type of user accessing the system,
namely administrative, employee and end-user. The following lists
the functionalities associated with each module:

i) Administrative
• Employee Management
• Salary Management
• Attendance Details
• Application Processing
• Grievances Handling
• Feedback Analysis
• Notice Issue
• Schedule Training
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ii) Employee
• View/Edit profile
• View Notice
• View Feedback
• State Grievances
• Apply for leave
iii) End user

• View Company Profile

• Apply for jobs
• Contact
• View openings

8.2. Data Structures as per the project requirements

8.2.1 Data Dictionary:
A Data Dictionary is a structured repository of data about data. It
offers the primary advantages of documentation & improving analyst/user
communication by establishing consistent definitions of various elements,
terms, & procedures. The three classes to be defined are data elements
(smallest unit of data), data structures (group of data elements handled as a
unit), and data flows and data stores (Data structures in motion & rest
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8.2.2Data Structure
Table1: -
Name : Department
Description : This table keeps the record for all the departments. Like
Department id, their names and their location.
Primary Key : Department id. A unique number is given to all the entries in
this table. It is String type.

Column name Data Type Length Description

Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table.
Name Varchar2 40 It keeps the name of employee in that
Loc_id Varchar2 40 It keeps the name of place where that
department is located.

Name : Designation
Description : This table keeps track of type of Designation or post in that particular company. It
keeps the designation id , name of the person that holds the particular designation and name of the
Primary key : designation id
Column name Data Type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table.
Name Varhar2 40 It keeps the name of employee at that
Des Varhar2 40 It keeps the name of designation.

Name : Employee Details
Description : This table keeps all the record of a particular employee like their id, name, phone
no., email, their hiring date their designation id, dept id, commission that he is getting from the
company etc.
Primary key : Employee_id

Column name Data type Length Description

Emp_id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is assigned
to all the entries in the table.
F_name Varchar2 40 It keeps the first name of employee
L_name Varchar2 40 It keeps the last name of employee
Phone_no Number 10 It keeps the phone no. of employee
Email Varchar2 40 It keeps the email of employee
Hire date Date 7 It keeps the date of at which employee joined
that company
Desig_id Varchar2 40 This field is referenced from the Designation
table and this field keeps the desig_id of that
Dept_id Varchar2 40 This field is referenced from the Department
table and this field keeps the dept_id of that
Manager_id Varchar2 40 It keeps the manager id
Commission Number 4 It keeps the commission that the particular
employee getting from company
Dob Date 7 It keeps the date of birth of the employee
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Gender Date 8 It keeps the gender of the employee

Name : Employee Address
Description : This table keeps the details of Addresses of Employee in that organization
like country state and pin code.
Primary Key : Address ID

Column name Data type Length Description

Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that
is assigned to all the entries in the
Emp_ID Varchar2 40 It keeps the first name of employee
Address1 Varchar2 80 It keeps the first contact address of
Country Varchar2 20 It keeps name of country
State Varchar2 20 It keeps name of state
Pin Number 7 It keeps the pin code
Address2 Varchar2 80 It keeps the 2nd contact address of

Name : Application Details
Description : This table keeps the details of an application form submitted by a
particular applicant.
Primary Key : Application ID
Column Name Data Type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Fname Varchar2 40 It keeps the first name of Applicant.
Lname Varchar2 40 It keeps the second name of Applicant.
Dob Date 7 It keeps the Date of birth of Applicant.
Gender Varchar2 10 It keeps the gender of Applicant
Martial Status Varchar2 10 It keeps the marital status of Applicant.
Address Varchar2 80 It keeps the Address of Applicant.
State Varchar2 20 It keeps the state of Applicant
Country Varchar2 20 It keeps the country Applicant.
City Varchar2 20 It keeps the city of Applicant.
Pin Number 7 It keeps the pin of Applicant.
Qualification Varchar2 80 It keeps the qualification details of
Specialization Varchar2 20 It keeps the specialization area of
Resume Varchar2 40 It keeps the resume no Applicant.
Experience Varchar2 7 It keeps the experience details of
Email Id Varchar2 40 It keeps the email id of Applicant.
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Name : Attendance Details
Description : This table keeps the details of an Attendance of employee in that
Primary Key : Attendance ID

Column name Data type Length description

Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Attan_date Date 7 This field keeps the date at which the
employee been present.
Emp_id Varchar2 40 It keeps the employee id of that particular
Attend Varchar2 5 It keeps the no. of attendance of the
Arrival time Timestamp 6 It keeps the arrival time of employee.
Leave time Timestamp 6 It keeps the time at which employee leaves
his workplace.

Name : Feedback
Description : This table keeps the details of feedback given by employee in that
organization on particular issue. It is like a feedback form
Primary Key : Feedback ID
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is assigned
to all the entries in the table
Emp_id Varchar2 40 It keeps the emp_id of employee who gives the
Lvl Varchar2 20 It keeps the level of the employee in that
Feedback Varchar2 20 It keeps the feedback given by employee
Feedback date Date 7 It keeps the date at which the feedback was
Topic Varchar2 30 It keeps the topic on which the feedback was

Name : Feedback Reply
Description : This table keeps the details of feedback given by employee in that
organization on particular issue. It is like a feedback form
Primary Key : Feedback reply ID

Column name Data type Length Description

Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Feedback id Varchar2 40 This field keep the id of feedback which
had been replied
Reply Varchar2 40 This field contain reply
Date Date 7 It keeps the date on which the feedback is
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Name : Grievances
Description : This table keeps the details of grievances; the employee will get from the
Primary Key : Grievances ID
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key .A unique number that is
assigned to all entries in the table
Emp_id Varchar2 40 This field keep the id of the employee who
had given grievance
Grievance Number 10 It contains the no. of grievances an employee
get from the organization
Griv_date Date 7 It keeps the date on which the grievance is

Name : Griv_repl
Description : This table keeps the details of grievances that have been replied by HR of
Primary Key : Griv_repl ID
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Reply Varchar2 40 This field contains reply
Grv_id Varchar2 40 This field keep the id of grievance which
had been replied
Date Date 7 It keeps the date on which the grievance is

Name : Leave Details
Description : This table keeps the details of leave days that have been given to the
employee on their request. It keeps the details of the purpose, start date of leave etc.
Primary Key : leave ID
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Emp_id Varchar2 40 This field keeps the id of employee who
had taken leave
Purpose Varchar2 40 This field keeps the reason of leave
Start_dt Date 7 It keeps the starting date of leave of the
End_dt Date 7 It keeps the ending date of leave of the
Date of application Date 7 It keeps the date when the application was
Approved by Varchar2 40 It keeps the name of the person by whom
the application was approved
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Name : Location
Description : This table keeps the details of Location different department or branches
of company in different zone or country.
Primary Key : Location ID
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Name Varchar2 40 It contains the name of the employee
Country Varchar2 40 It contains the name of the country where
the employee belongs

Name : Login
Description : This table keeps the details of all types of user who is authorized to login
in that company’s account.
Primary Key : No primary key
Column name Data type Length Description
Emp_id Varchar2 40 It keeps the employee id by which the
employee can identified
Password Varchar2 40 It keeps the password of the employee
Type Varchar2 40 This field contains the type by which we
know the particular group of the employee

Name : Notice
Description : This table keeps the details of all types of notice or news that is posted in
the organization for the employees.
Primary Key : NoticeID
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Subject Varchar2 40 It keeps the subject of the notice
Content Varchar2 40 It keeps the content of the notice
Description Varchar2 40 It keeps the description of the notice

Name : Performance
Description : This table keeps the details of performance of employees in the
organization like their performance level.
Primary Key : PerformanceID

Column name Data type Length Description

Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Emp_id Varchar2 40 It keeps the employee id to whom we give
their performance
Performance_lvl Varchar2 40 It keeps the level of performance of the
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Name : Salary structure
Description : This table keeps the details of salary structure of all types or levels of
employees in that organization like their basic,hra,da,ta etc.
Primary Key : Desig_id
Column name Data type Length Description
Desig_id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is assigned
to all the entries in the table
Dept_id Varchar2 40 It contains the department id of the employee
Basic Number 10 It keeps the basic salary of the employee
Hra Number 10 It contains the house rent allowances given to
the employee
Ta Number 10 It contains the travelling allowances given to
the employee
Da Number 10 It contains the dearness allowances given to
the employee
Service_allownce Number 10 It contains the service allowances given to the

Name : Training Details
Description : This table keeps the details of training needs of employees and also those
training methods that are given to the needed employees.
Primary Key : Training id
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Name Varchar2 40 It contains the name of the employee
Purpose Varchar2 40 It keeps the purpose of the training
Description Varchar2 20 It contains the description of the training
Dept_id Varchar2 40 It contains the department id of the employee
Start_dt Date 7 It keeps the starting date of training
End_dt Date 7 It keeps the ending date of training
Conducted by Varchar2 40 This field contains the name of the person
who conduct the training
Status Varchar2 15 It contains the status given after training
Name : Workdays
Description : This table keeps the details of workdays in a year in that organization and
it also keeps track of holidays in that year.
Primary Key : Training id
Column name Data type Length Description
Id Varchar2 40 Primary key. A unique number that is
assigned to all the entries in the table
Year Number 10 It contains the year when the employee
was trained
Month Number 10 It contains the month when the employee
was trained
Work_days Number 10 It keeps the no. of workdays of an
H_days Number 10 It contains the no. of holidays an employee
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9. Implementation of security mechanisms at various levels

Data are the measure assets. Every system provides built in features for
security and integrity of data against unauthorized access and manipulations. The
proposed system has an access control for multiple users. The user is assigned a
password to access the system. The password is given to only to the authorized
users. If properly secured, the database is as difficult to access illegally as an
executable files.

10. Future scope and further enhancement of the project.

There is always a room for improvement in any software package however

efficient it may be. But the most important thing is the system should be flexible
enough for future modification incorporate without affecting the working of other
modules being kept independent of each other.

With the passage of time and with more and more use of the software the
requirement specification is bound to change. So there arises the maintenance
part. Provision has been kept by the organization for further modification and up
gradation of the application such as live video footage of the places for JIT

After observing the performance of Human Recourse Management System

the team of developers is thinking to develop Freight Management System reusing
some modules from the existing system. Measures will be taken for the security of
the Organizations data by the implementation of firewall. This will reduce the data
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11. Bibliography

1. Gray Cornett, Horst Mann, Corel Java, Sunsoft Press, 1996.

2. Patrick Naughton & Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, Tata

McGraw-Hill, Macrch 1997.

3. Java Server Programming (Wrax publications)

4. JDBC(O’REILLY publications)
5. Henry F. Korth, Data Base System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill.
6. Pressman R.S., Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 4th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1992.
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1. Title of the project 1

2. Introduction and objective of the project 1

3. Project category 1

4. Tools/platform, Hardware and Software Requirement

Specification 2
5. Project planning and scheduling 4

6. Scope of solution 5

7. Analysis 5

8. A complete structure of human recourse management system 9

9. Implementation of security mechanism at various levels 17

10. Future scope and further enhancement of the project 17

11. Bibliography 18

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